How to Write for the ELSA Malta Law Review Contents About ELSA 3 About ELSA Malta Law Review 4 Why Write 5 Some Guidelines 6 Academic Articles 9 Case Comments 11 Book Reviews 13 Review Process 14 EMLR Quick Reference Guide 15 OSCOLA Quick Reference Guide 17 MHRA Quick Reference Guide 22 About the European Law Students’ Association ELSA (European Law Students' Association) is an international, independent, non-political, non-profitmaking organisation run by and for students. It is comprised of students and recent graduates who are interested in academic and personal excellence in addition to their studies at their universities. ELSA offers law students the perfect platform to develop their existing skills, acquire new skills and meet fellow students and legal professionals throughout Europe. Five law students from Austria, Hungary, Poland and West Germany founded ELSA in 1981. Today ELSA is the world's largest independent law students' association and it is represented at nearly 200 faculties in 41 countries across Europe with membership in excess of 30 000 students and young lawyers. The Maltese chapter of ELSA, ELSA Malta, was founded in 1991 and is recognised as a student organisation by the Senate of the University of Malta. 3 about elsa About the ELSA Malta Law Review The ELSA Malta Law Review is a student-edited law review published by the European Law Students' Association Malta. It was founded in 2010. The Law Review is published annually and is independent from the University of Malta. The Law Review enjoys the support of the Chamber of Advocates (the Bar Association of Malta). The Law Review is also part of the Social Science Research Network’s Partners in Publishing program. 4 about elsa malta law review Why Write for the Law Review The ELSA Malta Law Review gives you the possibility of researching a topic of interest with the ultimate aim of publication in mind. Contributing to the Law Review enables you to enhance and ameliorate your research and writing skills. These skills are indispensible tools in both academia and practice . Writing for the Law Review is a unique opportunity to gain exposure and to contribute to the current legal debate. 5 why write for the review Guidelines Choosing your topic We suggest that before you start writing you pick a topic which genuinely interests you. Apart from this, you should also make sure that the topic chosen is relevant to the current legal debate on that point. Research While conducting your research, try to be as thorough and comprehensive as possible. Consult a variety of sources and resources, particularly, websites, library resources, and journals. We recommend you take a look at our online resources page. 6 guidelines Some Guidelines Writing It is very important that you adopt a clear and precise style of writing. Keep your arguments and explanation as concise as possible. Always get to the heart of the argument without any unnecessary detours. While an overview of the current legal debate is generally necessary, avoid simply summarising the law or existing literature on a particular topic. You should add a new dimension to the current debate and express your own conclusions and propositions. However, when expressing personal views, you should avoid absolute and categorical statements. Back up your arguments and present an informed and reasoned opinion. Also keep in mind Editorial Policy. Please make sure you familiarise yourself with our editorial policy. It will save you and us time and energy during the editorial review process. 7 guidelines Some Guidelines Also keep in mind … Style and Referencing. Follow the Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA) style guide when writing and the Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) guide when referencing. You must also follow the ELSA Malta Law Review Style & Citation Guide (EMLR). For ease of reference, we have compiled brief summaries of these guides below. However, we strongly advise you go through the full guides before writing. Minimum Word Count. Keep in mind that the editorial policy requires a minimum of 3,500 words for articles and legal updates; a minimum of 1,500 words for case comments and book reviews; and a minimum of 500 words for book squibs. 8 guidelines Academic Articles 1. Title Choose a specific title or question to write about. 2. Research As suggested above, be as thorough comprehensive as possible in your research. and as Look up what has already been said about the particular topic. This will support the arguments you will introduce in the article. 3. Structure & Content Make an outline of how your writing is going to progress. Using headings and sub-headings may be helpful in structuring your argument. Keep your argumentation concise. This will help the reader to actually follow your line of thought. 9 articles Academic Articles 4. Style and Referencing As pointed out above, please constantly refer to the EMLR, MHRA and OSCOLA guides with respect to style and referencing, accordingly. articles In addition, we encourage the use of simple and plain English where the situation permits. Avoid the use of legalese, unless necessary. 5. First Draft After completing your first draft, edit and re-edit your article. Look for: repetition, inconsistencies, and unnecessary words/phrases/paragraphs. Endeavour to submit a perfect piece of work. 10 Case Comments A case comment is a critical analysis of the judgment in a specific court case. 1. Facts You should focus on the facts which are relevant to the outcome of the judgment, but also facts which are necessary to give the reader a good picture of the situation. 2. Court Procedure You should also briefly go through the proceedings. Again, you should not enter into much procedural detail, unless it is of great relevance to the outcome of the case. 3. Claims raised You should also refer to the issues raised by each party during the case. 4. Court’s Reasoning You should delve into the reasons leading to the Court’s decision. It may refer to foreign case law and the opinions of eminent jurists, among others. 11 case comments Case Comments 5. Comment Your case comment should: focus on the importance of the judgment; highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the judgment; outline any legal points which have not been satisfactorily addressed by the Court; reactions, media coverage, and controversy linked to the case in question may also be included in the comment, as these put the judgment in context. 6. Style and Referencing As pointed out above, please constantly refer to the EMLR, MHRA and OSCOLA guides with respect to style and referencing, accordingly. In addition, we encourage the use of simple and plain English where the situation permits. Avoid the use of legalese, unless necessary. 12 case comments Book Reviews 1. The author You should provide information about the author/s or even editor where applicable. This provides the reader with an idea of what to expect from the contents of the book. 2. Review You should discuss the main premise put forward or the main area covered by the book in question. Explain any ulterior points which the work does not cover. Analyse the style of writing. The flow of ideas from one argument to the next. Discuss the sources utilised. Identify the target audience, and whether the book is suitable for such an audience. 3. Style and Referencing As pointed out above, please constantly refer to the EMLR, MHRA and OSCOLA guides with respect to style and referencing, accordingly. In addition, we encourage the use of simple and plain English where the situation permits. Avoid the use of legalese, unless necessary. 13 book reviews Review Process Submission process Once the first draft of your article, case comment or book review is ready, you may submit it to us for review. This is done by means of a submission form that is available on the Review’s website. Editorial Review Process Once your have submitted your draft, the Editor in Chief will either review the article himself or herself or assign it to another Editor. After the initial review, the Editor in Chief shall then correspond with you to address and amend any deficiencies the contribution might have. The Editorial Board may also send your work to an expert on the subject for his feedback. If this is the case, the Editor in Chief will send you the peer reviewer's comments and suggested amendments. Your contribution will then be assigned to another Editor for final review. Your identity shall not be disclosed until the editorial review process is over. 14 review process ELSA Malta Law Review Citation & Style Guide Language and Style Your submission should be in British English. Please use: 'among' and not 'amongst'; 'while' and not 'whilst'; and judgment' not 'judgement' 'For words ending in –ize or –ise, the –ise form is preferred (e.g. recognise not recognize). Kindly note that the Editorial Board for the ELSA Malta Law Review has specifically departed from the MHRA guide in this respect. Citation Maltese Legislation When citing Maltese legislation, first write the number of the chapter of the law, followed by the title Act or Regulation. Should you require to refer to a specific article, include it at the end as “art x”, “x” being the number of the article. Chapter 331 of the laws of Malta, Trusts and Trustees Act, art 9. 15 EMLR citation & style guide ELSA Malta Law Review Citation & Style Guide Citation Maltese Jurisprudence The components of a typical case citation are: case name | [year] | court or tribunal | volume reference OR writ number | specific page or paragraph Use italics for the name of the case, with an unpunctuated italic v to separate the names of adverse parties. Use roman for the rest of the citation. After the name of the case, include, in square brackets, the year in which the judgment was delivered. Subsequently, the abbreviation for the respective court or tribunal should be included. Then one should include either the Case Reports (Kollezzjoni tadDecizjonijiet tal-Qrati Superjuri ta’ Malta) reference for that case or, when the former is not available, the Writ Number assigned to the proceedings. Mary Buhagiar v Director of the Public Registry [2011] CCFH 546/2011 Francesco Tabone et v Paolo Testa et [1908] Comm.Court XX-iii66 16 EMLR citation & style guide OSCOLA Quick Reference Guide General Do not use full stops in abbreviations. Separate citations with a semi-colon. When referring to a footnote cited above, use “(n x)” at the end of the footnote, “x” being the number of the footnote in question. 1Chapter 2Art 16 of the laws of Malta, Civil Code, art 1031. oscola guide 1037, (n 1). Quotations of up to three lines should be incorporated into the text, within single quotation marks. Punctuation follows the closing quotation mark, unless it is an essential part of the quotation, as a question or exclamation mark might be, or unless the whole sentence is a quotation. The footnote marker comes last, after both the closing quotation mark and the punctuation . The Chief Justice explained that this power ‘is not limited to defence against aggression from a foreign nation’.61 17 OSCOLA Quick Reference Guide Present quotations longer than three lines in an indented paragraph, with no further indentation of the first line. Leave a line space either side of the indented quotation. Lord Hoffmann reasoned as follows: It seems to me logical to found liability for damages upon the intention of the parties (objectively ascertained) because all contractual liability is voluntarily undertaken . It must be in principle wrong to hold someone liable for risks for which people entering into such a contract in their particular market, would not reasonably be considered to have undertake. When a quotation begins in the middle of a sentence in the text, the first letter of the quotation should be capitalised if the quotation itself is a complete sentence, but not otherwise . When a quotation begins at the start of a sentence in the text, the first letter should be capitalised, and square brackets placed around it if it was not capitalised in the original text. Bix raises the question, ‘What is the point of a dissent, after all, at least on the highest court of the jurisdiction, if the law simply is whatever the majority on that court says it is?’ When intervening text is missing from the quotation, or if it ends mid-sentence in the original text, use an ellipsis (…) to indicate that some of the original text is missing . 18 oscola guide OSCOLA Quick Reference Guide EU legislation and cases Consolidated Version of the Treaty on European Union [2008] OJ C115/13. Council Regulation (EC) 139/2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings (EC Merger Regulation) [2004] OJ L24/1, art 5. Case C–176/03 Commission v Council [2005] ECR I–7879, paras 47–48. Case C–556/07 Commission v France [2009] OJ C102/8. European Court of Human Rights Omojudi v UK (2010) 51 EHRR 10 Osman v UK ECHR 1998–VIII 3124. Balogh v Hungary App no 47940/99 (ECHR, 20 July 2004). Simpson v UK (1989) 64 DR 188. 19 oscola guide OSCOLA Quick Reference Guide Books Give the author’s name in the same form as in the publication. Give relevant information about editions, translators and so forth before the publisher, and give page numbers at the end of the citation, after the brackets. Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (first published 1651, Penguin 1985) 268. Gareth Jones, Goff and Jones: The Law of Restitution (1st supp, 7th edn, Sweet & Maxwell 2009). K Zweigert and H Kotz, An Introduction to Comparative Law (Tony Weir tr, 3rd edn, OUP 1998). oscola guide Contributions to edited books Francis Rose, ‘The Evolution of the Species’ in Andrew Burrows and Alan Rodger (eds), Mapping the Law: Essays in Memory of Peter Birks (OUP 2006). Journal articles Paul Craig, ‘Theory, “Pure Theory” and Values in Public Law’ [2005] PL 440 When pinpointing, put a comma between the first page of the article and the page pinpoint. JAG Griffith, ‘The Common Law and the Political Constitution’ (2001) 117 LQR 42, 64. 20 OSCOLA Quick Reference Guide Online journals Graham Greenleaf, ‘The Global Development of Free Access to Legal Information’ (2010) 1(1) EJLT < view/17> accessed 27 July 2010. Command papers and Law Commission reports Department for International Development, Eliminating World Poverty: Building our Common Future (White Paper, Cm 7656, 2009) ch 5. Law Commission, Reforming Bribery (Law Com No 313, 2008) paras 3.12–3.17. Websites and blogs Sarah Cole, ‘Virtual Friend Fires Employee’ (Naked Law, 1 May 2009) <http://www.nakedlaw. com/2009/05/index.html> accessed 19 November 2009. Newspaper articles Jane Croft, ‘Supreme Court Warns on Quality’ Financial Times (London, 1 July 2010) 3. 21 oscola guide MHRA Quick Reference Guide Spelling and Usage Commonwealth spelling (as given in the Oxford English Dictionary and its derivatives) is preferred (e.g. honour, defence, centre, travelling etc.). Name Use the native form of the place-name, except in some cases where there is an English form for the foreign name (e.g. Prague, Cologne, Munich, Florence, Moscow). Abbreviations Should be used with caution. Avoid as far as possible in order not to disrupt continuous prose. Avoid starting a sentence/footnote with an abbreviation that is normally printed in lower-case characters (‘e.g.’, ‘i.e.’, ‘pp.’). If this cannot be avoided, note that ‘c.’, ‘e.g.’, ‘i.e.’, ‘l.’, ‘ll.’, ‘p.’, ‘pp.’, remain entirely in lower case. Other abbreviations, such as ‘Cf.’, ‘Ibid.’, or ‘Id.’, take a capital initial. Do not use full-stops after Mr, St, Dr, USA, UK, ad, vols, fols, nos, eds, edn, pls. Do not use full-stops in abbreviated standard reference works, journals, or series: OED, MLR, EETS. Do use full-stops with e.g., i.e., vol., fol., no., ed., pl., p., repr., ps., vol., pp., trans., viz. and so on. 22 mhra guide MHRA Quick Reference Guide Do use full-stops with e.g., i.e., vol., fol., no., ed., pl., p., repr., ps., vol., pp., trans., viz. and so on. Punctuation Commas should appear before the final ‘and’ / ‘or’ in a list of three or more items (e.g. truth, grace, and beauty). Place ellipses within square brackets when they indicate omitted text from a quotation (e.g. [...]). If the beginning of the sentence is omitted following the ellipses, begin with a capital letter. Do not use ellipses at the beginning of a quotation or at the end, unless there is a specific reason. Capitals Adjectives deriving from nouns taking initial capitals are in many cases not capitalised (e.g. Bible, biblical; Satan, satanic). Places, persons, days, and months take capitals; nationalities and nouns deriving from people or languages are capitalised (e.g. Latinate, the Lombards). Unique events and periods take capitals (e.g. the Last Judgement, the Middle Ages). Capitals should be retained after the prefix in hyphenated compound forms such as: anti-Semitism Capitalise references to particular parts of a book (e.g. Chapter 1; Appendix 2; Part ii, Figure 8). 23 mhra guide MHRA Quick Reference Guide Italics Single words or short phrases in a foreign language in italics; direct quotations or more substantial quotations in Roman. Foreign words and phrases that have passed into regular English usage should not be italicised. The following are examples of words that are no longer italicised: ennui, genre, milieu, resume, status quo, vice versa. Use italics for titles of books, journals; but do not use for dissertations or journal / book series. Use italics for: sic, c. Do not use italics for cf., e.g., et al., etc., passim, viz. Dates, Numbers, Currency, Weights & Measures Dates should be given in the form ‘23 April 1564’ (i.e. NOT 23rd). No internal punctuation should be used except when a day of the week is mentioned, e.g. ‘Friday, 12 October 2001’. When referring to a period of time, use the form ‘from 1826 to 1850’ (not ‘from 1826–50’), ‘from January to March 1970’ (not ‘from January–March 1970’). In references to decades, an s without an apostrophe should be used: the 1920s (not the 1920’s). In references to centuries the ordinal should be spelled out: the sixteenth century (not the 16th century). 24 mhra guide MHRA Quick Reference Guide In giving approximate dates circa should be abbreviated as c. followed by a space: c. 1490, c. 300 BC Numbers up to and including one hundred, including ordinals, should be written in words when the context is not statistical. Numbers at the beginning of sentences and approximate numbers should be expressed in words, as should ‘hundred’, ‘thousand’, ‘million’, ‘billion’, etc., if they appear as whole numbers. Words should be preferred to figures where inelegance would otherwise result. mhra guide Quotations and Quotation Marks Quotations in languages other than English are treated in the same way as those in English. Unless there are special reasons to the contrary, the forms of quotation marks in foreign languages (« » „ “ etc.) should be normalised to English usage. Use single quotation marks; double quotation marks only used when there is a quotation within a quotation: Mrs Grose replies that ‘Master Miles only said “We must do nothing but what she likes!” ’. Long quotations should be broken off by an increased space from the preceding and following lines of typescript. 25
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