An Introduction to Photoshop

An Introduction to Photoshop
Background Information on Photoshop .............................................................................. 3
Creating a Photoshop Document ........................................................................................ 3
Creating Shapes .................................................................................................................. 4
Custom Shape Tool ......................................................................................................... 5
Shape Selection Tool ...................................................................................................... 5
Layers .................................................................................................................................. 5
About Layers ................................................................................................................... 5
Making layers invisible ................................................................................................... 6
Merging one layer at a time ............................................................................................ 7
Duplicating Layers .......................................................................................................... 8
Naming Layers ................................................................................................................ 8
Deleting Layers ............................................................................................................... 9
Creating a new layer ....................................................................................................... 9
Blending Modes ............................................................................................................ 10
Paint Bucket Tool ............................................................................................................. 11
Drawing............................................................................................................................. 12
Paintbrush ..................................................................................................................... 12
Pencil............................................................................................................................. 13
Zoom-zoom! ..................................................................................................................... 13
Erasing .............................................................................................................................. 14
Magic Wand .................................................................................................................. 14
Eraser Tool .................................................................................................................... 14
Background Eraser Tool ............................................................................................... 15
Magic Eraser Tool......................................................................................................... 15
Transformation Tool ......................................................................................................... 15
Cropping ........................................................................................................................... 16
Selections .......................................................................................................................... 16
Selection Brush ............................................................................................................. 16
Rectangular Marquee Selection .................................................................................... 16
Elliptical Marquee Selection ......................................................................................... 17
Lasso Tool ..................................................................................................................... 17
Polygonal Lasso Tool ................................................................................................... 17
Magnetic Lasso Tool..................................................................................................... 18
Drawing Text .................................................................................................................... 18
Horizontal Type Text .................................................................................................... 18
Vertical Type Text ........................................................................................................ 18
Type Mask Tool ............................................................................................................ 19
Gradient............................................................................................................................. 19
Gradient Editor.............................................................................................................. 20
Eye dropper Tool .............................................................................................................. 21
Cloning.............................................................................................................................. 21
Clone Stamp Tool ......................................................................................................... 21
Pattern Stamp Tool ....................................................................................................... 22
Artistic Manipulations ...................................................................................................... 22
Smudge ......................................................................................................................... 22
Sharpen ......................................................................................................................... 23
Blur ............................................................................................................................... 23
Sponge........................................................................................................................... 23
Dodge ............................................................................................................................ 24
Burn............................................................................................................................... 24
Filters ................................................................................................................................ 24
Enhancements ................................................................................................................... 25
Adjust Lighting ............................................................................................................. 25
Adjust Color .................................................................................................................. 25
Adjust Brightness/Contrast ........................................................................................... 25
Layer Styles ...................................................................................................................... 26
Types of Layer Styles ................................................................................................... 26
Effects ............................................................................................................................... 27
Saving your Image ............................................................................................................ 27
Background Information on Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is the leader in image creation and manipulation. The native file
format for Photoshop is .psd (Photoshop document); however, manipulated images
can be exported to other formats, such as .jpg, .png, etc., but they will lose their
special qualities specific to the .psd format, such as layers, effects, etc.
Photoshop Elements is a cheaper version of Photoshop, made for the mass consumer
to curb piracy. This is the version of the software that we will be using in class.
Creating a Photoshop Document
Go to Start → Programs →
Adobe Photoshop Elements
Then go to File → New to open a
new document up for painting.
The following dialog box appears. The width and
height parameters specify the size of the palette, the
mode specifies what color mode will be used. The
contents section has three choices. This will
determine what color the first layer, called the
background layer, will be composed of.
Creating Shapes
There are several vector based
shapes that can be created in
Photoshop. Most of them are self
explanatory, but the bottom two
options are explained in more
detail below.
Custom Shape Tool
There are numerous shapes that
can be chosen to put into your
picture, similar to the library of
pictures that Microsoft includes
with its Office products.
Shape Selection Tool
The shape selection tool is used to
modify the shapes. It allows you to
scale, move, and rotate the shapes
as you please.
About Layers
The following is quoted from the Photoshop documentation about layers.
You create and manage layers using the Layers palette and the Layers menu. Layers
give you the freedom to rearrange your image, adjust its color and brightness, apply
special effects, edit, and add new elements to your image. With layers, all these things
can be done without making permanent changes to your original image and without
affecting other layers.
When you create, import, or scan an image in Photoshop Elements, the image consists of
a single layer. If you're retouching the image, you can edit the original layer to make
permanent changes. Alternatively, you can leave the original layer intact as a backup, and
retouch a duplicate copy of the layer, or use adjustment layers to fine-tune your image.
The power of layers is that they enable you to work on one element of your image
without disturbing the others, and without making tedious selections. Until you combine,
or merge, the layers, each layer remains independent. This means you can experiment
freely with different compositions without making permanent changes to your overall
image. In addition, special features such as adjustment
layers, fill layers, and layer styles let you create sophisticated
A good way to think of layers is as sheets of transparent
glass stacked one on top of the other. Where there is no
image on a layer, you can see through to the layers below.
Behind all of the layers is the Background layer. In the
following illustration, each animal and the map are on
separate layers. The map of Africa is the Background layer.
Depending on how you stack and position the layers, the
composition changes.
Transparent areas on a layer let
you see through to the layers
below. Image acquired from
Photoshop Elements
Making layers invisible
To make a layer not show without deleting it,
click on the eye icon to the left of the layer.
Combining all of the layers
There are two quick ways to
combine all of the layers. You can
choose to Merge Visible or Flatten
Image. Merge Visible will combine
all the layers that have an eye next to
them, and Flatten Image will
combine all of the images and place
them on a white background.
Merging one layer at a time
Rather than merging all of
the layers at the same time,
you can choose to merge one
layer at a time with the
Merge Down command.
Duplicating Layers
Select the layer that you
would like to copy, right
click on it with the mouse,
and choose the option to
Duplicate Layer to make a
copy of it. A dialog box will
appear so that you may name
the new layer if you wish to.
Naming Layers
Simply double click on the name of the layer and you can
give it a new name.
Deleting Layers
Right-click on the layer with the
mouse and choose to Delete Layer to
remove it permanently.
Creating a new layer
Select the More button and choose the
option New Layer to create a new
A dialog box will appear that will let you
change the opacity (how see-through the
objects in the layer are) and the blending
mode (explained on the next page).
You can also change the blending mode and
opacity from the Layers menu.
Blending Modes
The blending mode determines how the drawing in the layer will be affected by the
editing that is done to it. The following are the blending modes that are available in
Normal: What you see is what you get. No special blending takes place.
Dissolve: Some of the color is replaced by the colors of the layer below it.
Darken: The darker pixels below the layer will show up over the current layer.
Multiply: Doubles the strength of colors on this layer, similar to drawing on a surface
with multiple felt tip pens.
Color Burn: Darkens the color beneath the layer to make the blend color stand out.
Linear Burn: Darkens the color beneath the layer by decreasing its brightness.
Lighten: The lighter pixels below the layer will show up over the current layer.
Screen: Makes the image lighter, similar to placing several photographic slides on top of
each other.
Color Dodge: Brightens the color beneath the layer to make the blend color stand out.
Linear Dodge: Brightens the color beneath the layer by increasing its brightness.
Overlay: Patterns and colors are placed on top of the shadow and shape of the lower
Soft Light: Darkens or lightens the colors, depending on the blend color. The effect is
similar to shining a diffused spotlight on the image.
Hard Light: Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the blend color. The effect is
similar to shining a harsh spotlight on the image.
Vivid Light: Burns or dodges the colors by increasing or decreasing the contrast,
depending on the blend color.
Linear Light: Burns or dodges the colors by decreasing or increasing the brightness,
depending on the blend color.
Pin Light: Replaces the colors, depending on the blend color. This effect is good for
adding special effects.
Difference: Subtracts the lighter color between the base and blend color.
Exclusion: Creates an effect similar to but lower in contrast than the Difference mode.
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Hue: Creates a result color with the luminance and saturation of the base color and the
hue (tint) of the blend color.
Saturation: Creates a result color with the luminance and hue of the base color and the
saturation (diffusion – color that seeps through) of the blend color.
Color: Creates a result color with the luminance of the base color and the hue and
saturation of the blend color.
Luminosity: Creates a result color with the hue and saturation of the base color and the
luminance (glow) of the blend color. This is effect is the opposite of the Color blending
Paint Bucket Tool
The paint bucket tool is a simple tool used for
quickly filling an entire space with color.
First choose your desired color and then
choose the paint bucket tool. Use the paint
bucket tool on an open space or an enclosed
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There are two ways to draw free hand in Photoshop, using the paintbrush and the pencil.
Select the paintbrush tool to use the
paintbrush and determine type of brush that
you would like to use from the drop down
list box.
You can also set the opacity level of the
brush. Recall that this determines how
transparent (see-through) the paint from the
paintbrush will be.
You can also set the size of the brush from
the drop down list box next to the brush
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Though not as versatile as the paintbrush,
the pencil is also a simple tool to use.
Choose the pencil from the toolbar menu on
the left.
The eye glass with the plus sign will zoom closer to the picture and the eye glass with the
minus sign will zoom out.
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Magic Wand
The simplest way to erase unwanted pixels is to use the magic wand. It will select all of
the pixels that share a similar color. Once you have selected them, hit the delete key to
delete that selected portion. Press Ctrl and D to deselect the image.
Eraser Tool
This tool will erase pixels and works like a paint brush.
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Background Eraser Tool
The background eraser samples the
color in the brush center, also called
the hotspot, and deletes that particular
color wherever you drag the brush.
This approach allows you to erase the
background while maintaining the
edges of an object in the foreground.
There are two Limits modes to choose
from at the top:
1. Discontiguous: erases the
sampled color wherever it
occurs under the brush.
2. Contiguous: erases areas that
contain the sampled color and
are connected to one another.
Magic Eraser Tool
When you click in a layer with the magic eraser tool, the tool automatically deletes the
neighboring pixels that share a similar color.
Transformation Tool
Use this tool to move, scale, and rotate objects.
Drag the object’s corners to scale it.
Click inside the object to move it.
Click slightly outside of the object to
get it to rotate.
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Use the crop tool to shrink the image
down to the portion that you select
on the screen. Press Enter on the
keyboard to commit your changes.
There are several ways to select objects for manipulation and editing.
Selection Brush
The selection brush lets you paint the parts of the
scene that you would like to have selected.
Rectangular Marquee Selection
This tool selects an area in the rectangle highlighted
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Elliptical Marquee Selection
This tool selects an area in the ellipse
highlighted region.
Lasso Tool
Draw the area that you would like
highlighted with a lasso. Adjusting the
feather value will smooth the selection that
you made.
Polygonal Lasso Tool
This is similar to the lasso tool except that it
facilitates the process of highlighting an
object as a polygon.
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Magnetic Lasso Tool
This object makes it really easy to select a
detailed shape. It latches to the ends of the
shapes as if they contained a magnetic
Drawing Text
Horizontal Type Text
This will create standard text. Click on the
screen where you want text to appear and
type away.
Vertical Type Text
This is the same as the horizontal type text,
except instead of printing from left to right
it goes from up to down.
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Type Mask Tool
This tool is used to create custom color and pattern to a text. The typed text will create a
selection on the image, and then you can paint over that selection to perfectly fill it in.
Remember to press Ctrl and D to have the selection become deselected.
The gradient tool allows you to make a cool transition between two different color
values, similar to a rainbow. Select the tool, drag it across the region that you want the
gradient to appear on, and it will be drawn to the screen.
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Gradient Editor
Click the Edit button to open up the Gradient Editor. The Gradient Editor is the dialog
box that allows you to customize the gradient to your needs. The top marker allows you
to adjust the opacity of the swatch. The lower one allows you to adjust the color.
The type of gradient can also be changed from being solid and
smooth to noisy.
If you are satisfied with your gradient, press the Save…
button to save it to a file for future use (load it using the
Load… button).
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Eye dropper Tool
There are many instances where you
will want to sample a color to use
elsewhere in your drawing. Use the
eye dropper tool and touch the area
that you would like to sample a color
from. From then on, that color will
be in use until you change it.
Cloning is a powerful technique used to sample nearby art and paint it in the exact same
way in another location.
Clone Stamp Tool
Choose the clone stamp tool and
while holding the alt key, right click
with the mouse on the part of the
drawing that you would like to
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Then paint the area on the screen that
you would like the cloned image to
Pattern Stamp Tool
This tool will let you place samples that have been stored in a library. You can create new
patterns for the library as well.
Artistic Manipulations
Use this tool to smear the pixels as if they were
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Attempts to un-blur images by adding color
to the area that sharpening is applied.
This option blurs the pixels together. Notice
that in the example the blur has been
applied to the face.
The sponge adds/subtract color from a
region. The add/subtraction of the color is
decided in the mode drop down box.
(saturate to add color, desaturate to subtract
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The dodge tool is used to bring out highlights or
shadows in the image. This is decided upon in
the Range drop down list box.
The burn tool is used to darken portions of the
image that it is applied to.
The filters are programmatically generated to
do neat effects on the drawing. There are
several filters out there that can be used in
your program. The following link contains
300 pages of free filters for download and
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Enhancements can be accessed from the Enhance drop down menu at the top of the
program window.
Adjust Lighting
Adjust Backlighting: Use this
enhancement to darken areas that are
overexposed. This is most useful on
pictures of sky that are too bright.
Fill Flash: This is used to lighten
parts of a picture that have too much
Adjust Color
Color Cast: The colors on the image are readjusted so that the tone of lightness and
darkness appears to be evenly spread out.
Hue/Saturation: Allows you to adjust the color and tone of the picture without
permanently affecting it. Final changes must be confirmed in the dialog box for them to
become permanent.
Remove Color: Converts the image to a gray scale picture.
Replace Color: Completely replaces a color in the picture.
Color Variations: Contains a sample of pre-set color configurations to choose from.
Adjust Brightness/Contrast
Brightness/Contrast: Creates simple changes to the
tone of the image.
Levels: Allows the user to adjust the shadows and
highlights. In the following example, the white was
adjusted to make the image brighter.
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Layer Styles
Layer styles let you quickly apply visual
effects to an entire layer. This menu can
be accessed by finding the Layer Styles
tab on the right side of the program or
going to Window → Layer Styles.
Types of Layer Styles
The following styles can be applied.
Bevels: Edges that are not perpendicular to the
Drop Shadows: A shadow under an
object to make it appear raised.
Inner Glows: Special effects that
affect the inner border of the object.
Inner Shadows: A shadow inside of the object to
make it appear sunken.
Outer Glows: Special effects that
affect the outer border of the object.
Visibility: Sets different opacity
values for the layer.
Misc. Layer Styles: The remaining styles apply a
complex pattern to the image that is contained in
that layer, such as filling it with green glass, a
cross stitch, etc. The following are the current
effects available for you to experiment with: Complex, Glass Button, Image Effects,
Patterns, Photographic Effects, Wow Chrome, Wow Neon, and Wow Plastic.
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Effects are a quick way to apply a
completely new look to your entire
image. They are similar to filters
and there are a lot of effects for
you to explore for your drawings.
They can be accessed either
through the Effects tab or by going
to the Window and choosing
Saving your Image
To save your image go to File → Save As… There are
several types to choose from, and each is touched on
PSD, PDD: The native file format for Photoshop.
Allows you to make edits with layers, filters, etc.
BMP, RLE, DIB: The regular format of an image with
either no compression or very simple compression.
GIF: Compression scheme that allows for animations.
In many case this file type degrades the image quality
because it uses less memory to display the colors, but
there are hacks to get around that.
JPEG: The most commonly used compression
technique. Because the red channel is most easily seen
by the human eye, most of the color degradation is in
the blue and green channels.
PCX: An outdated version of the RLE file type.
PDF, PDP: Portable Document Format, used commonly for documents on the web, but
images can also be saved and viewed in this format.
PCT, PCIT: Outdated file format used on the original Apple computers.
PXR: Pixar Animation Studio’s proprietary file type.
PNG: Similar to JPEG, but better quality usually, though larger in size.
RAW: The uncompressed data – just pixels values stored in a file.
SCT: Scitex’s proprietary file type; Scitex is now owned by Kodak.
TGA, VDA, ICB, VST: Truevision’s proprietary file type; this file type is a favorite of
texture artists.
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TIF, TIFF: Tagged Image File Format, this format was created by Microsoft and Aldus,
and is generally used as a default for scanned documents. Because there were problems
with this file type (it is difficult for computers to know when the data in the file ends), it
made it possible to hack the Playstation Portable System (PSP).
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