APRIL 21 THE LIMA NEWS New Quiz Show Will Teach Audience How To Remember POPEYE—IT'S A GRIPPING SCENE! The determined efforts of Elisha concert series over the NBC-Red Brooks to obtain an education de- network May 5. The medley inspite the handicap of dire poverty c l u d e s "I'm Bringing a Red will be recalled in the Old Ran- Rose," "Romance," "At Sundown," frer's dramatization on the Death "My Buddy," "Yes Sir, That's My Valley Days program over WEAF Baby," "My Blue Heaven" and Frida'y from 9:30 to 10:00 p. m. Entering: elementary school at the "Without That Gal." Marck Weber, conductor of the age of 17, after he had worked for six years to support his mother, "Intel-national Nights" series over network Monday father and ten brothers and sis- the NBC-Red ters, Elisha soon rose to the head nights, flew to New York from of his class and a few years later Chicago over the week-end 'for enrolled at Healdsburg Academy business. He got back to the on a scholarship. Jobs as miner Windy City just in time for reand janitor helped to sustain him hearsals. Earnest Chappell, master of during his attendance at Healdsburg and upon graduation he be- ! ceremonies of "Show of the Week" Kan a long teaching career which over MBS. plays host to Jan Garculminated in his election to the j ber's orchestra during the Sunpresidency of one of California's ! day, April 23, program. Chappell leading colleges. STATIONS THAT MAKE L'P Gracie Allen's latest original THE NETWORKS comedy, "The Ride of Paul Re(Xotc: Refer to this box for stations vere" with original music and of networks indicated after each lyrics by Ray Noble and his staff program item. All -programs are corned by key station and fccsic chaini will be presented on the Burns or groups thereof unless specified.) and Allen program Friday at 8:30 N B C - W E A F ( R E D ) : BASIC—East: p. m. over WABC. Paul Rcvere's weaf cbm kj"w when wcae wcsh wilel wfbr wgy wjar wnac wrc wtag horse will be brought to life by •n-tam ivtic wwj; Midwest: ksd kstp the soundman. wdaf who wire wmaq wow: South: kprc wbrc wjdx wmbg wmc wsb Roscoe Hoskinson, hero of an •wsmb; M o u n t a i n : koa kdyl. exciting episode in the Oklahoma N B C - W J Z ( B L U E ) : BASIC—East: oil fields 11 years ago, will be wjz cfcf kdka waby wbal whz-wbza wean wbr wfil wham whk wicc presented at the microphone folwjtn wleu wmal wmff xrsyr wxyz: lowing the dramatization of the Midwest: koil kma kso kwk wbcm well wenr wfdf wihm wjim wls wmt episode in the "Romance of Oil" wowo wren ivtcn: South: kxj"z wasa feature of the Cities Service Con- wdsti wjbo wmps wrtd wsgn; Mountain: klo kuta kvod. cert over WEAF Friday at 8 p. m. NBC O P T I O N A L STATIONS (operHoskinson was in a crew that ate interchangeably RED or BLUE drilled 6,500 feet without any evichains); East: cbf cbl cmx wbre Tvcol ween wiea wgal wlbz wlw dence of oil. It was decided then wnbc work wraw wrdo wsai wsan to lower a nitroglycerin torpedo wspd; Midwest: kans kelo kfyr kgbx koam ksoo wbow wcfl wcky down the well and explode the wday webc wgbf wgl wiba wood rock, in the hope that oil would be wtmj: South: kark kfdm kgko kenc kg-rv kris ktbs kths ktok ktsm kyoo released. Before the torpedo was wapo wala wave wbap wcsc wfaa at the bottom, however, oil began •wfbc wfla wiod wis wjax wky wlak gush and presently the torpedo woai wptf wrol wsm wsoc wsun wtar wwnc; M o u n t a i n : kghf kgil shot into' the air. As it kpir kido kob kpfa ksei ktar ktfi came down, Hoskinson caught it kvoa. CBS-WABC: BASIC — East: wabc with his hands. woko wcao weei wgr wkbw wkrc Lucille Manners and Eoss Grawgar wdrc wcau wjas wpro wfbl ham will be heard as usual with wjsv; Midwest: wbbm krnt wflun kfab whas knox. O T H E R the concert orchestra conducted j kmbc STATIONS: East: wade wpg wabi by Dr. Frank Black. | wnbf wbns whio wjr wesg whp ckac wpan whec wbgi wmas wnbx cfrb A half dozen years before the wibx wbry wore wkbn: Midwest: movies tumbled to the sock appeal woe wkbb wdal wcoa wta(| w m f b wkbh liiflo wisn wcco wmbd k?cj of such hit ideas as the "Hardy wibw whlb kfh wnax: South: Family," radio's "One Man's Fam- w.ebt waim wjrst wrdw wapi wens wbt wdod wrb! krld wdnc wmmm whig ily" was a big success. That's ktrh wmbr wnox klra wmaz wrec one reason why "The Aldrkh wcoc wqam wsfa wlac wwl koma wdbo wpar wcoa wrva wdbj Ktsa Family" starring Ezra Stone was wtoc kwkh wdne wtul wjno wwya chosen as the summer replacewsjs; M o u n t a i n : kggm kvor klz ment for the Jack Benny program. kfbb kygo koy koh ksl kgar M B S - W O R - W G N — B a s i c : wor wgn Odds are better than even that cklw wfil wbal wol wrva wcae wiw Hal Kemp will have the Smoothwsai wsm khkc wbax: New E n g ies, former WLW aces, on his l a n d : wicc wilit wair wspr wfea waab winh wlbz wnic wrdo wllh forthcoming "Time to Shine'" prowean wsar wnbh w h a t wcon wbrk: gram. Midwest: whbf kso wmt koll kfor wdgy whb kggf; South: ktok kada A girl sword swallowcr will be kvso kerc kome kbiz kgff ktat kfjz krbc kgnc know kric kbst kris kand Fred Allen's "Person You Didn't wrr kluf kiyz kfro kfyo kplt kgki Expect to Meet" or the jester's Tcabc krrx- ktem kcmc kgkb wnco krgv; M o u n t a i n : kfel kfka (note: program over the NBC-Red netSome MBS stations also on other work Wednesday, April 26. She chains). is Patsy Smith, a pretty southern lass, who has been a feature attraction with th'e Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey circus for the last five years. Walter Donaldson was once credited with writing 70 per of the nation's song hits. FRIDAY, APRIL 21 Eaitern Standard—Subtract One Hr. for CST, 2 Hrt. for MT—P. M. (Changes in programs as listed due to last-minute network corrections} 6:00—Xylophone Program—nbc-weaf I News; Dance Orches.—nbc-wjz-enst Broadcasting Xews Period—cbs-wabc Mutert Music by Orche.s.—mbs-chnin 6:05—Alma Kitchen's Prof?.—nbc-wjz Daily Sports Kcsumc—for wabc only The Manhattan Serenade—cbs-chnin 6:15—Malcolm Claire Story—nbc-weaf Dorothy Kdchellc & Songs—nbc-wjz How,-. Wine on Aviation—cbs-wabc 6:25—Press News Period—nbc-woaf 6:30—Xames Make Xows—we.af only .Dance JJusic Orches.—nbc-red-chain Threo Jesters Prog.—wjz-wbz-wity KDKA Sons Pictures—nbc-blne-rhain Bob Trout and Comment—cbs-wabc 'Front Papre'—whk-wspd-wrne.-wbnx 6:45—Bill Stern on Sports—wear-only Trio Time & Songs—nbc-red-chain Lowell Thomas, Talk—nbc-wjz-basic Hal Tottcn on Sports—nbc-blne-west DoHs Kliodes and SOURS—wabc only Sophie Tucker's Program—cbs-chnin The CTiO I j i l t l c Revue—nibs-chain 7:00—Tn Be Announced — nbc-wear Varieties in Vocals—nlic-wjz-cast Amos ,<- Andy, Skit—cbs-wabc-east F u l t o n Lewis, .Jr., Talk—nibs-chain 7:15—.1. Kid lor. Movies—nbc-wcaf-east Herbert 1'oote, Orpan—nbc-red-west HanciiiK Music Orchestra—nbc-wjz I.nm and Aimer, Dramatic—cbs-wnhc Tlaco Trafk ,llm. Drama—mhs-cbain 7:30~Tttivelcrs—weaf-kyw-wbx-wmal UnnciiiK Music Orch.—nbc-red-cliain The ABC of NBC on tour—nbc. wjz To Re Announced (30 in.)—cbs-wabc Ijoni! llanRer, Drama—mbs-wor-oast Vront Page rpt.—wlw-\VKn-l<xtp-l<xok 7:45—,1, Brrch, Soup;—woaf-kyw-wmal Dancing Music Orch.—nbc-red-clinin A d r i a n Rolllnl's Orchestra—nbc-w.iz Sam Baiter's sporls—wgn-wlw-kwk 8:00—Tjiiclllc Manners Con.—nhc-weaf To l?n Announced (30 m.)—nbc-wjz "Fir.it XiKhter," Drama—cbs-wnhc .lohhny Presents—wnv-WRn-wlw-only 8:30—The ChleaRO .lamboree—nbc-wiz .Hnrns and Allen Progrnrn—ohs-wahe "Auihor! Author!" Qui7—nihs-wor • :00—Alie l.yman Waltzes—nbc-woaf t P l a n i a t i o n Pany Program—nbc-wji 'I Orson Welles Plnyhouso—cbs-wnbc "Peter Quill" Dramatic—nibs-chain • :JO—Death Valley Days—nbc-woaf March of Tim«, Dramatic—nbc-wjn Dancinir Mnsic Orcbo.stra—mbs-wor 10:00—Guy 1-ombardo Orch.—nbc-wcnf To f!e. Announced (,1fl m.)—nbo-w.17. In firand Central Station—rhs-wabc Boone ("ounty .lamborefi—inlis-wor T0:30—Undo Kwa's Sketch— nho-weaf Pancn Mnsic Cirches.—nbe-wjj'.-east Vocal Variolios rpt.—nbc-blno.-west Clyde Harrie, Haritone—wabc-only IlavieiniT Music Orchestra—inbr.-\vor 10:45 -News <"oinment — nbc-wo.if-basic ,l|niin^' I'^idle?, repent — nbo-reil-\\e<;T Vr>m Kton Tloys in Songs- -waho nuly 11:00- -Dance Mufio lo l — nlie-wesf Xewf: T>ftiieir>C to 1 n. nv —nbr-tr.)K Xpv, s; TJ.'inci -,g In I a, iu.~ci)S-Wa!»c Aflnos *. Anfly tfptftt—cbs-w««t only Musln Orche«tf*—t - • • • Music to 1:JO rSPAPERf ACCOUWTA 1PUL MAkiV WELL, SLOW MEDOWMi i DIDN'T HARPV Old Ranger Will Recount Story Of Man Who Made Efforts To Obtain Education Despite Handicap Of Poverty ''Don't Forget." a new audience participation program which carries the quiz program thru to Us logical culmination, will be launched over WJZ Friday. The program will be heard each Friday from 8 to 8:30 p. m. Allen Prescott, long known to radio listeners as NBC's "Wife Saver," will be master of ceremonies of the new series which will feature the M. P. C., or Mental Point of Contact, as a means of helping listeners to remember names, number? and places thru thought association. Five members will be selected at random from the studio audience. Each contestant will receive five dollars and, for each question answered correctly, an additional sum of 63 cents, which represents the M. P. C. of the program as it is broadcast on the sixth day of j the week at 8 o'clock. LiS- j Frank Black and his concert orteners will be invited io send ! chestra will demonstrate Donaldin M. P. C.'s which, if used, I son's v««»«Hiy >n the composing ... . ., ,0 field when they plav a medley of will win them c$3. . , r- -., ^ ' his tunes on the Friday night PAGE ELEVEN FIGHTING IN M1DA1&! LOOK AT THE FLV, V —By V. T. HAML!N ALLEY OOP—ROAST BEEF—COMING UP I DON'T VVHV I MMX>A. GO GIT MAD AKJ' WALK OUT OKI ALLTHEK\ GOOD EATS.' WELL, AWVWAY BOEATHE...CWTTtft»! I WOWDEB, f THEY1 BE GOOD TO 1BKED BV THE MEttCUMENJT CAUSED BY HIS CLUM5V EFFOQJS TO ADOPT THE CUSTOMS OP THE ZOT» CEKJTUCW, ALLEY OOP HAS DECIDED TO GO IT ALOWE , , .CO>«. 19MBV NEASEBVICe. IMC. T. M. BCOL U. 9. PAT. Off. By FRED HARMAN RED RYDER—LITTLE BEAVER'S ON THE JOB CRAWL TH«OW -CARR IfOTH'MINE SHftFT WITH ZEKE.MISS ELLEK AS' LITTt-E WE GOTTA FlMD OUT WHAT CA«R'5 TH' JOLT OF HIS OWN BEAVER COPR. 1939 BY ME* SERVICE wood for New York April 29 to original vehicle is being prepared, do eight broadcasts from Gotham. I Two rationally known pcrformA deal is pending for Ray Noble,! ^ headline the guest star list on , . , , i For Men Only" over the NBCtheir bandleader, to go into one of i Red W^Q^ Tuesday, April 25 at the New York hotels while the } 8:30 p. m. They are Joy Hodges, popular actress, last seen on program originates in the east. P. M. In observance of the season and Broadway opposite George M. Co7:15—Jimmie Fidler. Movies. month, Andre Kostelantz and his han in the hit, "I'd Rather Be WEAF. 45-piece orchestra will offer a Right" and currently engaged in 8:00—First Nighter Drama, spring medley, on the "Tune-Up I film activity, and Jack Pearl, diaWABC. Time" program over CBS April 20. j Icctic comedian. They will be in8:00— Lucille Manners. WEAF. Theme number will be "April i tervicwed by master of ceremonies Showers." George Jesscl along with two other 8:30—Burns and Allen. WABC. The 1939 baseball season will I notables. Music will be under the 9:00—Orpon Welles Playhouse, bring approximately five million j baton of Peter Van Steeden with WABC. dollars into the coffers of radio i vocals by the Merry Macs, 3:00 — Abe Lyman Waltzes, stations all over the country, setWEAF. T i t a n i u m , least known metal in ting a new all-time high for single 9:30 — Death Valley Days. the earth's crust, is the most comseason billings. WEAF. Altho Robert Montgomery will j mon. ' It is estimated that there 10:00—Guy Lombardo Orchestra, make his second successive a p - ! a r < 5 one h u n d r e d m i l l i o n billion WEAF. pearance on "Silver Theatre" over | tons of it. in the u p p e r 10 miles CBS Sunday April 23 he will not j of the earth's crust. 10:30—Bob Ripley's Program, do the second part of "Expert WABC. Opinion" as scheduled, inasmuch The "Congress'' grove of Calias the play was able to be c o m - j fornia big trees is made up of a will also offer last minute news pleted in one broadcast. Another' Senate group and a House group. reports. j Jack Benny's broadcast Sunday,! April 23, over the NBC-Red net-, work will concern itself with the | jester's invitation to his entire j cast to go night-clubbing at Schlepperman's H a w a i i a n H a cienda. WE NEVER CLOSE — OPEN SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS Burns and Allen leave Holly- TOP TUNING FRIDAY THIS GORGEOUS REFLECTOR P COR. MAIN & ELM ST. — MAIN 1830 Carrots Fancy Fresh .. - .bch. 5c Eggs iS. 2 do , 35c \Vhite Home Grown Radishes Icicle, bunch 5c Onions 3 B u n c h e s . . . :11 Potatoes .2lc Strawberries '; 23c 5 Lb,. 23c BANANAS ORANGES ORANGES GRAPEFRUIT CELERY K"n«S""!'... HEAD LETTUCE Large Size Florida When HOUSECLEAN Do/. Florida Seedless white curtains with Roman Cleanser to make them snowy-white. Save wear of hard rubbing. stains from tablecloths, napkins, towels; make spreads, doilies, bed l i n e n s snowwhite. Directions on the Roman Cleanser label. For I For 2 Solid Heads PINEAPPLE 10r (So hoi I lr df|i.) *t irrorcrt. Defiance MILK 1 Cans 23 B A L D W I N OR SPIES APPLES Fine Q u a l i t y Fruit MEAT DEPT. SPECIALS Native N. McDONEL BKKCH-NliT COFFKK 01 III JSPKCIAI, COFFKK 6, 25c 14 Oz. JOE WIESS AND SON Mi. 28e MH Mi. *W* ; SPKflAl. Why ttny Tin \rn\, Tnrk, t.nmh. nn<l Smnkfd Lima Honns box '21c H«>ff, Meal at Oiiilil.v. l-'nr « IVtiny iir Tun Hroilors, 1 '.< Ih. HVR,, o«ch fiilf Mnrt V*i« (>»( ih« Kinrt Thut W i l l stinjt Chickens, HOUNlT'OR SIRLOIN Ml* Ih. STBAKS ..,,,..,,,, M>. «**•* HKKF l«ir«c While ROAST ,,,. Mv FRKSH Kfi«8 . I'nfafnos, Irish (Y«liih1rrs, Ih, 2">t K«i*t«n CT»»«»*r , !*<•, H«l(l* (KEEP LIMA MONKY IN I,IMA i ' • GLASS DIFFUSING BOWL • PLEATED CORD TRIMMED SILK SHADE • IVORY AND GOLD FINISH 29' Chetse Lh, Yollow €ro«m Armour's Slar Lard 95c DOWN 50c WEEK Take advantage of this marvelous get acquainted offer. Just think of it ... this beautiful 6way lamp with the special night light and all the other features complete with t silk shade for only $7.95. See this lamp on display in our window. Bridge lamp to match at same price. • NIGHLIGHT FEATURE __WLTH HANDY STEP SWITCH LAST CHANCE SATURDAY WASHER SALE FAULTLESS ELECTRIC . . . .sniiso $1,00 j£* 4f|, Largo Juicy Veal Chops ,.h 19' Franks . Lh, Choice Slooc USE YOUR CREDIT TERMS TO SUIT YOU Mi. 1/carr Roast, h. Frosh Cul III • ONYXETTE INSERT LARGE SIZE CATSUP THE HOME OF GOOD MEATS ONLY \ FRESH 36e ^ IONEER TENT MARKET •% Golden Ripe .. We Deliver WILL Pork Steak , 4 HI/in 20 SpmRibi.JZ Young Liver VSPAPERI
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