Morning News • Friday, April 3. 1998 — 9B" Advice Tips on how to make your Easter lilies keep on giving ; The Easter Lily, the traditional time honored flower of Easter, is highly regarded as a joyful symbol of beauty, hope and life. The large, tiimpetst$ped, fragrant white flowers make a meaningful gift that epibodies the very essence oftheceleJbJ-ation of lister. • Whether y|>u plan to Backyard give the potGardener t«W plants as blooms, and three or more pufly. unopened buds of different sizes. The ripe puffy buds will open up within a few days, while the tighter ones will bloom over the next several days. As the flowers mature, remove the yellow anthers before the pollen starts to shed. This gives longer flower life and prevents the pollen from staining the white flowers. When a mature flower starts to wither after its prime, cut it off to make the plant more attractive while you still enjoy the fresher, newly-opened blooms. When selecting plants, be sure to also check out the foliage: an abundance of dark, rich green foliage is aigtftoruse , Ed Poenicke not only attractive, but a vital sign of th«nitodeco-* good plant health. rate your own home, the following The foliage should appear dense tips will help make your Easter . and plentiful, all the way down to Lilies keep on giving. the soil line, a good indicator of an Two of the greatest charms of the active, healthy root system. Efpter Lily are form and fragrance, Be wary of Easter Lilies dissd look for high quality plants that played in paper, plastic or mesh are aesthetically pleasing from all sleeves. aigles.Select medium-to-compact The protective sleeves are used plants that are well-balanced and for shipping and should be removed proportional—not too tall and not immediately upon arrival at the toe short store. |For the longest possible period of While the packaging may seem "oyment in your home, look for convenient, the quality of the plants nts with flowers in various stages will deteriorate if they are left ipeness. For example, the best sleeved too long. Also avoid watertction would be a plant with just logged plants, especially if the plant one or two open or partially open looks wilted. This could be a sign of root rot. In the home, Easter Lilies prefer moderately cool temperatures. Recommended daytime temperatures are 60 to 65 degrees F. with slightly cooler night temperatures. Avoid placing plants near drafts, and avoid exposure to excess heat or dry air from appliances, fireplaces or heating ducts. The lily will thrive near a window in bright, indirect natural daylight, but avoid glaring, direct sunlight Easter Lilies prefer moderately moist, well-drained soil. Water the plant thoroughly when the soil surface feels dry to a light touch, but avoid over-watering. If the pot is wrapped in decorative foil, be careful not to let the plant sit in trapped, standing water. For best results, remove the plant from decorative pots or covers, take it over the sink and water thoroughly until water seeps out of the pofs drain holes to completely saturate thesp^l. Allow the plant to drain for a few minutes and discard the excess water before replacing it back into its decorative pot cover. After the last bloom has withered and has been cut away, you can continue to grow your Easter Lilies, and even plant them outside in your garden to enjoy them for years to come. Once the lilies have finished flowering, place the potted plants in a sunny location. Continue to water thoroughly as needed, and add 1 teaspoon of slow-release fertilizer every 6 weeks. You can move the pots to a sunny location outdoors after the danger of frost has passed. To plant your Easter Lilies outside, prepare a well-drained garden bed in a sunny location with rich, organic matter. Use a well-drained planting mix, or a mix of 1 part soil, 1 part peat moss and 1 part perlite. Good drainage is the key for success with lilies. To ensure adequate drainage, raise the garden bed by adding good soil to the top of the bed, thus obtaining a deeper topsoil and a rise to the planting area. Plant the Easter Lily bulbs 3 inches below ground level, and mound up an additional 3 inches of topsoil over the bulb. Plant bulbs at least 12 to 18 inches apart in a hole sufficiently deep so that the bulbs can be placed in it with the roots spread out and down, as they naturally grow. Spread the roots and wdrk the prepared soil in around the bulbs and the roots, leaving no air pockets. Water in immediately and thoroughly after planting. Try not to allow the sou to heave or shift after planting. As the original plants begin to die back, cut the stems back to the soil surface. New growth will soon Hints from Hetoise emerge The Easter Lilies, which were forced to bloom under controlled greenhouse conditions in March, bloom naturally in the sum mer. You may be rewarded with a second bloom later this summer, but most likely you will have to wait until next June or July to see your Easter Lilies bloom again. Another planting tip to consider is that lilies like their roots in shade and their heads in the sun. Mulching helps conserve moisture in between waterings, keeps the soil cool and loose, and provides a fluffy, nutritious medium for the stem roots. Or, a more attractive alternative would be to plant a "living mulch," or a low ground cover Of shallow-rooted, complementary annuals or perennials. The stately Easter Lilies rising above lacy violas or primulas is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also sound gardening. The Easter Lily bulbs are surprisingly hardy even in cold climates. Just be sure to provide winter protection by mulching the ground with a thick, generous layer of straw, pine needles, leaves/ground corncob, pieces of boxes or bags. Carefully remove the mulch in the spring to allow new shoots to come up. Your Easter Lilies will keep on giving beauty, grace and fragrance in the garden for years to come. Dear Heloise: Before showering put a dab of bright red nail polish on faucets to show where the right mixture of hot and cold water is comfortable for . you. This eliminates playing with the faucets and wasting water trying tofindthe right temperature. Just point the red dots straight up! — Mary Torelli, Annandale, Va. Very good hint! It will also save some wasted water, thus saving you money on your water bill. — Helohe Dear Heloise: Many product containers seem designed to encourage waste, I transfer my dishwashing liquid into a pump-type hand soap dispenser. This is easy to use one-handed, looks prettier on my counter and has cut by two-thirds the amount of dishwashing liquid I purchase! Choose an unbreakable plastic dispenser, one that wont tip over easily. — Gloria Joel, Penfield, NX Television grids ffilPAY MORNING April 3.1998" FRIDAY EVENING April 3,1998 I 6:00 I 6 •SK;;AULASr STATIONS ;W8AV News (5:30) 3 9 6 8 6 4 I T o d a y (CC) 33661 Jenny Jc«tae(Rfl)(CC) 72785 Sfraet 964796 [Arthur (CC) Barney [Barney Arthur <CC) I Winnie's News (5:30) 578048 N M M 47048 TNt Morning (CC) 15715 NaweTNa Homing (CC) Good Homing America (CC) 21057 33961 Mr. Mm Caaper(CO| 480684 57067 36574 20425 AgDiy WBffi RegleiKathieLae 78612 tack Part Tlie People's Court 499512 27154- |X-Mm (CC) |8uptrtmo \Bmmm |PaJd Prog. jROph BaHay 491970 SpstffMrUdJ 388048 GaraMo Rivera 52796 I U n a 32932 Start 595715 Couch GayfcNng 27574 85574 Saty Jessy Raphael 10512 Or.Ck*m,MedfclM Woman (CC) 65086 Student IPaMProg. |Mr. Rogers Tha Pilot laWghl (CO 29406 The VJaw(CC) 51208 Conan Amazon Woman. (RR) 45222 To BaAnuouncad 47680 News 38 U M A e^^^BSWI Martin (CC) Payers Cbntanwwion. 74 (CC)4870 WflsftlvfawtAlIt Wwltlraat F w l C M a 48262 Fraah HeaMlBB. WdaSay- CandU Pnnco 6626 3336 2048 Cam. 4883 . »._• SwSnM WnMR ooyrwono MQpmUfl 66883 45390 57135 71203 Sknpoons UveSngta BvyvnasHMHranor WTQ8 33067 13203 FfctionT(CC) 75116 24319 25393 SeWetd iw.EdMon Mad About NBA Baahattaa Houston RockeU at M WBfiS : 1 • H a w News Chmnai 335661 lii !!I-»8ll'-.'. y'- 'W^i.i -rW jik !.-. ' i H WSAV ET9154 90 WVANQ The NewaHour 67680 WTOC Nawa11i2 C8SNews 4512 WJCL Mews 91067 ABC News 62319 o o OatatoaNBI : (CO 7408 Sweat (CQ 9703 McLaugMn 0a. Week Anfquss 98703 U>taolvadMysaMiaa(Cq NaahBridgaaCuda 91574 Grace. (CC) 94861 Sabrtna Doyiwono 20/20 (CC) 56067 27087 26999 Cops (CO Ego. (CC) 88680 15319 M . (Uva) 695135 Vfca 90425 Coma 355425 Upwata [QaNm 9623674 BwUnaaa News 2586203 Nam 8334808 3861896 Titanic: The Legend Lives On 903066 Law • Order Progeny. 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V-MAX 572951 746609 571222 740425 485086 962574. Mama's ocoooy 7 s Corns. UHJaHouaa 105777 Lynette Jennings Home Matters 321628 Pwd PTOQ. Paid Prog. riKfTQQ. Paid Prog. Assignment Dtacovery Houaaamart 301864 401203 392116 (CC) 563777 313609 402932 lighthouse |SMnn TV Beman. School 620222 Pappytand BigQaraga Mofty SUm TV Light* Rory'i Mastectomy. (Part Crook 4 Chase (CC) Club Danoa 897087 20(2)635154 615390 Lonesome Dove The Ust Spenser For Mrs A Da/i CMPa The Stripped. Wages: 628864 880777 648628 Piid PTOQ. SportaCantar(RR)(CO 385951 Bonanza A Dream to Draam. 886406 Juafet 1565932 SportaCenter(RR)(CC) 386680 Raacua »11 (CC) 887135 FacbANs 164852 iFactaAJs 514393 COM COURT ESPN FAM UPE MCK SPSO TBS TOC TIC TNN TNT USA I Comtetfew 271845 iHMUat 201086 Larry King Uve(CC) The World Today (CC) 543628 PoLSquadl PoLSquadl lLaugh Cochran* Co. 1706845 Daytime Session (2) 9602898 Wash. [Greatest Trtata 1716222 | Justice 1736066 SportaOsntsr (CC) Figure Stating Worid Championthcis, Lades Short Program. 695777 UpCtoaa 191154 193048 873406 ei Murder Womw^llawai nve 0 The C. Burnett C. Burnett ThaWaMpnaThe Reecue t i l (CC) 975338 Dta Trouble. (CC) 955574 ISngspofe Fie. 958661 700951 791203 ' Comeback. 959390 Debt Portrait 982B84 Myaawwa 971512 Swaap HapDays Love Lucy Figure Out Thy Toon Doug (CO Rugrata 687244 711932 159338 617749 404390 420338 731796 722048 362852 267796 CoHege SoflbaR South Caroina at Tennessee. (Uve) Game Fox Sports Mews 220066 Last Word Sport* 625777 591086 , 476338 843951 834203 I P1*dsi>wi PhMas at Aaant* Braves. (Uva) (CO 888425 Gimme Shelter 990003 WMd Discovery 975203 Wings 149951 998154 269154 151796 Real America 294661 |Boyal Secrets 214425 [Trauma: EB |Trauma: EH Bob Via iBobVIa DukaaofHaaanlFolow That S * . 466951 Lois & dark: Superman 459661 Beywatch (CO 789593 Dalas Mawartomy. (Part 20(2)290645 NBA I Babylon S Grey 17 Is Mronq. 216883 (CC) 521048 WghlandarThaSaa Wach. (CC) 539425 "••<** Greatest Trtsis 8468087 SportsCenter(CC) 780357 The 700 Club 504990 M.TJL Taxi (CO 694086 262241 Fox Sports News 614861 ; JusttcsFftM Against Her W i . 322357 Real America 641715 DaftM Mastectomy. (Part 20(2)623319 (CC) 297970 to AngeleeLjIun at Cleveland Cayaiert. (Uva) I t M M 732406 «**•-• PAY STATIONS Chip/Daia 'I Madeline 915777 1914406 HBO Sm^ar*QKW,laurW- CHy Dump: CCNY Basketbal Scandal 7810 MBtBaf, Marts PWo. (CO (TO) 865311 • * • * • » DbtoDamekfcigs (1975) Who » K a » ^ l w » a a t t t i B j e i B a w » r T (1976) Movie » a t Reynolds. (PG) 324241 George SegaL (CC) fffl| 4)6390 tha Woman in R«d (1964 Comedy) Quicksilver (1988, Advantura) Kavin Bacon, Jam" Movie Paat(1N7, Comedy) John Gertz Paul Rodriguez. (PG) 335113 Gene Wilder (PG-131973406 (CC) (PQ-13) 136048 RaoaNuJ Jason Scott Harry and Waiter Go to New York 11976. Comedy) Lost In America (9:25) (1965) Abert Lee (CC)(R) 6449512 BTOOKS |CC)(R) 16974319 James Caan. Elton Gouid >PG S43OS-15 w» Hart. |CC) 73722390 752574 rnmsm Contsct Jodie Fostef (CC) 2057609 Off the Air • (5) (CC) 3553488 l i t h | (6) 4211338 |OflthejT ]B<7ti'bo"'.T 1 8 9 2 6 8 0 " PDAY AFTERNOON April 3.1998 _ No.nnNo.ini -I .nil J9L Sunset Beach 81135 D. MD Foots Rush n (1917, Opaj Wmear, Laurie RugerHam(CO(WD Perry, Safrna Hayek. (CC) ( 1-13) 353067 4538338. (PO) 341222 Fathers'Day (1997, Comedy-drama) Robin WiKams, J a n (1996, C h W w ) M-chael (1996) Robert John BurkaT(CC) (R) 754067 Bdly CfystaL (CC) (PG-13) 964086 401SS4' JflWiH. (CC)(PQ) 966852 The Pest (1967 Comedy) John B o x i n g •»< Stargate SG-1 Fire i Limits Hunger Zulu Water 3213932 Laguizamo (CC) (PG-13) 4WS70 iL.'vei 526951 5&4S3661 236066 Lost m America (7.25) (1985) Abert Beverly HMaMa]»^Bf7. Comsdy) i) Omar I rGoto New York Tupacl .5102864 BrooKS. (CC) (R) 35633241 Chris Farley. (PC) (PQ-13) 543574 r. (R) 1177048 Steven Seagal (CC) 8379222 G.I. J*n» 11997. Drama) Demi Moon. (CQ (R) 1443999 NothingtoLose (CC) 671004B HBO MAX SHOW TMC PPV1 PPV2 PWi^iwl(5)2379996 [Gang Reiated .lames Belushi m>srV77 [Island Girts 6398357 |Hot: Dreams e : ^ i 16 [KuH Conqueror 929324t FRIDAY LATE NIGHT Aprlf-3,1998 12:30 1:00 1:30 I 2:00 I 2:30 I 3:< HHOAOCAST STATIONS Pappytand MatnTafc Late Night With Conan O'Brien (12 35)2548810 Oprah WWrey(CC) 8425 Another World (CO 39357 DeysofOurUves(CC) 90683 PuzzlePL Growing 478661 I 1 -It •idADCASt STATIONS WSAV DIS • vV^^PB^S^aj BV^BB^ AIMyCh«dran(CC) 94390 Patrol 3184S PWtonan/ 3942075 Arthur (CO Barney 1 ^ F V aBBBVBjBB VBBB Late Late Show With Aa the World Turns (CC) Usury Povteh (CC) 80970 Guktng Light (CC) 86203 RosieODonnel(CC) Jerry Springer 56406 One Ufa t> LJw (CC) General HoopiW(CC) 21883 67932 19048 Mnki Turtle Boy/World Caapei (CQ SawVitax 36154 12574 96319 The Young and the Restless (CC) 591999 NfcjMaida (4:10) 26507346 Friday MgM (1:35) Tom Snydar 1257549 Jerry Springer (12 35) (RR) 6632926 9s9riee(RR)(CO 291723 • U A P a i w Report 219520 • .i FX: The Sartea 214100 Thomas'Jeweky 558177 Northern Exposure Our Tribe. (CC) 145135 JamZone (11) 810048 McMillan and WHe Downshift to Danger 989406 LawftOrder Securitate (CC) 154883 Biography 963758 fne Equator A Place to Oumcy, MM. Snake Eyes. (Part 2 of 2) 912131 Stay. 266338 Nnvmgni 147756 ralkBackUve(CC) 806609 Weanosia Murder (CC) 325319 Big Vatey The Lost Treasure 230777 Designing Designing Haras and Famfly 880067 Bonanta The Debt OoMenGM Golden Mississippi v* Mississippi Stale (RR) 707715 SavedmVwl Saved/Be* rravaters Cairo 217703 Manor Motnaa Horns Nome Matlon 169715 Work Progress 462135 OnmaMl Ctrybwis America's Country Hhs 905425 Larry King Live (RR) (CC) 905297 oponB 339297 I Tale Spin 185765 OonaM [763241 Royal Secttts 492968 Kung Fu: The Legend Continues (CC) 126796 Pumbaa 491512 Dinosaurs 754593 1497796 i • ' GengRetotedrJames - ^ Zorro (CC) 881723 |K«* the Conqueror Kevin Sortw' (CC) 9294970 [The Real Thing 237f»» Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 780075 Pitd Pit>Q. 874610 Paid Prog. Paid Prog Paid Prog. 424839 (CC) (0)4318788 15) (1908, Acaon) JearvOauds Naaaon, Aidan Quim. (CC) (R) 14789988 58966839 MaoN(1996. Honor) Mariei (1997, Drama) Joequin Crudup, Uv Tytar. (CC) (R) 2378100 i. (CQ (R) 260636 Bast of n s Boat 3:1 (12 45) (1996) Nkfc MasMna Gun Blues (2 35) (1996, Poltergeist: The Legecy 33534075 Drama) Cynda Warns. (R) 68381810 (3:55) PhMpRhae.(CQ3 '(CC) 4349075 o«rftWM M (5^8) Body Coant (1 50) (1996, Acbon) ReteOve Pear (1994, Suspense) James Cobum 86386110 DartanneFkiegel (R) 7368742 Sonny CWbs(R) 96963742 a L Jane (1997, Drama) Demi Moore (CC) (R) 8196097 | i W — t a a f S f e Atcw Sitverstone (CC) 8238443 MmboMovtaBaahAdrtenneBarbeau (R) 8032217 trottc .-410S810 _ Steve Harvey: One Man (12 10) (CC) 20669568 i (R) 3788512 Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 691742 PsMProg. Paid Prog. 233162 OurGsng 331758 Growing 486048 A U M a Pitaaaaa (19SS, CMdren) tEfe Eleanor Bran ( C O (QJSJ400SS jBTtiCMMPt (CQ (PQltTf 78593 ^MStaMawn^an Frame (1993. Dnma) Daiyl Hannah. (PC) Swayw. (CC) (PQ-18) 1983)380 J 59 Amuswi. JoanAlen. (PQ) 59M680 Returntomo Btoa Uaoon (i 10) (1991. Romance) U H tar Dmner (1901, Bern, M a n * Gay Marten. (PQ M M Jovovich (PG-13) 13863338 Part I (2 25) (1964) Richaid When Tina Ixptraa (355) (1996) (1250) (1987, Drama) Richard Orieco. (PG-13) 26496338 (CC) (PG) 2763406 MohaelBiehn (R)81331048 )(R) 3394319 ^(^naplracy Theory (1997) Mel Obson. (CC) (R)3308512 0 1 Jane (1997. Drama) DerniMoonT Trauma: ER Trsuma: ER Bob VNa 687549 Paid Prog. 788029 Motor Madness (RR) (CC) 682384 Dukes of Hazzard FOSOVJ Chib Dance 133066 In the Neat of the Night (CC) 580970 Piid PTOQ. Raging Planet Humcane 350723 W M Discovery 865162 nOUMWMn 660601 Crook* a 585425 Greatest Trials 3540471 SportsCentsr (CC) 718723 Goil TN) Senior Tradrtwn, Second Round (RR) Competition 303075 Pwd PfQQ. Paid Prog. The TOO Club 532365 Bonanza Queen High. 249278 414655 336756 Street 663075 Paid Prog Mysteries 123891 Ltewftchcd Love Lucy OddC'pte 604839 678881 790452 Fox Sports News 675365 CoNege Softball South Carolina at Tennessee (RR) Australian RukM Last Word 318568 Football 307471 232433 Tiny Toon 735512 FTT-TVLunentimt rVorttout, 4750130 Paid Prog. |R.C. Biakes Paid Prog. Actor's Studo 592566 |Cochran a Co. 6017556 DeyHms Oaaaion CaMomia vs. Suanns Johnson. 9602898 Daytime Saaaion (9) 6266628 GoH The Senior TradMon. Second Round (Live) Tennis Oavls Cup, Firit Round; Russia at Unltsd States (Live) 668488 Tamis (11) (Uve) 644116 Law & Order Progeny (CC) 493278 Jan Discovery 373948 227421365 |MMnajht Love 565756 Actor's StudO 6062055 Planet Groove 941626 CNN Today (CC) 226609 Titanic: The Legend Uvea On 410704 eunui SHOW ^ 1 ( , )
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