Speech: How to find a publisher – Tehran Book Fair – May 2010 Presenter: Sarah Shokouhbeen, Hauptverband des Österreichischen Buchhandels, Vienna/Austria Publishers in Austria: 1.484 publishers in Austria, 627 of which are in the capital city Vienna (November 2009) Different types of publishers: o Science, education, fiction, nonfiction, children’s books, audio books, calendars, tourism, guidebooks, art books, professional journals 8.195 new publications – 780 translations from 37 languages – 807 foreign language publications (November 2009) First contact with a publisher: Research, research, and research! Do I fit into the publishers’ book profile? Research the homepages for information on how to submit your manuscript Personal – try and find out the best way to submit your manuscript Waiting period from 3 up to 6 months for manuscripts How to submit a manuscript Exposé – a summary of 1-3 pages Unique Selling Point: Why my book is different / competitors Facts: Length, competitors, writers’ biography/information, funding, reading extract (20-30 pages) The publisher is interested: contract Copyright The author holds the copyright to his/her work Contract The author assigns the publishers his rights to his/her work; the author has the right to a fixed salary The publisher has the right and duty to responsible reproduction of the work Always set out in writing! A manuscript becomes a book – 10 steps 1. Research: Do I fit into the publishers’ profile? 2. Submitting an exposé, reading extract and literary biography 3. Contract 4. Delivery of the whole manuscript 5. Positioning of the book 6. PR start 7. Editorial office and proof reading 1 8. Sale (bookstores) 9. Layout and Print 10. Advertising and sale (audience) Helpful Internet Links Austria Hauptverband des Österreichischen Buchhandels (HVB; Association of Austrian Booksellers and Publishers) www.buecher.at International Standard Book Number (ISBN), Austria: www.isbn.co.at Fachverband Buch- und Medienwirtschaft (lawful Association of the Austrian chamber of Foreign Trade) www.buchwirtschaft.at Kulturkontakt Austria (translations, cultural exchange) www.kulturkontakt.co.at Literaturhaus Vienna (literature and culture in Vienna; IG Autorinnen und Autoren) www.literaturhaus.at Aktionsbündnis Faire Verlage (fair contracts for authors) www.aktionsbuendnis-faire-verlage.com LiterarMechana, Vienna (Copyright issues) www.literar.net BUCH WIEN, International Book Fair, Vienna www.buchwien.at Germany Börsenverein des deutschen Buchhandels (Association of German Booksellers and Publishers) www.boersenverein.at Frankfurt Book Fair (rights and licences) www.buchmesse.de Switzerland Schweizer Buchhändler- und Verlegerverband (SBVV; Association of Swiss Booksellers and Publishers) www.swissbooks.ch Book media Anzeiger, Austria www.buecher.at Börsenblatt, Germany www.boersenblatt.de Buchreport, Germany www.buchreport.de Buchmarkt, Germany 2 www.buchmarkt.de Schweizer Buchhandel, Switzerland www.schweizer-buchhandel.ch 3
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