Document 199046

-* » '* ljifci*'"''
ehssing matters connected with M
aad no paper would dare ill! if?
* «. S 0 J * I . 1 * H K 1 > ' B V W I Y SATtAtBAY AT
columns with descriptions of fighlp
. ^ ]t$t I . MAIN S r W t , RocansTER, N. Y or fighters. \ Newspapers whic
devote so much space to the doing
' mr THX
of pugilists should be made to realiT H O L I C J O J J R N A L PUBLISHING
s e that there is a large Christian
element in our population, whose
4 •
wishes it is as'profitable to respecj
. M I ,
Uptpmi* not received Saturday notify the office
Report without delay any change of address giv- a s t o c a t e r t o t h e s p o r t i n g e l e m e n t ;
] W h e r i t h e A m e r i c a n p r e s s exjSNS>4 Coi»tnaflication« solicited from all Catholics,
j^ga^MaSopgpaa^ed in every instance by the name of the
s^fefe^lp^or; ,J|ames pi contributor withheld if desired. c l u d e s a l l r e f e r e n c e t o p r i z e - f i g h t "^Bop" no money to agents nnless ihey have cre- i n g f r o m i t s c o l u m n s , t h e c r u e |
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SATURDAY S E P T . , H , 1892
^-l''---;*;'' ' 'Weekly- Church Calendar.
^ i i f ^ ^ S e p t . *8..^-Fifteenth' Sunday after
, m | ^ p | i ? e ^ G 0 . 8 t . Seveh D.olofs of the B, 'V.
llfeiftM*:! St.Toseoh of, Cupertino, Confess
l ^ f f e ^ E e s s . Juditi xiii. 22-2o;Go$p. John
^ ^ ^ p ^ l i r 3C0,--SS. Jcmuariu-s. Bishop, and
iffff^lii^apattions,., Martyrs.
* ' J * f e % s i j o - - S t . Eustace and Companions,
rtyrs. Vigii of St. Matthew, t
yJ %i-°-St..' Matthew,. Apostle
l§E*jSHgeiist. Em>er Day. Fast.
of Villinova
r*|p§ietJR&» 22—St. Thomas
| | j | | p $ & 3 f » and ^Confessor. • SS. Maurice
^^^%-jidiCompatiiions, Martyrs. :
pa^fc>8r—St, Linus, Pope and Mart j r . St.
. K l p i e c i ^ ' V i r g i n and Martyr. Ember Day
| M S i * - ^ f e A O u r X a d y of. Ransom.
lte33«y..5Fast.. '
' •
l^£fe' LEMON
1^tw >
^ ^ ^ s f t ' - i m a y seem strange to say that
Catholic Church' to observe \M
nduct o§ tne worshipers and
dfge their |ait|i from that conduct."»
#nld s u c | an one be impressed
are « 'fewer
Motikerlr Oil
Wtir 0untbJr| in W |W0|Jt >oa
* me Cathqlics'to be as hypocriti1 as the mrem'hJers of the church
ce wished to leave.
A $E-W
V o l u m e ! , « l o . 1, of t h e
aiud h e r e is a s t e p ih the r i g h t direc- t<bral ljetter i p w h i c h t h e f o l l o w i n g
tion. • The Bishops of the United
reference to I the new paper is
S t a t e s , in the l a s t P l e n a r y Council,
pronounced the^ Jiquor b u s i n e s s die*
The young catfishes werfe very am all indeed and looked like, little tadpoles.
Whenever anyone of tjie little fallows
ventured into a deepish,, plac» h a -was
from balloon accidents," said t h e Eminent Person, "although I a m l)y no
means sure t h a t we shall learn it."
" T h e height a t which the bailor, n was
the| accident happened ha i been
honorable and 'dangerous, aad al* . We nave determined'ln accordance when
variously' computed," t h e Journalist
Catholics e n g a g e d in it w e r e advised w ith thje
said, " b u t it Beems to have been liigher
than the top of St. Paul's catkedr il, according- to one computation {.lmost
World. double thp height. S o o n e c ^ n imagine
view of the fact t h a t t h e Churcb, de^ p iper, :to be qalled t h e New
p l o r i n g the wide-spread evil of intem- w h i c h , ; w e h a y e good r e a s o n to be- a little h a w terrible t h e sf^11 must have
' *j
perance, t a k e s a s t a n d like ithis, li sve, vlrill r e n d e r v a l u a b l e service tt> been."
to get out of i|t, and seek a more rep- F ither^ of the Baltimore Council .to
utable meana of employment. ' In entabli^h in C h i c a g o a Catholic n e w s ,
that of a bfrignt young Catholic
man whose talients emild be dediqatiBd
to s o m e t h i n g Worthy of his manhood
and his religioa, e n g a g i n g in so questionable a business' for the sole purpose of e n r i c h i n g himself by eupplyv
the unfortunale demand fur str<pn^
drink?4#Hid power to ruin becOQ<§B
proportioned, to
his iuflaeuce aid
oraliljy, whfph is also t h e c a u s e of
our c h u r c h and our c o u n t r y .
T h a t p a r t of iihe p a s t o r a l w h i c h
relates; t o , " C h r i s t i a n E d u c a t i o n "
q u o t e d e n t i r e o n o u r first p a g e
t i p s w<^ek a n d w i l l b e r e a d ,
hope, b y all b u r readers.
I t isi o n e of t h e s t r o n g e s t a r g u e n t t h a t h a s b e e n m a d e o n fyeh i l f odj C h r i s t i a n E d u c a t i o n , i n recent years.
A s a literary produe-
N o w , instead of usj&g
his own, or boj rowed capital to stock
a s t o r e with liquor, would it not be ti
b e t t e r to >invent in g o o d s t h a t a r e a
useful and necegsary?
Why does he
not e n d e a v o r to c r e a t e t a a t e a in his
l a r g e circle of friends t h a t a r e intended to benefit a|id ennoble r a t h e r than
for those t h a t b y s o e a s y an a b u s e
are c a l c u l a t e d to lower a n d destroy?
H a s the time come when a Cathofic
y o u n g man, dissatisfied with bis prese n t occupation], «an think of nothing
b u t to open up! a wholesale or rejt&il
grog-shop, and d r a g p r o b a b l y himself,
and possibly a h u n d r e d o t h e r s "into
the mire a of d i s g r a c e and wretchedness? Our yoUng men should be
m a d e to realize, jtt'they do notralready,
t h a t t h e Church in this c o u n t r y , h a s
suffered so severely from this s o u r c e ,
t h a t she is forced to look, a t le&Rt,
with frowning, a n x i e t y upon
y o u u g m a n in ]tbe saloon" business, j
ffl: ,'h
Persons Xnsiile, and.
n it is remarkable mr beauty
d elegance of style.
It was
'obatyly written by Bishop Spauig of Peoria, 111. -
Attention is c*tted tot
aip# p
5.OB o. /f Xt hLe. mtidicine,
e f e ^ | ^ t e « •*&*
blttt it strike* m lhat th^fffjr jolt *'w*
cure, no ftvyf* w
* l » l n aj»a! '
¥Jit 9 *
fBtiilders* Hardware,
P an ufaf turers*; Supplies,
they would walk straight and narrow
paths for t h e rest of their lives.
Sanitary Excayatiag Co.
I t went u p fifteen feet a n d fell thirty,
and then it dashed w i t h deadly speed to- 1!
ward the roof, and ail t h e sins t h a t the
Vaults, Cesspools and Cellars, •
eight caged men and the one caged boy A|nd removes all Offensive Matter wfth
"I should like to be; at that lieight had ever done rushed before t h e m like II-'
Neataies.8 and Despatch. ' : -• •
above London occasionally," s a i l the a host of devils. B u t it stopped j u s t in. * I>FFICE,
Prompt sprvice and reasonable rates.
poet; "one could realize jthe unimpor- time, and once more reversed brakes.
tance of a lot of mumpo^tant tin igs so I t stopped with cruel jolts now and
much better. W h e n men appea red to then, but always between the floors, MARBLE and GRANITE WOEKS
me to be the size of the, ordinary J louse- leaving those on board still caged i n b y
fiy, a difference of income, for inspance, wire walls. T i m e and again it seemed
would seem to be too Bmall to be worth certain t h a t it would halt a t one of the- (ANTELS, GRATES AND TldES
W e knoyv how high floors. But it did not, and hope died
• •
above the earth there 1 is•» breathable at- again.
mosphere!; I wonder how high one vould
Finally, after w h a t seemed a n eternity <ua.
have to go before one lost! one's se ase of of torture, the elevator did stop two feet
E d w a r d F . Higgrins,
social status."
below one of the doors. Mr. Craig was
" Y o u can do t h a t without going u p in closest to the exit, and hastily throwing
a balloon," the Ordinary iff an observed. back the door he leaped forward and
"Mix with your superiors; and ycu are
1 s For Weddings, Funerals, Etc.
bound to believe in social equality. Mix upward, and it was only by a hair- Office and Stables, 84 to 00, No. Fltshugh
' and 35 Atkinson Sts.
with your equals andf you'll still be breadth that he escaped being crushed
and almost certainly killed.
Telephone 40. Open -Pay and Night.
• [
After his escape the elevator continued
" A n d if I mix with toy inferiors:
t o perform for a m i n u t e a n d then once
"Now, w h y take impossible cjises?"
more became obedient. The seven men
said the Mere Boy genially.—Blac* anof and the boy got out as quickly as possiWhite.
ble. All were very thankful. T h e eleStopping a Nnk sauce.
T»the Latest and Finest Bindings,
was examined and found, to .be in ! i
A little pantomime performance Tfrhich
was seen On an express train fusbin ; j into
Rosaries, Crucifixes, Holy-Water Fonts,
New York Sunday evening is wor & re- got o n b o a r d and tried it for a floor or
Communion Books in German k English,
cording. A young woman had o; ran^d two, and returning pronounced everyher window, to her enjoyment,.bat to thing all right: The elevator never did
Statues, (Pictures, Candlesticks,
the evident annoyance qf a young man this, before.—Louisvile Courier-Journal. :
Waxa Large
Yon will alwaysfind
Assortment at the
seated directly behind herj. Ther 3 was
and Retail.
much dust and cinders, a,nd his light
The predominating t r a i t of rulers from
clothes and fresh linen got the benefit of
all" there was. H e .submitted to the Caesar d o w n w a r d is a n invincible hyposhower for a few Beeottufy then took a crisy. People of education and eiperiCor. King and East Maple Sts
folded newspaper and h e l d it in fr< >nt of enfe are invited to occupy themselves
him and close to t h e side £f the $ wy so
t h a t all the cinders t h a t came in were aware t h a t no sooner have they arrived !
blown directly, against. |the neck of the a n d settled down t h a n t h e y will b e u n
*• « *
* -f J*
O. J. j&LBMH!
:, 476 E? m*in at
W. CJCUNNIltK 3a>'
-,, W
--.7 .State
... Sit,'
co; m mm
Sao^gW Mannfaetarer- brd at.
j .
neaV B . xnain
wish to
time, \ rite to -€Um. P . # # I | * « a . r
oruce St advertise anythi
How to Save Coal.
• Ml,,., .1.1,,,,n,,,,,,!,,.,......!...! I. j ,
fiWolic Prayer Books,
% -
• *
WitH Qvaii pire Box zM'Bj
.. •
S o l d Vtt<i4r
SL ^ | r i t i ^ r »
G u a i r a n t e e ; b y t h e •!!&*&$*
We |iaye o t e 200
•^ * I k .
Heaters m&i we m®
cheap; also a largi
'--. number of
and G#fe Slices,
ft! wiljl v paj_|^>ji' l b .ci^ll -JfpA- me
'• -"..<JTAC;I. ;V-.
. ' ;
. . " .
> , . . - '
- . • •
u ^ a t e « e , 2 5 c a bottj^,
g n s i r a n t e e ab«o!o
< • &
if I
;arriages Furnished
mW^fWe call attention t6 this fact
l^Hfetitrirftlic' toA point out thie lesson
p f P l l P W 0 ^ & sho^W conyey. |We were
'*'Jjpiit_G*r|ated to live upon'ttis ekrth
...^SSIia&Pei. W e should so live' that
^ I g f ^ t e i i .leatM does come it will not
| r t ^ p H ifats'.unprepared.
S | | y ^ J & o l i e B know full well how one
O u r correspondent
3 e a r l y a s 9 o ' c l o c k t h e f r i e n d y ther, b u t uselessly, for a perfect :lond are accused of not wishing to live by the
l j | p i p ^ bfe^prepared for death. They entertains strong convictions on
alls eover
her, sweat of their brow, yet they are forbidaJd adjtnirers of the well-known of
m ^dust
a d and
on &
*"" "'"' > F that a good life, am abjura- the temperance question and i$
t o colonize without t h e pale or t o
all that is contrary to the not afraid to express them openly; p(elate| began to arrive at the her, as the open windoy nuisanc^ ban den
own property.
M p p t % f -law of Bod, will help to make Some of our readers may think him" CMhedJral. By the time the mass theright of precedent^ exjject.
The J e w might t u r n on Ms perse
Sho finally could stand i t no l<rager outers and say«to t h e m : " Y o n condemn
^ g ^ ^ t t fit to meet • their Creator. too severe upon Catholics who are m L u„*«,« iUL„w „,„>, *
^ p ^ l l l j r laiowptnat if they; strictly-, engaged in the Jiquor business,, w|is begun tk^rb was not room for a n d pnt J , , ^ d d w o , whei(ia pon me for not taking kindly to farming
M i | ^ a e * v e tihe teachings of. Holy others will no doubt endorse his aij o t h e r p e r s o n i n s i d e t h e l a r g e t h e y o u n g m a n , having accomplished hia while you yourselves, pharisees t h a t
you are, have reduced your farms t o t h e
' t e l j l f o & r , Church, they neednqt fear u t t e r a n c e s ; a i l w i l l c o n c e d e t h a t ecifice.! J u s t o e f o r e . m a s s t h e 6 9 t h object, shook out b i s newspaper and last
stage of impoverishment. God be
of which
was chaplain
the war,
tiled , quietly pursued his r e a d ^ | of it, yhile praised,
S p ^ ^ % o m i n g of tneXrreat Destroyer.
we J e w s have had nojparfc in
__•'.• t w o or three passengers behind t h e pair
he is prompted by love of his fel- IP - - - - H p l e l .plagues thi-eaten to invade low Catholics,, and it is because of in|:o tlie' chnrcl under the com- exchanged glances of anntsed eat ^f ac- it; b u t to envy you or to wish t o be in
^ f | | i ^ a l i d , the^ happy condition of that love and a true regard for jnjind'af Colonel Cavanaugh. More tion.—Her P o i n t otViexf in New York your position is more t h a n can be expected of u s . "
p g | i f e ; OaMiolios who frequently re- their spiritual and temporal well- thjin three hundi'ed of the mem- Times. Tne Yankee X9n*. Hpnext.
An English gentleman met an Afneri All this talk of agriculture is mere
Mrs attended underarms.
| r t ^ # ^ [the sacrajnents as compared being he is so strongly opposed
can traveler in France oafi spent a few clumsy hypocrisy. T h e peasants flj
days w i t h Mm in Paris. W o e n t h e y w e r from t h e land, happy, indeed, t o find
^ ^ g ^ i i iiose wio neglect their duty to what" he considers may be the
The course of Governor Flower parting
t h e American admitted t h a t he some other occupation. Others a r e ?>o*
^ f f i | S e e g t e s ' more ..apparent. ; In the cause of ruin to many of them.
ijring the past week has been such had cleaned out bis purse and m u s ; per- permitted to take their place; those who
^ f e ^ s l o t f o f some pestilence^ we are
We are pleased to receive com- as to merit pot only the warm force remain in P a r k m f c t i l h e c o u l i g e t h a v p t h e r i g h t a r e too ignorant t o do
^ § W 4 # i i t ^ i e E •st&ng and) healthy munication of, this nature from our co Emendation of the citizens of more money from home4 jThe English anything, and the result is chaos.—
^ i ^ l ^ h e / j b r e a k , of day would, ere readers, and hope that others will th 3 Empire State, but their affec- m a n lent him t w e n t y lords, a n a the Contemporary Review.
eficiary Association,
American i n r e t u r n gave his watqli as
Button's Collection of Death Masks.
|^||^affene,ss again settled qVer the express their views on the impor* jfcic n and gratitude.
His prompt- security, taking a t t h e sam^ time his ad- T h e earliest death masks in m y collec- Admits Men and Women on equal term*.
^ l ^ i M t f e e still and cold m death. tant matter treated of in the above lie 3s in dealing with the Fire Island dress on a card- T h e cynic wfllj sur- tion are those of Dante, m a d e perhaps in I insures its members for $250, $500,
Our columns 'roubles sho# him to be a good mise t h a t t h e watch turned ont fo be the first p a r t of t h e F o u r t e e n t h epntury, $|000,$2,000. 1
^ ! 1 ^ | I 0 % '-.'ft spectacle would be & sadcommunication.
b u t , so far from t h a t , it has a n d of Tasso, certainly m a d e a t t h e end il^ays $ i 0 a v eek in case of sickness.
are open to alHwho wish to place u s i n e s s m a n a n d a d e t e r m i n e d e x - worthless,
B l | 6 S | ^ t iotn eit -would
been valued a t above tlnxty p o i n d s . of t h e Sixteenth. The latest mask 1 is t h a t Ifepecial Ratd: to Charter Members.
t h u s h ube
r r more
i e d f rthan
o m •sad
their views before the Catholics of cjitive!. Hi^ liberality in advanc- Poesihly the owner of i i mislaicl Ms
of Lawrence Barrett. They ranije from p W circulars, etc., -write t o T H O S . H .
|had neglected his religion,
the diocese, i Those who differ nithefsum 4f 150,000 from his creditor's address; h e tittsl never r d p d d Sir | s a a c Newton, t h e wisest of m e n , t o OMiEILL, 88 Wall St*, Auburn, H . Y .
i a ^ ^ ^ i , i | | e d months and yajirs witb
the money or reclaimed t h e watch.— Sambo, the lowest type of American newith theJouiikrAii'scoiTespondeiiyts
ll^ti^ppTGacJoiiiig- the Holy Sacra- on any matter of which they may vu-potcket for the purchase of London T r u t h ,
gro; from Ben Caunt, t h e prize fighter
Jas. Mallej.
J oih n H . Ashtdn,.
of Penance.
to Thomas Chalmers, t h e light!of t h e
treat, are at liberty to state their l«vl|tole-s!ouled ^m$n, with a mind
Effect of Dorne»t|lc|itlon.
, Scojfctish pulpit; from Oliver Crbrnwell
ASHTON & . n . u . M
is not prudent to 4tand in side of the c d e . . ,
Domestication modifies a n d often to Thomas P a i n e ; from Keats to jEobert
ab $ve mere dollars and cents, and
sac of death but it is | exceed
ja 1 leart! large enough to feel for his changes tile instinct of -^ild animi Is to Burns; from the First Napoleon t o Robert
Old, Tried MdKeliable Companies, ;
ra^gWiglj('wise-to prepare one'ls self to
persecute br a t least negUct t h e si< ;k br the; Bruce.—Laurence H u t t o n i n H a r ED STATES. Incorporated 18*4.
uferirjg fel|oW-creatures.
His injxnred, > perhaps because j t h e lessened
^ a e e t jit -with aJ clear conscience,
JEB&EY CITir, Incorponitod 1847.
' I
'4s a jnoble; actHbn," and will al strain of t h e straggle; for exislenep
OfFtCE^ioElWanker&Ba! ~*KT~
flpeftJpre is no better way] of pre-,
Eitrance 30 81
Wnat t h e Presebcr l e a r n e d .
^ s b ^ held[i irk g r a t e f u l ' r e m e m - leaves room for sentini^nt t o grow.
Pastors are often annoyed at the
yBtaier o n e ' s s e l f t h a n b y f jrequentBoth dogs and cats often, aid their kind A celebrated preacher, when sdealdng Lite with E. A. Hoffman & Co.
OTBgr'the Saoram^ts of diJBculty experienced in training l)r|nce^ He ;;hais endeared him- when sick, and strange alliances %\ ring to some 3,000 .children, after delighting
^ B ^ y ^ e e y a n d tiae h o l y E u c h a r i s t . the members of their congrega- |re] f to the people who chose him u p between pets of different species. them w i t h a variety of stories, t h o u g h t
Perhaps the best known Mstance is that it might be well to point the m^ral of
tions to respond to the prayers jin
of t h e raven which Dickejns s a w a t 3 l u n - one of them. H e h a d hardly, hojwever,
a i distinct| and audible voice, inbegun
gerford, wnich used to cjajrry bones to a
I 4* contemporary states that the broken le^ed retriever. And the qi lick a little rragamnffinon t h e front! bench
Saturday's. Union and !AdJlq nor habit may he as effectually n e s s w i t h w M c b dogs lejarn.that i;heir cried o u t : "Neverjmind w h a t i t
~itoori0kf contained a number of ei- them so quietly that they cannot
another story*" . ft learned from
feu red by eating. apples at each master is ill a n d show Byjmpathy is [well Gie's
TelepBlone 680.
h e said, " t o w r a p t h e moral
- -ItFa^uifem jenrnals* in different
established.—London Spectator.
al asi by trjunfe the bi-chloride
well in t h e h e a r t of t h e story, not; t o p u t
^X^-parlterbt^the country, including one pjray at all, it J s worth white to
as a sting into the^ tail."-^London Titf t e M e m e - I P b r f t a p s t h i s i s so
r^snee. ^
'gs? ^;fro|t|^he JOIJBNAJ,, condemning pHy well. Surely the Cathodes
I t cannot be doubted tl it i n nume rous
u l If man had mot formed the ap| ^ ^ ^ p i ^ W ' | f f 8 < ^ ^ ' o f prize figh;tr wjho thus hesitate to say their, U
cases of cataleptic francejtlie apparently
The Kind She Wanted.
eating ha|jt r the liquor habit lifeless patient has been acquainted with
^ r j b g f l w e i are glad to see^hat there players aloud are not ashamed jto
wife h a s lost
aid n e v e r n a v e b o t h e r e d h i m
let o t h e r s k n o w w h a t tjiey a r e d o i n g
m e to Stop i n
it renaction against ti%hame]istheoauseof t h i s E ^ £
interment; Several instances a r e re- here and order anyoher sent u p a i once,
i i t o l i ^jtfrt," -and hope
he E a i b e r d a v s t h i s y e a r will fall corded in which, a l t h o u g h t h e body
as it looks like rain.
, j * Me
l i f e jftenr; i k abolishment tften our |hurehes coktain a nuiii- pn ^ e p t 31^ 3 t i n d 24,
sented every appearance icf death, the Dealers-Yes, sir.
StteJ a sentiment b^r of attendants who may wellfce
b u t it's one of ihbee t h a t inaka *
ohn M. Coffee has been'nominated ing on a r o i n d h i m , b u t absolutelj un- name,
against it that styled hypocrites. Let us supable t o raw* a limb or in any w a y <om- woman look better : arc—od i n w«t
for District Attor- Biiuaicftto w i t b tboM^. I W I ^ his b« d.—• wwkth«r t h a n she ia i n d r y w»*tb*rv--.;
who places-value upon pose that a non-Catholic, who is by jthe Democrats
Wtifrfo'/V.:;,M^' : ' : V.V»-'K4SS£I
would b e I w » c d f c
with his creed, enters
r ^
fAI. CO^ 3>f B . a i t a s t .
)St. Joseph's Work Among the letfoes-
Tie Cilirei i n p t
y ..wv •
% *?
}«kued every Okolbkr. for the trainin* of prie*t«
wr the Colored WiMioas
"4 w |
©pen. The elevator seemed traveling at
the rate of sixty miles a n hour,, a n d ap- Become * ZeUtof byI getting twenty s^***^^***'
peared every second t o be getting on. Spiritual benefits announced on certificate of memi»e»sHip.
suljscrtlw*more steam.
> i
in ^000.000
our land,are
* 'lidiurch,
and oiver
The elevator boy worked ma^fuiy at Bi»dfor* copy pi The Colored .^iri-edk,1* tQ
^ E V . iJ. IC SI<ATXE]jtT,
the lever a n d used every mean? t o stop
j St. Joseph's S^ains'-y,
the "lift," but the machine refused to
' I
Baltimere, Md.
take hold, and t h e wild career ^upward
continued. Suddenly t h e cage 'stopped
with a jolt, and t h e elevator], started
down a t t h e s a m e killing pace i t h a d
been going upward. Down t w o stories I
. $a oeand
it dropped, and then as suddenly began
ascending again. B y this tiinja all on i
board wished they were somewhere else. < | U
. *
« ^ , T«ril«5
on tand
h e polisned
i uois,
flpors, looked
i for t h e P e c n a n i c s ,
first time realized what, a prisojn a run. *. v*f.|a#*aifefcr'. - r ? i
away elevator is.
Though the boy a t t h e W e r exhausted
^hi Jtooms.
every resource of his a r t , now resorting 1 2 9 A K J D 1 3 1 E A S T M A J 3 S T S T J . J . taLLIQTtl
to, skill and now to strength, th$ moveIMarkeU
m e n t s of the elevator became more and (Two DOORS iUsx of So. Sf, PAW. S I . GEO. BAKBR
GEO. U-i »A€ SLssjS §)&*«'sfcv.
more eccentric.
jit went u p twenty feet and feU ten.
MUline aWdfaacy"
one intieedjof information on the sobjec
The men thought they might have led EVERY
E o f a-d-reftitiTtg -will do w e l l t o obtain m c o p y ot OAKS & CALi
»®ook for Advertisers," 3 « pages, price «n$ dolbetter lives.
llr. Mailef, postage paid; on receipt of price.
I t went u p t h i r t y feet and fell fifteen. Contains a careful cumpilation from the American L. G.jBERNA > ro4 Westmainstl
The elevator boy thought off some mean ^Newspaper Directory of all the best papers -ana
aovdL Snrc«<»
ilass journals; gives the circulation rating oi HORACE B.
tMngs he had done.
-^ery one, and * goo/i deal of information aooat
tesand other matters pertaining- to the business
I t went u p ten feet and feU twenty.
advertising. Address Bowell's Advartialns CATHOLIC JQ1 NAL Cp. maiaqor East are : -V.
AH resolved t h a t if they got out alive
tureau, ioSplticeSt.N. Y.
The golden jiiibilee of Monsigr Bernard J. O'Reilly was celrated on Thursday, Sept. 8,
th much ceremony in St. Patrick's • cathedral.
rrigan did-all he could to make
the affiir afi"(;tinigtribute to the
venerable prelate and author. Monsi|gnor O'Reilly was ordained
pj-iest bn September 11, 1842, by
jrchbjshop Nicolet, of Canada,
JUSt after the Oirdination of his
fiiend, Cardinal Taschereau. The
c< lebration was held Thursday bees use ilt was the Feast of the Namercifully expelled again. The Jews
tivity Of the fetesed Virgin Mary girl. She edged away father and far are blamed for avoiding agriculture, and
anm t h e Commerca
Commerce bmidinir
building atonhod
stopped rTanning, t n e one nearest t o t h e fxbnt doer
alone remaining m operation. T h e elevators a r e worked b ^ Iqrdraulic power,
and t h e force required t o w « t k tnemw a s t h u s t h r o w n on one. . I t w a s o n a n
u p trip t h a t eight men crowded jinto t h e
T w o of t h e m w i r e Mr, T o m
New YoBk state* The ^atnsa hid got elevator.
Craig and Mr. Donald Boss. T h e door
her young (fifty or sixty in the school I was closed with a bang, a n d ithe boy
should say) into a Uttlei hay so a tallow pulled t h e lever for t h e ascent, i n a
t h a t her| enemies coul4 not swiot in it. second the throttle, as it were, was wide
orld Was| issued at Chicago, sure to be-seized by some large fiiih, t h e
eptember | 0 t k It is published large fish seomed to he jp^rch a n d there
y the Catholic: Pres^ Company, of were half a dozen or so of them.
Every perch t h a t caime near v a s . a t r
hich Archbishop Feehan is the tacked l^r t h e motheiffish and iriven
' '),
The following communication resident aifci the priests of the hack several feet or jta|ds; b u t whenthe mother fish turned to g > back
jias been received from an esteemr ehdiocese:' the other ofiicers. tever
young one ox; more cf t h e
ed reader of this paper:
. •, : he n@W paper justifies the prom- perch would bite her. j l e r csu( Lai fin,
ises made jtefore its publication or tail, was torn to pieejes. I w; etched
ftditor Catholic Journal,
as cpmme^ced. It is filled with the battle for some tinie. The old cat, A hovel method of d e a l i n g With t h e T^eli iselect^d Catholic
reading fish was getting the worst of it; and
liquor q u e s t i o n hab r e c e n t l y
tpattejr of a high order of merit when I left she was maki&g a-bra re b u t
used by ono of our c l e r g y in d i s a i a a :
losing fight. One byofcef her offspring
were picked off, t h e psre^h occasionally
ijng a y o u n g man from an official p<jr
Hyde, formerly of the rushing into the shallow water cl ose to
$ition in the church b e c a u s e he h a d ^udge
leAipan Catholic, is the editor the school of the young £sh. I do not
e n g a g e d into the .business of sal(xm>d James tjf. Foley the business know whether m y observation is the
W h a t e v e r m a y be said in
ana^er. With the publication only one of the kind or n<yt,-E*cI tango.
justification of the saloon properly
Up in m BaUoon.,
conducted, it would seem t h a t bUir ojf the! first h;unliber the archbishy o u n g men are in need of a lesson, o} and his stiffragans issue a pas"There is a good deal to he harned
d e a t h s a g i n g and d i p g n s t i n g s p e c t a c l e than,
S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ d i s t r i o t through- which 'a
* 4 | P f e ^ ^ e ^ e cholera has swept
Jpq^i" ill any country of equal pqp||||||$fto8. where no pestilence has ex'•^^^H^et
siich is the case^ as a mo5
^^i^jat ^ reflection will show. If a
' nysaiid men are bofn \m 1900
| | ^ 0 ipust ajiL die befirejthe year
|||i&d£. If the great rifiajcbrity live
fp^5^^nhooc];3 and rear, families,
§ j i ^ & gons ani6f daughters must also
~j|liB^di$$d to4$e list of deaid; but if
^ | f e § 0 proportion of the thousand
jrhfancy, or child hood, t h e /
^ ^ B l e a i v e ; ! ! ^ descendants ifbr death
"SIB'f^li '^jpoii. Plagues may hin^ ^ ^ f e • ail\ increase "-of • population.
l l f ^ f ^ e y . cannot cause a gre'ater' numI^Rfet 5 'of deaths, since all who come
!§|||i^e" the world must die, and die
1^1 less ^ian two hundred years
H ^ ^ ^ m x the day on which they were
speciea of fis^in^Mch]the mothef takes
any care <)f her offspring a r e of the ; jenera
lJE-h t h e s n c e r i t y of t h e c o n g r e g a - Asprectoraiid Solenostotna. B u t ^: have
seen t h e common catjfish guardz ag her
on if ,one-|alf of the members ap young in t h e most devjoted m a n ier; i t
bared to be ashamed of the pray- may, however, have1a0en the m a ,ef hxit
s v they |ror;e' repeating? We I d o n \ helieve it, I t Was i n July f i882,
I Was on the west shore of Long
ink: not. ! He would rather im- and
lake, in the great northern wilder] less of
period of two hundred wbitre can we find a more digcottr- tie cause of religion, education and