What is ED and how common is it?

What is ED and how common is it?
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is the persistent or recurrent inability to achieve and/or
maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual activity. This occurs when men are
unable to get and maintain an erection.
Many men live with ED for years (at least 2-5 years)without seeking medical advice,
because of embarrassment or a belief that ED cannot be treated. However, in most
cases ED treatment is straightforward and effective. In addition, ED may be an early
warning sign of other conditions. So it makes sense not to allow embarrassment to get in
your way -if you are worried about ED, go to your doctor without delay to get it checked
and treated.
What causes ED
In many cases, ED is caused by a combination of both physical and psychological factors.
A proper medical assessment is important as ED could be caused by an underlying
illness, medication side effects, or be related to psychological issues - see some common
causes below:
Heart Disease
High blood pressure
Nerve conduction problems e.g. multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease
Following prostate surgery
Medication side effects:
Some medicines used to treat conditions such as high blood pressure or depression
may have ED as a side effect.
 Stress
 Excess alcohol
 Smoking
The earlier a health problem is attended to, generally the easier it is to treat. So if you
are worried that you may have ED, go to your doctor without delay.
What treatments can I get for ED
All men with sexual dysfunction may benefit from some type of supportive counselling
If your doctor feels you will benefit from specialist counselling, your doctor will be able to
recommend one known to them
There are currently 3 different oral tablets available
These products are called PDE-5 inhibitors
They are now the most commonly-prescribed treatments for ED
They are not all exactly the same, and their differences are important
If your doctor decides to prescribe one of these for you, they may discuss those
differences with you
Depending on the treatment, they need to be taken between 25 minutes and 1 hour
before sexual intercourse
The period of time over which they work can vary from 4–5 hours up to 36 hours. i.e.
during these time periods, providing you have sexual stimulation, an erection may be
In order for these medications to work, sexual stimulation is required
Alcohol may affect erections
Avoid excessive alcohol with oral treatments
Some of these treatments may have their onset of effect delayed if taken after food
If your doctor thinks an oral treatment may be suitable for you, then they will discuss
side effects and contraindications* with you as part of reaching a prescribing decision
The most common side effects include:
pounding heartbeat
nasal congestion
effects on vision
back pain
muscle aches
abdominal pain
* Contraindication: To advise against or indicate the possible danger of a drug or
Injections or insertions
These are injected into the penis or inserted using a special applicator
This usually takes place just before sexual intercourse to produce an erection
You should discuss all possible side effects with your doctor
There are currently 3 different products available
These products contain alprostadil
The product is either injected into the body of the penis or inserted down the tube of the
penis (urethra) using a special applicator
They work approximately 5–15 minutes after administration
If your doctor thinks an injection or insertion may be suitable, they will discuss side
effects and contraindications* with you as part of reaching a prescribing decision
Side effects may include:
pain in the penis, testicles and (rarely thighs)
urethral (in the wee tube) burning
after long-term use the penis may become scarred or you might notice a slight bend and
pain on erection
Tell your doctor if this happens as you may need to stop using the product
Above are guidelines only. Always consult your Doctor if you have any concerns
If your penis is scarred, not straight, or abnormally formed, you should NOT use these
Vacuum pumps
These work by creating a vacuum around the penis, helping to cause erection
A constriction ring is placed around the base of the penis to maintain the erection
Various types of vacuum pumps are available
Vacuum pumps should be used just before sexual intercourse
They take a few minutes to work
The constriction ring should not be worn for longer than 30 minutes (remove ring)
They may be used as often as required
Some products advise a break of at least 60 minutes between each treatment