– Trends and Opportunities FSD 2025

FSD 2025 – Trends and Opportunities
How to address the upcoming challenges to create inclusive and stable
financial systems
Financial Systems Development Global Retreat
14 and 15 July 2014, Bad Honnef
Concept Note
Innovation in financial systems is driven by developing and emerging markets in ever more
unusual coalitions: mobile phone providers team up with seed companies and sovereign
states make business with insurance companies. Privately-led financial services players had
started with microcredit and continued with microinsurance. Today digital innovations in
frontier markets represent a new terrain for regulators and industry players and at the same
time enable the dissemination of renewable energy technologies in remote areas.
To support the various players – both private and public – in moving beyond their traditional
roles and responsibilities, we want to equip our partners to map new opportunities and
mitigate the risks; at the same time ensuring that consumer protection remains the highest
principle in Financial Systems Development in 2025. Together we want to continue
international efforts in empowering individuals through responsible financial inclusion and
contributing to more stable financial sectors.
Objective and Agenda
During the two day retreat we want to scrutinize the latest trends and developments in the
sector and challenge our existing approaches in financial systems and discuss their impact
on our way of working.
The first day focuses on longer term global trends in the development of financial sectors. A
keynote address will inspire the participants by depicting forecasts and emerging trends, as
well as providing striking figures for the years to come. A panel of financial systems
development experts will then discuss these trends with respect to the tasks and challenges
for our future work and try to provide answers to some very important questions:
In what way will digital financial services contribute to achieving large scale
financial broadening and deepening impact?
What are the implications of the application of digital financial services to our products
and services which we are offering up until today? And what additional challenges in
terms of “understanding customers” will these future financial services entail?
What will the financial system risk landscape look like in 2025? What implications
will these risks, and especially newly emerging ones, have on the promoters of
financial inclusion (central banks, donors, implementing agencies), on financial
institutions themselves, and, most importantly, on clients? Are we ready?
For this event, we are delighted to welcome the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation
and Development (BMZ), members of our expert network, key project partners, interested
GIZ colleagues and the global GIZ Financial Systems Development team based in projects
worldwide and at headquarters.
The second day will be devoted to knowledge exchange between projects and sharing of
lessons learned. This day is exclusive for FSD staff of GIZ and aims at narrowing down
insights from the bigger picture on day one, thereby ensuring transferring the specific
topics GIZ deals with in its programs. The focus will be on reflecting what those future
trends mean for GIZ programs, GIZ partner institutions and GIZ staff.
On the one hand, the break-away sessions will be made up around GIZ’s existing working
groups (on specific themes including regulation, insurance, agricultural finance, SME
finance, responsible finance). On the other hand, there will be space to discuss in which
format GIZ will be cooperating in the countries in 2025, taking into account the dynamics that
are developing among our partner countries.
A market place will allow colleagues to present their work to others during the entire time of
the retreat.
The conference will take place at the Seminaris Hotel in Bad Honnef, Germany. Further
information on logistical arrangements will be sent to you together with a detailed agenda.