Document 198590

Decommission Livelink Content Server
to SharePoint
Common Questions for How to Decommission Livelink to SharePoint
An organization that is looking to decommission OpenText Content Server and migrate to another ECM
System is faced with a complex and costly project. ECM Wise proudly presents a simple and powerful set of
tools and processes to enable an organization to decommission the use of OpenText Content Server in a
manageable and cost effective manner. Be “WOWed” by the possibilities and return on investment!
You may need these tools if:
You currently maintain a Livelink Content Server implementation.
You wish to partially migrate or fully decommission Livelink Content Server to a new or existing SharePoint
environment, or partially to network drives.
You wish to decrease support and maintenance costs and simplify your Enterprise Content Management stack.
How can ECM Wise help my organization decommission Livelink Content Server?
Common Challenge
The ECM Wise Solution
How can I get my documents
and metadata migrated out of
Livelink Content Server?
ECM Wise Document Migration Tool
• Tool supports export from Livelink 9.7.1 and Content Server 10+.
• Support to import / migrate directly into SharePoint 2010 and 2013, or to a
network drive location.
• Select what libraries + metadata to migrate from Livelink to SharePoint.
What about my legacy
document links, will all my links
be broken?
ECM Wise Document Link Redirector
• Allows your organization to preserve legacy document links from Livelink
Content Server.
• Once documents are migrated they can be opened via the new or legacy
document links.
What about records
management (RM) support for
ECM Wise Consulting Services
• Let us work with you to advise or enable and configure your SharePoint
environment for Records Management use with popular SharePoint Records
Management vendor toolsets.
What about the cost and ROI?
ECM Wise Expertise and Tools at the right price
• Supporting multiple ECM Systems is a costly proposition!
• Content Server maintenance and support costs for a mid-sized organization
could easily be a quarter of a million dollars per year – which does not even
account for the IT staffing resources to administrate and support.
• The ECM Wise off the shelf toolset is cost effective and enables your
organization to fast track Livelink decommissioning implementation and
conduct migrations at your own pace.
What about migration planning,
environment sizing and
Get the ECM Wise Consulting Advantage
• ECM Wise is a group of Information Technology professionals that have
extensive experience in the ECM and RM spaces.
• If your organization requires migration planning and implementation
services we can provide you a team to help you achieve your objective of
decommissioning Livelink Content Server effectively and efficiently.
© Copyright 2014 All rights reserved. Open Text, Livelink, Livelink ECM and Livelink ECM - Enterprise Server are trademarks or registered trademarks of Open Text Corporation. Microsoft,
Microsoft SharePoint are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Why you should use ECM Wise Migration Tools?
We understand that at one time OpenText Livelink Content Server was the right toolset for your organization.
With ever-changing technologies, and new business drivers and priorities this may no longer be the case today.
ECM Wise tools allow you to migrate from Livelink Content Server to SharePoint technology platforms and retire or
decommission the use of Livelink Content Server!
ECM Wise tools support and enable a simpler migration process.
Benefits to your organization:
• Easy to use – our migration tools simplify the complicated task of migrating from Livelink to SharePoint
• A low cost solution that provides value – allowing your organization to retire Livelink, reduce administrative
maintenance, staffing and licensing costs
• Truth – boost your ROI and reduce costs –ECM Wise Migration Tools enable your organization to achieve
seamless and efficient Livelink decommissioning
Contact us for a demo today!
E-mail inquiries to: [email protected].
Visit us online at
ECM Wise - Our Core Values
Deliver best in class ECM Solutions for our Clients and Partners
• Build open and honest relationships with communication
• Pursue growth and learning
• Have fun
• Embrace challenges
© Copyright 2014 All rights reserved. Open Text, Livelink, Livelink ECM and Livelink ECM - Enterprise Server are trademarks or registered trademarks of Open Text Corporation. Microsoft,
Microsoft SharePoint are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.