JANUARY 2014 VOLUME 10 ISSUE 1 DirectForumisafreeemailnewslettercontainingusefuldirectmarketingtips,newsupdatesand how-toinformation.It’sconvenient,informativeandIamnottryingtosellyouanything! 1. Howtonudge your current donors to give a bit more 2. Letyourinsertsdomore: 8 great ways use themtoinvolveyour readersandboostresponse 3. Scientific proof that the brain reacts to paper better than digital devices. So,shouldyou reallybeabandoningdirectmail infavourofonlinemarketing? Howtonudge your current donors to give a bit more Most charities use ‘gift ladders’ to prompt donors to give amounts based on their previous giving history with the hope that they will give a bit more. For example if a donor gave $20 the last time, then they start the gift ladder at $20 and go up. So a typical letter would say: Please donate $20, $30 or $60 or whatever you can afford right now. But did you know that you could improve your odds of a higher gift by using one or more of these methods? 1. GO ONE STEP FURTHER I tested this by including little details like telling the donors exactly how much they gave and when they gave the last time. It boosted the response by 2% compared to previous mailings to the same group and the average gift size grew to $109.75 from $75.25 CONTINUES... DIReCT FORUM JaNUaRY 2014 2 USE THE GLASS BOWL EFFECT When it was mentioned, We had another member Mary, who has contributed $300 last year... women give more. Besides suggesting a gift ladder amount, tell your donors what someone else has donated. For example say: We had another member Mary, who has contributed $300 last year. But, when the name was changed to Tom, men gave more. Why does this work? 4. ADD A BIT OF FLATTERY A U.S. study looked at how much people donated to an art gallery when all contributions were visible in a large glass bowl. When a prospective donor saw more $20 bills they tended to match that amount. A test revealed that adding emotionally descriptive words before “member,” improved response when two randomly selected words from the following list were added: • Moral • Caring • Compassionate • Friendly • Kind • Helpful One example is when Seattle’s Lakeside Upper School called on their alumnus Bill Gates. Rumor has it Gates asked: How much is everyone else giving? About $75 he was told. “So put me down for $75,” said Gates. So by adding two extra words from the list the sentence became: Thank you for being a caring, compassionate member. It turns out that adding two flattering words, it did have an impact on response—but mainly on women—they gave a bit more. The difference cited above as to how the sexes responded was revealed in a test conducted by Dr. Adrian Sargeant, Professor of Fundraising at the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University. He conducted a test for (NPR) National Public Radio that measured the impact of “social information” – as to how people behave when giving. 3. MAKE IT GENDER SPECIFIC Incredibly enough the gender of the person mentioned who gave has a profound effect on who responds as well. CONTINUES... page 2 DIReCT FORUM JaNUaRY 2014 5. SHOW WHAT EACH AMOUNT WILL ACCOMPLISH ON THE SIDE OF THE LETTER 6. SHOW WHAT EACH AMOUNT WILL ACCOMPLISH ON YOUR DONATION FORM. By showing what each amount can accomplish, you help your donors visualize exactly what their gifts will achieve. Show what different amounts can accomplish in the donor form. Make-A-Wish (Wishbucks)2:Layout 1 3/30/09 March 30, 2009 Mrs. Jane Sample 1234 Main Street Apt 431 Toronto, ON M1M 1M1 Page 1 wishbucks Mr. Sample’s $25 WISHBUCK Helps grant wishes like Lauren’s to be the voice of a cartoon character ❑ YES! I want to help grant the wish of a sick child with my gift of $25 provide hope for children who are seriously ill . . . ❑ Enclosed is my cheque payable to Make-A-Wish® Canada ❑ Please charge my gift to my credit Card (complete reverse side) Mrs. Jane Sample 1234 Main Street Apt 431 Toronto, Ontario M1M 1M1 XX1234 Dear Mr. Sample, Thanks to generous donors like you, each and every day we are able to grant wishes to children with life-threatening medical conditions — children, very much like Shanisse, whose life-long wish was to meet Cinderella in the castle. Shanisse’s wish is just one of the thousands of magical wishes that Make-A-Wish has made come true over the past twenty-five years, filling Shanisse and her family with hope, strength and joy. Here are some of the heartfelt words of thanks from Shanisse’s mother: To this day my husband and I will never truly understand exactly what took place in that castle, although we were standing at the door watching our daughter engage with the ‘princess’. What I do know, for sure, is at that very moment; I had no recollection of what our daughter had endured over the last 10 years. I did not think about the 29 brain surgeries, the countless needles, or all of the ambulance rides. I did not think about the hunger she endured while being starved before surgery, or the tears that she shed because she was so scared. I didn’t think about the seizures and the tube feedings. Mr. Sample’s $50 WISHBUCK Helps grant wishes like Baden’s wish to go on cruise line trip ❑ YES! I want to help grant the wish of a sick child with my gift of $50 ❑ Enclosed is my cheque payable to Make-A-Wish® Canada ❑ Please charge my gift to my credit Card (complete reverse side) Mrs. Jane Sample 1234 Main Street Apt 431 Toronto, Ontario M1M 1M1 Mr. Sample’s $75 WISHBUCK Helps grant wishes like Carolyn’s to swim with the dolphins ❑ YES! I want to help grant the wish of a sick child with my gift of $75 I did not reflect on how scared we were of losing our precious baby girl. Instead, overcome with emotion, I cried. I cried tears, but they were good tears: tears of joy and tears of happiness and for emotions that I simply cannot explain.. ❑ Enclosed is my cheque payable to Make-A-Wish® Canada ❑ Please charge my gift to my credit Card (complete reverse side) Mrs. Jane Sample 1234 Main Street Apt 431 Toronto, Ontario M1M 1M1 I truly pray that you realize what you did for our family. You granted not only one wish for our family, you granted many. Please know that we are forever grateful to you, and of course, the Make-A-Wish Foundation and we will never, ever forget. Sincerely, from the bottom of our hearts, Erin, Lanette, Sean and Shanisse Brown Shanisse and her family have been touched by the generosity and kindness of supporters like you. Your past donations have made a remarkable difference in the lives of so many wish children and their families. We urgently need your renewed support now, more than ever before, as we continue to receive requests for wishes at an unprecedented rate. Each and every wish is a precious and humble request from a critically ill child longing for a reason to forget about their pain and their fears — if only for a little while. The new found strength, and the continued Client: Canadian Crossroads International Concept, Copy and Art Direction: Billy Sharma Mr. Sample’s $__________ WISHBUCK Helps grant wishes like Andy’s to own a piano ❑ YES! I want to help grant the wish of a sick child with my gift of $______ ❑ Enclosed is my cheque payable to Make-A-Wish® Canada ❑ Please charge my gift to my credit Card (complete reverse side) Mrs. Jane Sample 1234 Main Street Apt 431 Toronto, Ontario M1M 1M1 wishbuck wishbuck wishbuck wishbuck Make-A-Wish Canada 4211 Yonge Street, Suite 521, Toronto, ON M2P 2A9 Tel: 416-224-9474 Toll Free: 1-888-822-9474 www.makeawish.ca 3:11 PM Client: MAKE A WISH Concept, Copy and Art Direction: Billy Sharma CONTINUES... page 3 DIReCT FORUM JaNUaRY 2014 7. CONVERT YOUR YEARLY DONORS TO MONTHLY DONORS I know this is easier said than done. But the best way is to analyse your donor list and select only those loyal ones who give multiple times each year—they are more likely to convert to monthly giving. Make this a special holiday for all your canine friends. Our Save the Animals Team could use your help! Sadly, animals arrive at the Toronto Humane Society every single day. The need for loving care, nourishing food and emergency medical attention is on-going. And so is the need for your friendship and support! By joining our Save the Animals Team, you can provide the loyal and continuous support our animals count on. For just $18 a month, you’ll play a daily role in everything we do to care for unwanted animals — from vaccinating a litter of kittens to performing surgery on an injured dog to finding the perfect home for an animal with special needs. Don’t bother with one-time donors they are harder to switch Then and besides you don’t I gave birth to six perfectly adorable a want to push is that all my pups and I got adopted — w too hard or You played alienate them. You see, without your support the Tor knowledgeable vets, caring technicians, ca Many sick and abandoned animals li They to I know that you care about us animals to help us out. And he wants you to know h of dog lovers like you. Monthly giving also has benefits for you... It’s affordable. Many of our monthly supporters tell us they find it more manageable to give 12 small donations as opposed to one or two larger gifts throughout the year. I also know that food, heating and med nothing from the provincial or federal gov kindness of people like you who don’t want animals the second chance that they deserv It’s easy and convenient. convenient Each month, we’ll securely withdraw your monthly gift from your credit card or bank account. We’ll do it automatically so you won’t have to remember to renew your support for the animals each year. You can change or even cancel your support at any time with a simple phone call. It’s rewarding. You’ll feel proud of the daily difference you’re making in the lives of abandoned animals — helping to mend their broken bones, heal their battered hearts and give them the new beginning they deserve. Please join right now with a gift of $18 a month — that’s just 60 cents a day — and give the best gift our animals could get this holiday season! Join the Save the Animals Team today! $30 per month ($1 per day) Payment: 1st or Please start deducting on the 15th of each month. Please charge my credit card. CARD # DATE PHONE # My voided cheque is enclosed. Deductions to start SIGNATURE per month $60 per month ($2 per day) 15th or EMAIL I hereby authorize the Toronto Humane Society to arrange automatic withdrawals from my bank account or credit card on an ongoing monthly basis. I understand that I may change or cancel my contribution at any time with five days notice. Thank you so much! 27th of each month. Please take a moment now to help ou during this time of year. I’m hoping you’ll c monthly giving program). It’s the most effe steady funding that lasts all year long. With your assistance, the The Human sick animals, like I was, shelter, care, comf YES, you can count on my monthly donation of: $18 per month (60¢ per day) This holiday season giv help my friends Ace & Occasionally we make our donor list available to reputable charitable organizations whose mission may be of interest to you. This is also a very cost-effective way to attract new donors to support the Toronto Humane Society. If you would not wish us to make your name available please check here. Remember, it’s because of your gener before the holidays! They will give back to love that works both ways. Your gift means small miracles, lik Client: Toronto Humane Yours truly, Society Agency: TCP Integrated Candy (woof-woof) Art Direction: Mark Johnston Copy Billy Sharma P.S. Another thing I overheard Dr. Jacques of generous supporters. The contribut because it helps so many of our anim EXPIRY DATE Thank you for making every day a holiday for all our furry friends. The Toronto Humane Society • 11 River Street • Toronto • Ontario • M5A 4C2 • Tel: 416-392-2273 www.torontohumanesociety.com page 4 The Toronto Humane DIReCT FORUM JaNUaRY 2014 Letyourinsertsdomore: 8 Great ways to use them toinvolveyourreadersand boostyourresponse. Inserts have always been a great way of adding information or stressing why your mailing is important, but did you know that they are also great as involvement devices too? ask the recipient to affix one to the order form. If you have a simple offer you want to highlight, you can print it on a sticker that must be lifted and transferred to the order form. Stamps and stickers are highly involving and indicate that some action is needed. Here’s how: 1. Promote involvement with a quiz, checklist or questionnaire. For example ask a question: Do you qualify for our 50% discount? Take this quiz and find out. Or use a checklist that reader’s can keep. Behavioural psychologists call this ‘gamification techniques’ because they encourage use and increase engagement. Even a questionnaire helps. It almost invariably will increase response. 4. Demonstrate a point with a lift note. The lift letter is the “king of all inserts”. It presents a second point of view, meets objections, adds credibility, highlights benefits, etc. Here’s how I use it to involve the reader. TAKE THIS CHALLENGE 1. With your ring finger extended (as shown), rest your hand on a flat surface 2. Press down lightly. 3. Now try and lift your ring finger. CanÕ t do it? Well, that gives you a tiny idea of the frustration and helplessness people feel who are disabled and confined to wheelchairs because of spinal cord injuries. 2. Use a card to boost response. Getting donors to mail back a get-well card or message is a good way that charities have found to involve them personally. This has often been done by Hospitals and by Easter Seals. Each year about 600 new spinal cord injuries occur in OntarioÑ thatÕ s more than one a day. Current estimates indicate that there are approximately 33,140 Ontarians living with spinal cord injury. That does not include the thousands born with spinal cord injuries. Now: 4. Go to the donation form. 5. Pledge any amount you can currently afford. 6. And see how wonderful it feels to help someone in need. ! 3. Highlight your offer with stamps or stickers. If you have several offers or options, you can print each on a stamp and Client: Canadian Paraplegic Association Agency: TCP Integrated Copy Billy Sharma CONTINUES... page 5 DIReCT FORUM JaNUaRY 2014 5. Prove your product superiority with a sample. Getting a sample of your product in your prospect’s hand is a great way for your prospect to experience firsthand for themselves that your product is everything you say it is. 8. Finally, I use inserts as a device to tell a story. I have used a piece of cardboard to talk about Refugees that deserved a better shelter than that. 6. Promote exclusivity with a membership card. People like to belong to an exclusive club, organization or association. Encourage them to do so by sending them a membership card printed on plastic or heavy paper. You can even personalize it, provide contact information and list benefits. This makes it more beneficial, relevant and valuable to prospects. Client: UNHCR (United Nations High Commissionar of Refugees Agency: Hjc New Media Concept, Copy & Art Direction: Billy Sharma I have used a toothbrush, visible through a two-window envelope, to talk about the fact that when an abused woman is fleeing for her life she has no time to pack even the most basic necessity like a toothbrush. 7. Emphasize your guarantee with a return label. Don’t just guarantee your product—prove it with by enclosing a prepaid return label. It shows that you are confident of your product. Combine a label with a lift note that explains your risk free return policy. This adds another level of reinforcement. Enclosing an unusual object works when you plan to follow up your package with a phone call. Client: Interval House Agency: Hjc New Media Concept, Copy & Art Direction: Billy Sharma For example: A contractor once sent his business card silk-screened on a small brick. When he called to follow up, he told prospects: “I’m the guy who sent you the brick.” He always got through. I have inserted a bandage in a direct mail piece for a abused women’s charity to talk about why bandages are not enough to cover physical scars or hide our shame as a society. CONTINUES... page 6 DIReCT FORUM JaNUaRY 2014 Andthistimeformyyear-end mailing tomyclientsandfriendsIusedthis cardand lettertotellthestoryofwhat inspiredmetobeanArtDirector. Hereitis: And here are just a few of the great responses to it: Designers Inc. 1407 - 99 Harbour Square, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2H2 T:(416) 203-9787 • E-MAIL: [email protected] • Web: www.designersinc.ca Hi Billy, I just received your card today. I love the letters and stories that you send along every year with your cards! They are as unique as the cards themselves. Karen Dear Billy: I have received your Christmas card and could not let it go by without saying how truly beautiful it is, and how very special I feel in receiving this exquisitely created piece. I can certainly see how this would have inspired and encouraged you to become so creative. It really moved me. Thank you. Have a wonderful Christmas and all the best for 2014. Bridget Dear Claude, Dear Maura, is time I want to share with you something that inspired me to become an Art Director. is time I wan become an Art Dir When I was a boy I was fascinated by artists who had the patience and dexterity to paint pictures on leaves, in particular on a leaf of an Indian tree called peepal tree or bo tree (from the Sanskrit word Bodhi meaning: wisdom or enlightenment—the same tree under which Buddha meditated until he attained nirvana). When I was a b dexterity to paint p called peepal tree or or enlightenment— attained nirvana). is Indian Art of painting dates back to the 2nd century BC, before paper was invented. is Indian Ar paper was invented I would watch these artists immerse the leaf in water as they began to slowly dislodge the outer layer—a thin film—by gently brushing and rinsing it for the next two weeks—leaving behind a beautiful bony off-white structure. I would watch to slowly dislodge t rinsing it for the ne structure. e leaf is then left to dry in the sun before the final painting is painstakingly done with a delicate brush in oil paints ensuring that the fragile skeleton of the leaf won’t rupture. Each image is handcrafted so no two are alike. e leaf is then painstakingly done fragile skeleton of t no two are alike. Only a few artists now practice this art so in November I spoke to my brother, who is still in India, and asked him to search for these pieces before this fine art becomes extinct. ey arrived just in time. Only a few art my brother, who i pieces before this Hope you appreciate them too. Hope you appr Regards, Regards, Billy Billy P.S. It is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I see this as a drawing of a mother and child but ohers may see it as a tad too religious. If so, feel free to pass it on to a friend who would appreciate the religious undertone or keep it yourself as a souvenir of a dying art form. Hi Billy, I just wanted to thank you for the lovely card I received today. It is truly beautiful! May you be inspired in love & joy this coming New Year, Kelly Thanks… the leaf painting is beautiful. Merry, merry to you & yours Billy. Cheers Al Dear Billy, I absolutely loved your end-of-year mailing! Please know that I have already placed the card in a lovely frame to be enjoyed and cherished. When something touches you, I feel that it is not really the eye that does the seeing, it’s ‘the soul.’ Regards, Fran I also got many personal calls. Here’s one: Remember the children’s book “One Thousand and One Nights” where Scheherazade tells the king a tale which goes on for 1,001 nights? Well just like her you too have the ability to tell a great story with every one of your mailings. AS YOU CAN SEE I GET MORE THAN I GIVE. And I do have 3 more cards to give so if you want one, just email me your mailing address. First come first served. page 7 140 T:(416) 203-9787 P.S. It is said that b of a mother and ch free to pass it on to or keep it yourself DIReCT FORUM JaNUaRY 2014 Scientific proof thatthebrainreactstopaperbetterthandigitaldevices. So,shouldyoureallybeabandoningdirectmail infavourofonlinemarketing? Here’s are some extracts from that November 2013 issue of Scientific American’s article entitled: The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: Why Paper Still Beats Screens paper, the absence of which some find unsettling. “There is physicality in reading,” says cognitive scientist Maryanne Wolf of Tufts University, “maybe even more than we want to think about as we lurch into digital reading—as we move forward perhaps with too little reflection. I would like to preserve the absolute best of older forms but know when to use the new.” Since at least the 1980s, researchers in psychology, computer engineering, and library and information science have published more than 100 studies exploring differences in how people read on paper and on screens. Textual Landscapes Despite all the increasingly user-friendly and popular technology, most studies published since the early 1990s confirm earlier conclusions that: paper still has advantages over screens as a reading medium. Understanding how reading on paper differs from reading on screens requires some explanation of how the human brain interprets written language. Although letters and words are symbols representing sounds and ideas, the brain also regards them as physical objects. Together laboratory experiments, polls and consumer reports indicate that digital devices prevent people from efficiently navigating long texts, which may subtly inhibit reading comprehension. Beyond treating individual letters as physical objects, the human brain may also perceive a text in its entirety as a kind of physical landscape. When we read, we construct a mental representation of the text. Compared with paper, screens may also drain more of our mental resources while we are reading and make it a little harder to remember what we read when we are done. The exact nature of such representations remains unclear, but some researchers think they are similar to the mental maps we create of terrain—such as mountains and trails—and of indoor physical spaces, such as apartments and offices. Whether they realize it or not, people often approach computers and tablets with a state of mind less conducive to learning than the one they bring to paper. And e-readers or emails fail to re-create certain tactile experiences of reading on CONTINUES... page 8 DIReCT FORUM JaNUaRY 2014 Both anecdotally and in published studies, people report that when trying to locate a particular passage in a book, they often remember where in the text it appeared. Much as we might recall that we passed the red farmhouse near the start of a hiking trail before we started climbing uphill through the forest, we remember that we read about Mr. Darcy rebuffing Elizabeth Bennett at a dance on the bottom left corner of the left-hand page in one of the earlier chapters of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. A recent survey of 100 at the University of Toronto students conducted on the St. George campus revealed that: 81% of students prefer paper textbooks. Their reasons included: easier to scribble notes, bookmark and highlight important sections. 19% “The implicit feel of where you are in a physical book turns out to be more important than we realized,” says Abigail J. Sellen of Microsoft Research Cambridge in England, who co-authored the 2001 book The Myth of the Paperless Office. prefer Electronic textbooks. Their reasons included: Portability, environmental issues and economics—cheaper than textbooks. 10% Exhaustive Reading Other researchers agree that screen-based reading can dull comprehension because it is more mentally taxing and even physically tiring than reading on paper. switched from digital to paper versions during the course of the year. Source:UofTMagazine(Winterissue) In an experiment by Erik Wästlund, then at Karlstad University in Sweden, people who took a reading comprehension test on a computer scored lower and reported higher levels of stress and tiredness than people who completed it on paper. page 9 DIReCT FORUM JaNUaRY 2014 OPT IN, OPT OUT, OPTIONS: To subscribe email me at: [email protected] To download back issues of my newsletters go to ‘Freebies’ on my website: www.designersinc.ca To unsubscribe, send me an e-mail simply saying, “Please, remove.” To participate, send me an email with your suggestions. To post a comment, please include your name, email address and your thoughts. Let me remind you again that your name and/ or e-mail address will never be shared, sold, circulated, or passed along to anyone else. Designers Inc. 1407-99 Harbour Square, Toronto, ON M5J 2H2 © Designers Inc. page 10
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