It Press-Republican-Friday, Novembers, 1982 Dozens die in soccer stampede Scoreboard NBA standings NHL standings toUnstssiPraeelmernirlannl (tntsrmmennse inrlnried) NATlOMALHOOtHY LEAGUE ' BrUnltedPreee Internnilonei jWieeliigetCelinrr not Included) WnsesSllfnwfSS'SliriB Atinnttt Division W L Pet. GH Ol.Oe* 01.000 2 500 1W PMiMiclpfci*. New Jersey Wnehintjton New York CentrslDlrisioo A Detroit 3 Milwsuket 1 Indlnns 1 Atlents 1 Cnlcnio Clevelind 0 Western Conference Midwest Division W Kenui City . 2 Delias 3 San Antonio 2 Denver 1 Uuh 1 Houston 0 Pacific Division 4 Seattle 3 Golden State 1 Phoenix 1 Los Angeles., 0 Pprtland San Diego 0 Thursday'I Results Milwaukee 104, Atlanta 100 Chicago 111, Clevelandlll Utah at Phoenix Denver at Los Angeles San Antonio at Portland Friday's Game* (All Times EDT) Washington at Boston, 7:30 p.m. New Jersey at Cleveland, I p.m. Philadelphia at Detroit, 1.05 p.m. Dallas at Kansas City, 1:35 p.m. New York it Seattle, 11 p.m. San Antonio at Golden State, 11:05 Saturday's Gaines Boston at Philadelphia . i Indiana at Washington Detroit at Atlanta San Diego at Chicago Phoenix at Dallas • Golden State at Denver Los Angeles at Uuh New York at Portland 2 .son m 3 .mo 3 01.000 I .750 1 2 .333 2ft 3 .250 3 3 .250 3 i .000 4 L Pet. GB 01.000 1 .750 1 .«J7 V4 2 .333 Hi 2 .333 IVx 4 .000 3 01,000 0L000 Vi 1 .567 1W 1 .500 2 3 .000 3W 4 .000 4 ,. p.m. Canucks 4, Fly«ra 3 PatriekDlvnuoa NY Islanders Philadelphia NY Rangers • New Jersey Pittsburgh Washington AdamaDIvisloo Montreal Boston Quebec Buffalo Hartford Campbell Conference Norris Division PH. GF 70 t 56 12 53 10 51 io- 49 8 38 21 70 15 44 13 51 11 52 3 43 f GA 42 45 53 85 75 52 48 48 58 52 58 W r pts. GF GA 10 1 2) Minnesota 54 51 5 17 55 46 Chicago — 6 0 12 50 50 6 St. Louis 2*f I 3 42 67 Detroit 4 8 .40 51 Toronto 2 Smythe Division Los Angeles 53 51 Vancouver 52 46 Edmonton 66 67 Winnipeg 53 39 Calgary 86 65 fop four In each division qualify for Stanley Cup playoffs.) Thursday's Results Hartford 5. Boston 2 Pittsburgh 4, New Jersey 4 (tie) Vancouver 4, Philadelphia 3 Montreal 8, Minnesota 3 Winnipeg at Calgary Friday's Games (All Time* EDT) St. Louis at Washington. 7.-35 p.m. N.Y. Rangers at Edmonton, 9:35 p.m. Saturday s Games Buffalo at Hartford Vancouver at Montreal Minnesota at Quebec Philadelphia at N.Y. Islanders N.Y. Rangers at Calgary Pittsburgh at Los Angeles New Jersey at Detroit Toronto at St. Louis .(f« " Devils 4, Penguins 4 Bulls 118, Cavaliers 111 AtitMWi l|.l!-<»T2i; w>«MMi*l|t 0*1*; i ? * wards 4-112-210. Brewer 0-5 040, Huston 64 M I 30, Bagley W M 0 , Wllkerson 1-1} 2-3 20, Mokeikl 4-5 M l . Hubbard 3-t 3-48. ToUls4M01»-» 111. CHICAGO (111) Olberdihg 3-5 0-0 6, Woolridge 4-4 2-3 10, Corline HI 2-214, Lester 3-12-21, Theus 16-21 14 40, Jackson 44 2-210, Dailey 7-140414, Jones 1-4 2-2. 4. Greenwood 3-5 2-21, Higgins 2-50-0 4, Bradley M0-O0. Totals i«-»0 20-22 ITl. ClereUnd II MM 17-111 Ckknio JJ 25 2131-111 Fouled oul-None. ToUl fouls—Cleveland M, Chicago 25. Rebounds-Cleveland M (Robinson, Wllkerson I), Chicago 47 (Conine. Jones, Greenwood I). Asiists-Ckveland 31 (Huston I), Chicago 21 (Lester, Dailey I). A-4.5M. Bucks 104, Hawks 100 smtLWAUKEsTOOl) Cowens 2-1 04 4, Ma. Johnson MS 4-4 M, Lanier 7-13 44 It, Moncrief 5-101-111, Winters 15 0 4 2, Lister 3-42-41, Brldgeman 4-13 5-413, Mi. Johnson 7-12 0414. Mix H M 4, Presley** 04 0 Hill 3-3 4-410. Totals 4J4120-251#4. . . ATIANTA(IM) Roundfield 11-21 M0 M, WUkina 1-21 2-2 M, Rollins 2-7 04 4. E. Johnson 5-10 5415, Sparrow 45 0 4 1 , G, Johnson 1-5 04 2, Edmonson 2-4 04 4. Matthews 3-71-1 7, Hawes 1-5H4, Glenn 3-3 04 4, Macklln 1-2 04 2. Totals 414011-20 IN. Milwaukee MM 17 20-104 Atlanta MMMU-1N Three-point -goals—E. Johnson. Matthews: Fouled out-None. Total fouls—Milwaukee 23, Atlanta 24. Rebounds-Mllwaukee-51 (Lanier 11). A t l a n t a 41 ( R o l l i n s 1 1 ) . AasitU-Mllwaukee-M (Ma. Johnson 1), Atlanta N (E. Johnson I) A - t , N 5 . VIPCO VINYLSIDING ByUnited Press] IntemetieanI Chicago (NX) — Pitcher Ferguson Jenkins agreed in principle ton 2-year contract. O m a s a * — Signed Mike Ferraro to a 2-year contract as manager. Dearest - Signed outfielders Larry Herndon and Chet Lemon' to multi-year contracts and designated hitter Mike trieT end mfWoer Enoc Cabttl to 1-year contract*. Oakland - Released third baseman Mickey Khitts; added pitchers Mark Ferguson, Mike Warren and Bill Koeger and outBeWer Rasty McNeary to es-maa roster. PtttssMrgh — Signed first baseman Jason Tnompeon to a 5-rear contract. m i < i l | l l i i ~ Released first baseman Willie Meaunet and pitcher Stan Baanaen^celled ap ' pitchers Marty Decker and Kelly Downs and catcher Gerry Wlllard from Oklahoma City of the American Association and pitchers Tony GheUI and Bill Johnson, second baseman Juan Samuel, outfielder Jeff Stone and catcher Darren Daulton from Peninsula of the Carolina League. • CKy — Signed center LaSalle Thompson af TewuOo a 4-year contract. . SanDssao—Signed forward Terry Cumminga of DePaulto a e^rear contract. Hacker New Jsrsey — Recalled center-winger Jeff Larmer from Wichita of the Central Hockey League. Hartford 221-5 Boston 11 OT-2 First period—1, Boston, Mlddleton 6 (Palmer, Pederson), 1:31; 2, Hartford, Stoughton J (Urouche, Lyle), 15:11; 3, Hartford; Neufeld 4' (Johnson, Kotsopoulos), 11:42. Penalties-Kotsopoulos, Har, 4:50; Kasper, Bos, 9:00. Second period—4, Hartford, Francis 3 (Stoughton), 0:26: 5, Hartford, Johnson 6 (Miller, Kotsopoulos), 8:09; I, Boston, Fergus 8 (O'Reilly) 18:40 Penalties-Anderson, Har. 7:58; B. Crowder, Bos, minor-major, 5:55; Wesley, Har, double-minor, major, 5:55. Third period—7, Hartford, Henderson 1 (Sullivan, Mallnowskl),4:39. Penaltles-None. Shots on goal-Hartford 11-6-11-28. Boston 1611-15-42. Goalies - Hartford, Mlllen. Boston, Moffat, A-10,685. . Canadiens 8, North Stars 3 111-1 133-1 First period-1 Montreal Acton » iLudwig> I 43 !. Montreal TremWev \ (Giasrii 'OS ' MWIHW .vVfW ,'iii.iftw. ,l?»**n), .':!' ,; Minnesota, llroten j (Giles, c'leearelll), first. Penalties-Acton, Mtl, 8:00: Carbonneau, Mtl, Mill. Second period—5, Minnesota, Ferguson 1 (Young), 5:14. >, Montreal, Mondou 4 (Naslund, Delorrae), 10:12.7, Montreal, Galney 1 (Carbonneau), 14:59. Penalties-Ptett, Minn, major, 3:58; Nilan, Mtl, major.3:51; Giles, Minn, 4:07; Nilan. Mtl, 12:59; Broten, Minn, 11:24; Gilei Minn, 18:27. Third period—8, Montreal, Carbonneau 1 (unassisted), 2:00. I. Minnesota, Smith 7 (Bellows, Ferguson), 2:49.10. Montreal, Plcard 1 (Naslund, Mondou), 4:41. 11, Montreal, Naslund 4 (unassisted), 8:47. Penaltiei-Picard, Mtl, 0:54; Giles, Minn, 10:02; Gingras, MU. 10:17; TrerabUy, Mtl. 12:19. Shots on goal—Minnesota 0-54—M. Montreal 10-1MI-M. Goalies—Minnesota, Melochejeaupre.ilon-_ trail, "Sevigny. A—15.2M. VIPCOVINYLSIDING SCUD -r- VINYL — SIDING 50 YEAR-NON PRO RATED WARRANTY WILL NOT DENT LIKE ALUMINUM , Solid Color Clear Through CALL COLLECT 561-1675 MODERN HOME SIDING & ROOFING Exclusive Dealer For Vipco Vinyl Siding Free Estimates — Fully Insulated No Down Payment— Bank Financing Senior Citizen Discount » 187 Margaret St., Plattsburgh, N.Y. )lUll\IO ViPLU VINYL SIDING Here's how to get "" insurance .v^ith no medical exam WK t I 'O- GeilesjnHociMy IitnmeHsneilllnieefeltyCuil (Longeiul.Qua.) PUttsburgi State vt&»eoroaaUnivenity, 8p.m. fchanlhnyftinlhall Tlconoerogaat Mociah, 7:Mp.m. Saranac at Mount Auumptioa, 7:30p.m. SaranacLakealMassena,>:Mp.ra. Senoolboy aoccer Se«tio» Save* C I I M D championship Eliiabethtawn vs. Keene Vnliny, at Wlllsboro, 2:30 p.m. Schoolfirl soccer CapitalDlatrictplajroffs ClaaaC Lake Placid vs. Norwood-Norfolk at Schalmont. 2 p.m. CuuaD Eliubethtown vs. St. Johnsvllleat Schalmont, 2 p.m. " * Men's soccer ECAC Upstate Reglonala PlattsburghSUteatClarkson, 1 p.m. Women's soccer NYS-AIAW Championships (at University of Rochester) Plattsburgh State vs. Ithaca, 11:30a.m. Women's volleyball Plattsburgh State at Potsdam tournament football Whalers 5, Bruins 2 Minnesota Pluatwa* ' 1 -' ,iet*jM»r ' l* *' Clril ptflod-1. New Jersey, Levo i (MarMillan, Merkosky), 9:10.2, New Jersey, Ashton 2 (Hutchison, Larmer), 19:53. Penalties-Merkosky, NJ, 5:31; Hotham, Pit. 7:01; Baxter, Pit, 12:10; Valour, NJ, 12:10: St. Laurent, Pit, 14:18; Vatour, NJ, 14:11. Second period— 3, New Jersey, Larmer 1 (Levo), 1:34. 4, Pittsburgh, Hannan i (Price), 10:01. Penalties-Price, Pit, 4:21; Howatt, NJ, Ml;Buskas,Pit, 11:51; Larmer.NJ, 19:50. Third period~5, Pittsburgh, Kehoe 9 (Malone, I Molham), 0:51. I.Jfew Jersey, Merkosky 4 (Levo, Broten), 4:03. T-, Pittsburgh, St, Laurent 3 (Shedden, Hyrnewich). M1-..S, Pituburgh. Kehoe 10 (Hothsm. Gardner), 11:54. Penalties— Quenheville, NJ, 9:09; Price, Pit, 5:00; Larmer, NJ,11:M. • Shou on goal-Pittsburgh 74-10-25. New Jersey 0-74-23. Goaliea^PAtshutgh^_.Hirrj!n,_Dloji.^!ieji„ Jersey, Reach. A-10,410: S Transactions Vnneonver 310—4 PfcilneUphln 111-3 First period—1. Philadelphia. Clarke 6 (Howe. Dvorak), 6:45. 2, Vancouver. Lemay 3 (McCarthy. Gradinl, 11:11.3. Vancouver.Nil! I (Minor. Halward), 11:35. 4. Vancouver, Sundatrom 5 (Bubla. Hllnka). 17:0*. Penaltiea-Bubla. Van, 5:57: Marsh, Phi, 11:53; Rota. Van, 11:11. Second period—5, Vancouver, Sundatrom 6 (Hlinka. Molln), 5.N. I, Philadelphia. Evans 2 (unassisted), 18:10. Penalties—Alliaon, Phi. 5:02; Gradin; Van.ll:24: Flockhart, Phi. 11:33. Third period—7. Philadelphia, Holmgren, 3 (Clarke, Bathe), 5:31: Penalties-Marsh, Phi, 6:02: Butcher. Van. 9:43; Clarke, Phi. 11:23. Shots on goal—Vancouver 8-6-12—26. Philadelphia 14-17-14—45. Goalies— Vancouver. Brodeur.„PhiladelphIa. Lindbergh. A-16.UJ. Area sports MOSCOW (yPI) — Soviet sources said dozens of soccer fans were killed in what a state-run newspaper Thursday called an "unfortunate occurrence" at Lenkt Stadium — a stampede apparently sparked by a last-minute goal. Hospital sources said dozens of soccer fans were killed as members of a crowd of 15,0M surged for the exits near the end of the Oct. 20 game. Other sources said the word among sporting circles was that the total may have been as high as 69. In the only official account of the incident, the Evening Moscow newspaper said, "At the time of the exit of the spectators an unfortunate occurrence happened as a result of violation of the order of movement of people." If you're 55 or older, you know it's tough to get life insurance. But .. did you know that at Albany Savings Bank, you can't be turned down fpr life insurance? We have a new Savings Bank Life Insurance' plan for-ages 55 to 75 (males, to age 72) and there's no medical exam. No health questions to answer. Your insurance is gtraranteed^4t-"&-permanent insurance which builds cash and loari- values after the first year. . ,.. and your premiums never increase, and your protection never decreases, so long as your premiums are paid. What's more, it's low cost . . . premiums start at just 66.25 a month! You can even take a 10-day "free, look" at the policy and if you're not completely satisfied, your money wflfbe refunded. We call it our SeniorLife Plan, and. if it sounds good to you, stop in at any Albany Savings Bank office for all the details. cfejm Convenient offices: Albany, Beacon, Colonic Dutchess Mall. East Greenbush, Empire Stete Plaza, Glens Ealls. Gullderland Johnstown, Kingston, Meadow Hil], Newburgh, Oneida, Bne Hills, Plattsburgh, Pleasant Valley. Queerisbuiy, Red Oaks Mill -Schenectady.^priTi^Va11eyrSyigcuse, 'lVoy,T31ster7u'tIcaTWils Gate and Wjst Haveratraw. Member FSLIC. '•.«-•' Bowling scores Contest Men's leagues Tuesday Night Men's Handicap (Plattsburgh Lanes) High series-Harry Bowen, 193,221 H74-593. High singleWalt Barcomb, 242. Other scores- Ray Roberts, 224-592; Joe Ambrosfi), 211-590; Bob Carpenter, 211-575; Ken Provost, 210,221-5(5: Dean Benson, 500; Walt Barcomb, 559; DaveCable, 201-551; Walt Miner, 237; Fred LaMarshe, 214; Jim Hassel, 213; Mike Provost, 213; A. Solotky, 209: Cass Clark, 208; Kevin Kilkeary, 205; Andy LaMarche, 205; John Petro,200, National (Adirondack Lanes) High series. Bill Johnson, 597, High single- BUI Johnson, 34). Other scores- Eugene Alter), 213: Charles Treadway, 211. — .-> North Country Handicap "A" (North Bowl Lanes) High series- Ken Delists, (59. High single- Bob Pooler, 257. other scores- Bob Pooler, 639; Floyd Bell, (02; Dave Bllow. 235-587; Xymwood Rell, 212-583; Bob Bouvla. 1+4579; Ken Dellsle, 211, 241; Tim McKInstry, 234; Sonny Stampfler, 314; Gary Bulger, 212; Rol Don, 212. HighlightsHigh team single and triple, Georgia Pacific. 1000 and 29(9. Standings- Stanley's Tlmberland Trailers is in first place North Cantr? HnnsUcee "B" (North Bowl U M S ) High series- A u d i Jordan. 571 High single- Batch Jor biff; Hank* Coffins: 51(1 Cnrrtor rflet* sis'] OeOrgs UTullppe, 510; Keith Blake. 210. Highlights- High team single, Plattsburgh Grocery, TOM; High team triple ' Brault * Son, 2M4. Standings- Morrisonvjlle ConstruT holds a slim two-point lead over Fessette's Bulldotlng. J T1 WINNERS Jeremy Klugman 30 Olivetti Place Plartiburgh.N.Y. For Week Ending Fri., Oct. 29,1982 Norm Ryan 6 Couch St. Plattsburgh, N.Y. $$ 1st Place j»'o»Ss?~ 30.00 20.00 2nd Place $ 10.00 3rd Place THIS WEEK'S CONTEST MUST BE IN BY FRI., NOV. 5,1902 Jay Boyle Port Henry. N.Y.
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