“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” –Pablo Picasso, painter and sculptor TABLE OF CONTENTS Versailles Piqua 5 Greenville 7 8 Urbana 10 Troy West Milton New Carlisle 75 Englewood Vandalia 24 27 33 34 Springfield 70 70 Brookville Fairborn Yellow Springs Trotwood Dayton Eaton Cedarville Oakwood Wilberforce Beavercreek Kettering 675 Miamisburg 21 Germantown Centerville Carlisle South Charleston 675 35 19 14 Huber Heights 70 18 12 Tipp City Bellbrook 75 Xenia 35 22 Springboro 71 Waynesville Oxford Middletown Wilmington Lebanon Hamilton Mason Fairfield West Chester 28 29 30 31 ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s Letter from the CEO of Culture Works..........3 Letter from the Board Chair of Culture Works......................................4 About Culture Works................................5 Admission Discounts–Passport to the Arts.....6 Boonshoft Museum of Discovery.................7 Carillon Historical Park........................8 & 9 Dayton Art Institute......................... 10 & 11 Dayton Contemporary Dance Company...................................... 12 & 13 Dayton Performing Arts Alliance.........14 - 17 Five Rivers Metro Parks............................ 18 Human Race Theatre Company........ 19 & 20 Muse Machine....................................... 21 2 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY Map of the Dayton Region’s Cultural Assets...............................22 & 23 The National Museum of the United States Air Force....................24 & 25 Passport to the Arts--Dining and Cultural Discounts................................... 26 Sinclair Community College..................... 27 Springfield Art Museum........................... 28 SunWatch and Fort Ancient..................... 29 University of Dayton............................... 30 Victoria Theatre Association............. 31 & 32 Wright State University............................ 33 Zoot Theatre.......................................... 34 Listings of the Dayton Region’s Cultural Assets....................................... 35 A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region CULTURE WORKS Dear Friends, Welcome to the second annual edition of A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region. Although I relocated from Seattle to Dayton a little more than two years ago, I continue to be astonished and amazed by the quality and variety of the cultural assets located here. It is this incredible cultural vibrancy, combined with a rich history of innovation and other unique attributes, that makes the Dayton Region such a wonderful place to live, work, play—and stay. Culture Works 110 North Main Street, Suite 165 937-222-2787 www.cultureworks.org CULTURE WORKS STAFF Martine Meredith Collier, President & CEO Chloe Donaldson, Development Program Coordinator Culture Works produced A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region for the first time last year to encourage citizens of the region to connect more often to the vast array of arts and cultural experiences available here, and to serve as a tool for relocation and economic development. The richness and diversity of the cultural organizations and opportunities available within a 50-mile radius of Dayton is truly astonishing—and this is a message Culture Works wants to send out loud and clear to potential residents, tourists, and employers looking for a new home. Therese Miller, Chief Financial Officer New for this year, you will find a map of the Dayton Region on pages 22-23 that identifies the locations of the cultural organizations listed in this publication. Wow! As you can see, wherever you choose to live in this region, there are cultural opportunities available not only in your own backyard, but also just a short distance away. Scott Buchanan, Treasurer Also new for this year, we have included universities and colleges. The post-secondary institutions located in the Dayton Region boast not only outstanding arts facilities, but also high quality visual arts exhibits, music performances, and theatrical experiences that are open to the public. The response we have received to this publication has been overwhelmingly positive. We have heard from individuals who have expanded their cultural horizons by experiencing a new art form or attending an exhibit or event in a different community that they did not know about previously. And we have learned from relocation professionals and human resource directors that this publication is valuable in attracting talent and investment by distinguishing Dayton as a unique arts and cultural market. Special thanks to Vectren and the NewPage Corporation who provided support to make this publication possible. We also want to recognize the Culture Works donors, workplace giving sites, and all of the individuals and organizations in the Dayton Region who provide financial support to sustain these incredible cultural resources. It is this support that enables our cultural community to thrive. My first two years in Dayton have been filled with outstanding performances, inspiring art exhibits, unique museum adventures, and a mind-boggling variety of festivals. I look forward to continuing my journey of discovery into the wide variety of cultural experiences unique to this region. I hope that you will join me in exploring all the exciting opportunities to experience arts and culture here in the Dayton Region. Ashley Robison, Marketing Coordinator Dorie Watts, Workplace Giving Coordinator CULTURE WORKS BOARD OF TRUSTEES Amber S. Best, Chair Steve Petitjean, Vice Chair Thomas B. Thickel, Secretary Alan Schaeffer, Immediate Past Chair C. Allen Begley, Jr. Bryan Bucklew Sara Collins Matt Dunn Larry Forman Ro Nita Hawes-Saunders Thomas J. Koenig Jacqueline Miller, PhD. Allen Norris Phillip L. Parker Carrie Scarff Sally Struthers, PhD. Sheri Sword Paul Weaver Culture Works wishes to acknowledge the generous support from NewPage Corporation which made this publication possible Sincerely, Tri-certified This NewPage paper has been chain-of-custody certified by three independent third-party certification systems. Martine Meredith Collier, CFRE, GPC President & CEO [email protected] 2013-2014 Printed on Anthem®, 80 lb. gloss text, from NewPage. Made in the USA. CultureWorks.org 3 CULTURE WORKS Dear Friends, Welcome to the Culture Works Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region. Since its introduction, the Guide has received much applause in terms of the aggregate information from multiple counties, cities and towns as well as the activities and promotion of the extraordinary talent we have in this region. I always get a bit nostalgic when I turn the pages of a program brochure or calendar of events for an upcoming season. I vividly remember my first live performance – watching the dancers in their beautiful costumes and listening to the rhythmic music as they glided across the stage. I was completely mesmerized. Growing up, my parents encouraged us to get involved with the arts, and whether that was participating in chorus or band in school or attending a local play or festival, the arts have always been a part of my life. Culture works would like to thank our major sponsors In turn, I’ve raised my children with the same values and appreciation of the arts. I recall bringing my son to the Nutcracker ballet at a very young age. Just minutes into the performance, he leaned over and asked, “When are they going to start speaking?” I was speechless. I quietly said, “Well, they dance, so watch them perform and see if you can recognize the different instruments being used to play the songs.” He loved it. Ever since, my children appreciate all types of cultural experiences, and I know the arts will always be a part of their lives, too. Earlier this year Culture Works brought Doug Borwick, author of Building Communities, Not Audiences to Dayton to speak about the future of arts in the United States. His philosophy is based on the notion that, “It is from community that the arts developed and it is in serving communities that the arts will thrive… Communities do not exist to serve the arts; the arts exist to serve communities.” Mr. Borwick’s principles are consistent with the mission of Culture Works. We are the funding, advocacy, and service organization that passionately inspires, supports, and sustains arts and culture locally. As the umbrella arts agency for the Greater Dayton region, Culture Works believes that creating and maintaining a vibrant and attractive community filled with quality arts brings measurable and immeasurable value to our citizens. From providing inspiring educational opportunities for our children, to attracting and retaining employees in our region, to adding beauty and entertainment for our lives, arts and culture reflect all the best and most beautiful parts of who we are. Culture Works is proud to provide support and services for cultural organizations operating in the Dayton Region. We are privileged to partner with corporations, foundations and individuals to secure a flourishing and creative environment for area residents of all ages and backgrounds. It’s an honor to serve on the Culture Works board, and I’m thankful for the leadership and relentless dedication of Alan Schaeffer, former chair, as well as Martine Collier, President and CEO of Culture Works. We will all continue to work with the staff and board members to perpetuate our mission. For many of us, Dayton has always been home. But whether you are from this area, or a newcomer, there is so much to explore. Dayton has a rich heritage of innovation; and the breadth and depth of the quality and variety of opportunities here make it a great place to live, work, play and raise families. I am truly grateful for the many amazing cultural experiences that are available in the region. I hope that you find the latest edition of the guide informative and please take full advantage of the various opportunities and experiences available to you. Sincerely, Amber S. Best Chair Culture Works Board of Trustees 4 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY For a complete listing of companies, individuals, foundations, and organizations that support Culture Works go to www.cultureworks.org. A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region CULTURE WORKS culture creates community WHO WE ARE Culture Works is a nonprofit regional arts agency that provides a unified voice for all the cultural organizations and activities in the Dayton Region, and promotes the good news about the amazing cultural vibrancy of our region to a national audience. WHAT WE DO Culture Works is committed to leading the charge to insure a healthy environment for arts and culture in this community for generations to come. We work to galvanize widespread support for arts and culture, while also ensuring that every citizen has an opportunity to experience the cultural vibrancy that defines our region. • Campaign for the Arts: Provide workplace giving opportunities to more than 40 companies throughout the region to create awareness and raise funds. • Guide to Art & Culture in the Dayton Region: Produce an annual publication that highlights the cultural assets and opportunities of the entire region. • Community Cultural Planning: Convene widespread community participation to develop strategies to utilize cultural resources to achieve civic and economic goals. • Advocacy: Communicate locally, regionally, and nationally, the importance of arts and culture to our region’s economy, as well as to each citizen’s quality of life. WHY WE MATTER Our efforts play a vital role in making the Dayton Region more appealing to new residents, tourists, and employers looking for a new home. BECOME A MEMBER Culture Works could not provide its programs and services without broad-based community support. Individuals making an annual contribution of $85 or more to Culture Works become members of the Passport to the Arts program, receiving discounts for performance tickets, dining, and other cultural activities. See pages 6 and 26 for listings of 2013-2014 discounts. To become a member and find out more, www.cultureworks.org. 2013-2014 CultureWorks.org 5 PASSPORT TO THE ARTS passport to the arts “ My husband and I love the Passport to the Arts program and are constantly telling our friends about it. Not only do we get two performance tickets for the price of one, we also save by dining before the performance at a participating Passport restaurant and receive a savings there as well. We attend more events now, and are willing to try new things because the Passport makes it affordable.” .…comment from a response to a recent Culture Works survey. 2013-2014 Passport Eligible Performances A Culture Works Passport to the Arts membership provides Buy One-Get One FREE Ticket Discounts for the following 2013-2014 performances. Donors become a Passport to the Arts Member by contributing $85 or more to Culture Works. Memberships are good for one year. Discounts are valid only for the dates listed below, and some restrictions apply. For more information about the Passport performances--dates, performance times and locations, and how to redeem your Passport discount—visit the Culture Works website at cultureworks.org or call us at 937-222-2787. To find out more about other restaurant, cultural, and retail discounts available through the Passport to the Arts program, turn to page 26 of this publication. BACH SOCIETY OF DAYTON bachsocietyofdayton.org •Hymns of Triumph October 27, 2013 •Bach’s Mass in B Minor March 23, 2014 •Celebrating Dance and Song (featuring the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company) May 18, 2014 DAYTON CONTEMPORARY DANCE COMPANY dcdc.org •Emergence October 5-6, 2013 •In the Spirit of…Behold His Holy Name December 14-15, 2013 •Revisioning 45: New Works Unveiled February 8-9, 2014 •Synchronicity April 5-6, 2014 •DCDC2 Annual Spring Concert: Change April 27, 2014 •Celebrating Dance and Song (with the Bach Society of Dayton) May 18, 2014 •Street Beats June 7, 2014 DAYTON PERFORMING ARTS ALLIANCE daytonperformingarts.org Dayton Ballet •A Range of Motion Select Performances, October, 2013 •The Nutcracker Select Performances, December 2013 Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra •Philhar Monster October 20, 2013 •Far Excursions November 1, 2013 •Principal Quartet & Friends November 7, 2013 •Holiday Pops with Melissa Manchester December 6, 2013 •The Art of Transformation Select Performances January 2014 •Concertmasters’ Choice January 16, 2014 •Mozart & Haydn January 19, 2014 6 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY •Saint-Saens and His Organ Symphony February 7, 2014 •An Evening with Arturo Sandoval February 28, 2014 •Stories and Dreams March 7, 2014 •Mozart & Beethoven March 16, 2014 •Mozart’s Legacy March 28, 2014 •Young Artists in the Spotlight: Bugs! March 30, 2014 •Billboard Hits of the 60s April 4, 2014 •Mozart & the Romantics April 13, 2014 Dayton Opera •Tosca November 24, 2013 •Hansel and Gretel February 23, 2014 THE HUMAN RACE THEATRE COMPANY humanrace.org •Becky’s New Car September 2013 •Fiddler on the Roof October-November 2013 •Torch Song Trilogy January-February 2014 •Other Desert Cities March-April 2014 •Play it By Heart June 2014 *The first eight performances are Passport eligible KETTERING CHILDREN’S CHOIR ketteringchildrenschoir.org MUSE MACHINE musemachine.com •Seussical January 17-18, 2014 MUSICA! musicadayton.org •Air of Remembrance Concert November 9-10, 2013 •Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Musica February 16, 2014 SINCLAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE sinclair.edu/arts •Monty Python’s SPAMALOT October 4,5,6, 2013 •jux•ta•posed November 13,15,16, 2013 •A Shayna Maidel Feb. 7, 8,9, 2014 •A Flea in Her Ear April, 4,5,6,11,12, 2014 WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY wright.edu/music •Holidays in the Heartland, Schuster Center November 10, 2013 ZOOT THEATRE COMPANY zoottheatrecompany.org •Rocky Horror (Puppet) Show October-November, 2013 •The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe February-March, 2014 •Animal Farm April-May, 2014 •Spring Concert May 2014 MIAMI VALLEY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA mvso.org •Spanish Flair October 26-27, 2013 •Handel’s Judas Maccabeus November 24, 2013 •Russian Masters February 15-16, 2014 •Viva Italia! April 26-27, 2014 A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region BOONSHOFT MUSEUM OF DISCOVERY Quenching THE Thirst For Knowledge I Imagine a place where extraordinary traveling exhibits and interactive experiences spark the imagination! From fiery demonstrations of basic scientific principles and live animal friends from around the globe, to dynamic images of Earth and space, experience a one-of-a-kind, interactive Museum that will allow you to explore, dream and learn. With handson activities, daily public programs, engaging permanent exhibits, and special featured traveling shows, the Boonshoft Museum of Discovery ignites curiosity for all visitors — from 2-102 years old! Visitors can splash their way through the Water Properties Table, find their rhythm at the CW Color Wall, and get a hands-on lesson in physics as they climb a three story tower in Science Central, and then get wild with the furry, prickly, and scaly residents of the Discovery Zoo. Even the littlest scientists remain engaged all day with learning areas designed just for toddlers at Kids’ PLAYce. Everyone dares to dream big at Explorers Crossing, where inquisitive minds enjoy learning through role playing as they interact with career-driven and environmentally focused exhibits. Children can tune up a car, become a veterinarian, preside over a trial, or learn about the importance of recycling and how people affect wildlife. Visitors can also take a dive into Splash!, where they can explore the story of water conservation and learn about Miami Valley’s unique water history and resources. Featuring animals from diverse ecosystems native to five continents, the Discovery Zoo brings visitors faceto-face with nearly 100 animals, including meerkats, a bobcat, and the ever popular river otters. Themed to showcase the ways in which animals adapt to their environment, the Discovery Zoo also includes a nocturnal area with kinkajous, skunks and Egyptian fruit bats, as well as a rain forest environment with Brazilian agoutis 2013-2014 Whether you take a trip to the moon with your favorite Sesame Street® characters or a stroll to the prehistoric past with creatures that roamed Earth’s ancient seas, The Dome offers a full-color, immersive experience that engages all the senses. Featuring two distinct projector systems, The Dome offers full dome educational shows, next generation 3D films incorporating electronic LCD glasses, and enhanced traditional live planetarium shows with crystal clear views of the night sky – no matter what the weather is like outside! Already the only public Planetarium in the region, The Dome has elevated learning opportunities by offering options that are as entertaining as they are educational. The Museum brings nature indoors at the MeadWestvaco Treehouse, and history comes to life with select artifacts from the Museum’s 1.4 million item Collection in the African Room and Bieser Discovery Center. View 24-hour time-capsulated images showing commercial air traffic around the world, track turtles as they cross the Pacific Ocean, or marvel at detailed images of the planets of our Solar System in Science On a Sphere®. This 68-inch diameter carbon fiber globe, suspended in mid-air, offers a scaled view of Earth and space, capable of demonstrating both an astonishing array of visualizations showing earth’s atmosphere, oceans and land, as well as some of the most breathtaking astronomical phenomena in the galaxy. Whether you discover your inner scientist at one of the hands-on exhibits, are inspired by the vivid imagery of The Dome, or learn more about one of the Discovery Zoo’s furry friends, the Boonshoft Museum of Discovery will inspire curiosity and wonder in people of all ages. The Boonshoft Museum of Discovery is open Monday Saturday, 9 am - 5 pm, and Sunday noon – 5 pm. General admission now includes unlimited shows in The Dome (based on available seating). Admission for children under 16 is $9.00 and adults are $12.00, while seniors 60 and over enjoy $10.00 general admission. Museum members and children under two are admitted free of charge. For more information please call 937-275-5811 or visit www.BoonshoftMuseum.org. Photographs courtesy of BOONSHOFT MUSEUM. Meerkats at the Discovery Zoo cuddle for the camera. photo by Jim Witmer and Prehensile-tailed porcupines. This newly remodeled space allows the resident animal ambassadors to thrive, and daily programs with experienced Live Animal staff provide an unparalleled learning experience. CultureWorks.org 7 Photographs courtesy of DAYTON HISTORY AT CARILLON HISTORICAL PARK. Dayton History at Carillon Historical Park A CELEBRATION OF DAYTON’S HERITAGE C arillon Historical Park is an outdoor museum complex consisting of 30 exhibit buildings on a beautiful, 65acre site. The Park showcases Dayton’s rich heritage of creativity, invention and milestones in innovation that changed the nation and the world. Visit the indoor Heritage Center of Dayton Manufacturing and Entrepreneurship that includes an impressive collection of NCR cash registers, a multisensory 4D theater, a full scale, Ohio-made Carousel of Dayton Innovation, and so much more. The Park is home to the John W. Berry, Sr. Wright Brothers Aviation Center, a unit of the Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park. The Center houses the original 1905 Wright Flyer III, the world’s first practical airplane. Dayton History is Montgomery County’s official historical organization. The organization boasts multiple campuses in the greater Dayton, Ohio area: Carillon Historical Park, Hawthorn Hill, the Paul Laurence Dunbar State Memorial, the Patterson Homestead, the Old Court House, Memorial Hall and the Archive Center. Dayton History brings the past to life to understand the present and inspire the future by collecting, preserving, interpreting, presenting, and promoting the region’s past. Admission to the Park is free for Dayton History members. Fees of $8.00/adult, $7.00/senior (60+) and $5/child (3-17) apply. There are no fees charged to shop in the Museum Store or to dine at Culp’s Café. For additional information, call 937293-2841 or visit www.daytonhistory.org. 8 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region SPECIAL EVENTS Dayton Concours d’Elegance September 15, 2013, 10:30-4 pm. Examine and admire 200 of the finest classic and antique automobiles and motorcycles in the country amidst the beautiful and welcoming setting of Carillon Historical Park. Guest will be treated to food, live music, and historical demonstrations in addition to viewing beautiful cars and motorcycles up close and personal. For a truly unique experience, please join us for the Dayton Concours d’Elegance Preview Party on September 14, 2013 from 6:30 to 10:30 pm. Home and Harvest at the Patterson Homestead September 15 & 22, 10 am-4 pm Experience the Harvest season during the Victorian Era. Explore traditional activities through the eyes of the Patterson family including period games, harvest supper preparations, and Victorian songs of merriment. Fun for the entire family. Angel Night at Calvary & Carillon December 5, 2013, 5:30-9 pm Join us for a special evening filled with holiday spirit. Bundle up for a carriage ride through the cemetery to view the illuminated angel statues. Sip hot chocolate, decorate festive cookies, and visit the Museum store featuring unique gifts from local artisans. Ringing in the Holidays November 23, 2013, 6:30-10pm Kick off the holiday season as you mingle with family and friends at this festive celebration! Sample gourmet hors d’oeuvres and warm your spirits with a delicious martini from the open bar or a steaming cup of premium coffee. You can listen to classic holiday tunes while you vote for your favorite specialty dessert in the “Dayton’s Most Delightful Dessert Contest!” KnockOut Dayton at Memorial Hall March 2, 2014, 6:30-11pm Don’t miss the action as Dayton V.I.P.’s duke it out in the ring! Enjoy drinks and gourmet concessions with a 1920s flair while cheering on your favorite fighter at the boxing exhibition presented by Drake’s Downtown Gym. HISTORICAL EXPERIENCE Tavern Dinners Enjoy an authentic hearth cooked meal in the 18th century Newcom Tavern. The tastes and aromas of traditional recipes change with the seasons along with hands-on demonstrations such as musket shooting, ice cream churning, and making apple pomanders. You will complete the evening with live entertainment such as minstrels, dramatic performances, and magicians. Advance reservations required. Tavern Dinner Schedule, 6-9pm October 18, 19, 25, 26, 2013 Harvest Feast November 1 and 2, 2013 Christmas Feast December 13 and 14, 2013 MUSIC Deeds Carillon Concerts Carillon Historical Park is also home to the Deeds Carillon, one of Dayton’s best-known landmarks, and the largest carillon in Ohio. Join us for free, familyfriendly concerts at Deeds Carillon. Award-winning musician and past President of the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America, Dr. Larry Weinstein, will perform each original concert. For more information about the concerts, please call 937-293-2841. Concert Schedule September 1, 2013 September 11, 2013 September 15, 2013 September 15, 2013 October 6, 2013 October 20, 2013 November 3, 2013 November 23, 2013 December 7, 2013 December 15, 2013 3 pm 10 am 11 am 2 pm 3 pm 3 pm 3 pm 6:30 pm 9 am 12 pm PROGRAMS Victorian Afternoon Tea Connect a Million Minds Victoria Afternoon Tea Schedule, 2-4 pm September 22, 2013 Harvest Tea Hallow’s Eve Tea October 12 and 13, 2013 Thanksgiving Tea November 17, 2013 Christmas Tea December 7, 8, 14, 15, 2013 Connect a Million Minds Schedule, 3:30-5 pm September 17, 2013 October 15, 2013 November 12, 2013 December 10, 2013 Join us for a 19th century afternoon tea at the historic Patterson Homestead. Enjoy hot tea, a variety of breads, tea sandwiches and desserts served by interpreters in 19th century costume. Learn about the Patterson family history and take a tour of the Homestead. Advance reservations required FAMILY FUN Train Runs Carillon Park Rail and Steam Society operates the 1/8th scale railroad as a working, interactive exhibit of the museum. The goal is to complement the museum’s collection of historic railroad equipment and bring these magnificent static displays to life. Train runs are held from 1-4 pm. Train Run Schedule Saturday, September 7, 2013 Sunday, September 15, 2013 Saturday, October 5, 2013 Saturday, October 19, 2013 Saturday, November 30, 2013 Saturday, December 14, 2013 2013-2014 The Connect a Million Minds program introduces youth to opportunities and resources that inspire them to develop the STEM skills they need to become the problem solvers of tomorrow. Eighty percent of jobs in the next decade will require science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) skills. This next generation needs these important skills to solve our nation’s greatest challenges. Grades 4-8. Learning your Ps and Qs: Print Class September 8, 1-5 pm Have you ever wondered how people printed before there were computers? This program will explore the history of printing in Dayton and how it was done. As the “printer’s devil” you will be taught how to compose and set type, operate the Linotype, lock it all up, and then run the presses to create your own personalized greeting cards. Ages 15 and older. Advanced registration is required. Lincoln Society of Dayton Join us for monthly meetings about the life and times of our nation’s 16th President, Abraham Lincoln. All meetings start at 2 pm. Lincoln Society of Dayton Meeting Schedule: August 25, 2013 September 8, 2013 October 6, 2013 November 3, 2013 December 1, 2013 CultureWorks.org 9 Photographs courtesy of DAYTON ART INSTITUTE. DAYTON ART INSTITUTE Art Changes Lives – Live It at The Dayton Art Institute T he Dayton Art Institute (DAI) has been a fixture of downtown Dayton for more than 90 years. Founded in 1919, it is one of the region’s premier fine arts museums. In addition to exhibiting outstanding special exhibitions and an impressive permanent collection of art from around the world, the museum is renowned for educational programming that includes an array of offerings for diverse audiences. Executive Director Michael R. Roediger and Associate Director Jane A. Black have spearheaded many new projects during their first two years of leadership at the museum. These include new partnerships, programs and events; key funding for repairs and improvements to the museum’s historic 1929 facility; and the creation of a community gathering space featuring the all-new Leo Bistro restaurant and renovated Museum Store. Farnese at Caprarola in Italy, both examples of sixteenth century Italian Renaissance architecture. In addition to its gallery spaces, the museum facility includes a 478-seat auditorium that is known for its superb acoustics, a spectacular Great Hall that is used for many events and weddings throughout the year, and two cloisters, one that is open-air and one that is enclosed for year-round events and programs. As they focus on the new, Roediger and Black also work to improve and enhance the museum’s long-standing traditions and strengths. Permanent Collection The museum’s permanent collection, praised for its diversity and quality, contains more than 26,000 objects, spanning 5,000 years of art history. At any given time, the museum galleries display about 1,000 works from the permanent collection. The upper-level galleries include the Berry Wing of European Art and the Dicke Wing of American Art. The lowerlevel galleries include the Patterson-Kettering Wing of Asian Art, the Eilleen Dicke Gallery of Glass, and special exhibition galleries, as well as galleries devoted to African, Oceanic, PreColumbian and Native American art. The Dayton Art Institute sits atop a hill on the edge of the Great Miami River overlooking downtown Dayton. The museum’s landmark building, designed by prominent museum architect Edward B. Green of Buffalo and completed in 1930, was modeled after the Villa d’Este near Rome and the Villa The lower level also contains the museum’s Experiencenter family gallery. It provides hands-on learning activities for children and families, and encourages visitors to engage in active participation throughout the space. Connecting activities provide opportunities for families to explore the museum 10 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region and its collections together. The Experiencenter’s featured exhibition I See the Rhythm, on view through April 2014, explores the creative space where music and art overlap. Special Exhibitions In addition to its permanent collection, The Dayton Art Institute is known for a diverse selection of special exhibitions. The museum’s 2013 spring exhibitions, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the 1913 Dayton flood, received great acclaim from the nearly 8,000 people who visited it. During the summer of 2013, connections between art and sports will be highlighted in the exhibitions, Andy Warhol: Athletes and The Art of Sport: Highlights from the Collection of The Dayton Art Institute. The fall 2013 exhibition, Object of Devotion: Medieval English Alabaster Sculpture from the Victoria and Albert Museum, presents 60 beautifully-carved alabaster panels and free-standing figures that were displayed in the homes, chapels, and churches of both aristocratic and nonaristocratic Christians in the 15th and 16th centuries. Several new exhibitions are planned for 2014, including Deco Japan: Shaping Art and Culture, 1920-1945 in the fall. It features nearly 200 works from the Levenson collection, the world’s premier collection of Japanese art in the Deco style. Education Education has been a cornerstone of the museum since its early years, when it operated an art school. Today, The Dayton Art Institute offers a variety of workshops and classes for adults and children, including a its long-running and popular Summer Art Camp programs. In addition, the education department collaborates with many area schools and arts groups on arts educations programs that reach children and youth from preschool to high school age. Programs & Events In addition to classes and workshops, the museum offers many different programs and events throughout the year, ranging from artist lectures to concerts and social events. Some of the long-running musical programs at the museum include the Vanguard Concerts series, the Vectren Jazz & Beyond series, summer Twilight Concerts and the fall/winter Afternoon Musicales. The museum’s signature events are its annual Art Ball gala and Oktoberfest celebrations. Held the second Saturday in June, the Art Ball gala is one of Dayton’s premier black tie galas. Guests enjoy dinner served throughout the museum galleries, as well as live music, silent auctions and more. The annual Oktoberfest, held in September, has been one of Dayton’s favorite festivals for more than 40 years. An 2013-2014 average of 25,000 people attends the two-day celebration of food, music, art, and, of course, beer. New Hours, Events, Partnerships & Projects While continuing to build upon these successful events, Roediger and Black seek to build new audiences for the museum through new events, new partnerships and new projects. Dayton’s Zoot Theatre Company, a professional puppet and mask company, begins its second season as a resident company of the museum’s NCR Renaissance Auditorium. It will produce and stage three shows there during its 20132014 season. “This new space is all about serving visitors and making them feel welcome at The DAI, by providing a fuller museum experience,” says Roediger. “Guests can enjoy coffee, wine, food, shopping and more, which we hope will inspire them to return on a regular basis.” Both The Museum Store and Leo Bistro are open during regular museum hours, which were also expanded in 2013. The Dayton Art Institute is now open Tuesday – Friday, 11 .am. – 8 p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., and Sunday, noon – 5 p.m. “We heard many requests for expanded hours and more evening hours, to better accommodate busy schedules,” says Roediger. “Our goal is to provide a stellar experience for every guest, every time,” says Associate Director Jane Black. “The expanded hours are part of our ongoing efforts to make the museum an inclusive and accessible place where everyone feels welcome.” Several new events that began in 2012 will continue in 2013, including the Prime Time Party Rental Series and Fifth Third Bank Arts Night Out. The Prime Time Party Rental Series celebrates pop culture icons and highlights related art in the museum’s collection. The 2013 series kicked off with a Wizard of Oz Party and Studio 54 Disco Party, and will conclude in November with a Renaissance Ball. The Fifth Third Bank Arts Night Out series brings the visual and performing arts together for a series of one-night performances taking place in October, November and December in the NCR Renaissance Auditorium. Through its partnership with Zoot Theatre Company, the museum is able to offer ticket packages that combine both Zoot and Fifth Third Bank Arts Night Out performances. “Trends around the country have shown that museum attendance is increasingly event driven, and that has been a focus for us as we look at new ways to bring visitors to The Dayton Art Institute,” says Black. That trend has also played a role in a renovation project that began during the summer of 2012 and combined the museum’s former Café and Museum Store into a new community gathering space with an open floor plan. The newly renovated Museum Store opened in December 2012, and the all-new Leo Bistro opened for lunch and dinner in February 2013. The museum also recently launched What Is a Masterpiece?, a new interactive tour that uses QR codes and mobile technology to provide guests with in-depth information about select works from the museum’s permanent collection. As part of that project, made possible by a federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) grant the museum received in 2011, Wi-Fi is now available throughout the museum, as well as in Leo Bistro. Experience The Dayton Art Institute – Become a Member One of the best ways to experience all the museum has to offer is through membership. Not only does membership provide a critical source of support for museum operation, but it also provides many benefits. Members receive free admission to the permanent collection and most special exhibitions, free admission to many events and programs, including Vectren Jazz & Beyond, discounts to many other events and programs, discounts in The Museum Store and Leo Bistro, and discounts on art classes and workshops. Costing as little as $45 for an individual (only $70 for a family), a museum membership quickly pays for itself. Visit Us Today! The Dayton Art Institute is located at 456 Belmonte Park North in downtown Dayton, just minutes off Interstate 75 in downtown Dayton. Free parking is available at the museum and the facility is fully accessible to physically challenged visitors. For more information, call 937-223-4ART (4278) or visit www.daytonartinstitute.org. CultureWorks.org 11 photo by: SCOTT ROBBINS photo by: SCOTT ROBBINS Dayton Contemporary Dance Company Living the Legacy— 45 Years and Counting… Dayton Contemporary Dance Company invites all to share in their 45th Anniversary Season, and to become reacquainted with their world-renowned artistry in dance. F ounded in Dayton, Ohio in 1968 by the late dancer, teacher, choreographer, and visionary leader Jeraldyne Blunden, the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company (DCDC) is one of very few American dance companies of international reputation among those located outside a large US metropolitan city. The company is committed to the creation of dance art, the performance of dance art, and the touring of dance art. Additionally, the company is committed to teaching the next generation of dance professionals: DCDC2 is the company’s apprenticeship arm that prepares professional dancers for the company’s first troupe as well as for other top dance companies nationwide. The mission of the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company: Rooted in the African-American experience, the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company is a culturally diverse contemporary dance company committed to reaching the broadest audience through exceptional performance and arts-integrated education. 12 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY The company’s vision statement: Transcending human boundaries through contemporary dance. To fulfill the company’s mission and vision statements, the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company: 1) creates, performs, and tours locally, nationally, and globally, dance art of exceptional quality, and 2) delivers premier arts-integrated education services to the local community and while on tour nationally and internationally. In 2012-2013, approximately 30,000 people benefitted from the company’s dance art and its arts-integrated education services. Among the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company’s major dance creations, which the company also premiered, include The Flight Project (2003), a group of five dance works that celebrated the 100th anniversary of the first manned flight by the Dayton-born Wright Brothers; and colôr-ógraphy, n. the dances of Jacob Lawrence (2007), which was comprised of four dance works inspired by the African-American painter Jacob Lawrence. A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region Individual masterworks created at the company and premiered by the company include Vespers (1986) by the late Ulysses Dove, Children of the Passage (1999) by Ronald K. Brown and Donald McKayle, and Etudes (2004) by Kevin Ward, among many others. The Dayton Contemporary Dance Company tours locally, nationally and internationally, including Bermuda, Canada, Chile, France, Germany, Poland, Russia, and South Korea. In August 2012 the company’s latest international tour took place in China at the grand opening of University of Dayton China Institute in Suzhou Industrial Park in Suzhou, China. In 2013 the film “Sparkle” was shown nationally on PBS as part of their presentation “Lifecasters.” This award-winning documentary is about DCDC dancer Sheri “Sparkle” Williams and was created by Oscar-nominated film makers Julia Reichert and Stephen Bognar. In addition to dance creation, performance, and touring, the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company reaches out to local, national, and international populations by using the art of dance as an experiential tool to support learning. This method is called arts-integrated education and is extremely versatile in its potential applications. The program that delivers the company’s arts-integrated education is called Teaching, Learning, and Caring, which is adaptable to the learning needs of the entire life spectrum, from toddler to senior citizen. A special feature of the Teaching, Learning, and Caring program is that it supports the education needs of young populations in underserved communities to help improve their chances for success. The 2013-2014 season, Living the Legacy, marks the 45th Anniversary of the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company. LIVING THE LEGACY DAYTON CONTEMPORARY DANCE COMPANY 2013-2014 SEASON EMERGENCE Saturday, October 5th at 7:30 pm, and Sunday, October 6, at 3 pm, 2013 • University of Dayton, Boll Theatre, Dayton, Ohio Emergence is a showcase of the work of emerging choreographers from the Ohio region. Four works will be presented and one will be made a permanent member of the company’s repertoire, one of the world’s largest in contemporary dance. IN THE SPIRIT OF…BEHOLD HIS HOLY NAME Saturday, December 14th at 7:30 pm, and Sunday, December 15, at 3 pm, 2013 • Dayton Convention Center, 22 East Fifth Street, Dayton, Ohio This will be the seventh production of DCDC’s most beloved dance concert. The In the Spirit of series taps into the deepest origins of the African-American community that gave birth to the dance company. Highlights include a community choir, a children’s choir, live instrumentalists, and plenty of holiday singing, dance, and joy! REVISIONING 45: NEW WORKS UNVEILED Saturday, February 8 at 7:30 pm, and Sunday, February 9, at 3 pm, 2014 • Victoria Theatre, 138 North Main Street, Dayton, Ohio This concert will present three world premieres of new work by the internationally renowned choreographers Donald Byrd, Ronen Koresh, and Ray Mercer. The creation of their new work is made possible by the dance company’s two-year project Revisioning 45, named in reference to the company’s 45th anniversary. SYNCHRONICITY Saturday, April 5 at 7:30 pm and Sunday, April 6 at 3 pm • Dayton Art Institute, NCR Renaissance Auditorium, 456 Belmonte Park North, Dayton, Ohio In proud collaboration with its university partners, DCDC presents a fusion of dance with live instrumentalists and singers who are chosen among students attending the University of Dayton, Central State University, and Wright State University. Synchronicity presents on state the dynamism of their collaborative relationships. DCDC2 ANNUAL SPRING CONCERT: CHANGE Sunday, April 27, 2014 at 4 pm • University of Dayton, Boll Theatre, Dayton, Ohio DCDC2 stages Change, a subject so broad and general that only the human body through movement can give it new expression. Dance is the supreme art for this acute knowledge of time. 11th ANNUAL SPRING SOULTICE: 45TH ANNIVERSARY GALA CELEBRATION Saturday, May 10th, 6 pm to 11 pm • The Mandalay, 2700 East River Road, Dayton, Ohio As the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company’s annual fundraising gala, Soulstice has developed a reputation for being one of the most entertaining events in town! Come celebrate 45 years of one of the city of Dayton’s, the state of Ohio’s, and the nation’s top performance arts company. CELEBRATING DANCE AND SONG Sunday, May 18, 2014 • Seventh Day Adventist Church, 3939 Stonebridge Road, Dayton, Ohio THE 2nd LEGACY LUNCHEON CELEBRATION DCDC joins the Bach Society of Dayton in its presentation of a concert where live music and dance will weave an experience of movement and sound. Contemporary dance of the African-American experience will pair with select classical music of the European tradition. Earley Room, Building 12, 444 West 3rd Street, Room 172, Dayton Ohio STREET BEATS Wednesday, March 5, 2014 • Sinclair Community College, Charity DCDC is a family-oriented organization defined by a shared love: the art of dance. Likewise, other Dayton family enterprises have left their mark on the Miami Valley area. The 2nd Legacy Luncheon celebration is planned in their honor and on behalf of the entire Dayton community. Saturday, June 7, 2014 •Carillon Park, 1000 Carillon Blvd., Dayton, Ohio Carillon Park will be the venue for the dance company’s venture into great dance art performed before a live audience out of doors. Street Beats will celebrate the community that is Dayton, and Carillon Park is the choice location for such a celebration. For tickets to the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company, contact Ticket Center Stage at 937-228-3630 or www.ticketcenterstage.com 2013-2014 CultureWorks.org 13 Dayton Performing Arts Alliance Photographs courtesy of DPAA DAYTON PERFORMING ARTS ALLIANCE On July 1, 2012, a landmark moment in the history of performing arts organizations in the United States took place in Dayton, Ohio. A merger between the Dayton Ballet, the Dayton Opera, and the Dayton Philharmonic created a new organization—the Dayton Performing Arts Alliance. 14 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region T he 2013-2014 Signature Season heralds the first time in the nation that a ballet company, and opera company, and a philharmonic orchestra have joined forces under one roof to collaborate on all aspects of an arts season. The results are sure to please lovers of dance, opera, and all types of music. The season consists of eight Series, three Special Events, and three Signature Events. The Signature Events are groundbreaking performances that include all three arts forms interwoven throughout the program to combine all three art forms into one sparkling evening of cultural entertainment. For tickets and more information visit www.daytonperformingarts.org Dayton Ballet Stages a New Production of The Nutcracker and Three Repertory Offerings T he second oldest ballet company in the United States, Dayton Ballet is known internationally as “The Company of Premieres.” As one of the top three dance companies in the nation that produces and presents new work, and the only dance company to establish a fund designated specifically to create new full-length 21st Century ballets, the organization celebrated its 75th anniversary in the 2012-2013 season. The newly formed Dayton Performing Arts Alliance presents a unique foundation to foster collaborations among orchestral music, opera and dance, providing opportunities for exceptional artistic productions as well as enhanced educational programming. Dayton Ballet began when Josephine Schwarz and her sister Hermene opened The Schwarz School of Dance in 1927. “Miss Jo” later studied at the School of American Ballet, but was forced to return home to Dayton after receiving an injury while performing in New York. In May 1937, Miss Jo and Miss Hermene gathered together the school’s finest dancers, named the troupe “The Experimental Group for Young Dancers,” and staged a performance at the Dayton Art Institute. This was the first performance of what is now Dayton Ballet. Dayton Ballet hosts a season of four performances that includes familiar traditional ballets, the classic family-friendly holiday staple The Nutcracker, as well as new and innovative works. “Home” is the historic 1,139-seat Victoria Theatre and the F While performances are Dayton Ballet’s most high-profile events, it is the company’s commitment to dance education, training and outreach that remains at the core of its existence. This mission helps to develop future audiences through the Dayton Ballet II Company featuring pre-professional training and performing along with the association with Muse Machine. In addition, the Nonprofit Partners Program works with community agencies assisting special populations by distributing 1,000 tickets to at-risk youths, senior citizens, handicapped or terminally ill individuals and military families so that they may experience the joy of a ballet performance. Numerous adults enjoy pre-performance lectures and Encore! post-performance discussions with Dayton Ballet dancers, choreographers, and other artists. Miss Jo’s vision lives on. Her devotion to artistic excellence, arts education and the love of dance is incorporated into each and every performance. Dayton Ballet is skillfully guided by the artistic direction of Karen Russo Burke. This season will present dance works by Susanne Payne, Gerald Arpino, Jessica Lang, Dermot Burke, Justin Koertgen, Gina Garner-Walther, Gina Patterson and Karen Russo Burke, including her new production of The Nutcracker accompanied by the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra. Dayton Opera Celebrates a Rich 53-Year History and an Inventive Future rom the first meetings of its founders in the fall of 1960, Dayton Opera has enriched the cultural life of the Dayton Region. Dayton Opera’s 53-year history began in the autumn of 1960, when a group of operaloving Daytonians met to discuss the region’s need for a professional opera company. With great volunteer support, Dayton Opera performed its first season in 1961-62, and was formally incorporated on May 31, 1962. Since that time, the company’s audiences have grown. In 2003, Dayton Opera moved from its long-time home of Memorial Hall to its new home at the Benjamin and Marian Performing Arts Center. The beautiful Mead Theatre, perfectly suited to opera performances, has enabled the company to produce bigger and better productions in an acoustically superior theatre. 2013-2014 state-of-the-art Schuster Center, which accommodates 2,300 patrons. Over 40 performances are presented in the two venues throughout the season. Dayton Opera’s founder and first artistic director, Lester Freedman (also then-artistic director of Toledo Opera), led the young opera company for 20 years, producing the staples of the opera repertoire in Downtown’s Memorial Hall. In 1996, Thomas Bankston, in collaboration with Cincinnati Opera, was named Artistic Administrator. In 2001, after several years of great artistic success and increased financial stability, Bankston was appointed as full-time Artistic Director and then as General & Artistic Director in 2004. During his tenure, Dayton Opera has grown in size and stature, especially through the move from Memorial Hall to the Benjamin and Marian Schuster Center in 2003. In July, 2012, as a result of the Dayton Performing Arts Merger, Bankston returns as the fulltime Artistic Director, allowing him more time to focus on the opera productions and collaborations with the Philharmonic and the Ballet. CultureWorks.org 15 Dayton Performing Arts Alliance Many accomplished and well-known singers have been heard in Dayton Opera productions throughout the years. They include Martina Arroyo, Placido Domingo, Robert Merrill, Roberta Peters, Jerome Hines, Erie Mills, Samuel Ramey, James Morris and Mary Jane Johnson. In recent years, Dayton Opera has fostered the developing careers of artists such as Vivica Genaux, Lester Lynch, Megan Monaghan, Cynthia Lawrence, Scott Piper, Anna Christy, Jennifer Rivera, Andrew Garland and Indira Mahajan. The desire to support young talent has also been manifested through the company’s Artist-in-Residence program, a professional training program established in the 1987-1988 season. In 2003, Dayton Opera performed its first production in the Schuster Center, a critically acclaimed production of Verdi’s Aida. This production, the largest in the history of the company, played to full audiences and began a new era of opera excellence. Also in 2003, Dayton Opera inaugurated a new concert presentation entitled the Dayton Opera Star Gala. This annual concert has featured such internationally renowned operatic artists as Denyce Graves, Deborah Voigt, Angela Brown, Ruth Ann Swenson, Lawrence Brownlee and Marcello Giordani. In 2006, Dayton Opera brought a significant new production of Madame Butterfly to Dayton. Designed by renowned Japanese modern artist Jun Kaneko, this non-traditional production featured bold colors, geometric shapes and multi-media effects to bring animated visual artwork into the opera theatre. Audiences from 19 states attended this landmark production, which was a critical and popular success. In 2010, Dayton Opera raised the curtain to its 50th Anniversary Celebration Season with two company premieres, The Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess and Beethoven’s Fidelio. The season continued with a semi-staged version of Beethoven’s Fidelio, Donizetti’s The Daughter of the Regiment and a starstudded 50th Anniversary Star Gala featuring 12 returning favorite guest artists As Dayton Opera enters year two of this exciting new collaborative era, arts patrons can look forward to bold new collaborations with the Dayton Philharmonic, the Dayton Ballet and other regional arts organizations. Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra Offers a Wide Variety of Music T he 2013-2014 Signature Season heralds the first time in the nation that a ballet company, and opera company, and a philharmonic orchestra have joined forces under one roof to collaborate on all aspects of an arts season. The results are sure to please lovers of dance, opera, and all types of music. The season consists of eight Series, three Special Events, and three Signature Events. The Signature Events are groundbreaking performances that include all three arts forms interwoven throughout the program combine all three art forms into one sparkling evening of cultural entertainment. For tickets and more information visit www.daytonperformingarts.org Founded in 1933, the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra has a distinguished place as one of the Dayton Region’s oldest and longest standing cultural institutions. The Dayton Philharmonic is a regional orchestra with 83 contracted musicians. Rich in artistic tradition, the Orchestra is proud to call the Benjamin and Marian Schuster Performing Arts Center its home. Artistic Director Neal Gittleman inspires each listener’s imagination with his unique programming, in-depth comments, his easy-going style and infectious enthusiasm for music. His focus is to make symphonic music readily available, as well as appreciated, by all musical tastes. Under his direction, the Orchestra has received the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) award for Adventurous Programming of Contemporary Music eight times. Maestro Gittleman continues to bring breakthrough programming to the Dayton Philharmonic. His tenure has seen the addition of five new subscription series: Classical Connections, a beginner’s guide to better understanding of classical music; the Family Series, three concerts designed so that families can experience the wonders of classical music; 16 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY Symphony Sundaes featuring the music of the late 1700 and early 1800’s; and, the Rockin’ Orchestra which celebrates the rock ‘n roll that is especially enhanced in a symphonic setting. Under Gittleman, the DPO has also expanded and diversified its non-subscription special event program offerings including the annual New Year’s Eve concert as well as a wide range of innovative Special Events. Neal Gittleman has been on the Dayton Philharmonic podium since September 1995. He continues to broaden the Orchestra’s repertoire with more 20th century compositions and additional variety in programming. He has introduced a number of world, American and Dayton Philharmonic premieres and has expanded performance collaboration within the Dayton arts community. Gittleman’s mission naturally carries on the dream of the Orchestra’s founding Music Director, Dr. Paul Katz. The Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra tradition began in June 1933 when the then-young conductor and violinist, Katz, and his 26 professional area musicians performed Dayton’s very first symphonic concert. In April 1934, the Chamber Orchestra Society changed its name to the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra. For 42 years, Katz conducted and refined the Orchestra he had created. In November 1934, Katz introduced the first Young People’s Concert to Dayton. The success of these concerts continues today, attracting audiences of more than 14,000 school children each year. Realizing how much choral music would enhance the Orchestra’s concert programming, Katz founded the original all-volunteer Dayton Philharmonic Chorus in 1935. Currently, the 140- plus members, who are residents of the Dayton Region, join the Orchestra in concert several times a season to perform an amazing array of the most challenging and beautiful music. A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region For tickets by phone, call 937-228-3630, online at www.ticketcenterstage.com, or in person at the • Schuster Box Office Dayton philharmonic orchestra 2013-2014 Season Russian Rites Classical Series September 26, 2013 at 8 pm (Thursday) September 28, 2013 at 8 pm (Saturday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center Giacomo Puccini and His Great Tosca Classical Connections Series November 15, 2014 at 8 pm (Friday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center Igor Stravinsky and His Rites of Spring Holiday Pops with Melissa Manchester September 27, 2013 at 8 pm (Friday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center December 6, 2013 at 8 pm (Friday) December 7, 2013 at 8 pm (Saturday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center Classical Connections Series Sound of Simon & Garfunkel SuperPops Series October 11, 2013 at 8 pm (Friday) October 12, 2013 at 8 pm (Saturday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center The Music of Paul McCartney Rockin’ Orchestra Series October 18, 2013 at 8 pm (Friday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center Philharmonster Halloween Concert SuperPops Series Handel’s Messiah Special Event December 22, 2013 at 6:30 pm (Sunday) Dayton Art Institute Special Events November 7, 2013 at 6:30 pm (Thursday) Dayton Art Institute The Music of Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers Rockin’ Orchestra Series November 14, 2013 at 8 pm (Thursday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center Disney in Concert Mozart’s Legacy January 24, 2014 at 8 pm (Friday) January 25, 2014 at 8 pm (Saturday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center March 28, 2014 at 8 pm (Friday) March 29, 2014 at 8 pm (Saturday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center SuperPops Series Reflections of France Classical Series February 6, 2014 at 8 pm (Thursday) February 8, 2014 at 8 pm (Saturday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center Classical Series The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland Family Series March 30, 2014 at 3 pm (Sunday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center December 31, 2013 at 8pm (Tuesday) Schuster Center February 7, 2014 at 8 pm (Friday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center April 4, 2014 at 8 pm (Friday) April 5, 2014 at 8 pm (Saturday) Signature Event The Art of Transformation Classical Series Michael Gandolfi and His Garden of Sound Principal Quartet & Friends March 16, 2014 at 3 pm (Sunday) Dayton Masonic Center Symphony Sundaes Series Oh What a Night: Billboard Hits of the 60s Far Excursions November 1, 2013 at 8 pm (Friday) November 2, 2013 at 8 pm (Saturday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center January 19, 2014 at 3 pm (Sunday) Dayton Masonic Center Camille Saint-Saens and His Organ Concerto Family Series Classical Series Mozart & Beethoven Symphony Sundaes Series New Year’s Eve Celebration January 9, 2014 at 8 pm (Thursday) January 11, 2014 at 8 pm (Saturday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center October 20, 2013 at 3 pm (Sunday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center Mozart and Haydn Classical Connections Series January 10, 2014 at 8 pm (Friday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center Concertmaster’s Choice Special Event January 16, 2014 at 6:30 pm (Thursday) Dayton Art Institute The Music of the Rolling Stones Rockin’ Orchestra Series January 18, 2014 at 8 pm (Saturday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center Classical Connections Series An Evening with Arturo Sandoval SuperPops Series February 28, 2014 at 8 pm (Friday) March 1, 2014 at 8 pm (Saturday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center Stories and Dreams Classical Series March 7, 2014 at 8 pm (Friday) March 8, 2014 at 8 pm (Saturday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center Musical Fables and Tales Family Series SuperPops Series Mozart & the Romantics Symphony Sundaes Series April 13, 2014 at 3 pm (Sunday) Dayton Masonic Center Best of Broadway with the Human Race Theatre Company SuperPops May 9, 2014 at 8 pm (Friday) May 10, 2014 at 8 pm (Saturday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center Beethoven’s Great Ninth Classical Series March 9, 2014 at 3 pm (Sunday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center May 16, 2014 at 8 pm (Friday) May 17, 2014 at 8 pm (Saturday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center Women of Rock The Music of Journey March 15, 2014 at 8 pm (Saturday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center June 7, 2014 at 8 pm (Saturday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center Rockin’ Orchestra Series Rockin’ Orchestra Series Dayton Ballet’s 2013-2014 Season Dayton Opera’s 2013-2014 Performances A Range of Motion Season Opening Spectacular October 24, 2013 at 8 pm (Thursday) October 25, 2013 at 8 pm (Friday) October 26, 2013 at 3 pm and 8pm (Saturday) October 27, 2013 at 3 pm (Sunday) Victoria Theatre The Nutcracker New Production December 13, 2013 at 7:30 pm (Friday) December 14, 2013 at 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm (Saturday) December 15, 2013 at 2:30 pm (Sunday) December 20, 2013 at 7:30 pm (Friday) December 21, 2013 at 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm (Saturday) December 22, 2013 at 2:30 pm (Sunday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center Diversity in Dance February 13, 2014 at 8 pm (Thursday) February 14, 2014 at 8 pm (Friday) February 15, 2014 at 3 pm and 8pm (Saturday) February 16, 2014 at 3 pm (Sunday) Victoria Theatre New Directions Ballet March 20, 2014 at 8 pm (Thursday) March 21, 2014 at 8 pm (Friday) March 22, 2014 at 3 pm & 8 pm (Saturday) March 23, 2014 at 3 pm (Sunday) Victoria Theatre 2013-2014 September 21, 2013 at 8 pm (Saturday) September 22, 2013 at 3 pm (Sunday) Mead Theatre - Schuster Center Tosca Opera November 22, 2013 at 8 pm (Friday) November 24, 2013 at 3 pm (Sunday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center Hansel & Gretel Opera February 21, 2014 at 8pm (Friday) February 23, 2014 at 3pm (Sunday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center Aida May 2, 2014 at 8 pm (Friday) May 4, 2014 at 3pm (Sunday) Mead Theatre – Schuster Center FREE Opera Overtures New to opera? Or want to prepare for your next performance? Learn more about the plotline, history and music with Opera Speaker Dr. Sam Dorf. You’ll find him informative, extremely passionate about opera and humorously irreverent! CultureWorks.org 17 five rivers metroparks all natural Photos courtesy of Five Rivers Metroparks five rivers metroparks offer year round adventures in nature Wetland at Carriage Hill MetroPark Hike the orange trail to see examples of wetlands. Did you know wetlands act as filters for our ground water? Approximately 90% of the wetlands that existed in Ohio prior to European settlement have been destroyed. Five Rivers MetroParks has worked to preserve remnants of original wetlands and restore or create wetland habitat. Look and listen for frogs, one of many wetland residents. Pollinators in the gardens of Cox Arboretum MetroPark While you visit the Butterfly House at Cox Arboretum, take note of all the pollinators attracted to the surrounding gardens. Among them, the clearwing hummingbird moth beats its wings fast and sips nectar, just like a hummingbird, except it’s an insect. Have you spotted one at your home? Try growing some native pollinator plants to attract more butterflies and moths. P rotecting the Dayton-Area’s Natural Spaces for 50 Years. Thank you for your support of your MetroParks for over half a century! It is through your sustained encouragement and community partnership that we have been able to provide natural experiences that inspire a personal connection with nature for the past 50 years. We hope to continue to serve our community, and we invite everyone to celebrate with us for what is truly a collaborative effort. Can You Find the Secrets of Hidden Nature? To help us mark a half a century of protecting our region’s natural heritage, five local artists have generously donated their nature-inspired work for use in our celebration. Just as the beauty of nature is often “hidden,” Five Rivers MetroParks has hidden secret messages in the artwork that will connect you to an element of our past. Look for this artwork on signs throughout your MetroParks and on promotional posters across the community. When you find them, use your smartphone to scan hidden codes that take you to video stories or look for hidden phone numbers to call to receive a secret message about the past, present, and future of your MetroParks. 50 Things to See and Do How well do you know your MetroParks? Discover something new, or find a “hidden” element of your favorite park by participating in our 50 Things to See and Do. Start with these five and then challenge yourself to find all 50 from the list at metroparks.org/history. 18 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY Big Spring at Englewood MetroPark Explore this “secret” area of Englewood MetroPark. Big Spring draws water from nearby Stillwater River. Explore the moss-covered rocks and search the muddy spots for animal prints. Wonder what kinds of creatures have visited Big Spring? Ashzilla at Island MetroPark Protecting our region’s natural heritage means more than just preserving nature for the enjoyment of its beauty. Five Rivers MetroParks conserves nature because its contributes to the health of our regional ecology. Trees are no exception; this 154-inch-wide, 131-foot-tall white ash (appropriately nicknamed “Ashzilla”) provides food and shelter for birds, chipmunks, squirrels, and hundreds of species of insects. Ashzilla is one of MetroParks’ 10 biggest ash trees that have been innoculated against the effects of emerald ash borer, thanks to a donation from the Garden Club of Dayton. You can get involved in reforestation efforts by visit metroparks.org/forests and clicking on the “Take Action” tab. Spotted salamanders at Sugarcreek MetroPark Native to Ohio’s swampy woodland areas, spotted salamanders are making a comeback in the Dayton region. Spotted salamanders are sensitive to the environment, but thanks to proper care and maintenance of the forest, these creatures are rebounding in population. Because of their secretive and nocturnal nature and habit of tunneling underground, spotted salamanders are seldom seen except in early spring, when they migrate in large numbers to breeding ponds. Search for them by turning over logs. Don’t forget to put the log back the way you found it! Other creatures might be using the log for shelter, too. Find more ways to celebrate Five Rivers MetroParks’ 50th anniversary at metroparks.org/history. A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region photo by: Scott J. Kimmins the human race theatre company A on the world’s stage s the Dayton area’s only professional regional theatre, The Human Race Theatre Company has delivered the beauty, drama and excitement of live theatre to the region for the past 27 seasons. Unlike big performing arts centers who present national touring productions, they create every set, costume, sound and light cue—every moment of the action on stage for every show—especially for the audience. Each performance is truly a unique experience. Each season, The Human Race produces a richly diverse fiveshow series and a number of special events in the 212-seat Loft Theatre at 126 North Main Street in downtown Dayton. A favorite among local theatre-goers, The Loft’s intimate layout provides an incredible experience, with no seat more than six rows from the stage. photo by: Scott J. Kimmins the human race theatre company provides a unique entertainment experience 2013-2014 The Loft Season highlights the theatre’s commitment to presenting the latest award-winning plays to hit the national scene, celebrating modern classics and taking the lead in shepherding new works for the American stage with regional and world premieres. The Human Race’s Musical Theatre Workshop series expands the repertoire of enthusiastic musical audiences with brand new or seldom performed material, highlighted by the three-day Festival of New Musicals each summer. The education programs touch thousands of children with theatre classes, summer camps, in-school touring productions, and weekday matinee performances. And the engagement programs address the cultural needs of challenged individuals throughout the Dayton Region. CultureWorks.org 19 the human race theatre company Festival of New Musicals • August 2 – 4 This season, The Human Race’s annual summer festival celebrates the development of new musicals with workshop productions of The Noteworthy Life of Howard Barnes (August 2 and 3), a satirical romantic comedy about a man whose life becomes a musical by Christopher Dimond and Michael Kooman, and Guarding Gold Street (August 3 and 4), an original musical about an American family growing up, growing old and growing together by Sean Michael Flowers and Marya Spring Cordes. Becky’s New Car • September 12 – 29 The season opens with a mid-life comedic crisis by Steven Dietz. Becky Foster is stuck in neutral—middle aged, in middle management and a middling marriage—until an honest misunderstanding with a wealthy widower offers her the chance at an exciting double life...and she takes it. Now she’s frantically juggling to keep her two worlds apart before everything threatens to come crashing down on her. It’s enough to drive Becky off a cliff, and she’s taking the audience along for the ride! Fiddler on the Roof • October 31 – November 17 Fall is filled with the beloved songs of a classic musical. Welcome to the village of Anatevka, where tradition is everything. But change is sweeping across the land and into poor dairyman Tevye’s house. When his daughters want to break with the old ways and choose their own husbands, Tevye must decide which he loves more – his family’s happiness or his long-held beliefs. Filled with timeless tunes and wonderful dance numbers, this Broadway blockbuster is a heartwarming tale for young and old. Torch Song Trilogy • January 30 – February 16 Poignant and filled with witty, sharp humor, Harvey Fierstein’s deeply personal story of self-discovery became a ground-breaking cultural milestone as it redefined an era in gay America. What begins as a chance encounter in a New York nightclub leads drag-queen Arnold Beckoff in a hilarious, yet touching, pursuit of love, happiness and a life of which he can be proud in this Tony Award Winner for Best Play. From a failed affair with a reluctant lover, to a committed relationship with a young model and the promise of a stable family, Arnold’s struggle for acceptance meets its greatest challenge in his intolerant mother. Other Desert Cities • March 27 – April 13 This revealing family drama by Jon Robin Baitz is one of the hottest new plays in the country. The Wyeth family’s Palm Springs Christmas reunion is already a tense affair between conservative parents Lyman and Polly, former GOP celebrities, their two grown children and Polly’s liberal alcoholic sister, Silda. Any sense of peace vanishes completely when daughter Brooke, a once promising novelist, announces she is about to publish a tellall memoir that threatens to tarnish her prominent family’s past and reopen old wounds. As Brooke confesses her true motivations behind the book, she learns the real history is more shocking than she ever knew. 20 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY Play It by Heart • June 12 – 29 It’s the passing of the torch in a country music dynasty as superstar Jeannine Jasper’s long career draws to a close. The changing world of the music industry is about to thrust her little sister, Jamie Lynn, into the spotlight. When an old flame comes calling, Jeannine envisions a quiet life offstage, but Jamie Lynn’s wild ways may cut short her time on top. Stage mother Naomi tries to keep control of her daughters until a scandalous secret comes to light and threatens to tear them apart. A musical about heartbreak and healing, this regional premiere comes alive with an exciting new score filled with classic and contemporary country songs and a book by Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award® winner Brian Yorkey (Next to Normal). For audience members looking to add a little something to their theatre going experience, we offer pre-show discussions with the directors, post-show talkbacks with the casts, opening night pizza parties and pre-show light fare dining in our lobby, all on select performances of each production. Patrons who are vision or hearing-impaired can enjoy the theatre at our signed/audio described performances. More on the productions, including performance calendars, cast biographies and photos, as well as information on our special performances can be found at www.humanracetheatre.org. Season subscriptions are available for 3, 4 and 5-play options, as well as Flex Pass options. Subscription packages range from $81 to $216, depending on the performance date and number of shows. Single tickets start at $31 for adults and $29 for seniors. There are a limited number of special $25 discount seats at most performances. Student tickets start at $15.50. Tickets to the summer Festival of New Musicals are $15 in advance and sold separately from the rest of the season. Subscriptions and tickets can be purchased by calling (937) 2283630 or online at www.humanracetheatre.org. photo by: Scott J. Kimmins The Human race theatre company 2013 - 2014 Season A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region MUSE MACHINE Muse Machine O ver its 30-year history, Muse Machine has been acclaimed both locally and nationally, by educators, students and families, the President of the United States and the National Endowment for the Arts, for enriching the creative and academic lives of thousands of young people across the Miami Valley. photo by: Daniel Rader Enriching the Lives of Students Through the Arts full-fledged musical production in January. With a top-notch creative team and the best technical crew in the business, students are both supported and challenged to grow. Muse Machine artist-educators are in schools (Pre K-12) almost every day of the school year, helping students understand aspects of math, science, history, language arts or any subject through tailored creative arts programs. Muse also introduces young people to the top performances and artists from across the globe via discounted ticket programs, workshops and road trips. Muse musicals and concerts provide outstanding pre-professional theatrical opportunities, some of the largest productions in the state. And year-long professional development excursions for teachers continually equip and inspire many of the area’s best teachers. During the production, students develop a new sense of independence and teamwork as they step into new roles on and offstage. Students build important self-confidence as they learn to express themselves in new ways. Many alumni of the Muse student productions have gone on to New York City to engage successful Broadway careers. Muse in the Elementary Schools The arts are a powerful way to bring new understanding to any classroom subject. During week-long residencies, elementary teachers and artists work together as artist/educators, pairing the artist’s professional skills with a curriculum established by the teacher. Road Trips and Workshops As a Muse member, you can also attend specialized workshops created by leading artists in the fields of theatre, film, improv comedy, dance and more. Students can also go on out-of-town trips to top arts events in other cities. During the residency, the artist, teacher and students may write original music and songs, choreograph new dances, write and perform theatre pieces or create works of visual art that help students learn math, science, history or language arts. Each residency ends with a public performance open to parents and community members. It’s a celebration of what can happen when artists and educators work together to enrich the lives of students. Muse in the High Schools and Middle Schools For high school and middle school students, Muse Machine produces a series of educational, in-school performances that draw upon top local artists and major arts organizations. Muse student members at participating schools enjoy several in-school arts education performances each year, helping students to better relate to challenging curricular concepts. The performances incorporate actors, music, dance, movies, humor and more to engage students while they learn. Student Productions Each year, the Muse Machine brings together the most talented young performers from across the Miami Valley for two of the largest, most successful pre-professional productions in the state. These include a summer concert in August and a 2013-2014 Discounted Tickets By becoming a Muse Machine member, students can buy discounted tickets for the Muse Machine annual musical and summer concert as well as performances at the Schuster Center, the Victoria Theatre and other local venues. How Can We Participate? High school and middle school students can join on musemachine.com. Once you’re a member, you’ll have access to all of Muse Machine’s student programs including Muse in-school productions, the ticket discount program, student workshops, road trips and the annual student productions. Elementary students in participating schools have the opportunity to engage in week-long arts education residencies. Elementary students are also welcome to audition for our student productions when young people are needed in the cast. As a parent, one of the most important ways you can get involved with Muse Machine is to sign your child up for student programs at musemachine.com. At the website, you can also volunteer for Muse Machine or make a tax-deductible contribution. Explore the best performances in the area and give your kids the opportunity to have fun while learning. Seussical: January 16-19, 2014 at the Victoria Theatre (Thurs 1/16 at 7 pm; Fri 1/17 at 8 pm; Sat 1/18 at 3 pm and 8 pm; Sun 1/19 at 2 pm) CultureWorks.org 21 113 Versailles T MAP his map indicates the locations for the organizations listed on pages 31 through 39 of this Guide. We encourage you to take advantage of the multitude of arts opportunities and experiences that make the Dayton Region such a vibrant place to live, work, and play. 1 Acting Up: Young Performer’s Community Theatre of Mason 2 America’s Packard Museum 3 Antioch Review 4 Antioch College 5 Antioch Writers Workshop 6 Art Central Foundation 7 Aullwood Audubon Center and Farm 8 Bach Society of Dayton 9 Bear’s Mill 10 Beavercreek Community Theatre 11 The Black Box Improv Theater 12 Boonshoft Museum of Discovery 13 Brookville Community Theatre 14 Brukner Nature Center 15CADC 16 Carillon Park 17 Cedarville University 18 The Celtic Academy of Irish Dance 19 Centerville Arts Commission 20 Centerville Community Chorus 21 Central State University 22 Chamber Music Yellow Springs 23 Children’s Performing Arts of Miamisburg 24 The Children’s Theatre of Mason 25Cityfolk 26 Clark State Community College 27 Clinton County History Center 28 Culture Works 29 Darke County Center for the Arts 30 Dayton Access Television (DATV) 31 Dayton Art Institute 32 Dayton Boy’s Choir 33 Dayton Ballet 34 Dayton Contemporary Dance Company 35 Dayton Cultural Center 36 Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus 37 Dayton International Peace Museum 38 Dayton Jazz Orchestra 39 Dayton Literary Peace Prize Award 40 Dayton Mandolin Orchestra 41 Dayton Opera Association 42 Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra 43 Dayton Playhouse 44 Dayton Printmakers Cooperative 45 Dayton Public Radio 46 Dayton Public Television (Think TV) 47 Dayton Society of Painters & Sculptors 48 Dayton Theatre Guild 63 51 29 Greenville 49 Dayton Visual Arts Center 50 Downtown Dayton Partnership 51 Edison Community College 52 Encore Theater Company 53 Erma Bombeck Writer’s Workshop 54 Fairfield Community Arts Center 55 Fairfield Footlighters 56 Film Dayton 57 Fitton Center for Creative Arts 58 Five Rivers MetroParks 59 Fort Ancient 60 Frank Lloyd Wright’s Westcott House 61 Fraze Pavilion 62 Gallery Saint John 63 Garst Museum 64 Gary Geis Dance Company 65 Gem City Ballet 66 Glen Helen Nature Preserve 67 Ham It Up! Productions 68 The Hamilton-Fairfield Symphony Orchestra 69 Harps of Grace 70 Hartman Rock Garden 71 Heritage Center Museum 72 The Human Race Theatre Company 73 K12 Gallery for Young People 74 Kettering Children’s Choir 75 La Comedia Dinner Theatre 76 Le Jeune Ballet National Company 77 Learning Tree Farm 78 Lebanon Symphony Orchestra 79 Lebanon Theatre Company 80 Mason-Deerfield Arts Alliance 81 Mayhem & Mystery 82 Meriam R. Hare Quaker Heritage Center 83 Miami University 84 Miami Valley Music Men 85 Miami Valley Storytellers 86 Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra 87 Miamisburg Mound Park 88 Middletown Arts Center 89 Middletown Lyric Theatre 90 Middletown Public Radio 91 Middletown Symphony Orchestra 92 Montgomery County Arts & Cultural District 93 The Murphy Theatre 94 Muse Machine 95Musica! 96 National Afro-American Museum and Cultural Center 97 National Bronze Sculpture Symposium 98 National Museum of the US Air Force 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 New Carlisle Chautauqua Arts Council Ohio Performing Arts Institute Oxford Community Arts Center Pennsylvania House Museum The Performing Arts Academy Piqua Arts Council Playhouse South Preble County Arts Association Project Jericho Public Art in Vandalia Public Radio for the Miami Valley (WYSO) Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park Residence in Praise Fine Arts Rosewood Art Centre Sculptural Village of Versailles Shango Arts Studio Sinclair Community College SMAG Dance Collective South Charleston Opera House Players South Dayton Dance Theatre Springfield Arts Council Springfield Civic Theatre Springfield Museum of Art Springfield Stageworks Springfield Symphony Orchestra Stivers School for the Arts SunWatch Indian Village Archaeological Park Tipp City Area Arts Council The Tipp Roller Mill & Theatre Town and Country Fine Art Center Town Hall Theatre Troy Civic Theatre Troy-Hayner Cultural Center Urbana University University of Dayton Vandalia Cultural Arts Program Vandalia Youth Theatre Victoria Theatre Association Warren County Arts Council Warren County Arts and Culture Center We Care Arts West Chester Symphony Orchestra Wilberforce University Wilmington College Wind In The Woods Wittenberg University Woodland Historic Cemetery & Arboretum Wright B Flyer Inc. Wright State University Xenia Area Community Theater Yellow Springs Arts Council YS Kids Playhouse The Zoot Theatre Company 13 70 Brookville 106 Eaton Germantown 101 89 88 91 103 83 Middletown Oxford 57 68 110Hamilton 54 55 Fairfield 90 22 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region Forest Piqua Urbana Rive 132 Ave 104 rside Dr N Main 75 Dayton St lem Sa 37 e Av St W 3rd 144 Vandalia Englewood 111 43 30 34 31 114 25 Trotwood 116 125 77 86 85 98 Dayton 35 53 145 133 16 95 40 84 129 146 118 19 109 117 150 South Charleston 17 141 10 148 Beavercreek Xenia 21 Cedarville 96 Wilberforce 35 Bellbrook 20 75 81 75 Carlisle 22 Springs 149 675 Centerville 66 97 4 Yellow 62 Oakwood 143 69 87 5 675 18 Kettering Miamisburg 3 Fairborn 147 128 61 105 139 112 74 23 70 107 122 26 70 Huber Heights 44 35 Springfield 123 70 12 56 47 W 5th St e Av New Carlisle 108 134 7 35 119 120 121 4 64 102 60 71 100 99 75 151 2 124 ne ay W 135 W 5th St 4 in St S Ma Tipp City 75 St w St S Ludlo 127 67 126 St W 4th e Av W 3rd Troy West Milton 115 ne ay W 92 14 35 1st St 39136 ument Ave 65 E E Mo8n 72 50 28 94 11 49 41 33 15 t73 S W 3rd 45 42 32 46 52 36 48 wee N Keo 131 130 9 58 38 142 27 93 82 Springboro 6 71 Waynesville 137 138 78 Wilmington 79 Lebanon 59 80 24 Mason 140 76 1 West Chester 2013-2014 CultureWorks.org 23 W 5th St NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE® The museum’s vast aircraft collection spans the range of military aviation history from the era of the Wright brothers to today’s age of stealth aircraft. A number of popular and historically significant aircraft headline the museum’s growing collection. Particularly noteworthy aircraft from the early years include a rare SPAD XIII, Caproni CA 36 bomber and an MB-2 bomber. The World War II collection includes the B-29 Bockscar that dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki, along with a P-51 and Japanese Zero. The F-86 and MiG-15 help represent the Korean War, with the F-4 among Vietnam standouts. “We Are the Keepers of Their Stories” ® Modern favorites include the B-52, B-1, F-15, F-16, F-117 stealth fighter, the Reaper, Predator and Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicles, the F-22A Raptor and the world’s only permanent public exhibit of a B-2 stealth bomber. (Photo courtesy of U.S. Air Force) The museum features a world-class collection of presidential aircraft, including SAM (Special Air Mission) 26000, a Boeing VC-137C that served as President John F. Kennedy’s Air Force One. T he National Museum of the United States Air Force is the service’s national institution for preserving and presenting the Air Force story. Each year more than one million visitors come to the museum to learn about the mission, history and evolving capabilities of America’s Air Force. The museum is the world’s largest and oldest military aviation museum featuring more than 360 aerospace vehicles and missiles on display amid more than 17 acres of indoor exhibit space. Thousands of personal artifacts, photographs and documents further highlight the people and events that comprise the Air Force storyline, from the beginnings of military flight to today’s war on terrorism. Aircraft Nearly a century ago, two innovative brothers from Dayton, Ohio, pursued their vision that man could escape from gravity’s constraints in their “flying machine.” This machine not only set the course for taking transportation to the skies, but also dramatically changed the way in which wars are fought and opened the door for endless possibilities for all of mankind, including the exploration of space. 24 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY Exhibits Museum staff members go to great lengths when it comes to the accuracy and detail of exhibits. Hundreds of hours are spent in the archives researching the history of actual missions. In recent years, the staff has initiated a contemporary approach to exhibit design that incorporates sensory devices such as customized mannequins, special lighting and sound walls to create emotionally evocative habitats around aircraft on display. These dioramas help bring history to life by creating scenes that draw visitors into the moment depicted, illuminating the story of the people behind history’s aircraft and campaigns. Items on display include military uniforms dating back to 1916 and personal mementos, such as diaries and medals. Other items of interest include an original Wright wind tunnel and a display devoted to Major Glenn Miller’s Army Air Force Band. A special section of the museum pays tribute to celebrities in uniform, including Brig. Gen. Jimmy Stewart, Maj. Clark Gable, Flight Officer Jackie Coogan, Capt. Ronald Reagan and Tech. Sgt. Joe Louis. One of the most admired exhibits at the museum is the B-25B Mitchell and Doolittle Tokyo Raiders diorama, which depicts those who served during the famed World War II mission. Resting on a simulated carrier deck, the B-25B comes to life with mannequins representing Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle, members of the Doolittle Raiders and USS Hornet crewmembers. The museum has been fortunate to host these aviation legends for some of their reunions. Another popular exhibit is “Warrior Airmen,” which presents the role of Airmen in Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. The exhibit features compelling first-hand accounts using more than 400 artifacts, three dioramas with fully dressed and equipped mannequins, a robot investigating an improvised explosive device, an audiovisual presentation on a 15-foot wide screen, and interactive touch-screen kiosks. Education and Events Animating the Air Force story, the museum offers a wide variety of special events and educational programs to connect the service with the public. Through its education office, the museA Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region The museum manages hundreds of special events each year. Favorites include the biennial World War I Dawn Patrol Rendezvous, the annual Giant Scale Radio-Controlled Model Aircraft Air Show, outdoor and indoor concerts featuring the Air Force Band of Flight, the Wings and Things Guest Lecture Series and more. Expansion Vision In recent years, the museum has continued to add historically significant aircraft to its collection and further develop the storyline contained in its galleries. Foreseeing continued growth, museum officials and the Air Force Museum Foundation, a philanthropic, non-profit organization created in 1960 to assist the museum when federal funds are not available, recognized a need for added facilities and created a multi-phase, long-term facility expansion plan. In 2003 the first phase of the expansion became reality with the opening of the 200,000 square-foot Eugene W. Kettering Cold War Gallery. In 2004 the museum opened the Missile and Space Gallery to exhibit its world-class collection of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) and satellite boosters, along with elements of its space collection. The next phase calls for a fourth building that will house a new Space Gallery, Presidential Aircraft Gallery and Global Reach Gallery. The Air Force Museum Foundation is currently supporting a major capital campaign to fund the building project. Space Gallery The new Space Gallery will tell the remarkable story of Air Force activities in space. A major exhibit component of the gallery will be the NASA Crew Compartment Trainer (CCT), a highfidelity representation of a space shuttle orbiter crew station that was used primarily for on-orbit crew training and engineering evaluations. The gallery also will include a Titan IV space launch vehicle, Mercury, Gemini and Apollo spacecraft, and many recently retired NASA artifacts such as a nose cap assembly, landing gear strut and a variety of astronaut equipment. In addition, a range of satellites and related items will showcase the Air Force’s vast reconnaissance, early warning, communications and other space-based capabilities. Other new exhibits will be developed to showcase Air Force technologies with many unique characteristics in design, propulsion, payload capacity, human factors, communication, range, speed and operating environment. permit the museum to bring the presidential aircraft to the main facility, allowing all visitors the opportunity to view this historic collection of nine presidential aircraft, among them the Douglas VC-54 used by Presidents Roosevelt and Truman, the Douglas VC-118 used by President Truman, the Lockheed VC-121E used by President Eisenhower and the Boeing VC137C used by President Kennedy. Global Reach Gallery An important element of Air Force history will be told in the Global Reach Gallery. Providing airlift remains a major mission of the U.S. Air Force and it forms a critical part of the Air Force’s ability to maintain global reach. The Global Reach Gallery will give the opportunity to house large aircraft currently in the museum’s collection, such as the C-141 Hanoi Taxi, which served a long career maintaining global reach for the Air Force and was the first C-141 to carry American prisoners of war out of North Vietnam, and those anticipated to become part of the collection, such as a C-5 Galaxy and KC-135. The Air Force’s airlift and air refueling missions will also be explained in this gallery. Educational Programming The museum is planning to develop new exhibits with an emphasis on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs. These include exhibits that will showcase Air Force technologies with many unique characteristics in design, propulsion, payload capacity, human factors, communication, range, speed and operating environment. One of the unique features of the fourth building will be the creation of dedicated, interactive spaces for learning in the galleries. Three Learning Nodes will provide a unique environment for lectures and demonstrations, as well as extensions of the exhibit experience. These 60-seat “gallery classrooms” will allow museum staff to facilitate new STEM experiences, while guest scientists and engineers from Air Force organizations, the aerospace industry, and area colleges and universities will be invited to share their expertise. Multimedia presentations will introduce students to air and space missions and the men and women responsible for their execution. When the nodes are not in use for scheduled programs, multimedia presentations will captivate public audiences. (Photo courtesy of U.S. Air Force) um has more than 150,000 encounters each year with students, teachers, youth groups and family members through hands-on learning activities, workshops, tours and curriculum materials. In doing so, the museum helps inspire tomorrow’s Airmen and cultivates future air power advocates. Presidential Gallery The museum is the repository for Air Force aircraft that have been retired from the presidential aircraft fleet. Currently, the museum’s presidential aircraft are on display in an auxiliary hangar a mile from the main museum complex on a controlledaccess portion of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Visitors must be transported by bus to this facility. The new gallery will 2013-2014 CultureWorks.org 25 PASSPORT TO THE ARTS passport to the arts 2013-2014 Dining, Shopping, and Cultural Discounts For the most current listing of Passport providers, go to cultureworks.org. $1.00 off General Adult Admission Limit one per card. Not valid with other discounts or coupons or for Special Events. (937) 890-7360 • Aullwood.audubon.center.org Free DATV Membership with Passport Purchase Receive one year of free membership upon completion of workshops. New members only. 10% off food purchase (937) 203-3999 • Salarrestaurant.com (937) 223-5311 • datv.org $1.00 off general adult admission Limit one per card. Not valid with other offers or for Special Events 10% Off Food Purchase (937) 938-6405 • Blindbobs.com (937) 268-8199 • Sunwatch.org 25% off two adult admissions to special exhibitions Object of Devotion, Medieval English Alabaster Sculpture from the Victoria and Albert Museum (Fall 2013) and Isabella Kirkland: Stilled Life (Spring 2014) OR $15 off a Sponsoring Membership (includes reciprocal privileges to 15 other Ohio Art museums and more than 500 museums nationwide.) (937) 223-5277 • Daytonartinstitute.org 10% off food purchase Cannot be combined with other coupons, not valid on Daily Lunch Specials. (937) 910-8000 • Unos.com 10% off food purchase (937) 222-2257 • Brixxicecompany.com 10% off food purchase Not valid during Happy Hour or with other specials. (937) 461-2233 • Delishdayton.com Buy one, get one free appetizer Free item is of equal or lesser value. 10% off other food items. Not valid with other discounts or promotions. $2.00 off one Child Admission with purchase of one Adult Admission (937) 224-9463 • thewinegalleryandcafe.com Limit one offer per card per family. Not valid with other discounts/ coupons or for Special Events (937) 275-7431 • Boonshoftmuseum.org 20% off student education programs 10% off, dine in or carry out Not valid on purchases of alcohol or gift cards Includes Summer Art Camps, Saturday Art Classes, Pre-K Classes, Homeschool Classes, Adult Classes, and purchases in the Sale Gallery. (937) 461-5149 • k12gallery.com (937) 222-0623 • Schustercenter.org/citilites 10% off food purchase (937) 228-2626 • 228coco.com 10% off on a Performance Evening when dining before 7:00pm Not valid with other discounts or promotions. (937) 434-4750 • meadowlarkrestaurant.com 26 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY The Wright Cheesecake 50% off a slice of cheesecake with the purchase of a lunch (937) 344-7000 10% off purchases Not valid on Pandora jewelry, special orders, sale or consignment items, or with other discounts. (937) 434-3565 • zigzaggallery.net A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region SINCLAIR Photos courtesy of Sinclair Community College SINCLAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE ARTS sinclair.edu/arts With art exhibitions, musical performances, multicultural events and theatrical productions open to the public, Sinclair offers limitless opportunities to take advantage of outstanding artistic resources. SINCLAIR THEATRE’S 2013-2014 SEASON sinclair.edu/arts/theatre/season/ Cynthia Bornhorst-Winslow Choral Concert January 6-30, 2014 December 7, 2013 For more information and to purchase tickets, go to sinclAIr.edu/tickets. Jenifer Nelson Handbell Choir Concert January 6-30, 2014 December 10, 2013 Monty Python’s SPAMALOT REACH exhibit Wind Symphony Concert February 5-March 5, 2014 December 14, 2013 Annual Juried Art Show March 19-April 8, 2014 Jazz Ensemble Concert with Saxophone Artist, Bruce Jordan Graduating Art Students’ Portfolio Show Community Bands Concert October 4-12, 2013 Jux•ta•posed November 13-16, 2013 A Shayna Maidel February 7-15, 2014 A Flea In Her Ear April 4-12, 2014 April 14-May 1, 2014 February 23, 2014 College for Life Long Learning Off Campus Senior’s Show Concert Band Concert May 13-June 3, 2014 ART GALLERIES/EXHIBITIONS sinclair.edu/arts/galleries/ MUSIC PERFORMANCES Music events are free and open to the public. For more information call 937-512-4580 Fine Art Faculty Show with Featured Artist – Sally A. Struthers, Wind Symphony and Concert Band Concert Jeffrey C. Jones October 2-November 6, 2013 Anastasia Samoylova October 2-November 6, 2013 Ed Smith November 13 – December 11, 2013 Tim McCoy November 13 – December 11, 2013 2013-2014 February 24, 2014 Choral Concert April 19, 2014 Sinclair galleries and exhibitions are free and open to the public. For more information, call 937-512-2253 or 937-512-5381. August 26–September 25, 2013 January 24, 2014 sinclair.edu/arts/music/ October 20, 2013 Fall Choral Concert: Sinclair Chorale, Chamber Choir and Women’s Emsemble. November 18, 2013 Jazz Ensemble Concert with Trombone Artist, Brent Wallarab Jazz Ensemble Concert with Trumpet Artist, Peter Olstad April 25, 2014 Choral Concert: Chamber Choir, Chorale, and Women’s Ensemble April 27, 2014 Wind Symphony, Concert Band and Youth Wind Ensemble Concert April 27, 2014 Handbell Choir Concert April 29, 2014 Jazz Combo Concert May 3, 2014 November 22, 2013 Concert Band Concert November 25, 2013 CultureWorks.org 27 Springfield Museum of Art Springfield Museum of Art Offering family-friendly educational experiences and great exhibitions, first time visitors are often amazed by both the quality and scope of the American art on display and by the grand and intimate gallery spaces of the museum situated along Buck Creek in downtown Springfield. Visitors will see portraits by Gilbert Stuart, Charles Willson Peale, and Ammi Phillips from the late 1700s and early 1800s along with landscapes, still lifes, and prints by recognized Ohio artists such as Robert Scott Duncanson, Henry Church, Jr., and Edna Boies Hopkins. Changing exhibitions introduce works by a single artist or groupings around an artistic theme. This fall two exhibitions run concurrently, “Gatherings: A Fiber Installation” by Sue Cavanaugh and “The Best of 2013” from the Ohio Craft Museum. “Gatherings” offers a close look at the work of a quilter who continues to apply and expand on traditional techniques in creating fiber art, and “Best of 2013” is a juried exhibition of the finest work from Ohio artists and craftspeople working in wood, metal, ceramics, glass, and textiles. Both exhibits run from late September to early December. From February 14-May 11, 2014 the Springfield Museum of Art plays host to a very special exhibition, “Classic Images: Photography by Ansel Adams.” A remarkable collection of seventy-two photographic prints that Adams himself made for his daughter, these images are one of several “museum portfolios” Adams created to highlight what he felt was his best work. Iconic images like Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico and views of Yosemite National Park will captivate visitors with their amazing interplay of light and shadow that make majestic images of our natural world. The Museum’s renewed focus on art education allows children and adults to discover and learn about the art works on display in the galleries. “Kids Find Art,” a series of Sunday Photos courtesy of Springfield Museum of Art D elighting and surprising visitors for nearly seventy years, the Springfield Museum of Art is now the only art museum in Ohio to be affiliated with the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. afternoon drop-in family workshops explores works of art on exhibit and is followed by an art-making activity. Artist gallery talks will provide engaging museum experiences, and school and community group programs are scheduled throughout the year to focus on our special exhibitions – fiber arts and crafts in the fall and the photography of Ansel Adams in the spring. For full details visit our website www. springfieldart.museum . The Museum’s tradition of providing community art classes continues through a partnership with Clark State Community College and Wittenberg University. This long commitment to encouraging art-making in the community resulted in the annual Juried Members’ exhibition, marking its 67th year with this summer’s exhibit from June 22-August 11. The Museum also actively supports regional arts groups through exhibition partnerships such as the Western Ohio Watercolor Society’s biennial winter exhibition at the Museum December 14-January 26, 2014. Exhibition Schedule 67th Annual Juried Members’ exhibition June 22 – August 11, 2013 “Gatherings: A Fiber Installation” by Sue Cavanaugh September 22 – November 30, 2013 “The Best of 2013” from the Ohio Craft Museum October 8 – December 1, 2013 Western Ohio Watercolor Society juried exhibition December 14, 2014 – January 26, 2014 “Classic Images: Photographs by Ansel Adams” February 14 – May 11, 2014 28 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region SunWatch Indian Village & fort ancient Along with an Interpretive Center that explores the history and purpose of this 800-year-old site, SunWatch also offers visitors the chance to view an ongoing native prairie reconstruction, and participate in a variety of programs and events year-round. Photograph courtesy of SUNWATCH INDIAN VILLAGE. Annual days of celebration offer a look into the history and culture of Native peoples, with a Flute and Art Festival each August, and the Keeping the Tradition Pow Wow, hosted by the Miami Valley Council for Native Americans, each June. SunWatch, celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2013, also observes the Winter Solstice by reliving the experiences of the Miami Valley’s early inhabitants. Visitors spend the night in the structures of the outdoor village, sharing stories, songs, and traditions. From underwater archeology to historical myths and mysteries, an annual lecture series, co-hosted by the Dayton Society of the Archaeological Institute of America each winter, delves into topics of interest. The Saturday morning lectures are free and open to the public. exploring ohio’s preHistoric past both sunwatch and fort ancient provide visitors the chance to travel back in time D iscover Ohio’s prehistoric past at two of the most unique Native sites in Ohio! For millennia, the native peoples that inhabited this region left a legacy that archaeologists are still working to uncover, and SunWatch and Fort Ancient offer visitors the chance to dig a little deeper into two very different aspects of Ohio’s prehistory. SunWatch Indian Village/Archaeological Park is open Tuesday through Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and on Sunday noon – 5:00 p.m. Admission for seniors and children ages 6-16 is $4.00 and admission for adults is $6.00. For more information please call 513-932-4421 or visit SunWatch.org. Fort Ancient, in contrast, is a much older site that offers a completely different view of both the Adena and Fort Ancient cultures. Visitors can explore acres of land that feature beautiful vistas and offer ample opportunities to view the flora and fauna of southwestern Ohio – as well as more than 18,000 feet of earthen embankments that comprise the largest and bestpreserved prehistoric hilltop enclosure in the United States. Situated on a bluff 235 feet above the Little Miami River Valley, the Museum at Fort Ancient presents an overarching view of 15,000 years of Ohio history, while the prehistoric themed garden offers a glimpse into how the prehistoric peoples of the area survived. Visitors can also walk and bike through the picturesque, tranquil trails once used by the ancient civilization. Major educational events, such as the Celebration: A Gathering of Four Directions and Archaeology Day in June, give visitors the chance to get hands-on with history, and experience the life of those who built the site – and those today who are trying to understand it. The preserved and serene natural settings of these historic locations transport visitors back in time to experience Fort Ancient and Hopewell cultures. The manmade earthen structures and once-inhabited Villages and gardens of SunWatch and Fort Ancient create a beautiful setting for historic enrichment and exploration. More than 2,000 years old, Fort Ancient, also a National Historical Landmark, offers a window into the past, as ongoing excavations at the site reveal more about the various peoples and cultures who once thrived on the land. Now believed to be a ceremonial site that took nearly four centuries to complete, the earthworks continue to entice visitors from around the world to discover more about Ohio’s past. At SunWatch, explore a partially reconstructed Village that once thrived on the banks of the Great Miami River. A National Historic Landmark since 1975, this planned, stockade village dates to the Fort Ancient period and has apparent astronomical alignments that reveal an early understanding of the complex movements of the Earth and Sun. Fort Ancient is open is open April - November, Tuesday through Saturday, 10 am – 5 pm and on Sunday noon – 5 pm Admission for seniors and students ages 6-16 is $5.00 and admission for adults is $6.00. Children under six and members are admitted free of charge. For more information please call 937-268-8199 or visit FortAncient.org. 2013-2014 CultureWorks.org 29 the University of Dayton 2013-14 Selected Events: Action: The Street Murals of Joel Berger August 19 - September 17, ArtStreet Studio D Gallery Ranging, a Faculty/Staff Exhibition Photos courtesy of the University of Dayton August 21 – September 19, Gallery 249, College Park Center National Playing for Change Day and Department of Music Open House Saturday, September 21, 12 – 3 pm, College Park Center The Rite of Spring and Its Legacies: Global and Regional Perspectives Arts Series Performance and Symposium Sunday, September 22, 2 – 5:30 pm, Sears Recital Hall Stravinsky, Faith and Revolution: Intersections of Arts, Culture and Human Rights, Graul Endowed Chair Forum Monday, September 23 at 7 pm, Kennedy Union Boll Theatre Turn Inspiration into Impact: The Arts at the University of Dayton Bullet: Who Pulls the Trigger? September 24 – November 3, ArtStreet Studio D Gallery The One and the Many: Art and Human Rights September 27 – October 31, Gallery 249, College Park Center Dayton Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra: 20th Century Composers Take on Human Rights Arts Series Performance Thursday, October 3 at 8 pm, Kennedy Union Boll Theatre Arts Series: Garth Knox, Viola Virtuoso Thursday, October 24 at 8 pm, Sears Recital Hall Antigone October 25-27, 31 and November 1 – 2, Kennedy Union Boll Theatre World Rhythms: Reggae Activist Taj Weekes Thursday, November 14 at 8 pm, Kennedy Union Boll Theatre What makes us human? T he University of Dayton will engage in a year of exploration and dialogue about the influence of the arts across multiple dimensions of our lives. It will be a year of immersion inspired by the 100th anniversary of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring and the compelling challenges of advancing global human rights in the 21st century. How do the arts shape perceptions of social issues? How do they create cultural, political, and personal change? At multiple events, and through open dialogue and experiences across our campus, we'll learn from each other how artistic explorations of critical human rights issues impact global humanity. From visiting artists to films and symposiums to performances, much of this year's arts programming will embrace the theme of "Rites. Rights. Writes." To learn more about the arts at the University of Dayton, visit www.udayton.edu/arts or call 937-229-5104. 30 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY Hammerstep Cypher: Performance in the Round Arts Series Performance Wednesday, November 20 at 9 pm, McGinnis Center Department of Music Christmas Concert Wednesday, December 4 at 8 pm, South Park United Methodist Church Van Cliburn Competition Silver Medalist Piano Recital Arts Series Performance Sunday, February 9, Sears Recital Hall Annual Horvath Student Juried Exhibition March 27 – April 24, Gallery 249, College Park Center Celebration of the Arts: Opening Performance and Exhibition Tuesday, April 1, Schuster Center Celebration of the Arts: Closing Exhibition and Reception Wednesday, April 9, Gallery 249, College Park Center For ticket information and a complete schedule of arts events, please visit www.udayton.edu/arts. A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region photo by: Robin Feld victoria theatre association Downtown Dayton’s Urban Nights at the Schuster Center Victoria Theatre Association enriching the lives, learning, and leisure of the community through the performing arts. V ictoria Theatre Association is one of Dayton’s premier not-for-profit arts organizations, presenting more than 400 arts performances annually and managing three superb art facilities: the Benjamin & Marian Schuster Performing Arts Center, the historic Victoria Theatre and the intimate Loft Theatre at the Metropolitan Arts Center. In addition, Victoria Theatre Association operates a thriving restaurant (Citilites Restaurant & Bar at the Schuster Center), a prosperous catering and special event business, The Arts Garage and Ticket Center Stage, a convenient place to purchase tickets to all events held in our venues. Victoria Theatre Association’s diversified business model allows the organization to avoid dependence solely on ticket sales from productions. As a not-for-profit organization, VTA relies on donations and sponsorships to continue to maintain state-of-the-art performance venues as they age, subsidize rent for tenants, and provide Education & Engagement activities to over 30,000 children each year. “Our vision is to be the leading artistic and economic driver for Dayton and the Miami Valley Region,” states VTA President & CEO Ken Neufeld. “2013 commemorates the 10th Anniversary of the opening of The Benjamin & Marian Schuster Performing Arts Center. Over the past 10 years more than three million people have visited the Schuster Center during more than 5,900 events, all the while assum- 2013-2014 ing an important role in developing downtown Dayton and attracting businesses and residents.” “We at Victoria Theatre Association take our responsibility to the community seriously,” Mr. Neufeld continued. “Each year we attract over 400,000 people to downtown and our activities generate over $33 million in economic activity. We hope that over the next 10 years, the Schuster Center and all of our performance venues continue to be places citizens all over the region can call home.” Victoria Theatre Association is well on its way to achieving its vision of becoming a leading artistic and economic driver for the region. It’s difficult to find a date where there is nothing happening in one of our venues. All three are actively used by talented resident companies such as the Dayton Performing Arts Alliance (comprised of Dayton Ballet, Dayton Opera and the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra), The Human Race Theatre Company, and The Muse Machine—as well as hosting acclaimed touring artists and productions. Several other businesses are also located in the buildings including: The Dayton Ballet School and Dayton Ballet’s costume shop at the Victoria Theatre. The offices of DPAA, Dayton City Paper, The Muse Machine and The Human Race Theatre Company, as well as restaurant Uno Chicago Grill reside in the Metropolitan Arts Center. CultureWorks.org 31 Schuster Center Victoria Theatre For more information about Victoria Theatre Association’s programs and presentations, please visit www.victoriatheatre.com. Best Seats, Best Price Ticket Center Stage is the official ticket outlet for all performances in the Schuster Center, Victoria Theatre and The Loft Theatre. Located in the Wintergarden of the Schuster Center, the Ticket Center Stage Box Office offers the best selection The Loft Theatre of seats, personal services from knowledgeable and friendly ticket agents, and offers the absolute best price. Tickets purchased through other sources or websites are most likely substantially more expensive and are sometimes not even valid. The only way to be sure you are getting the best seats at the best price is to buy only from Ticket Center Stage in person at the Box Office in the Schuster Center, by phone at (937) 228-3630, toll free (888) 228-3630 or online at www.ticketcenterstage.com. PREMIER HEALTH BROADWAY SERIES BLACK VIOLIN WAR HORSE STAR ATTRACTIONS IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE: a Live Radio Play Four Guys Victoria Theatre December 3 – 15, 2013 SISTER ACT Schuster Center January 28 – February 2, 2014 photo by: Victoria Theatre May 3, 2013 Schuster Center October 22 – 27, 2013 MEMPHIS Schuster Center April 8 – 13, 2014 Disney’s BEAUTY AND THE BEAST MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET Schuster Center June 17 – 22, 2014 32 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY Victoria Theatre October 5, 2013 STRAIGHT NO CHASER TOM COTTER MAMMA MIA! Victoria Theatre October 18, 2013 photo by: Joan Marcus Sister Act OVER THE RHINE THE PROJECTS UNLIMITED VARIETY SERIES YOU SAY TOMOATO, I SAY SHUT UP Schuster Center May 27 – June 1, 2014 Photographs courtesy of VTA. victoria theatre association Victoria Theatre March 14, 2014 BLACK VIOLIN Victoria Theatre May 2, 2014 PNC FAMILY SERIES SQUIRM BURPEE CIRCUS Victoria Theatre November 2, 2013 The Zoot Theatre Company Presents ALICE IN WONDERLAND Victoria Theatre February 1, 2014 THE UGLY DUCKLING & THE TORTOISE AND THE HARE Victoria Theatre March 8, 2014 Schuster Center November 8, 2013 Schuster Center November 29 – December 1, 2013 THE INTERGALACTIC NEMESIS, BOOK2: THE ROBOT PLANET RISING Victoria Theatre January 24, 2014 BRING IT ON THE MUSICAL Schuster Center April 22 – 23, 2014 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LIVE! PAUL NICKLEN, PHOTOGRAPHER Victoria Theatre February 24, 2014 BRYAN SMITH, ADVENTURE FILMMAKER Victoria Theatre March 24, 2014 JODI COBB, PHOTOGRAPHER Victoria Theatre April 21, 2014 A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region Photos courtesy of Wright State University Wright State University Wright State University Fine and Performing Arts Wright State University’s Departments of Art and Art History; Music; and Theatre, Dance, and Motion Pictures have joined together to form CELIA—Collaborative Education, Leadership, and Innovation in the Arts—an Ohio Center of Excellence at Wright State University. CELIA acts to develop initiatives to enrich the already remarkable artistic climate in the Dayton region while enhancing ongoing collaborations and nurturing new partnerships. Wright State productions take place on campus in the Creative Arts Center, which contains three unique performance spaces and the University Art Galleries. Art Exhibitions www.wright.edu/artgalleries (937) 775-2978 All events are in the Stein Art Galleries in Wright State’s Creative Arts Center Free and open to the public. Concerto/Aria Night Schuster Hall in Wright State’s Creative Arts Center February 25, 2014 Honors' Recital Schuster Hall in Wright State’s Creative Arts Center April 27, 2014 Soo Sunny Park: Unwoven Light September 15 – October 13, 2013 The Fixed Shadow: A Juried Photography Exhibition of Camera-less Images October 27 – December 8, 2013 Above and Below January 15 – March 2, 2014 Open Studio March 19 - March 30, 2014 2014 Senior Thesis Show April 16 – May 3, 2014 Theatre Performances http://www.wright.edu/tdmp/ (937) 775-2500 All events are in the Festival Playhouse Theatre in Wright State’s Creative Arts Center Harvey September 19 – 29, 2013 Oklahoma October 24 – November 10, 2013 CELIA Events www.wright.edu/celia All events take place in the Wright States, Creative Arts Center PRIDE AND PREJUDICE: THE BICENTENNIAL Three day festival celebrating Jane Austen’s greatest masterpiece! 937-775-2346 October 10 – 12, 2013 ARTSFAIR Family-friendly introduction to the arts www.wright.edu/artsfair 937-775-2346 December 7, 2013 ARTSGALA Wright State’s annual arts fundraiser www.wright.edu/artsgala (937) 775-5512 April 12, 2014 The Magic Fire January 30 – February 9, 2014 Music Performances http://www.wright.edu/music (937) 775-2500 Holidays in the Heartland Schuster Center, downtown Dayton November 10, 2013 2013-2014 Les Misérables March 20 – April 6, 2014 Dance! Dance! Dance! Wright State Dance Concert April 24 – 27, 2014 CultureWorks.org 33 Photos courtesy of the Zoot Theatre Company The Zoot Theatre Company The Zoot Theatre Company T he Zoot Theatre Company has become one of the most recognizable and unique arts organizations in Dayton. With four aspects of its Mission: MainStage productions (held at The Dayton Art Institute); Educational programming; Touring; and Rentals, Zoot’s artistic style is on display and evident in almost every professional visual and performing arts venue in the area. Originally a part of the Victoria Theatre Association’s (VTA) Impact Program, Zoot eventually became the first ever resident company at the VTA’s Mathile Theatre. A testament to the mission of the Impact Program, Zoot eventually outgrew the program designed to incubate and help fledgling arts organizations and moved to become a resident company at The Dayton Art Institute’s NCR Renaissance Auditorium. Building upon its strong foundation of fostering artistic partnerships, Zoot has toured as a part of the Muse Machine’s In School Tour; on stage at the Victoria Theatre as a part of the Discovery Series, and partnered with other reputable organizations such as The Dayton Youth Philharmonic Orchestra; Town Hall Theatre; and The Human Race Theatre Company. Not being one to be “pigeon-holed” into a specific style, Zoot expanded on the visually artistic aspect of puppetry and masks and provided workshops for organizations such as the Victoria Theatre during Disney’s The Lion King, Culture Works, The Muse Machine, Oakwood High School, and others throughout southwestern Ohio. The unique style of marrying the visual with the performing arts has positioned Zoot as one of the fastest growing players on the “arts scene” in Ohio. After having outgrown the Mathile Theatre, Zoot struck a unique and first-of-its-kind partnership with the Dayton Art Institute, and beginning in 2012 held its Inaugural MainStage Season at The Dayton Art Institute’s NCR Renaissance Auditorium. As a result of this move and new partnership Zoot grew its audience by more than 300% over attendance at every prior production at the 34 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY Mathile Theatre. In addition, Zoot has continued to expand other programming areas such as; expanded workshops and educational programming in conjunction with the Art Institute’s Education Department; and has created or built upon partnerships with the major arts organizations such as the Dayton Performing Arts Alliance, The Human Race Theatre Company, The Muse Machine, and the Victoria Theatre Association. The future holds even more promise. The company’s first national tour set to begin in the Fall of 2014 to performing arts centers throughout the nation, will be in conjunction with the MainStage Season at The Dayton Art Institute, its puppet rentals, Summer Series, and educational programming. Zoot is proud to be a Dayton Original and even more proud that the tour will allow Zoot to export its unique brand of marrying the visual and performing arts, showing audiences all over that Dayton truly is a hub of artistic talent and production. 2013-2014 Zoot MainStage Season at The Dayton Art Institute The Rocky Horror (Puppet) Show Ocober 11 – November 2, 2013 The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe February 14 – March 2, 2014 Animal Farm April 25 – May 11, 2014 Tickets to all events can be purchased online at zoottheatrecompany.org or by phone by calling 937.512.0140. A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region Culture Works Area Listings GUIDE TO ARTS & CULTURE IN THE DAYTON REGION C ulture Works hopes you enjoy this Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region, which we produce annually, and that you will refer to it often. But please keep in mind that some information may change during the course of the year. For the most current information on cultural organizations and activities, you can view updated listings on-line, as well as a comprehensive cultural calendar at www. cultureworks.org. If you are one of the organizations listed, and have an addition, deletion, or correction, please contact us at info@ cultureworks.org. We will strive to keep the online edition of the Guide, as accurate as possible between print publications. Culture Works www.cultureworks.org Dayton • 937-222-2787 Culture Works is the funding, advocacy, and service organization that inspires, supports, and sustains arts and culture in the Dayton region. An umbrella cultural organization, Culture Works serves as the community clearinghouse for the multi-county Dayton Region, promoting the totality of the region’s cultural assets to a national constituency. Culture Works also facilitates collaborative efforts surrounding planning, research, marketing, and audience development, and conducts an annual Campaign for the Arts. Darke County Center for the Arts centerforarts.net Greenville • 937-547-0908 Darke County Center for the Arts was formed in 1978 to expand opportunities for cultural enrichment in the community by supporting the arts and restoring the Henry St. Clair Memorial Hall as a community cultural center. The DCCA presents an Artists Series, a Family Theatre Series, and a Coffeehouse Series. They have an active program of arts education, and support a summer residency for local students. Arts Support Agencies & Cultural Centers Art Central Foundation www.artcentralfoundation.org Middletown • 513-267-4016 The Art Central Foundation provides art-based activities & events, offers educational opportunities & youth mentoring, and supports partnerships among arts organizations, nurturing an environment in which artists can create, market, network and thrive. Centerville Arts Commission www.centervilleohio.gov Centerville • 937-433-7151 The Centerville Arts Commission is a volunteer organization whose mission is to involve the citizens of the Centerville area in the visual and performing arts. The commission offers a summer and winter performance series, an art gallery and much more; most experiences are free. 2013-2014 The mission of the Mason-Deerfield Arts Alliance is to bring art exposure, art education and cultural awareness to the community of Mason and surrounding areas. The Alliance is dedicated to enriching the community by welcoming local and regional visual and performing artists and supporting their efforts through collaboration and partnerships. Middletown Arts Center middletownartscenter.com Middletown • 513-424-2417 Middletown Arts Center was founded in 1957 by the Art Committee of the Federation of Women’s Clubs of Middletown. The mission of the MAC is to enrich our community by creating opportunities for artistic expression through learning and appreciation. A welcoming, stimulating and diverse learning environment is provided with professional facilities, artists, classes, exhibits and workshops. Montgomery County Arts and Cultural District (MCACD) mcohio.org/services/ced/art_cultural.html Dayton • 937-890-5159 The Montgomery County Arts and Cultural District supports, nurtures, and encourages the development and preservation of arts and culture in Montgomery County with primary funding from the Montgomery County Commission. The MCACD is a special purpose unit of government created under Ohio Law to provide support to arts and cultural organizations and individual artists within Montgomery County, Ohio. The MCACD has awarded approximately $24 million to arts and cultural organizations and individual artists over the last 20 years. Table of Contents Arts Support Agencies & Cultural Centers..................................35 Art Museums, Exhibitions, & Services to Visual Artists.........................36 Choral Music............................................37 Dance.....................................................37 Literary....................................................38 Media.....................................................38 Multidisciplinary & Arts Education..............38 Nature, Science, History & Lifestyle............39 Opera.....................................................40 Orchestral & Instrumental Music.................40 Theatre....................................................41 Universities and Colleges...........................43 Festivals...................................................43 Mason-Deerfield Arts Alliance masonarts.org Mason • 513-573-0007 New Carlisle Chautauqua Arts Council New Carlisle • 937-845-8774 Dayton Cultural Center daytonrecreationandyou.com Dayton • 937-333-2489 The City of Dayton Department of Recreation and Youth Services provides recreation and leisure services to children, teens, families, seniors, and neighborhoods in the City of Dayton. The Cultural Center features exhibit space and a small auditorium for meetings and performances. Fairfield Community Arts Center fairfield-city.org/cac Fairfield • 513-867-5348 Adjacent to Village Green Park, in the heart of Fairfield, the Fairfield Community Arts Center offers a venue for cultural events and leisure activities. The FCAC is home to a 237-seat theatre, art gallery, pottery studio, dance studio, children’s area and seniors’ lounge. Fitton Center for Creative Arts fittoncenter.org Hamilton • 513-863-8873 Take your pick from a wide variety of programs designed to inspire the artist, musician or performer in you. Choose from art exhibits, performances, informative luncheons or an abundant offering of classes, workshops and private lessons. The New Carlisle Chautauqua Arts Council endeavors to bring new perspectives to the community through their annual Summer in the Park concert series in Smith Park every June through August, along with providing theater and music opportunities to New Carlisle schools. Oxford Community Arts Center oxarts.org Oxford • 513-524-8506 The Oxford Community Arts Center is a nonprofit organization representing performing and visual community arts groups who wish to rehearse, perform, display and teach various arts and craft forms in a facility that represents a permanent home for the community arts. Piqua Arts Council (PAC) piquaartscouncil.com Piqua • 937-773-9630 Since 1990, the Piqua Arts Council has served the local community by providing quality programs that enrich, educate, enlighten and enthrall audiences of all ages. PAC sponsors creative writing contests, public murals, an annual art walk and more. CultureWorks.org 35 Culture Works Area Listings Preble County Arts Association (PCAA) takepartinart.net Eaton • 937-456-3999 Warren County Arts Council (WCAC) warrencountyarts.org Lebanon • [email protected] Dayton Society of Painters & Sculptors daytondsps.org Dayton • 937-228-4532 The Preble County Arts Association was formed in 1965 as a fine arts guild dedicated to providing understanding, enlightenment, and participation in the fine arts through programs, classes, and exhibits. The Preble County Art Center, owned and operated by the PCAA, is dedicated as a cultural opportunity facility for all people of the community. The Warren County Arts Council seeks to provide passionate leadership for the creation of a vibrant arts community in Warren County by supporting and promoting the visual and performing arts and artists. The mission of WCAC is to encourage and promote the development, practice and enjoyment of the arts. Dayton Society of Painters & Sculptors is a nonprofit organization helping local artists to promote their work and improve their craft. An historic home in St. Anne’s Hill, 48 High Street Gallery, serves as both an operating base and a gallery space for DSPS. Rosewood Art Centre City of Kettering ketteringoh.org/newweb/departments/ cultural_arts/cularts_rosewood.php Kettering • 937-296-0294 Rosewood Arts Centre presents a unique opportunity to experience hands-on activities in visual and performing arts programs. The 34,000 square foot facility draws 130,000 patrons through its doors annual for classes, gallery exhibitions, theater performances, studio use, special events and more. Local arts and community groups, including the Kettering Arts Council, utilize the facility. Springfield Arts Council (SAC) springfieldartscouncil.org Springfield • 937-324-2712 The mission of the Springfield Arts Council is to build a better community by sharing the performing arts with all citizens of the Springfield and Clark County community. The Council presents the annual admission-free Summer Arts Festival, and highlights Broadway and national touring attractions with its Broadway and Beyond Series. The SAC also provides performing artists to area schools through its Arts in the Classroom program and participates in numerous other outreach efforts. Tipp City Area Arts Council tmcomservices.org Tipp City • 937-667-8631 The Tipp City Area Arts Council is dedicated to the promotion, development and support of the visual, musical, physical and literary arts in Tipp City, Ohio and surrounding areas. The organization hosts a variety of classes, art showings, contests and performances throughout the year. Troy-Hayner Cultural Center troyhayner.org Troy • 937-339-0457 Taking care to preserve the beauty of the historic landmark in which it is housed, the Center is a lively hub for community and cultural activity. Opportunities include exhibits, performing arts programs, classes in art, and a wide range of other cultural and educational offerings. Vandalia Cultural Arts Program (VCAP) vandaliaohio.org/vandaliaarts.cfm Vandalia • 937-415-2254 The Vandalia Cultural Arts Program was established to benefit the City of Vandalia and its residents by providing revenue to support artistic and cultural activities, programs, performances, and organizations. VCAP has an annual grant program and facilitates monthly exhibits of local art. 36 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY Warren County Arts and Culture Center wcartsandculturecenter.org Lebanon • 513-696-8521 The Warren County Arts and Culture Center’s vision is to foster an environment that inspires, enriches and promotes visual and performing arts supporting the development of individuals and groups ranging from first time participants to those aspiring to world-class achievement in their area of specialization. Yellow Springs Arts Council ysartscouncil.org Yellow Springs • [email protected] YSAC incorporated as a nonprofit in 1972. The organization encourages and supports local arts and cultural offering through program coordination, community partnership, and targeted services for artists and arts groups of all arts disciplines. Opportunities for artists and the public are provided through an education program, gallery, and the Yellow Springs Experience arts marketing program. Dayton Visual Arts Center (DVAC) daytonvisualarts.org Dayton • 937-224-3822 DVAC is a resource for artists, art collectors and art lovers presenting exhibitions of contemporary art by accomplished regional artists and providing professional development workshops for artists. Opportunities are also provided to interact with artists, art professionals and collectors; purchase artwork by member artists; and receive art consulting, framing and installation services. Gallery Saint John dayton-gallery-saintjohn.org Dayton • 937-320-5405 Gallery Saint John is a nonprofit gallery that exhibits art works done by members of the Society of Mary and their acquaintances In the Dayton community, as well as nature preserve displays and works from the collection of the Marian Library of the University of Dayton. Nine shows are held each year, in addition to workshops in design, ceramics, drawing, painting and photography techniques. Art Museums, Exhibitions & Services to Visual Artists Hartman Rock Garden hartmanrockgarden.org Springfield • [email protected] Connecting Art Design and Community (CADC) canneryarts.com Dayton • 937-313-9883 What began as a modest concrete fish pond in H.G. (Ben) Hartman’s back yard is now revered as a folk art masterpiece. The Hartman Rock Garden includes over 250,000 individual stones that combine a mixture of history, religion and depression-era pop culture. Among the Harman Rock Garden’s many unique attributes, the sheer scale of the work and its contextual location in a residential neighborhood, contributes greatly to its status as an iconic “outsider” art site. Fully restored by the Kohler Foundation in 2009, the Garden is open daily from dawn to dusk with no admission charge. A nonprofit, contemporary fine arts organization committed to enriching the cultural life of the greater Miami Valley, CADC provides an exciting, ongoing venue for exhibitions by both emerging artists and established professional artists. It offers patrons and appreciators of fine art an unforgettable gallery experience along with a broad array of original art. Dayton Art Institute (DAI) daytonartinstitute.org Dayton • 937-223-5277 For more than 90 years, the Dayton Art Institute has been committed to enriching lives and serving the community by creating meaningful experiences with art, inviting visitors to explore the diverse permanent collection, world-class special exhibitions, family programs, art classes, social events and more. The Dayton Printmakers Cooperative (DPC) thedaytonprintmakers.com Dayton • 513-850-1983 The Dayton Printmakers Cooperative is a nonprofit alliance of area printmakers and artists. Since its founding in 1983, the Cooperative has provided a studio environment for artists to enrich their cultural channels and broaden their knowledge of the printmaking media. The Cooperative has continues to grow through the support of its artist members and patrons in partnership with the Dayton Visual Arts Center. K12 Gallery for Young People and TEJAS k12gallery.com Dayton • 937-461-5149 The K12 Gallery for Young People is a nonprofit visual arts organization that offers creative experiences to the people of the Dayton and Miami Valley Area. The K12 studios offer classes for young people, and the TEJAS studio offers classes for teens and adults, and special artist workshops. National Bronze Sculpture Symposium yellow-springs-experience.org Yellow Springs • 937-767-1515 Four national and area artists will participate in an abstract Bronze Sculpture Symposium October 13-26, 2013 on the campus of Antioch College. The 2-week symposium will feature the ancient lost wax process, dating back thousands of years, and culminate in the pouring of molten bronze at a public event. A Bronze Sculpture Trail will be created in 2014 with the twelve final castings. A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region Public Art in Vandalia (PAIV) vandaliaohio.org/vandaliachiseled.cfm Vandalia • 937-415-2254 Public Art in Vandalia enhances neighborhoods and urban environments in the City of Vandalia, through the installation and maintenance of permanent works of art. PAIV welcomes and embraces public art for the community – donated, loaned, or commissioned – in an effort to grow Vandalia’s public art collection. The Chiseled Stone Sculpture Symposium which PAIV held in 2010 attracted over 7,500 visitors and produced five large limestone sculptures now displayed throughout the city. Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park pyramidhill.org Hamilton • 513 868-8336 Overlooking the Great Miami River, Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park & Museum is a 265-acre sculpture park and outdoor museum combining the lure of nature with the dynamic presence of monumental art. It is a setting where landscape and art come together in natural galleries among vast meadows and woodlands. Shango Arts bingdavis.com Dayton • 937-223-2290 Shango Arts is a nonprofit organization founded by artist Willis “Bing” Davis to provide art and cultural experiences to enhance the understanding and appreciation of African-American art and culture, reinforce the inter-relationship of the visual arts to other artistic and cultural expressions, while enhancing the position of African-American artists in the community and the world at large. Sculptural Village of Versailles Versailles • 800-504-2995 Frank Lloyd Wright’s Westcott House westcotthouse.org Springfield • 937-327-9291 Completed in 1908, the Westcott House is Frank Lloyd Wright’s only Prairie Style home in Ohio and one of the country’s finest Wright house museums. The Westcott House underwent a $5.3 million restoration in 2005 and each of its features—from art glass and original hardware to hand-decorated walls and massive urns—has been returned to its 1908 appearance. Call for 90-minute, docent-led tour times offered Wednesday through Saturday. Choral Music Bach Society of Dayton bachsocietyofdayton.org Dayton • 937-294-2224 The Bach Society of Dayton is dedicated to performing and promoting appreciation of choral masterworks from early music, including J.S. Bach, to new music, and to nurturing the next generation of choral singers. The 60-voice chorus, under the direction of John Neely, is accompanied by professional chamber orchestra and soloist, and frequently collaborates on inventive programs with leading performing arts organizations in the Miami Valley. 2013-2014 Season: Hymns of Triumph: October 27, 2013 Sweet Sounds of the Holidays: December 8, 2013 Bach’s Mass in B Minor: March 23, 2014 Celebrating Dance and Song: (with the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company), May 18, 2014 Twelve life-sized bronzed sculptures are scattered throughout the community of Versailles. Most of the art is lit for viewing at night, and all but one piece is publicly accessible. A brochure describing each with a map to its location is available at The Inn at Versailles. Town and Country Fine Art Center townandcountryfineartcenter.com Kettering • 937-293-5381 Since 1994, the nonprofit Town and Country Fine Art Center has provided the Miami Valley with fine, original art, offering exhibits, classes, workshops and a scholarship program. The mission of the organization is to promote an environment where artists achieve satisfaction in the development and marketing of their work, to produce an appreciation for fine art in the greater community, and to provide a venue where artwork can be purchased and collected. 2013-2014 The Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus sings to inspire, encourage, and sustain excellence in the choral arts and to achieve a gay-affirming presence in the greater Miami Valley. DGMC is continually reaching for excellence in choral music, offering a broad repertoire in a variety of accessible venues while educating the community at large about the value of diversity. Kettering Children’s Choir ketteringchildrenschoir.org Kettering • 937-296-3224 The Kettering Children’s Choir is a choral organization whose mission is to educate talented young singers and build an appreciation for musical excellence. The Choir’s vision is to be known throughout Ohio as a premier vocal ensemble and choral school, with structured musical training, high quality standards of artistic performance and music appreciation. Miami Valley Music Men (MVMM) singdayton.org Dayton • 937-475-6321 The Miami Valley Music Men, a chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, is a men’s barbershop chorus that has been in the Dayton area since 1950. Barbershop music is characterized by four-part a cappella harmony and the distinct barbershop seventh (ringing) chord. The MVMM perform at a wide variety of community venues throughout the region each year. Musica! musicadayton.org Dayton • 937-222-2787 x 240 Musica! is Dayton’s Chamber Choir, bringing vocal excellence to the Dayton Region since 1990. Musica offers a wide variety of music—from Baroque to Broadway, Classics to Spirituals, and Madrigals to Vocal Jazz. 2013-2014 Season: Springfield Museum of Art springfieldart.museum Springfield • 937-325-4673 Springfield is now home to the only Smithsonian Affiliate art museum in the State of Ohio. The distinction celebrates the Springfield Museum of Art’s adherence to best practices and its exemplary permanent collection, which features artists such as Berenice Abbott, George Bellows and A.T. Bricher. The Museum’s dynamic schedule of changing exhibitions including self-taught and contemporary artists ensures there’s always something new to see. Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus daytongaymenschorus.org Dayton • 937-530-0642 An Air of Remembrance: November 9 & 10, 2013 Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Musica: Sunday, February 16, 2014 A Song for Mother’s Day: May 10 & 11, 2014 Centerville Community Chorus ccchorus.com Centerville The Centerville Community Chorus is an all-volunteer chorus co-sponsored by the City of Centerville and the Centerville Arts Commission. The Chorus consists of singers who represent a wide range of vocations and ages, and perform at a variety of venues throughout the community. Dayton Boy’s Choir samnyaabras.com Dayton • 937-640-0949 S. Norman Park founded the Dayton Boys Choir in 1943. His vision was to provide an outlet for the vocal talents of young gentlemen from the Dayton, Ohio area. Selected by audition, the boys sing at a variety of events across the region and the nation each year. Dance The Celtic Academy of Irish Dance celticacademy.com Dayton • 937-256-6086 The mission of the Celtic Academy is to promote a greater understanding and appreciation of the Irish culture through dance. The Academy performs for various organizations and functions in the greater Dayton and Southwest Ohio area throughout the year. Dayton Ballet Daytonperformingarts.org Dayton • 937-449-5060 The second oldest ballet company in the United States, Dayton Ballet is part of the Dayton Performing Arts Alliance, and is one of the top three dance companies in the nation that produces and presents new work. The organization celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2013. CultureWorks.org 37 Culture Works Area Listings Dayton Contemporary Dance Company (DCDC) dcdc.org Dayton • 937-228-3232 Rooted in the African-American experience, DCDC is a culturally diverse company committed to reaching the broadest audience through exceptional performance and arts-integrated education. Now in its 43rd year, DCDC has won national and international acclaim and renown for powerful performances and a diverse repertoire of works by world class choreographers. Gary Geis Dance Company garygeisdance.org Springfield • 937-322-6229 The Gary Geis Dance Company advances the appreciation of the art of dance and promotes dance education. The broad experience of the artistic staff provides the members of this pre-professional dance company with a highly diverse curriculum. Gem City Ballet gemcityballet.org Springboro • 937-550-9245 Gem City Ballet was formed to educate young dancers in the joys and rigors of ballet performance, to make quality ballet performances available to a wider audience, and to provide new and experienced choreographers an opportunity to create new works. Le Jeune Ballet National Company (JBN) LeJBN.com Mason • 513-257-8083 Premiering in 2011, Le Jeune Ballet National Company is the first professional company of its kind in the nation, composed of ballet dance professionals at the very beginning of their career. JBN dancers and staff share their talents in outreach programs for community members of all ages. SMAG Dance Collective smagdance.org Dayton • 937-329-6948 SMAG Dance Collective is a contemporary fusion dance company founded by Michael Groomes in 2003. Groomes saw an opportunity to create an organization that would appeal to both traditional and non-traditional dance audiences, provide opportunity for dancers and choreographers, and develop collaborations which push the impetus of the region toward being an arts and cultural destination. South Dayton Dance Theatre sddt.org Centerville • 937-435-5052 South Dayton Dance Theatre is a non-profit organization that gives their members a glimpse of life as a professional dancer. Dancers ranging in age from 11 – 18 are chosen through an audition process. Throughout the year, the dancers get opportunities to perform, including a Spring Concert and The Nutcracker. Literary Antioch Review antiochreview.org Yellow Springs • 937-769-1365 The Antioch Review, founded in 1941, is one of the oldest, continuously publishing literary magazines in America, publishing fiction, essays, and poetry from both emerging and established authors that serve readers and authors while encouraging others to publish the “best words in the best order.” Antioch Writers Workshop antiochwritersworkshop.com Yellow Springs • 937-769-1803 Whether you’re a beginning, intermediate, or advanced writer, Antioch Writers’ Workshop programs offer the tools and inspiration you need to take the next steps on your writing path, offering instruction in the creative writing craft and in the professional skills creative writers need to succeed in the publishing world. Dayton Literary Peace Prize Award daytonliterarypeaceprize.org Dayton • 937-298-5072 The Dayton Literary Peace Prize, inaugurated in 2006, is the first and only annual U.S. literary award recognizing the power of the written word to promote peace. The Dayton Literary Peace Prize invites nominations in adult fiction and nonfiction books published within the past year that have led readers to a better understanding of other cultures, peoples, religions, and political points of view. Erma Bombeck Writer’s Workshop humorwriters.org Dayton • [email protected] The Erma Bombeck Writer’s Workshop is devoted to both humor and human interest writing. Through the workshop, the University of Dayton and the Bombeck family honor one of America’s most celebrated storytellers and humorists. Miami Valley Storytellers mvstory.org Dayton • 937-767-9823 Miami Valley Storytellers promotes the oral tradition of storytelling as an art form which bridges gaps between cultures and generations. The goals are to develop the skills of the members, to demonstrate to the general public just how storytelling can enhance other disciplines, and to provide a forum for telling and for listening. Media Dayton Access Television (DATV) datv.org Dayton • 937-223-5311 DATV is a nonprofit organization that, since 1978, has given Dayton the “Freedom to Communicate” as a community forum that empowers all citizens to learn, create and express their ideas through electronic media. Dayton Public Radio (WDPR 88.1, WDPG 89.9) dpr.org Dayton • 937-496-3850 Classical 88.1 is a nonprofit organization broadcasting classical music 24 hours a day. WDPR celebrates and advances classical music and the fine arts using multiple technologies to enrich the lives of listeners, and serve as a voice for the region’s performing and fine arts organizations. Dayton Public Television (Think TV) thinktv.org Dayton • 937-220-1600 Think TV is a widely used educational, cultural and informational resource for the community. Greater Dayton Public Television’s mission is to improve our understanding of one another, the community and the world through diverse educational, cultural and informational programming and services provided to people in schools, homes and the workplace. Film Dayton filmdayton.com Dayton • 937-554-0031 FilmDayton is a nonprofit, volunteer-driven organization dedicated to building the Dayton region’s film community, bringing together local filmmakers, students and fans at monthly “Film Connections” meetings. FilmDayton promotes and supports film events in the Miami Valley, building an infrastructure to encourage new film making in the Dayton Region. Middletown Public Radio (WNKN 105.9) wnku.org Middletown • 859-572-6500 WNKN is a public radio station broadcasting an adult alternative format. Licensed to Middletown, Ohio, the station serves the southwest Ohio Region and is owned by Northern Kentucky University. The station’s slogan is “Public Radio that Rocks.” Public Radio for the Miami Valley (WYSO 91.3) wyso.org Yellow Springs • 937-767-6420 WYSO is the Miami Valley’s only NPR News station, delivering local and state news plus public affairs programming and news specials. WYSO seeks to enrich public discourse by fostering intellectual and cultural curiosity, and by serving as a dynamic, creative, local companion. Multidisciplinary & Arts Education Cityfolk cityfolk.org Dayton Cityfolk shares diverse artistic traditions from across America and around the world with the communities of Southwest Ohio. Cityfolk will present two performances at the University of Dayton Boll Theatre this season. Taj Weekes and Adowa: November 14, 2013 Cedric Watson: March 12, 2014 38 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region Muse Machine musemachine.com Dayton • 937-222-6873 Muse Machine is a nationally recognized arts education organization annually serving 70,000 students and their teachers in southwestern Ohio. Since its inception in 1982, Muse Machine has produced 25 annual musicals and 13 summer concerts, and engaged thousands of students through arts-integrated classroom instruction, interactive workshops and professional development for teachers. The Performing Arts Academy www.theperformingartsacademy.com Middletown • 513-594-7242 This nonprofit organization provides instruction in voice, piano, guitar, clarinet, saxophone, percussion, flute, lower brass and strings, and also provides group lessons in voice, piano, theatre and guitar. They produce several theatre productions each year. Ohio Performing Arts Institute (OPAI) ohio-performing-arts.org Springfield • 937-324-7444 Ohio Performing Arts Institute is a nonprofit whose vision is to preserve and enhance the arts through quality theatre education and performances in the community. OPAI offers a multitude of opportunities in dance, private music lessons and acting for all ages. The Performing Arts Academy theperformingartsacademy.com Middletown • 513-594-7242 This nonprofit organization provides instruction in voice, piano, guitar, clarinet, saxophone, percussion, flute, lower brass and strings, and also provides group lessons in voice, piano, theatre and guitar. They produce several theatre productions each year. Project Jericho project-jericho.com Springfield • 937-328-3869 Project Jericho is a collaborative program between the Clark State Performing Arts Center and Job and Family Services of Clark County, providing performing arts workshops, artist residencies, and family performances to at-risk youth and families. Project Jericho changes lives through positive in-depth arts experiences. Residence in Praise Fine Arts residenceinpraisefineartscenter.com Trotwood • 937-854-3500 Residence in Praise Fine Arts provides professional lessons for students ages five to senior adults in: Music, Dance, Visual Arts, Theatre, Creative Writing, Drill Team, Drum Corp and Communications. Artistic programming is provided for the residents of Trotwood and surrounding cities to participate, present, engage, and appreciate the arts. Stivers School for the Arts www.stivers.org Dayton • 937-542-7380 Brukner Nature Center bruknernaturecenter.com/ Troy • 937-698-6493 Stivers School for the Arts is a public arts magnet school located in the St. Anne’s Hill Historic District neighborhood of Dayton and serving students in grades 7-12. Stivers pairs intensive training in the arts with a rigorous academic program that regularly produces test scores equal or superior to those of surrounding suburban districts. Stivers is a prime example of how participation in the arts enhances academic performance, and has been ranked by U.S. News and World Report as being among America’s best high schools. Brukner Nature Center is a privately-funded nonprofit nature preserve dedicated to environmental education and wildlife rehabilitation. See exhibits in the Nature Art Gallery in the Heidelberg Auditorium. We Care Arts wecarearts.org Kettering • 937-292-3937 We Care Arts is a place where people with disabilities learn independence and build self esteem. Those with emotional, mental and/or physical disabilities can come to the facility and create artwork which fosters confidence and empowerment. The We Care Arts Gallery is the perfect place to find one of a kind individually created gifts for all occasions. Nature, Science, History & Lifestyle America’s Packard Museum americaspackardmuseum.org Dayton • 937-226-1710 America’s Packard Museum in Dayton is the world’s only restored Packard Dealership operating as a museum, and only full-time museum dedicated exclusively to the Packard Motor Car company, its products and philosophies. Aullwood Audubon Center and Farm web4.audubon.org/local/sanctuary/ aullwood/index.html Dayton • 937-890-7360 Aullwood Audubon Center and Farm, an Audubon Center for environmental education and organic agriculture, provides activities that increase understanding and preservation of the planet by children and adults through education, research and recreation. Nature-themed art and textile exhibits are often on display in their buildings. Bear’s Mill bearsmill.com Greenville • 937-548-5112 Built in 1849, Bear’s Mill is one of the few operating water-powered grist mills in Ohio today. In addition to tours and grinding demonstrations, the Mill houses a Mill Store featuring stoneground flours and meals, kitchen accessories, and gourmet products. The Mill Gallery features the “Art at the Mill” series exhibiting paintings, sculpture, and photography of artists through the Ohio Valley. Boonshoft Museum of Discovery boonshoftmuseum.org Dayton • 937-275-7431 The mission of the Boonshoft Museum of Discovery is to be the premier regional provider of interactive science learning experiences which enrich the lives of children and adults, enhance the quality of life in our community, and promote a broad understanding of the world. 2013-2014 Carillon Park/Dayton History daytonhistory.org Dayton • 937-293-2841 Dayton History consists of Carillon Historical Park, the Archive Center, Hawthorn Hill, Patterson Homestead, Old Court House, Memorial Hall and Old River Park. Dayton History brings the past to life to understand the present and inspire the future by collecting, preserving, interpreting, and presenting the Dayton Region’s past. Clinton County History Center & Genealogy Library clintongcountyhistory.org Wilmington • 937-382-4684 The Clinton County Historical Society maintains the county museum which houses sculptures and paintings by world-renowned Quaker artist Eli Harvey and sponsors rotating exhibits. Genealogies and histories important to the area are also housed in the former residence of General James W. Denver. Dayton International Peace Museum daytonpeacemuseum.org Dayton • 937-227-3223 The Dayton International Peace Museum is nonprofit, all volunteer organizations whose educational programs and exhibits are non-partisan and feature themes of nonviolent conflict resolution, social justice issues, international relations and peace. Dayton’s history is honored as the center for the 1995 Dayton Peace Accords. Downtown Dayton Partnership downtowndayton.org Dayton • 937-224-1518 The Downtown Dayton Partnership presents Urban Nights twice each year – once in the fall (September 20, 2013) and once in the spring (May 9, 2014.) Described as a huge, all-inclusive street party and open house, this free event showcases downtown Dayton’s art, music, nightlife and dining. Artists and galleries open their doors to the public and musicians of all kinds perform throughout the center city with more than 100 creative spaces as part of the event. Included are locations throughout downtown, the Oregon Arts District and Wright-Dunbar Village. Additionally, the DDP sponsors First Friday each month, featuring street performances, roaming entertainers, outdoor concerts, arts demonstrations, live music and more. Dates for Urban Nights 2013-2014 September 20, 2013 and May 9, 2014 Five Rivers MetroParks metroparks.org Dayton • 937-275-7275 Celebrating 50 years of preserving green space and natural areas, Five Rivers MetroParks is a nationally renowned park system composed of natural area parks, gardens, high-quality river corridors, urban parks and a network of recreation trails. Fiver Rivers MetroParks protects the region’s natural heritage and provides outdoor experiences that inspire a personal connection with nature. Educational programs and recreational opportunities are offered year-round for all ages. CultureWorks.org 39 Culture Works Area Listings Fort Ancient fortancient.org Lebanon • 937-268-8199 Situated on a bluff 235 feet above the Little Miami River Valley, the Museum at Fort Ancient presents an overarching view of 15,000 years of Ohio history, while the prehistoric-themed garden offers a glimpse into how the prehistoric peoples of the area survived. Garst Museum garstmuseum.org Greenville • 937-548-5420 The Garst Museum is a large historical museum with over 300,000 artifacts on display in over 35,000 square feet of exhibit space within six building wings. Major exhibits are the Annie Oakley Center, CrossRoads of Destiny, American Indians, Lowell Thomas, and agricultural and military exhibits. Glen Helen Nature Preserve antiochcollege.org/glen_helen/ Yellow Springs • 937-769-1902 Glen Helen Nature Preserve encompasses 1,000 acres, all accessible from a 25-mile network of footpaths. Visitors can view spectacular wildflowers, 400-year-old trees, limestone cliffs with waterfalls and overhangs, and the beautiful yellow spring flower for which the town is named. National Afro-American Museum and Cultural Center (NAAMCC) ohiohistory.org/museums-and-historicsites/museum--historic-sites-by-name/ n a t i o n a l - a f r o - a m e r i c a n - m us e u m - cultural-center Wilberforce • 937-376-4944 The NAAMCC – the first national museum dedicated to Afro-American history and culture – opened in 1988. The museum has received the enthusiastic support of hundreds of individuals throughout the nation who have donated family treasures to the Center, developing one of the nation’s largest collections of Afro-American materials. National Museum of the US Air Force nationalmuseum.af.mil Dayton • 937-255-3286 The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force is the world’s largest and oldest military aviation museum, featuring more than 360 aerospace vehicles and missiles, thousands of personal artifacts and photographs that document the Air Force timeline from the beginnings of military flight to today’s war on terrorism. Learning Tree Farm Learningtreefarm.org Dayton • 937-866-8650 Learning Tree Farm is a nonprofit organization that offers programs to all ages from throughout the Miami Valley region. All the programs focus on hands-on experiences with the animals, gardens and fields. Meriam R. Hare Quaker Heritage Center wilmington.edu/qhc/ Wilmington • 937-382-6661 X 719 Pennsylvania House Museum pennsylvaniahousemuseum.info Springfield • 937-322-7668 Springfield was once known as the end of the Historic National Road. The Pennsylvania House Tavern & Inn was an important stopover for livestock drovers and pioneers traveling by foot, on horseback, or in Conestoga wagons during the 19th century westward expansion of the United States. The 24-room building, built in 1839, now houses an extensive display of antique furnishings, antique dolls, and one of the largest antique button collections in the United States. SunWatch Indian Village Archaeological Park sunwatch.org Dayton • 937-268-8199 Located on the campus of Wilmington College, the Quaker Heritage Center houses a permanent exhibit highlighting Quaker contributions to American history, a gallery with rotating exhibits, a library of titles related to Quaker history and practice, and an 1840s style traditional Quaker Meetinghouse. The mission of SunWatch Indian Village Archaeological Park is to protect, preserve and research the cultural remains of the SunWatch National Historic Landmark archaeological site and to serve as a visitor and educational center for archaeology, Native American culture, and heritage stewardship as they relate to the site. Miamisburg Mound Park miamisburg.org/Miamisburg_ mound_park.htm Miamisburg • 937-866-3303 Woodland Historic Cemetery & Arboretum woodlandcemetery.org Dayton • 937-228-3221 The Miamisburg Mound is the best known but least understood major prehistoric Indian feature in Ohio. It is the largest conical shaped earthwork of its kind in the United States and possibly the world. 40 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY Wright “B” Flyer Inc. is an all-volunteer membershipbased nonprofit based at the Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport. The group flies and displays look-a-likes of the Wright Brothers’ first production airplane, the Wright Model B Flyer. The group’s Hangar at the DaytonWright Brothers Airport is open three days a week as a free museum about the Wright Brothers and their role in the development of aviation Opera Dayton Opera Association Daytonoperfomingarts.org Dayton • 937-228-0662 Dayton Opera, part of the Dayton Performing Arts Alliance, was founded in 1960 and is the region’s only professional opera company. Annually, it produces three fully staged opera productions and one Star Gala concert presentation as well as educational programs. Orchestral & Instrumental Music Chamber Music Yellow Springs cmys.org Yellow Springs • 937-767-7001 Heritage Center Museum heritagecenter.us Springfield • 937-324-0657 The City Building & Market, built in 1890, is now home to the Heritage Center Museum. This newly renovated facility, extending an entire city block, houses a museum that faithfully recounts the history of America’s Heartland with exhibits to fascinate all ages. Known by architectural aficionados for its stunning Richardsonian Romanesque design, the Heritage Center hosts approximately 30,000 visitors each year. Admission is free. Wright B Flyer Inc. Miamisburg • 937-885-2327 Founded in 1841, Woodland Cemetery is one of the nation’s five oldest rural garden cemeteries and a unique cultural, botanical and educational resource in the heart of Dayton. The Romanesque gateway, chapel and office, completed in 1889, are on the National Register of Historic Places and the chapel features one of the finest original Tiffany windows in the country. Chamber Music Yellow Springs presents ensembles that play music from living composers, cross-cultural works and familiar pieces. Pre-concert and postconcert events are offered that allow concertgoers of all levels, from veteran attendees to first-timers, to gain an enhanced appreciation for the wonderful musical medium of chamber music. Dayton Jazz Orchestra daytonjazzorchestra.com Dayton • 937-885-2422 The Dayton Jazz Orchestra presents the exciting sounds of modern and traditional big band music. The 16-piece jazz orchestra plays selections from the music libraries of Count Basie, Stan Kenton, Bob Mintzer, Rob McConnell, Duke Ellington and more. The DJO presents concerts and educational clinics throughout the Dayton area. Dayton Mandolin Orchestra daytonmandolin.net Dayton • 937-767-7655 The goal of the Dayton Mandolin Orchestra is to enrich lives through the revival, preservation, and promotion of the mandolin family and its repertoire. This all-volunteer group offers a friendly and supportive performance outlet that unites musicians of diverse backgrounds and ability levels. Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra www.daytonperfomingarts.org Dayton • 937-224-3521 The Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, part of the Dayton Performing Arts Alliance, is a fully professional, unionized orchestra comprised of musicians who also teach in area high schools, universities and privately. In addition to a full symphony orchestra, the Dayton Philharmonic supports a chamber orchestra, five chamber ensembles, a professional concert band, a 140-voice all-volunteer Chorus and two youth orchestras. A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region Fraze Pavilion fraze.com Kettering • 937-296-3302 Fraze Pavilion is southwestern Ohio’s premiere outdoor entertainment venue, celebrating its 21st season since Marvin Hamlisch christened the 4,300seat amphitheater in 1991. National and local artists are welcomed to a varied season for performances in a lovely setting under the stars. The Hamilton-Fairfield Symphony Orchestra hfso.org Hamilton • 513-895-5151 Founded in 1951, the Hamilton-Fairfield Symphony Orchestra is dedicated to outstanding and uncommon programming, providing the community with access to international guest artists, fine musical talent, and renowned conductors. The 75-member professional orchestra presents ten to twelve concerts annually and, since 1997, also includes a symphony chorale. Harps of Grace harpsofgrace.yolasite.com Dayton • 937-350-7133 The Harps of Grace ensemble was organized in the spring of 2003 by local harpist desiring to play and perform together. They present concerts for retirement communities, schools, churches, and public events as well as a Christmas and a spring concert. Harps of Grace has twelve members and is directed by Dayton Philharmonic principal harpist, Leslie Stratton Norris. Lebanon Symphony Orchestra musicinlebanon.org Lebanon • 513-228-0346 The Lebanon Symphony Orchestra’s mission is to make the classical music experience educational, attractive, accessible and affordable for the families, and to provide performance opportunities for the advanced musician (the Lebanon Symphony Chorus), the professional musician (the Lebanon Symphony Orchestra), and the aspiring young musician (the Lebanon Symphony Youth Orchestra). Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra mvso.org Dayton • 937-530-0515 The Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra, founded in 1989, brings high quality symphony orchestra performances to the Miami Valley at community prices. In addition to standard symphonic music, this volunteer orchestra has performed full operas, ballets, silent film scores and musical theater. The 2013-2014 season will include the fall performance of Handel’s “Judas Maccabaeus” with area choristers and local soloists. The year’s Clark J. Haines Memorial Concerto Competition winner, violinist Mariko Shimasaki, will be featured on another concert during the season. Middletown Symphony Orchestra (MSO) middletownsymphony.com/ Middletown • 513-424-2426 2012-13 marks Carmon DeLeone’s 30th Anniversary season with the Middletown Symphony Orchestra. Four concerts will be presented from September to May at the newly renovated Dave Finkelman Auditorium of Miami University. The MSO also provides a Youth Orchestra made up of talented area middle and high school students. 2013-2014 Springfield Symphony Orchestra (SSO) springfieldsym.org Springfield • 937-325-8100 Founded in 1943, the Springfield Symphony Orchestra is one of Springfield’s greatest assets. Music director Peter Stafford Wilson conducts 72 of the area’s finest professional musicians and internationally renowned guest artists for six subscription concerts and special outreach programs. The SSO also supports a symphony chorale, three youth orchestras, and a children’s chorus. West Chester Symphony Orchestra westchestersymphony.org West Chester The West Chester Symphony Orchestra, a nonprofit organization founded in 1997, is comprised of volunteer musicians who provide free entertainment to the community. The mission is to educate, enrich, and expose the local community and students to the arts while providing an artistic musical opportunity for orchestral musicians in the region. Wind In The Woods windinthewoodsearlymusic.com Dayton Wind in the Woods is a versatile ensemble whose mission is to encourage interest in early music, to entertain, and to educate. Instruments used to bring to life medieval, renaissance, and baroque music include recorders, crumhorns, cornamuse, kordholt, gemshorn, viola da gamba, and lute. Theatre Acting Up: Young Performer’s Community Theatre of Mason actingup.com Mason •513-494-6062 Acting Up is a nonprofit, volunteer group which was founded to provide experiences in all aspects of the theater arts to young people in the region. Acting Up is committed to providing the community not only with an exceptional finished theatrical product, but a fulfilling, educational and fun process. Beavercreek Community Theatre bctheatre.org Beavercreek • 937-429-4737 Since 1995, Beavercreek Community Theatre’s goal of appealing to a broad audience has been fulfilled through its selections of multi-generational dramas and musicals. A permanent theater home has allowed BCT to offer full seasons of theatrical productions, to encourage community involvement in the arts, and to develop a Children’s Theater program. The Black Box Improv Theater theblackboximprov.com Dayton • 937-369-0747 The Black Box Improv Theater is inspired by Chicago’s legacy of long form improve. The production is a completely improvised one act play, complete with multiple characters, each with unique relationships, often intertwining in complex ways. Brookville Community Theatre brookvillecommunitytheatre.com Brookville • 937-833-6790 Northwest of Dayton just off I-70, the Brookville Community Theatre presents everything from comedies and family-friendly musicals to mysteries and touching dramas. A recipient of the several DayTony awards for its productions, the theater operates in a cozy, modern facility that seats 110 people. Children’s Performing Arts of Miamisburg (CPAM) cpamburg.com Miamisburg • 937-867-0353 Children’s Performing Arts of Miamisburg (CPAM) is dedicated to promote, to all area youths, the appreciation of the performing arts through education, practice and performance and to enrich the lives of those participants by strengthening the performing arts of our communities. CPAM offers the opportunity for children to develop their talents and get involved in all aspects of theatre. The Children’s Theatre of Mason (CTM) childrenstheatreofmason.com Mason • 513-398-0116 The mission of The Children’s Theatre of Mason is to expose children to all aspects of theatrical production and help them develop an appreciation for the performing arts. CTM, a nonprofit organization, produces two productions each season, and offers children the opportunity to take part as performers, crew members, set builders, make-up assistants and more. Dayton Playhouse daytonplayhouse.com Dayton • 937-424-8477 The Dayton Playhouse is a community theatre providing outstanding theatrical productions to Dayton Region audiences of all ages for more than fifty years. The Playhouse is nationally recognized for FutureFest, a festival of new plays. Dayton Theatre Guild daytontheatreguild.org Dayton • 937-278-5993 The Dayton Theatre Guild opened in 1945 and has continuously staged live theater in every year since. It has a tradition of good plays done well, utilizing all-volunteer casts, crews and administration. Anyone with a passion for theater can find a home at DTG regardless of prior experience. Encore Theater Company encoretheatercompany.com Dayton • [email protected] Encore Theater Company’s mission is the presentation of new, unpublished works for the stage, providing a safe venue for authors to hone their craft by working with creative teams from all over the country and with local actors, designers, technicians, musicians, and directors. CultureWorks.org 41 Culture Works Area Listings Fairfield Footlighters fairfieldfootlighters.org/ Fairfield • 513 867-5348 The Murphy Theatre themurphytheatre.org Wilmington • 937-382-3643 Fairfield Footlighters is a nonprofit Community Theatre committed to making the theatrical experience more accessible to the public and providing more opportunities for young artists to enhance their dramatic skills. The Murphy Theatre, cultivates community and surrounding interest in the performing arts, movies, and other forms of entertainment. The mission of the Murphy Theatre is to educate, enrich, and entertain patrons with a superior theatre experience. Ham It Up! Productions hamitup.org Tipp City Playhouse South playhousesouth.org Kettering • 888-262-3792 Ham It Up! Productions offers classes for school-aged children in acting, sketch comedy, script writing, performance, stage make-up, costume design and more. Founder Harriet Bergman brings over 20 years of experience in theater and education to the organization. Since 1960, Playhouse South has been known by many names, and has been housed in a variety of locations. The entirely volunteer organization puts on several musicals each year. Operating funds are obtained from box office receipts and patron donations. The Human Race Theatre Company humanracetheatre.org Dayton • 937-461-3823 2013-2014 heralds The Human Race Theatre Company’s 27th season of bringing the beauty, drama and excitement of live professional theatre to Dayton and southwestern Ohio. The Loft Season provides audiences with award-winning, cutting-edge dramas, American classics and regional and world premieres, and a Musical Theatre Workshop series expands the repertoire for musical audiences with brand new or seldom-performed material. Additionally, education and engagement programs address the cultural needs of a broad array of citizens. La Comedia Dinner Theatre lacomedia.com Springboro • 937-746-4554 Featuring six Broadway-style shows a year, along with a dinner buffet, La Comedia Dinner Theatre has been serving as entertainment venue for southwest Ohio since 1975. For each production, talent is cast from auditions in New York City as well as locally. Lebanon Theatre Company ltcplays.com Lebanon • 513-228-0932 Lebanon Theatre Company is a nonprofit organization providing community theatre in an intimate 105-seat theatre. The mission of LTC is to organize, sponsor, produce and promote high-quality amateur theatrical productions and to promote and develop theatrical arts education for the Warren County area. Mayhem & Mystery mayhemmystery.com Dayton • 937-287-5453 Mystery, intrigue, and merriment are yours to enjoy with Mayhem & Mystery. Undertake an evening of detective work as you try to solve the mystery and compete for prizes. Performances take place in and around the audience, and members are drawn into the action. Shows change every two months. Middletown Lyric Theatre middletownlyric.org Middletown • 513-425-7140 Since 1978, Middletown Lyric Theatre has brought quality community theatre to the Middletown area and beyond. The mission of MLT is to inspire, nurture, challenge, educate, and empower its artists and audiences while continuing a long-standing tradition of producing affordable, accessible theatre for the community it serves. 42 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY Sinclair Community College sinclair.edu/arts Dayton • 937-512-3000 Sinclair embraces both culture and creativity to provide an environment where people can explore new paths and opportunities in the arts. With art exhibitions, musical performances, multicultural events and theatrical productions open to the public, Sinclair offers limitless opportunities to experience true campus life and take advantage of outstanding artistic resources. South Charleston Opera House Players heritagecommission.com/the-southcharleston-opera-house-players/ South Charleston • 937-462-0336 For more than 25 years the South Charleston Opera House Players have staged a variety of productions including comical farces, dinner theater, melodramas and variety shows. All proceeds go to the South Charleston Heritage Commission, a nonprofit organization created to restore and maintain the community’s small town Americana heritage. Springfield Civic Theatre springfieldcivictheatre.org/ Springfield • [email protected] Springfield Civic Theatre has been providing quality community theatre to the Clark County and Springfield community for over 75 years. Springfield Stageworks springfieldstageworks.org/ Springfield • [email protected] Founded in 2004, StageWorks is Springfield’s alternative theatre company, producing local productions of classic and contemporary plays. Auditions are open to the public and performances take place at the historic State Theater in downtown Springfield. The Tipp Roller Mill & Theatre visittippcity.org/tipp-roller-mill-and-theatre Tipp City • 937-667-3696 Originally the home of “Snowball Flour,” Tipp’s 1839 birthplace is located next to Canal Lock #15 on the Miami and Erie Canal. The building is now occupied by the Tipp Roller Mill Theater, which presents oldfashioned entertainment on Saturday evenings every summer. Town Hall Theatre townhalltheatre.org Dayton • 937-433-8957 Washington Township’s Town Hall Theatre is dedicated to inspiring personal growth in young people and creating shared performing arts experiences for families. Select professionallytrained artists share their craft, seek out plays that speak directly to young people, and offer a range of performance opportunities, classes, and community outreach. Troy Civic Theatre troycivictheatre.com Troy • 937-339-7700 Since 1965, Troy Civic Theatre has provided quality family entertainment and live theatre experiences for the Upper Miami Valley. Productions include comedies, musicals, dramas, tragedies, children’s theatre, repertory company and community outreach theatre. University of Dayton udayton.edu/arts Dayton • 937-229-5104 At the University of Dayton—a top-tier national, Catholic university—we understand that the arts are essential to a Marianist education. From visual art exhibitions and visiting artist lectures to film, theatre, and dance performances, arts audiences will find something for everyone at the University of Dayton. Vandalia Youth Theatre vandaliayouththeatre.net Vandalia Established in 1991, Vandalia Youth Theatre is a nonprofit educational organization committed to making high-quality live theatre accessible, relevant, and memorable for young people. Each summer VYT produces several shows and musicals for children Kindergarten through Grade 12. Every child who auditions is cast in a show, regardless of experience or ability. Victoria Theatre Association victoriatheatre.com Dayton • 937-228-7591 The Victoria Theatre Association is a nonprofit organization presenting more than 300 performances for all ages annually. The VTA owns and operates three arts facilities in downtown Dayton for the benefit of the community – the historic Victoria Theatre, the Loft Theatre, and the Schuster Performing Arts Center. The Schuster Center, which opened in 2003, is renowned nationally for its state of the art acoustics and architecture. The Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, Dayton Ballet and Dayton Opera utilize the Schuster Center and the Victoria Theatre, as do national touring companies and guest artists presented by the VTA. The Loft Theatre is home to The Human Race Theatre Company. Wright State University wright.edu/celia Dayton • 937.775.3246 Wright State University’s Departments of Art and Art History; Music; and Theatre, Dance, and Motion Pictures have joined together to form CELIA— Collaborative Education, Leadership, and Innovation in the Arts—an Ohio Center of Excellence at Wright State University. CELIA acts to develop initiatives to enrich the already remarkable artistic climate in the Dayton region while enhancing ongoing collaborations and nurturing new partnerships. A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region Wright State productions take place on campus in the Creative Arts Center, which contains three unique performance spaces and the University Art Galleries. Xenia Area Community Theater xeniaact.org Xenia • 937-372-0516 Now in their 7th season, Xenia Area Community Theater offers a season of stage performances, summer youth programs and workshops. They also support their activities with Second Act Thrift Store in Xenia. YS Kids Playhouse yskp.org Yellow Springs • 937-767-7800 Founded in 1995 and incorporated as a nonprofit in 1997, YSKP aims to cultivate the development of future actors, leaders, patrons and audiences, and to enhance art awareness in the community through arts education programming and the creation of original multimedia theater for youth. The Zoot Theatre Company zoottheatrecompany.org Dayton • 937-512-0140 Founded 1n 2006, to bring professional puppetry and masks to Dayton, Zoot is a resident company at The Dayton Art Institute where it produces its Summer Series and Main Stage Season. In addition to its local productions, Zoot provides educational outreach, artist-in-residencies, and workshops to people of all ages! Beginning in 2014, Zoot will “take the show on the road” and launch its first-ever national tour. Universities and Colleges Antioch College antiochcollege.org/ Yellow Springs • 937-319-6065 The arts curriculum at Antioch College introduces students to multiple perspectives and strategies of art making, including interdisciplinary, communitybased, and global contexts, both in the classroom and through work experiences. Herndon Gallery is the site for art and photography exhibits, receptions, lectures and music performances that are open to the community. Cedarville University cedarville.edu/ Cedarville • 937-766-7700 Cedarville University offers innovative art, design, and theatre programs inspiring creativity, and preparing individuals to pursue their artistic futures. The community is invited to participate by attending the 2013-2014 theatre season, as well as a variety of musical performances featuring a Brass Choir, Concert Chorale, Jazz Band, Men’s Glee Club, Women’s Choir, and University Orchestra. Central State University centralstate.edu/ Wilberforce • 937-376-6077 University of Dayton udayton.edu/ Dayton • 937-229-1000 The Department of Fine & Performing Arts offers a major in the disciplines of art and music. In addition to its primary role of providing professional and preprofessional training to its majors and minors, the department serves as a major cultural center and resource for the University and offers a wide range of concerts, performances, exhibitions, lectures, and courses which promote the aesthetic development of the community. From visual art exhibitions and visiting artists to film, theatre, music, and dance performances, the University of Dayton offers a variety of arts experiences. For over 50 years the University Arts Series has been presenting experiences both exhilarating and challenging to campus and community audiences. Hundreds of exceptional artists from around the world have presented at the University of Dayton since 1961, each one helping us to better understand the joys and challenges of being human. Clark State Community College pac.clarkstate.edu/ Springfield • 937-328-3841 The Clark State Community College Performing Arts Center is committed to the guiding principle that the arts, by celebrating the human experience and cultivating the spirit, are an integral part of personal, family and community development. An impressive array of performances are offered annually at the Arts Center. Edison Community College edisonohio.edu/ Piqua • 937-778-8600 Edison Community College presents a series of performances and exhibitions each year entitled “The Arts at Edison” which feature a broad array of visual, performing, and literary arts opportunities in addition to performances by the Edison Stagelight Players. Miami University miamioh.edu/ Oxford • 513.529.1809 The School of Creative Arts is also home to the Miami University Art Museum and the Performing Arts Series, both of which contribute to academic offerings through artistic collaborations across campus, while providing diversity, cultural awareness, and access to the arts for the community and region. The Performing Arts Series brings an impressive array of national talent to the Dayton Region each year. Sinclair Community College sinclair.edu/ Dayton • 937-512-3000 With art exhibitions, musical performances, multicultural events and theatrical productions open to the public, Sinclair invites the Dayton Region to find an opportunity to truly experience the Sinclair culture. The Sinclair Community College Arts Galleries promote the development of professional and student artists and serve as an educational resource for the entire community. Urbana University urbana.edu/ Urbana • 937-484-1400 A variety of visual and performing arts opportunities are provided to students at Urbana University including a concert and jazz bank, the University Singers, and an active theatre season. The Miller Center for the Visual Arts opened its doors in 2010 and schedules annual exhibits each fall and spring. Wilberforce University Wilberforce.edu/ Wilberforce • 937-376-2911 Renowned for its music program, Wilberforce University is home to the internationally known Wilberforce University Choir which traces its roots back to 1878. The Choir is composed of more than fifty singers, and has a repertoire that includes a variety of artistic genres, including Classical, AfricanAmerican spirituals, contemporary gospel, and jazz, as well as opera and Broadway styles. Wilmington College wilmington.edu/ Wilmington • 800-341-9318 The Boyd Cultural Arts Center, a $7.6 million facility completed in 2005, features the David and June Harcum Art Gallery, 440-seat Hugh G. Heiland Theatre and the Meriam R. Hare Quaker Heritage Center and T. Canby Jones Meetinghouse. Summer opportunities for performance and participation are available through the Wilmington College Community Summer Theatre and Clinton County Kids & Company, an arts program for children and teens. Wittenberg University Wittenberg.edu/ Springfield • 937-327-6231 Wittenberg University presents public talks, theatre productions, dance concerts, music recitals, ensemble concerts, art shows, and cultural festivals that enliven the campus and the greater community. From visual and performing artists of national and international prominence to diverse cultural, intellectual and value-centered programs, The Wittenberg Series annually enhances Wittenberg’s academic program by providing unique and exciting avenues to engage with the arts. Wright State University wright.edu/ Dayton • 937.775.3333 Wright State University’s Departments of Art and Art History; Music; and Theatre, Dance, and Motion Pictures have joined together to form CELIA— Collaborative Education, Leadership, and Innovation in the Arts—an Ohio Center of Excellence at Wright State University. CELIA acts to develop initiatives to enrich the already remarkable artistic climate in the Dayton region while enhancing ongoing collaborations and nurturing new partnerships. Wright State productions take place on campus in the Creative Arts Center, which contains three unique performance spaces and the University Art Galleries. Festivals The Dayton Region is one of the richest areas in the nation for Festivals. From the Greek Festival, to the Celtic Festival, to festivals celebrating sweet corn, strawberries, and sauerkraut–there are locally more than 100 festivals each year. For a calendar of festivals throughout the year within the Dayton Region, visit culturworks.org. 2013-2014 CultureWorks.org 43 supporting creative energy everywhere Vectren is a proud supporter of numerous arts organizations in the Dayton area. Learn more about our efforts at www.vectrenfoundation.org. 44 CULTURE CREATES COMMUNITY A Guide to Arts & Culture in the Dayton Region 2013-2014 CultureWorks.org 45
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