How to Submit A Trending Topic

How to Submit A Trending Topic
The FIELD-Support LWA has been one of USAID’s primary mechanisms for facilitating broad-based learning through programs to
reduce poverty and promote sustained, equitable growth. For the last nine years, FIELD-Support, led by FHI 360 and implemented
by a team of 25 partners, has worked in more than 40 countries to advance the frontiers of practical knowledge through to through
microenterprise development, microfinance, value chain development, institutional and human capacity-building, and promotion of
other market-based approaches, working in close collaboration with the USAID/Micro-enterprise and Private Enterprise Promotion
(MPEP) Office in Washington DC, USAID Missions and Operating Units, and the broader community of development practitioners.
The Advancing The FIELD event is designed to be a different type of conference, one that will not only reflect on the learnings of
the last nine years and how they have informed emerging trends, but also draw from what we’ve learned to introduce new ways of
framing today’s complex development problems. Presenters and participants will be invited to challenge current assumptions and
rethink traditional approaches in order to define better pathways out of poverty for the poor and transform the systems in which they
To support the program, FHI 360 is inviting partners to submit innovative proposals to present that will disrupt thinking, processes
and approaches.
All submissions must be made online. The following steps make up the submission parameters of the online process.
Step 1
Enter a title for your proposal which does not exceed 15 words.
Step 2
There is no limit on the number of tracks for which you can submit a proposal,
however we do request one proposal per track.
Be sure to read the track details carefully in order to have a full understanding of the
track theme.
Step 3
Topic Description
Write a brief description about what your presentation will address. Your description
should not exceed 250 words.
Step 4
Presenation Format
Consider a presentation format that will engage your colleagues in discussion and
learning beyond the simple dissemination of information. Each 90-minute session
may follow one of these formats, or you may suggest an alternative format. Please
explain the key-takeaways for attendees; how will this presentation contribute to
enhancing the understanding of the audience about effective methods in economic
Panel Presentation
These sessions are opportunities to share topics of community interest through
an innovative, thought-provoking format that encourages audience participation.
Remember that panels can follow many different formats, including round robin, all
Q&A, point-counterpoint on controversial topics or flipped sessions with prerequisite
participant preparation. Presenters will be required to focus on ideas and methods, not
on projects and activities.
Practitioner Workshop
These sessions will focus on presenting and discussing development challenges and
offering participants with tools and resources to address those challenges. Proposals for
sessions may focus on frameworks, alternative models, tools and toolkits, and practical
how-to’s on economic programming interventions within the selected theme.
Ignite Learning Session
Multiple speakers presenting at a rapid-fire pace followed by concise Q&A to deliver
several key messages in the allotted time and maximize the delivery and exchange of
ideas. In these sessions it is important to have a tight schedule that participants commit
to and stick with in order to keep the energy levels of the discussions high, while allowing
for participants to process key take-aways.
Suggest A Format
You can propose something new and creative. The FIELD-Support team welcomes
proposals that experiment with new ways to engage the practitioner audience. Again,
formats should highlight ideas, methods, innovations, and not focus on projects and
Note that you may be invited to present in formats other than the one you selected or those noted in the proposal
submission form, or you might be invited to co-present with others who have proposed similar topics.
Step 5
Presenter Short
Names and bios of proposed presenters or moderator not to exceed 200 words. If you
have a co-presenter(s), only one person should submit the proposal on behalf of the
presentation team. Please limit your presentation team to a maximum of three total
co-presenters per proposal.
Step 6
Video Snapshot
All submissions are required to include a 2-3 minute video in which the presenter(s)
• The topic of the session
• The format of the session (how will the message be delivered, and how is
the format innovative)
• The key take-aways for the audience
The video does not need to be professionally made, but should include the presenter
speaking into a web camera, camera phone or any digital recording device. You can
either upload a video file or a link to the video snapshot.
Social Safety Nets and Beyond:
What Works in Building The Economic Resilience of Vulnerable Populations
This track will focus on what works and what does not in supporting vulnerable populations—including the
very poor, rural households, the food insecure, children and youth, people affected by HIV/AIDS, and other
marginalized populations—strengthen their livelihoods, household resilience, and economic well-being.
Value Chains and Beyond:
Systemic Approaches to Building Stronger Markets
Recognizing that the lives of the poor are subject to the functions of the systems around them, this track will
focus on how various approaches can enhance the development of dynamic markets as systems, determining
leverage points for change that can impact both the individual actors, as well as the system within which they
Financial Services and Beyond:
Towards Inclusive Finance and Client-Centered Approaches
This track will focus on fostering financial systems that are demand-driven, reach disenfranchised populations,
and protect consumer rights. The sessions will cover new technologies, trends, and good practices for finance
provision that is integrated into development programs.
Vocational Skills Training and Beyond:
Bridging the Divide for Market-Driven Workforce Development and Entrepreneurship
This track will focus on bridging the critical gap between education and employment or entrepreneurship by
focusing on both supply and demand of skills, and systemic change to how trainers, government, employers
and job-seekers get information and make decisions in the labor market.
Suggest a Theme
Partners are invited to propose ideas for sessions under other themes that may not be captured in the
above that focus on evidence-based methods to engage stakeholders, promote private sector growth, and
reduce extreme poverty through sustainable economic development approaches
Proposals will be selected to ensure the conference program offers a dynamic learning experience for participants and presents topics
that are noncommercial, diverse, objective, and advance the learning around the specified themes. Select sessions may be identified
to include live-streaming for remote audiences.
Please note that selected presenters will be responsible for covering any expenses related to presenting at the conference.
• All proposal(s) must be submitted online by June 23rd, 2014.
• If you need to revise your proposal once it has already been submitted, you must do the submission process again and put
the word “EDITED” and the current date at the end of the title, for example: TITLE (EDITED 6/8/14).
• The submission process is competitive and FHI 360 reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal at their discretion.
All submitted proposals are the property of FHI 360 and its partners.
• Do not email submissions directly to FHI 360 staff or partners. Your submission must be completed online and all other
forms of submittal will not be accepted.
• Do not include reference lists or bibliographies.
FHI 360 will provide audio-visual aids and video equipment to support your presentation at the conference, within reason. If your
submission is accepted for the final program, you will be asked to complete an audio-visual request form to notify us of your technical
needs for your presentation.
Please be prepared to provide materials and audio-visual information if your proposal is accepted. File copies of all workshop materials
submitted will be retained by FHI 360. If you are accepted to present, you are responsible for registering yourself for the conference
and making your own travel and lodging arrangements.
What’s Trending Submissions Deadline
Registration Opens
What’s Trending Submissions Notifications
Online Registration Deadline
June 23, 2014 (5:00pm EST)
June 23, 2014
July 7, 2014
September 1, 2014 (11:59pm EST)
For questions about the submittal process, contact Juliene Heaney at (202) 697-9031.