How to Learn MRI An Illustrated Workbook Exercise 6: Artifacts in MRI Teaching Points: Different types of artifacts and their characteristics: a. b. c. d. Metal Radio Frequency Interference Wrap around Chemical shift 1 Artifacts are common in MR images. For this exercise you will learn how different kinds of artifacts are generated and how to avoid them in clinical scans. Typical MR artifacts include metal artifact, Radio Frequency (RF) interference artifact, wrap around artifact, chemical shift artifact, Gibbs’ ringing artifact and motion artifact. Each of them has distinct characteristics which you will learn about in this exercise. A. Metal Artifact Fig 6.1 Phantom model with metal As you know MRI is heavily dependent on the strength, direction and uniformity of the magnetic field. Implants and other foreign objects in or near the scanned area that have susceptibility different from human tissue distort the magnetic field, changing the frequency of precession of the protons. Susceptibility is the ability of a material to alter the magnetic field. Metals typically have positive susceptibility, making the field stronger. Human tissues have negative susceptibility which makes the field weaker. Mixing metal together with human tissues creates magnetic field distortions which destroy the image. This is because the frequency and phase encoding gradients that are used to spatially encode the region of interest are no longer accurately mapping the data. The good thing about metal artifact is that they distort images predictably, such that an inverting pulse, e.g. the 1800 spin echo, will substantially reduce the distortion. There are a lot of things that affect the quality of images with susceptibility artifacts. Let’s examine these factors in this part. Find a phantom and tape a quarter coin on the surface (see Fig6.1). 2 Step 1: Run 3-Plane localizer Refer to previous exercises on how to run the 3-Plane localizer. You can set it up yourself by starting a new patient and filling up all the necessary information (Fig6.2). Be sure to select Body Coil by GE and change the plane to 3 Plane. Fig 6.2 3-Plane Localizer sequence parameter Patient Information Patient Protocols Site Accession 0000 Number Patient Position Supine Patient Entry Feet First Head Patient ID 0000 Neck/Cervical Patient Name MR PLASTIC Coil Chest Thoracic Upper Extremities Auto Start BODY Series 3 PLANE LOC Description Abodomen/Lumbar Plane 3-Plane Mode 2D Pelvis LowerExtremities Imaging Options Other Protocol # of TE(s) per scan TE 1 Max 1.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 TE2 0.0 0.0 TR 5.1 5.1 Inv. Time 0 0 TI2 0 0 30 30 Flip Angle Echo Train Length Bandwidth Bandwidth2 31.2 31.2 31.2 Aquisition Timing Freq DIR Unswap Freq 256 Graphic RX OFF Phase 128 Flow Comp Direction NEX 1.00 Shim Image Users CVs Enhance Screen Auto Phase Correct Phase FOV 1.00 Contrast Acqs Before Pause ml Amf Agent Scanning Range FOV 31.2 HIS/RIS Protocol Additional Parameters Min. Seq, Fast Psd Name Full Info Scan Timing Grad Mode Pulse Seq Gradient Echo Slice Thickness: 29.0 4.0 Min. Max 5 48 S/I Start 0.0 End 5.0 # of Slices: L/R Center P/A Center 0.0 0.0 5 5 5 Table Delta 0.00 3 Step 2: Change TE in gradient echo images When metal is present, the local magnetic susceptibility will cause phase dispersion which leads to image artifact. In a gradient echo sequence, the phase dispersion is proportional to TE. So a longer TE results in larger more severe metal artifact in a GRE sequence. Let’s experiment on this. To create your own GRE series, click New Series in Rx Manager, select INRX, and click View Edit. Change series description to Metal GRE TE 4. Go to Pulse Sequence. On the popup window, select Gradient Echo for Pulse Sequence Family and GRE for Pulse Sequence then click Accept (Fig6.3). Edit the parameters as shown in Fig6.4. Don’t forget to set the TE to 4ms Fig 6.3 Pulse Sequence popup window Plane : Axial Imaging Mode : Pulse Seq Family 2D Pulse Sequence None No Phase Wrap Echo Planar Imaging Fast GRE CCOMP Respiratory Gating/Triggering Fast Spin Echo Fast GRE-ET Cardiac Gating/Triggering Sequential Gradient Echo Fast SPGR Extended Dynamic Range Square Pixel MNS Fiesta Flow Compensation ZIP512 Propeller GRE Magntization Transfer Spin Echo MERGE Spiral SPGR Vascular PSD Name: BRAVO SWIFT BREASE T2MAP COSMIC TRICKS LAVA-XV VIBRANT MR-Echo Accept 4 Fig 6.4 Metal GRE TE 4 sequence parameter Patient Information Patient Protocols Site Accession 0000 Number Patient Position Patient Entry Head Patient ID 0000 Supine Feet First Neck/Cervical Patient Name MR PLASTIC BODY Coil Chest Thoracic Upper Extremities Auto Start Series Description METAL GRE TE 4 Abodomen/Lumbar Plane Axial Mode 2D Gradient Echo Grad Mode Pelvis LowerExtremities Imaging Options Other Protocol TE 1 4.0 TE2 TR 500.0 Inv. Time TI2 Flip Angle 30 Min. Max 1.0 2.0 3.8 75.0 0.0 75.0 17.0 10733.3 0 0 50 4000 1 180 Echo Train Length Bandwidth Bandwidth2 15.63 2.0 2.0 31.2 15.6 HIS/RIS Protocol Additional Parameters Scan Timing None Psd Name Full Info # of TE(s) per scan Pulse Seq Aquisition Timing Freq DIR R/L Freq 256 Graphic RX OFF Phase 192 Flow Comp Direction NEX 1.00 Shim Image Users CVs Enhance Screen Phase FOV Auto Phase Correct 1.00 Contrast Acqs Before Pause ml Amf Agent Scanning Range FOV 13.0 Slice Thickness: 11.0 Spacing 1.5 Min. Max 5 48 S/I Start I36.1 End S26.4 # of Slices: L/R Center R13.5 P/A Center P45.o ! 6 Table Delta 0.00 Click Save Series, Download, and Scan. While scanning, create Metal GRE TE 10 and Metal GRE TE 34, by Copying and Pasting Metal GRE TE 4 twice and changing the TE to 10ms and 34ms respectively. 5 TE = 10ms TE = 4ms TE = 34ms Fig 6.5 Metal Artifact comparison showing susceptibility artifact from a metal quarter increase with increasing TE. Note as TE gets longer, the artifact gets bigger. The TE is critical to the artifact in gradient echo sequence. As much as possible, we want to use short TE to get rid of metal artifact. How to do that? Try changing the following parameters and see how they affect the minimum TE. a) Bandwidth b) FOV c) Frequency matrix Figure 6.6 shows that increased FOV, narrowed bandwidth and small frequency encoding steps result in shorter TE. Tune these parameters accordingly to lessen the metal artifact. 40 Fig 6.6 35 FOV = 8, FOV = 8, FOV = 8, FOV = 16, FOV = 16, FOV = 16, 30 Min TE/ms 25 Freq = 192 Freq = 256 Freq = 512 Freq = 192 Freq = 256 Freq = 512 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 Bandwidth KHz 25 30 35 6 Step 3: Metal artifact in a spin echo image A spin echo sequence has a 180˚ pulse which refocuses the transverse magnetization. This reverses the dephasing caused by susceptibility. So spin echo images have less metal artifact than gradient echo images. Copy and paste Metal GRE TE 10. Change series description to Metal SE TE 10. Go to Pulse Sequence. On the popup window, select Fast Spin Echo for Pulse Sequence Family and FSE-XL for Pulse Sequence then click Accept (Fig6.7). Edit the parameters as shown on Fig6.8. Leave the other parameters the same and run this series. Fig 6.7 Pulse Sequence popup window Plane : Axial Imaging Mode : Pulse Seq Family 2D Pulse Sequence None Multi-Phase Echo Planar Imaging FRFSE-XL ASSET No Phase Wrap Fast Spin Echo FSE-IR Blood Suppression Respiratory Gating/Triggering Gradient Echo FSE-XL Cardiac Gating/Triggering Sequential MNS SSFSE Classic Square Pixel Propeller SSFSE-IR Extended Dynamic Range Tailored RF Spin Echo T1Flair Flow Compensation ZIP1024 Spiral T2Flair Vascular PSD Name: BRAVO SWIFT BREASE T2MAP COSMIC TRICKS LAVA-XV VIBRANT MR-Echo Accept Full Echo Train 7 Fig 6.8 Metal SE TE 10 sequence parameter Patient Information Patient Protocols Site Accession 0000 Number Patient Position Supine Patient Entry Head Patient ID 0000 Feet First Neck/Cervical Patient Name MR PLASTIC BODY Coil Chest Thoracic Upper Extremities Auto Start Series Description METAL SE TE 10 Abodomen/Lumbar Plane Axial Mode 2D FSE-XL Grad Mode Pelvis LowerExtremities Imaging Options Other Protocol TE Min. Max 1 1.0 2.0 10.0 3.8 75.0 0.0 75.0 17.0 10733.3 0 0 50 4000 1 180 TE2 TR 500.0 Inv. Time TI2 Flip Angle Echo Train Length 4 Bandwidth 15.63 Bandwidth2 2.0 2.0 31.2 15.6 HIS/RIS Protocol Additional Parameters Scan Timing Fast Psd Name Full Info # of TE(s) per scan Pulse Seq Aquisition Timing Freq DIR R/L Freq 256 192 Flow Comp Direction NEX 1.00 Shim Phase Graphic RX OFF Image Enhance Users CVs Screen Phase FOV Auto Phase Correct 1.00 Contrast Acqs Before Pause ml Amf Agent Scanning Range FOV 13.0 Slice Thickness: 11.0 Spacing Min. Max 5 48 1.5 S/I L/R Center P/A Center Start I34.7 I6.3 P42.2 End S27.0 I6.3 P42.2 # of Slices: ! 6 Table Delta 0.00 To compare the images of GRE and SE both with TE=10ms, go to Display Desktop then click Browser. Click Metal GRE TE 10 then Viewer. Click Compare. Click Metal SE TE 10 then Viewer. Gradient Echo (TE = 10ms) Spin Echo( TE = 10ms) Fig6.9 Gradient Echo, Spin Echo comparison. Note higher SNR and less artifact with spin echo. 8 B. RF interference artifact Have you ever wondered why we keep asking you to close the door to the magnet room tightly before you start scanning? Closing the door completes what is known as a Faraday cage around the magnet. This cage prevents outside RF radiation from disturbing the magnetic fields and electrical signal within the magnet. It helps shield the magnet room from external RF sources such as power lines, radio waves and other sources of electromagnetic interference. Keeping this interference out of the magnet room helps increase the consistency of fields applied intentionally in the magnet; which allows accurate sampling of the desired MR signal. So now you are probably wondering what would happen to your images if you left that door to the magnet room open. Let’s now start scanning with the door open. Copy and paste the Metal GRE TE 10 then View Edit. Change series description to RF interference. Make sure there are adequate FOV, matrix size, and bandwidth to capture the images without wrapping, ringing or chemical shift artifacts. Click Save Series, Download, and Scan. Door Closed Door Open = Big RF LEak Door Closed Fig 6.10 Artifact from RF leaking into room via open scanner door ! ! 9 C. Wrap around artifact (Aliasing) This kind of artifact occurs when the scanned object is larger than the FOV in the phase encoding direction. As a result, the area beyond the FOV is under sampled erroneously superimposed over the anatomy in the FOV on the final image; this is also known as aliasing. In order to sample a region without aliasing the rate at which data is sampled must follow what is known as the Nyquist theorem; this is so that sufficient frequency information is sampled to reconstruct the image accurately. In order to eliminate aliasing artifact we have two choices, we can increase the FOV to include all of the objects in the scanned area or we can remove the error causing component that we do not want in the FOV from the scanned area, such as asking our volunteer to move his arms above his head or using No Phase Wrap sleeves to attenuate the signal from your volunteer’s arms and lessen the artifact (Refer to exercise 5). From now on, remove the quarter from the phantom because we don’t want the metal artifact to interfere with other artifacts. Landmark the phantom again then close the door tightly when you leave the room. Copy and paste the 3 Plane loc on the Rx Manager done at the beginning of this exercise then View Edit. Make sure that the FOV includes the axial surface of the phantom (See Fig6.11a). Click Save Series, Download, and Scan. Copy and paste Metal GRE TE 10 on the Rx Manager then View Edit. Change the series description to Wrap Around then go to Graphic Rx and decrease the FOV (See Fig6.11b). 10 Fig 6.11 Adjusting the FOV 5 3 1 4 2 5 3 1 4 2 a) Increasing the FOV !,%B'0)%B.8 "<+%) !"# $678 LPT>? 04%*.'$67 L>?? $%& !)+,. #4+,CB.**8 $%&'()%**+, !01(2"3 -%&./ !4+5'$678 !"# !G%,+BH $"% $/.I'J2@8 @A3 39,*'D.E9/. 0%F*.8 !4+5.'79) #@8 &%#"# K+B+5F5'#@8'Q>S :+;.'!4+5 !&%/&8 3P>L 0QP>? 2R>? 1B;8 3P>L 0QP>? !R>? N'9E' !)%O* S 4 2 (b) Decreasing the FOV !,%B'0)%B.8 "<+%) !"# $678 =>? 04%*.'$67 $%& !)+,. #4+,CB.**8 $%&'()%**+, !01(2"3 -%&./ !4+5'$678 L>?? !"# !G%,+BH $"% $/.I'J2@8 @A3 39,*'D.E9/. 0%F*.8 !4+5.'79) #@8 &%#"# K+B+5F5'#@8'LM>? :+;.'!4+5 !&%/&8 3P>L 0QP>? 2R>? 1B;8 3P>L 0QP>? !R>? N'9E' !)%O* S 5 3 1 11 Fig 6.12 Wrap around artifact Phase Encoding Phase Encoding Note the aliasing Frequency Encoding Note the aliasing in this direction Frequency Encoding The No Phase Wrap sleeves allow patients to put their arms on the sides especially during abdominal scan. It prevents wrap around artifact or overlapping on the opposite side of the image of signals outside of the FOV. Fig6.13a shows a coronal FIESTA image with small FOV. Note the left arm appears as aliasing on the right side. Fig6.13b shows the same scan with sleeves. No aliasing artifact appears. Fig 6.13 Coronal Fiesta of the Abdomen Without Sleeves With Sleeves ! ! 12 D. Chemical shift artifact Protons may have a naturally lower procession frequency due to the electron shielding that occurs in different molecular structures around the proton. This shielding prevents the proton from experiencing the same applied external magnetic field strength exactly as other protons within different chemical structures. Since MRI imaging relies on frequency and phase encoding to determine the proper spatial frequency of the protons this causes a shift in the final image. This chemical shift artifact can appear in several different ways depending on the severity of the shift. The artifact can appear as a ring of light and dark bands in the frequency encoding direction around the object or as a ghost image of the object. Fat, for example, naturally has a lower frequency for this reason and an MRI image can have a ghost image of the fat distribution within the image. The severity of the shift depends on the receive bandwidth. Narrowing receiver bandwidth will increase the severity of the chemical shift artifact. Step 1: Bandwidth VS. Chemical shift Now try axial in phase gradient echo sequence as you learned in Exercise 5. Position the patient using the cardiac coil and do the proper landmarking. Select AXL IN PHASE found in the MRCP Protocol of the Abdomen. Click View Edit, change series description to Chem Shift BW 4 and set the bandwidth to 4 KHz. Adjust the localizer to 5 slices and the Acqs before pause if the Rx Scan Time is not possible for a single breath hold. Click Save Series, Download, Prescan, give instructions for breathholding, then Scan. Repeat the same procedure to create Chem Shift BW 16 with Bandwidth equals 16 KHz and Chem Shift BW 64 with Bandwidth equals 64 KHz. Compare the images. Fig6.14 shows the effects of different bandwidths. A low bandwidth of 4 KHz results in severe chemical shift artifacts while 64 KHz gives pretty good image. Fig 6.14 Axial In phase with different bandwidths BW = 4(KHz) BW = 16(KHz) BW = 64(KHz) 13 Step 2: India ink artifact on Gradient Echo Try axial in phase and out of phase sequence together. Actually this is shown in exercise 5. Below is a comparison of both sequences. You can see India ink artifact in out-of-phase image. It is different from chemical shift artifact because the width of the black line at fat-water boundaries is always one voxel.. In-phase Out-of-phase Fig 6.15 E. Gibbs’ artifact This artifact appears as a series of light and dark bands emanating away from high contrast edges. This is an artifact caused by insufficient spatial frequency data; there is not enough high frequency data to accurately define the edge. Since Fourier data is a particular set of sinusoids that describes the final image when too few sinusoids are used to describe the final image the edges will tend to ring as sinusoids are oscillatory functions. This occurs when the matrix size used to image the FOV is too small; too few steps are recorded. The remedy for this artifact is to increase the size of the matrix. This is more often a problem in the phase encoding direction, since this dimension of the matrix is usually kept smaller than the frequency encode direction to minimize scan time. A good rule of thumb is to keep the phase encoding direction at least half the size of the frequency encoding direction. You can see good Gibbs’ artifact from sagittal spinal scan because it contains many distinct bright and dark boundaries. Figure 6.16 gives a comparison of different phase encoding steps from 512 to 64. PE = 512 PE = 256 PE = 64 PE = 128 Figure 6.16 Gibbs’ Artifact ! Note ringing with incorrect direction of spinal cord and CSF space when using only 128 phase encode step (PE=128) compared to a more accurate depiction at PE = 512 or 256. !
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