CATHOLIC PARISH CHURCH OF ST EDMUND OF CANTERBURY, BECKENHAM PARISH NEWSLETTER 18 April 2010, 3rd SUNDAY OF EASTER (Psalter week 3) The Presbytery, 20 Village Way, Beckenham BR3 3NP Parish Office Telephone 020 8650 0970 Fax 8650 4124 Email [email protected] Website Canon Jack Madden Parish Priest 8650 3390 Fr Ashley Beck Assistant Priest 8650 4117 [email protected] Deacon Dennis Barratt [email protected] Deacon Sean Murphy 8289 3043 [email protected] Fr Victor Akongwale Assistant Priest 8650 7533 [email protected] Deacon Robert Higgs 8663 6906 [email protected] Handmaids of the Sacred Heart 25 Village Way BR3 3NA 8650 6313 Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver 89 Shortlands Rd BR2 0JL 8313 3915 DECIDING HOW TO VOTE IN LAST WEEKEND’S NEWSLETTERS we included as an insert the statement issued by our bishops about the forthcoming General Election and questions they have suggested to be put to candidates and canvassers. Next week we will look at these and at others you may wish to raise, but this weekend I want to address some wider issues about the ‘mechanics’ of how we decide which way to vote. I know most of us live in constituencies which are (at least in one case) even less marginal than they were in 2005, but voting is still, unless we espouse the whole Catholic Anarchist position, an important duty (as the bishops have pointed out). I am going to concentrate on three sets of attitudes over voting which from the Christian point of view need to be discarded and ruled out before we can do anything else. Please remember that guiding people about how to vote is not the same thing as guiding them about who to vote for. The first approach to the election which we should rule out is the viewpoint that the bishops, and the Church, have no business intervening in it all; the implication is that we should concentrate on ‘spiritual’ issues. Illogically people who criticise our pastors generally do feel they should speak about certain issues (a narrow selection of some ‘life’ issues and Catholic schools) but not others (almost everything else). Back in late 1996 when the pre-election document The Common Good came out people in this category who had never encountered the Church’s social teaching (because no one had ever told them about it) were astonished, and in some cases perturbed; but over the years we have done quite a lot to dispel this ignorance. This negative attitude to what the bishops have tried to do stems from a determination to kept the different parts of our lives in sealed and separate compartments; so some Catholics are quite open in claiming that they don’t allow their faith to affect their attitudes towards politics, or business life, personal morality, or whatever. This outlook is in some ways on the wane – but the cult of the private individual in our culture means that it is still a danger. Surely if our faith is so limited and reduced, why should we profess it all? I do wonder why people in this position claim to be Christians and bother to come to church. If our faith is genuine, then it has to be about the whole of our lives – as the bishops said back in 1996, ‘nothing is beyond the scope of faith.’ I now want to reject two sets of reasons which often determine how people vote. The first is really what can be called tribalism – and I am not using the term perjoratively in itself. What I mean by this is that we may vote in a particular way simply because we are part of a particular group or community – our parents always voted in a particular way, all the people I know vote in a particular way, or so on. If this is my outlook I don’t think about the issues or policies as such – I simply do what I have always done. Extreme examples of what this means in democracies can be seen in Ireland, north and south: the biggest political groupings both in Eire and Northern Ireland have little to do with policy or ideology – they simply reflect historical divisions, either between different sides in the Irish Civil War or the gulf between Catholics and Protestants. In Britain the ‘tribal’ tendency is much less marked in the past and larger numbers of voters are less tied by what their parents did and change their votes: but perhaps you do still see it in constituencies which seldom if ever change hands. The second thing we should reject is simply self-interest. If we vote according to self-interest, or if we do anything in life according to self-interest, we are being selfish, ‘end of story’. Self-interest, which is never enlightened, is about putting ourselves first, and that is sinful. Christianity teaches us that we should rather be motivated by the common good, the well-being of the whole community; we are also exhorted to give a special place in our priorities to the needs of the poor and most vulnerable. It may be that our selfinterest coincides with the common good (and we often like to tell ourselves that this is so) – but self-interest must never be our motivation and if we behave in that way we let the Church down and set a bad example to young people. Unfortunately in elections politicians often appeal to our self-interest in order to get us to vote for them – perhaps this cynicism, which often works, is why we have the politicians we deserve. The Christian faith teaches that we are not made to be self-centred: rather God wants us to live for him and to show his love for other people in all that we do. Self-interest turns us in ourselves – it closes us off from other people and from our relationship with God; it’s so far removed from the life and teachings of Our Lord. Next week I will look at what the bishops have said and at other issues which can be raised. OUR PARISH THE PARISH OFFICE Is open for business on Mondays and Fridays between 9.30am and noon and 2.30 and 5pm and on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am to 12noon. INTERFAITH INFO Tuesday May 4th 7.30 for 8pm Christians and Jewish people will be sharing some of their respective music in St Edmund’s Hall ~~~~~~~~~ Monday May 17th 7.30 for 8pm in the series “Hot Topics” Chris Hewer, perhaps THE Christian speaker on Understanding Islam is doing a Q&A session at Avenue Road Baptist Church. If you wish to submit a question beforehand please take the A4 flyer from the ‘missallet tables’. ~~~~~~~~~ I wish to thank Mary Deering for so many years work of keeping our CTS book shelves so up to date. In the field of Interfaith she has copies of “Catholicism and other Religions”, I recommend this pamphlet: the author has the knack of explaining the background thinking for several guidelines issued in the past by both the Vatican and our own Bishops’ Conference. The latter is in the process of producing a new guideline “Meeting God in Friend and ….” Any enquiries to Jo Harvey: 020 8650 6313 ST VINCENT DE PAUL We continue to visit housebound and elderly people in their homes, also people in residential care homes and sick people in hospital. We offer both practical and financial help where needed and also ongoing support. On May 9th we are holding our Annual Luncheon for elderly, lonely and housebound people in our Church Hall. This occasion provides the opportunity for people who have not seen each other for some time to meet and share their news. If you would like to come or know of someone who would like to be invited please let me know. There will be some transport available. The second collection this weekend is for the ongoing work of the S.V.P. We greatly appreciate your support and generosity. Our collection in February totalled £978. Thank you very much. Kate Marshall Tel. 8650 0190. REFUGEE FOOD COLLECTION Next weekend there will be a collection of non-perishable food and toiletries for refugees in need of our help in this area. Boxes will be at the back of the Church at all Masses to receive your gifts. Please donate such items as tins of fish, meat and vegetables; packets of short and long grain rice, pasta, pulses and biscuits; tea bags, coffee and cooking oil. Also toiletries and kitchen cleaning materials are needed. Thank you in anticipation of your continued help with this parish work. RED MISSION BOXES Please bring you red boxes to the presbytery. DO NOT LEAVE FULL boxes in the church. They will be emptied and counted, and then left for you to collect at the back of the church. Any problems please ring Cathy Denne. 0208 650 0051 THERE WAS A WEDDING AT CANA IN GALILEE A quiet day for young people at the Claver Convent 89 Shortlands Rd, Bromley BR2 OJL 1ST May 2010 for young adults (late teens & 20’s) From 10am to 4pm Bring a packed lunch Tea, coffee & hot soup will be served Registration fee £2 – Contact 8313 3915 ST EDMUND’S SPRING FAIR SATURDAY 15TH MAY We are looking for your donations and support NOW for this most important social and fund-raising event in the church’s calendar. If you missed the full page insert that was printed in a recent newsletter, it is now on the parish website. Follow the web link to see how you can help: If you have any luxury items which we could use for the main raffle, do contact me on the number/email below. Also, we need as many volunteers as possible to get involved with the fair. Please do lend us your support. Even a couple of hours of your time will go a long way. If you can help in any way please call Christina Carr – 020 8658 4293 or email: [email protected] Our next planning meeting will be on Wednesday 21st April, 8pm at 11 Village Way. If you are a stallholder or want to get involved in any way please come along. WEDDING FLOWERS If you are getting married in St Edmund’s this year please let me know the date and time of your wedding so I can include you in the rota for the flower arrangers. It is never too soon to do this and I look forward to hearing from you! Cathy 020 8658 1560 THE HOLY FATHER has announced his forthcoming visit to the UK possibility some time in September 2010. Sadly there is already opposition headed by the Secular Society of Great Britain to this visit. The Secular Society have an online petition which has already attracted over 20,000 signatures yet a petition supporting the visit has less than 6,000 signatures. You are asked to visit the website and sign the supporting petition as we welcome the Holy Father to our country: HALL GARDEN If you & your children go over to the Hall after Mass, please make sure that the children are properly supervised so that they do not cause any damage to the new flower beds. AN ODE FOR THOUGHT (As the new tax year starts) As I look at the collection My mind makes a connection. All those five and ten pound notes Each in the basket floats. If we were not so lax We’d claim back so much tax Just sign a form and say We’ll let the tax-man pay. Just think. If those notes were in a Gift Aid envelope each £5 would become £6.40 and £10 would be £12.80. On a weekly basis the £5 would total £260 in one year. If ‘Gift Aided’ it would be £332.80. The £10 total of £520 would become £665.60. At no extra cost to the donor! If you pay income tax and would like to join the scheme contact Don Dunning on 020 8460 8244. GIFT AID If you have signed a Gift Aid form in the last few months there is a box of envelopes for you in the porch. If you do not put your donation in your envelope I cannot record it. LIFTS TO MASS A number of parishioners who come to Mass by car have kindly offered to give lifts to other parishioners who would otherwise be unable to come. If you know of anybody who would like to be given a lift to Mass by car, would you please contact our Parish SVP or Deacon Sean CHURCH HALL GARDEN JOIN THE CIRCLE Sales of stones for the garden have been steadily coming in and we have now sold over half of the circle. Join the circle and help us to complete the garden by purchasing an engraved stone for your family, your group or in memory of a loved one. Engraved stone samples are available to view in the parish office now. For further information contact Susie Job on 07906 550 747 or Anne Williamson on 8650 5527. CHURCH SHOP We have a good and reasonably priced selection of First Communion and Confirmation cards and gifts, as well as our usual stock of rosaries, statues, etc and general cards. IRISH DANCING LESSONS New Beginners Class for Children A new beginner’s class for children aged between 5-10 years will be starting after the Easter Holidays in St Edmund’s Hall, Village Way. For further information please contact Mrs Thornton on 0208 676 9253. WANTED A shopping trolley in good order for an OAP. Contact the Parish Office 8650 0970 Xt 1 OTHER NOTICES PREMIERE OF SCHOLA MISSA DE ANGELIS a new plainsong mass setting by Roxanna Panufnik Friday 7th May 2010 at 7.30pm at St James’s Church Spanish Place, George Street, London W1 The London Oratory School Schola; Director: Lee Ward Tickets are available through See Tickets at, tel. 0871 230 0010 (£10, £15, £20). More performance details available on the poster on the notice board at the back of the church. Written especially for The London Oratory School Schola and brass octet by the distinguished British Catholic composer, Roxanna Panufnik, Schola Missa de Angelis retains the melodies of the original 9th century plainsong mass but invests them with Panufnik’s own new harmonic language. The Schola Foundation is presenting the concert, in candlelight, in the beautiful neo-gothic space of St James’s Spanish Place, with its renowned resonant acoustic. Pope Benedict has often addressed the subject of liturgical music, and has constantly called for modern, Catholic composers to seek inspiration in the musical heritage of the Church. At a time of greatly renewed interest in Gregorian chant, we hope that Schola Missa de Angelis will prove to be a welcome contribution to the repertoire. You may be particularly interested to know that in addition to the mass setting for performance, the composer is currently working on a simplified and accessible congregational version for parishes, so that the new mass will be available to all. COLOMA CONVENT GIRLS’ SCHOOL Upper Shirley Road, Croydon CR9 5AS The Governors are seeking to appoint a SCIENCE LABORATORY TECHNICIAN with relevant experience (Full-time / part-time negotiable – term time only) For an application form please contact Mrs S. Dawson on: 020 8654 6228 DEEPEN YOUR FAITH In the Parish of St. Andrews, 45 Brook Rd, Thornton Heath, there is an 8 week course starting on Sunday, 18th April called All Nations Life in the Spirit (information leaflets in the porch). This is recommended for all those who would like to deepen the knowledge of the work of the Holy Spirit in daily life. The course is long established and has been running successfully in parishes throughout the country for over 20 years. Some parishioners from St. Edmunds have followed it previously with great benefit to their knowledge of the faith and its practical application in daily life. You are warmly invited to ‘come and see’. Contact: Simon 07947 493683 or E-mail: [email protected] PLEASE PRAY FOR… MASSES AND INTENTIONS FOR THE COMING WEEK Saturday 17th April – Feria 8.15 Claver In honour of St Patrick 10.00 Church Betty Hassell RIP 6.00 Church Monica Ann Jacob RIP Confessions 10.30 -11.30 & 5.00 – 6.00 Sunday 18th April – THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER (C) Acts 5:27-32,40-41. Ps./29. Apocalypse 5:11-14. John 2:1-19. 8.00 Church Patrick O’Dwyer 9.30 Church Pro Populo 11.00 Church Intention of James & Cathy 5.30 Church Sally & Bill Loftus RIP 7.00 Church Philomena Ryan RIP Monday 19th April – St Alphege 8.15 Claver Claude Whalley RIP 10.00 Church Anthony McGilloway Tuesday 20th April – Feria 8.15 Claver The Forgotten Holy Souls 10.00 Church Margaret Murphy RIP Wednesday 21st April – St Anselm 8.15 Claver Monsignor Pat Keaveney RIP 10.00 Church Pia Orsi RIP & Family 7.30 Church Welfare of Sheila Isaaks RIP Thursday 22nd April – Feria 8.15 Claver Jacob Fey 10.00 Church Welfare of Patricia & Roger Wilson Friday 23rd April – St George 8:15 Church John Mulhern RIP 9.10 St Mary’s Patricia Hayes RIP 10.00 Church Donal Lynch RIP Saturday 24th April – St Justus & St Mellitus 8.15 Claver Joanne Jones RIP 10.00 Church Maev Caughy RIP 6.00 Church Brendan Hickey RIP Confessions 10.30 -11.30 & 5.00 – 6.00 th Sunday 25 April – FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (C) Acts 13:14. 43-52. Ps.99. Apocalypse 7:9. 14-17. John 10:27-30. 8.00 Church Pro Populo 9.30 Church Breda Doyle RIP 11.00 Church John James Edet RIP 5.30 Church Repose of the Souls of Joy Francis & Philip Martin RIP 7.00 Church Frank Johnson RIP Rosary prayed Mon–Sat 9:40 am in the Church. The sick, their families and all who care for them including: Mary Bamford, Reg Baskett, Margaret Belinger, Elijah Biggs, Martin Blackmore, Mary Box, Lesley Boxal, Fr Nigel Bryan, Bridget Byrne, Brian Cashman, Maria Clifford, Clare Comrie, George Corrigan, Dorothy Crowley, Matthew Cronin, Carol Demery, Kate Dillon, Trajko Dimitrievski, Frank & Lesley Dos Santos, Mr Drayton, Bridie & Michael Duignan, Mary Duignan, Ivan Farnon, Doris Fletcher, Mary Flood, David & Violet Fuller, Ewa Gacka, Peter Gould, John Paul Harvey, Joyce Harvey, Marie Hayock, Jean Ingram, Noel Keeley, Eva Knapp, Michael Lavender, Neil Laws, Miss Chan Poh Lim, Margaret Luck, Jean Marchant, Brendan Moran, John Mooney, George Newlands, Marisa Nicole Sheila North, Anne Louise O’Connell, Eileen O’Sullivan, Cenza Oldini,Agnes Owusu-Gyuwu, Maureen Postans, Betty Preston,Agnes Read, Rosie Reed, Deacon John Sampson, Gionna Santin, Horst Seibert, Rebecca Sexton, Baby Frank Patrick Shaw, Rosaleen Talbot, Theo and Monica, Priscilla Thornton, Barbara Tucker, George Turnbull, Linda Tyler, Mary Uden, Nee Uden, Martin Vaux, Sharon Waldron, Shirley Wallis, Mr & Mrs Weal, Benedict Williamson, Suha Wright and Jean Couper-Johnston., and Sheila North. The Late Ministers of Communion who take the Holy Eucharist to the Sick. The recently deceased… Those whose anniversaries occur about this time: Violetta Gladwyn, Elizabeth O’Neill, Anthony McGilloway, Jack Armfield, James William Martin, Pier Franco Nella, Edward Coales, Ray Gilbert, Violet Garwood and Fr Joseph Nee. SUNDAY COLLECTION The collection last Sunday came to £2111.25. Thank you very much. 200 CLUB This weeks winner is Mrs B. Ferrando with No.26. The 2009/10 season is now over. MEMBERS SHOULD NOW RENEW THEIR SUBSCRIPTUIONS FOR THE 2010/11 SEASON WITHOUT DELAY. Cheques should be made payable to St Edmund’s Church and sent to The Presbytery, 20 Village Way, Beckenham Kent. BR3 3NP. Please include a note of your name, address and telephone number with your cheque so that we know where to send your winnings. Membership only costs 50p a week or £26 for the year. The weekly prize is £20 and there are three quarterly prizes of £120 and the end of season £600. There are a few vacancies for new members. Let us know if you are a new member when you send in a cheque for £26 for each new number you require and you will be advised of your new number/s ASAP. Contact Michael on 8650 1502 for more information.
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