1 2 Expedia Traveler Preference:

Expedia Traveler Preference:
How to manage Bookings & Payments
You’ll receive a booking notification for both Expedia Collect and Hotel
Collect bookings
Confirm your Expedia Collect or Hotel Collect booking on the Hotel
Follow the payment and invoice process for both Expedia Collect and
Hotel Collect bookings
How to manage Bookings and Payments
Step 1: Booking Notifications
Booking notifications will be marked as either Expedia Collect or Hotel Collect.
Payment Model: Expedia collects payment
Payment Model: Hotel collects payment
Step 2: Confirm your bookings
Both Expedia Collect and Hotel Collect bookings need to be confirmed in Expedia Partner
Central. Use the Reservation Management tool to confirm your bookings; within the Manage
Reservations menu, select Confirm Reservations.
Click “View Details” to see
more information about
this booking and to
confirm credit card details
for Hotel Collect bookings
Both Hotel Collect and
Expedia Collect bookings
will appear in the
reservation search
Both Expedia Collect
and Hotel Collect
bookings need to be
confirmed using this tool
Trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners. © 2012 Expedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
How to manage Bookings and Payments
Expedia Collect Reservation Detail Page
If you are using Expedia
Virtual Card (EVC) to
receive payment from
Expedia, the card details
will be included here
Hotel Collect Reservation Detail Page - Note Hotel Collect bookings will include the customer’s
credit card details which need to be verified when the booking is confirmed. If you are unable to
verify the customer credit card details, please first try contacting the customer; if you cannot get in
touch with the customer, you can cancel the reservation from the Reservation Detail page.
The customer’s phone number
will be shown by default for all
Hotel Collect bookings
2 adults
The customer’s credit card details will
appear up to 72 hours after booking and
up to 7 days after customer check-out
If you click “Reject reservation”, the reservation
will be cancelled and the customer notified
Step 3: Upon check out:
For Expedia Collect bookings, one of two processes happens depending on your current payment
Charge the Expedia Virtual Card
details for the reservation
Invoice Expedia for the booking
using ExpediaPay
Trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners. © 2012 Expedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
How to manage Bookings and Payments
For Hotel Collect bookings, you will need to collect full payment from the customer. If there have
been any changes to the length of stay or a cancellation or no-show, you may request a reconciliation
through the Reconcilable Reservations page - please adhere to the reconciliation window listed in
Expedia Partner Central for your hotel. Then you will pay Expedia compensation using your chosen
method of payment, upon receipt of invoice within the Invoices and Credits page shown below. Both
of these pages are found within the Accounting menu.
This is the total
amount due to
Previous Venere Reservations:
From the date of conversion to Expedia Traveler Preference, all of your Expedia Collect and Hotel Collect
bookings will be managed in the Expedia Hotel Extranet. However, past reservations made on Venere will
remain in the old Venere extranet, up until the last reservation has stayed and payment has been made.
You will therefore need to continue to use the Venere system to complete the following activities:
View and manage pre-ETP-conversion bookings on the Reservations tab:
Trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners. © 2012 Expedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
How to manage Bookings and Payments
Reconcile pre-ETP-conversion bookings, as needed, as well as view and pay invoices on the Invoices tab:
You will continue to receive Venere invoices until all of your Venere bookings are complete. You will use
your current method of payment to pay the Venere invoices; details of who and how to pay will be
indicated on each invoice.
Other Expedia Traveler Preference resources:
Additional contacts:
• For any additional Expedia Traveler Preference questions, please contact us through AskExpedia.com.
Trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners. © 2012 Expedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
Who do I contact for payment or invoice questions?
• If you have payment, billing or invoice queries for either Expedia Collect or Hotel Collect bookings,
send these to [email protected] if you are located withiin the United States or send to
[email protected] if you are located outside of the United States.
• If you need to update your banking information, contact [email protected].