1 HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS MODEUi OOMPOSITION AND CONTENTS OF WIRING DIAGRAMS ............ 1- 2 HOWTO READ GONFIGURANON DIAGRAMS . 1-3 HOWTO READ C|RCU|T DTAGRAMS ........,.... MARKTNGSFORCONNECTOREARTHTNG SYMBOLIC MARKS ............. ABBREVßNON SYMBOTS APPUCABTE MODET CATEGORTES ?<:-", "::,1i4\ \.-/ @ ilitrubishl üoton Gorporni,on July t$8 .......... 1-4 ....... r- 6. .1.9 .... 1-10 Model:r/Gomposition and 1-2 Contents of Wiring Diaqrams MODELS Model code Engine model Transmission model 4G63 DOHG16V (tggZ cm' (121.9 cu.in,)J F5M31 (2WD-sMrn MNHMLF6 D22A MNHMLFG D27A Fuel supply system MPI w5M33 (4WD-5M/n MNGMLF6 COMPOSITION AND CONTENTS OF WIRING DIAGRAMS {1} This manual consists of wiring harness diagrams, installation locations of individual parts, circuit diagrams and wiring diagram. (2) In each of the sections, all specifications are listed, including optional specifications. Accordingly, some specifications may not be applicable for individual vehicles Basic contents Section Wiring harness con- Connector locations and hamess wiring configurations on actual vehicles are illustrated. figuration diagrams Single part install& Locations are shown for earth points of relays, control units, sensors, diodes. check terminals, tion position spare terminals, fusible links, fuses, etc. ln the parts lists, parts are listed in alphabetical order. Circuit diagrams Circuits from power gupply to earth are shown completely" classified according to s!6tem. There is a main division into power circuits, and circuits classified by system. The öircuits classified by system also include operation and troubleshooting hints. Power supply circuits Circuits from the battery to fusible link, dedicated fuses, ignition switch, general purpose . . ' . . Wiring diagram @ fuses, etc. Circuits classified by system For each system, the circuits are shown from fuse to earth, excluding the power supply sections. Operation The normal operation of each system is briefly described, following the route of cunent flow. Troubleshooting hints This is a brief explanation of the inspection points that serve as hints when troubleshooting. Explanations oJ the circuits controlled by the electronic control unit are omitted. Refer tb the related publications as required. Junction block Here is the circuit for the entire junction block since only the part of the iunction block needed is normally show in each circuit diagram. Allthe hamesses and connectors are shown together so that the circuit diagrams harnesses of the entire vehlcle can be seen at a glance. Mitrublrhi mot&r.loreonüon July tS Hilreno7 and wiring :'Il 1..j HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS How to Read Configuration Diagrams 1-3 HOW TO READ CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS The wiring harness diagrams clearly show the connector locations and harness routings at each site in actual vehicles. Denotes connector No. The same connector No. is used throughout the circuit diagrams to facilitate connector location searches. The first alphabetical symbol indicates the location site of the connector 8nd a number that follows is the unique number. Numbers are assigned to parts in clockwise oder on the diagram. When the conn€ctors are c€ntralized in one place, the connector colors are shovrrn for easy identification. Example: A-12 (black) TTT| | LConnector colour specific to connector (serial number) location site symbol A: Engine compartment B: Engine and transmission C: Dash panel D: Instrument panel and floor console E: Interior I LNumber -Connector Aotx thru A{7X >- 4"12 A4t A"4o Elrül cÖl€ &39 Denotes earth point. Same earth number is used throughout cir- Denotes a section covered by a . @ cuit diagrams to facilhate search of earth point. Refer to GROUP 3 SINGLE PABT The mark * shows the standard mounting position of wiring harness. Mit ubirhi Motorr Corporrtaon July 1902 INSTALI-ATION POSITION-EARTH MOUNT. ING LOCATIONS for details of earth points. PHUESIO' 1'4 How To READ THE wlRlNG DIAGRAMS - How to Read circuit Diagrams HOW TO READ CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS The circuit of each system from fuse (or fusible link) to earth is shown. The power supply is shown at the and the earth at the bottom to facilitate understanding of the current tbw. O,,-. top- Indicates connector No. fhe same No. as the widng hamess diagram is used. e.,-. :' f,}TIN ..13'; ..' ffi*' i"dx ' , -il#i ' ffi$ry "; ;.*-"... r.,t . ,i. ffiiu'**" trl$;:*; :,, b ," @ mbubLhi ßloton Corpordon July t99il l,.,............ l:Lt.iti,, l:t:,i:' PHUE9:rO7 :1 il_,".i1,,.i', - .. .-rttt'i.,;r,, HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS l* c-18 ffim ?ft$prD .,.. ,6;i! : How to Read Circuit Diasrams In case two or more connectors are connected to same device. marking indicating the same connector are connected by a broken line. . .,,,',ffi| ,.].,j,,;i :;,r .-:,.. Indicates vehicle body earth point. (Same No. as that of earth point in wiring harness diagram and installation locations of indi- vidualparts.) Indicates that the terminal is a spare one in case the device (sensor in this case) is not sup plied according to the specificatrons. O Mlt3ubbhi llotorr Corgoretion Jüly t$z PHT'ES7 1-5 .""-. 1-6 How To READ THE wIRING DIAGRAMs ...r.....::.'.. Markings for Connector Earthing MARKINGS FOR CONNECTOR EARTHING O.- Or *+'*;r @ Mftrübithi Motor. Colpor.üon Juty 199!l tiiliiiritrilü,:,,,8 i:*r PHUESMT ; li HOW TO READ THE WIRING No. Connector marking o DIAGRAMS Item Markinss for Connector Symbol Male J Earthing 1-7 Contents Double connector contour lines indl cate male connector terminals and single contour line indicates female terminals as illustrated here. Female T Connector symbol marking The symbol indicates the connector as viewed from illustrated direction. At the connection with a devhe, the connector symbolon thedevice side is shown. and foran intermediate con- ' nector. male connector syrnbolis @ Intermediate shown. b Connector connection marking o Direct oonnection typ€ A connection between a device and connectoron the hamess side is either bydirect insertion in the @ Harness connection type @ lntermediate connector device (direct connection ttpel or ' byconnection with a hamess cgtnector on the device side fumished (harness connection twe|. The nrvo types are indicated as illustrated. rc^oSit9 Earth markings @ ^ Ä ? o t-] tl l--^l z : @ Earth in control unit T @ Mirubirhl Motorr CorDor.fon July l3O2 pnui*rz Earth is either by body earth, device earth or control unit intedor earth. These are indicated as illustrated. 1-8 HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS symbotic Marks/wire Cotour Codes SYMBOLIC MARKS Devices appearing in circuit diagrams are indicated by the following symbols. Battery Body earth @ Fuse Single bulb I I I 0 -a- = Equipment earth Fusible link ECU interior Speaker B p earth Connector I rh Motor I AI Male side Female side Thyristor @0 Horn 0 Piezoelectric device Thermistor Coil Capacitor I T Zener diode #h tl Ht+ = I t + tl --O ;O-- Diode Variable resistor l-t 0$ Resistor + Transistor Crossing of wires 4E Pulse generator Buzzer Chime Light emitting otooe Photo diode Photo transistor -JIF o o .o K ö WIRE COLOUR CODES wire colours are identified by the following colour codes. Code Wire colour Code Wire colour B Black P Pink Br Brown R Red G Green Sb Sky blue Gr Gray V Violet L Blue W White Lg Light green Y o Yellow Orange :- NOTE lf a cable has two colours, the first of the two colour code characters indicates the colour (colour of the cable 'r'v've'lve l"e basic coating) and the second indicates the marking öotöur.--' Example : 1.25F-cB F: Florible wire T: Twisted wire Wire size (mm2) (1) No code indicates 0.8 mm2 (0.0009 inr.). (2) Cable colour code in parentheses indicates 0.3 mm, (0.0005 inr.). o HOW TO READ THE WIRING o DIAGRAMS Abbreviation Symbols ABBREVIATION SYMBOLS The abbreviation symbols used in wiring diagrams are defined below. Abbreviation symbol Abbreviation symbol Meaning ABS Anti-lock brake system GND Earth lllumination lamp ILL Meaning IND Indicator lamp JlB Junction block Abbreviation symbols used for combination msters o, Abbreviation symbol Meaning Abbreviation symbol ABS Anti-lock brake system warning lamp HAZARD CHECK ENGINE Check engine warning lamp Charging warning lamp CHG Door warning lamp DOOR CRUISE FUEL R/FOG Rear fog lamp indicator lamp REED Reed switch (vehicle speed sensor) Tachometer TACHO Fuel gauge F/GA Engine coolant level waming lamp RADIATOR Brake warning lamp BRAKE Oil pressure warning lamp OIL PRESSURE Oil pressure gauge Seat belt warning lamp SEAT BELT Hazard waming indicator lamp orL Upper beam indicator lamp BEAM Meaning Engine coolant temperature gauge T/GA Autecruise indicator lamp TIL Tum signal indicator lamp (L.H.) Fuel (remaining) warning lamp T/R Tum signal indicator lamp (R.H.l Abbreviation symbols used for switches and relays Name of switches and relays Abbre' viation symbol Name of switches Operation and relays Dimmer passing switch LO Low beams ON HI Upper beams ON Lighting TAIL Clearance, tail, license-plate and instrument panel lamps ON Blower switch Room lamp switch DOOR Headlamps ON O mhsubithi Moton Corporrdon July Wiper switch 199i1 Blower operates at low speed ML Blower operates at medium speed MH Blower operates at medium high spesd Blower operates at high speed Air condi- ECONO 1st position (economical operationl tioner A/C 2nd position (full load operation) switch Room lamp ON when a door is open Operation LO HI switch HEAD Abbreviation symbol PHUESMT LO Wipers operate at low speed HI Wipers operate at high spe6d INT Wipers operate intermittently 1-10 HOW TO READ THE WIRING DIAGRAMS Name of switches Abbreviation and relays symbol Tum signal LH L.H. turn signal lamps ON switch RH R.H. turn signal lamps ON Power window switch UP Windo'fu closed DOWN Window opened LOCK Door locked Door lock relay Operation Abbreviation Symbols/Applicabte Modcl crtcAorios Name of switches Abbreviation and relays symbol Remote LH L.H. mirror operates RH R.H. mirror operates ON Switched on OFF Switched off control mirror switch Operation Others UN. LOCK Door unlocked APPLICABLE MODEL CATEGORIES The applicable model categories are indicated below for easy identification. Indicates vehicles with multi-point injection Indicates vehicles with double overhead camshafts engine Indicates vehicles with air conditioner Indicates the front wheefdrive vehicles Indicates the 4-wheel drive. vehicles llotorr Corpontion Jütt tgga ür. 2 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS OVERALLWIRING DIAGRAM coMPARTMenrE ENGTNE AND TRANsMtsstoN tr ........... DASH ranel@ ENGTNE TNsTRUMENT eANEL AND FLooR rnrenon@ o..i @ trlttrubirhi llotor. Corporrtlon Ju[ f90ül i;i:;illl{li:ii1:;=5lli1;iiTl,;1g"Titi,:liiiiflnt',;. cotusou E ...-24 ................... 2€ ........ 2'8 2-10 ."1'.'.'r'.'.'.'. :'.'i.'. 2-2 NOTE @ fthrsfm iloorr O.- Corporldon July t302 PltuEnr, WfRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS a) - Overall Wirins Diasram OVERALL WIRING DIAGRAM License plate hmp wiring hamess Instrument panel wiring harness -.: Floor console wiring hamess Control wiring harness Fuel wirirB hamess (2WD) Body wiring hamess ütEr Battery cable assembly Engine compartment wiring hamess NOTE (1) This illustration shoars only the maior widng hamesses. (2) *1 indicates also equlpped at the right side. (3) *2 indicates vehicles with ABS. @ liitrublrhl ttloton Gorporadon .luty f9m PHUEAO? 2'3 2-4 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS Engine Gompartment ENGINE COMPARTMENT A-O1X thru A-07x A-53X A€8'2 A{9 A-O8'r A-10 A-11 I ,2 440 Earth cable A-39 A-36 N37 A-01X A-02X A{3X Tail lamp relay Hom retay I Headlamp I relay A-07X A{8 A-09 A-10 A-1 1 relay A-34 ffl,Zr,,äfENrRAL'ED I I Dual pressure switchGy'C) Windshield wiper motor Control wiring hamess and battery cable combination Brake fluid level sensor Condenser fan motor A-18 A-19 N2O N21 N22 l".23 A.24l e-is I A-26 N27 control relay I_ A-28 a-?o I ä-lil i,"",.,:"1,ilJ:l ä,3y,,",", I ff1,"H;irrrRALrzED ^-ow ;;; I A-15X Capacitor (for A/C) A-12X A-33 A-32 A-31 A-29 A-30 a-rA I ; ;; ll A-tr I i# ff*:''f:"1":il"r, I A-06X relay Alternator Popup motor N52 A-35 I Ay'C retay box Side tum signat tamp (LHl ABS front speed sensor (LH) Windshield washer motor PoPup motor (LH) Front tum signal lamp (LH) Headtamp (LH) Hom (LHl Driving tamp (LH) Condenser fan motor Position lamp (LH) Hydraulic unit(ABS) J J @ lrticutirtri Moton Corporrdon Jrtr tg&t PHUEgS' irii:i'-FiEF i::i:iiiiillirä,i',lj iiriijiiii;l';:l:;,,,. :ii;ii:irirr':iiii.t,r:::Lir:i:i;:.r:rillji,ii:::i WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS Ensine Compartment 2-5 A-18 A-19 O,, A-31 Air flow sensor A-32 A-33 A-34 A-35 Radiator fan assembly Position lamp (RH) Engine coolant level switch Driving lamp (RH) 4-361 p.€7l Hom (RH) A-38 A-39 Headlamp (RH) Front tum signal lamp (RHl 440 Popup motor (RH) A41 Control wiring hamess and engine cömpartment wiring hamess combination ABS front speed sensor (RHl Side tum signal lamp (RH) Fuel pump check connector | p.42.1 443 444 445 @ ilibubbhi Moto'3 Corporrtion July 1992 A-46 A47 448 449 A-50 A-51 A-52 A-53X Remarks Capacitor Defogger relay Purge control solenoid valve Engine speed detection oonnector lgnition timing adjustment oonnestor Headlamp leveling unit (LHl Headlamp leveling unit (RHl Strage connector (Refer to CENTRALIZED JUNCflOM (1) *1:Vehicles with ABS (21 *2:Vehicles without ABS t::':.:':.i-.",ii:-':i-...r,:i 2-6 wInING HARNEss coNFIGURATIoN DIAGRAMs .,:.:.:.i., ;i':, 1 ::.1;:';..: ;: Engine and Transmission ENGINE AND TRANSMISSION B-01 w2 B{l B{4 B-05 &10 &,1r *12 &19 &15 &16 B-17 rrr. B{1 B-02 843 B-04 B-05 8{6 B-07 'B€8 B{9 F10 &1 1 B-12 &131 &141 @ Injector No.4 Throttle position sensor ldle speed control actuator ldle switch Injector No.3 Detonation sensor Injector No.2 lnjectrrr No.'l ;;;l lgnition coil Altemator Jolt Engine compartment wiring harness and oil pressure gnuge unh ioint widng hamess combination Oil pressure switch Oil pressure gauge unit Back-up lamp switch Oxygen sensor FL'N I Power transistor Ay'C compressor magnet clutch Porryer steering oil pressure switch ffltr|ba.hl tototr Co]porrtlon &15 B16 *17 &18 819 1932 &22 YB &24 &25 &26 P|fl'ENO' starter Engine coolant temperature gauge unh Engine oolant temperature sensor Engine coolant temperature switch (for A/C) Crank angle sensor and top dead center sensor Autecruise oontrol vacuum pump 2-7 Oj NOTE -i t-' @ tttrubirhl Motorr Corporrtion July 19911- PHUENOT 2-8 wlRlNG HARNESS coNFlcuRATloN DIAGRAMS Dash panel DASH PANEL c-03 c€1 c€2 c-04 c{5 c{6 cht c€6 c€8 c-21 C€9 C-25 c-19 C-59 c-20 c€6 c€5 67 c-58 C{1 C{.2 C-03 C{4 C{5 c{16 l a{t I C-08 C{9 C-10 C-1 1 C-12 C-13 C-14 Autc€ruise control unit No connection Stop lamp sritc{l lgnition switch Key reminder switch c-l9 c-21 Column srruitch Blower switch Air condhioner switch Bloryer resistor Air conditioner wiring hamess and body wirirg hamess combination (p illtrrbblü c-22 c-23 c-24 c-25 c-26 c-27 c-29X c-30x combination c€3x c€4 Door lock control unit Blower motor high relay (A/C) or jumper connectof Bloryer motor c-35 c-36 Motorr Gorporrüon July tS Radio and tape player Floor console wiring hamess and body wiring hamess combination Clutcfi switch (for autocruise circuh) Diagnosis @nnsstor Foot lamp (LH) Tum signal and hazard flasher unit c-2$( Diode (for popup lamp circuit) Foot lamp (RH) Body wiring hamess and ABS wiring hamess c-31X c-32X c-15 C-16 C-17 C-18 I c-20|| PHUENO' Door lock relay Defogger timer Air conditioner control unit Air inlet sensor Air thermo sensor WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS Dash panel 2-9 -o c-51 c-52 '-: c-53 Junction block (ftontl lFlrl c-l3 c.14 c-15 c-l6 c-18 c-17 Heater relay No connection Instrument panel wiring harness and iunction block c-37 c-38 c-39 c-59 bination c€0 c€1 I c42t combination No connection Engine compaftment wiring hamess and junction block combination C43 t thru I Body wiring harness and junction block combination c€5, c40 c41l c49 J c-621 c€31 c€6 Rear fog lamp relay Diode (for rear fog hmp circuit) Buzzer assembly Headlamp leveling switch Engine compartment wiring hamess and iunaion block combination c-67 Control wiring hamess and body wiring harness com- c-53, bination c€8 c€9 c€4 Engine control relay Fuel octane ratio selection connector Engine control unit O trltt3ubbhi Motors Corpontion July 1992 hamess combination Engine compartment wiring hamess ard hamess combination Orygen sensor check connector c-57 I c-58, lnstrument panel wiring hamess and engine compartment wiring hamess combination Instrument panel wiring hamess and body widng csl c-50 c-st'1 c-s2 I c-55 c-561 Control wiring hamess and body widng hamess coltF c-70 b@ wirirB : 2-10 ... -....:..,'.:... wlRrNG HARNESS CONFIcURATION pIAGRAMS - IXT.H$I.l*:1. INSTRUMENT PANEL AND FLOOR CONSOLE Dl0 wffii D16 D15 36rc3it5 D{1 Rheostat D.0,2 Popup switch D03 Front speaker ILH) D.041 D.Os @ J Combination meter D06 Heater cpntrol panel illumination lamp D-07 Rear wiper and washer switct D{8 Defogger switch D-09 Hazard sdtch ilhrubi.ha torof3 Corporrtion Jury feez F10 D-11 D-12 D13 111 D15 D16 . D17 Front speaker (RH) Giove box illumination lamp Glove box illumination lamp switch Ashtray illumination lamp Cigarette tighter iltumination tamp Cigarette tighter (*) Cigarette lightEr (-) Rear fog lamp switch ?Ht E920t L"ffjt+i::,,flll.ii,'' ii:tTiiriiitl;i:;:ii;i,1?;ii:....-:'.', riiiii::,i:.:,::..'.';;iiriilii.,ill'r':,*it'.:tti;:ll:r-q::,:-,''rf.il - NOTE @ tlh.üblrhl Motor3 Corporltlon July iläii:li-:tiiiäiiiiiäfi:i:'i 199i2 PüUE*:07 2-12 wlRlNG HARNESS coNFtGURATtoN D|AGRAMS Interior INTERIOR E-01 E42 E-03 E-04 E-05 E-06 Room lamp F-r7 I Door speaker (RH) ;-i; l E-19 E-zO Remote controlled minor (RH) Porryer windorrtr motor (RH) Poryer windotrtr sub switch ABS wiring hamess and ABS sensor wiring hamess combination Door lock actuator (RH) Door srtritch (RHl E-07 E-08 E-09 ABS porcr retary E-10 ABS control unit E-11 Diode (for ABS circtit) E-'12 No connect'ron E-13 Rear speaker (RH) E-14 Defogger (-) E-15 Rear wiper motor E-16 No connection @ f,tt üHt||l moto- Corpo".ton July tiCP E-21 I E-z2l E-?3 E-24 Rear combination lamp (RHl Luggoge compartment lamp swhch Backtp tamp (RH) uoense Plate lamp Bac*-up tamp (LH) License plate lamp wiring hamess and body wiring hamess combination Rear combination tamp (LH) Rear washer motor Rear combination lamp (LH) Fuel pump and gauge unit assemUy(41Ä/D) Motor antonna control rslry E-25 E-26 E-27 E-28 E-29 E-30 G sensor(4WDdBS) E-31 ABS rear speed sensor (RH) . FHUE$t07 WIRING HARNESS CONFIGURATION E{6 E{7 E{8 E{9 E-10 E-1 DIAGRAMS lnterior 2-13 1 E-l2 er E-36 E-35 E€0 E-32 Luggage compartment lamp 848 E€3 ABS rear speed sensor (LH) E49 E-34 E-35 E-36 E-37 E-38 E-3{' Rear speaker (LH) Capacitor E-51 Rear intermittent wiper relay Room lamp relay Diode (for door warning lamp circuit) Fuel wiring hamess and body wiring harness combina- E-53 E-54 E-55 E40 tion (2WD) Door switch -28 .E-29 E-50 E-521 J E-56 (LH) E€71 E€8I 'E42 Door lock actuator (LH) Porver window main swirch E4r Polrer window motor (LH) E€O E44 E45 Door speaker (LH) Passing control relay Remarks E46l Door wiring hamess (LHl and body wiring hamess (1) E41 E47 | O ffittublrhi combination lloto'. fanporrtion Ju|y f902 E-59 E-27 Rernote controlled miror (LH) Remote controlled minor svrritch Seat beh switctr Parking brake sryhch Door wiring hamess (RH) and body wiring hamess combination (RH) Defogger (*) Fuel gauge unit (2\A/D) Fuel pump €WD) Tailgate wiring hamess and body witing hamess combination No connection Spare connector for rear fog bmp *1: Vehicles whh ABS l2l *2: Vehicles whhout ABS PDIUE$IO' NOTE o 3 SI NG LE PART I NSTALI.ATION POSITION RELAY 3-2 ......3-5 CONTROT UNIT SENSOR 3-6 SOTENOID VALVE DtoDE .............. NSPECnON TERMTNAL FUSIBLE UNKAND FUSE EARTH CABLE EARTH @ mh.ubi.hl totorl Corporrtton .luly ty_l .......3-9 ............ 3-10 ........ 3.11 .............. 3-12 .....3-13 3-2 SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSfT|ON Retay RELAY O,,Name Symbol Name Symbol ABS motor relay D Intermittent wiper relay (windshield wiper) E ABS power relay L lntermittent wiper relay (rear wiper) M ABS valve relay D Magnetic clutch relay (A/C) c Alternator relay A Engine control relay G Blower motor high relay F Passing control relay J Condenser fan motor control relay G/C) c Popup motor relay A Condenser fan motor relay G/C) c Power window relay A Radiator fan motor relay A Defogger timer I Defogger relay B Rear fog lamp relay H Door lock relay I Room lamp relay M Headlamp relay A Tail lamp relay A Heater relay K Hom relay A Tum signal and hazard frasher unit K Engine compartment Headlamp rHom refay ' reby Tail lamp relay ,'/, ,r motor relay SINGLE PART INSTALLATION o' POSITION Relay lnterior \--' ) ) -t Blower motor High retrEf rrp6u Buzzer asembly Engine control relay Junction lock I ) control @ ilhrrrbirhl totorr Corporutlon July tSü2 PHUE9a07 --- ;i11: --:?:-yt.: fC:..,'j t-"i,4::".1:*: ', 3-4 SINGLE PART INSTALTATION POSITION Floor (o tlt ubl3hl tcof! Corporson July t992 Relay SINGLE PART INSTALLATION o, POSITION Gontrot Unit 3-5 GoNTROL UN|T Name Symbol ABS control unit E Air conditioner control unit A Autocruise control unit D Name Door lock control unit B Engine control unit c lnterior t control -|lfline Front pillar trim (LH) t6A03tt C) ttlt ubbhl Motorr Corporrtton July t9e2 Symbol 3-6 SINGLE PART INSTALIATION POSIT|ON Sensor SENSOR Name 'Symbol Air flow sensor (incorporated within barometric pressure sensor and intake air temperature A Name Symbol Front speed sensor (ABS) G-Sensor (4WD-ABS) J H ldle switch E Air thermo sensor (A/C) H Orygen sensor F Crank angle sensor and top dead center sensor D Rear speed sensor (ABS) K Engine coolant temperature sensor B Throttle position sensor E Engine coolant temperature switch G/C) c Vehicle speed sensor (reed switch) G sensor) Air inlet sensor (A,/C) Engine compartment {incorporated within barometric pressure sensor and intake air temperature sensorl w @ mftrubbhl moorr Corporrüon Juty 1992 ri#i:i",....:..- ior and dead PHUE9I2O7 SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION I' -'$Y-ffi'V57* lnterior -) unit $ao7rG front floor, o icaoStt O lUlittubLhl Moton Gorporrtlon July tSQ - Sensor 3-8 SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION Solenoid valve SOLENOID VALVE Name Symbol Auto-cruise control vacuum pump (incorporated within control valve and release valve) c Hydraulic unit (incorporated within solenoid valvel A Name Symbol Purge control solenoid valve B Engine compartment solenoid valvel / / l\. / ' t6At4zs 'lo'urn control \racuum (incorporated within control o,,. (o mhgbbH motor. CorDor|üon July 1992 SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION 3-9 Diode DIODE Name Name Symbol Symbol Diode (for ABS circuit) c Diode (for pop-up circuit) A Diode (for door warning lamp circuit) D Diode (for rear fog lamp circuit) B lnterior ö Diode {for rear fog lamp circuitl \1? tq ___ _\_ 16AOE6t Rear interior \\ l)/// ,/,//./1 // rl t/ I \\ I\ I \-_ .- Diode (for ABS circuit) door waming r circuitl W lfiAso @ Mltublrhl Motorr Corporation July t902 P[fuEs07 :' .'-...' :.'.'.i.:' .; 3-10 SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION Inspection Terminal INSPECTION TERMINAL Name O,1 Symbol Name E lgnition timing adjustment connector B Engine speed detection connector c Oxygen sensor check connector D Fuel pump check connector A Interior uxygen sensof N check connector =i( - . @ Symbol Diagnosis connector mtru[rbU totorr Corporetion July 1902 1GA(n62 . ?ftt E90t r;irti...ilt SINGLE PART INSTALIATION POSITION Fusibte Link and Fuse 3-11 FUSIBLE LINK AND FUSE Name Dedicated fuses Main fusible links B*, A D Symbol Name Symbol Multipurpose fuses E Sub fusible links c Remark . * : Vehicles with A/C. Engine compartment ,?#'r*g."Q. ''':-.':;' lnterior C / I /-trr',12 :.::.:': :..:" i,i. :'.'... ._-.: ... u:'o,at.'.i1i" ''.."...$*.. SINGLE PART lNsrALLATtoN postfloN Earth Gabte ..,.'.i,:...,,.'......;u,::.l...'ir:,,1, 3-12 ''.-;.;..-.;,i;tiia'-rr--ii, ,,'.,i,-*,,t..:.:'.,ä.:.:it':..,....:... o EARTH CABLE Engine compartment Under front floor ra^otrr .-: @ m|bübLtrl ilotoc Gorporatlon Juty 199!l PHt ESt . . ". . .: '. : i.'. 'i,'r.': Earth EARTH l, ''.':::: J rj-" @ Mieubirhi Motorr Corpor.üon July tg08 PHUEPO' '.','. ' . 3-13 -.;.. - --t -. ...'.':.- _- : j :.. :---...-.::.. .. -. ;.-. :. :.i --.'.'.'.-., \'. i : -'.:.....:. 3-14 INSTALLATION POSITION Earth Tailgnte latch |.totitt a 4 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM JUNCNON BLOCK CENTRALIZED POWER JUNCNON ....... 44 DISTRBUflON ............................. /t-9 STARNNG SYSTEM rcN|nON SYSTEM GHARG|NG ........... BRAKE WARNING IÄMP FUEI WARNING LAMP METER AND GAUGE SYSTEM / ...4-13 x +12 .............. 4-14 ... 4-46 ....... 4.50 .......... {.50 ENGINE COOTANT LEVET WARNING LAMP ...... o|t +51 PRESSURE WARNTNG tAMp ........... +51 WINDOW ENGINE CONTROT SYSTEM (MP|-DOHC) ................4-16 . .[-52 ü( CENTRAL DOOR LOCKING SVSTEM ........ r[-56 r coolrNc sysTEM HEATER POWER ........... HEADLAMP +a2 ............... +24 ............:.... ................. .............. AIR COND|nONER DRIVING I-AMP WINDSHIELD WIPERAND WASHER ...... SYSTEM ...4-28 HEADLAMP LEVEUNG SYSTEM ............ +30 TAIL IÄMP, POSINON IAMP AND ucENcE P1ATE IAMP ........... +34 REAR FOG IAMP .... ..t-35 ROOM I.AJT'IP. rcNMON KEY CYLINDER ITLUMINATION IAMP, FOOT LAMP, GTOVE BOX ILLUMINATION IAMP AND LUGGAGE GOMPARTMENT IAMP .......... +38 TURN.SIGNAL LAMP AND HAZARD POP-UP LAMP STOPLAfT,IP REMOTE CONTROLTED MIRROR ........... RADIO AND TAPE PTAYER 't-69 .... +7O CIGARETTE TIGHTER ANN-LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABSI . 2WD . 4WD .... +74 ..................... +77 AUTO-CRUISE CONTROL SYSTEM ....... /t lit 'l-80 LrcHNNG MON]TOR BUZZER AND KEY REMINDER BUiaER .......4€4 SEAT BELTWARNTNG BUZZER ............. 4-85 HORN Moton Coryorrtloa July 1992 ......... /0€6 DEFOGGER .......4-40 K ............ 4.dI REAR WTPER AND WASHER ................... 4-64 BACK.UP LAMP @ Mltrublchi +57 PHUESIO? CIRCUIT DIAGRAM JUNCTION BLOCK L'\ -'l !0 sm T () 1:Y.O \ü ,.4 ö Lr g. 'm m' 'm ffi$ ffiu m' i@ 3m 3m Hemark . Connector numbers are keyed to the configuration gram (dashboard panel) and each circuit diägram. (@ llh.übbhi totorc Gorporrtion July lg dia- E-tß-ütrot-|g CIRCUIT DIAGRAM - Junction Block 4-3 I lr l*n To engine lr rffi,ll ffir compartment wiring harness ' No connection To engine compartment wiring hamess To instrument panel wiring hamess lru@mffi ll 4m ffiil", l** ll #ffi ffihl ll g T ruJe#-1 E H HEH H 1.] O Mft3ubirhl Motoro Corpontion July i9g2 -l ll PHUE$OT t ,, | DIAGRAM CIRGUIT Centratized Junction CENTRALIZED JUNCTION MAIN FUSIBLE LINK (Connested direc'tly to baftery positive terminall No. Circuit Housing colour Rated capacity ß) 1 Engine control circuit Blue 20 2 Radiator fan motor circuit Pink 30 3 lgnition switch circuit Pink 30 4 ABS circuit Yellow 60 (/ehides without ABS) suB rt srBrE d; rne"y rff;;n" ' No. O/ehicles with ABS) --o"ilmonrt Circuit Housing colour Rated capacity (A) 1 Altemator clrcuit, sub fusible link @, @, (D, @, @ Black 80 2 Defogger circuit Green 40 3 Dedicated fuse @ circuit Pink 30 4 Popup circuit, Altemator circuit Pink 30 5 Power window circuit Pink 30 6 Multi-purpose fuse (D, @, @, (E, (8, (D, (D, (8, dedicated fuse @ circuit Green 40 7 Headlamp circuit, Tail lamp circuit. dedicated fuse (D, @, @ circuit Green 40 glUH * Sub fusible links lSAtrStD @ Xltlrbbtrl totorr Corpondon July tS2 ...4 .. _1.-'. '..-=._--.:::'i'.----.';': :'it-ri,;.-.. :t;.i.i#;::::j:.: .-:-'-:-.:.i t'.:.'.. . ..'- 'j:-::;-:-.' '..li={i':i;'"t*''= liii;liiriir#iiit:.. i..t':i i.iiiiiiri:l:ii::i;l:* ;::i -:':.'.'::.'- 1..: ::-..:,:.:... :...: .r-..:.'.-: -.;'.!. -'. :..'rai'- ; ,';r'.. - j:. -.' '.'. : 'l l:,lii..ttt;,.;,, :'.,, CIRCUIT o DIAGRAM 4-5 Centralized Junction DEDICATED FUSE Power supply circuit No. Rated capacity (A) Housing colour Circuit 1 10 Red Tail lamp circuit, lllumination circuit and buzzer circuit 2 10 Red Tail lamp circuit 3 10 Red Hazard waming lamp circuit and Hom circuit High beam circuit and rear fog lamp circuit Tail lamp relay Battery 4 OJ Headlamp relay 5 10 Red Sub fusible link @ 6 10 Red Sub fusible link @ 7 20 Yellow Air conditioner Condenser fan motor circüit (Engine compartment R.H. side relay box) n@u.'tQJ\- -%qe ffi ffi ffi ffi rGAlrtt9 (Engine compartmönt L.H. side rclay box (Vehidee with A/Cl) ffiHffi @ Ittbubi.hi trldor3 Corpordo,n July l3O2 PHUE*ZO7 magnetic clutch circuit 4-6 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Gentratized Junction MULTI-PURPOSE FUSE (ln iunction blockl Power supply circuit Battery No. Rated capacity (Al 1 10 Buuer assembly and passing control relay 3 l0 Air conditioner control unit, air conditioner switch, blower m9t9r high relay, defogger timer, heater relay, power windows relay and ABS power relay 4 10 Motor antenna, radio and tape player 5 15 Cigarette lighter, remote controlläd minor and headlamp leveling unit 6 15 Door lock relay and door lock actuator 9 15 Intermittent wiper relay, wiper motor and washer motor 10 10 Hom relay 11 10 Auto+ruise control unit, auto-cruise controlvacuum pump, combination meter, motor antenna and buzzer assämbiy 12 10 Tum signal and hazard flasher unit 16 30 Blower motor 17 15 Stop lamp, ABS control unit and auto{ruise control unit 18 10 Back-up lamp and room lamp relay Load circuit 2 lGz lgnition switch ACC Battery 7 lGz lgnition I ACC switch lGr 13 14 Battery lgnition switch Battery 15 lGr 19 10 Room lamp, foot lamp, ignition key cylinder illumination lamp, luggage compartment lamp, engine cpntrol unit, door lock control unit. motor antenna, combination meter, radio and tape player BHHHB @ llltrutrbU Xotor. Corpoldon July 1902 PHUEt207 Mult'4rurpose fuses CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-7 Centralized Junction CENTRALIZED RELAY Classification A€1X Engine compartment R.H. side relay box Name Classification Tail lamp relay A-O2X Horn relay A-O3X Headlamp relay A{4X Radiator fan motor relay A-O5X Power windows relay A-O6X Alternator relay Name A-12X compartment L.H. side relay box A-13X Condenser fan motor relay A-14X Magnetic clutch relay Pop-up motor relay A-53X Storage connector trol relay c-28X c-29X A-O7X Condenser fan motor con- Engine Interior relay box Door lock relay c-30x c-31X Defogger timer c-32X O'. (Engine compartment R.H. side relay box) A.OlX c-33X (Engine compartment LH. side relay bor (Vehicles with A/Gl) A-02X H ffi A.O3X A4X la ffi ffi A{5X A.O6X ffi ffi rüt {nterior relay bolÖ r6At4?l T6TIE @ Mlbub'rshi Motorr Corporation July t99l! iialii:..'.': i,.:, li;:1iiii;i:':: liiliiiii iir:irii::iiriiir.. iiriii:iii:liiir::,;,,,.;,' 4-8 NOTES O mft.r|bbhl toton Corporrtlon July t90E PHUE9207 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-9 Power Distribution POWER DI STRIBUTI ON -.. VEHTCLEE WITH ABS BATTERY TAI}I N'SIBtE LIIIK x c-52 tEt I ffi trt EI C\I ; STARTER HYDRAULIC IATOR UNIT Hffiffir+ C guB FUSIBLE LINK u I C\I POP-UP lroT0R AL TERNIITOR B- TERI'INITL) DEFOGGER RELAY RELAY ALTERNATOR (S-TER}IINAL) ü I .3 I-I (9 TAIL RELAY LAl,tp HEADLAIIP RELAY -: ) ü - A-03X t I lr, J EI @t@ f& OJ 20AO COLI'MN 10A $WITCH llffnrue \ SYITCTI 1 J uI COIDENBM FAN u)TOR c\I DEDI FUSE RELAY HEADLA}IP DEDICA1ED R'SE(A/C) A-t?m . HAZÄRD' 6tllTCtl .HORN II|F-ß-rEt@-tc @ .REAR COIIBIN'ITION LAIIP (TAIL) .LICENCE PLATE LAMP Mitrublrhl Motot3 Corporfüion July 1908 'CO}tsINATI0N },ETERGEAil} .REAR FOG LAIiP RELAY .I{EADLAIiP LEVELING UNIT PHUEgOT 4-10 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Power Distribution IAII{ LINK c-04 ffi . TARMR .E}SINE ffiIT*ot ffiiF- @ c-48 @ 104 ItATtOlt 8E ? @ t0A @ --? _?_Il o @ @ 154 15A 10A .FggäYllrP .ct .BACß-UP LAIP .RE XITE L! SrtTctl II RROR 'äffifFofSEU0 -BVZ,,EP. AESEXBLY cOf,tROL 8TTTCH HORtr RELAY i*ffiff#äu' 'utWl.gi& 'ffiffi,'* fffuunu' .ml&rrPEn @ Mtt.rüirhl totor Gorpondon July t9S2 PHUEPOT CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Power Distribution 4-11 fl&6ututu FüBA'ö. o PTFITION LAXP STORAGE CONMCTOR Effi ffi ffi c-?0 e-42 c-4 o g o 11 f,Ä (E _ e._ ?__3_ 30A 'tHfitnTs 'iÄPi5flffi'-:f33ä^13'" .f,AIAB COIPARTI "* '88t$ffi ,blgfdfrIc äA."ssrF .FooruoF* HELäT"" .E*l$,^äm#ükf{R'IHEES," . IGTITIOil trEY C}I.IIIIER- ILLI'I'IIIATIOII .DOoR LOCf, LäXP eof,TRü;-äf,rr' .' ' ' 'ffitüA16öAS .IOTM AITTEXI{A OOI{TROL NELAY rf,tü-rc-u0tet-E @ ilhrubbhl Moton Corporrdon July t9ül . . .,:1r ::-, ,: HBITLo* IGATER RlLAY '8IS .qnlrAtlil ETER(II.L' .g["ovE tol rror lHörrrr 8TI?CH .CTGAAEITI coxTrux. 'lff,ffifl^rrm 'ffitftr rntt 'g8f,En NELAY LIOflEN(TLL' LAE.. 'üüirrrru LAFfiAILI .RIIEGIAT 'f$lopfifti 'llffily CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Startins System STARTING SYSTEM A-10 STARTER Ilrc colour codr ff?a?&I" b?ölli8: o'""" OPERATION .' , k:niä. 8;96?sg F:illl. t:ü?il3i . . :,:.. 8D:8ky bllrc -.._.-:_ r TROUBLESH(X'nNG HtiltC:,' :: 1. Starter motor does not tum bver at ail. . Check starter (coil).. , -' battery terminals for proper contact. : Check ^ Starter 2. motor does noi stop rotating. 1_ C*lrg.c! gta(er- (Inagtetic- switch). : \MIh the ignition switch in the "ST" position, the starter contact {magnetic switch) tums -ON" and the starter motor rotates. , ' . t li: - äi*:i (D Ultl||bbhl Xotorr Corpontion July t9O2 'ir., ' i'd,;" .äii:tI CIRCUIT DIAGRAM lsnition System 4-13 IGNITI ON SYSTEM ö. IGNITION 8IITCH(IGl) IGNITION c0tL B-09 ffi POUER TR,AI{SISTOR B ==== a.t9a A-49 BH$ÄH'8fi"0 CONNESTOR 3 SPARK PLT.G B-10 @@ COMBINATION METER (TACTIO) 4 rä 'd? +t GIID v9v ENGINE CONTROL UNIT GITD I orl !l lflEffi'*eq:ffi# ffiHffiffi*:'ffii+lsm" .AtrF [Rtc Eau .äb' Brirut---- ll gI trü a. A-l IGNIT TI TIMIN NG IST ADJUS c0NilE l.@ mftrübbhi Moton Corporartion July 1992 PHUE92O' -1 i ' t;:::tä:! X:Xpf loq ' Eo:8ryY: Y I otot orur r -r.; .. ., 4-14 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Chargins System CHARGING SYSTEM IBLE AfiTiEi?fn', 7 c-65 r-nrffi @ nFJ[[*ro* D-oaminl.FI"tffn @EE@! o-osqEFfl 15 Y^-^-J @! (t ffiffi &ruh 2 C-60 ffi . our rrtü-tc-waoP-!c @ mhrrrbbl{ Motor. Corponüon = code LoiLloht u:urangoorsan G:Grcen Gr:Gray K:FAä" F:fflt" v:ü?il8i " ' .... CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Gharsing'system '.. . : 4-15 CHARGfNG SYSTEM (See P. 4-14.1 OPERATION When engine is stationary . When the ignition switch is turned to the ON position, current flows ttre alternator L terminal to the field coil and, at the same time, the charge warning lamp lights up. is stared and after engine has started . When the engine is started, the charge warning lamp goes out because of the charging voltage being applied to the alternator L terminal. . The battery voltage being applied to the alternator S terminal is monitored by the lC voltage regulator. Hence, the amount of electricity produced by the alternator is controlled by allowing and cutting off the current flowing to the field coil. . The alternator B terminal supplies power to each When engine TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS 1. Charging indicator lamp does not go on when the ignition switch is turned to "ON", before the engine starts. . Check the bulb. 2. Charging indicator lamp fails to go off once the engine starts. . Check lC voltage regulator of altemator. 3. Discharged or overcharged battery. . Check lC voltage regulator of altemator. 4. Charge warning lamp lights up dimly. . Check combination meter diode (for short). load. Remark The alternator relay is provided to back up the flow of current to the field coil when the charge warning lamp is open. . @ Mltsubiehi MotoF Gorpordon .tulV tf PHUEg20t CIRCUIT ENGI DIAGRAM NE CONTROL MA TN Engine Control System (MPI-DOHC) SYSTEM (MP I -DOHC) IGNITION LI NK BUITCH (87 c-52 @ zUI) _.Ä__1 4UD nlnl ,-*n irl ,-.n r'Id*r I I ENGII{E l4|x dlru'** figilÄ$o' c-54 i+* l*' ffi t--\# rl it= Effib*tuo CONNECTOR EI il'ts' ffi c-58 -C-15_8_ ENGIIIE ffiffi*t Hifi#I""t"',u'*lg 0rccn 8;96?s0 @ Mit ubbhi totorr CorDorrüon Jutry t&l PHUE9:lo7 T:H?IF ü!t?llsr 8o:6fty blue t -.,'i:.., .:;: - :-:i..;r,...-.:'..,.'.,r":. ::.;. CIRCUIT :.'. l:' DIAGRAM -:. :'-. Engine Gontrol System (MPI-DOHC) l-. _.' v 3.BU - @'# TD I ffiffi,ä IGNITION COIL B-09 -trl ffi ]nw BffiIU{'8REED coltslt{ATl0N CONNECTOR METER c-04 FRffiErrro* @mq 'tt-'f.lT.i?ttt B-10 fiffiflffiffif -!a I to 2 OJ 3 @m c-6r -i E c0uBI ffim c-59 E METER 55 110 ____ffiffi_,_- if;.,*güaitlt"3ä-äsH @ äitrubbhl Motorr Gorporrüon July 1902 .PHUE$!o? -'.1, . t.':'"it rr*.::X;liii .,. 4-18 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Engine Control System (MPI-DOHC) I ü .J- h-ssll l-c-sz'l b-sd ffi EI lr) C\I ffi ; 1.25- EI to o, ; A-31 iffiFE:: ft ät. * 5V v c-58 ffi ääfu f GltlD (n EI I tr, c\I IDLE ENGINE a n c0otAlfi AEffi'ES'* äffiffi["fi B-02 8[ITCH B-04 trI @El B-23 If,tl-tc-tDloer-E @ Mftsutishi Motors Corporrtion July 1902 . Pt{uE9207 iiiir,,lt+ii:iii:ffi;',:l:|:i'' DIAGRAM CIRCUIT Engine Control System (MPI-DOHC) 4-19 @ffi o' ffiffi I ln C\I j PI,KE CSITRIL ffiFPID A-48 H INJECTOR INJECTOR IN.JECTOR E-OE B-07 B-05 GEl GED cb 5Y 5V t'* l +ä 105 =.i rt- l-c-sdl ffi' w EEEffi,-U' t c-50 E OXYGEN EENSOR CHECK @ CONNECTOR CO}'BINATION -@ pt lirnl.lT.'?itl @EErffil ffiffi c-39 ffi DIAGNOSIS CONNECTOR c-25- OXYGETT DETOIIATIOI{ sEt{80R o-os ffi REAR STDE O Mi$ubirhi Motorr Gorporrdon July 1992 iiäiiiiiiiliill'::r:l PHUE92O7 ffi sEr{soR a-re @ 4-20 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Engine Control System (MPI-DOHC) c-34 ffim u J g)I mHr-r: 77 -lI 51 CD *{ffii#ilH:::, shk H*t A-08 lH::füäillffl:r c-51 c-&t A-lttx ENGINE 8H$Hä$'*' B-24 @ 8$r-!ffi;1tr9: gElE: Fl ffi A-16 W' lffil EI c-59 E ffi ffir-* ? c-58 c-5? ENGINE CONTROL UNIT rf,lr-rc-rnroar-E @ lYtiteuUlrlrt ,Ulre colour cotL B;?Ä?BI" totor:r Gorporrdon July !96Ltegt 1992 ercen K:RgH" PHUE9:lo7 üiü?at3? blue 4-21 NOTES ...'.t. r - - -'j 'tr' -q @ Mit3ublfii totorr Gorponüon JütV t9O2 PHUEIAO' l:1, ;!t:-,;r.:.1:i*' '": ';:!;i r:. .r fidri CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Goolins System COOL I NG SYSTEM R MAIN FUSIBLE LINK@ SUB FUSIBLE LINK c-34 ffiFH c-tl A-77 ffir*u ffi ffi l DEDICATED FUSE ü trl e, GI A-16 J I I A-13X ffiffiFWf^i* RADI ffte A-1? I n I CIilTET{SER FAN XSNN J C(n!fTRü, RESISTOR (F8PfiUFBF) A-2? RH,AY A-12X F o I D \l u -lI IATOR C\J A-16 ffi crt JI ol AIN OO}IDITIONBR coltTRol t t{IT II$-rc-tmt-!c @ Ulre colour codc ff?t?3[^ Nffi;33 0rccn 8;9eHg mtrrtlrt* tdorr Corpontlon July 1992 PflUE9207 HRAH" tlti'lf;" tlv?alsi 8b:8ry bruc CIRCUIT O Sror}ll[i DIAGRAM sYsrEM (see P' 4'22) TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS 1. When air conditioner control unit outputs LO signal (0 Vl . When the engine coolant temperature reaches 85.C (185'F), the thermo sensor of radiator is . 1. Radiator fan does not activated. This energizes the radiator fan motor relay causing the radiator fan to rotate at high speed. run. . . Check radiator fan motor relay. Check radiator fan motor. 2. Condenser fan does not operate at all. Check sub fusible link No. @. Check dedicated fuse No. @. Check condenser fan motor. Check condenser fan motor relay. 3. Only the radiator fan does not rotate at low speed. . Check condenser fan motor control relay. 4. Only condenser fan does not rotate at high speed. . Check condenser fan motor control relay. 5. Radiator fan and condenser fan do not run at low speed alone. . Check resistor. . . . . The condenser fan motor relay is turned on by the power from the air conditioner control unit, and this is transmitted through the resistor to nonconditionally run the condenser fan and radiator fan at .'-.. . v operate. 1) Disconnect the radiator fan assembly connector, and earth the "1" terminal to run the fan. . Check of thermo sensor. 2l Even if "1 " terminal is earthed, the fan does not 2. When air conditioner control unit outputs Hl signal (System voltage| . 4-23 Coolins System low speed. When the engine coolant temperature increases to 85"C (185'F), and the thermo sensor turns ON, or the fan HI-LO selector switch drive transistor inside the air conditioner control unit turns ON, the condenser fan motor relay turns ON (Hl) and the radiator fan and condenser fan both operate at high speed. Remark For troubleshooting the air conditioner control unit, see the Troubleshooting ,in Group 55 Heater and Air Conditioner of the separate WORKSHOP MANUAL (Pub. No. F\ /UE9010). . Air Conditioner Control Unit Hl Signal Output Conditions lgnition switch (lGr) ON Blower switch ON Air conditioner switch Air inlet sensor ON (ECONO or A/C) ON [4'C (39T] or higherl Air thermo sensor ON [4'C (39'F] or higherl Bemark . The air conditioner control unit ou@uts a LO signal (0 Vl Fan Operating Conditions Switch poshion Air condhioner control unit output drive transistor inside thd air conditioner control unit LO (0 V) Hl (System wlugel Thermo sensor ION wlth 85.C (185F) Fan operating conditim Radiator fan Condenser fan OFF OFF OFF ON HIGH OFF or higherl OFF OFF LOW low OFF ON HIGH HIGH ON OFF HIGH HIGH ON ON HIGH HIGH ,--: " C) ilhtubbhi totort Corpor.don July lS PHUE AO' - , tf ,.i.l-r,{...:,*.r;$ rr 4-24 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Headlamp .- HEADLAMP ffifoo|* A-03X H J ü I Ir. c\I J &I lL G' HEADLAMP (LH) FüBACATED A-23 3 u I tr. c-el |') ffi (D d ü t4, D-05 RI II trtst.l DIODE c-42, l't J/BI c-6? f!- E-e0 , -E, I tr, C\I bü?fläÄ'n DIMlilER. PASSING SWITCH I I I I I I c-0? ffi trt I to c\I - = rf,i!:ß.F!G-!c @ tulit3|rblrhi tlro colour code Bl?A?3$" $e5|1ogt oreen 8;96?gl llotoE Corpo?ltlon July 1992 GI ft:naü" PfiUE*r7 F:t?l[" ü:V?l!3? 8b:8$v btus .: r "-'. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Headlamp 4-25 HEADLAMP (See P. 4-24.1 OPERATION TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS Headlamp Relay ON Conditions 1. Headlamps don't go on. 1) But the tail lamps illuminate. . Check the headlamp relay. . Check the lighting switch. 2) The tail lamps also don't illuminate. . Check the sub fusible link No. @. 2. The low beam at both sides doesn't illuminate. . Check the dimmer switch LO contacts. Lighting switch Dimmer/ passing switch "HEAD" Headlamp relay ON "oN' ON (Low-beam operation) . Placing the lighting switch in the HEAD position causes the headlamp relay to be energized. . lf the dimmer/passing switch is placed in the LO position at this time. the headlamps light up in low beam. (Upper-beam operation) . Placing the lighting switch in the HEAD position causes the headlamp relay to be energized. . lf the dimmerlpassing switch is placed in the Hl position at this time, the hedlamps light up in upper beam. (Upper-beam indicator lamp) . This lamp lights up when the upper/passing beams are on, indicating that the headlamps are on in upper beam. (Passing operation) . When the dimmer/passing switch is set to the "ON" position, the headlamp relay is switched ON and the upper beam of the headlamps illuminates. '.t @ Mirubbhi Motorr Gorporation July l9O2 illiilräiililü': PHUE92O? at both sides doesn't illuminate. 1) The passing signal functions OK. Check the dimmer switch Hl contacts. 4. One headlamp doesn't illuminate. . Check the lamp bulb. 5. Can't switch from low to upper beam orviceversa. . Check the dimmer switch. 6. Upper-beam indicator lamp does not go on. 1) Headlamp upper beams are operational. . Check dedicated fuse No. @. . Check the indicator lamp bulb. 3. The upper beam . 4-26 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM DRIVING LAMP f,YR* ffiffiv* A-03X dI -: u OJ c\I I t DRIVIIiIG LAIIP (LH) ( A-26 @ &I EI u) c-il ro C\I ffi GI j COMBINATION TETER D-05 Feffi FffiE c-42 DIODE E-sd c-6? rr- 0-sd ffi uI trt cU I G HT NG I TCH BAffifiAiI SUITCH II c-07 = EI E Ilfc colour codo Its-rc-|Ftür-!c @ ff?t?8$" tit$rbbhl fotor Corgordon $e5lro3t orcen 8;96?80 July 1992 tHuE90? K:FJH" !:F?IP Y:T?A!SI 8b:8ly blur CfRCUIT DIAGRAM Drivins Lamp 4-27 ^r,'. DRIVING 1AMP (See P. 4-26.1 - OPERATION TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS Headlamp Relay ON Conditions 1. Driving lamps don't go I' on. 1) Upper beam of headlamps does not illuminate Lighting switch Dimmer/ passing switch "HEAD" . . . ON ,ON' ON 2. the lighting switch in the HEAD position causes the headlamp relay to be energized. lf the dimmer/passing switch is placed in the Hl position at this time, the driving lamps light up. 0assing operation) . When the dimmer/passing switch is set to the "ON" position, the headlamp relay is switched ON and the driving lamps illuminate. (Upper-beam indicator lamp) . Placing This lamp illuminates when the driving lamps are illuminated and when passing to inform the driver that the driving lamps are illuminated. ,O @ ltitrublrhl Motors Corpontlon July 199t1 either. Check the dimmer/passing switch Hl contacts. 2) Upper beam of headlamps illuminate. Check the driving lamp bulb. Upper-beam indicator lamp does not go on. 1) Headlamp upper beams are operational. Check dedicated fuse No. @. Check the indicator lamp bulb. . Headlamp relay PfiUEPot . . 4-28 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM c-41 CATED Pop-up System E -l,J/B POP.UP I'OTOR RELAY A-0?x c-zt6 c-42 6 rdrßEtfit c-06 c-39 c0LutN SUITCH (kt9+El-9 6' -J POP-UP ltoT0R GH) E8?1ffi D-02 I C-6t ffim - (9 c-64 RHEOSTAT D-01 ffi ffffitr c-39 c-48 c-45 ffi Hlfi;Eil""ffion. 0,""n g;e,5pSt @ MitruUigtrl Motorr Corporatlon July i:i1iii'riii:''..i 1992 K:FIU" F:$AF t:t?al$ sbisky bru€ P?tuEcao7 ;iLtiiir;t. iii:jii'.t:i:iiir:::r: liiiiri:iii,i#Lrr,iliii.;tr,jlLii CIRCUIT o DIAGRAM Pop-up System 4-29 POP-UP SYSTEM (See P.4-28.1 OPERANON (Functions of the Lighting Switch) . Battery voltage is always applied to the lighting switch through multi-purpose fuse (D. when the lighting switch is set at the "HEAD" TROUBLESHOONNG HINTS 1. Headlamps do not rise 1) They rise only when the lighting switch operated. . Check the popup switch. 2) They rise only when the popup swhch position, current flows through the passing control o . relay, popup motor (upswitch), pop-up motor relay (coil), and earth, closing the popup motor relay contacts. After flowing through the closed pup-up motor relay contacts, current flows through the popup motor to earth. The popup motor starts operating to raise the retractable headlamp. Once the pop-up motor has revolved up to its UP limit, the switch inside the motor swtiches its contact from the UP side to the DOWN side. This operation of the switch causes the circuit leading to the popup motor relay (coillto open and the popup motor stops, maintaining the retractable headlamp in its raised position. When the lighting switch is set at the "OFF" or "Tail" position, current flows through the lighting switch, popup switch, passing control relay, pop up motor (down-switch), popup motor relay (coil), and earth, closing the popup motor relay contacts. After flowing through the closed popup motor relay contacts, current flows through the popup motor to earth. The popup motor begins operating to retract the headlamp. Once the pop-up motor has revolved up to its DOWN limit, the switch inside the motor switches its contact from the DOWN side to the UP side, and the motor stops, maintaining the headlamp in its retracted position. operated. . Check the lighting switch. 2. Headlamps do not retract . Check the popup switch. . Check the passing control relay. 3. One headlamp does not move . Check the pofup motor relay. . Check the popup motor. (Functions of the Popup Switch) When the popup switch is set at "ON", current flows through multi-purpose fuse (D, lighting switch, popup switch, passing control relay, pop up motor (utrswitch), popup motor relay (coil), and earth. The rätractable headlamps rises just as it does when the lighting switch is set at the "HEAD" position. When the popup switch is set.at "OFF", current flows through the potrup switch, the passing control relay, the potrup motor (down-switch). the poPup motor relay (coil), and earth. The headlamp retracts iust as it does when the lighting switch is set at the "oFF" or "Tail" position.. @ Uh.röbhl Motor Conorrtbn Jüly 1S2 PDIUES' is -i .-:- .:.-" 4-30 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM HEADLAMP LEVEL I NG SYSTEM HEADLAI'IP DEDICATED nsE rcADLAP W^-u, A-s2w ffiffitfilE SUITCH c-69 RHEOSTAT D-01 r-@d' ffi = EI @ tlt übbhl toton CotDoraüoo 6 B PHUET2OT El' CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Headlamp Leveling System ,-nrm c-39 ffi ffiffi ttlre colour codo B;?A?3[" bgö]lfiBi @ o'*" Miaubirhi Moton Corpor.tion July tg0i2 8igE?Sg L: Bl ue RrRed PHUEE2O' H:F?I[" ü!V?l-iSi 8o:8äy otuc 4-31 4-32 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Headlamp Leveting System HEADTAMP-LEVELING SYSTEM (See P. 4-30.1 OPERATION 1. Headlamps angledownward operation . When the lighting switch is set to the "HEAD" . . . . . . position, the headlamp relay is switched ON, and battery voltage is applied, through the headlamp leveling unit, to dedicated fuse No. @. When the headlampleveling switch setting is changed from "0" to "1", the positive (*) input terminal voltage of the comparator OP AMp 1 (located within the headlampleveling unit) becomes greater than the negative (-) input terminal standard reference voltage value, and Op AMp 1 outputs HIGH signals to OP AMp 2 and Op AMp O- TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS 1. Absolutely no change of the headlamp angle 1) The upper-beam indicator lamp illuminates. . Check the headlamp-leveling . Check the headlampleveling switch. unit. 2) The upper-beam indicator lamp does not illu' minate. . Check dedicated fuse No. @. 2. There is one setting of the headlampleveling switch at which the headlamp angle does noi change. ' Check the headlampleveling switch. 3. As a result of these HIGH signals, Op AMp 2 outputs LOW signals and OPAMP 3 outputs HIGH signals to the motor-control lC. When this happens. the motorcontrol lC is switched ON, current flows to the motor, and the motor rotates in the forward direction. The rotation of the mctcr, after passing through the gears and the output shaft, causes the headlamp reflectors to move to a downward angle, thus changing the angle of headlamp illumination. At this time, the positiondetection sliding resistance is activated in the direction of the low resistance value, after which the OP AMp 1 negative (-) input terminal voltage value and positive (*) input terminal voltage value become equivalent, and OP AMP 2 and OP AMp 3 both output HIGH signals. When this happen, the motor-control lC is switched OFF and the motor stops. NOTE (1) The same operation occurs if the headlamp leveling switch is set to another position. (2) The input open protection circuit functions to stop the operation of the motor if there is an abnormal condition, such as damaged or disconnected wiring within the headlampleveling unit or of the wiring harness. 2. Headlamps angle-upward operation . The headlamp angle.upward operation is the oppo- t ' site logic of the downward operation; the motor operates in the reverse direction and then stops. @ Mhrub:$i totors Corpo'ltlon July 1992 PütuEr207 i:.lr:irri:i':i CIRCUIT DIAGRAM - Tail Lamp, Position Lamp and Licence Ptate Lamp 4-33 TAIL LAMP, POSITION LAMP AND LICENCE PLATE IAMP (See P.4-34.1 OPERATION . . The tail lamp relay is switched ON when the lighting switch is set to the "TAIL" or "HEAD" position. As a result. electricity flows via dedicated fuse No. and No. @ to each lamp, and each lamp illuminates. O ö @ Mh$ba.hl totofr Gorpoertion July t99e TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS 1. All lamps do not illuminate. 1) The headlamps also do not illuminate. . Check sub-fusible link No. @. 2) The headlamps illuminate. . Check the tail lamp relay. . Check dedicated fuse No. @ and No.@. 4-34 cIRcUIT DIAGRAM TAIL Tail Lamp, Position Lamp and Licence plate Lamp LAMP, POSITION LAMP AND LICENCE PLATE LAMP stB FUS A-0lt| ffi PüPÄcareo c-06 COLU}IN SYITCH ßüfffit*) fffiton flmrr0N A-26 A-33 c-53 ffi = EI ä E' Emc EE#I ,J/B l. r-r ret-a E4sgiJ:gr c BUZZER ASSEITBLY E-25 ffiEFr,r = j=a f< EI @ (TAIL:LH) Hli[;[$1""'ffion. o.""n ttitruUirtrl tloton Corponüoo July l90El g;,c6ffig HRIH" t:FTAF V:ü?3isi 8b:8ty Dtuc CIRCUIT DIAGRAM o, REAR FOG LAMP HEADLAIIP RELAY A-03X J u, I ßs. (\I FWE i-= le) DEDICATED Iü$LAIP c-63 ffi RßAR FIIG o LAP RELAY c-66 DIMIßR. PASSING btf$tfr*n SWITCTI c-06 ffic-oz ä Il$-lD-llottt-F @ lültrubirhl Motorr Corporrtion PHUESIOT CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Fog Lamp REAR FOG LAüP RETAY FüBüCATED qn'@ -(, Ec-3eFEHFHm -(, REAR FOC LAIIP SI'ITCH D-1? r SPARE ESNNECTOR r^^ IW D-05 R}IEOST ffiÄNArr0r lrrErT.r@ i -iLfUUr E-60 D-01 @ E@mmq E trl D-04 -'nmEEEl c-43 @ = I B älfh;[1""'ffion.o'".n 8;g6?!t k:Rlt" t:Filt" t:t?ilsr gb3gky btua o t ctRcutr DTAGRAM - 3i#: ST?i,Jfl$i,ll[#"üfl',1#"',1tllT"".b"J,"l1lo;"::'l"Hl" ROOM LAMP, IGNITION KEY CYLINDER ILLUMINATION LAMP, FOOT I.AMP. GLOVE BOX ILLUMINATION LAMP AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT LAMP (See P.4-38.1 OPERATION Guggage compartment lamp) . Battery voltage is always applied (via sub-fusible link No. @ and multi-purpose fuse trlo. @ to the luggage compartment lamp. . When the tailgate is opened, the luggage compartment lamp switch is switched ON and the luggage compartment lamp illuminates. (Glove box illumination lamp) . The tail lamp relay is switched ON when the lighting switch is set to the "TAIL" or "HEAD" . o 4-37 position. When, with the lighting switch at the "TAIL" or "HEAD" position, the glove box is opened, the glove box illumination lamp switch is switched ON, and the glove box ilfy"lrna.tiolr lamp is illuminated. (Room lamp) . . Placing the room lamp switch in the ON position causes the room lamp to come on at all times. Opening any one of the doors or tailgate with the room lamp switch in the DOOR position causes the room lamp to come on. . When all doors and tailgate are closed, the room lamp relay is activated causing the room lamp to decrease its intensity of lamp gradually and to go out in about 6 seconds. Remark . lf the ignition switch is in the ON position, the room lamp does not decrease its lamp intensity, rather it goes out at once. TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS 1. The luggage compartment lamp does not come on. 1) The room lamp also does not illuminate. . Check multi-purpose fuse No. @. 2) Room lamp illuminates. . Check bulb. . Check luggage compartment lamp switch. Room lamp, foot lamps and ignition key cylinder illumination lamp do not come on. 1) Luggage compartment lamp is not illuminate, either. . Check multi-purpose fuse No. @. 2) Room lamp does not come on when any door is opened with the room lamp switch in the DOOR position. . Check bulb. . Check room lamp switch. 3) Room lamp does not come on when a door is opened with the room lamp switch in the DOOR position. . Check door switch. 4',) One of room lamp, foot lamps and ignition key cylinder illumination lamp is not lit. . Check bulb. 3. Room lamp, foot lamps and ignition key rylinder illumination lamp go out at once when doors are closed. . Check room lamp relay. Goot lamp and ignition key cylinder illumination lamp) . When either driver or passenger's side door is opened, the foot lamps and ignition key cylinder illumination lamp come on. . When all doors are closed, the room lamp relay is activated causing the foot room lamp and ignition key cylinder illumination lamp to decrease its intensity of lamp gradually and to go out in about 6 seconds. Remark lf the ignition switch is in the ON position, the foot lamps and ignition key cylinder illumination lamp does not decrease its lamp intensity, rather it goes out at once. . (Door warning lamp) . lf any of the doors or the tailgate are opened, the door warning lamp illuminates to inform the driver that a door or the tailgate iö open. @ Mitrübbhl Moton Gorporetion Ju[ rgg2 PHUEPOT :'..,:--l;:-.:':.l..:i::=:-.r:{..i:.-:j:a.;-..::::...--;..,j::.:.;::-;.....:..::::.;..:.:.-.:;.-l.:-'::l:':;..::;=:::::.]'f 4-38 Room Lamp, lgnition Key Cylinder lllumination Lamp, Foot Lamo, Glove Box lllumination Lamo ond Luooaoe Comoart'nient Lemn '- CIRCUIT RaaM LAUP, -r qNITION_ _KEy_qyr=,_r NDER r LLUMr- NAT r ON LAMP, RQaT_LAUp! -gr.ovE_Eox ILLüM] rrrATTöN L-AMP-" AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT LAMP Fffi r c-4r 6 2 C-70 ffi 10 3c-qt c-39 ffi @ 6t -l COMBINATION ,iH-* lliETER CONI{EC'TOR 5ä# LUGGAGE gmARnmrfr E-32 H LUGGAGE DOOR g8ffi^silYF$ STITCH Glt) E-40 E-19 ffi Ia rr!'.rc-.'a''-rc (o tlt ubbhi Uire colour codt B;?A?B[" p.ÄtJent erccn tlotor Cotporation July t992 8;96g9g PHUE9,2O7 k:Rt8" tr:il?iisr 8b:8fty bluo ctRcutr DTAGRAM 8i.i[ HTii,Jflilf::ilJil^:l"lf:'Jl[sä:'3J.HHi"l?'LHr" 4-39 -u I GI 3 @ 104 11 C-49 ffil ccl u. '-A'EEEEI "fu DEDICATED n8E @ c-42 @ v co u FOOT LAMP FOOT \ LAMP ) ftH) i c-26 (9 u (9 u Gtt ovE B0x ILLT'III NAT t0N ROOM LAIIP LA}IP D-11 RELA TIMER CIRCUIT E-3? ffi [,ITH ABS \-l+ gYITCH Gt ßH) E-08 LAIP SUITCH Eib ILLIilI}IATIIil D-12 a = lu @ llltsbishl olrE Box DOOR Motorr Corporatlon July 190!l PHUEMOT ,:,;' r',f'rii."r,*i.jiii.,i:,rlE-Ff.:,:i'iiiiitiF,.,;rr:'.-'#:rii,i:i:i+:'.1,:',,:':,.'ffit,:''*':.'' i:"-.'I: 4-40 CIRCUIT DTAGRAM Turn-signal Lamp and Hazard Lamp TURN-SIGNAL LAMP AND HAZARD LAMP fiflih"* 7 c-48@ PEgacArED PBBÄCATED c-39 ffi ml 1 @ c- c-39 HAZARD SUITCH rro @(t o.l c-61 o ffi#äffi, c-27 6 RHEO8TAT D-01 @d $ffi H:t?lfi" Yiü?l tsi CIRCUIT DIAGRAM TURN-SIG}{AL A}ID HAZARD FLAS}IER UNIT - TI,RN-SIGNAL SYITCH 4-41 Turn-signal Lamp and Hazard Lamp H$?$88 RHEOSTAT ffi ffi c-39 c-44 c-48 e lffi c-4? @ HAZARD c-47 14 C-44 trtrtrtrEEEtrn ffil tr4gEggglssil REAR STITCH CO}tsINATION LAIIP = &H) f:=a E-21 D-04 D-05 f'frmffid L_lr!_t FFßEDS'üTFN a c-14 A2 tr3 COIIBINATION METER SIDE TMN S]GNAL 2 FüRR '\I )LAMP BIGNAL LA}IP (LH) A-18.@, ffi Bc-59 illllo 1 Romarks (1)tr:Vehl cles wi thout AB8. (?)A:Venl ctes wl th ABg. a E I = 4-42 clRculr DIAGRAM - Turn-signar Lamp and Hazard Lamp TURN-SIGNAL LAMP AND HAZARD LAMP (See OPERANON (Turn-signal lamps) 1. When operation is normal . When the ignition switch is switched to the "ON" position, battery voltage is applied (via the hazard switch)to the turn-signaland hazard flasher unit. the turn-signal switch is switched to the ' When "LH" (or "RH") position, Trl (within the flasher unit) is switched ON and the relay contact (also . . . 2. @ within the flasher unit) is switched ON; As a result, the "LH" (or "RH") turn-signal lamps and turn-signal indicator lamp illuminate. At the same time, charging to the capacitor (via R2) begins. and charging continues until the lower{imit potential (set by COM 3) is reachecJ. lVjr"n the'capacitor becomes fufly charged. the COM3 output reverses and Tr1 is switched OFF; the relay contact is also switched OFF, and as a result, the "LH" (or "RH,,) turn_signal lamps and turn-signal indicator lamp are suritch- ed OFF. At the same tirne that Tr1 is switched OFF, the capacitor begins discharging, and when discharging finishes, the output of COM3 once again reverses and Tr1 is switched ON, after which the "LH" (or "RH")turn-signal lamps and tum-signal indicator lamp illuminate. . As a result of the continued repetition of the steps described above, the ,,LH', (or ,,RH,') turn-signal lamp and turn-signal indicator lamp flash ON and OFF repeatedly. lf one iamp wiring is damaged or disconnected . lf the bulb for one turn-signal tamp is damaged or disconnected, the result is an overall increase of the resistance for the entire lamp circuitry. resulting is a decrease of the vcltage at the R1 part within the flasher unit. . As a result of this being detected, the lower_ limit potential set by COM3 is increased, with the result that the time required for charging of the capacitor becomes shorter. . As a result, the ON and OFF cycles of Tr1 also become shorter, and thus the number of flashes of the lamps becomes greater. ilhtubi.ha Uororr Coryofiaon July tS2 PHUE9:20t p. 4-40.1 (Hazard-warming lamps) . When the hazard-warning switch is switched to the "ON" position. the räby contact of the tum qrglaland hazard flasher unit is switched ON and OFF repeatedly, in the same manner as for the operation of the turn-signal lamps, and the left and right tum-signal lamps and turn_signal indicator lamps simultaneously flash repeate-dly. NOTE . The number of flashes of the hazard_warning lamps does not change if there is damaged o-r disconnected wiring of one lamp. TROUBTESHOONNG HIT{TS 1. The tum-signal lamps and hazard-warning lamps do operate at all. ' not ä Check the hazard zaro swtrcn switch contact (power (l sunnlV side) . Check the turn-signal and hazard flasher unit. a- 2. All turn-signal lamps at the ieft (or right) side cjo not function. 1) The hazard-waming lamps function normally. . Check the turn-signal suritch. 3. The number of flashes ol the turn_signal lamps is excessive. . Check the bulbs. . Check the turn-signal and hazard flasher unit. 4. The hazard warning lamps do not function. 1) The-turn-signal lamps function normally. . Check the hazard switch contact (hazard_ warning lamp side). CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Stop Lamp STOP LAMP Jonmm NO CONNECTION c-02 ffi REAR 88ffir*tro* f,8ilBrNArr0N LAIIP (STOP: LH) (STOP:RH) E-25 E- 18 IEEEEI Ulre cotour ItS-lC-U0008-tc IEEffi code Ei?A?85^ !e5Ltont O MiBubirhi Motor Corpontion July i992 ! orecn L:B lu€ R:R€d X:Ihltc P:Pl nk Y:Yoilor V:Vlot€t 8b:8ty btuc 4-44 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Back-up Lamp BACK-UP LAMP ITION SUITCH(IGl qn'@ 16 74 1 A-1 ffi BACK-UP LAMP SUITCH B-18 @ 13 c-51 NO BACK-UP LAMP(LH) CONNECTION E-59 E-23 E = g Ulle oolour code f,nü-rc-uoeur-rs HB,A?8I" le.;!!ent ereen 8i9EAg @ Mhrubarhi totorl Corporltion Juty 1992 K:RIH" PHUE$207 '.'. l.'--.;l-..i-; .. l::::. l:I?#" t:t?alsr 3b:8ky btuc CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Horn HORN 4 c-48@ DEDICATED FUSE c-42m @ @ A-24 A-36 (LH) GH) A-25 A-3? H E HORN slfrTcH rrso-rc-rnso.-lc @ Mitsubbhi MotoE f,lre colour code B;?A?3$" b?6?1fl3: o'""" Corpontion July 1992 8i9s?sg k:RlH" H:H?l[" V:Y?Äist 8b:8k, bruo 4-45 ..'-.. , :.' . , . -::'-.' 4-46 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Meter and Gauge METER AND GAUGE Etrlcl POUER TRANSISTOR CONT DEDICATED FUSE c-51 W c-62 c-62 o ßiW= dkFq> D-05 l- c-39 lffi rßrö-ß-uroo{-E Hl{iplil""ffiog.o,,"n O Uh.ublshi liotor Corpolrtion July 1992 il:F?t[" Bo:81y g1r. CIRCUIT c-48 DIAGRAM Meter and Gauge 4-47 m ffi 39 trgggtglEEs$gl 74 D-04 '*.]Tf"?ft' cilffiffiil FlfuirflD-05 :EE poFlFeDgEa!5tF l |J- r-uom E-39 tmE c-60 lffi FUEL PUMP AND GAUGE CQ UNIT ASSEMBLY 2 , tEl E-28 I C\I EEM -4 B-1 tril ENGINE C00LAl,lT PRtsSSURE E-ss Effiq EEffiE*TfiYFU 8fiYf' B-22 B-1? UNIT 2 EI tEl I c\I = Eil g 0tL EHtb' ä E 4-48 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Meter and Gauge METER AND GAUGE (See P. 4-40.) OPERATION (Fuel gauge) . . . When the ignition key is at the "ON" position, the fuel gauge is activated. When there is much fuel, the unit's resistance is small and the current flowing in the circuit is great, so the gauge's indicator indicates in the "F" area. When there is little fuel. the unit's resistance is high and the current flowing in the circuit is small, so the gauge's indicator indicates in the "E" area. Remark Since the fuel gauge is a needle holding type. the reading of the needle will be kept as it is even if the . ignition switch is turned off. (Engine coolant temperature gauge) . . When the ignition key is at rhe "Ofrl" position, the engine coolant temperature gauge is activated. \l/hen the engine coolant temperature is high. the unit's i'esistance is low and there is a great flow of current in the circuit. sa the gaugö's indicator indicates in the "H" area. . \A/hen the engine coolant temperature is low, the unit's resistance is high and there is a smallflow of current in the circuit, so the gauge's indicator indicates in the "C" area. (Reed switch) . TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS 1. The fuel gauges doesn't function. or shows the incorrect indication. 1) Disconnect the connector of the fuel gauge unit; the "F" side is indicated when terminaf 3 (2WD) or 2 (4WD) is then earthed. ' . Check the fuel gauge. 2. The engine coolant temperature gauge doesn,t function, or shows the incorrect indicätion. 1) The "H" side is indicated when the connector of the engine coolant temperature gauge unit is disconnected and then earthed. . check the engine coolant temperature gauge unit. 3. The oil pressure gauge doesn't function, or shows the incorrect indication. 1) The "H" side is indicated when tl of the oit pressure sause unit is Ji,.:"#".1"JO and then earthed. . Check the oil pressure gauge unit. 4. Systems dependent upon control aöcording to the vehicle speed cio not function correctly. . Check the reed switch (located within the speedometer). 5. The meter illumination lamp does not illuminate. 1) The tail lamp illuminate. . Check the rheostat. Pulses are producted in accordance with the vehicle speed, and vehicle.speed signals are input to systems that regulate according to the vehicle speeo. (Oil Pressure Gauge) . When the ignition switch is at the "ON" position, the oil pressure gauge is activateC. When oil pressure is high, the internal contacis of the gauge unit are kept closed for a longer period of time. This causes more current to flow in the circuit, and the gauge pcinter swings to the high pressure side. When oil pressure is low, the internal contacts of the gauge unit open in a shorter period of time. Therefore, there is less cunent flowing in the circuit and the gauge pointer swings to the low pressure side. @ Mttsubishi lllotors Corporrtion Jufy 1992 ?HUESmT .:-.:.'-:::; clRculr DIAGRAM o - El"sll;"v[T;rT"st ATj/F#:l#öTlge]äipf,""""," w",_i,,s BRAKE WARNING LAMP (See P. 4-s0.1 FUEL WARNING IAMP (See P. 4-s0.) ENGINE COOLANT LEVEL WARNING LAMP (See P. 4-s1.) OIL PRESSURE WARNING LAMP (See P. 4-51.) OPERATION (Brake warning lamp) . When the brake fluid level goes down below a predetermined level or parking brake lever is pulled, with the ignition switch in the ON position, brake fluid level sensor is activated or the parking brake switch is turned ON, causing the brake warning lamp to light up. (Fuel warning lamp) . When the fuel level goes down causing the level sensor to be exposed, with the ignition switch in . _the CIN positicn. the resistance ef level sensor becomes small. When this resistance goes down below the predetermined level, the fuel warning lamp lights up to warn the driver that the amount of fuel still available for use is small. (Engine coolant level warning lamp) n When the coolant level inside the condenser tank drops below a predetermined level with the ignition switch in the "ON" position, the engine coolant level sensor turns "ON' and the engine coolant warning lamp illuminates to warn the driver that the level of coolant remaining is low. (Oil pressure warning lamp) . When the lubrication system fails after engine starting resulting in the oil pressure failing to build up. the oil pressure switch turns ON causing the oil pressure warning lamp to light up. @ Mluubilhi Motor* Corporation Juty 1S2 PHUE9:M7 L""'p 4-49 4-50 clRculr DIAGRAM Brake warning Lamp/Fuel warning Lamp BRAKE WARNING LAMP FUEL WARNING LAMP '-'NEEEEEM mnf'm' [iFif'ilf'effif r COMBINATIONT METER D-04 i qrt D-05 66 FEEEEEEI c-62 E-39 ilirElEf.{ FII'EL PUTIP FUEL AI{D GAUGE GAUGE TJNIT UNIT AqsilBLY L E-28 EEEE E-55 Effi BRAIG FLUID LE\IEL sEt{s0R A-11 EffiflÄ'n SUITCH E-51 B lu35-lc-ut00!-lc @ mit3ubbhi Motors Corpontion ü .. ...1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM FNqINE COOLANT LEVEL WARNING LAMP Elgqe Coolant Level Warning Lamp/ Oil Pressure Warning Lamp - O I L 4-51 PRESSURE WARNING LAMP d o tct 4 D-04 *TT,ftt @ c-50 ffi ALTERNATOR G TERMINAL) ENGINE g8?hfl* SWITCH A-34 H OIL E$? F8H*E Ulre colour Bi?t?3['. @ code b?ö]1f,33 E eroen Mitsüblshl i,lotors Corpontion Juty 1992 I 8;96?30 K:RAH" t:tTÄt" v:v?ll3r Bb:8k, bluc 4-52 CIRCUIT POWER W DIAGRAM Power Window I NDOW z '-A*EEEEI NNEEEEm o A-05X POI'ER WINDOW ffi RELAY JI OJ c-65 E- 46 'i o ä rx'r-rc-uror,-!c Hi{hE$1""'ffi03. o,""n 8;,c6?s0 @ Mhrubtrtri Moton Corpontion July 199ül t:ü?l[' t:v?ll$ K:RAE" ?flUES7 :'..i- r.::.'.:.""...'.':.---:.'j--..J : -_. 8b:Ery Druo Power Window POYER YINDOU RELAY I'IAIN SltlTCH o ct I J u to RI lr) GJ j (D I [& RI I ; J u, I tr. RI E- 46 : trJ I c\I -: J u @ tr. (\I t! J u I J I I OJ E-52 M rct I lr, T suB SUITCTI E.05 ffi ffi,ffiF* POWER VINDOW M0TOR &H) E-43 H @ llitrubishi Motors Corporatlon July 199ül PHUETXIO' t ..'1 : .,', 4-54 CIRCUIT - .. DIAGRAM Power Window POWER WINDOW (See P. 4-52.1 OPERATION . . . . @ When the power window (main or sub) switch is depressed (UP or DOWN)with the ignition switch in the ON position, current flows through sub, fusible link No. @ to the power window motor. This energizes the power window motor causing the door window glass to open or close. When the DOWN side the power window main switch (driver's seat side switch) is depressed all the way. it is locked in the depressed position and the power window motor is operated untilthe door glass is fully opened. When the power window lock switch is placed in the LOCK (OFF) position the functioning of the passenger's side switches can be cancelled. When the lock switch is in this position, the power window motor will not operate even if one the sub switches is pressed. The power window motor is provide with a circuit breaker that protects the motor from damage caused bv overcurrent. Refe;'ence: Circuit breaker characteristics Restricts the motor at room temperature 120 to ZS'C (68 to 77"F)l: Opens follorving 4-to4Gsec. initial energization time; Resets within 60 seconds if left open thereafter. mbubbhi Motors Corporatlon July 1992 PHUEgAO' TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS 1. All door glasses cannot be opened or closed. . Check sub-fusible No. @. . Check multi-purposelinkfuse . Check power window relay.No. @. . Check power window main switch. 2. Some door glass cannot be opened or closed. 1) Neither power window main nor sub switch is activated. . Check power window main switch. . Check defective power window motor. 2) Either power window main or sub switch is inoperative. . Check inoperative power window switch. 3. One-touch switch function is not operational. . Replace power nindorv nnain sw,itch. CIRCUIT o DIAGRAM 4-55 Gentral Door Locking System GENTRAL DOOR LOCKTNG SYSTEM (See P. 4-s6.1 OPERATION . When the inside lock knob is set (including operation by using the key) to the "lock" (or "unlock") position, the switch inside the door lock actuator turns to LOCK (OFF) [or to UNLOCK (ON)l. This allows the timer built into the door lock control unit to cause the output transistor to turn and remain ON for 0.5 seconds. As a result, the door lock relay on the lock (or unlock) side is energized causing the actuators on all doors to TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS 1. Any one of the door lock actuators is inoperative. . Check the defective door actuator. 2. Door cannot be locked or unlocked with the inside lock knob on the driver's seat or passenger's seat. . Check switch in actuator. . Check door lock control unit. operate. Remark . Each door lock actuator is provided with a PTC thermistor to prevent the motor from being damaged by overheating. This results in the actuator not properly operating at ti;'nes when the central door lock is frequently used; the actuator is operational if it resumes normal operation within several minutes. Dcor Lock Control Unit Terminal Voltages (rrrith connector plugged in position) Terminai 1 2 Door lock relay driving signal Inside door lock knob (driver's seat) signal The instant the inside lock knob is depressed (approx. 0.5 seconds) Door lock relay driving signal Approx. * 0.5 v Normally 12V When inside lock knob is locked 5V When inside lock knob is unlocked OV The instant the inside iock knob is 3 Terminal voltage Conditions Signal No. pulled Approx. r v (approx. 0.5 seconds) 0.5 Normaliy 12V Inside door lock knob (passenger's seat) signal When inside lock knob is locked 5V 4 When inside lock knob is unlocked OV 5 Power source At all times System voltage 6 Ground At all times OV *Approximate 0.5 V is normal because of the internal resistance of the output transistor; if the vohage is 0, the hamess is probably open or shorted. @ Micubishi Motors Corporation July 199i1 PHUEEM' 4-56 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Central Door Locking System CENTRAL DOOR LOCKING SYSTEM 1 c-418 @ @ 104 t5A ffiuffil 1C-?offi 1 A-53X STORAGE CONNECTOR 7 DOOR LOCK RELAY c-29X ffi J trt DOOR LOCK SRTT*ot s l-+l O.5 9EC. ;J_L_ c- 16 EI E-4? ffiffi ffi i cl E-46 I t& .rh- c-491 4 c-45 ffi TQ c-48 = r=l @ E-4 {ffip^hffi- m = F E -t_ E-sd ffi r--. P:4ll ffi .. : .: :.:.,-. .-.,. . CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Heater HEATER EDICATED UBE ffi ffiflc-42 tffilt l- c-48 @ o 304 HEATER RELAY I c-39 ffil EEffiffiM IaIrn0|'ülärgt c-49 Iet?t!trnqtrntt l@l |lqtatl HEATER COTITROL I LLUMJ NATl ON LAMP D-06 o BLOl|,ER RESISTOR c- 10 ffi BLOWER St{ITCH ffi c-08 = ta li=l Ilre cotour B:B I ack Br:Broun @ Mitsublthi Motots Corpontlon July tr code b?öllf,f8 0'""" 8;96?30 L:Bt uo R:Red U:Uhlte P:Plnk ts Y:Yonil ' V:Vl o l et 8o:8tty otug 1992 fi'i:.il::fiii.........ii...+-.'tfi;i;i,,, tij:1i,,:ii;t,;r,':r..,',i;ii:..:i,:,,.'i:;;..::ifii;ii:iiiil:j,rti",'','.;-'.#,'.,:.fI#il.f 4-58 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Heater/Air Conditioner HEATER (See P. 4-57.1 OPERATION . When the ignition switch is turned ON. the blower relay is energized. lf the blower switch is turned ON (t-O. ML, MH, or Hl position) in this condition, the blower is activated through the circuit via resistor at a speed corresponding to the blower switch position. TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS 1. Blower motor is energized at one switch position and not energized at another. . Check harness and connectors between defec_ tive switch position and resistor (or blower motor in Hl position). 2. Blower motor is energized only when switch is positioned is Hl. . Check resistor. 3. Blower motor speed does not represent the switch position. . Check blower switch. AIR CONDITIONER (See P. 4-s9.1 OPERATION (Gondenser fan and radiator fan controt) . For the operation of each fan, see COOLING SYSTEM IP. 4-23.) (Compressor control) . Vy'hen 'rhe air conditioner switch is in the ECONO cr AIC position, if ihe rernperature around the air thermo sensoi' [temperarure of the evaporator (cooling unit) intake/exhaust airl is 4'C (39'F) or higher, and the temperature around the air inlet sensoi' (tenrperature of aii- flowing through the evaporator) at the same time is 4"C (39'F) or higher, output voltage flows from terminal No. 1 of the air conditioner control unit. . The engine coolant temperature switch detects the engine coolant temDeratuie, and if it is 11S"C (239"F) or higher, the switcn turns "OFF". lf there is abnormal refrigerant pressure, the dual pressure switclr turns "OFF" to protect the compressor circuit. ' @ lf the engine coolant temperature switch and the dual pressure switch are both "ON" and the ignition switch is also "ON", the output voltage flonring fr,cm ternrinal No. 1 of the air conditionlr control unit causes the magnetic clutch relay to turn "ON". Mhsullchi MotoE Corporrtton Juty tgg2 PHUESZ{rt TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS (Condenser fan and radiator fan control) . See COOLING SYSTEM (p. 4-23.) (Compressor control) . See the Troubleshooting in Group 55 of the separate WORKSHOp t\,tp.NLtAL {pub. No. PWUEgOlO) CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Air Conditioner CONDITIONER DEDICATED FUSE frbr-n, ml' ffi, o HEATER RELAY c-49 ffi mlc-48 l#l BLOWER MOTOR c- 18 I{EATER CONTROL ILLUiüII,IATION LAMP AIR CONDITIONER ?ill,ilfiltottoN c-09 ffi= BLOl',ER TICTOR HIGii RELAY c-1?m 4ä RHEOSTAT D-0 I 3 si-*ffi 4 c-43m xr35-m-u*o.-r, @ Mitsubishi Motors El Corporation July 1992 T r) LAMP c-4s ffi 4-60 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Air Conditioner MAIN FUSIBLE LINK@ SI'B FUSIBLE LINK @ A-1? ffi A-4 c-65 ffi ffi u PüBACATED J !a I CD C-64 , FHf,o-,ui - I GJ 74 6 COIIDENSER F MOTOR RELAY 2-LR CONDENSER FAN ilOMR CINIROL RELAY lffiE u J I C\I FADTAToR THERM ASSEMBLY 8EilBM A-16 ffi = E' IIS-rc-uuo4A-lc IlIe cotour B;?Ä?35. O Mltrübbhi ßloto]3 Corpor.tion July 1992 code b?ö11f,3: o'*" g;96?:l PHUE9:M? h:FIH" V:ü?ÄlSi äo:Bry urue CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Air Gonditioner 4-61 CONDENgER FAN SUB FU3IBLE LINK @ MOTOR CONTROL BLOWER SUITCH RELAY c-0sm tl{-(tF :2torPa tFF*${ :zftskPa (2. gS*o/oht, 33psl tFF*&{ o SYtTCtl A-08 :Zf00kPa DEDICATED EÄb,tro* SWITCH ) tlt-(FF lglt<e/d,3€4pr 1 DUAL PRESSURE (2. lkclcmr.30psl) I @ ) :2100rP! (?t|o/crE,299ps | ) FUSE c-51 ffi c-64 EmA-16 ENGINE COOLANT TEUPERATURE SxlITCH B-24W TäFEem'", (FF-01{ :1OB C(228'F) ffio-tt AIR COIDITIONER CONTROL UNIT ffitä ffil MAGNETIC CLUTCH B-11 6 c-34 ffi 4F, lt I fl i ^4>4 qFJ flss' c-5? ENGII{E COI\NROL I,NIT c-ssffi $üA'6P0 ..-..H O M'rtsublshi Motor3 Corporution JulV 1992 i::,:i::t,.:i:t:,,,:i;,,i:l,lr:il,.ili :l!.ri.-.f'.i,,,",.',.+::i*,l,i,rr:'l'=l';ii,li.: :,,i:ii:;,ri;ii*:i:i+t;iii;itl'.,..:...:.',.. 4-62 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Windshield Wiper and Washer WINDSHIELD WIPER AND WASHER c-48 ffi mHr-o; o WIPER SYlTCH @ ilAHHEHIELD MgTOR tr xxE -tc-utg0t-tc B; sreen 8;96?39 lor vlol€t Y-el 9u:811y 3,r" CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-63 Windshield Wiper and Washer WINDSHIELD WIPER AND WASHER (See P. 4-62.1 OPERATION TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS (Low-speed (and high-speed| wiper operation) 1. Wipers do not operate. 1) Washer is not operative, either. . Check multi-purpose fuse No. @. . When the wiper switch is placed in the LO position with the ignition switch in the ACC or ON position, wipers operate continuously at low speed. . Placing the wiper switch in the Hl position causes the wipers to operate at high speed. (Auto wiper stop operation) . When the wiper switch is placed in the OFF position, the cam contacts of wiper motor caused current to flow through the auto wiper stop circuit, allowing the wiper blades to cycle before they reach to the stop positions. (ntermittent wiper operation) .- When the wiper'switch is placed in"the"lNTposition with the ignition switch in ACC or ON position, the intermittent wiper relay is energized causing the intermittent wiper relay contacts to close and open repeatedly. . When the contacts are closed, the wiper motor is . Flemark The washer-wiper operates in the priority even during intermitteni operation of the wiper. @ Mitsubishi Motors Corporrtion July 1992 Check earth. inoperative. . Check wiper switch. stop. . Check wiper motor. . Check intermittent wiper relay. . Check wiper switch. 4. Intermittent wiper operation is inoperative. . Check terminal voltage of steering-column 3. Wipers do not switch (with a built-in intermittent wiper relay) with the intermittent wiper relay energized. Terminal No. energized. When the wiper motor is energized, the relay contacts open; however, the cam contacts keep the wiper motor energized until the wiper blades return to their stop position, (lllasher-Wiper operation) . When the washer switch is turned ON, the intermittent wiper relay contacts close causing wipers to cycle two to three times. . . 2. Low-speed (or high-speedlwiper operation only is 3 gy Voltage Check OV Intermittent wiper relay or wiper switch System voitage Intermittent wiper relay * SY.stem voftage (alternating) - (Normal) 5. The length of pause for intermittent operation cannot be varied. . Check variable intermittent wiper control switch. Check intermittent wiper relay. 6. Washer is inoperative. 1) Wiper is operative on washer-wiper operation. . Check washer motor. 2) Washer-wiper operation is inoperative also. . Check washer switch. 7. Washer-wiper operation is inoperative. . Check intermittent wiper relay. PHUE9aOT . 4-64 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Rear Wiper and Washer REAR WIPER AND WASHER IGNITION SUITCIIßCC) TAIL LA}IP RELAY PBBACATED mc-48 c-4? ffi _42m E-36m |@#1 s ffi6*'XAHEF REAR SWITCH v/AEHER D-0? Sl{ITCH @ I R}IEOSTAT D-01 ITEtrlI @d 3 REAR REAR WASHER HOTOR YIPER I'OTOR E-26 E-15 EEE ffi = ]=r I It$-ß-ut!G-!c @ MtCubistri motors Ulr! colou, code B;?tFg$. [9511ont oreen Co.poration July 199[t CIRCUIT a DIAGRAM Rear Wiper and Washer REAR WIPER AND WASHER (See P. 4-64.) OPERATION TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS 1. Wipers do not operate. 1) Washer is not operative, either. ' Check multi-purpose fuse No. @. 2) Washer is operative. . Check wiper motor. . Check wiper switch. . Check intermittent wiper relay. 2. Wipers do not stop. . Check wiper motor. . Check intermittent wiper relay. . Check wiper switch. 3. Intermittent wiper operation is inoperative. . Check terminal voltage of the rear wiper switch when the inter!'nittent wiper relay is energized. (Low-speed wiper operation) . When the wiper switch is placed in the LO position with the ignition switch in the ACC or ON position, wiper operate continuously at low speed. (Auto wiper stop operation) . When the wiper switch is placed in the OFF position. the cam contacts of wiper motor causes current to flow through the auto wiper stop circuit, allowing the wiper blades to cycle before they reach to the stop positions. (lntermittent wiper operation) When the wiper switch is placed in the position with the ignition switch in ACC or INT ON position, the intermittent'wiper relay is energized causing the intermittent wiper relay contacts to close and open repeatedly. When the contacts are closed, the wiper motor is energized. When the wiper motor is energized, the relay contacts open; however, the cam contacts keep the wiper motor energized until the wiper blades return to their stop position. -.. Terminal No. ' voitajö ' Check OV Intermittent wiper relay or wiper switch System voltage Intermittent wiper relay 8 o V* SYstem vomge (alternating) 4. Washer is - (Normal) inoperative. 1) Washer is operative. Check washer motor. Check washer switch. . . @ Mitsübbhi llotors Corporrtion July 1992 PHUESIOT 4-66 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Defosser DEFOGGER ALTERNAMR G TERIIII{AL) mr_ ,J/B ffir_nbä aar^w DEFOGGER SWITCH D-08'" @ DEFOGGER TIXER c-31X ffi m r_u, o DEFOGGERI- RELAY I ffil* c-48m , Bc-s3 Eü,-u, tril E-74 I EX E-35 7 oeroccen [E CAPACITOR --r_J txtü-tc-ut30?-!c ffi A-46 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Defosser 4-67 DEFOGGER DICATED SE t-+*5 u-oc IEEffitr C- o Bfif$8fi'* ffi D-08 RHEOSTAT D-01 o Vlro colour corh Bi?a?8[^ b?ö]lf,!: o'*" H:t?#" v:t?llst 8b:skv b,u€ 4-68 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Defogger/Remote Controtled Mirror DEFOGGER (See P. 4-66.) OPERATION . ' . TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS 1. Defogger is inoperative. 1) Indicator does not come on. either. . Check multi-purpose fuse @. . Check sub fusible link No.No. @. . Check defogger switch. . Check defogger relay. . Check defogger timer. 2) Indicator comes on. . Check defogger. 2. Defogger timer is inoperative. . Check defogger timer. When the defogger switch is turned ON with the ignition switch in ON position. the defogger relay is energized causing defogger to operate. At the same time, the defogger indicator lamp lights up indicating that the defogger is in operation. The defogger timer keeps the defogger relay remaining energized for 11 minutes after the defogger switch has been turned ON. lf the defogger switch is pushed a second time during this 'i1 min. period, timer is cancelled and the defogger is turned off. REMOTE CONTROLLED MIRROR (See P. 4-6s.) OPERATION . When the remote controlled mirror switch is operated with the ignition switch in ACC or oN position. the motor is started ailowing the driver to adjust the oiientation of the miri'or surface. TROUBLESHOOTING HTÜTS 1. LH and RH mirrors do not move. '1) Cigarette lighter is also inoperative. . Check multi-purpose fuse No. @1. 2) Cigarette iighter is operative. . Check remote controlied mirror switch. o @ Mibubichi Motors Gorporation July 1992 PHUE&M' .',i r:.i:,: CIRCUIT DIAGRAM :. i,, i:.:::.:. 4-69 Remote Controlled Mirror REMOTE CONTROLLED MIRROR ?il'c, C-48 @ 7 C-47 ffi 4 2ry:@ REI,tOTE CONTROLLED MIRROR --r r-l----r---l sl|,iTcH __{nFFt E-49 | \__+.nFd rI YL. pugt-- l9!LIlLLu!__r ltlcl\1lrlrn al E-47 ffim ffi ffim E-s3 c-45 E-48 E-03 @: @ ..:::- (RH) . REI'I}TE - ".-; ;-',. CONTROLLED B ü rm-rc-u'or-#*"-'älii;iiit''u#ltieht @ llttruli*rl Moton Corpotrtion July 1982 ereen' Elg6?s0." PHUE&M7 h:Raf'** F:t?ll" 'i:üiÄlgt. Bo:Bu Dr.,.--r t1:'l!!*:a$:: ra-i€::3?' lnaritr*tr{r' 4-70 CIRCUIT RADIO DIAGRAM Radio and Tape ptayer AND TAPE IäiF o'^' AfiT{ä*?il", LINK DED I CAlED FUSE STORAGE CONNEC'TOR A-53X tniffil @ @ c-42 c-ae E c-41 ffi c-70 7 c-48 i I ie-as i@ ixmon IAITTENITII tffi^r ljffiFlp' RIIEOSTAT D-01 I{)T0 R AI{TE NNA J/B @ ffi c-4il c-20 LI/,/$II/FI RADIO AND TAPE PLAYER = l=l tltt-rc-ut{G-!C @ cfrffim @ffim ffimm Ultnlbbhl toton Gorponrior July tS2 PHUE920t CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Radio and Tape Player 4-71 ftßsm REAR SPEAKER -+r D-20 H E-34 ffi ffi E-7 u J I I F F c-14 -!- b-zd LII/W!/FV RADIO AND TAPE PLAYER :::::::J E-53 ffi 10 E-44 D-t ffi ffi GH) GH) DOOR SPEAIGR Ulfe colour ff?ti$, @ RH) FRONT SPEAIGR codo lr5lgBt MiCultrti Moüoc Gotpordlon July t99tl o'een 8;96i30 h!Rlt" PHUE*:O' ffirI) TXPR SPEAIGR t:pTli" .iliv?tisi 8b:8ky btur 4-72 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Cigarette Lishter CIGARETTE L IGHTER TAIL RELAY LAIIP I @ DEDICATED c-218 FUEE ,t/B ilor@ EEEEd c-47 EsElelEI I = lr) c-45 ffil @ () J t D- 15 CIGARETTE L iGHTER c-21 rflETtn EFFF '..'EEEEEM c-43 EEtr EI fß!t-lc-UttlO{-lC @ Mlt$bhhi foton Corponüon Ju[ rS2 PHUE320t 4-73 ö: NOTES o O Mhsubbhi Motorr Corporatlon July 1992 PHUE9,IOT :.'-. -. 4-74 ANT I CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ABS -LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) '-nnEffiEE 72 c-u ö HYDRAULIC UNIT A-29 SOLENOID VALVE F''f+ r'F. = J F'F.F ABS CONTROL I,,NIT E E- 10 Epeclst tool connector I$tt-tc-utloü-!c @ Mitsubastri Motorc ffi Corporution July 1992 - for ABg Insgccilon tron torhlnal llo. lnsldo clrcuit dlagran.* dlfforent :iiil:::rjT'i:1.---------Ii=+'iii,;:'.f;,,t'1,1-1ri1i'::..::i.i:;f''i:,'.iti;ilftt.il:':*:it,.ii',::::i'i;i;.li:iiiir:irjiii.i*' CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 6 C-39 c-49 ffi - ABS ffi 14 D-04 *"qXT?rt EEEEF4,AB fig$BÄNArroN w D-05 o E06lEeBrs{bffi5.rl EEEEtrI llslll?ltl9ltdl @ ffi H c-60 NO coNilE(nt0N c-02 m c-63 o. (, 0lll c-03 STOP LAilP c-14 Ito CT}ME E-12 H fl Hl{ilE$I"'ffi* 0,",n giggpsg @ Mitsubl$i MotoE CorpoEtion July tg9ül = F:Fi'lfi' v:t?ll3? PHUE32O7 8b:8kv b,ue E t4-76 CIRCUIT ABS BPEED EEI{BOR rr A-19 ßH) A-4tf @ @ GH) GM ßH) E-33 E-3r (,I C' I fl DIAGRAM F F. il E[.I Ej06 63 (t I (9 I I t- F _t_, ?____ v I I t. t- _3_ trt I F Speclal tool connoctor tor aiB6 Inspoctlon dlf forGnt fro! tsrnlnal llo. rcult cllagran cl inside -r+tr-44Ä ffi e-ad FIüWT SITE ffim RßIR SIIE mffiffi tr @ tr rr$_rc_ut!0ür-E HliiFEi1""'ffi*.o,""n @ mibuU*ri totorr Corpontlon July 1992 g;ga?sg kiru tit1lp t:t?A!g! Boi&ty orrp GIRCUIT DIAGRAM v ANT I - 4-77 ABS -LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) IIAIN LINK c-41 El c-49 ffi 72 c-u HYDRAT'LIC G SEtlE0R E-30 UNIT -------------1 A-29 SOLENOID VALVE W a i F- I ä+ I F-F. b'F' ABS COMROL UNIT tr E'10 tool connactor for ABB inspectlon dlft€rlnt from torrnlnal No. ln9 lds circult dlagram. -Bpecial I O Mitrubirhl Moton Corporation July 1992 illii:iiitii.fi iliil#i :ru.' ;-r ;*: '.... ' 4-78 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ABS @ c-49 ffiffi 14 D-04 l@1 '@i!t5Frl3 COIIBINATI ON IIETER w D-05 ffil ffi o BGIEß3IEE"l NO CONN CONNECTION c-02 - c-63 o. (, 14 C-74 STOP LA}IP o = E Ii rc col B;?A?3I" @ fiefr]legt ttltrutirtl llotor. Corpor.taon ereen 8i9E?:l K:RJH" ü:t?l tsr 8b:8ry btue July 1992 ;;g.i;::*,.r..:lf,.ri:liii''gr.:'i::illi,.l.....:*:'.ljr::ii..i,r..:.:.. :.+ri;i.*:,i;";;,1i;r;Lii,:irii:ii,#.;iii:i CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-79 ABS BPEED EENBOR GH) (RH) A-19 A-4t! ffi @ 2 ffi (9 F. I c-63 -6--, 3 ---t I F c- I 5 u I I F trl F --i - CJ u F I F oI t- .10 li I t4 AAAAAA ff tt ? ? 9Vvv I 10, GND 77 AB8 c0tü1R0L GND ggeclal tool connector for ABB lnspcctlon dlftcrcnt f rom torninal No. insictc cl rcul t cllagram. 18 C-14 +, b-ad @ .*. c0imcT0R FROIII 8ID8 rffiffi = FI J ffi 8IM ffiffi REAR D-49 ßrs-rc-urao'r-rc Hli3?E[1""'ffion'o'""n 8;gE?sl E k:FlH" f:fhl ts P:Pl nk 8o:8ly bluc 4-80 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Auto-Gruise Control System AUTO-CRUI SE CONTROL SYSTEM IGNITION SUITCTI (IGl) c-39 14 Nl|TION D-04 ft'-l|-{ll;tftt' @Eq AUTO-CRU CONIROL f 5V c-01 tmfffi' 18 C-55 'H n{ J4 C-52 rl 11 C-62 D-0s ffi$EANArr0N @ { = n IH-tc-ut!o?-!c = lz c-4 ffi !o c-49 2 D-04. 1'-"1ffi ffim ry EiR EITE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4-81 Auto-Cruise Control System o B rlF c-41 aJß 3 C-46 c-49 ItrEEEEII @ COLUMN gWITCH /ewo-cRurse \ \coNrRoL swrT$rl f,Äffi CONNECTION 16 C-51 AUTOCRUISE CONTROL il0#* B-26 J L__-[g tt 8Hfi8*8[uüft?' Ulrs colour codE Bl?ü?3[" b?ölÄf,ll @ UitruOidri Motors Corporetion July o'*" 1992 8196?3[ c-01 k:R:8" F:ff#" tiü?äl3l 8b:8fr brue 4-82 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM - Auto-Cruise Control System AUTO-CRUISE CONTROL UNIT C-01 5Y q ä-, o T}IROTILE BSFßäAON B-02 fi?fiffir f,. I1 ENGINE COI{TROL c-56 I'NIT rf,e5-rc-u*o?A-Ec Hlfinäi1""'5'ffion* o'*n 8;98?sl k:Rlt" t:F?lü" ü:v?Äl3t gb:8ly b lue CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Lighting Monitor Buzzer and Key Reminder Buzzer 4-83 LfGHT|NG MONITOR BTJZZER AND KEY REMINDER BUZZER (See P. 4-84.) (Lighting monitor buzzer) OPERATION . . TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS 1. Lighting monitor buzzer does not sound. 1) Key reminder buzzer sounds. . Check key reminder switch. 2) Seat belt warning buzzer sounds. . Check door switch (driver's side). 3) Key reminder buzzer does not sound either. . Check multi-purpose fuse No. O. . Check buzzer assembly. When the lighting switch is in the TAIL or HEAD position and the ignition key is removed, the key reminder switch installed in the ignition switch turns ON. In this condition. when the driver's side door is opened. the door switch (L.H.) turns ON and the buzzer sounds continuously to inform the driver that a lamp has been left on. (Key reminder buzzer) OPERATION . o When the ignition switch is in the OFF position and the driver's side door is opened, the door switch (f..H)trrrns ON and the buzzer sounds intermittently to remind the driver to remove the ignition key. @ Mitsubirhi Motors Corporrtlon July tg2 TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS 1. Key reminder buzzer does not sound. 1) Lighting monitor buzzer sounds. . Check key reminder switch. '' 2) Seat belt warning buzzer sounds, . Check door switch (driver's side). 3) Lighting monitor buzzer does not sound either. . Check multi-purpose fuse lVo. O. . Check buzzer assembly. PHUEgAOT 4.84 cIRcUIT DIAGRAM Lighting Monitor Buzzer and Key Reminder Buzzer LIGHTING MONITOR BUZZER AND KEY REMINDER BUZZER SUB FUSIBLE LINKG) IGNITION SWITCH(IG1) ,-*lEEEl 'm *:tt v+ 5v+ tI KEY sfiy+ffiu* c-05 ffi = tg Ulro colour xxgl-tc-ut3o0-lc codc B;?$?3[" b?öllfllt o'*^ G:Green Gr:Gray ' PHUE9:I07 h:Rlü" F:t?#" vlü?llst . Bb:Bky bru€ CIRCUIT DIAGRAM -- Seat Belt Warning Buzzer SEAT BELT WARNING BUZZER LINK€) SUB FUSIBLE r c-ar IGNITION SWITCH(IG]) ff[ c-qaffi 7 c-49 ffi |@| 14 C-61 51 CO}tsI I\IATI ON METER D-05 52 t3 1 r' +5V at fl BVZZER ASSEIiBLY c-68 TI + ?- KEY SEAT BELT SYITCH E$Y+8fiu* E-50 EEEI c-05 YIIEI{ KEY IS REIOVED ffi = B :.;l-: 8;96?30 @ Mit3ubishi Motors Corporrtion July 1992 PHUE'207 k: 4-86 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Seat Belt Warning Buzzer SEAT BELT WARNING BUZZER (See P. 4-85.) OPERATION . When the ignition switch is in the ON position. the seat belt warning lamp illuminates for approximately 6 seconds by means of the function of the timer inside the buzzer assembly and the seat belt warning buzzer simultaneously sounds for approx_ imately 6 seconds. . When the seat belt is latched in this condition, the seat belt switch turns OFF and the buzzer stops sounding. TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS 1. Seat belt warning lamp does not illuminate. 1l Buzzer sounds. . Check lamp bulb. . Check seat belt switch, 2l Buzzer does not sound either. . Check multi-purpose fuse No. €0, O. . Check buzzer assembly. 3) Key reminder buzzer does not sound either. . Check key reminder switch. ü,'] @ Mitsubishi Motors Corporrtion July 1992 PHUESIoT
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