SMEDA Business Guide Series HOW TO OBTAIN FINANCE FROM SME BANK Revised on November 10, 2005 Prepared By: Policy & Planning Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority Ministry of Industries, Production & Special Initiatives Government of Pakistan HEAD OFFICE LAHORE REGIONAL OFFICE SINDH REGIONAL OFFICE NWFP REGIONAL OFFICE BALOCHISTAN 6th Floor, L.D.A Plaza, Egerton Road Lahore-54792 Tel: 111-111-456 Fax: (042) 6304926 [email protected] 5th Floor, Bahria Complex 2, M.T.Khan Road, Karachi Tel: (021) 111-111-456 Fax: (021) 5610572 [email protected] Ground floor State Life Building The Mall, Peshawar Tel: (091) 9213046-47 Fax: (091) 286908 [email protected] Bungalow No. 15-A Chaman Housing Scheme Airport Road, Quetta. Tel: (081) 2831702/2831623 Fax: (081) 2831922 [email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction to SMEDA 03 2. Role of Policy & Planning 03 3. What is SME? 04 4. Problem Faced by SMEs 04 5. SME Bank’s Approach to Financing 05 6. Project Lending Scheme 05 7. Program Lending Schemes 05 8. How to Apply for a Loan to SME Bank? 06 9. General Lending Criteria 06 10.Loan Process 09 11.Some Tips for Getting Finance 10 12.Process Flow Chart 11 13.Branch Network 12 14.Annex I 16-19 15.Annex II 20-23 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning INTRODUCTION OF SMEDA The Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority (SMEDA) was established with the objective to provide fresh impetus to the economy through the launch of an aggressive SME development strategy. Since its inception in October 1998, SMEDA had adopted a sectoral SME development approach. A few priority sectors were selected on the criterion of SME presence. In depth research was conducted and comprehensive development plans were formulated after identification of impediments and retardants. The all-encompassing sectoral development strategy involved overhauling of the regulatory environment by taking into consideration other important aspects including finance, marketing, technology and human resource development. After successfully qualifying in the first phase of sector development SMEDA reorganised its operations in January 2001 with the task of SME development at a broader scale and enhanced outreachreach in terms of SMEDA’s areas of operation. Currently, SMEDA along with sectoral focus offers a range of services to SMEs including over the counter support systems, exclusive business development facilities, training and development and information dissemination through a wide range of publications. SMEDA’s activities can now be classified into the three following broad areas: 1. Creating a Conducive Environment; includes collaboration with policy makers to devise facilitating mechanisms for SMEs by removing regulatory impediments across numerous policy areas 2. Cluster/Sector Development; comprises formulation and implementation of projects for SME clusters/sectors in collaboration with industry/trade associations and chambers 3. Enhancing Access to Business Development Services; development and provision of services to meet the business management, strategic and operational requirements of SMEs SMEDA has so far successfully formulated strategies for sectors, including fruits and vegetables, marble and granite, gems and jewellery, marine fisheries, leather and footwear, textiles, surgical instruments, transport and dairy. Whereas the task of SME development at a broader scale still requires more coverage and enhanced reach in terms of SMEDA’s areas of operation. Along with the sectoral focus a broad spectrum of services are now being offered to the SMEs by SMEDA, which are driven by factors like enhanced interaction amongst the stakeholders, need based sectoral research, over the counter support systems, exclusive business development facilities, training and development for SMEs and information dissemination through wide range of publications. ROLE OF POLICY & PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Policy & Planning department of SMEDA is the hub of policy and regulatory research that feeds national, provincial and local government institutions, SME associations, industrial clusters and individual entrepreneurs with the ultimate objective of creating a conducive business environment. It has a mandate to identify and where suitable initiate strategic projects. The Policy & Planning of SMEDA plays a key role in providing an overall policy direction to SMEDA, under which SMEDA provides support to SMEs. The P&P provides guidance based on field realities pertaining to SMEs in Pakistan and other parts of the world. Information resource center of SMEDA is an integral part of 3 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning Policy & Planning department while development of Regulatory Procedures is a part of an overall information dissemination function of the department. In order to facilitate SMEs at the micro level Policy & Planning department has developed userfriendly systems which provide them detail description of the Laws and Regulations including the process and steps required for compliance. What is SME? As defined by State Bank of Pakistan - SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) means an entity, ideally not a public limited company, which does not employee more than 250 persons (if it is manufacturing concern) and 50 persons (if it is trading / service concern) and also fulfills the following criteria of either ‘a’ and ‘c’ or ‘b’ and ‘c’ as relevant: (a) A trading / service concern with total assets at cost excluding land and buildings up to Rs 50 million. (b) A manufacturing concern with total assets at cost excluding land and building up to Rs 100 million. (c) Any concern (trading, service or manufacturing) with net sales not exceeding Rs 300 million as per latest financial statements. In order to obtain financing from SME Bank, the enterprise must fall within the bracket of definition of small and medium enterprise given by SME Bank. Problems Faced By SMEs The SME sector in Pakistan has always been taken as risky and non-bankable, even though they have default rate that is far less than that for Large Scale Enterprises (15% for SMEs against 65% for Large Scale Enterprise). Despite strong figures favouring SMEs, financial institutions have been shy of providing finance to SMEs because of following reasons: Poor record keeping by SMEs, particularly accounting information and other business documentation. Low productivity and their inability to improve quality of products over time. Poor operational performance. Problems with packaging bankable loan requests by SMEs. Limited knowledge of financing options for SMEs. Lengthy and cumbersome application procedures, which discourage both SMEs and Banks. High transaction costs owing to size of transaction, vis-à-vis volume of transactions which discourages banks. High turn around time owing to lack of timely and quality information from SMEs. Lack of skills in banks for identifying needs and structuring the delivery of financial assistance to SMEs. Lack of expertise in banks for appraising/structuring SME Projects. Stringent collateral requirements and other banking regulations. General risk aversion by banks. All these factors have created a gap between lenders and SMEs. This has deprived SMEs from getting financing for setting up, or the expansion of the business. 4 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning SME Bank Ltd. is trying to bridge the gap between the financing needs of SMEs and their access to financing resources. SME Bank also provides Business Support Services in areas of; 1. Management 2. Product innovation and development 3. Quality control 4. Acquisition of new technology 5. Product positioning 6. Marketing 7. Development of bankable business proposals This support is expected to assist SMEs to improve their processes, product quality, effectiveness and marketing skills. Similar support services can also be availed from SMEDA. SME Bank’s Approach to Financing Any commercially viable business proposal can qualify for bank’s financing. However, in the first instance the Bank tries to help and support enterprises, 1. Which use indigenous raw material 2. Add value 3. And are export oriented LENDING PRODUCTS Any commercially viable business proposal merits SME Bank’s support. It is Bank’s effort to assist and support enterprises that use indigenous raw material, add value and are export oriented. Such enterprises are vital to our economy since these are labor intensive and thus create employment opportunities. SME Bank is reaching out to small and medium entrepreneurs through: Working Capital & Medium-Long term financing Program Lending (Hunarmand Pakistani Schemes) Leasing through its subsidiary Express Loans(English, Urdu) Project Lending Scheme: Project Lending Scheme is for those enterprises that are commercially viable and do not fall in the category of program lending scheme. Under this scheme working capital and medium-long term financing facility is available for qualifying enterprises. The financing criteria and credit analysis for this category of borrowers varies on case to case basis. Program Lending Schemes: The Program Lending Schemes are customized financing packages for sectors with SME concentration. They are available for: CNG Stations 5 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning Women Entrepreneurs Health Development (Doctors & Dentists) Qingqi Rickshaws Cutlery Surgical Fan Manufacturers Power Looms Boat Mata Customized financing products for the following are also available : Power Looms Up Gradation Beaconhouse School Systems Carpet Manufacturers Gems & Jewellery OEM (Original Equip't Manf's) – Autoparts The bank adjusts repayment of loans according to the turnover of the business while assessing the cash generation abilities of the business. Therefore, financing under the program lending scheme though generic in nature, can have customised terms and conditions which are suitable to the clients. How to Apply for a Loan to SME Bank? For obtaining financial services or assistance from the Bank, the applicant should fulfil the following criteria or more specifically called the “General Lending Criteria” General Lending Criteria Borrowers Bank’s 3 main requirements are: 1- A viable business plan 2- Adequate debt equity1 ratio 3- Acceptable securities If you meet SME Bank’s lending criteria and have a sound business proposal that is commercially viable, please apply for our assistance as follows: 1. Get an application form from one of our designated branches. 2. Fill it up with the required information. 3. If you need assistance in filling up the form, our staff will be there to help you. 4. After completing the form, kindly hand it over to our credit officer along with the required documents. These documents have been listed in the application form. 1 Generally, refers to the capital invested by the owner in the business and also includes any undistributed profits or reserves 6 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning Sectors The lending facilities are available for SMEs in the sectors of textiles, gems & jewellery, marble & granite, cutlery, surgical, engineering vendors and any other viable/profitable enterprise. Financing SME Bank can provide financing within the range of Pak Rs.50,000.- to Pak Rs. 30 Million. Loan provided by the Bank will not exceed 60% of the forced sale value of collateral. At least 40% of the project’s/enterprise’s financing should come from the borrower in the form of equity. Up to 60 % would be financed by SME Bank. i.e, debt: equity ratio is 60:40 Mark Up What a client pays to the Bank, in addition to the loan amount, is called the ‘mark-up’. This is necessary to sustain the Bank’s activities. It is market based and depends upon the project’s expected cash flows. It varies from business to business, but is in the range of 4% to 8% above the GoP’s 5-year PIB rate. Repayment The repayment of loan is linked to the cash flows of the project, which are separately projected by the bank. The bank’s projections are based on the business plan and the financial statements of the client, which are provided at the time of submitting application for a loan. The repayment is scheduled according to the cash flow of the client. It could be either on monthly basis or quarterly basis. However, the total repayment period does not exceed 7 years with varying grace period of upto 12 months. Collateral Collateral forms are: Acceptable forms of security are mortgage of property/house/building Hypothecation of stocks/machinery/equipment Personal guarantees The collateral requirements are as follows: Securities These include Mortgage of land, building and fixed assets having approximate forced sale value 70% approx. of value of loan. Professional evaluator of bank’s choice assesses the forced sale value. Bank charge by way of hypothecation, pledge etc on moveable and other non-real estate assets. The bank carries out two types of mortgages 7 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning 1. Registered Mortgage SME bank has assigned some areas to be negative and carries out registered mortgage in case of these areas. The bank registers the mortgage deed with the registrar of properties and the client has to pay 2 % of the value of collateral. (1% stamp duty and 1% mortgage fee). Original documents of the property are also kept with the bank. 2. Equitable Mortgage This type of mortgage is for those clients who fall under the category of areas which are rated as A+ or positive by the bank. The client simply signs the mortgage deed and his original documents of the collateral are deposited with the bank as security. This type of mortgage is cheap but normally avoided by the bank. Assignment of Rights According to this the borrower shall have to assign rights to Bank on his: Insurance monies. Receivables etc. Guarantees The loan guarantees accepted by the bank are: Personal guarantees of persons having capacity to repay the finance in case of default. Trade Body or Corporate Guarantees The guarantors shall have to give their NIC copy, copy of registry of property and sign the guarantee paper. The bank judges whether the guarantor has worth equal to the amount of loan or not. 8 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning The Loan Process Step 1 The applicant has to fill a Business Proposal Form (Annex I) with different type of details mentioned in it. The credit department assesses the information filled in this form. If they find the information satisfactory, the applicant is called for a meeting. (The process may take a week for completion) Step 2 The credit officer visits the business sight of the client to check the business viability of the project. The client may be asked to provide the evidence of his cash flow to prove his worth e.g. books of accounts, stock reports etc. The applicant fills the Loan Application Form (Annex II) and submits to the bank along with following documents. o o o o o o Business Plan Attested copy of NIC Property documents Accounts Bank statement Any other as advised by the concerned Credit Officer After this credit department carries out the evaluation and appraisal of the loan request. The bank obtains legal opinion certificate from the lawyer for the clearance of the title of client’s property and gets the property evaluated from professional evaluator of their choice. If all this turns out to be acceptable, the case is forwarded to the Provincial Chief for final approval. (This process may take a month or two.) Step 3 If the loan is not sanctioned the bank informs the customer about the fate of his application. Bank may or may not communicate reason for rejecting a grant of loan. If the loan is sanctioned, then 1. In pre-disbursement stage legal documents are prepared and executed. 2. The collateral is mortgaged in bank’s favour. 3. A cross cheque is issued or account is credit or overdraft is allowed. 4. The business assets are insured i.e. stocks, machinery etc. The total estimated expenses for the process 1. Bank’s Processing Fee Structure Upto Rs.0.050 million Nil From over Rs 0.050 million to Rs. 2 million 0.5% of loan amount. From over Rs. 2 million to 10 million Rs.15, 000 9 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning From Rs. 10 million to 20 million Over Rs. 10 million Rs.20, 000 Rs.25, 000 2. Mortgage Fee 2 % of the value of finance. 3. Legal Opinion Fee Rs.500-1,000 4. Evaluation Charges Rs.3, 000 5. Insurance 0.5% of loan amount & 0.5% of value of collateral Step 4 Effective Utilisation of Loan: If you have revolving credit facility, withdraw funds only when desired. Try to credit account with your daily sales. It will reduce the mark up cost and reflect good operational activity at the time of next loan review. If you are availing term finance, to ensure payments on time try to match your cash flows with instalments due date. In case, you foresee delay in payment of any instalment inform your bank upfront. This will establish your credibility. Don’t waste your money in any dubious transaction to make big money. Don’t waste money on purchase of non-productive assets. Some Tips for Getting Finance The borrower cannot borrow beyond 60% of the business value therefore, don’t request a loan beyond that limit. The value of short-term liabilities should not exceed the value of short-term assets; your accounts should reflect the same. Always show the real picture of the business. Don’t exaggerate since banks always find ways to assess the real picture. If you need consumer finance to meet your personal needs, do not apply for a commercial loan. Don’t hide anything; be candid and honest in reporting. It will help establishing credibility. Always operate through your bank account. A healthy turnover in the bank account will support your claims about future business prospects. The banks normally take 2-3 months for the processing of loan, so plan early and be patient during the process, but do follow-up progress on your application. 10 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning Process Flow Chart Business Proposal Form The applicant fills business Proposal Form. Loan is refused No Assessment of Business Proposal Form The credit department assess information and if found satisfactory, calls applicant for a meeting. This process takes a week. Credit Officer’s Visit The credit officer visits client’s business place to verify the information provided by him. Submits report to credit manger. Loan Application Form If credit officer is satisfied with client’s business status/viability, he is asked to fill Loan Application Form. Other Documents Required 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Property Evaluation & Appraisal Credit department carries out evaluation and obtains legal opinion certificate from lawyer. Property is evaluated from professional Loan is Refused No Other Documents Required 1. 2. Provincial Chief’s Approval If all acceptable, case is forwarded to Provincial Chief for approval of loan request. 3. Pre-disbursement Stage In this stage, legal documents are prepared by the Bank and executed. Collateral is mortgaged in ban’s favour. Disbursement Stage Loan is disbursed to borrower either through a cross cheque or account credited or over draft allowed. Business assets are insured. 11 National Identity Card Copy. Financial Statements/Accou nts of past three years. Salary Certificate & Bank Statement. Last Wealth & Income Tax return filed. Attested copy of property Original Registry/Transfe r letter. Farad Milkiyat (From Patwari/Tehsild ar) Non Encumbrance Certificate. (NEC) Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning Branch Network Head Office Box: 1587, Jang Building 40-K Fazal-ul-Haq Road Blue Area Islamabad-44000 Tel: 92-42-9206652-54 UAN: 111-110-011 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Business Operations LAHORE 1. Lahore Main Branch 13-L, Mini Market, Gulberg-II. PH# (042) 5756224, 751226 Fax# (042) 5756225 UAN# (042) 111-11-00-11 2. Ravi Branch 103, Ravi Road , Bati Wala Chowk. PH# (042) 7705901. 3. Edwards Road Branch Alamgir Building Ground Floor 17 Edwards Road (Mouj Darya road) Lahore City. PH # (042) 7221008-7220663 KARACHI 1. Karachi Main Branch Bahria Complex-II , MT Khan Road. PH# (021) 5610851-53,5610657 Fax# (021) 5610854 UAN# (021) 111-11-00-11 2. Gulshan Branch Mumtaz Shopping Complex,Gulshan-e-Iqbal. PH# (021) 4813385. ISLAMABAD Islamabad Branch 40-Jang Building ,Mezzanine Floor, Fazal-ul-Haq Road , Blue Area. PH# (051) 9219260 12 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning Fax# (051) 9213742 FAISALABAD Faisalabad Branch P-341-B, Peoples Colony #1, Satyana road, Faisalabad. PH# (041) 9220481, 9220482, 9220484 Fax# (041) 9220483 UAN# (041) 111-11-00-11. PESHAWAR Peshawar Branch State Life Building , Ground Floor, 24-The Mall. PH# (091) 9212350 Fax# (091) 285177 UNA# (091) 111-11-00-11 GUJRANWALA Gujranwala Branch 26-27-J,Trust Plaza , G.T.Road. PH# (0431) 9200443 (0431) 9200767 Fax# (0431) 9200243 UAN# (0431) 111-11-00-11 QUETTA Quetta Branch Ground Floor,Usman Complex, Hali Road . PH# (081) 9202330,9202337 Fax# (081) 9202386 UNA# (081) 111-11-00-11 SIALKOT Sialkot Branch Ground Floor,Al-Amin Building, Opp. SCCI Paris Road . PH# (052) 4266055 Fax# (052) 4265041 UAN# (052) 111-11-00-11 Recovery Offices PUNJAB AREA OFFICE RAWALPINDI Walayat Plaza, Murree Road, Opp. Daily "Assas" Office, Murree Road, Rawalpindi (City) PH# (051) 4456768, 4581713 Raza Building, Railway Road, 13 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning Jehlum PH# (0541) 92702 C.M.H Road, Rawalakot, PH# (058710) 42543 AREA OFFICE LAHORE 17-E. Edwards Road, Lahore City PH# (042) 7243389 43-Allama Iqbal Road, Garhi Shahu, Lahore Cantt PH# (042) 6370322 1st Floor, (Prime Bank Ltd) Prince Fan Colony, G.T.Road Gujrat PH# (0433) 513242 136/2-C Satellite Town, Sargodha PH# (0451) 211511 AREA OFFICE MULTAN Sharif Plaza, LQM Road, Multan PH# (061) 9200246, 9210181 189-Liaqat Road, Sahiwal PH# (0441) 220352 27-A, Stadium Road, Opposite Farid Gate, Bahawalpur PH# (0621) 9255393 SINDH AREA OFFICE KARACHI 801-802, 8th Floor, Park Avenue, 24-A, Block PECH, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi (East) PH# (021) 4538041, 4314749 Badri Manzal, Rasal Road, Hyderabad PH# (0221) 9200717 Main Military Road, 14 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning Sukkur PH# (071) 30554, 31982 H#77, Badaruddin Colony, Near Circuit House, Dadu PH# (0229) 611665 NWFP AREA OFFICE PESHAWAR State Life Building, 10th Floor, 34- The Mall Peshawar Cantt, Peshawar PH# (091) 274997 Awan Huts, Lala Rukh Colony, Mansehra Road, Abbottabad PH# (0992) 9310159 BALUCHISTAN AREA OFFICE QUETTA Ground Floor Usman Complex, Hali Road, Quetta PH# (081) 9202841 15 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning Annex I Page 1 of 4 of Annex I 16 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning Annex I Page 2 of 4 of Annex I 17 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning Annex I Page 3 of 4 of Annex I 18 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning Annex I Page 4 of 4 of Annex I 19 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning Annex II Page 1 of 4 of Annex II 20 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning Annex II Page 2 of 4 of Annex II 21 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning Annex II Page 3 of 4 of Annex II 22 Obtain Finance from SME Bank Policy & Planning Annex II Page 4 of 4 of Annex II 23
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