How to hide courses in MyUni •

How to hide courses in MyUni
From the MyUni tab
From the Courses tab
Hiding courses in the MyUni tab
The MyUni tab is the first page that you should see when you first login to MyUni.
To hide courses which are listed in the MyUni Courses box:
1. Select the ‘gear’ icon by placing the mouse cursor over the top right hand side of the MyUni
Courses box.
2. In the Edit Course Mappings page, scroll down and select ‘Advanced settings’. If you see
Basic settings instead, it means that you are already in Advanced settings.
3. You should now see buttons under ‘Display Order’ and ‘Action’.
4. To hide the courses for a particular semester, select the Edit button in the row that
corresponds to the specific semester.
5. Select the dropdown list and change True to False. Select Save to save the changes.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the other semesters.
7. Scroll down and click Save to save all the changes that you have made.
Hiding courses in the Courses tab
The Courses tab is located on the top right hand side of the home page.
To hide course which are in the Course List box:
1. Select the ‘gear’ icon by placing the mouse cursor over the top right hand side of the Course
List box.
2. Uncheck the boxes related to a course to hide it.
3. Select the Submit button to save all the changes.