Document 186247

iJuly 5»
foam containKrt&M <* to* p^t*, Piw
tochSTlillV* « «*Kldrosied
wall- BUSINESS-SIZE envelope.
it OITM. It is still very *wnj( but n^jBQO from
requires less cement. Waste fly ash ers. ' '
and floor coverings
a super-enerFor exterior will or roof framing,
aaing building chos«prtKJu<^th«tiiseasmtl«luin*** berfrom
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A If you
should be able
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cient products use mort than
little additional energy for processtog.
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Th«e new
building products include structural
framing, foundations, walls, rooft,
sheathing, insulation, interior wall,
strength. Also glue-laminated lumber and laminated veneer lumber
use smaller pieces from secondgrowth trees to make large defectfree lumber.
To even ftirther reduce the
amount of lumber, use supeHnsutoted stress skin wall panels. These
use only 5 percent wood a» compared to 20 percent wood to a conventional studded wall. Another new
Witt panel uses a super-strong and
efficient honeycomb structure made
from recycled resin-impregnated
*4«lia^*JrtMk^ii"*>* ' itfilifliitf •' IB
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is made
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your cooling costs* If you lite the
look of wood ihakftiv s«ieet one* Some atlracUvv
^W»^B'' ^^
paper. It consists of 5 percent paper
and Insulating 96 percent space.
Producing cement for foundations and slabs is very energy intensive. ACC (autodaved cellular con*
crete) uses small amounts of aluminum in the .concrete. This creates
small bubbles causing the concrete
to expand and become less dense as
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my ecrc clothes <fryer far from
flit window vert. This should have
«flow«d son* heat to transfer to the
utility room before it Wows out*
doors. Was this a good Wea? D.X.
A In theory your idea is a good
one. However, there are some poten**jrobtems. Fiwt check with your
dryer mtwiflw^itfw^ myrfmum duct length. Awtflwig duct
COT cause excessive back pressure,
Anolher potential i»«4tei is a
Many types of insulation
made from recycled and fireproof
treated newsprint or
slag. One type of Wo*
insulation is made flrom til
...WflfrliBttpPl* *»^.-!**»tf!*f **••*''•
long duct, over 20 feet riw.y« use
recycled telephone books. Rigid in- rartotficalfc-frieadlyibuiUinsand
sulating foam wall sheathing is now hcn»fan|iiWtnMntpni»icto«i>ddc- an aluminum duct, not plaiUc.
Once Scorned, jOld-foshioned Ideas Back in Fashion Favor
Catmen Miranda jiggled under a
fruit-fflled fetet. Hopalong Cassidy
faUoped after bad guys. Dumbo the
danced in cartoons,
the innocence and cheeriness of
1930s, '40s and '50s images ofshowed up at home, on tabledrapes and other textiles
^Once-scorned, those old-fashflioned fabrics arrback in fashion fa* vor. Not as the badge of conformity
they once were, but as visual teonoclasm, mock nostalgia and kitsch,
said Gideon Bosker, one of the .authors of "Fabulous Fabrics of the
'50s," (Chronicle, 1992).
Mid-century fabrics have been
spotted in fashion arbiters such as
Of v
,, Elle, Vogue, HG and Metropolitan
E; Homes magazines; in the homes of
j Madonna, Anjelica Huston, Bette
* Midler and Woody Allen; and as set
r designs in "Women on the Verge of a
[•". Nervous Breakdown,*' '*the Accidental Tourist" and "The Mambo
1 Kings."
5 "Fabulous Fabrics" lovingly
> chronicles the progression from ex' otic jungte florals of the 1930s to the
; boomerangs and rocket ships of the
* early television era.
t "With patterns inspired by Tinker Toys, roadside souvenirs, tropical
gardens and intergalactic space,
these textiles evoke the quietude of
an America buoyed by postwar optit mism, the marital bliss of Ozzie and
2 Harriet and sleek-finned automo* biles," Bosker wrote in his introduc^tion.
Meat-b>af dinners were gobbled
over tablecoths of pineapple and hibiscus design. Tropical flowers .and
leaves cascaded across den drapes.
Cowboy and circus patterns played
across the walls of children's rooms.
The materials were soft cottons, especially an inexpensive, bumpy fabric called barkcloth.
"Designers back then had a fun
imagination," said Lisa Stanton of
North Tustin, Calif., a fabric designer who bases her Cottage Classics
patterns on old tablecloth prints.
"They weren't thinking the patterns
were kitschy."
But in the 1960s, as the Age of
Aquarius and polyester replaced
Donna Reed and ironing, the fabrics
lost appeal. Old-fashioned drapes
and chenille bedspreads wound up in
garbage pails.
In their second go-round, the fabrics are showing up in fashion and
home design.
Some designers use vintage fabrics to make clothing or purses.
Frank Ballotta of South Laguna,
Calif., for example, cuts up vintage
flowered, fruit and cowboy materials for Kpkonuts, his line of children's and women's clothing.
Or designers borrow the look. Esprit's summer wear shows the influence of whimsical 1940s fruit motifs,
while designer Nicole Miller draws
ideas from 'SOs geometric patterns
for men's ties, scarves and shirts.
Interior designers use Stanton's
1940s floral patterns in art deco-influenced living rooms; with ginghams and baskets in country-styled
homes; and in California-style
rooms — lots of white with vintage
pillows for accent, she said. Reproduction fabrics satisfy the growing
clamor for yards of material to cover a sofa or match a set of chairs.
Full Swing Textiles, of Newport,
R.I., designed a loom to make oldfashioned barkcloth in patterns
evocatively named Carmen Miranda, Bacall, Hollywood Plumes or
Palm Beach, said Sandra MacLellan, owner of Blake House Associates, in Design Center South, Laguna Niguel, which sells the Full
Swing line.
"i can remember seeing (such
patterns) on rattan furniture on people's porches in the '50s," MacLellan
said. People want Yippee-ei-o, a
cowboy pattern, for children's
rooms or mountain getaway homes.
The originals are scarce. After
the "ice-blooded modernists of the
1960s prescribed naked windows,"
Bosker said, many fabrics ended up
at thrift stores or flea markets. For
years, the determined collector
could buy eye-tingling tablecloths or
drapes for SO cents, maybe $1. By
the late 1970s, the supply started to
Now, designers say they rely on
rural buying retreats to find the fabrics. Even in Montana or Alabama,
a tablecloth fetches 10 times what it
used to.
"Salvation Army and everyone
else has caught on," Ballotta said.
In the past, Ballotta gallantly
snipped mint-condition tablecloths
or chenille bedspreads.
Not since they're so rare and collectible, he said.
Main floor
Total Living
, i .- JC—~. ^_ , ,,,.„,J
2.162 sq.ft.
2,162 sq.ft.
498 sq 'ft
This Design Offers a Taste of Europe
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An exciting combination of sweeping roof lines,
brick and stucco give a European look to this beautiful one-story. Stylish trim, fixed shutters and halfround windows further enhance its beauty.
Convenient and efficient traffic flow is its interior
charm. Dramatic 10-foot ceilings.and an open Great
Room, kitchen and nook arrangement give an illusion of volume larger than this home's 2,100-square
feet would indicate.
The central Great Room is a spacious 18'x24'. At
the rear is a large brick fireplace flanked by a tall
window and a French door that overlook and access
the rear porch. The room opens to a casual, bayed
breakfast nook that also offers a view of the porch.
Bi-fold doors conceal a generous-sized pantry.
For quick snack or refreshments, the galley kitchen offers a counter bar that joins the Great Room. A
step-saving pass-through is ideal for serving guests
and while minimizing traffic to and from the kitchen.
The dining room off the foyer accommodates formal, sit-down occasions. On the opposite side of the
entry, the study could double as a home office, library or guest room.
An added attraction to the home's floor plan is the,
location of the master suite. It is distinctly separate
from the home's other two bedrooms at the opposite
side of the living areas. Its large size and appeal are
enhanced by rear French doors opening to the porch
and double doors that access the private master
bath. The unique pentagon-shaped bath features an.
exciting step-up, garden tub, a handy dressing area
flanked by his-and-her sinks, a large separate shower
with seat and a huge walk-in closet.
The secondary bedrooms share a second fUll bath.
Convenient main-floor laundry facilities and storage for an extra freezer are found near the garage
entrance. The home's living area totals 2,162 square
feetPlan VL-2162 is designed by Vaughn Lauban Designs of Mississippi, a member of the HomeStyles
"Source 1" Designers' Network. A study plan which
shows all four exterior elevations and an easy-toread floor plan is available for $9.95. Plan VL-2162 is
also featured in the "Home Designs for
Countrypolitan Living" book ($8.45, including postage), along with over 200 other upscale country
homes. For a free informational brochure or to order
a study plan, plan book or complete construction
blueprints, call 1-800-547-5570. Or, write to
HomeStyles Plan Service, 275 Market St., Minneapolis, Minn., 55405. Please include the name of this
How To Control Household Mildew
AP Special Feature*
Mildew, a black fungus that sometimes appears as a
white, red or green powder — grows on most surfaces
and spreads rampantly in dark, unventilated places
such as basements, bathrooms, crowded closets and
closed cabinets.
It is especially prevalent in humid summer weather
and in new houses where building materials hold moisture.
Although unlikely to cause major damage to the
structure of a house, mildew is unsightly, emits an unpleasant, musty odor and its spores can cause allergic
reactions. Here are some steps to remove and prevent
Removing ftBMcw
• Ceramic tile, vinyl andgrout: Mix one quart chlorine bleach in one gallon water and apply. Or use commercial mildew remover, following label directions
Wear rubber or vinyl gloves and open windows when
handling chlorine bleach solutions, commercial mildew
removers, or other strong preparations.
Cavtfea: Never mix ammonia with chlorine bleach.
• Clothing and household frDries: Wash in soap or
detergent and water. For any remaining stains, use
lemon juice and salt or mix two tablespoons bleach in
one quart warm water and apply. Rinse material weQ
and dry in the sun.
If stains still remain, dampen with lemon juice and
salt again and dry in the sun. Or, reappiy the bleach so*
lution; wait five to IS minutes and raise with water,
Don't use bleach on noiKtttorfast fabrics or on slfc or
wool; check the label before using on any fabric.
~ ~ • Unpainted trim exterior siding: Mix one quart
chlorine bleach with three quarts water and apply. Before cleaning, cover shrubbery and the ground with
plastic After cleaning, coat the surface with a
miWewcide or wood preservative.
• Painted surfaces: Add one quart chlorine bleach to
three quarts water. Stir in l-3rd cup powdered laundry
detergent and apply.
Keep the surface wet until the stains disappear. Walt
two minutes, then rinse with water. Repaint with paint
containing miWewcide.
• Wallpaper: There is no cure when mildew attacks
wallpaper because the fungus feeds on wallpaper glue.
You must remove the wallpaper, ctean the walls and
then repaper them (mixing borax into the paste ) or co*t
them with a paint containing a miWewcide.
• Leather: Mix one cup denatured or rubbing alcohol
with one cup water. Wipe the solution on with a cloth
and let it air-dry. If the mildew persists, wash it with
sudsy mid soap, saddle soap or detergent. Let it airdry.
Fight mildew by decreasing dampness and increasing air circulation. Here's how .
• In closets: replace wooden shelving with wire
racks and install louver doers. Empty and air out doteti, then clean them with cWorim WewA wd water , fblJowing ttirectfcns on the Weach container
• In the basement: run a dehumidifier Cover the
floor withviityt tart* hvtaadrfi^