How to succeed in one easy lesson VOLUME 50 / No. 6

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VOLUME 50 / No. 6
Monroe Township, New Jersey
June 2014
How to succeed in one
easy lesson
By Carol De Haan
“I’ll tell you how to do it,”
says Ray Calvert of Mutual
5. “Just pick a subject you’re
interested in and spend one
hour a day reading about it
every day for the next six
months. That’s how I did it,”
says Ray as he recounted
his rags to riches career in
the insurance industry.
Ray, who recently celebrated his 90th birthday with
103 guests at a luncheon in
the Clubhouse, recalled how
he eased his way into the
John Hancock Insurance
Company after World War II,
at a time when good jobs
were scarce. He convinced
the company executives to
take him on as a temporary
employee, and then Ray
went to work soliciting business door-to-door, all the
while studying how to be an
effective salesman.
In the next 34 years, Ray’s
self-instruction took him from
temp to full-time salesman to
sales manager to district
manager to field vice president. Along the way, he
opened John Hancock agencies in New Brunswick, N.J.,
North Carolina, Virginia, and
“I’ve helped quite a few
employees, too,” says Ray.
He recalled an AfricanAmerican employee who was
chafing under a difficult boss.
“Learn from a bad boss,”
said Ray. “Let him teach you
how to be a good boss.”
Sure enough, when opportunity knocked, that employee
became a terrific manager
and probably became a rich
man in the process. “I’ve
made a few millionaires over
the years,” reminisced Ray,
with satisfaction.
This fabulous career had
humble beginnings. Born in
1924, the eldest of 12 children, Ray left school early to
take a job in a cookie factory
and help support the family.
Eventually, he became the
driver, delivering coffee
cakes, bread, and coconut
custard pies.
When war broke out in
1942, Ray tried to enlist in
the armed forces. “No,” they
said, “you’re too tall for
us.” (Ray is a whopping 6’4”.)
Refusing to give up easily,
Ray was finally accepted into
the United States Marine
Corps and sent to Parris Island, S.C., for basic training.
Of course, when he arrived
for the 11-week course, the
staff had to scramble to find
shoes and uniforms big
enough for him.
Assigned to the newly
formed Third Marine Division, he was sent to Guadalcanal in the Solomon
Islands for jungle training.
He nearly lost his life in a
drowning incident because
his abbreviated wartime
basic training had left no
time for swimming instruction. A stint in New Zealand
taught Ray and his buddies
the skills needed for mountain climbing, which they
would need in a planned
invasion of China to help
the Chinese resistance
fighters. However, he found
himself transferred back to
Guadalcanal for the invasion of Bouganville, New
(Continued on page 2)
Family and friends celebrated Ray Calvert’s 90th birthday.
Seated in center is Ray. Standing, from left, are Ray’s son-inlaw Bill Mitchell, grandson-in-law Brent Bushell, daughter
Pat Mitchell, and granddaughter Sara Bushell.
A new RCAI Executive Committee was elected at the May 15 annual meeting of Rossmoor delegates. From left, Treasurer Jerry McQuade, Vice-President Arnold Jasper,
Secretary Muriel Calvanelli, and President Dan Jolly.
Each candidate ran unopposed and was therefore elected by unanimous vote for a
one-year term until the next annual meeting.
Proposed legislation could lower your taxes
By Carol De Haan
Bills were recently submitted in both the New Jersey
Assembly and Senate to
change the formula by which
state aid to schools is calculated. A recalculated formula
would benefit school districts,
such as Monroe, in which
individuals over the age of 65
make up at least 33.3 percent of the population.
In the school year 20092010, state aid to Monroe
Township schools came to
nearly $5 million. Since that
time, however, state aid
has dropped off precipitously. In the most recent
three years, state aid under
the present administration
has seen a cumulative reduction in the amount of
$10.8 million. That amount
had to be made up by increases to Monroe’s local
property taxpayers.
Several members from
Monroe Citizens for Responsible Government approached State Senator
Linda Greenstein to discuss
this problem. In response,
she and Senator James
Holzapfel, along with Assemblymen Dan Benson,
Wayne De Angelo, and Joseph Laguna have submitted bills to their respective
governing bodies to call for
a recalculated formula.
This proposed legislation
goes first to the Education
Committee, and then to the
Budget Committee, where
its effect on the state
budget will be calculated.
The terms of the bill can be
modified in either committee before the matter is
brought up for final consideration and vote. These
steps take time.
Senator Linda Greenstein
also arranged for an April 30
meeting between the MCRG
members, herself, and State
Education Commissioner
David Hespe, Assistant
Commissioner David Corso,
and several of their key staff
In addition to the proposed change to the funding formula, discussion at
the meeting centered on
the fact that local planning
boards are prohibited by
law from rejecting a residential builder’s application
based on the number of
students who might come
into a school district as a
result of the new construction. A new development,
which is a profit to the
builder, becomes a burden
to the taxpayers when it
brings in many more students than the schools can
accommodate. One remedy
might be “impact fees,” in
which the builder would
have to pay for increased
school costs as a result of
the new development.
MCRG members reported
that the meeting was open
and friendly, and that Senator Greenstein, Commissioner Hespe, and their staff
were sympathetic and concerned about these issues.
Inside this issue
Bits & Pieces................... 2
Bob Huber’s Almanac ..... 5
Clubs ............................ 15
Culinary Corner............. 13
John’s Nutrition ............... 8
General Manager .......... 10
Healthcare .................... 23
Inquiring Photographer . 12
Maintenance................. 23
New Neighbors............. 11
RCAI Meetings ............... 2
Religion ........................ 21
Sports ........................... 19
Swimming Pool Rules .. 25
This month in
pictures ..................... 14
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
Bits & Pieces
Sue Ortiz
Daniel Jolly, RCAI President, opened the Annual
Meeting of the Association
promptly at 9 a.m. with the
Pledge of Allegiance.
The Annual Meeting of the
Association conducted its
elections. The results were
as follows: Daniel Jolly,
President; Arnold Jasper,
Vice President; Gerald
McQuade, Treasurer; Muriel
Calvanelli, Secretary.
Daniel Jolly, RCAI President, opened the monthly
Board of Governors meeting
at 9:30 a.m.
Joan Avery gave the Community Affairs report and announced the results of the
Committee elections: Joan
Avery, Chair; Jean Houvener, Vice-Chair; and Moya
Brady, Secretary. Mr. Jolly
reported on the results of the
Maintenance Committee
elections: Vincent Marino,
Jr., Chair; William Gumersell,
Vice-Chair; and Judy Vacca,
Secretary. Mr. Gumersell
stated that the Committee
recommended the resolu-
tions brought before them.
Judith Sforza, reported that
the Financial Analysis reports were reviewed at the
Finance Committee meeting
and announced the results of
the Committee election: Judith Sforza, Chair; Gerald
McQuade, Vice-Chair; and
Carol Mogor, Secretary.
The Board of Governors
approved a resolution to
adopt the Rossmoor Community Association, Inc.
Emergency Management
How to succeed
Ray was discharged and
sent home to Garfield from
whence he began his illustrious career with John Hancock Insurance.
Forty years ago, Ray and
his wife moved to Rossmoor.
They often spent winters in
Florida and Ray still lives in
the house they bought together.
“I’ve had a good life, thank
God,” says Ray, “with no regrets,” as he hands this
writer a gift – one of his favorite books: Self Leadership
and The One Minute Manager, by New York Times
bestselling author Ken
Hmmmn, let’s see now,
one hour a day…
(Continued from page 1)
Guinea. There, they had to
live partially submerged in
swamps, which Ray believes has caused him subsequent leg problems. They
pushed the Japanese invaders
off the island and the Seabees
came in to build an airstrip. On
the birthday of the Marine
Corps, these Seabees sent
over beer, cigarettes, and
roasted turkey to help them
celebrate. Ray didn’t smoke,
but the cigarettes were good
for trading.
Ray took part in the invasion of Guam in the
Mariana Islands. It was
hand-to-hand combat and
he saw many deaths before
he, himself, was wounded.
First treated in a tent hospital, Ray was evacuated by
the Navy to a hospital in
Hawaii, where Spencer
Tracy came by to visit the
men and actually sat on
Ray’s bed to chat. It was in
Hawaii that Ray decided to
read one hour per day for
six months to learn whatever subject was dear to his
heart at the time. He received a Purple Heart for
his arm injury, and later two
gold stars for additional
combat injuries.
Following treatment and
rehabilitation in San Diego,
News Board:
Joe Conti, Chair
Carol DeHaan,
Bob Huber,
Madeline Reed,
Jean Hoban,
and ex-officio, Jane Balmer,
General Manager.
Editorial Assistant: Sue Ortiz
Dan Jolly and Ray
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Dreams are those adventures we have when we are
asleep. Sometimes those
adventures are grand or
thrilling; sometimes they are
mundane, even boring; and
sometimes they are dangerous, ominous, scary nightmares. Sometimes they are
so crazy and disjointed that
we can’t even begin to explain them to anyone. It’s a
case of “you’d have to be
there.” They can also be very
personal or very embarrassing, best kept to ourselves.
(You know the ones I mean!)
There are those exhilarating
dreams where you soar
through the clouds over an
azure sea—your destination a
distant snow-capped mountain
peak; or you glide over a vast,
verdant landscape toward a
far-off castle. Maybe you’re
falling, falling into a deep
chasm, about to hit the cold,
stony ground, but instead land
on a feather bed. Whew!
Then there are those work
dreams--where you are sorting
a steady stream of mail or doing some other never-ending
monotonous task. Everyone
goes home, and you are left
alone to finish the job. And,
maybe you are haunted by the
copy machine emanating an
eerie blue glow.
How about the nearnightmares where you’re arguing with your spouse or
friend or father; he or she is
doing something to upset
you, and you wake up in a
cold sweat, your heart racing, screaming, “no! No! NO!”
You might not be the only
one startled awake.
Have you ever had a
dream where you’re sleeping
and dreaming that you’re
asleep, dreaming? It’s so
difficult to awaken from one
of those deep dreams; actually, you have to wake up
three times!
Some people say they
don’t dream. Maybe it’s because they don’t reach REM
(rapid eye movement) sleep,
that stage of sleep where
dreams occur. I tend to reach
that stage within minutes of
zzzZZZZ…oh sorry, dozed
off there. I just had this
strange dream…
I think everyone dreams to
some extent; they just don’t
remember their dreams. My
dad had highly detailed
dreams, and so do I, and we
used to spend hours discussing our outlandish dreams of
underground worlds and extraordinary other-worldly adventures. My mom claimed
she rarely dreamed, but when
she did, she usually dreamt of
her favorite country singer
serenading her with a song
written just for her.
If it’s forgotten upon awakening, a dream may resurface hours, days, even years
later. It all comes back in a
flood of memories.
I’ve also noticed that some
dreams are triggered by
events and minutiae of the
previous day. I might barely
notice a woman walking by
wearing a swirling red scarf.
That night I might dream of
blood, rose petals, or a
swarming mass of ladybugs.
Picking up a found penny
might trigger a dream about
Abraham Lincoln!
Some people experience
the same dream over and
over again. I don’t have recurring dreams, as such. But,
I do revisit certain dreamscapes over and over:
houses, stores, even an unusual circular mall, and I always travel the same road to
get to those places. Same
scene, different dream.
Lucid dreams are those
where you are aware that
you are in a dream and can
control the situation. You
have the power to choose
your path, overpower an adversary, or just walk away
from an argument. It takes
practice to realize you are
within a dream, but it can be
done, they say. (Well, I have
done it twice!)
What is the meaning of all
these dreams? This column is
too short to try to explain even
one. There are myriad books
on the subject with as many
interpretations; I have a bookshelf full of them and refer to
them often, just for fun.
I keep a journal by my bed,
along with a lighted pen, to
record those midnight excursions in Dreamland. Who
knows, I might be able to use
one of them as an idea for a
future story!
Dreams connect you with
long lost friends and departed family members. We
can walk through our past,
envision a possible future, or
solve a problem in our present. Each dream is a life, a
world unto itself. I, for one,
look forward to visiting my
nightly dream world. Maybe
I’ll even meet you for breakfast some night!
“The best reason for having dreams is that in dreams
no reasons are necessary.”—Ashleigh Brilliant
(English author and cartoonist, b. 1933)
“I think we dream so we
don’t have to be apart so
long. If we’re in each other’s
dreams, we can be together
all the time.” Calvin &
Hobbes (Fictional characters
from the comic series created by Bill Watterson.)
Open RCAI meetings in June
Thursday, June 5
Thursday, Jun 12
Thursday, June 12
Thursday, June 12
Wednesday, June 18
Agenda Committee
Maintenance Committee
Community Affairs Comm.
Finance Committee
Board of Governors
9 a.m.
9 a.m.
10 a.m.
11 a.m.
9 a.m.
All meetings are held in the Village Center
Meeting Room
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
Kiwanis announces March of Dimes Golden Mile Walk
The 2013 March of Dimes Golden Mile Walk was a successful event. The Kiwanis Club
of Rossmoor is looking forward to another successful day this year.
By Alyce Owens
Come, join the fun . . . Help
the babies! The Kiwanis Club
will again sponsor the Golden
Mile Walk for the March of
Dimes on Saturday, June 14.
Started by the Kiwanis Club
nearly 30 years ago, this Walk
provides an opportunity for our
residents and friends who no
longer can participate in the
long distance “Walk for Babies” to help raise money for
the March of Dimes’ research
programs for babies born prematurely or with birth defects.
Those who wish to participate should register with
their donation in front of the
Clubhouse between 11:00
and 11:30, when the walk
begins — rain or shine. The
Walk, which will again be led
by Richie Franks in his classic 1931 vintage Model T
Ford, is not really a mile. It
will leave from the circle in
front of the Clubhouse, go
along Rossmoor Drive to Old
Nassau by the East Gate,
and back to the Clubhouse,
where hot dogs will be
served in the Ballroom to all
who participate.
Bob Brubaker, secretary of
the Kiwanis Club who has
chaired this event for many
years, invites all residents,
Tuesday, June 3
10 a.m. to 2 p.m., The Gallery
Please remember after you have voted on Tuesday,
June 3, to stop in the Gallery for the Rental Library’s
Book and Bake Sale. There will be plenty of cakes,
cookies, brownies, etc., etc. for sale to take home or to
eat right there along with free coffee.
There will also be plenty of hardcover books for sale
for $1 each and paperbacks for 25¢ each or four for $1.
Thank you for your support.
The deadline for
The Rossmoor News
is the 7th
of every month.
families, clubs and organizations to come, wear your club
colors or shirts, walk or ride
in golf carts, and participate
in this popular, fun event
while supporting a very
worthwhile cause. Even if
you can’t take part in the
Walk, come out and cheer
for the walkers along the
route. If you wish to mail a
donation, please make the
check payable to “The March
of Dimes” and mail it to Bob
Brubaker, Kiwanis Club, 2
Rossmoor Drive, Monroe
Township, N.J. 08831.
Each year thousands of
dollars are raised by residents and friends for this lifesaving March of Dimes research program. Premature
birth is the #1 killer of newborns -- more than half a million each year. Every 4½
minutes a baby is born with a
birth defect in the U.S. –
that’s one out of every eight
babies born in this country.
The average cost for a baby
born prematurely or with birth
defects is $50,000 compared
to $4,500 for a newborn without complications. As a result
of this ongoing research, millions of babies have been
saved from death or lifetime
disabilities. All residents are
invited to come together and
take part in this important
event . . . and to give generously to this worthy cause.
Members of the planning
committee are Bob Brubaker,
Joan Avery, Alyce Owens
and Betty Schneider. Kelly
Witkowski, Central Jersey
Community Director for the
March of Dimes, and Julie
Davis, Middlesex County Coordinator who works closely
with the group, will be on
hand June 14 to welcome
and thank all Golden Mile
Walk participants.
Mailing Addresses
If you are not receiving
mail from Rossmoor, your
Mutual, or the Rossmoor
News, it may be a matter of
not having your correct mailing address. Many residents,
over the years, filed “Winter
Address” forms with Administration without a return date.
If you did not contact us
when you returned, it may be
possible that we still have an
alternate or winter address in
our system. Please contact
Cindy Mackey, Resident Services Manager, at 609-6551000, to verify your address.
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
Nowhere to run
By Jean Hoban
Though I do not knowingly
associate with or seek out
drug abusers, in the last two
years I have lost friends and
family to the epidemic of
drug overdoses due to prescription drugs and heroin.
These victims were men between the ages of 25 and 49.
Two of my friends were
hard working fathers with
nearly grown children who
owned their own homes, had
high paying jobs in the building trades, licensed professionals with union membership. The youngest one,
Johnny, age 25, was the son
of my cousin Tom. In our
family he was what we call
one of the “little cousins.”
Neither of these men had
trouble with the law, were
ever imprisoned or lived in
high crime areas. All had
families who loved them and
tried desperately to support
them through their addiction.
I have written articles in
this newsletter about my
childhood memories of growing up in East Harlem in the
1940s and 1950s. In 1954,
my parents decided to move
out of our neighborhood to
Yonkers; within two years my
grandmother and my two uncles also moved from East
Harlem. The problem was
the influx of crime fueled
mostly by drugs and drug
dealers, graft by the local
police and politicians, and
the lack of safety in the public schools because of
gangs. My uncle Tom, who
had six children, moved to
Rockaway, N.J., my uncle
John moved to Bayside,
Queens, and my grandmother followed us to
Yonkers. Today there is no-
where to run. On a recent
PBS news broadcast, Sam
Quinones, a reporter for The
Los Angeles Times, said, “I
have been all over the country. And I would say, largely,
this is a white problem. I
don’t find opiate addiction too
much in black or Latino
populations. This is very different from the way heroin
spread 40 years ago in the
1970s, where a lot of black
or Latino communities were
really badly hit. Heroin today
and prescription pill addiction
today is almost entirely a
white phenomenon. It’s in
rural America. It’s largely in
suburban America, places
that have done fairly well,
middle-class, upper-middleclass areas. It’s in towns that
really never had a problem
with heroin before this; Charlotte, Salt Lake, Columbus,
Cincinnati, Albuquerque,
places like that where you
just didn’t really see it so
According to the National
Survey on Drug Use and
Health (NSDUH), “In 2012
about 669,000 Americans
reported using heroin in the
past year, a number that has
been on the rise since 2007.
This trend appears to be
driven largely by young
adults aged 18–25 among
whom there have been the
greatest increases. The number of people using heroin for
the first time is unacceptably
high, with 156,000 people
starting heroin use in 2012,
nearly double the number of
people in 2006 (90,000).
“Harmful health consequences resulting from the
abuse of opioid medications
that are prescribed for the
treatment of pain, such as
Oxycontin®, Vicodin®, and
Demerol®, has dramatically
increased in recent years.
Unintentional poisoning
deaths from prescription
opioids quadrupled from
1999 to 2010 and now outnumber those from heroin
and cocaine combined. Research now suggests that
abuse of these medications
may actually open the door
to heroin use. Nearly half of
young people who inject heroin surveyed in three recent
studies reported abusing prescription opioids before starting to use heroin. Some individuals reported switching to
heroin because it is cheaper
and easier to obtain than
prescription opioids.”
Heroin is extremely addictive no matter how it is administered. Once people become addicted to heroin,
seeking and using the drug
becomes their primary purpose in life. Arian CampoFlores and Zusha Ellinson,
reporters for the Wall Street
Journal, wrote in a Feb. 3,
2014 article following the
death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, “...heroin
manufacturers in Mexico
have boosted production in
recent years. Traffickers increasingly are distributing
Mexican heroin not just in the
western U.S., where it has
long prevailed, but in the
East, which had been dominated by Colombian supply.
Heroin seizures along the
border between the U.S. and
Mexico rose 232% from 2008
to 2012, to 1,855 kilograms,
according to DEA data.
Batches also generally have
become more potent, in part
because of more sophisticated production methods,
officials said. James Hunt,
special agent in charge of
the DEA’s New York division
said, “A dose of heroin in the
1980s might have been 5%
pure; it is not uncommon to
find a street bag today that is
50% pure, making it potentially more lethal.” Thomas
Carr, director of the Washington-Baltimore High Intensity Drug Trafficking Department, stated in the same article, “Users think they’re getting regular street heroin.
Instead, they’re getting
something that could kill a
As senior members of the
community, we have a responsibility for the drugs
that are in our homes. We
should know what pills we
are taking and how many
we take a day. When we
have visitors, cleaning people, handymen, or other
persons in our houses, we
should put painkillers and
other medications in a safe
place and not leave them in
a bathroom closet or drawer.
Keep a count of the number
of pills that are in each bottle
or packet. Avoid alcohol if
you are using painkillers. Always have a list of your current prescriptions for each
doctor you visit.
I hope none of you ever
have to open your email to
Sad news
“Hi Jeanie,
I want to let you know that
little Johnny died of an overdose. Little Tommy found
him this morning, when he
went to his room and tried to
wake him.
Take Care,
Love Suzi”
Be certain to keep your telephone
number and contact information
current at the Administration
Office. Please call 655-1000
with any updates or changes
to your information.
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
Bob’s Almanac
By Bob Huber
What is so rare as a day in
James Russell Lowell
America’s most beloved romantic poet certainly hit the
mark when he composed the
above line. What, indeed, is so
rare as a day in June? A particularly harsh winter is behind
us. We can breathe in the
scent of flowers and fresh
mown grass and enjoy the
best Mother Nature has to offer.
It goes without saying that a
plethora of events are scheduled for this month, not the
least of which are June weddings. Though more weddings
are actually held in July and
August, June is the traditional
month to get married. June
weddings attract more traditions than a dog has fleas.
One of the most peculiar dates
back to antiquity.
During medieval times, it
was the custom to bathe once
a year, (whether you needed it
or not). Since this bathing rit-
ual was usually held in June, it
was prudent to hold a wedding
as soon after the bathing
event as possible.
The most persistent wedding tradition is based on an
old English rhyme which says
a bride must wear “something
old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.” Something old
represents continuity. Something new signifies optimism
for the future. Something borrowed represents happiness,
and it is usually an item loaned
from a friend or relative who is
happily married. Something
blue signifies fidelity, loyalty
and love. In early biblical times
blue, not white, symbolized
We now turn our attention
to the older gentleman escorting the bride down the
aisle: dear old dad. It is appropriate that we devote at
least one day to honoring
father, because he often gets
lost in the shuffle, particularly
What goes around…
By Jean Hoban
In the March edition of The
Rossmoor News, I reported
the closing of Mother Cabrini
High School, a school that
had been founded by Mother
Cabrini and had educated
the children of New York’s
immigrants for 115 years.
Because of the lack of
money needed to continue
the operation of this institution the seniors of 2014 will
be the last class of young
women to graduate.
The property is located at
701 Fort Washington Avenue
in upper Manhattan; the rear
of the building overlooks the
Hudson River and the New
Jersey Palisades. It is a prime
piece of New York City real
estate and many of the alumnae, parents and students
speculated in emails, phone
calls and text messages about
the final destiny of their beloved alma mater. This question was answered on April 26,
when Mayor de Blasio and
Success Academy CEO Eva
Moskowitz agreed to end their
months-long feud over the
Success Academy Charter
Schools that are currently
housed in the city’s public
schools. The city announced
that it had secured spaces for
the charter schools in Washington Heights, Harlem and
Jamaica, Queens. The three
charter schools will move into
former Catholic school buildings. The Washington Heights
site is Mother Cabrini High
If the boys and girls attending the charter school housed
in my former high school are
as motivated to learn as the
previous tenants of that building, then all is not lost and we
can only hope that they give
back to their community, their
city, and their country. It is a
shame that there is such a
need for charter schools. Like
many of you, I attended a New
York City public school
through grades one through
six and received a great primary school education from
my teachers, who together
with my parents would accept
nothing but the best from me. I
remember my fifth-grade
teacher, Mrs. Pratt, who
climbed five flights of stairs to
bring me my history book and
see how I was feeling when I
had the measles. I want to believe that the teachers in the
charter schools have that kind
of dedication to their students.
Too bad that New York
City’s education department, teachers, principals,
and parents have failed so
many of the children and
the system that was once
the most superior in the nation. Mother Cabrini High
School may be shuttered
but the pursuit of the
school’s founder continues.
at a wedding.
According to the Farmer’s
Almanac, we celebrate Father’s Day on the third Sunday
in June, thanks to the efforts of
Sonora Louise Smart Dodd, of
Sp o k a n e , W a s h i n g to n .
(Anyone with four names is
bound to get your attention.)
On Mother’s Day in 1910,
Dodd approached the pastor
of her church to propose a
similar occasion to honor fathers. Her pastor agreed. On
June 6, 1910, at a meeting of
Spokane ministries, Mrs. Dodd
presented a petition which
soon gained national attention.
In 1914, Congress endorsed
Father’s Day, but it wasn’t until
1972 that President Richard
Nixon signed the proclamation
that officially established Father’s Day as an annual national observance. Obviously,
the powers that be in Washington didn’t put dad at a very
high priority.
But regardless of whom
you may choose to honor or
what occasion you plan to
celebrate, the odds are that
June will provide a day to
cover it. We suggest you
make the most of it.
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
Father’s Day
By Anne Rotholz
In the United States and in
many other countries, Father’s Day is celebrated on
the third Sunday of June,
which falls on June 15 this
year. Father’s Day is a day to
honor and celebrate fathers
and fatherhood and to recognize how influential fathers
are in society.
Over the years, there has
been much discussion about
the origin of Father’s Day.
Some people feel that it began in West Virginia. On December 6, 1907 the worst
coal mine accident in U.S.
history took place at the Fairmont coal mines in Monongah, when explosions killed
362 miners, 250 of whom
were fathers. The following
year, a local woman named
Grace Clayton lost her father.
Feeling that she shared the
pain of the widows and children, she convinced her pastor to have a service in memory of the miners who died
the previous year. He chose
the Sunday closest to her
father’s birthday. The service
was held at the Methodist
Episcopal Church in Fairmont on July 5, 1908.
Though many considered it a
Father’s Day service, the
event was not repeated,
leaving no direct connection
to our current celebration.
Credit for Father’s Day as
we know it goes to a Washington State woman, an artist
and writer named Sonora
Dodd. Born in Arkansas, her
father, a Civil War veteran,
moved the family to Spokane. After his wife died in
childbirth, he was left as a
single parent to raise Sonora
and her five brothers. Impressed by the devotion with
which her father raised his
family and having heard a
sermon about the success
Anna Jarvis had in promoting
Mother’s Day, Sonora went
to her pastor and asked him
to have a similar day to
honor fathers. She asked to
have it on June 5, her father’s birthday. Her pastor,
feeling that he needed a little
more time to prepare, suggested the third Sunday of
June instead. The celebration was held at the Spokane
YMCA on June 19, 1910.
Despite its initial success,
Father’s Day was not widely
accepted in its early days.
Though it seemed to be a
natural complement to
Mother’s Day, many people
felt that it had an emotional
connotation that was not appropriate for men. Some
even poked fun at it. Others
felt that it would become a
commercial opportunity for
merchants and, as such,
would lose its real relevance.
The prediction is partly true
since economists estimate
that more than a billion dollars is spent on Father’s Day
in the U.S. each year. For a
time there was a movement
to combine the
two celebrations
and to have a
Parents’ Day. It
did not materialize mainly because of World
War II. The war
took men away
from their families and many
This led to a
renewed appreciation of fatherhood and celebrating Father’ Day was seen as a way
to express it.
Several U.S. presidents
were active in the evolution
of Father’s Day in our country. In 1916 President Woodrow Wilson accepted an invitation to speak at the Father’s Day celebration in
President Calvin Coolidge
recommended in 1924 that
the day be made a national
In 1966, President Lyndon
B. Johnson issued a Presidential Proclamation honoring fathers and designating
the third Sunday of June as
Father’s Day.
President Richard Nixon
signed a law in 1972 making
Father’s Day a permanent
national holiday.
Finally, there are many inspiring quotes about fathers.
Here is my favorite. “A father
is someone who wants to
catch you before you fall but
instead picks you up,
brushes you off and encourages
again.” (Author unknown)
Happy Father’s Day!
Calamities at Clo-Achers to
open in July
By Myra Danon
Calamities at Clo-Achers,
(pronounced Acres), a satire
on life in an active adult community, will be presented by
Berdanhand Productions at
the Hightstown Elks Lodge,
110 Hickory Corner Road,
East Windsor, N.J., weekends July 11-July 27. The
play will portray the residents
as they engage in many
every-day activities of community living
Their thoughts, ideas, and
attitudes will be uncovered
as they participate in social
groups and play their favorite
games of Mah-jongg, canasta, and poker.
Alas, some behavioral irregularities begin to surface,
both typical and outrageous,
often at the same time.
Three savvy doctors are on
site to observe the increased
hostility as the residents interact while going about their
daily activities, joining clubs,
running clubs, and thinking of
using clubs. The professional
team is hard at work attempting to treat these shenanigans using some of the
newer electronic devices that
have not been approved by
the FDA; in fact the FDA is
not yet aware of their existence. The spirited spoof
Berdanhand Productions is
especially thrilled that the
talented members of the
Rossmoor Players Group—
Debbie Sills and Barry
Jacobsen will perform as Clo
-Achers’ more outspoken
residents. Debbie’s son,
Benjy Sills, a theater major at
Rutgers University, brings his
training and expertise to his
role as an authority who
knows he can fix all that’s
awry. The spinning of the
spoof spirals.
Calamities at Clo-Achers is
directed by Bobbi Blumenthal
of East Brunswick. The other
talented and uninhibited
members of the cast hail
from neighboring communities including Edison, Hightstown, Keyport, Marlboro, and
Show times are Fridays,
July 11, 18, and 25 at 8 p.m.;
Saturdays, July 12, 19, and
26 at 8 p.m.; Sunday matinees, July 1, 20, and 27 at 2
Tickets are $16 p.p., group
rates are $15, and can be
purchased at: Berdanhand
Productions, P.O. Box 6135,
Monroe Twp., N.J. 088316135
Call 609-619-3934, 908208-2750, or e-mail [email protected] for ticket
and other inquiries.
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
Sound Advice
By Norman J. Politziner, CFP, Equity Services Inc.
Five ways to plan smarter
and for the long haul
Norman J. Politziner, CFP®
President of NJP Associates
Maybe you’re in the
homestretch before retirement or perhaps you’ve already stopped working. If
you’ve been diligent in setting aside funds to sustain
you through your golden
years, congratulations are
in order, but you can’t rest
on your laurels. As life expectancies continue to increase, it’s more important
than ever to address concerns that you might outlast
your money. As the rebound in the economy and
stocks has demonstrated,
you need to take steps to
plan for the long haul and
stick with that plan through
downturns. Although there
are no guarantees when it
comes to investing, consider these five suggestions
for planning for the long
1. Be able to ride out
stock market downturns.
Even if investing in equities
helped get you where you
are today, you may decide
that the inherent volatility of
the stock market means
you should get out of it altogether during retirement.
That might not be the best
Instead, try to stay on a
path for sustained growth
that factor in your personal
tolerance for risk. For instance, a conservative investor embarking on retirement might allocate 30% of
a portfolio to equities and
70% to fixed-income investments. A more aggressive
investor likely would choose
a higher percentage—
perhaps 40% or 50%—to
keep in stocks. But the important thing is to find a
balance between risk and
reward that helps you meet
your goals and that won’t
send you fleeing from
stocks when they decline
2. Try to live off the income your investments
generate. The longer you
can go without tapping the
principal of your savings,
the better. But that doesn’t
mean that interest and dividends alone can always
carry the day. Assume you
have a $1-million portfolio
that produces 3% in annual
income ($30,000), plus you
and your spouse receive
Social Security benefits of
$2,000 a month each. That
gives the two of you a total
of $78,000 annually before
taxes, and that may not be
enough to support the lifestyle you have in mind.
Depending on your situation, you could arrange to
do some consulting work in
retirement, wait until age 70
to begin drawing Social Security—a delay that will
earn you a higher monthly
benefit—or seek higher investment returns. In any
event, look for ways to
avoid drawing down your
savings too quickly.
3. Weigh the 4% solution.
That’s a rule of thumb for
the percentage of a nest
egg you might withdraw annually to take income to
fund a 30-year retirement.
The idea is to take 4% of
your total portfolio during
the first year of your retirement and then to adjust that
amount in subsequent
years to account for inflation.
But like any rule of
thumb, this doesn’t factor in
unusual circumstances, like
the economic conditions
you may face. You might
decide a lower or higher
percentage would be appropriate depending on
your situation.
4. Let the IRS determine
your income. Once you
reach age 70½, you’ll have
to begin taking “required
minimum distributions” from
401(k)s and other employersponsored plans (if you’re no
longer working) and IRAs.
The size of each year’s RMD
depends on your account
balances and your life expectancy. Another way to determine how much income to
draw from your portfolio during retirement is to use the
IRS calculation for your
Suppose that you are age
70½ and have $500,000 in
an IRA. The IRS says your
first distribution would be
about $18,800. Will that be
sufficient to supplement your
other sources of income? In
some cases, such an approach might work well, but it
doesn’t take all of your personal circumstances into account.
5. Make a “bucket list.”
Another possible way to
hedge your bets against
market downturns and
make your savings last is to
divide your money into various “buckets.” One bucket
might be earmarked to supplement Social Security and
other reliable income in
covering your basic expenses, with the funds kept
in conservative, liquid accounts. You could have a
second bucket of money for
discretionary expenses,
such as travel, that you put
into short- and intermediate
-term bonds. The remainder
could go into a third bucket,
invested in a mix of stock
and bond funds. As you rebalance the portfolio for the
third bucket, you could use
proceeds from investment
sales to replenish the first
two buckets.
All of these ideas are for
illustrative purposes only.
What you do will depend on
your personal situation and
goals. The important thing is
to consider all of your options
and come up with a plan that
is realistic and based on the
long haul.
Norman J. Politziner, CFP, a resident of Encore, is a Registered Representative and Investment Adviser Representative of Equity Services Inc. Securities and investment advisory services are offered solely by Equity Services, Member FINRA/SIPC, 4401
Starkey Rd., Roanoke, VA 24018. (540)
NJP Associates and all other entities
are independent of Equity Services,
For more information, questions, or
comments, we encourage you to visit
our website at or
call us at (732) 296-9355.
©2014 Advisor Products Inc. All
Rights Reserved.
The views and information contained
herein have been prepared independently of the presenting Representative
and are presented for informational
purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. This information is not intended as tax or legal
advice. Please consult with your Attorney or Accountant prior to acting upon
any of the information contained in this
Investing involves risk, including the
potential for loss of principal.
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
John’s Nutrition Corner
By John Pillepich, Ph.D.
Don’t blow a gasket, but
did you know that high blood
pressure is usually called the
silent killer? No? Well, here
are some boring statistics.
The following comes from
the CDC (Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention):
• 67 million American adults
(31%) have high blood
pressure. That’s 1 in every
3 adults.
• Only about half (47%) of
people with high blood
condition under control.
• Nearly 1 in 3 American
pressure numbers that are
higher than normal, but not
yet in the high blood
pressure range.
• High blood pressure costs
the nation $47.5 billion
each year. This total
includes the cost of health
care services, medications
pressure, and missed days
of work.
High blood pressure is a
medical condition, usually
without symptoms, in which
the arterial blood pressure
consistently exceeds 140/90
mm Hg. (Optimal is below
120/80.) Basically it is a combination of too much blood
volume and/or too narrow
In most cases of hypertension (about 95%), the cause
is unknown (idiopathic), but
may be connected to genetic
predisposition, race, obesity,
smoking, stress, and a highfat or high-sodium diet. This
is called essential hypertension.
In secondary hypertension,
the cause is related to a
medical condition, such as
kidney disease, or endocrine
or metabolic disorders.
Two other forms of hypertension are malignant and
preeclampsia (toxemia of
pregnancy). If left untreated,
hypertension can increase
the likelihood of having a
heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure.
Treatment usually starts
with the DASH diet (Dietary
Approaches to Stop Hypertension) that includes
changes to diet (less fat and
salt, and more fresh fruit,
vegetables, and low-fat dairy
products) and lifestyle
(weight loss, stopping smoking, less alcohol, stress reduction, more exercise).
Plenty of medications are
available, including diuretics
(water pills), beta-blockers,
and ACE inhibitors. NOTE:
Do not stop taking medications unless directed so by
your doctor.
The DASH diet was introduced in the previous paragraph. The DASH diet is a
dietary pattern promoted by
the National Heart, Lung,
and Blood Institute (part of
the National Institutes of
Health, an agency of the
U.S. Dept. of Health and
Human Services) to prevent
and control hypertension.
Compared to the typical
American diet, the DASH
eating plan is rich in fruits,
vegetables, fat-free or low-fat
milk and milk products,
whole grains, fish, poultry,
beans, seeds, and nuts. The
DASH diet also contains less
salt and sodium; fewer
sweets, fewer added sugars,
and fewer sugar-containing
beverages; less dietary fat;
and smaller portions of red
meat. This heart healthy way
of eating is also lower in
saturated fat, trans fat, and
cholesterol. It is also rich in
nutrients that are associated
with lowering blood pressure,
such as the minerals potassium, magnesium, and calcium, and fiber. Tips for transitioning to the DASH diet
• Increase
vegetables, brown rice,
whole wheat pasta, and
cooked dry beans. Try
casseroles and stir-fry
dishes, which have less
meat and more vegetables,
grains, and dry beans.
• For snacks and desserts,
use fruits or other foods
low in saturated fat, trans
fat, cholesterol, sodium,
sugar, and calories. For
example, unsalted rice
cakes; unsalted nuts or
seeds, raisins; graham
crackers; fat-free, low-fat,
or frozen yogurt; popcorn
with no salt or butter
added; or raw vegetables.
• Use fresh, frozen, or lowsodium canned vegetables
and fruits.
Changing your diet may
cause some minor and temporary digestion problems.
Here are some tips for easing potential problems:
• Be aware that the DASH
eating plan has more
vegetables, and whole
grain foods than you may
be used to eating. These
foods are high in fiber and
may cause some bloating
and diarrhea. To avoid
these problems, gradually
increase the amount of
whole grain foods that you
eat over several weeks.
• If
digesting milk products, try
taking lactase-enzyme with
milk products. Or buy
lactose-free milk, which
• If you don’t like or are
allergic to nuts, use seeds
or legumes (cooked dried
beans or peas).
• If you take medicines to
control your high blood
them. Tell your doctor that
you are now eating the
DASH way.
In addition to the food
groups mentioned above, the
following foods and supplements may be helpful for
lowering elevated blood
Calcium is the most
abundant mineral in the human body and has several
important functions. Calcium is needed for muscle
contraction, blood vessel
contraction and expansion,
the release of hormones
and enzymes, nervous sys(Continued on page 9)
The Rossmoor NEWS
(Continued from page 8)
tem signaling, and building
and maintaining bones.
Both calcium and magnesium have blood pressure
lowering benefits.
Chocolate comes from the
cacao bean, a tropical plant
native to South America. Cocoa contains flavonoids,
which have antioxidant and
blood thinning properties.
Chocolate, especially dark
chocolate, has been studied
for the treatment of a variety
of conditions, including heart
disease, skin conditions, and
constipation. There is evidence that cocoa lowers
blood pressure.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
is produced by the human
body and helps in cell function, especially energy production. CoQ10 levels decrease with age, and some
medications (statins) may
also lower CoQ10 levels. Besides helping with hypertension, CoQ10 may be helpful
for a variety of heart problems.
Garlic is an herb used for
the treatment and prevention
of heart disease and cancer.
Research suggests that garlic may reduce total cholesterol. Early evidence suggests that garlic may reduce
blood pressure and prevent
blood clotting. Regular consumption of garlic may reduce the risk of several cancer types, including stomach
and colon. Bleeding has
been associated with garlic
use, so caution is warranted
in people at risk of bleeding
and before some surgical/
dental procedures.
Magnesium is a mineral
that is involved in many reactions in the human body.
Magnesium sulfate is used
to treat pregnant women
who have seizures or high
blood pressure. Magnesium
is also used to lower the
risk of abnormal heart
rhythms. There is good evidence to support magnesium use for severe
asthma, bleeding in the
brain, hearing loss, pain,
and blood sugar control.
Omega-3 fatty acids are
essential fatty acids. Omega3 can be found in fish oil and
certain plant and nut oils.
JUNE 2014
The two omega-3 fatty acids
found in fish oil are called
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
and eicosapentaenoic acid
(EPA). Some nuts, seeds,
and vegetable oils contain
alpha-linolenic acid (ALA),
which may be converted on a
limited basis into DHA and
EPA in the body. Omega-3 is
believed to benefit health by
reducing heart disease risk
and cholesterol. It has also
been studied for cancer, depression, and attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD). Studies suggest
that fish or fish oil supplements may lower triglycerides and reduce the risk of
heart attack, abnormal heartbeat, and stroke in people
with heart disorders. Omega3 may benefit people who
have hardening of the arteries or high blood pressure.
Some fish, including swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish,
and tuna, may carry a higher
risk of mercury poisoning.
However, fish oil, especially
if it is molecularly distilled,
has not been found to carry a
significant risk.
Potassium is the most
abundant electrolyte found in
the body. Electrolytes are
electrically charged ions that
the body needs to function
properly. Most fruits and
vegetables are good dietary
sources of potassium. Some
salt substitutes may also
contain high levels of potassium. Hypokalemia (low levels of potassium in the blood
serum) may cause muscle
cramps and pain, weakness,
and cardiovascular abnormalities. Hypokalemia may
be caused by decreased potassium intake, vomiting,
burns, dialysis, sweating,
various medications or supplements, and low levels of
magnesium. There is evidence from human studies
that potassium is an effective
treatment for hypertension.
Finally, before trying any of
the above dietary changes or
nutritional supplements, first
consult with your physician
and pharmacist. Some supplements may interfere with
medications and/or reduce
the amount of hypertension
medication needed.
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
Mayor Pucci Writes
Q: What is the status of the
collapsed NJ Transit bus
shelter on Applegarth
Road, just north of the
East Gate?
A: The Monroe Township
Administrator’s office has
been in contact with NJ
Transit for quite some time
now and finally received
some promising news last
month: NJ Transit has
agreed to replace the shelter. Before it can be replaced, though, the County
and Township must approve the installation and
maintenance of the new
shelter. Once approved, a
NJ Transit contractor will
start the project. Keep in
mind with all these steps it
might be the fall before the
shelter is in place and
ready for use. We owe the
Township many thanks for
staying on top of this for
Q: Are portable generators permitted in Rossmoor?
A: Unfortunately, before we
know it hurricane season
will be upon us and residents may start thinking
about generators. Keep in
mind, the Clubhouse is
equipped with a permanent
generator to power the entire building within seconds
of a power outage and will
be made available as a
comfort station or a temporary location for residents
during emergencies for a
limited period of time or until such time that residents
are able to make other living arrangements and/or a
shelter is opened in Monroe
Township or Middlesex
Most Mutuals do not permit
portable generators for several reasons:
• The
noise level of a
portable generator is as
much as 20 decibels
higher than a standby
• The storage of gasoline
or diesel is a health and
life risk, as it is highly
flammable and must not
be stored indoors or in a
• Storage of a portable
generator becomes problematic. Most manufacturers
recommend that the fuel
be drained prior to storage.
• Portable generators cannot
run inside a home or
garage and should not be
used in wet weather to
avoid electrocution.
It is best to consult the
Rules and Regulations for
your Mutual prior to purchasing any type of generator. Most of the Mutual
rules state that generators
of any type powered by,
but not limited to, gasoline,
diesel, propane, kerosene,
and/or natural gas, are prohibited, except as approved in advance for
chronic medical conditions.
Certification by a physician
is required and the paperwork is available in Administration in the Village Center.
A copy of the specifications drafted by our engineer, detailing the type of
standby generator that will
be acceptable, the Declaration of Maintenance Obligation, and a work permit
are available in the Maintenance Department. Should
you have any questions,
please contact Administration and we will be happy
to assist you.
Township’s low crime rate continues
to be impressive
During the past 48 years,
the annual publication of
“Crime in New Jersey” has
been used as a means of
presenting an impartial and
accurate account of the
status of crime in the State.
The report is prepared and
issued by the Division of
State Police Uniform Crime
Reporting Unit.
The recently released statistics show Monroe Township’s crime rate was 6.5 per
1,000 residents with a total of
267 crimes in 2012, which is
the latest data available.
Compared to the other 24
municipalities in Middlesex
County, the crime rate in
Monroe is the second lowest
with only tiny Helmetta having a lower index of 6.4 and
14 crimes in 2012.
The 2012 average crime
rate for all municipalities in
Middlesex County was 18.5
offenses per 1,000 people,
which is more than 2.8 times
greater than Monroe Township’s crime rate of 6.5.
In addition, the Township’s
average crime rate for the
past five years (2008-2012),
was 7.26 per 1,000 residents, which was the lowest
in Middlesex County and
2.42 times lower than the
County average of 17.61.
The facts in the annual
statewide crime report are
obtained by the New Jersey
Uniform Crime Reporting
System, which is based upon
the compilation, classification
and analysis of crime data
reported by all New Jersey
police agencies, in accordance with the regulations
prescribed by law. All law
enforcement agencies in the
state are responsible for submitting monthly and annual
summary crime reports. All
reported offenses are compiled from records of all
criminal complaints received
by police during routine operations.
This data along with other
factors, including the population make-up of Monroe with
more than 50 percent of our
homes located in gated active adult communities, a
lower tax rate, and the outstanding school district, led
to Monroe being named the
14th safest town in N.J., according to a list compiled by
the private security company
(Continued on page 11)
The Rossmoor NEWS
The low crime rate and
high ranking by SafeWise is
a testament to the dedicated
service of Chief Michael
Lloyd and the men and
women of our Police Department.
The Monroe Township Police Department should be
commended for its outstanding service, especially
for the programs and activities developed in the area of
crime prevention. The
D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Program,
which has been a cooperative effort between the police
and the school district, educates our children at a very
young age about drugs. It is
the type of prevention program that helps reduce
The Department’s Detective Bureau reaches out to
and responds to requests for
speakers and information on
crime prevention. During a
typical year, several dozen
informative talks with the
public are conducted and
include topics such as home
safety, personal safety, computer Internet safety and
general crime prevention.
Crime Stats 2012
Middlesex County
Crime Rate Per 1,000 People
Low crime rate
(Continued from page 10)
Crime Rate
per 1,000
Middlesex Boro
Middlesex Boro
South Brunswick
South Brunswick
South River
Old Bridge
South River
Old Bridge
Highland Park
South Amboy
Highland Park
East Brunswick
East Brunswick
South Plainfield
South Plainfield
North Brunswick
Crime Rate
per 1,000
South Amboy
North Brunswick
Perth Amboy
Perth Amboy
New Brunswick
New Brunswick
(Data taken from NJ State Police Uniform Crime Report)
Amal and Izzedin Asad,
267-O Milford Lane, from
Jersey City, N.J.
Marilyn Hooper, 158-D
Pelham Lane, from Somerset, N.J.
Giuseppe and Maria LaMonica, 621-A Old Nassau
Road, from No. Brunswick,
Anita DiSarli, 88-C
Gloucester Way, from Sunnyside, N.Y.
Judith Phillips, 189-C Malden Lane, from Spotswood,
Andrea Treiber, Michael
and John Sedlak, 327-O
Nantucket Lane, from Sayreville, N.J.
Angela Feeley, 51-N Emerson Lane, from Matawan,
Mary Miller and Martin
Schwartzberg, 265-B Middle-
JUNE 2014
bury Lane, from Monroe
Twp., N.J.
Shirley Shotwell, 533-N
Terry Lane, from Bridgewater, N.J.
Gerald Hall, 220-N Manchester Lane, from Sarasota,
Rogelio Graham, 411-O
Newport Way, from Perth
Amboy, N.J.
Dominick and Maria Marino, 537-N Old Nassau
Road, from No. Brunswick,
Sara and Maria Acevedo,
185-C Providence Way, from
Perth Amboy, N.J.
Deborah Richards, 262-C
Middlebury Lane, from Monroe Twp., N.J.
Basil and Renee Karakatsanis, 298-N Sharon Way,
from Freehold, N.J.
In August, the Police Department will hold its annual
National Night Out event in
Thompson Park. The gathering provides residents with
an opportunity to meet oneon-one with police and
strengthen relationships between the community, police,
and other emergency management personnel. It provides a fun environment with
games and presentations
that engage children in a fun
way to educate them about
the dangers of drugs, drinking and driving, safe bicycle
riding practices and so much
Chief Lloyd and the Monroe Township Police Department should be commended
for their continuous efforts to
keep Monroe among the safest towns in the state.
Through their efforts, the police will continue to forge relationships with our residents
and help keep Monroe a
great place to live, raise a
family, and retire.
The deadline for
The Rossmoor News
is the 7th of every month.
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
Inquiring Photographer
By Connie Previte
Four teachers, residents of our community, were asked to give advice to graduating
seniors. Many of us with young grandchildren and other extended family or close
friends may want to share these responses with their loved ones as they move on to
their next level in life.
Five-year old-Cillian Healy celebrates reaching the top of
the mountain! With his father John, an accomplished
hiker, he climbed Cromasc, a peak in the Ox Mountain
range, Ireland. Cillian is a grand-nephew of Anne Rotholz,
a Rossmoor resident.
Contractor license # 13VH06032600
Herb Junker
As a second career, I was
a teacher at the High School
of Engineering and Science
in Philadelphia. The teachers
were engineers and scientists. Students could enter
college in their senior high
school year. I would offer a
few thoughts to my students.
I would tell them I did not
care if they did not do their
homework; we always need
people to do menial work. A
photographic memory is extremely helpful. The Memory
Book by Harry Lorayne will
show you the way. Do not
worry about your competition; let them worry about
you. Be early to class, appointments, or work. It is
amazing how much can be
accomplished before others
come in to interrupt your
thoughts or work. If you cannot solve a problem in 15 to
20 minutes, move on to
something else. You can always come back to it after a
good night’s sleep or after
conferring with others. Many
students with average
grades are just as successful, if not more so, than some
very bright students. If you
remain bright eyed and
bushy tailed, you will do just
Diane Charleton
My 34-year teaching and
coaching career was with the
Newark School District. In
the high school, I taught
physical education and
health. In the middle and elementary schools, corrective
physical education classes.
A little advice for high
school graduates. As you
move forward, please do not
do so with a cavalier “know it
all” attitude. You may be
unique, but graduating from
high school is no longer so.
Exit looking to learn and improve (not just in formal education). Listen to those who
have gone before you. Experience is one of the greatest educational tools. You may
have some formal knowledge
to share, but those older have
experience to which you cannot catch up.
Learn from those with experience. Table casual attitudes and carry yourself in a
professional manner. Do not
follow those who use negativity to curry your favor. Follow the positive trail. You are
entering a new established
world. Work hard to fit in and
then, spread your wings
showing the world what you
can do.
Barbara Segal
I grew up in a small town
on Long Island in New York
State. For as far back as I
can remember I wanted to
become a teacher. I realized that goal in 1955 when
I started teaching third
grade in the New York
State Public School System. I left after four and a
half years to have a family.
I later returned to teaching
and taught first and second
grades for 30 years in a
small private school.
My advice to graduating
students? Try to get a job
doing what you love. Realize that even if you are
doing what you love, there
will be days when you may
not want to get up in the
morning and go to work!
This happens in every job.
Maximize your retirement
savings. Try to have fun,
no matter what you are
Carol Gillmore
My teaching experience
was in both high school and
college, in mathematics, economics, and coaching. I was
one of the lucky weirdos who
looked forward to Mondays!
That is what I would hope
every graduating senior
could do. Make a life that
fully engages your mind and
your heart and make every
day (well, almost every day)
challenging, joyous, and useful. Work at making yourself
and the world a better place.
Do as little harm as possible.
Have fun, keep educating
yourself and really notice the
good stuff.
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
By Sidna Mitchell
the croquet courts behind
the inn with its charming
little clubhouse to see who
is playing. Ken, Bill Cole
and I played in the Gasparilla Croquet Club’s tournament last year but concentrated on the competition in
Venice at the Sarasota
County Croquet Club this
year. I surprisingly came in
second in my flight in one
tournament and Mac and
MaryAnn McDermott took
first and second in their
flight. Former Rossmoorite
Richard Zeck, now a Florida resident, also did very
well in his tournaments.
Back to Gasparilla, from
the croquet court Ken and I
head over to the Pink Elephant for lunch and usually
have our favorite drinks:
pinot grigio for Ken and a
sea breeze for me. Then
we order the Baby Iceberg
One of our favorite activities while in Venice, Florida,
was to drive down to Gasparilla
Grande) to the Pink Elephant. (I’m sure that has
nothing to do with my being
a registered Republican.)
The menu is limited but
very good and eating outside is delightful.
The restaurant is owned
by the Gasparilla Inn and
Club, a Historic Hotel of
America Landmark Inn, formerly serving such famous
guests as Henry Plant,
Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, portrait painter John
Singer Sargent, as well as
the Cabots, the Drexels,
and the Biddles since 1913.
Today you hear of the
Bushes and Bret Hume vacationing on Gasparilla Island.
Ken and I always stop by
Iceberg-Blue Cheese Salad
quarters of iceberg
blue cheese dressing
½ cup hearts of palm,
Culinary corner
2-4 pieces of crisp bacon,
¼ cup chopped red onion
½ cup grape tomatoes, halved
extra blue cheese
Place the lettuce on a salad plate.
Add as much blue cheese dressing as you like.
Top with hearts of palm, crumbled bacon, red onions,
grape tomato halves and extra blue cheese.
NOTE: The other night I didn’t have iceberg lettuce so
I cut off the top leaves of a Romaine lettuce heart and
halved the heart. Since I didn’t have grape tomatoes, I
sprinkled chopped pimentos for the red color. Ken
claimed, “Very good, my dear.”
You can purchase the hearts of palm in a can. Pour
the remaining palm hearts and liquid into a plastic container and place in the refrigerator for another salad.
I can be reached via e-mail at [email protected].
In Memoriam
Jack Katz
Jack Katz, 95, died Sunday, April 27. Mr. Katz honorably served his country
with the U.S. Army during
World War II in the Asia Pacific Theatre. Surviving are
his wife Madeline; a son,
Donald Katz, and his wife,
Sue Tisiker, and a daughter,
Audrey Katz.
Carmen (Vargas)
Carmen (Vargas) Campanali passed away on Monday, May 12. She resided in
Rossmoor since 1997. She is
survived by her husband Michael, sons Michael and Steven; daughter Catherine
Moskowski and her husband
Stanley; two brothers, a sister, seven grandchildren and
two great-grandchildren. Also
surviving are many other extended family members.
Salad with Maytag blue
cheese dressing topped
with hearts of palm,
smoked bacon crumbles,
shaved red onions, grape
tomatoes and extra blue
cheese. If we wanted, we
could have added shrimp,
chicken or tuna but the
salad is just enough for
I replicated the salad a
couple of times and here’s
what I do for the two of us.
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
This month in pictures
Photos by Joe Conti and Connie Previte
National Day of Prayer Service
Members of the Rossmoor Chorus sing a hymn at the Meeting
E&R’s Peter Hodges
Sister Regina was the key speaker at The National
Day of Prayer.
At the Activities Expo
Italian American Club
Kiwanis Club
Emerald Society
Jewish Congregation
Above: New Jersey Social & Cultural Club
On right: Music Association
Rossmoor Players
Republican Club
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
Clubs and Organizations
Jockeys are ready to kick off the 15th annual Rossmoor Downs.
Ann Azzinaro, Josie Avarello and Papa Joe Avarello are honored for their contributions
to the success of the Rossmoor Downs.
Italian-American Club
By Lola Calcagno
Members are urged to join
the Club on Saturday, June
14, for the Golden Mile Walk in
which money is raised for the
March of Dimes to help disabled and premature babies.
We will meet at the Clubhouse
for contributions at 11 a.m.,
and at about 11:30 a.m. or
noon we will take a short walk
behind our Club’s banner.
Wear any green, white or red
apparel. Free hot dogs and
other refreshments will be
served in the Ballroom after
the walk.
I don’t know if anyone beat
the odds at the Rossmoor
Downs social or the trip to
the Sands Casino, but I
heard a grand time was had
at both.
At the Activities Expo held
in the Clubhouse on Sunday,
May 4, many new residents
expressed interest in joining
the Club. We hope they will
complete the enrollment
forms and send them to Joan
Russo. New members, with
new stories and ideas, are
welcome additions.
Bingo will be played in the
Ballroom on Friday, June 27,
at 6:30 p.m.
Golf Pro Ted Servis will tell Kiwanians
“What’s Going On” at the golf course
By Alyce Owens
On Tuesday evening, June
3 at 7:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse Maple Room, the Kiwanis Club invites all residents to hear our own PGA
Golf Pro, Ted Servis, talk
about “What’s Going On” at
our beautiful golf course –
the jewel at the center of our
Ted was born and raised
in the Princeton Junction
home built by his grandfather. He worked for 16 years
at Carter Wallace in Cranbury. Although Ted started
playing golf at 14, he didn’t
take it seriously until the age
of 23, when he began work-
ing part time at driving
ranges and then for the large
golf chain, Las Vegas Golf &
Tennis in South Brunswick.
Ted’s prowess on the golf
course did not go unnoticed,
and he was offered a job as
a golf professional assistant,
and the opportunity to go
through the PGA’s prestigious four year apprentice
program to become a qualified PGA Golf Pro. He subsequently spent eight years
working at the Princeton
Meadows Golf Course, then
at the Cranbury Golf Course
before becoming the PGA
Pro at Rossmoor in 1999.
Ted lives in Plainsboro with
his wife Maureen, daughter
Samantha, age 16, and 11year-old son, Ted.
In addition to managing
the day-to-day operations
of our golf course, Ted interacts with the RCAI Executive Committee, the Golf
Course Committee, various
golf associations, as well as
with Tom Tucci, our golf
course superintendent. He
will describe how two years
of storms have taken their
toll on our award-winning
course, what changes have
been made in the course
over the years, and what
are the plans for the future.
(Continued on page 16)
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
This summer
Ensemble Schumann to perform on Friday, June 20, at 8 p.m.
By Gene Horan
A lively and colorful trio
with artists who have performed at venues such as
Lincoln Center and Carnegie
Hall, as well as in outstanding music festivals, including Tanglewood and
Mostly Mozart, will bring a
world-class performance to
The Ensemble Schumann
has been featured at the prestigious Da Camera Series in
Los Angeles, at the Clark Art
Museum in Massachusetts,
and on Live from Fraser on
WGBH-Radio Boston.
Their debut recording of
works by Loeffler, Klughardt,
Schumann and Kahn, as well
as an all-Mozart disc (in collaboration with the Adaskin
String Trio), will soon be released by MSR Classics.
The concert is scheduled
for 8 p.m. on Friday, June
20, in the Meeting House.
Tickets for non-subscribers
will be available at the door
for $15.
Violist Steve Larson is a
Senior Artist Teacher at the
Hartt School of the University
of Hartford, Connecticut,
where he has served both as
String Department Chair and
Chamber Music Chair, and is
also on faculty at the School
of Fine Arts of the University
of Conn. The Montreal Gazette has praised his “singing
tone, eloquent phrasing, expressive dynamics and flawless intonation,” and The
Boston Globe hailed his playing as “supercharged, clearheaded, yet soulful.”
In addition to his work with
the Adaskin String Trio and
Ensemble Schuman, Larson
performs regularly as a soloist in duo with his wife, violinist Annie Trépanier, and with
their acclaimed chamber
group, The Avery Ensemble.
He holds degrees from
McGill University, the University of Montreal and the Hartt
Oboist Thomas Gallant is
one of the world’s few virtuoso solo and chamber music
performers on his instrument.
His astonishing technique
and breath control have often
been compared to that of the
great violinists and singers.
Gallant has been praised by
the New Yorker magazine as
“a player who unites technical mastery with intentness,
charm and wit.” He is a First
Prize Winner of the Concert
Artists Guild International
New York Competition and
has collaborated with flutists
Jean-Pierre Rampal and
Cuarteto Casals.
Gallant’s performances
have taken him to Avery
Fisher Hall and the Frick Collection in New York City, to
Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Chicago, as well as to
the Spoleto Festival in Italy,
and to the Mostly Mozart
Festival at Lincoln Center.
He plays on an “Evoluzione”
Ensemble Schumann
oboe made by the Italian
maker Fratelli Patricola.
Following her Wigmore
Hall debut, Israeli-born pianist Sally Pinkas has been
heard as recitalist and chamber musician throughout the
United States, Europe,
China, Southeast Asia, Russia and Nigeria. Described
by Gramophone Magazine
as “an artist who melds lucid
textures with subtle expressive detailing, minus hints of
bombast or mannerism,” she
has appeared with the Boston Pops, the Aspen Philharmonia, Jupiter Symphony
and the Bulgarian Chamber
Summer festival credits
include Rockport, Marlboro,
Tanglewood, Apple Hill and
Aspen, as well as Kfar Blum
(Israel), Officina Scotese
(Italy) and Masters de
Pontlevoy (France).
Trained in the United
States, Pinkas holds performance degrees from Indiana University and the New
England Conservatory of Music, and a Ph.D. in Composition from Brandeis University. She is pianist-inresidence at the Hopkins
Center at Dartmouth College.
A night on the town
How is this for a night on the town? Gather some
friends and hire a limousine to take you to New York City
for dinner and a concert at Carnegie Hall or Lincoln Center. It will be a very nice evening unless, of course, you
run into a traffic jam. And you should certainly be home
by midnight. How much will it all cost? I’ll let you figure
that one out.
Here’s an alternative: Have dinner and some wine in a
nearby restaurant, one where the owner doesn’t think
your name is Rockefeller. After dessert, go to a concert
by outstanding artists in Rossmoor’s beautiful Meeting
House. The cost? Well, it sure won’t break the bank. No
fuss, no bother and you can be home in bed by 10 p.m.
Try it; you’ll like it.
“What’s Going On”
(Continued from page 15)
Ted will show aerial photos
of the entire golf course,
and talk about our new
“goose dog,” Rose, who
has just arrived to continue
the great job done by her
much-loved canine predecessors, Corey and Dot. It’s
sure to be an informative
and enjoyable evening.
Light refreshments will be
served after the meeting
and presentation.
The Kiwanis Club invites
anyone who is interested in
Club membership, or who
wants to learn about its
charitable and community
service activities, to call
President Sidna Mitchell at
The Rossmoor NEWS
Mid-June open auditions for
variety show
By Linda L. Kaucher
We will be holding open
auditions for the Variety
Show on Tuesday, June 17th
from 1-3 p.m. in the Meeting
House. If you want to be in
the show and cannot make it
to the audition on that date,
or if you need information on
the show, please call Dottie
Haff at 609-409-7159. We
welcome singers, dancers,
comedy acts, readings, and
anything you care to bring to
the stage. The Variety Show
will be presented on stage
Friday, August 1, at 7 p.m.
and Saturday, August 2, at 2
p.m. in the Meeting House.
Tickets will go on sale in the
Red Room two weeks before
the show and will, as usual,
By Ellen Parker
The New Jersey Club will
meet on Friday, June 27, at
1:30 p.m. in the Ballroom to
celebrate our annual birthday
with strawberry shortcake.
We celebrate this birthday
with a very important other
birthday,- the 350th birthday of
New Jersey! Come and learn
about this by attending a program titled “This is New Jersey’s 350th birthday, but why is
it 112 years older than the
United States?” given by our
program director, Al Parker.
After this meeting, the New
Jersey Club will go on vacation for July and August, returning on Friday, Sept. 26 at
1:30 p.m.
Our first fall program, “New
Jersey Writers,” will be given
by resident Carol DeRuiter,
former professor of English
at Texas A&M.
The October program for
Halloween will be presented
by Ed Raser on Friday, Oct.
24, on the subject of
“Important New Jersey Residents – Graveyard Locations!”
We wish you a very happy
summertime, and look forward
to joining you for our September program, which continues
our tenth year of New Jersey
related presentations.
Trips of distinction
By Jocelyn Boyd
President Dot Prouty welcomed members and guests
to the regular monthly meeting of the Travel Club. We
enjoyed the show South Pacific at Paper Mill Playhouse
in April, and also a high tea
in May.
The trips for the summer
months were announced. On
Saturday, June 28, we will go
to the Meadowlands Racetrack. We will have dinner in
a private skybox overlooking
the finish line.
There is another exciting
musical show at the Hunterdon Hills Playhouse Sunday,
August 10. The show is Better with a Band, and will be
preceded by their special
Sunday dinner.
Hope to see everyone at our
June meeting on Wednesday,
June 18, in the Ballroom. Have
a great summer.
JUNE 2014
be sold in Sal’s Deli.
Bob Huber’s Play Possibilities was a big hit. It was different from the previous
plays we’ve produced in that
there was a little drama and
some science fiction dashed
in. The plot was witty and
very enjoyable to watch.
Our June meeting will feature a video of Possibilities,
on Monday June 30 at 1 p.m.
in the Maple Room. It will be
a great way for the actors to
see themselves as the audience saw them.
Bill Strecker’s sing-along
at our May meeting was fun.
He provided a variety of
songs for us to sing. Leave it
to Bill to come up with a
great form of entertainment.
The Activities Expo took
Emerald Society’s future
By Joan Avery
place on Sunday, May 4. It
was a great way to entice
more people to join our Club,
and I’m hoping some people
took an interest. It’s what
drew me into the Players
Club back in 2009.
I hope our new members
are finding the Players Club
to be enjoyable and a great
way to be creative and have
some real fun.
I hope all you gals had a
happy Mother’s Day and that
the Memorial Day weekend
was enjoyable for all. Happy
Father’s Day to all you guys
on Sunday, June 15.
As always, stay cool, drive
carefully and be safe. See
you all soon!
The Emerald Society had
a wonderful start to the
spring season with a trip to
Sights and Sounds in Lancaster, Pa. Everyone enjoyed the new production of
Barbara and Dan Jolly
have arranged a fabulous trip
to “Vermont Villages and Vistas,” a Taste of Vermont tour.
The trip is from September 8
to 11, with many activities
along the way.
There is also a day trip
scheduled on October 21 to
Doolan’s in Spring Lake to
have lunch and see the
show, “Old Time Rock and
Some Emerald Society
members are going on the
trip to the Sands in Bethlehem, Pa. on June 17. The
cost will be $25 with $20
back and a $5 food voucher.
A great deal!
It is important to note that
the July Annual Emerald Society picnic will be held on
July 20, not July 12, due to a
conflict with activities in the
Clubhouse. Please mark
your calendars.
It is also important to note
that the June Emerald Society meeting will take place
on June 26, not June 25, due
to several high school
graduations, which we
grandparents love to attend.
See you at the June 26
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
By Mary Jane Hesson
Girls of August by Anne
Rivers Siddons
Tragedy tore the Girls of
August apart, but new marriages will bring them together as the women who
shared friendships reunite on
a remote island, where
shocking truths will forever
change them.
A Perfect Life by Danielle
Highly successful news
anchor Blaise McCarthy’s
world is turned upside down
when, after a devastating
tragedy, her blind daughter
comes to live with her, bringing her very attractive male
caregiver with her.
Nine Lives to Die by Rita
Mae Brown
Severed human fingers in
a pencil jar, a pair of dead
mentors, and a cold case
involving the disappearance
of Harry’s high school Latin
teacher keep Harry and her
husband busy as they prepare for the church’s upcoming gala.
Power Play by Catherine
US Ambassador Natalie
Black races to clear her
name after being accused of
her fiance’s death, while psychopath Blessed Blackman
escapes from a mental institution intent on destroying
the person who brought
down Blackman’s mother’s
Vertigo 42 by Martha
Richard Jury thinks it’s
wise to investigate the
death of Tom Williamson’s
wife, when he finds that a 9
-year-old girl and the estranged husband of another
tenant have also died in the
Remains of Innocence by
Judith Jance
Sheriff Joanna Brady wonders if the hidden stash of
cash a dying hoarder’s
daughter found among the
dying woman’s books is
somehow linked to a Brady
family friend found dead in a
limestone cavern.
Sight Unseen by Iris
After decades of being
blind, Kendra Michaels is put
to the ultimate test by a lethal
San Diego bridge pile-up, as
she uses her unique observation skills to uncover a
dangerous conspiracy.
Those Who Wish Me
Dead by Michael Koryta
After 13-year-old Jace Wilson witnesses a murder, the
police sneak him into a wilderness skills program to
protect him. But the murderous Blackwell Brothers are
still looking for him.
Invisible by James Patterson
Emmy Dockery is convinced that one person is
behind hundreds of unsolved
Democratic Club is proud to
present Freeholder Charles Tomaro
By Helen Ward
Ever wonder what the
Board of Chosen Freeholders does? Here’s your
chance to find out.
Come to the Democratic
Club on Thursday, June 12
at 7 p.m. in the Gallery
when Freeholder Charles
Tomaro will be the guest
Tomaro, a four-year
member of the Board, now
chairs the County’s Infras tr u c tu r e M a n a g e m e n t
Committee. He has a long
history of activities to improve the quality of life for
Middlesex residents, including public clean-up projects
and open-space programs.
As a former member of
the Edison Council, he was
the author of numerous municipal ordinances to help
local businesses but also to
require them to meet standards helpful to the community at large.
When the U. S. Supreme
Court expanded the concept of eminent domain to
permit municipalities to
seize private homes and
turn them over to developers for the purpose of generating higher tax revenues,
(the whole country was up
in arms over that one),
Tomaro came up with a solution: legislation giving that
power to local voters, and
taking it away from politicians. That’s our idea of
Come and meet Freeholder Tomaro, who was
named a “Community
Champion.” You’ll be glad
you did.
rapes, kidnappings, and murders, but it takes a new outbreak of violence to convince
ex-boyfriend Agent Bookman
of this.
Late Scholar by Jill Paton
In another Peter Wimsey
series, Wimsey and wife
Harriet Vane are sent to
1950s Oxford to settle a
dispute among the fellows.
However, now the fellows
are disappearing right and
left, and only Peter and
Harriet can find the answers.
Library Hours
Monday thru Friday
10 a.m. to 12 noon
1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
10 a.m. to 12 noon
First dance of
the summer
By Judy Perkus
On Saturday, June 28 at 7
p.m. in the Clubhouse Ballroom, the Dance Club will
celebrate the beginning of
summer with the dance music of Bobby Picone. Everyone is welcome.
Send your reservation
check made out to The
Rossmoor Dance Club to
Anne Azzinaro at 607B Winchester Lane. The cost is $8
a person for members and
$10 a person for nonmembers. Annual Membership is $7.50 per person, $15
per couple.
Refreshments include coffee, tea, soda, and cake
(sugar-free available). Call
Anne at 655-5799 for more
Save the date: Saturday,
September 27 is the date of
the Anniversary Dinner
Dance. More details to follow.
Computer Club
How to Dropbox
on Al Parker
By Alec Aylat
Yes, it’s on Dr. Al Parker,
our website designer, Computer Club maven, and an
August party jokester, to
bring Club members and
other interested residents up
to date on Dropbox, the free
service that lets you bring
your photos, documents and
videos anywhere and share
them easily. He will take you
up in the clouds with Dropbox at the Club’s monthly
meeting in the Gallery at 10
a.m. on Monday, June 16.
He will not serve coffee at
9:30 but you are welcome to
come help yourself. Also to
Before coming, you may
want to look up Dropbox on
the Club’s website at where
webmaster Fred Milman may
have something to add about
this premier solution to file
backups. Anyway, you’ll
never have to email yourself
a file again.
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
Mutual News for June
Mutual 16
By Bill, Jim, Jean, Ken, George,
and Sidney
Thirty-five manors were
represented at our annual
membership meeting on April
16, 24 in person and 11 absentee, with a total of 33
people at the meeting. That
is a good turnout, but we
wish all residents had either
attended or sent in their absentee ballot. Jim Fitzgerald
was reelected unanimously
to the three-year term as director, and Ken Meyers, Sid-
ney Lincoln, and George
Mertz were reelected as alternate directors for one-year
Jean presented a summary of our audit this year.
First and most important, we
received a clean opinion
from the auditors. Various
line items were explained
and discussed. For the most
part, our expenses and income were as we expected
them to be for the 2013 fiscal
year. The differences between the operating, de-
Croquet Club news
By Ruth Mullen
Thirty-two members attended our opening meeting
on April 26. All enjoyed a
wonderful luncheon and
about half moved after the
meeting to the croquet court
for the first game of the season. The court was in good
condition and all had a good
Members were informed
that Betty Anne Sullivan resigned as publicity chairperson. She was warmly
thanked for her years of
dedicated service. Ruth
Mullen was elected by the
Board as the new publicity
The Club welcomes new
and advanced members and
offers weekly clinics to learn
or sharpen one’s skills. If you
would like to learn Six Wicket
Croquet, this is a great opportunity to do so. Contact
Bill Cole at 609-409-3937 to
learn about days and times.
If you would like a more
relaxed and fun game, join
us for Golf Croquet every
Friday evening from 4 to 5:30
p.m. and mingle with the
members afterward under
the trees for refreshments
and good company.
This is a good way to get
some light exercise; get to
know your neighbors and
learn more about the game
in a friendly and relaxed setting.
John McDermott, president
and MaryAnn McDermott,
along with other members,
represented the Croquet
Club at the Activity Expo held
in the Clubhouse on May 4.
Member applications and
brochures were handed out
to all interested parties.
The Club provides all the
equipment needed to play
and we welcome all new
members. Contact MaryAnn
McDermott, membership
chair at 609-655-3008, or
join us next Friday!
Upcoming events
• Tournament play - 6/1 6/22. Check the outside
• Round-robin play - 5/5 10/31,
Ladies 18-hole golf league’s
tournament news
By Arlene McBride
Opening Day Scramble on
April 15 was (you guessed it)
rained out. We held our
luncheon as planned and
many thanks to the social
committee, Gail Dimaio and
Joan Semen, for their lovely,
bright display of decorations,
despite a very rainy, gloomy
day. It did brighten our spirits
and now going forward, no
more rain outs please, for the
On April 22, a “Modified
Peoria” tournament was
held. First place winner: Sue
Petersen (MOC); second
place winner: Lanie Kartagener (MOC). Great game!
On April 29 (I’m not going
to say it…).
On May 6, a “2 best balls
of the team” tournament was
held. First place team: Muriel
Feniello, Lanie Kartagener,
and Joan Semen; second
place team: Gail Dimaio,
Carol Faraci, Carolyn
Glosser, and Jeannette
Squires. Good team work,
On May 13, a general
membership meeting was
held to discuss some of the
issues that need to be voted
on. Results of that meeting
and the results of the remaining tournaments scheduled
for May will be reported in
my next article.
Welcome to summer!! It’s
a long time coming. The
trees and bushes have finally
bloomed and the golf course
looks beautiful. Have a great
Fourth of July.
Drive carefully around
hikers and bikers!
ferred maintenance, and replacement funds were discussed as well. The auditors
felt we had a proper amount
set aside in each of the funds
to provide for Mutual needs.
Jim presented information
on maintenance plans for
this year. The biggest project
is the paving of Old Nassau
through the Mutual and the
paving of Yarborough by
contractor S&G. This project
includes replacement of numerous curb areas, drains,
and sidewalk replacement as
well as the actual milling and
paving. By the time you read
this, the project may well be
complete, but it is a very
large project for the Mutual.
While the roads and curbs
are an RCAI project, the
sidewalks are a Mutual expense.
Jim also encouraged residents to submit permits for
planting trees adjacent to
their manors. The procedures for planting are in the
Mutual Rules and Regulations. There are plans to
seed in various areas of the
Mutual. Due to delays in the
pre-emergent application to
April, seeding will probably
not be done until fall, other
than the areas being reseeded by S&G.
Residents were also encouraged to have their windows painted if they need it.
The work can be arranged
through Jim, but the very
reasonable cost is the responsibility of the residents.
Plans and estimates for
painting the siding on manors are still under way.
Mutual 16 Directors: Bill
Murphy (860-1148, [email protected]); Jim
FitzGerald (732-407-3390,
[email protected]); Ken
[email protected]);
George Mertz (655-3711,
[email protected]); Sidney Lincoln (235-9223,
[email protected]);
and Jean Houvener (6553632, [email protected]).
Men’s Golf Club is in full swing
By Ed Harkins
The Men’s Golf Club
started its season on April
23. It was a cool and windy
day but that didn’t stop 45
members from teeing up. We
will have different contests
each week to keep everyone
interested. We will also have
hot dogs and refreshments
after the tournaments the
second Wednesday of each
month starting in June, so
come out and join us for a
good time.
Our Member/Guest will
take place June 6 at 8:30
a.m. (rain date June 13). It is
our first big event and it is
approaching very quickly.
Your registration fee includes
a continental breakfast at
7:30 a.m., hot dogs and cold
beverages at the turn and a
hot buffet party after golf in
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
the Clubhouse Ballroom. We
also have a commemorative
hat for each golfer. There will
also be on-course skill contests with prizes. It’s a great
time to show off our golf facility to family and friends. The
cost for this year’s event will
remain the same as it has
been the last 2 years. A twosome, which consists of a
member and 1 guest, is
$125. A foursome, which
consists of a member and 3
guests, is $275 (cart fees not
included). Don’t miss out on
a great day; get your application in early. Applications are
available in the Pro Shop
and are on first-come, firstpaid basis. Spots are limited
so don’t wait and be left out.
Our Golf Pro Ted Servis is
available for lessons or advice and is always happy to
Golf 9-Holers
help our members with their
game. The Pro Shop is
stocked and ready for the
season so stop in and say
hello. The handicap computer is on, so make sure
you put in all your scores.
Our golf course is in great
shape as usual thanks to
our hard working Superintendant Tom Tucci and his
staff. The course is in full
bloom and looks and plays
great; be sure to let the
grounds crew know when
you see them that their
hard work is noticed and
Don’t forget our mission to
speed up play. Tee it, hit it,
find it, and hit it again. We
play ready golf. On the
green, look at it, putt it, tap it
in. Talk about it after the
round is over. Don’t forget,
rake the bunkers, replace
your divots, and fix your ball
marks on the greens.
As they say, go play. See
everyone on the links.
By Doris Herron
After a rather rainy start to
the season, the 9-Hole golfers are back on the course
again, anticipating a wonderful season. For the always
fun 2 Mulligan tournament
the A flight winners were
Grace Hammesfahr and Tori
Meiselbach; the B flight winners were Joan Gabriello
and Marie Eppinger.
The 9-Hole group is looking forward to the June activities, which include the
ever popular Step-Away
Scramble, the Member/
Member, and the Blind Holes
The next social event will
be the Brown Bag luncheon
on July 8, chaired by
Marjorie Heyman. President
Marie Bills expressed her
pleasure that all chairmanships of social events and all
committee chairpersons are
now in place, promising a
fine season.
The 9-Holers were very
pleased to learn that Ted
Servis, our golf pro, is again
conducting his monthly golf
clinics. They are held on
Wednesday mornings at 9
a.m., starting in mid May and
continuing throughout the
season. They are free and
extremely valuable. All are
invited to sign up for them in
the Pro Shop.
Anyone interested in joining the Women’s 9-Hole golfers is urged to contact the
membership chairperson,
Mary Ellen Mertz (609-6553711).
Remember—all the important life lessons are contained in the three rules for
achieving a perfect golf
swing: 1. Keep your head
down. 2. Follow through. 3.
Be born with money!
Overheard at the 19th
hole: The first chapter in The
Rules of Golf is etiquette.
Apparently everyone starts
reading at chapter two!
Doris Herron and Marie Bills getting set to drive on the 1st hole.
By Ted Servis, golf pro
What’s going on at the
golf course? Golf season is
in full swing and it’s been
great so far for everyone. A
job well done goes out to
Tom Tucci and his staff.
The course is in great
Ladies’ golf clinic will be
on August 23. Please call
the Pro Shop to sign up
The Pro Shop is fully
stocked with merchandise
for all your golfing needs,
so please stop in and take
a look. If there is something
you’re looking for and we
don’t have it in stock, we’ll
be happy to order it for you.
The Pro Shop hours of operation are as follows: Monday from 11 to 5:30; Tuesday through Sunday from
7:00 to 5:30; all hours subject to the weather
If there is anything we
can help you with or any
questions we can answer
please give us a call at 609
-655-3182. Thank you and I
wish everyone a healthy
and happy golf season.
Remember: The golf
course is currently offering
a referral incentive of $200
in Pro Shop credit for bringing in new members.
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
Religious Organizations
Jewish Congregation’s Board elected;
summer events noted
By Ben Wistreich
The Jewish Congregation’s Board of Directors for
2014-2015 was elected and
installed last week at the annual meeting.
President Janet Goodstein
heads the new Board. Other
elected officers were VicePresidents Norman Perkus,
Judith Wistreich, and Ben
Wistreich; Treasurer Jeffrey
Albom; Recording Secretary
Dolores Grieff; Corresponding Secretary Virginia Kolker;
Delegates (one year remaining) Mary Slover, Shirley
Merke; (two years remaining)
Doris Friedman, Regina
Shein; newly elected for
three years are Jeanette Dobrin and Sylvia Weshnak.
The congregation congratulates all officers and wishes
them great success!
The next Board meeting
has been moved to a new
date because of the Shavuot
holiday. It will take place on
Wednesday, June 11. Board
members will be notified by e
-mail a few days in advance
of this meeting. This will be
Janet Goodstein’s first Board
Meeting as president. It will
be held in the Dogwood
Room, starting at 7 p.m.
The Jewish Men’s Club:
As the upcoming late spring/
early summer days will be
the first hot-sun eating days
in the new Jewish Men’s
(lunch and dinner) Club,
plans are being made for the
next event. Reasonable
prices plus air-conditioning
are musts! An option: take
the summer off…and pick it
up again in early September.
Ideas? Call or drop a note to
Ben. We would welcome
your thoughts and suggestions about the next few
lunch spots…when and
Thursday, June 5 (the last
day of Shavuot) there will be
a Yizkor Service in the Meeting House, starting at 10:30
a.m. Please attend this important one-hour Memorial
Sabbath Services on Friday, June 13, will honor all
Hear stories that
span the world
and time
By Judy Perkus
Sit back and enjoy a
story quilt, spanning tales
from not only the Bible,
ancient Rabbinic lore, and
Jewish history, but also
from the Borsht Belt, folk
narratives and humorous
personal anecdotes, both
Ashkenazi and Sephardic.
After all, everybody loves
a good story, and you’ll
hear some of the best at
the next meeting of the
Sisterhood on Monday,
June 16, at 1:30 p.m. in
the Ballroom.
Rivka Willick is a tradi(Continued on page 22)
new Congregation members
who joined since a year ago.
Jeff Albom serves as Lay
Reader, and Allen Jacobs
will be the Torah Reader.
The Congregation will sponsor the Oneg Shabbat.
On Friday, June 27, Bob
Kolker will be the Lay Reader
and Jeff Albom will be the
Torah Reader. Ken and Beverly Meyers will sponsor the
Oneg Shabbat, which honors
the memory of his parents,
Alvin and Bea Meyers, who
were active long-time members.
Coming event: The Congregation’s popular July 4
barbecue will be held in the
Ballroom and patio on Friday, July 4. All residents are
invited, and flyers will be distributed. Costs and all food
details will be in the June
Above is a photo of the Bimah (the platform from which services are conducted) set
up for Yizkor services on the last day of Passover. Yizkor (remembrance) memorial
services are held four times a year. The next Yizkor service will take place on
Thursday, June 5th, the last day of Shavuoth. Yizkor services also take place on
Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) and Shemini Atzereth (the Eighth Day of Assembly which occurs between Succoth and Simcath Torah.). In Orthodox Jewish
congregations, only mourners attend the Yizkor service at which prayers are said
for a parent, spouse, sibling or child. In our congregation, we pray for loved ones
and some of us include those who were killed in the Holocaust.
Hear stories
(Continued from page 21)
tional story-teller and works
with individuals and families
to help save their stories.
She has performed and
taught workshops at many
story-telling festivals, Syna-
gogues, senior centers,
Chabad, schools, fairs, and
libraries. After all, she says,
a good story can be told
almost anywhere.
As usual, delicious refreshments will be served, and
please remember to bring
non-perishable food for the
Kiwanis Food Pantry.
Rossmoor Community Church
• SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 11 a.m. The Rev. Dr. Dierdre L.
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
Thomson will preach.
Communion will be celebrated.
SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 11 a.m. The Rev. Dr. Dierdre L.
Thomson will preach.
Guests: The Chiyan Chorus.
SUNDAY, JUNE 15, 11 a.m. The Rev. Barbara McDonald
will preach. The singers of the Rossmoor Chorus will be
directed by Gloria Montlack. Please join us in Fellowship
after the service.
SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 11 a.m. The Rev. Dr. Dierdre L.
Thomson will preach.
Stephanie Pervall will be the soloist.
SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 11 a.m. The Rev. Dr. Dierdre L.
Thomson will preach.
Eleanor Macchia will be the soloist.
Catholic Society schedules Anointing and Healing Mass
on Tuesday, June 10 in the Meeting House
By Gene Horan
An Anointing and Healing
Mass sponsored by the
Catholic Society will be celebrated at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 10, in the Meeting
House. Rev. Edward
Flanagan, pastor of Nativity
of Our Lord Church, will be
the celebrant. The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered.
Please note the time and
day. It is scheduled for Tuesday at 1:30 p.m., not the
usual Thursday evening.
This is designed to make it
possible for those who cannot attend in the evening to
participate. Refreshments
and fellowship will follow.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry
will be held at 1:30 p.m. on
Thursday, June 12, and
Thursday, June 26, in the
Craft Room of the Club-
The Chaplet of Divine
Mercy will be prayed at 3
p.m. on Tuesday, June 17, in
the Maple Room of the Clubhouse.
The next meeting of the
Catholic Society Council is
set for 7 p.m. on Thursday,
June 5, in the Meeting House
The Catholic Society invites those attending the
Mass to bring non-perishable
foods such as canned soup
and vegetables, pasta, and
cereal for the Kiwanis Food
Your Garden
By Mel Moss
Angel Trumpets
Tropical plants have become popular in recent
years, with their vining or
hanging growth habits and
lots of different flower colors. One less well known
family of tropical plants has
flowers that are not only
exotic, but also highly aromatic. Actually, these
plants are in two closely
related families: Datura and
Brugmansia. Their common
name is Angel Trumpet
since their flowers are
shaped like a trumpet,
ranging between seven and
15 inches long by four to
six inches wide, depending
on the variety.
Both varieties grow shrub
-like, varying in size from
five to 15 feet in height. The
difference between them is
that Datura is an annual
and Brugmansia is perennial, except it doesn’t matter as neither one will survive our winters unless they
are brought inside before
the first freeze in fall.
Their original habitat is
the coastal rain forest of
southeast Brazil, growing
along river banks and the
edges of forests. Having
been popularized, they now
grow throughout Central
America, Mexico, and even
Florida. The flowers are
beautiful and showy, but
what I find most amazing is
their fragrance, especially
in the evening. You don’t
have to put your nose into
the flower to catch its fragrance. One winter I was
standing over a plant in one
of my greenhouses. Although the plant was in the
far end of the building, its
fragrance spread through
the whole place. They are
more fragrant in the evening to attract night-flying
moths, which aid in their
pollination. One red flowered variety has very little
fragrance, but the red color
attracts long-billed humming birds to do the polli-
The original Daturas had
nine species, while the
Brugmansias had seven
species, but because of cultivating and hybridizing,
over a thousand cultivars
are now being grown and
sold in colors ranging from
pure white to pink, gold,
violet, red, or a combination
of the colors. Some even
have double flowers, a
trumpet within a trumpet.
Some varieties have variegated foliage for added ornamental value. Among the
more popular cultivars are
Dr. Seuss, Frosty Pink, and
Charles Grimaldi.
Angel Trumpets make a
great container plant,
blooming most of the summer and into fall. They
don’t like the hot sun of
summer, preferring morning sun and filtered afternoon sun. While in bloom,
it is important to feed them
with liquid fertilizer once or
even twice a week, as they
are heavy feeders. Be sure
not to give them heavier
than recommended doses
as a substitute for more
frequent feeding. When fall
comes, you can cut them
back and bring them indoors to a location that
gets some direct sun.
If you want some beautiful tropical flowers with an
aroma that’s out of this
world, why not try one of
the many varieties of Angel
Trumpet? A word of caution: Angel Trumpets belong to the Solanacea family, along with tomatoes,
potatoes, peppers, and
eggplant. Many in this family have toxic foliage or
seeds and fruit. The leaves
and seeds of Angel Trumpets are considered poisonous, but they are so bitter
that it is highly unlikely that
anyone, human or pet,
would consume enough to
cause harm.
The Rossmoor NEWS
Palliative Care
By, Kaytie Olshefski, BS, RN-BC
Many people think of palliative care and hospice as
being one. There are differences and similarities between the two. Hospice care
is rendered at the end of life
with palliative care being part
of hospice to keep the person comfortable and pain
free as possible. Hospice
has much to offer at a very
difficult time. It helps people
to reclaim their lives and allows them to be in control. It
is a holistic approach to care
for the sick person and the
caregiver, by providing emotional and spiritual comfort.
Palliative care is also referred to as comfort care,
supportive care, and system
management. Palliative care
has the same principle as
hospice to improve the quality of life and provide comfort
and relief to the patient who
has a serious disease and to
the family. Palliative care differs from hospice in that it is
offered earlier in the disease
process. Care can begin as
early as when the diagnosis
is made regardless of life
expectancy. Palliative care
continues during treatment
and afterwards. Palliative
care is for people of all ages
with serious, chronic, and life
By Marlene Niwore
Walk lights
When you see a walk light
that is out, it would be helpful
if you would place a bag over
it and then call Maintenance
(655-2121) to report it. The
bag lets other residents know
it has been reported and
marks the broken light. In
many Mutuals a Director or
resident volunteer will
change walk light bulbs
themselves. Please give
them time to get to it. If it’s
more than just a simple bulb
replacement, the Director will
contact us to make the necessary repair.
Alteration requests
If you’re having any
changes or improvements
made to your manor, including installing a lawn sprinkler
system, the first step is to get
an Alteration Request form at
Maintenance. The staff will
be glad to help you fill it out.
If you’ve been talking to a
contractor, he should be able
to supply a sketch or picture
to go with it to help explain
what you want to do. The
Alteration Request is then
reviewed. This normally
takes about ten days, so
please allow plenty of time.
A schedule for where the
landscapers will be working
is posted on Channel 3 daily.
It is posted the afternoon
prior. You can see what Mutual they are in and what
they will be doing for that
Personal carport storage
Any belongings kept in and
around your personal carport
storage are totally your responsibility.
Bulk pick up
Free bulk garbage pick up
is scheduled for July 21. The
schedule, locations and further information will be in the
July issue.
Office hours
Our office hours are 8:30
a.m. to 5 p.m. We are closed
between 12 and 1 p.m. If we
are on another line, or unable to get to the phone,
please leave a message and
we will get back to you as
soon as we can. If you have
a maintenance emergency
and get the answering machine, please call the North
Gate at 655-7586.
JUNE 2014
Homeowner’s insurance
It is extremely important
that you have homeowner’s
insurance coverage. If you
experience damage in your
(Continued on page 24)
threatening illnesses. It helps
people live as well as they
can for as long as they are
able. Some typical diseases
include cancer, congestive
heart failure, kidney failure,
COPD, Alzheimer’s disease,
Parkinson’s disease, and
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). If the patient improves and/or recovers from
the illness, he or she can
stop palliative care. Others
with chronic conditions can
be in and out of palliative
care, for example, someone
with COPD. People who are
undergoing treatment may
use palliative care to ease
side effects of curative treatment, such as nausea associated with chemotherapy.
Research has shown palliative care is beneficial and
improves the quality of life for
patients and families.
Palliative care is not just
for the end of life. It helps a
person who is still undergoing medical treatment. It
gives patients control of their
treatment options and improves their ability to tolerate
medical treatment. If the disease progresses to where no
further treatment will be pursued, palliative care can
transition into hospice care.
Palliative care, like hospice
care, is holistic. It encompasses treatment, pain medications and side effects,
emotional and social challenges, spiritual needs,
goals, and the wishes in the
patient’s living will.
Palliative care is a multidisciplinary team approach to
coordinate care with doctors,
nurses, social worker, patient
navigator, pharmacist, and
pastoral counselor. Palliative
care is provided at hospitals,
long term facilities, cancer
centers and at home. If you
are interested in palliative
care, speak with your physician for the names of palliative care and symptom management specialists. Area
hospitals such as Saint Peter’s University Hospital,
Robert Wood Johnson, and
Centra State Healthcare System provide palliative care,
and hospice agencies will be
able to provide further information.
Palliative care services are
usually covered by health
insurance, depending on the
treatment and medications.
Palliative care is covered under Medicare and Medicaid
but again, it depends on the
treatment and medications.
In our lecture series from
Saint Peter’s University Hospital,
Hoagland, whose focus of
practice includes elder law,
estate planning, and many
other services, will be speaking on “Living Wills/Advance
Directives” on Monday, June
9 at 1 p.m. in the Maple
Room. If you are interested
in attending the lecture,
please call the Health Care
Center at 655-2220 or stop
by to sign up.
I want to thank everyone
for coming out to the Health
Fair. It was wonderful to see
you and I hope you found it
informative and took advantage of the screenings being
offered. I especially want to
thank all the volunteers who
helped us at the Health Fair.
Thank you!
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
The deadline for
The Rossmoor News
is the 7th
of every month.
By Vincent Piccoli, President
(Continued from page 23)
Activities for the month of
June 2014: mowing lawns,
pruning bushes in 3-ft. bed
area, spraying weed killer
in sidewalks and driveways,
edging, spraying second
preemergent, broadleaf weed
control, and fertilizer.
Tip for the month: Watering lawns should be done
first thing in the morning
and in the evening. Make
sure your irrigation system
is working properly.
If you remove bushes,
large branches or yard debris, please tie and put it on
the curb for pickup on Mondays only. No pots or plastic bags. If it rains, pick up
will be Tuesday. If you have
a landscaper remove
bushes, he must take them
If you choose to have
your own landscaper or do
your own landscaping,
please use the yellow stake
and ribbon procedure. Directions, ribbons and
stakes are available at the
Maintenance office. Do not
put yard debris in the
If you have any questions
or concerns about landscaping services, please
feel free to call. The phone
number for Millennium is
655-5134. If no one answers, leave your message
on the answering machine
and we will get back to you
as soon as possible. If you
have an emergency, call
Maintenance at 655-2121
and they will get in touch
with someone from Millennium. The main office
phone number, 1-877-7174300, is for irrigation calls
All monthly activities are
subject to weather conditions. Please watch Channel 3 for our daily and rescheduled activities.
home, even if it came from
your neighbor’s manor, it still
falls under your policy. If you
do not have coverage, the
damage would be an out-ofpocket expense and can be
very costly. Make sure to
have an H06 insurance policy and a rider for sewer
backups. Please check that
your current policy has
enough limits to cover the
items in your manor such as
personal belongings, flooring
and any upgrades. You may
have to increase the limits on
your policy.
Sewer lines
Please refrain from putting
wipes and paper towels down
the drains and toilets. This can
clog the sewer pipes, costing
your Mutual and RCAI money,
which in turn costs the homeowners money.
Women and the law will be topic at LWV
annual luncheon
By Ruth Banks
The annual luncheon and
business meeting of the
League of Women Voters of
Monroe Twp. is scheduled for
June 9 at the Forsgate Country Club. This year’s guest
speaker will be Dolores Meyerhoff, a resident of Concordia
and a well known educator.
Space is limited and reservations for the luncheon can be
made by contacting Doris
Altman at 609-655-5932. The
cost is $38. The business
meeting will begin at 11:30,
prior to lunch.
Ms. Meyerhoff’s topic will be
“Women’s Rights, the Law and
the Constitution.” She will explore how the law and the
Constitution have been used
to deny women their legal
rights, and how, after years of
struggle and protest, the law
and the Constitution were
used to grant women their legal rights. The head of the social studies department at East
Brunswick High School, Ms.
Meyerhoff taught 20th century
American history and constitutional law, and wrote the curriculum for and taught a
course on women’s history.
Her great interest in law and
its application led her to become a member of the Juvenile Conference Committee,
where the members worked
with young people at risk of
involvement in the justice system. A recipient of the Gover-
nor’s Award for outstanding
teaching of history, she retired
in 1996 after 30 years of
The League of Women
Voters itself was created after more than 70 years of
badgering Congress to pass
an amendment which would
grant women the right to
vote, But getting the vote
was just the beginning;
women had to be educated
to understand the workings
of government. Having been
voiceless, and therefore
mostly invisible for so many
years, women had to be
taught, had to learn, how and
when to use their voices.
The League is a nonpartisan political organization,
dedicated to creating understanding of public policy by
its members and the public.
It plans voter registration
drives, offers pertinent information on elections, and often sponsors forums for candidates. The LWVNJ maintains a VOTELINE at 1-800792-VOTE, and publishes a
Citizens Guide to Government. Information on that can
be had at the League office
at 204 W. State St., Trenton,
or by calling 609-394-3303.
The Monroe Twp. League
meets monthly, usually on
the 4th Monday of the month,
at the Township Municipal
Building, at 1 p.m. For information on joining the
League, which is open to
men and women over the
age of 18, or about programs, which are free and
open to the public, please
feel to contact Ruth Banks,
609-655-4791, or Judy
Perkus, 609-395-1552.
Ongoing Activities
The following is a current
list of the Monroe Senior
Center’s ongoing activities.
Visit the center to see a calendar or call 609-448-7140.
Healthy Bones/Boning Up/
Drop-In Bridge/ Yarn It! /
Got Game/ Center Chorus/
Chessmates/ Stroke Support/ Duplicate Bridge/
GOLD assistance/ Blood
Friends of the Senior Center
Thumbs/ Cancer Support/
Science Today/ Beginners
Folk Dancing/ Computer
Clinic/ Art Studio/ Cribbage/
Jewelry Gems/ Parkinson’s
Support/ Diabetes Support/
Alzheimer’s Support/ Ceramics Studio/ Lo-Vision
Support/ Folk Dancing/ Canasta Clique/ Harmonikids/
The Busy Bees.
The Rossmoor NEWS
The Rossmoor Community Pool will open the weekend of
Memorial Day on Saturday, May 24th, and close on Labor
Day, Monday, September 1st
The Pool will be open daily between the hours
of 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Access to the pool and any of the facilities in the fenced area around the
pool are permitted only when a lifeguard is in attendance.
Upon entering the pool area, all residents must register and present Rossmoor identification.
Residents are required to register their personally invited guests. Guests
are required to abide by all established rules and regulations.
As per New Jersey State Bathing Code: persons showing evidence of
communicable infection, sore or inflamed eyes, cold, nasal or ear discharges, or excessive sunburn will not be permitted in the pool area. Persons with open sores, blisters, cuts, and/or bandages will not be permitted
in the pool.
Persons recovering from diarrhea or symptoms of gastrointestinal disease
are encouraged to wait seven days before using the pool.
Showers are required prior to entering the pool.
No animals, except for service animals, shall be allowed within the pool
Food and snacks are not permitted in the pool area. The Clubhouse and
Pro Shop Terraces have tables and chairs for residents to use for dining.
Radios or other music media are not permitted in the pool area, except
those equipped to play through earphones.
Beach towels should be used to cover and protect pool chairs and
lounges when sun tan oil/lotions are being used.
There is a 30 minute time limit when using swimming lanes and the lanes
are to be shared.
Only water in nonbreakable containers is permitted in the pool area.
Pool furniture is available on first-come, first-come basis. Personal furniture is not permitted in the pool area.
Pool toys—inflatable, plastic, foam, or any other material—and swimming
devices such as, but not limited to, swimmees, inner tubes, fins, etc., are
NOT permitted in the pool, except for Aqua Aerobic classes. Only US
Coast Guard-approved life jackets may be used in the pool as flotation
devices, and paddles may only be used for lap swimming. Rossmoor residents may use “Noodles” in the shallow end of the swimming pool (as
exercise/therapy tools but NOT as flotation devices.) “Noodles” may NOT
be used during special events in the pool.
Card and board games are permitted at the pool after 4:00 p.m.
Management reserves the right to close the pool at any time.
Lifeguards are obligated to close the pool in the event of potentially dangerous weather.
Lifeguards and Pool Staff are required to enforce all Rules and Regulations.
Persons suspected of being under the influence of drugs and alcohol shall
be prohibited from entering the pool area.
Smoking is NOT permitted in the pool area.
Neither diving nor “horseplay” is permitted.
Violators of the Rules may lose their pool privileges.
All residents must register their guests at the pool. Residents do not have
to remain with guests over the age of twenty-one. Only residents may
purchase pool passes in the E & R office. Residents assume full responsibility for their guests. Pool passes will be required for all guests during all
hours of operation.
There is a maximum of four pool passes per day, except for major
holidays when there is a limit of two passes per Manor. Major holidays
include Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day. The fee for a pool pass
is $4.00 per person. Every Manor will be given four guest passes at no
charge to use during the current pool season. Passes will be available
in the E & R office and must be signed for by a resident of the Manor.
Children between the ages of four and sixteen will be permitted to use
the pool and surrounding facilities between the hours of 11:00 a.m.—
2:00 p.m. daily and must be accompanied by a resident at all times.
Children between the ages of four and sixteen must exit the pool at
2:00 p.m. and exit the pool area no later than 2:30 p.m. Children under
the age of 4 are NOT permitted in the pool or any of the facilities in the
fenced area around the pool.
Children between the ages of 4 and 16 should be encouraged to use the
restrooms before entering the water and any “accidents” in the water
should be immediately reported to the lifeguard.
Children under 17 years of age are NOT permitted in the Hot Tub.
Lane swimming is available on a daily basis as follows:
Three Lanes:
Monday, Friday,
Saturday, Sunday
Two Lanes: Daily:
Family Swim Days
9 a.m. – 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.
9 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. and 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.
9 a.m. – 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
9 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. and 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.
4 p.m. – 5 p.m.
9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Please note: Rules and Regulations are subject to change
from time to time due to E&R special events
JUNE 2014
June Calendar of Events for Monroe Township Public Library
Downton Abbey Series:
Season 2, Episodes 3-7
2:30 p.m., Mondays, June
2, 9, 16, 23, 30.
Catch up on the awardwinning PBS drama series
about a pre-WWI family and
their servants. Registration
not required.
Book Discussion with
Sylvia Deutsch
10 a.m., Tuesday, June 3.
Discuss “The Witness Wore
Red”, a memoir by Rebecca
Musser. Register and reserve your copy at the Welcome Desk.
When to Call 911
Presented by Barbara Vaning, MHA, 11 a.m., Tuesday,
June 3. Whether it’s an accidental injury or sudden chest
pains, do you know when to
call 911? Topics include what
constitutes an emergency,
what to do if you can not talk
and what you can do while
waiting for help to arrive.
Register at the Welcome
Book Café
11 a.m., Wednesday, June
4. Talk about books that you
read and enjoyed. Light refreshments served. Register
at the Welcome Desk.
New Jersey at 350
10 a.m., Friday, June 6.
Author and Professor Michael Rockland presents
New Jersey’s image and the
events that helped shape the
state from 1664 until today.
Free tickets are available at
the Welcome Desk.
Coupon Club
1:30 p.m., Monday, June 9.
Clip, swap and trade coupons. Discuss deals, share
frugal tips and shopping experiences. Bring a pair of
scissors and your stash of
non-expired coupons. Program is free and registration
is not required.
P.O.V. Summer Film Series
“15 to Life” directed by
Nadine Pequeneza at 1 p.m.,
Tuesday, June 10. See independent documentaries in
advance of national broadcast premier on PBS. Does
sentencing a teenager to life
without parole serve society?
Follow a Florida man who
received four life sentences
at age 15. Audience discussion to follow film. This event
is a collaboration with the
award-winning documentary
series P.O.V. (
pov). Registration is not required.
Friends Membership Social
1 p.m., Thursday, June 12.
Maggie Worsdale is Martha
Washington sharing facts
and stories about other First
Ladies. Bring a friend and
help grow Friends membership. Light refreshments will
be served. Call (732) 5215000 x134 to register by
June 1.
Sit -N- Stitch
10:30 a.m., Fridays, June
13, 27. Stitch projects, assist
others, share tips, projects
and patterns. Bring your own
supplies. Light refreshments
served. Registration not required.
Gallery Artist Reception:
Valentina Kuroschepova
1-3 p.m., Saturday, June
14. Meet the artist and enjoy
light refreshments. Registration is not required.
Create it With Theresa
1:30 p.m., Monday, June
16. Craft with friends. Register at Reference or through
the Library’s Website.
Library Board Meeting
6:30 p.m., Monday, June
Coffee and a Book
10:30 a.m., Tuesday, June
17. Discuss “San Miguel” by
T.C. Boyle. Register and reserve your copy at the Welcome Desk.
The Wizard of Menlo Park
Presented by Raconteur
Radio Theatre Group at 2
p.m., Friday, June 20. A live
production about Thomas
Edison. Free tickets available
at the Welcome Desk.
Happy 350th Birthday NJ!
Free Movie
2 p.m., Tuesday, June 24.
1994 romantic comedy, “I.Q.”
Albert Einstein (Walter Matthau) helps a young man
(Tim Robbins) get the attention of his niece (Meg Ryan).
Free tickets available at the
Welcome Desk.
Friends Meeting
7 p.m., Tuesday, June 24
History of the Jersey Shore
Presented by Kevin Woyce
at 2 p.m., Friday June 27.
Author and historian Kevin
Woyce presents New Jersey’s coastal history including history of its lighthouses
and popular beach resorts
through slides, photos and
vintage maps. Register at the
Welcome Desk.
George Ivers Display Case
Monroe Historical Preservation Commission presents
dairy memorabilia
Rotunda Art Gallery
Valentina Kuroschepova
showcases her mosaic murals.
All events are open to the
Traffic Safety
Please drive carefully
within the community making sure to STOP at stop
signs, use your DIRECTIONAL SIGNALS and
abide by the . SPEED
LIMIT. Also, please be certain to park on the right
side of the street.
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
Senior Center Highlights
Important phone numbers:
Rossmoor Bus .......................................... 609-655-4401
Hours 10:00 -11:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Monroe Township Transportation ............ 609-443-0511
Middlesex County
Area Transportation (MCAT) ................1-800-221-3520
St. Peter’s University Hospital
On Time Transportation .......................1-800-858-8463
All schedules are available outside the E&R office
(near the copy machine) or via the Web at and following the links Facilities, Clubhouse and
Activities, and Bus Info.
The deadline for
The Rossmoor News
is the 7th of every
All members, of the Office
of Senior Services, have the
opportunity to participate in
its daily activities. Being a
registered member is free to
Monroe Township residents,
55 years of age or older. The
Senior Focus newsletter
(calendar of events) is available around the 15th of the
previous month (i.e. the July
issue is distributed in June).
In order to participate in the
different programs, registration is necessary. Members
can call up to 48 hours in
advance AND between the
hours of 9 and 11:30 a.m.
the morning of a program.
Depending on the nature of a
given activity, there could be
attendance limitations. So,
signing up in advance is
ideal to guarantee your spot.
For more information, visit
the Senior Center to pick up
a calendar of events or call
Get Your Game On!
On select days and times,
bring friends, your game of
choice, and get a table, while
they last. Game Daze are on
Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 1 to 4 p.m.
and on Tuesday and Friday
mornings from 9 to noon.
RUMMIKUB available on the
1st and 3rd Wednesday;
cribbage players meet on the
2nd and 4th Wednesday.
(Some days are shared with
Mindless Eating
On Monday, June 2, at 10
a.m., learn how to be more
aware of “bad” eating habits
and what you are eating for
better control and nutrition.
Presented by Caryn Alter,
MS, RD, CentraState.
Caring for Someone with
Alzheimer’s Disease
On Monday, June 2, at 11
a.m., Genevieve Belfiglio,
RN, TNCC, from Comfort
Keepers, discusses the
warning signs of early Alzheimer’s and offers tips to
caregivers on dealing with
the daily routine, difficult behavior and coping strategies.
An American Diplomat in
Franco Spain
On Monday, June 2, at
1:30 p.m., meet Michael
Rockland, Rutgers Professor
and author of An American
Diplomat in Franco Spain, as
he shares his experiences as
a cultural attaché at the
United States Embassy in
Madrid, Spain in the 1960’s.
He captures episodes of historical and cultural significance as he weaves in his
own personal stories. After
the program, Mr. Rockland
will be available for book
Pickle Ball Clinic
On Tuesday, June 3, at 9
a.m., join Norman Olinsky as
he provides this brief clinic
on Pickle Ball: the game, the
rules, and the safety. Then,
head outside to the “courts”
and play the game. Please
register in advance.
Computer Clinic
On the first Wednesday of
the month, computer whizzes
will be available to assist you
on the computer and
promptly respond to your
questions, from 10 a.m. to
Noon. In addition, one-onone computer guidance is
available, by appointment.
For more information: 609448-7140.
Line Dancing Queens
On Wednesday, June 4, at
2 p.m., the Line Dancing
Queens of Greenbriar of
Whittingham have prepared
a special one hour show for
you. Enjoy many music genres as the ladies boogie their
way into your hearts.
Caregivers Cafe
On Thursday, June 5, at
1:30 p.m., family caregivers
and their care receivers can
enjoy this special day out to
socialize in a supportive environment. Light refreshments and “The Best of the
Carol Burnett Show” are included. Note: pre-registration
must be done by calling:
Susan Schwartz, CSW at 1866-300-3277; or Dale OfeiAyisi, LCSW, at 732-2358452. Hosted by EARS for
Caregivers Program, COPSA
Geriatric Services.
It Could be Poison
On Thursday, June 5, at
1:30 p.m. Barbara Vaning,
MHA, EMT Instructor,
Princeton Healthcare System
Community Education, provides this informative discussion on poisons: how they
enter the body, identifying
them, and what to do if you
suspect poisoning. Please
register in advance.
Bagels & Secrets of
the Mind
On Friday, June 6, at 10
a.m., enjoy bagels and
smear, courtesy of The Gardens at Monroe as well as
continental fare via the Center Staff, while watching SECRETS OF THE MIND. This
NOVA DVD presentation explores the work of Dr. V.S.
Ramachandran, who tackles
four mysterious cases of the
mind and provides mindboggling conclusions. Tickets: $3 p.p. — due upon registering in-person by June 3.
Billy Joel’s Greatest Hits
On Friday, June 6, at 1:30
p.m., enjoy this DVD presentation featuring Billy Joel’s
classic rock videos and hits
from the 80’s and 90’s. The
musical journey is complimented by Joel’s candid
commentary on his own music and career.
Drivers’ Safety Program
On Monday, June 9, at
8:45 a.m., the AARPsponsored Drivers Safety
Program will be held. For
space availability, please ask
for Rosanna. $15, member.
$20, non-member.
Monet’s Garden
On Monday, June 9, at 10
a.m., join Maurice Mahler,
Art Historian, for a fascinating presentation on Claude
Monet and his most inspira(Continued on page 27)
Rossmoor Resident
Telephone Directory
Please mail or bring this form to the
Rossmoor Community Association, Inc.,
Village Center
128 Sussex Way, Monroe Twp., NJ 08831
with any changes or deletions to your
name, address or telephone listing.
Information as it now appears:
NAME: _______________________________________
ADDRESS: _____________________________________
PHONE: _______________________________________
Changes for the 2014 – 2015 edition:
NAME: _______________________________________
ADDRESS: _____________________________________
(1) PHONE OR (1) CELL: __________________________
**All Changes must be received by July 19, 2014**
If your name, address and/or telephone number in
the 2013 – 2014 edition is correct,
it is not necessary for you to complete this form.
The Rossmoor NEWS
Classified Advertising
A. HARRINGTON LIMOUSINE – Owners are Greenbriar
Whittingham residents. Call
(800) 458-5466.
Monroe area (Encore resident). Transportation to airports, trains, piers, NYC and
reasonable rates. Call Howard
(732) 979-3085.
CAR SERVICE – For a comfortable ride I hope you decide
to call John (609) 655-2015.
Airports, doctors, shopping.
TRANSPORTATION DOCTOR – Airports, trains, piers,
doctors, local service, NYC.
Reliable and references. Call
Lon J. (732) 423-1847.
DRIVER – NYC, airports, anywhere. Clearbrook resident.
Call John (609) 235-9191 or
(732) 610-0703.
place, any time. Special care Doctors, nursing homes, shopping. Rossmoor resident (908)
Monroe resident. All airports,
shipyards, NYC and local.
Doctor and hospital visits.
(917) 657-5611.
LEN’S HANDYMAN SERVICE, LLC – Summer is almost here - time for fix-ups
and repairs. Specializing in
home improvements. We do it
all. We paint one room or the
whole house. Sheetrock and
wall repair. Crown moulding.
Renew or repair that bathroom
or kitchen. Doors, medicine
cabinets, closet doors and
closet remodeling. Bath tile
and grout, caulking, shelving,
Pergo flooring and ceramic
tile, electrical work – anything
in your home. Whole house/
garage cleanouts. Monroe
Township resident. All major
credit cards accepted. Licensed and insured. NJ License # 13VH03701800. Call
(732) 353-6031.
Community special - $110 plus
tax. Includes I story house,
concrete front walkway and
back concrete patio. Call for
detail s at (732) 367-1071.
NEEDS – I can come to you.
Joan (609) 655-4363.
pain relief therapy. Please call
(732) 822-9133.
shopping needs. Call Judith.
(732) 266-7465.
– Bonded and insured. Call
(609) 860-9696.
CALL DOREEN – If you need
a ride. Rossmoor resident.
(609) 655-8489.
TRAVEL – All hairdressing services. Will come to your home.
Licensed hairdresser. Call Georgianne (732) 985-8129.
TRANSPORTATION – Airports, events, doctor’s appointments and more. Call George
(732) 887-5437.
– Errands, doctor’s appointments, bank reconciliation,
household organizing and
more. Bonded, reasonable
and reliable. Call Carol (609)
Home Improvement
& Services
Kitchen, bath, closet remodeling, tiling, painting. Call Bob
Katz – (609)
490-9522.for details.
SERVICES – Local resident.
No job too small. All labor
guaranteed. Call me to discuss – no obligation. Reasonable rates. Call (609) 4097096 or (908) 385-5869.
LLC – Windows, doors, complete renovations, small
handyman services. BBB accredited. (732) 656-0040.
WASHING – Reliable, dependable, affordable. Senior
discounts. Bulk prices available. (732) 476-9555.
See my display ad in this edition. (732) 780-0468.
JUNE 2014
HAIRCUTS DONE in the comfort of your own home. Please
call Renee at (908) 705-7569.
Sales Company LLC (formerly
Monroe Computer Service). Is
your computer running slow? It
may need a tune-up. Desktop
and laptop repair in your
home. Virus removal and protection. Monroe resident with
over 20 years of computer experience. (732) 723-9537
or (732) 967-3400.
Wanted to Buy
I WILL BUY your old digital or
film camera. Arthur (609) 4090628. I will come to you.
WAITING – I come to you.
Any make, any year, don’t
trade. Call me first, I’m a fellow
senior. (732) 735-0125 from
8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 days a
Call for pricing. (609) 5589509. Ask for David. Licensed
Firearms Dealer.
For Sale
CRYPT at the non-sectarian
Woodbridge Memorial Gardens. For additional information call (352) 553-0469.
BIKE. Purchased 2007, excellent condition, $250. Horizon
Club T500 treadmill, nine programs, quick keys. Folds for
storage, excellent condition.
Purchased 2007, $250. Both
for $400. Call (609) 664-2421.
OVERCOMING INCONTINENCE. Whether we call it an
accident or overactive bladder,
our body can lose bladder and
bowel control. If the solution is
absorbent products, perhaps I
can help. Products for less. Discreet packaging. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Free catalog.
Please call Elaine (570) 8514793 or write to: E. Austin, P.O.
Box 34, Robbinsville, NJ 08691.
Real Estate
for Sale
ADIRONDACKS – 3 bedroom,
1½ bathrooms, laundry, living/
sunroom. Toplisky (609) 4097575.
me market environmentally
safe, eco-friendly products. Hold
in-home product parties. Have
fun and make money. We will
show you how. Training and
help is provided. Call Phil,
Clearbrook resident at (718) 619
-9827 for more information.
Leave your name and number.
We will return your call.
Help & Health
AIDE – 15 years of experience, valid driver’s license,
willing to work live-outs only.
(609) 369-6425.
AIDE/CAREGIVER – Companionship, meals, errands,
scheduling and transportation
to doctor appointments, recreational needs. Monroe
Township resident. Call Lillian
(908) 208-2215.
– Home Health Aides, Skilled
Nursing, companion care, 24
hour live-ins, hourly live-outs.
Accredited by CHAP. Licensed, insured and bonded.
Your comfort is our responsibility. Call (732) 441-2273.
will help you live independently; a few hours a day or a
few hours a week. Experienced, reliable, affordable.
Local, references. (646) 4130813.
PRIVATE ADULT CAREGIVER available. 19 years
experience, live-in/out. Janka
(203) 460-0918 or (732) 8733937.
Rossmoor resident. References. Call Doreen. (609) 6558489.
– Very experienced, reliable,
kind. Rossmoor references.
Call (732) 809-1001.
ANNA’S HOME CARE – Certified professional caregiver is
looking for live-in/live-out job in
Monroe Township. Experienced, references. Driver’s
license. Accepts long-term
care insurance. Low prices.
Private care option. Call Anna
at (609) 409-1600 or (908) 337
LEASE A NIECE – Certified
Medical Assistant, assistance
with cooking, household activities, paperwork, companionship, shopping, appointments
and local transportation. NJ
born and bred. Tracie (732)
your home expertly and thoroughly. References, honest,
courteous and experienced.
Reyna (609) 371-4775. You’ll
be glad you called.
Health Aide Service. 20 years
experience. Low rates. Insured
and bonded. Call Eileen at
(609) 860-9050.
CLEANING – Polish ladies,
reliable and experienced. References available. (609) 5860806.
cleaning. Quality work. References available. Reasonable.
2 bedroom/2 bath, $65 and up.
Experienced. Free estimates.
(609) 954-0181 or (609) 6569281.
Senior Center
(Continued from page 26)
tional subject: the Giverny,
the garden that was planted
to be painted. Please register
in advance.
Senior Boot Camp
On Monday, June 9, at
10:30 a.m., our fitness instructor, Georgeann, provides a demonstration to a
potentially new workout for
the Center. In Senior Boot
Camp, different exercise stations will be put in place to
help you work on balance,
strength, and endurance.
Sign up and give it a try!
Arthritis and Heart Health
On Monday, June 9, at
1:30 p.m., Chris Socha, RPh,
from Texas Road Pharmacy,
provides a plethora of information from healthy heart
tips to recipes for healthy
eating to exercise with arthritis. Question & answer period too.
June Movie Times
On select days and times,
enjoy movies such as
“SAVING MR. BANKS” (6/10);
“PHILOMENA” (6/27). Please
(Continued on page 28)
The Rossmoor NEWS
JUNE 2014
Senior Center Highlights
(Continued from page 27)
check this month’s Center Activities Calendar for times.
Evening Summer Series
On Wednesday, June 11,
at 7 p.m., the summer series
kicks off with a special ICED
event, hosted by One Steep
at a Thyme. Other events
include: a Summer Dance
Recital (6/17); a “DINE &
DISCUSS” forum on Osteoarthritis (6/17); a 2-night
Drivers’ Safety Program(6/25
& 6/26); and MEET THE AUTHOR (6/25). For complete
series information, please
consult the flyer insert or pick
one up at the Senior Center.
Watercolor Media Class
Starting on Thursday, June
12, at 1:30 p.m., join Jeremy
Taylor, regionally known watercolorist, for this 5-session
program focusing on watercolor and incorporating acrylics and guache. Explore your
imagination and take your
creativity to new heights.
Course fee: $50, due upon
registering in-person. Space
Prostate Health
On Thursday, June 12, at
1:30 p.m., learn about treatment options available and
have your questions answered about the risks,
benefits, side effects, and
cure rates of the treatments
by a board certified radiation
oncologist from Princeton
Radiation Oncology.
Art Demo & Do: Travel
On Friday, June 13, at 10
a.m., Clare Godleski shows
you how to create a colorful
travel/art journal of special
memories. After viewing an
informative video, you will
review those ideas to start
designing your own journaling experience. COURSE
FEE: $25 p.p., (includes all
supplies) due upon registering in-person before June 6.
Art of the Masters:
John Singer Sargent
On Friday, June 13, at 2 p.m.,
Christina, from Creative Notions,
discusses the career of Sargent.
After the lecture, you can create
a personal masterpiece in the
artist’s style. Lecture only? Sign
up over the phone. Project?
Please register in-person to get
a coupon, while supplies last.
Thomas Elefant Presents
On Monday, June 16, and
Tuesday, June 17, both at
1:30 p.m., Mr. Elefant, Orchestra Conductor, provides
two music lectures this
month: “Form in Music from
Bach to Sinatra” (6/16) and,
“The Violin and the Legendary Heifetz” (6/17). Music
aficionados will have a joyful
afternoon. Please note each
program date separately on
your registration form.
Senior Sensations
On Wednesday, June 18,
at 2:30 p.m., enjoy a performance complete with
beautiful costumes and an
amazing repertoire from this
tapping dance group
(formerly the “G/W-Regency
Tappers”) under the direction
of Bunny Feigenbaum.
Zumba Gold, PLUS
Starting on Friday, June
20, at 9 a.m., join Sandra
as she kicks up the intensity with Zumba Gold Plus
during this 8-session
course. Entirely optional,
more intense moves are
offered for those exercisers
who wish to advance.
Course Fee: $20, due upon
registering by June 12.
Silent Meditation
On Friday, June 20, at 10
a.m., join our Judy Kalman,
CSW, for a relaxing, silent
mediation. Take a deep
breath and discover a sense
of serenity. Weather permitting; the group will mediate in
the gazebo. Space limited.
Pizza Plus Movie
On Friday, June 20, at
Noon, enjoy the Oscarwinning animated feature,
FROZEN, while enjoying
pizza, a drink, and perhaps,
a frozen treat. This comedyadventure-musical will warm
your heart! Tickets: $6 p.p.,
due upon registering inperson.
Library Computer
On Monday, June 23, at
10:30 a.m., Karen Klapperstuck, from our Monroe
Township Library, discusses
the computer services available to you, including but not
limited to: media downloads,
research databases, managing your Library account, and
more. The Center’s Computer Club will follow up with
a hands-on workshop where
you can put what you
learned to good use.
Treasures from Korea
On Monday, June 23, at
1:30 p.m., Beth Williams,
from the Philadelphia Museum of Art, shares the art
and culture of the Joseon
Dynasty (1392-1910) during
this illustrated talk at the
Michael & Ted Present:
Mickey Rooney
On Tuesday, June 24, at 2
p.m., join Michael and Ted,
our friends from WWFM’S
“The Classical Network”, as
they look at the life and career of Mickey Rooney, who
passed away on April 6th.
His legacy, as a performer,
will live on forever.
New Zealand &
On Monday, June 30, at
1:30 p.m., take an armchair
adventure, with Roz Rosenblum, as she provides an
audio-visual experience of
her month-long trip to New
Zealand and Australia, which
coincided with the 2000 summer Olympics.