pubCenter Instructions: How to Configure a New Account May, 2012

pubCenter Instructions:
How to Configure a New Account
May, 2012
Please follow these three steps carefully and completely by Tuesday, July 31, 2012 so we may transfer your
revenue. Once completed, you will be in our system correctly and eligible for pay-out.
If this activity is not completed by July 31, 2012, your old account will no longer be eligible for revenue
transfer, and you will not be eligible for payout. If this occurs open a new account
We appreciate your business and thank you for choosing Microsoft Advertising to monetize your mobile
application. If you have further questions, please contact [email protected].
Step 1: Create NEW Account Number
Step 2: Select Payment Method
Step 3: Complete Tax Form
Step 1: Create NEW Account Number
Create a new pubCenter account
Login with you current LIVE ID and password
Click on Accounts tab
Click on “Create a new account” button
Complete required fields on page one and two for name, contact information and address
Click Save
Within your new account, create a new ad unit and a new PropertyGUID
Update the ad-supported application you have published in the Windows Phone Marketplace with
the new PropertyGUID and AdUnit ID.
Submit the updated apps to the Windows Phone Marketplace via AppHub.
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Step 2: Select Payment Method
a) Log into pubCenter with your NEW account
On the top tab, go to Accounts > Payment Methods
Select to be paid by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and “Add New EFT”
Complete all of the required fields with asterisks
Click Submit
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Step 3: Complete W8 Tax Form
a) Log into pubCenter with your NEW account
b) On the top tab, go to Accounts > Tax Information
Select your correct responses to the drop downs
Click “Create Tax Profile”
Complete the questionnaire
Please complete the form through to the submission (via “submit” button). Please note that
our development team is still refining the online W8 form for developers outside of the
United States and as a result, there may be fields that do not apply. Since you are in the first
stage of our international rollout, you will need to complete the W8 form in its current state.
Please just complete the fields as best you can, ensuring that your address and company
information is accurate.
g) Complete and submit. It is important to complete and submit the form so we can link the
W8 form to your account.
h) Congratulations! You have completed all the steps necessary to become eligible for payout.
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