Session SU214 – How to Accelerate Your Manager’s Learning

ASTD 2008 International Conference & Exposition
Session SU214 – How to Accelerate
Your Manager’s Learning
Antigoni Mallen, Expedia, Inc.,
Kurt Hine, Paradigm Learning, Inc.,
Session Learning Objectives:
1. Understand how to define the skills and knowledge necessary to develop successful
manager/leaders within an organization.
2. Translate these skills and knowledge into a highly effective competency model.
3. Develop clear evaluation criteria to select training partners who will complement an
organization’s curriculum and in-house expertise.
How to
Accelerate Your
Managers’ Learning
Antigoni Mallen, Expedia, Inc.,
Kurt Hine, Paradigm Learning, Inc.,
How to Accelerate Your Managers’ Learning
Antigoni Mallen
Kurt Hine
Expedia, Inc.,
Paradigm Learning, Inc.,
Director, Learning and Development
Executive Vice President of Sales
Today’s goals
•  Why should I focus on frontline managers?
•  How do I identify the skills they need?
•  How do I gain the support of leadership?
•  How do I make my managers accountable?
•  What role does learning play?
•  What results can I expect?
Who is Expedia, Inc.?
Who is Expedia, Inc.?
According to Gallup
Source: Gallup
“Actively Disengaged” employees
aren’t just unhappy at work; they’re
busy acting out their unhappiness.
“Not-Engaged” employees are…
sleepwalking through their
workdays, putting time – but not
energy or passion – into their work.
“Engaged” employees feel
a profound connection to
their companies.
According to Gallup
Shifting the curve
Rules of engagement
The “10:6:2” Performance Rule
The “10:9” Retention Rule
Source: Corporate Executive Board
Accelerating results
Strategy-based competencies
Acceleration Tip #1
“Establish an Iterative Leadership
Competency Model-quickly.”
Accelerating the model
•  Obtain stakeholder buy-in
•  Understand the strategy
•  Identify the competencies
•  Refine the list
•  Gain final agreement
Your turn
•  What are some of
your tactics for getting
stakeholder buy-in?
Manager accountability
Acceleration Tip #2
“Make managers accountable for their role in
employee engagement. Really.”
•  Noun:
An obligation or willingness
to accept responsibility or
to account for one’s actions
Source: Webster’s Dictionary
Manager accountability
•  A manager’s personal obligation and commitment
to the organization
•  The trust placed in each manager by senior leaders
and direct reports
•  And the acceptance of trust by the individual manager
to achieve short- and long-term results through
Manager accountability at Expedia…
Holding managers, including managers of
managers, accountable
•  Performance rating
•  Upward feedback survey
•  Talent review process
Your turn
•  What have you done to hold
managers accountable?
•  What obstacles have you run
into while trying to hold
managers accountable?
•  How did/could you overcome
these obstacles to keep
moving forward?
Effective learning
Acceleration Tip #3
“Implement effective learning programs for
priority competencies first! Quickly determine
build vs. buy strategy.”
Discovery learning
How do adult learners learn? Learners…
•  Are from diverse backgrounds and generations
•  Learn in different ways:
-  Visual
-  Auditory
-  Tactile
•  Learn best when they are motivated and involved
•  Learn from each other, not just from the instructor
•  Respond to emotional and intellectual appeals
Why discovery learning?
While retention levels for traditional training from
lectures or reading are typically just 3% to 5%,
retention levels with experience-based learning have
been known to reach 80% to 90%.
Source: Michael Robin - Knowledge Management magazine
Why discovery learning works
•  Learner is learner-driven, not instructor-driven.
•  Learning is team-based, with guided discussions.
•  Learning builds with new insight.
•  Learning provides the big picture, offers new
mental models.
•  Learning is fast-paced and energizing.
•  Learners actively participate.
•  Training time is condensed.
Discovery learning techniques…
•  Stories
•  Engaging visuals
•  Small-team activities
•  “Simulated” situations
•  Maps
•  Gaming
•  Sensory stimulation
•  Guiding versus teaching
•  Executive-level sharing
Not all learning is created equal
Source: Center for Creative Leadership
Iterative approach
Source: Dr. Deming – Deming Cycle
Buyer perspective
•  Demonstrated listening skills
•  Experts in their topic/thought leaders or can point
me to who is
•  Proven and replicable success
•  Sensitivity to my budget restrictions
•  Complementary approaches and solutions
•  Say in the facilitator selection
•  Ability to keep up the pace
•  Ability to influence new product development
Your turn
•  What are your selection
•  What expectations do
you have for working
with either internal or
external vendors?
Thank you!
Antigoni Mallen
Kurt Hine
Expedia, Inc.,
Paradigm Learning, Inc.,
Director, Learning and Development
Executive Vice President of Sales
Webby Award – "Best In Travel Websites“
Stevie Award – "Most Innovative Company”
from the American Business Association
2008 ISA – Thought Leadership Award
Florida 100 Company Award from USF
Thank you!
Drop off your business card
and receive a complimentary
copy of the white paper:
Beyond Talent Development:
Managers as Talent Leaders
Manager Accountability
• A manager’s personal obligation and commitment to the organization
• The trust placed in each manager by senior leaders and direct reports
• And the acceptance of trust by the individual manager
to achieve short- and long-term results through employees
Why Discovery Learning Works
• Learner is learner-driven, not instructor-driven.
• Learning is team-based, with guided discussions.
• Learning builds with new insight.
• Learning provides the big picture, offers new mental models.
• Learning is fast-paced and energizing.
• Learners actively participate.
• Training time is condensed.
ASTD 2008
SU214 | 6.01.2008 | 1:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Iterative approach
How to
Accelerate Your
Manager’s Learning
Antigoni Mallen, Expedia, Inc.,
Kurt Hine, Paradigm Learning
Source: Dr. Deming – Deming Cycle
Brought to you by Expedia, Inc., and Paradigm Learning | 1.800.Expedia
• | 813.287.9330
Rules of engagement
List of Expedia’s leadership competencies:
• The “10:6:2” Performance Rule
• The “10:9” Retention Rule
Source: Corporate Executive Board
Five steps for accelerating your competency model
1. Obtain stakeholder buy-in.
2. Understand the strategy.
3. Identify the competencies.
4. Refine the list.
5. Gain final agreement.
(These are abbreviated versions.)
1. Inspiring Trust
Maintains high standards of personal integrity…
2. Seasoned Judgment
Applies broad knowledge and experience when addressing complex issues…
3. Visionary Thinking
Has a clear vision for the business and operation…
4. Business Acumen
Understands the meaning and interrelationships of key financial indicators…
Accelerating results
5. Global Perspective
Has wide-ranging curiosity and interests; stays abreast of important trends…
6. Shaping Strategy
Identifies critical success factors in different business situations…
7. Driving Execution
Assigns clear authority and accountability; directs change…
8. Selecting and Building High-performing Teams
Attracts and hires high-caliber people…
Top 5 questions to ask CEO/leaders at
the onset of developing a competency model
1. What are the key business imperatives for [company]
(may include vision, strategy, goals)?
2. What challenges do you anticipate relative to these?
3. What will leaders need to be able to do in order to meet these challenges?
4. Describe a leader who can meet these challenges
(probe if necessary for specific attributes, skills, knowledge, behaviors).
5. Describe a leader who would fail to meet these challenges
(probe if necessary for specifics).
9. People Management
Sets clear goals and expectations, manages performance; and
provides clear, motivating and constructive feedback…
10. High-Impact Communications and Influencing/Negotiating
Creates open channels of communication; keeps others well informed…
11. Entrepreneurial Risk Taking
Creates an environment that encourages innovation and risk taking…
12. Breadth and Depth
Knows how to get things done in a complex, multilevel organization…