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Make the Software Shine: How to Write Comments
28/02/13 14:09
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TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005
How to Write Comments
Last edited: 2006 January 16
Should I write comments? What is good comment? Is it possible to
write comment for a class in 5 minutes? I would discuss these
How to Write Comments
questions. I would be happy if, after reading, you will be thinking that
good comments are an important thing to your project success.
I must admit that I hated to write comments. I was finding them boring
Post-MVC Draft
and unnecessary. And the worse thing is that I was afraid that during
Is Inheritance Bad?
my design some of my methods or classes might go away together with
No More DTO
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my time spent for writing my good comments. So the first thing I would
discuss is
Here is the first reason for comments. Comments can make your
design clearer. You could mark the class with its responsibilities using
comments. You can check then how much your class respects its
responsibilities, and that it don’t do something which is not its
responsibility. Moreover, you can check how much your class respects
Single Responsibility Principle and make some decisions to improve
the design.
But I think that primary reason which can force you to write comments
is to make your code understandable for others. The rule is simple. If
you will hide your code for forever - nobody is going to know if it is
commented or not. As soon as you are going to share your code with
some other person - unless you are not writing it all together from the
beginning - he or she will be happy to see your class comments.
Of course you could be happy to explain it to everyone personally. But
you want to avoid phone calls asking what your class does while you are
on vacation.
Updates are here!
Some person recommends to comment hard things. Absolutely.
Many people write comments for themself. Hire them now.
Do you know any other reasons which make you to start writing
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comments? If yes - I will be happy to include them here. Personally I
find an important reason to have a good rest on vacation. So the next
question will be -
What is good comment? Should we judge how good the comment is by
its word count? Should we have each method commented? I would say
we don’t, or else our comments could end up time-consuming for us
and being boring for our readers.
It’s so easy to mark a class with extended description of its
name. We end up with class TransactionManager marked as
Represents a Transaction Manager. Would this be descriptive
enough? No sense to include this in comments at all. I can read
a class name by my own. I would be more happy to see
TransactionManager marked as Manages (creates, disposes
and provides) transactions.
Personally I find very useful an old proven approach for class
comments. CRC cards was used for a long time (since at least 1989)
and hugely adopted with modern techniques like Agile Development
(see http://martinfowler.com/articles/designDead.html and
http://www.agilemodeling.com/essays/agileModelingXP.htm). We can
take two good things from there and supply our comments with: class
responsibilities, and class names our class is planned to communicate
Note that OO design tells our class to respect Single Responsibility
Principle. Here is where your comment becomes an important design
tool. If you find it impossible to name your class’s responsibility with a
single combination of verb and noun – it is a good chance your class is
taking too much on itself and should be split. One trick here is - use of
manages helps.
Someone might want to describe here how other classes are
going to communicate with our class. I would move this
information into corresponding class.
We should end up with class comments which are pretty short but
descriptive enough. And what about method comments? No clear
recommendation for now. I would recommend to name a method as
much descriptive as possible. It could make its comment unnecessary. I
would mention some exception situations however. For example, I
would describe what the method does if no item with given key
available. Will it return null? Will it throw an exception?
Ok! Now we know which kind of comments we are going to write. Now
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the question is
I dislike doing something which will be thrown away. I dislike writing
comments which will be thrown away. During my design, I create new
classes, play with them, throw them away and create new instead. I
would find a way to save my time and write a comment when I have a
decent hope my class will remain within the system.
The point to start writing comments is... when the code is ready to be
presented for others. This could be the time before commit to a main
source repository, or insert your case here. For this time, I have pretty
stable class design, and good chance my comments will live long. I am
pretty sure with my class’s responsibilities and what classes it will
collaborate with. I can spend as much as 2 minutes writing this
information as a class comment. Everybody’s happy!
Godsdaughter22 said...
Interesting entry. Feel free to comment on my blog when you have the
time. I would like to get to know you more. Such as schooling, family,
age, where you live, religion, etc.
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10048 said...
Interesting post. Somehow some developers don't get it. I am old
school and the question of commenting your code has been around a
long time. As a manager of developers on many large and small
projects I would not tolerate undocumented code. The developer is not
writing code for himself (assuming he is in the employ of a company,)
he is getting paid to do a job. If the developer can not spend time to
document his code (instinctively) then I would not expect him to last
very long on a project.
Could you imagine in todays "open source" culture that an application's
code not be documented? This would set our industry back 30 years.
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Denis Krukovsky said...
Open source project will definitely have a good advantage if its code
will be well understandable. In this article, I tried to show several
problems which stops from writing comments, and how to deal with
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Richard C Haven said...
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Beginning coders comment nothing;
Novice coders comment the obvious;
Experienced coders comment the reason for the code;
Master coders comment the reason for the code not used
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JimS said...
Good thoughts on comments. As an embedded developer attempting at
times to use open source stuff I would plead with the community to
please comment your routines. In the embedded world a lot of times we
don't have a POSIX environment or sometimes even an OS. Trying to
adapt open source stuff becomes a challenge because we cannot just
configure make... We have to re-write the code to adapt it to our
environment. The greatist help here is comments on each of the
routines (methods) so we can see the gazinta's and gosouta's what they
do and what the routine does. I've given up on a number of interesting
open source tools or libraries because they don't do this and I don't
have the time to decode cryptic routine parameters and try to guess
what the routine does and what the output might be.
Anyway, document your stuff and your project might just end up in
every parking meter on the planet...
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Oscaruzzo said...
You say But I think that primary reason which can force you to write
comments is to make your code understandable for others.
Actually I think the primary reason is to make your code
understandable to yourself and actually I tend to write comments
before I write the code itself...
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Broofa said...
I would disagree that the primary reason for commenting is to make
your code understandable to others . Yes, it is a nice (and necessary)
byproduct, but the primary reason Is that the act of documenting will
improve the quality of the code you write. This sounds strange, but it's
much harder to document poorly written/designed code. Thus, you
become much more aware of the inconsistencies and design flaws, and
tend to avoid them.
More from me on this subject here
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Anonymous said...
I like milk
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Neil Cherry said...
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I'm an old time assembly language programmer (I do hardware) and
comments are extremely important. The first comments are
documentation that I gather from elsewhere. Then the steps to do
something manually. Then I describe the routine, function, whatever.
My 'main' routine usually has few comments as the names are self
describing (tend to be high level) such as get_cli_options() or
setup_daemon() (for those that use C). The actual comments start in
the sub files where I've put together an API. The further down you get
the more into the bits you get.
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The Absurd Theist said...
"But I think that primary reason which can force you to write
comments is to make your code understandable for others"...I agree
with Oscaruzzo...I AM the Other...6 months from now I may have to
revisit my own code. No ones mind is perfect and cannot remember
everything it ever wrote. Comments are SELF-reminders.
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Anonymous said...
"Comments can make your design more clear." You mean, "clearer"?
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Anonymous said...
ewww... I forgot what I wanna comment :P
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Denis Krukovsky said...
Thanks for your comments and grammar fixes everyone. Definitely one
of the important things comments can give you is clearer vision of your
design! You might even trigger design changes as long as you write
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Anonymous said...
Interesting read, but a few comments.
Disclaimer: I am a teacher in embedded systems/robotics/computer
When I teach programming, an integral part is spend on how to
comment code. It is not only important, as you said, to explain code to
others. It is also important to keep remembering what you actually did
with the code you wrote several months after you wrote it and after you
have moved on to a different project.
Secondly writing your comments before you write code (as some other
poster here mentioned) can lead to a clearer/more structured
implementation of your routine/method/class whatever. It can help
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you to think about how to write the code the best way possible (i.e.
design code, not 'hack it together'*). A clear overview of the arguments
a function will take and what it returns can lead to a cleaner
implementation of the code to do the actual work.
If not, write comments as soon as some part is 'finnished', whatever
that means.
And by the way, keeping your comments up to date should be a part of
the code maintenance process.
In the embedded world especially (as again someone mentioned here)
it is very good practise, and luckily very common, to see very good code
commenting. To see an excellent example, get your hands on the
uC/OS-II source written by Jean J. Labrosse.
Lastly, it is my opinion that well documented/commented code looks
better than non-commented code.
* Use of the word 'hack' due to better alternative, but you get the point,
no need to point it out to me how wrong it is for me to use the word in
this context ;-)
P.S. English is not my native language, so sue me for my
spelling/grammar mistakes. I will reply to your allegations in my native
Flemish, or even the language of the country where I am now, Finnish
Best regards and happy holidays,
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sprezzatura said...
A programmer doesn't truly learn the importance of comments until he
has enough experience under his belt to have been in the horrible
situation of staring at code he wrote years ago... and not understanding
a thing!
I like writing comments. Kind of the icing on the cake.
I wish my development environment would support fancy typography
in the comments: fonts, bold, tables, etc.
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Anonymous said...
The only effective way I have convinced someone to comment their
own code is to present them with a lot of code with which they must
work that is poorly commented. After an hour or so of using their
editors find tool they have been convinced that good comments are the
path to nirvana.
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Anonymous said...
I comment before I write the code, the comment describing the
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contract for what I'm about to write. It's good to comment on
preconditions and post conditions.
Within the code I find it good to comment on why some things are
done the way they are, or if its complex refer the reader to some
reference or design material. A block comment called "Calculate the
determinate of the matrix" can be quite nice. Not had much need for
that recently as more and more of the complex stuff is done in libraries
A lot of code nowadays can be autocreated. If the generator were to
pass comments from the source definition into what it creates then it
would help with things like intellisense. Unfortunately the one I'm
using at the moment doesn't.
Combine this with a tool that complains bitterly if something is missing
a comment and you get problems - compiler output with hundreds of
warnings that if you tried to fix, your work would be overwritten next
time the code generator runs on next compile. All these warnings hide
the really important "variable used when not initialised" that you really
need to see.
Should you comment a method that implements an interface or and
abstract method if the comment on the interface or abstract method's
comment is enough?
Javadoc and Eclipse are quite sensible here. Eclipse generates a nonJavadoc comment, and Javadoc uses the interface's comment.
NDoc on the other hand insists on a comment on the implementation
which is a real pain as keeping all those identical comments in sync is
hard - and typing "Look at interface foo" is pointless.
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sebastian said...
Ehh... all of that sounds rather complicated and isn't what I've
Remember, comments are not documentation. Writing a few
comments here and there or hundreds of them won't necessarily make
your code more understandable.
As a rule of thumb, use comments to excuse or blame. If you're finding
other reasons for needing comments, I'd say there's a good chance your
documentation isn't sufficient or your code sucks and is too cryptic for
another to grasp -- in which case comments probably shouldn't be your
largest concern.
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Mario said...
Last thing I had to do in my last project was to complete and translate
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to Spanish all comments/javadoc. I even had to document other's code.
During that process I discovered that some comments were a little
difficult to write, like the ideas didn't fit quite naturally. Then I realized
that the code wasn't as good and simple as it should be.
If I refactored the code in a way that the comments and docs were
simpler that would mean that the code would represents the ideas
behind it in a more elegant manner. And I think it will represent better
If you cannot easily explain what you are doing...something is wrong
(either with your doings or you) ;).
Totally agree with neil cherry: Assembler without comments it is
worhtless ( or a good trick to keep your job).
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dmitry said...
The main reason to comment is to understand the reason for writting
the code. If you can't come up with clear comment for an API - don't
write it. It means you don't understand the task at hand. So - originally
write comments that make you better understand design of the API.
Add comments latter to expand original so other will understand you.
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Nick the Coder said...
I agree with most of what you said, but one thing to take into
consideration is the time when you should right your comments. I tend
to write mine as I code or else sometimes when I come back through a
larger class I can not remember the exact reason I did everything I
did... this also makes debugging a lot easier.
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Stephan Heuscher said...
You forgot the most important reason of all: I write comments so I will
understand what I've done (and what the code does).
In one or two months from now, you will have no idea what the code
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Anonymous said...
Don't comment your code if you wana keep your job ;).
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Anonymous said...
I have been in the telecom software industry for 16 years designing and
maintaining software applications with millions of lines of code and a
10-20 year lifespan. I have worked through the transition from
procedural to data abstraction, and have personally struggled through
all the challenges. Good comments increase quality of applications and
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the productivity of developers for applications with long life spans.
One interesting characteristic of OO development is that the design is
performed from a static "data" perspective, but diagnosis is done from
a dynamic "functional" perspective. In my experience, it is the ability of
an individual to translate between the two modes that determines their
While this translation is trivial in some applications like a washing
machine or ATM, where the classes implicitly represent
functionality(e.g. card reader). It presents a formidable challenge in
transaction based systems where classes represent a tiny piece in a
heirachy of logical abstractions with no implicit association with
external functionality or context within the system.
In conclusion, good comments should mitigate the risks inherent to an
OO methodology. This can be achieved by writing comments that
provide the reader with what purpose the class serves in terms of the
system context as well as assist them on the translation between
procedural and data centric analysis.
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Anonymous said...
Generally good advice, thanks. This article does however, point out that
most engineers are not good writers. Learn some grammar people!
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Anonymous said...
As an aspiring programmer (C#), I find it is important to get in the
habit of commenting code.
I know the importance of this as a reslut of the many aquisitions in
which our current code (VB) was ridiculed and scrutinized for lack of
BTW - I am learning programming for fun - I am networking geek by
trade! :D
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Anonymous said...
"Don't comment your code if you wana keep your job"....in seven years
of professional coding, I've seen a lot of people attempt this strategy,
and every one of them eventually got fired.
At some point, management decides that the pain you will continue to
inflict in the future exceeds the pain of transition. Also, bear in mind
that at some point, your application starts to become obsolete, and
nobody will want to give any new projects to you.
Meanwhile, people who write clean, well-commented code keep their
jobs because they make everybody happy.
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btw, a wonderful example of well-commented code is the source of
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Anonymous said...
This is actually 1/3 of a research paper I am finishing now. We
compared very successful open source projects to student projects. We
found a very strong consistency of both length of comments and how
often comments occur across all six open source projects we analyzed.
Using this data we looked at student projects and in many respects the
student projects comments are much shorter and not as frequent. And
as a side note, we analyzed comments, global variables, function calls,
and out of everything commenting was definetly the most consistent
across all of the projects
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Doug said...
For my money the best reason to comment your work is not for others,
but for myself. When I look back at something I did more than a month
or so ago, it might as well have been done by someone else. My
comments are often the only clue to what I was doing or thinking at the
As Oscarruzzo said, I comment first, then use the comments to help me
with my structure.
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NRhettleguest said...
Let's cut to the chase - comments should not explain CODE to other,
but establish the CODE's structure and define operational stages.
Attempting a deeper explaination means spending valuable time in
comment management during debug sessions/trial code development.
Not spending the time to manage eloquent comments leads to distrust
and disuse.
Use block comments for File/Function headers and establish Name,
Purpose/Responsibility, Developer, Date. Make some attempt at I/O,
but this usually fail over time.
Use code separation comments to document the different stages within
a function - limit to 7 but preferably 3 sets per function.
ONLY use inline comments to establish a correlation between data
elements. Explaining data elements is also OK but not imperative.
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Anonymous said...
I also like milk
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Alex said...
I tend to comment before writing any code: since I mostly write either
shell scripts or code for dynamic web pages (PHP is my preferred
languate), I generally write out most of the comments as a layout. For
# Section 1 -- check to see if the command line
# arguments make sense.
# Section 2 -- deal with the -h or --help flags.
And so on. In a lot of cases, if I try something and it turns out not to
work, I'll comment it out, then add an explanation. ("This turns out not
to work because I'm an idiot. I can't insert this value into the DB
because it's a string being inserted into a field that has type int! I
rewrote this below to do more checking to see whether the data-type is
That way, if I'm trying to do something similar in the future, or if I look
at the code and wonder why I wrote that routine in a way that looks
more convoluted than it needs to be, I can see my reasoning and why I
didn't do it the simple way.
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Dedly Wombat said...
Code says HOW something is being done. Comments say WHAT is
being done, and WHY it is being done. Comments and code illuminate
the problem space and the solution space, respectively, and obviously
their perspectives are different, which provides a huge help during
debugging and maintenance.
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grizzled said...
Some advice from a grizzled systems engineer.
Avoid comments.
If a particular piece of code needs comments, first try to reorganize the
code lexically and syntactically: apply proper formatting and
whitespace and use sensible variable names. It should be a lot more
readable now.
Still not immediately clear what the code is doing? Then reorganize
your code structurally: move loops and if/else blocks into separate
functions, add descriptively named variables to hold the results from
complex expressions, strive to replace complex if/else and switch/case
blocks by input->action mappings.
If that still doesn't quite work, reorganize your code architecturally:
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scrutinize the data flow, design a sane API with sensible objects
method names. If necessary, go back to the client and verify that you
actually understand the problem.
Finally if the code is still not self-explanatory, take all the reasoning
that went into the reorganization effort, and use that as a huge big
comment block.
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Anonymous said...
Two things:
First, comments are useful even if you are hiding your code forever. I
can't tell you how often I've come back to an old piece of code, intended
only for my own use, and been confounded by its obscurity or pleased
to see an explanation in a comment. It makes a difference. It's also a
good way to force you to think about what you're doing before you do
it. (Even better are languages that allow you to express some of these
things in the language itself, so that they are additionally checked by
the compiler!)
Two: I'm surprised you didn't explicitly mention pre- and postconditions, since this has been known for years. When documenting a
function, it's critical to state precisely the conditions under which it will
work, what it does, and what state of the world it guarantees after being
executed. Being specific here helps for the person who wants to call
your function, but is even more important for blame assignment: when
the program goes wrong, it's important to be able to figure out WHY. Is
it the caller or callee? Being able to see that a function is called without
its preconditions, for instance, would blame the caller. Seeing that the
function doesn't meet its stated specification in a corner case would
blame the function itself.
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Anonymous said...
I tend to use a lot of comments. Comments not only help you figure out
what's going on, but if you are keeping your code organized, then you
can use comments to find your way around the code.
Face it - Most IDE/Code editors have syntax highlighting... It goes a lot
easier finding a big green comment saying "// interface Drawing starts
here" than it does looking through code which is poorly sectioned off.
Object Oriented design has done much to alleviate this need, but the
need still exists.
Then there's TODO Comments... After you've flow-charted something,
or designed something big in UML, etc.... you can place TODO
comments to outline the functionality you need to follow in code.
Following your design documentation ensures that your code will fit in
with everyone else's bit of code.
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And, a deleted comment in a deleted code block was still useful. I don't
know how many times I've written a comment for what I'm about to do
and realized that "This isn't going to work the way it is written".
Comments can help you find flaws in your design documentation.
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Anonymous said...
You ask, "Do you know any other reasons which make you to start
writing comments? If yes - I will be happy to include them here."
When I code, one thing that always triggers a comment in my code is
"did I get stuck?". As an experienced programmer, I don't get stuck on
the easy stuff. e.g. I can read API docs and if its in there, I don't get
stuck. So no comments. Go read the API.
But if I find a bug in the API docs, or if I have to cross reference some
arcane document, then the comment will include enough info to
reconstruct the document chain or ideas which are necessary to
understand why for example an index starts with -1 instead of 0 (there
is a bug in the offset algorithm which we don't own which for now adds
one to the start index... who knows why, but it happens)
Anyway. That's it. If you have to spend a lot of time getting past some
coding aspect of things, I always document the "aha!" or the insight
which would have eliminated the need to spend all the time researching
at th time.
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N3twrkM4n said...
I can feel your 'pain' regarding comments. When programming
anything (even XHTML, CSS, DHTML) I provide comments to most
I tend to discriminate against small comments, and most of the time
only comment my functions and what they do.
Sometimes if the mood strikes me I comment where they are called if it
seems vague. Great post!
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Andrew Moyer said...
Due to the pace at which we must develop, and our coding style which
is very clean and self-descriptive, we rarely document our code. We're
dealing with PHP using some high powered libraries I developed
(which ARE commented.) Most of the scripts are short and sweet, and
their content is enough documentation. This is an issue that we battle
over often. I say, for posterity, we must document... and my boss says
that's fine, but the deadlines we face make it impossible. We do,
however, comment whenever possible... it's just that it usually turns
out to be less than 10% of what my professor in college insisted we do.
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Honestly, I never have any problems reading code without comments. I
read code just like I read English, so most of the time I just skip reading
the comments anyways because the code itself gives a more complete
Comments are good if not essential for more n00bish people though.
And yes, I've been involved in MASSIVE enterprise projects that have
spanned over 5 years of development, upgrades, migration, and
maintenance, and I've never struggled because of lacking comments.
Kinda a moot issue. It's all about personal style and employment
requirements. Here, it's kinda the opposite of what you'd expect. The
developers suggesting more time to do it "right", but the higher ups
saying, "too bad, just get it don ASAP and move on." Some companies
have a person whose sole purpose is to comment code and document
its useage.
I do love looking back in my code from 4-5 years ago and reading a
section that says something like, "OMG HACK!" or "Redo this later" -it never gets fixed when you're an internal solutions developer ;-)
W ED N O V 3 0 , 0 9 : 0 2 : 0 0 PM G M T+ 0 2 : 0 0
mike-m said...
Why another reason is because I need to recall me what the code was
written for. So comments are not only util for other people, but also for
me self. It's pretty much appreciable to read 1 or 2 lines unlike some
lines from the code.
W ED N O V 3 0 , 0 9 : 0 8 : 0 0 PM G M T+ 0 2 : 0 0
dot cpp said...
code should evolve from comments, as shown by OOD (object oriented
design) specs. read:
if you have adequate stub code and algorithm descriptions you don't
still need to add comments - can simply write the code around the
seems "more" logical.
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Anonymous said...
@grizzled: If you are commenting about how a particular routine
works, I agree, it's redundant. But a good comment tells how the
routine fits into the larger structure, and no amount of code
reorganization is going to do that for you. Download the SQLite
sourcecode, and ask yourself whether it would really be as easy to
understand what's going on without the comments.
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N3twrkM4n said...
Good post. I generally only program in my free time but my professors
at college used to require us to have comments or we ran the risk of
failing the project.
In lieu of that I usually comment everything to some extent. Functions
get commented more, because there is more to explain; while 'calls'
usually only get a couple words if that.
I find myself often commenting my CSS,XHTML, and DHTML as well,
even though some would say it's not all too necessary.
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BigA said...
comments are for the weak minded, a true hacker will just read the
source and compile it in his brain. besides its usually more fun to
rewrite things after a few years anyway.
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Anonymous said...
My feeling is that the best style for comments is a paragraph at the top
of a short block of code (say a page) that clearly describes the
functionality of the code. I don't like having comments mixed in with
W ED N O V 3 0 , 0 9 : 2 6 : 0 0 PM G M T+ 0 2 : 0 0
Anonymous said...
The design (descriptive models etc) and following that, the
implementation should "speak" the obvious language to anyone who
reads the code. The developer should know exactly what the class does
before he/she has a first glance at the source code. If I need to read
code and embedded comments to understand what a class'
responsibility is, then your design is fairly pedestrian if not entirely
pathetic. I apoligise if I sound supercilious, but bad design /
architecture is almost entirely the cause for 95% of the used/unused
software littering the sidewalks.
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Greg said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
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Greg said...
It is possible to write your code without using comments.
I have found that using proper names for variables and methods along
with having the each method properly refactored works the best.
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This also enables you to see the abstract in your code that allows you to
properly move towards using patterns in your code.
My Guidelines
* If you feel the need to write a comment - refactor your code so the
comment becomes useless.
* Comments lie over time
W ED N O V 3 0 , 1 0 : 4 4 : 0 0 PM G M T+ 0 2 : 0 0
Evan Bell said...
Adopting a commenting style like javadoc has other advantages. It
works with doxygen and enhances the contextual help in editors like
Slick Edit( including hyperlinks and fancy formating ).
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Ilfak Guilfanov said...
Being a lazy programmer I comment only when I see that the time
spent writing the comment is less that the time I (or someone else)
would spend trying to understand the code.
This is the only rule, and it works for me.
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Anonymous said...
How to write unmaintainable code
W ED N O V 3 0 , 1 1 : 1 5 : 0 0 PM G M T+ 0 2 : 0 0
Richard Murnane said...
Comments are there to tell the reader the intent of the code. All that
reading the code itself can tell you is what the code actually does. One
generally would have no reason to read the code unless there was some
discrepancy between the intent and the action; having the two detailed
in the same place is A Good Thing [tm].
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Larry said...
Consider this article as code. What lies 'between the lines' is open to
interprtation. Note all of the comments on this article/code! I now
understand the orginal article better. How a class/function works
should NOT have to be inferred. Without comments, inferences are
drawn and errors introduced in the main program flow - the first step
towards a debugging nightmare. Think of commenting, whether
separate and distinct or part of a naming convention, the first line of
defense against debugging hell. Unless you like to debug, then I think
you need therapy - or you need to become a therapist. The last thing I
want to do is re-learn why I wrote a class/function in the first place by
having to re-trace the logic through it because there are no comments!
Kinda defeats some of the advantages of OO programming. Comments
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are no less important to the language you are using than it's syntax.
# inherited by class MySanity which extends class LifeSpan
$timeCommenting = $timeDebugging/2;
TH U D EC 0 1 , 1 2 : 0 0 : 0 0 AM G M T+ 0 2 : 0 0
Matt said...
A QA point...
I seriously want to throttle my developers who don't comment their
code. I have the opportunity to look at their code sometimes, and not
being an experienced Delphi developer, I need occaisional direction as
to where the code is going or what it's supposed to do. The comments
come in handy when testing; I know what I'm supposed to be testing,
and if commented correctly, what changed without resorting to a diff
program. Very handy.
TH U D EC 0 1 , 1 2 : 0 9 : 0 0 AM G M T+ 0 2 : 0 0
Anonymous said...
Comments are for your own good and yes, they are needed for others to
understand what your code does. Comments should be written before
any code is written. Think of it as an outline. First do this... Next do
this... Last do this... Writing comments first will allow you to gather
your thoughts and convey them clearly through code. Any one that
does not believe that spending atleast some of your time to develop
sound comments on the front end will save you loads of time on the
backend simply has not worked on a large project. Just my 2 cents.
Everyone use comments...
TH U D EC 0 1 , 1 2 : 3 5 : 0 0 AM G M T+ 0 2 : 0 0
Chris Maguire said...
Oh man, I sooooo needed this article! I'm putting together the code
standard for our department and the main reason for the standard is to
get one developer to comment!
I sent this quote on to my fellow developers:
"Richard C Haven said...
Beginning coders comment nothing;
Novice coders comment the obvious;
Experienced coders comment the reason for the code;
Master coders comment the reason for the code not used"
It seems that there may actually be reasons for not commenting (e.g.
language, IDE, 133+n355, etc.) and I'd be interested in encountering a
situation where commenting didn't help.
I've been employed as a coder for a little while and for me trying to be
133+ has just lost its novelty. I'm not a compiler and the stress of
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deadlines and the frustration of absolutely retarded code takes all the
fun out of being able to read code without comments. Yes, I could read
your code, but I don't want to: I want to jump in your code, find out
how to fix it, work with it, whatever, then "mark" my territory with a
comment and run away, forgetting I ever had to touch your dirty code.
I'd like to add some reasons for commenting that I don't think have
been mentioned:
- you can help others program better by telling them why you did what
you did (there are always people more junior than you)
- you can make yourself laugh months and years down the road will
silly/sarcastic/rude comments (work should be fun! Too bad it's so
much work). Throw in some ficticious variable comments in the
comment header and see if anyone notices (FurryWoodlandCreature
for instance). Adding quotes is fun too. - when working on multiple
projects and fixing bugs across projects it saves "task switching" time:
the time it takes to "get out" of one project and "get in" another. I hate
spending an hour refreshing my memory on what a coworker's
complicated uncommented code does. For me, I like to know why the
original developer did what they did so that I can glean business rules,
gotchas and limitations from the code.
- Finally, some coders just suck. Therefor if I think someone's code
sucks then someone else probably thinks the same of me. So if I'm
longing for some comments from them (the crappy coders) then they
(the better coders) might be wishing for some insight from me.
TH U D EC 0 1 , 1 2 : 4 0 : 0 0 AM G M T+ 0 2 : 0 0
Stephen said...
Two of the easiest to read chunks of code I've ever encountered were
essentially uncommented. One, the 1980s BSD version of tar(1) was
around 750 lines. Outside of the odd argv parsing, it was very straight
The other was pretty complicated. It included network server code and
supported asynchronous I/O to multiple simultaneous channels, in an
era when that was a new thing.
My metric on ease of reading these codes was simply time. Reading was
quicker because there was less to read.
If the code doesn't match the comments, chances are both are wrong.
All this said, this isn't the style I use. My style hasn't changed
significantly since the mid 70s.
I disagree that the comments are not documentation. The entire source
code is documentation, comments and all. About half the time, its all I
Its annoying to get block comments like:
# Name:
# Description:
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# Change Log:
with nothing filled in. If they bothered to paste in the comment block,
why didn't they bother to fill it in?
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evilmousse said...
learned discipline on ada? my college forced that too. florida tech in
melbourne FL. where was your college?
TH U D EC 0 1 , 1 2 : 4 6 : 0 0 AM G M T+ 0 2 : 0 0
u24 said...
comments are used to describe the code....
just make sure they describe what the code actually does, not what the
code -should be doing-... :-)
TH U D EC 0 1 , 0 1 : 1 7 : 0 0 AM G M T+ 0 2 : 0 0
Anonymous said...
Being primarily an OCaml coder (the link is there just in case you've
never heard of the language, not as spam...), I find it extraordinarily
helpful to read and comment the interfaces to modules before ever
coding anything. It makes sure I've thought through my code before I
start 'hacking away'.
Also, as it has been pointed out already, comments do not suffice for
documentation, contrary to what JavaDoc, Doxygen, OCamlDoc and
the rest would like to convince you. Design/Implementation docs and a
manual are critical to any serious software.
TH U D EC 0 1 , 0 1 : 2 6 : 0 0 AM G M T+ 0 2 : 0 0
Anonymous said...
An very competant and seasoned programming collegue *never*
comments his code, the reason he gives is "it was hard to write, it
should be hard to read". Strangely, his code is actually quite easy to
Go figure.
TH U D EC 0 1 , 0 1 : 3 3 : 0 0 AM G M T+ 0 2 : 0 0
repeter said...
I like how when I look at the word "Antipattern" and hit my page down
key the next "Antipattern" takes its place ofset by just a few pixels.
I've never coded professionally, so I don't really have anything of
substance to say. Informative, though. Great job.
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Pradeep Arya said...
In my last job, I was forced by management (and later became the
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enforcer, when I became management) to overcomment the hell out of
every single element in the source file. When I say "every single
element", this includes every single closing brace, to indicate which
construct it was intended to close.
Running a source analysis tool, the result often ran about 60%
comments, 40% code. I look back on that job now, thinking two things:
1. Whoever invented syntax highlighting has a permanent spot in my
"best friends for life" book. [This was the ONLY way to see through the
2. How could top management have developed such an unhealthy
neurotic obsession with commenting?
When the company offshored to India, the neurotic commenting
standard plus software engineers for whom English was a 2nd or 3rd
language really became a fiasco.
I agree that comments are a necessity, but the take away is this: Mae
West was wrong; too much of a good thing is NOT that great.
TH U D EC 0 1 , 0 3 : 1 5 : 0 0 AM G M T+ 0 2 : 0 0
Anonymous Coward Coder said...
Richard C Haven said...
Beginning coders comment nothing;
Novice coders comment the obvious;
Experienced coders comment the reason for the code;
Master coders comment the reason for the code not used
I have to say, this is one of the best summary I have ever read about
how code is actually documented, and hereby downgrade myself to
"Experienced Coder".
TH U D EC 0 1 , 0 3 : 4 2 : 0 0 AM G M T+ 0 2 : 0 0
Anonymous said...
Good code should be self-documenting.
This phrase is so true, yet often misused by novinces to justify not
commenting their bad/poor/aweful/terrible/noobish code.
Experienced coders comment the reason for the code;
Master coders comment the reason for the code not used
Comments should not be a walk thru of how the code works and
execute, as it should be self-explanatory if WELL WRITTEN. If you
comment like this, you need to maintain your comments like your code,
which often is not done and pretty much useless and verbose.
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This does not mean you don't comment. You still need to comment
certain design/architecture decisions that are not immediatly clear,
why certain things are not done in the usual accepted way etc.
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f said...
Thanks for the thoughtful post on comments.
I guess I'm really old school. I can't fathom the amount of discussion in
the world about whether or not to comment code. Its like a discussion
about whether or not you should put your car keys in the same place
each evening when you get home. In some sense it is up to you. Do it if
you want, and skip it if you don't. BUT if you don't do it, chances are
you're going to waste a lot of time looking for the keys -- you're human.
If you share the car with others, even more so (problem goes like N^2 if
you share w/ N people). If you drive a car for a living, and toss the keys
randomly, your stealing from your company. Same for code. Isn't it
Now, the use of classes is less obvious to me. Again, I'm really old
PS: I kind of enjoy the pun of adding a comment to an entry about
TH U D EC 0 1 , 0 5 : 5 8 : 0 0 AM G M T+ 0 2 : 0 0
Anonymous said...
I agree with the need to comment code.
What people haven't talked about is why so many people hate
When I was in school, and we had to comment all of the code that we
turned in, I'd point to "Hello World" and ask what the hell I should
Of course, when I was an entry level software developer and had to try
to decipher a three year old script made on the fly (that was never
intended to still be in use), I really wished for comments (even though
it was pretty simple to the guy who made it).
The question is what level of complexity requires a comment?
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Anonymous said...
Summary: Write comments on the WHY. Let the code explains the
WHAT by itself.
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Anonymous said...
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Very good article...
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Anonymous said...
Anywhere you have a class with the name "Manager" it should be a
good indication you have an antipattern on your hands.
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Anonymous said...
personally, I think it all comes down the the Single Responsibility
Comments are needed and most used when SRP is violated. The "how"
the "what" and the "why" is all munged together, so its hard to read.
So before you write your comments, go back thru your code, and see if
you can describe what each method does with a single verb & noun. if
you can't, refactor until you can. Then ask if a comment is needed.
Most of the time, you'll find a comment isn't needed. If you do, refactor
If you're worried about whether or not the code is doing its job, check
your tests (JUnit, NUnit, xUnit, whatever), and make sure its doing
what it is supposed to do! If it doesn't have a test, WRITE ONE!
If you're spending time writing comments before code, write the same
thing in a test (NUnit, JUnit, etc). Then you can verify the code does
exactly what it is supposed to.
FRI DEC 0 2 , 0 1 :3 9 :0 0 AM GM T+ 0 2 :0 0
Ransico said...
I think things such as Javadoc are tedious at best... however essential if
working in an IDE with several other dev's.
Ive been coding for over 10 years, and I comment as I code within the
function, and then write a function descriptor when Ive finished the
Slightly off topic.. but function and variable naming is just as important
as commenting
FRI DEC 0 2 , 0 2 :4 8 :0 0 AM GM T+ 0 2 :0 0
Anonymous said...
"The point to start writing comments is... when the code is ready to be
presented for others."
Shouldn't that be "write the comments before you write the code?"
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Denis Krukovsky said...
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So we got two extreme opinions here. One is that good code is selfdocumenting and don't need comments. Another extreme is to
comment before coding.
What's best for you?
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doug in Seattle said...
The reason you write comments is the same reason you should teach
your craft at some point in your career--you cannot claim mastery
unless you can explain it (and clearly) to another.
FRI DEC 0 9 , 0 7 :4 9 :0 0 PM GM T+ 0 2 :0 0
Kartik Agaram said...
The biggest disadvantage of comments in code is that tools can't warn
you when they become outdated and incorrect. Misleading comments
I've been using a homebrew system for a while that addresses this issue
by making version control software aware of comments. This allows me
to gauge the age of a comment when I read it as well as scan later
commits for anything that might break it. Check out a brief writeup on
this system
TU E M AR 2 1 , 0 7 : 0 0 : 0 0 PM G M T+ 0 2 : 0 0
Anonymous said...
There is a load of cobblers written about what is a 'good' comment, and
what is worthless.
ANY comment in code is a good comment. I couldn't care less if it is
stating the obvious, I'm just pleased to see it. I'm just away from staring
at 1400 lines of someone elses code. It's beatifully written, neat and
indented correctly, long meaningful variable names, BUT no
comments, and I haven't a clue what it is doing or why it is doing it.
It is next to worthless
FRI JAN 2 6 , 0 4 :5 0 :0 0 PM GM T+ 0 2 :0 0
Anonymous said...
As far as I'm concerned, comments are part of the code, since they give
context to what is being done. Anything that helps reinforce the idea of
the item adds to the reality of it. Be concise with your words and
suddenly you have code which is easy to maintain. Cheers.
FRI M AR 2 3 , 0 9 :2 6 :0 0 PM GM T+ 0 2 :0 0
Anonymous said...
good blog :)
view my blog: my blog
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Unlock iPhone 3g said...
Must read blog for a beginner who starts blog commenting like me.
TU E M AR 3 1 , 0 9 : 1 8 : 0 0 PM G M T+ 0 3 : 0 0
Katrin said...
My name is Katrin, me of 12 years. I have a friend my dog. His name is
Tobby. He breeds Saint Bernard. We have found him when to me there
were 8 years. Who that has thrown out him at road, he did not breathe
almost. We left him. And he has remained to live at us, he my friend :-).
But recently to him it became bad, Tobby has ceased to eat, drink. The
daddy has led him to the doctor. When they have returned the daddy
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TH U APR 0 9 , 0 4 : 3 0 : 0 0 PM G M T+ 0 3 : 0 0
Katrin said...
My name is Katrin, me of 12 years. I have a friend my dog. His name is
Tobby. He breeds Saint Bernard. We have found him when to me there
were 8 years. Who that has thrown out him at road, he did not breathe
almost. We left him. And he has remained to live at us, he my friend :-).
But recently to him it became bad, Tobby has ceased to eat, drink. The
daddy has led him to the doctor. When they have returned the daddy
has told to me that at Tobby tumour a brain and it is necessary to us
him to lull. The daddy has remained without work and cannot pay
operation. Please help to rescue to me my friend. If you can please send
0,50 $ on mine webmoney purse Z100071278687. Please help
TH U APR 0 9 , 0 4 : 3 1 : 0 0 PM G M T+ 0 3 : 0 0
seslichat said...
everyone talks by another sides,really my brain is mixed huh,anybody
there to tell me clear all but as easyl?
S AT M A Y 02 , 0 4: 2 3: 0 0 PM G M T+ 0 3: 00
Dear i like your website very much . Because your are share the
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[email protected].
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28/02/13 14:09
I am waiting for your positive response.
Thanks and Best Regards
Tauqeer aziz
FRI M AY 0 8 , 1 0 :0 1 :0 0 AM GM T+ 0 3 :0 0
sesli said...
sesli chatsesli sohbetseslichatseslisohbet
W ED M A Y 2 7 , 0 9 : 3 7 : 0 0 PM G M T+ 0 3 : 0 0
Anonymous said...
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FRI JU N 0 5 , 0 3 :1 2 :0 0 PM GM T+ 0 3 :0 0
sasha said...
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W ED JU L 1 5 , 1 1 : 0 0 : 0 0 A M G M T+ 0 3 : 0 0
琪琪 said...
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28/02/13 14:09
If on the other hand, you need a detailed manual, the instructions are
there for you to access.
TU E AU G 0 4 , 1 1 : 5 0 : 0 0 AM G M T+ 0 3 : 0 0
琪琪 said...
you are not our mother. She has a soft, pleasant voice, but your voice is
rough, you are the wolf.
TU E AU G 0 4 , 1 1 : 5 1 : 0 0 AM G M T+ 0 3 : 0 0
琪琪 said...
who has started the last 12 games in the absence of Yi Jianlian. "I know
I've improved a ton defensively this season."
TU E AU G 0 4 , 1 1 : 5 3 : 0 0 AM G M T+ 0 3 : 0 0
Anonymous said...
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TH U AU G 0 6 , 0 2 : 4 0 : 0 0 PM G M T+ 0 3 : 0 0
4xindia.com said...
I could understand each and every point of this article.
Thanks for this piece of well written article.
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Tokk said...
I personally hate to waste a lot of time just only to understand a long
piece of code that could be easily commented.
I often have to edit or work on long pieces of code, that should have
commented to make extensions (and obviously bug fixing) more easier.
I think the point is that a lot of coders, when doing their job, don't
think about who will work on that piece of work later, trying to add
some features or improving it. Maybe just for matter of time... well, I
usually comment all of my work and I do spend a lot of time doing
Get back working... :)
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Make the Software Shine: How to Write Comments
28/02/13 14:09
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Anonymous said...
I think the opposite than the author... if you don't place comments
right from the beginning, you'll probably loose the whole project
I place comments right when I start.
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Sesli sohbet said...
I comment before I write the code, the comment describing the
contract for what I'm about to write. It's good to comment on
preconditions and post conditions.
Within the code I find it good to comment on why some things are
done the way they are, or if its complex refer the reader to some
reference or design material. A block comment called "Calculate the
determinate of the matrix" can be quite nice. Not had much need for
that recently as more and more of the complex stuff is done in libraries
A lot of code nowadays can be autocreated. If the generator were to
pass comments from the source definition into what it creates then it
would help with things like intellisense. Unfortunately the one I'm
using at the moment doesn't.
Combine this with a tool that complains bitterly if something is missing
a comment and you get problems - compiler output with hundreds of
warnings that if you tried to fix, your work would be overwritten next
time the code generator runs on next compile. All these warnings hide
the really important "variable used when not initialised" that you really
need to see.
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Make the Software Shine: How to Write Comments
28/02/13 14:09
Should you comment a method that implements an interface or and
abstract method if the comment on the interface or abstract method's
comment is enough?
Javadoc and Eclipse are quite sensible here. Eclipse generates a nonJavadoc comment, and Javadoc uses the interface's comment.
NDoc on the other hand insists on a comment on the implementation
which is a real pain as keeping all those identical comments in sync is
hard - and typing "Look at interface foo" is pointless.
Wed Nov 30, 07:07:00 PM EET
sebastian said...
Ehh... all of that sounds rather complicated and isn't what I've
Remember, comments are not documentation. Writing a few
comments here and there or hundreds of them won't necessarily make
your code more understandable.
As a rule of thumb, use comments to excuse or blame. If you're finding
other reasons for needing comments, I'd say there's a good chance your
documentation isn't sufficient or your code sucks and is too cryptic for
another to grasp -- in which case comments probably shouldn't be your
largest concern. thankss
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