EDITAL Concurso de Contratação de Doutorados – CIÊNCIA 2008

Concurso de Contratação de Doutorados – CIÊNCIA 2008
The Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear (IPFN) (http://www.ipfn.ist.utl.pt), offers seven postdoctoral research positions in the fields of:
- High field science, ultrafast optics and related topics, with an emphasis on high power
lasers, fast ignition, plasma accelerators, radiation sources, attosecond pulses, relativistic
plasma physics, or plasma astrophysics [2 positions]
- Astroparticle physics, cosmology, fundamental physics in space (theoretical), or cold
atoms and quantum plasmas (preferably, experimental) [1 position]
- Experimental Physics and Diagnostics for Magnetically Confined Fusion Plasmas, in
order to design, implement and operate diagnostics, for Tokamaks and Stellarators, as
well as to participate in the operation and scientific exploitation of the Tokamak ISTTOK
[1 position].
- Low-temperature plasmas, covering both its experimental characterization, and its
numerical modeling (using kinetic, fluid, statistical simulation tools) [2 positions].
- Theory and Modelling of Fusion Plasmas, in the areas of equilibrium, stability, MHD
instabilities,turbulence, transport, fast particles and non-inductive current drive [1
IPFN is a research unit of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), with a Contract of Associated
Laboratory with FCT. This unit has expertise in physics, engineering and technologies related
with Nuclear Fusion, High Power Lasers, Plasma Discharges and Fundamental Physics. IPFN
has research and development activities in the frame of the EURATOM Fusion Programme and
a research program in support of HiPER and ELI EU projects. Duties of successful candidates
include the development of projects in the areas listed above. The working language is English.
The successful candidates will receive a competitive salary in accordance with the university
regulations for a senior researcher. The contract offered will have duration of up
to 5 years, renewed yearly based on mutual agreement. The annual gross income, before
taxes, will be approximately 3,000 Euros x 14 months.
Applicants should have obtained a PhD in Physics, Engineering Physics or related areas.
Candidates should have a high quality research record and as a rule 3 years of post-doctoral
research experience. The successful candidates are expected to do research in the areas listed
above. For more information, consult http://www.eracareers.pt.
By email to [email protected] with the following information:
- Identification of the candidate
- Curriculum Vitae/resume
- Letters of Reference
- Statement of purpose for the period of the contract.
The Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear is an inclusive, equal opportunity employer.