How to get to Shizuoka Immigration Bureau( Nyukoku Kanrikyoku)

How to get to Shizuoka Immigration Bureau(静岡入国管理局:Shizuoka
Nyukoku Kanrikyoku)
(a) Take a bus from NIG, and get off at the last stop, Mishima Station (三島駅)
(b) Get a Westbound train from Mishima Station and get off at Shizuoka Station (静岡駅)
(c) Get out from the NORTH exit, and go down the subway.
(d) Walk ahead until you see a sign of Matsuzakaya Department store (松坂屋)
(e) This is the sign of Matsuzakaya entrance. Before the sign, turn right.
Get out from the exit G (伝馬町、鷹匠町方面出口)
(g) Now you are on the ground.
See the map on the left.
(h) To get to the Immigration
Bureau from there is
Walk towards Suruga Bank,
and turn right at the first traffic
You will see this building
called “ABC plaza”
The ground floor is clothing
shop called “Jurgen Lehl”.
The office of Shizuoka Immigration Bureau is on the 6th Floor. Take a lift from the entrance
(k) The office is not very big and there is only one reception. Submit the related documents
to an officer.
Contact Information
Shizuoka Immigration Bureau 054-653-5571
Open Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm / 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
For General Enquiries: the Legal Affairs Bureau Multi-lingual Information Center 0570-013904