How to book your ticket

How to book your ticket
Sorry! We do not yet offer an online booking service in your language.
We are working on it, we promise! In the meantime, please use this
walkthrough on our German booking process so you don‘t get lost.
If you need any further assistance, please call us. Our multilingual
customer support is happy to help you!
Telephone: +49 69 17 53 73 200
Booking a ticket on our German website
Step 1
Choose your journey.
You can do this directly
on our home page by
selecting your places of
departure and
destination, your travel
dates and the number
of adults and children
you want to book for.
Let‘s look at this in
more detail!
Booking a ticket on our German website
Booking a ticket on our German website
In this example, we are
interested in the following
From Frankfurt to
Date: Sunday, 8th
December 2013
No roundtrip
2 adults; no kids
So let‘s see what we get.
Klick on the button
„Abfahrten anzeigen“
(Show connections).
Booking a ticket on our German website
Step 2
Next, you see all
connections on the
date you selected. In
our specific example
we have three
departure times to
choose from.
Let‘s take a closer look
at this page…
Booking a ticket on our German website
Booking a ticket on our German website
Step 3
Type in the names of
all passengers as well
as the phone number
of at least one of the
In case of a delay, we
will use the provided
phone number to
inform you about the
status of your
Booking a ticket on our German website
Step 4
All passengers on
board? Great, let‘s
move to the cart page.
There‘s quite a lot to
see here, so we will go
through it bit by bit.
Booking a ticket on our German website
In the section „Busfahrt“, you can review what you have selected.
Please check carefully if everything is correct: The places of departure and destination,
the date and time of your trip and the names and phone numbers of all passengers.
Booking a ticket on our German website
In the section „CO2-Ausgleich“ you have the option to compensate
for the greenhouse gas emissions generated by your trip.
By voluntarily paying a small extra fee you can support a carbon offset project that
eliminates the carbon dioxide emissions produced by the bus ride you are about to
book. For details on the project please get in touch with us via e-mail.
Booking a ticket on our German website
In the section „Gutscheine & Rabatte“ you can enter a voucher code.
Booking a ticket on our German website
Did you go through
Great! Then click the
button „Zur Buchung“.
Booking a ticket on our German website
Step 5
Yay, almost done!
However, the last page is a wee
bit complicated if you‘re not an
expert in the German language.
Here‘s a short overview
of what to expect.
Enter personal
data of the invoice
Choose payment
Review your
booking and
accept the terms
of usage.
Booking a ticket on our German website
Personal Data
You are required to
enter the name,
address and e-mailaddress of the person
that makes the
Booking a ticket on our German website
Booking a ticket on our German website
Select a payment
method and enter the
required information.
Note that two out of
our five payment
methods are limited to
German bank accounts
(„Lastschrift“ and
In this walkthrough,
we will only cover the
methods apt for
Booking a ticket on our German website
The methods offered that do not
require a german bank account are
the following:
Is a netherlands-based payment service that requires a dutch
online banking account. If you select this, a new window will
open and you simply have to follow the instructions.
Is a widespread online payment service that requires a
separate PayPal account. When choosing this as your payment
method, a new window will open where you can log into your
account and confirm the payment.
Credit Card
If you have a VISA or a MasterCard, you can conveniently pay
by entering your credit card information. We will go through
this option in more detail on the next page.
Booking a ticket on our German website
Booking a ticket on our German website
Have a final look at the
trip you selected for
Check the little box to
accept the „Allgemeine
(Terms and Conditions).
After clicking the orange
button, the payment is
made and your booking
is completed.*
*When using PayPal or iDeal, a new
window will open for payment.
Booking a ticket on our German website
Great, you made it!
If you are unsure if your booking was successful or if you have any other
questions, just contact us via phone, e-mail, facebook or twitter. We are
happy to help!
Telephone: +49 69 17 53 73 200
e-mail: [email protected]