How to go from Camera Shy to Superfly! Welcome to your Camera Shy to Superfly Video Challenge! I am so excited you’re here and I can’t wait to meet you through your videos soon! I'm passionate about helping you to find YOUR online voice, to crank up the volume (ideally by helping you launch your web show but pretend I didn't say that for now ok!) and to make SERIOUS change online (the difference making kind AND the financial kind)! Watch the video below for a special welcome message from I recorded for you J What I aim to do here is to walk beside you, as you venture into this brave new world of ‘video’ as your coach and all round cheerleader so that by the end of it all you will: • Feel much more comfortable being in front of the camera; • Be getting into the habit of using video to communicate in an effective way with your ideal clients, promoters and joint venture partners online; • Improve the quality and effectiveness of your videos a little bit each day so you can start enjoying more results - faster. ** IMPORTANT: I have written this guidebook for you to help you get off to the best start possible with video but if you find you need more support and feedback during the process, I’d like to invite you to join the Superfly Tribe. This is how to get access to our private Facebook group where you can post your videos (and other marketing collateral) for feedback as well as where you can get help with ideas for your content on an ongoing basis. It’s a fantastic community of Change Makers and you’ll love it! You also get a mini course EVERY MONTH on an online marketing strategy (usually incorporating video) that’s working NOW that’s sold separately for a minimum of $75 ! It’s quite cool. But don’t take my word for it! Here’s a video from a current member Claire Portis! You’ll just have to watch the video to see what she ’s doing with her fingers! The Facebook group is our hub and if, after reading through this guide book and working through the portal, you feel you want to get video working for you (on both an inner and outer level), I ’d highly recommend you join the tribe and get involved in the group because that ’s where you’ll be able to get ongoing support and feedback on-going (even when you ’re months into this process there will always be times when you need some feedback on a video before putting it live) from my team and also from the other fab people who are on the same journey with video as you are right now will be there to give it to you! The Tribe If you do decide to join the tribe on an ongoing basis, you’ll find lots of lovely folks who have already been through the 30-day challenge and decided to stick around too. They’re a really great bunch and you ’ll find that the more you give in the group the more everyone else will lift you up when you need it, they ’ll give you constructive feedback when you need it and they ’ll give you a virtual shake and tell you to get a hold of yourself when you need it too! I believe wholehearted in what I call ‘The Karaoke Principle’ – it’s just a term I made up to describe my approach to getting outside your comfort zone regularly so you can continue to grow and evolve. I run Karaoke get togethers for my clients to help them get into the habit of stepping outside of their comfort zones regularly (it’s very effective by the way) but the thing is, whenever you’re doing something that takes you outside of your comfort zone, it ’s MUCH MUCH easier to do it when you ’re in the company of other people who are in the same boat as you, or who have been in the same boat as you are in now and who support you 100%. The tribe is your virtual Karaoke Bar and the people there are your karaoke buddies! If you would like to find out more about joining us for the journey, just click here. You’ll find other links dotted throughout the book too but I wanted to mention it now just in case you are feeling a little overwhelmed by your challenge already. I believe that EVERYONE should be able to afford the hands on support most of us need to get started with video marketing so I do my very best to provide it! What to Expect Through this Guidebook we’re going to get you properly prepared to start creating videos that rock... and then we’re going to knuckle down and get you recording them and sharing them every day (just for a little while so you can form a new habit). Yes really! Whether you’re terrified of being on camera, or you need to get used to the techy stuff, or if you need to get faster at editing, or you know the basics but you are just not using video enough in your marketing right now, recording and uploading a video daily for 30 days will bed in a new habit and by the end of the 30 days you will be amazed at what you ’ve achieved! Let’s crack on! Do you know why you’re doing this? Let me ask you a question. Do you know WHY it’s so important to get on board with video? No? Well, put it this way. Can you actually remember a time when you were online recently and DIDN ’T come across a video? No? I didn’t think so! You see, the fact of the matter is that whether you ’re just popping onto Facebook to catch up with friends, or you’ve Googled a service or product you are looking to find out more about – you will probably come across (and watch) a video or two … I’m right aren’t I? comScore Inc. are a digital market measurement service and they reckon that the average Internet user watches 186 videos a month and that these days, video makes up 62% of the content we view online and a recent report from Cisco estimates that by 2016, 86% of all global internet traffic will be video. That’s a BIG DEAL and it’s worth taking notice of! Right this very minute someone somewhere is searching the interwebs for what you do better than anyone else! They’re on Google or maybe on one of the other search engines and they’re typing in your keywords … and it’s pretty likely that a video will catch their attention and that (if the video delivers what it says it will in the title) they ’ll click on that video and find the solution they are looking for… The only question is… will it be YOUR video they find or will it be someone else’s? When you create a whole fleet of content rich videos and you pop them out there on the social web they will get you found, increase your click through rate, generate you leads, build relationships and ultimately make you more sales even while you're fast asleep in your bed! How totally fantabulous is that? Imagine having a whole bunch of stunt doubles who get out there DAILY to communicate and demonstrate your superflyness? How about having a whole bunch of 'you's' out there and working HARD so you’re not actually doing your marketing, or answering questions, or doing your sales, or following up with every single individual person anymore – THEY are! Sure, they will make it FEEL like it's you doing this personally but actually, you’re recording a video once and it’s communicating your message and working for you over and over again! And as I’ve just touched upon, you can put video into place many different areas of your online stage presence. My clients have also found that by using video consistently, they are regularly approached to speak at events, they attract joint venture partners and affiliates and they make sales with more ease too because people feel like they already know them which builds trust. I don’t know how Michelle does it – she’s a creative genius – strategising, helping me create a beautiful online brand which allowed me to attract speaking engagements, joint ventures and clients. I highly recommend Michelle to anyone who’s serious about creating an outstanding presence online that will catapult your business offline too and make your voice heard! If you have a message to spread, then you want Michelle holding that loud speaker for you!” “ - Dr Terry, The Skin Energy Doctor Video makes you stand out – simples. Think about it. What other way is there to speak from the heart once, and to communicate that message to EXACTLY the right people, no matter how many of them there might be, ‘face to face’ wherever they are on the planet at any time of the night or day? What other way is there to bring together ALL your superflyness and to communicate that online? Copy on a page can’t do it, audio alone can ’t do it… only VIDEO can… because people get to take in your expressions, your message, your intonation … your EVERYTHING. With video you get the whole shebang. Getting Started So, let’s get down to the nitty gritty shall we … 1. First you need to Know The Basics (which I lovingly call “Having a Geek Week” because it’ll take you about a week of focused time to learn and practice the basic stuff like filming, editing, uploading and tagging). Below you’ll find a set of goodies that I’ve put together to walk you through … well… the basics. This isn’t the time for procrastination. This is so important because, if you DON ’T get a handle on how to integrate video into your online marketing NOW you’ll have to watch as you miss the boat! And that’s not ok with me. Refer back to these resources whenever you need to during your challenge and please let me know if there’s anything I’ve missed that you’d like me to add here on my Facebook Page OR join the tribe and post in the private Facebook group instead! J 2. Record a video daily – let’s get this new habit hard wired in ok? Oh… and you may find there are a few surprises along the way too … like getting added clarity on your messaging and your ideal clients and stuff. Video rocks. J 3. Upload to YouTube and (if you’re in the tribe and have access to the private Facebook group) choose the “Unlisted option” for now at least. Then when you’re more comfortable and your videos are at a standard you ’re happy with you can start putting them Public J If you’re not part of the tribe and don ’t have access to the Facebook group, find a mix of friends, family and clients who would be happy to give you feedback. The ideal here is that you would also have someone who knows what they ’re talking about when it comes to producing video in that group too (which is why the tribe is such a good idea) but if you don’t know anyone like that (which I’m assuming you don’t hence you being here!) start with friends, family and clients who care. 4. Post your videos in the Facebook group (if you’re a tribe member) so you can get feedback from others in a safe space BEFORE putting your YouTube videos live for the world to see (make sure you @tag me so I don ’t miss your videos! I try to comment on as many as I can) or share with a trusted circle of friends, family & clients and ask for feedback. 5. Offer support to others in the group wherever you can too (if you ’re a member of the tribe). This is where my “Karaoke Principle” is seen in action - it’s so much easier to do stuff that takes you outside your comfort zone when you ’re doing it with others who are in the same boat! Ideas for a daily video assignment that you can use during your 30-day challenge are further on in this workbook. You don’t HAVE to follow these guidelines mind you, but they are great conversational topics which will get you off to a flying start and take you on a bit of a journey too! You may be surprised by what comes up for you personally in terms of the things that hold you back, getting clearer on WHO you are talking to and WHAT your message is too, but if you already have a series of videos you want to create DO THAT instead … Many past and current participants have attracted new clients, speaking engagements and even won competitions with these videos (sometimes within minutes of putting them live!) though so if you are stuck for inspiration, they’re a really good option. Filming and posting these videos daily will get you to a point where you’re much more comfortable speaking in front of a camera and it will SHOW! Warning: You WILL have all sorts of ‘stuff’ come up for you if you do use the daily assignment suggestions! It can be pretty revelatory to say the least! We’ve watched people experience big AHA moments in terms of how to REALLY engage with their ideal audience by doing this, they’ve broken through personal barriers that were holding them back, busted their limiting beliefs and emerged the other end more confident and fearless than ever J Video is now PART of their comfort zone instead of being way outside it! How cool is that? Way cool! Reminder: You signed up for this challenge to: • Get yourself into the habit of using video for your online marketing (because it is SO very powerful and you will get left behind if you don ’t get on board with it). • To get to the point where you ’re comfortable in front of the camera (because when you are you ’ll be able to connect authentically with as many people as you want no matter where they are in the world and your videos will continue to build relationships with them on an on-going basis. You record them once and they work for you for a long time into the future!) • To make sure you are including all the right elements in your videos (so that people take the action you’d like them to after watching your videos). They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit (although I reckon it takes a little longer than that in reality – it certainly does for me!) and it takes practice to perfect something. It also takes disciple to consistently do something often enough to enable you to feel really comfortable doing it … SO STICK WITH IT OK? Record a video daily for 30 days (after you’ve done your Geek Week) and you ’ll get there! In fact, I bet you surprise yourself! Do you remember learning to ride a bike? Or learning to type? Or learning to drive? It felt like you’d NEVER get there when you first started didn’t it? But now it’s like second nature right? Well it’s the same with videos! You just need to get started and to be consistent in your ‘practice’. Please support others in the group too though – if you are a member of the tribe and you see someone struggling in the Facebook group - you know the answer to their query and you ’re there before me, please respond to their post. You’ll find that the more you do this the more others will post comments on your videos. The more you put in the more you get out. By the way - I’m a bit of a night owl so you may see me online at crazy hours of the night or the very early hours in the morning (I’m trying to switch things around so I go to bed early and rise early instead of staying up late and rising quite early anyway)! Time for Your “Geek Week” Yup… it’s time to crack on. If YouTube and video is all completely new to you it’s important that you send a bit of time now getting acclimatised to this brave new world you ’re entering. Here are some resources to help you get started on your video journey. “I feel your enthusiasm and passion, as a mentor you are one of the best I have worked with. ” - Helen Smith, Virtual PA The Mega Basics YouTube have put together a great set of resources to help you Get Started and it would be daft to assume I could do it any better than them so – click here to access them and get the latest, most up to date information on: • • • • • Creating a YouTube Account. Searching for videos on YouTube. Uploading a video. Customising your channel’s appearance. There’s also a great Video Toolbox containing tips from other Youtubers. That’s the place to start here. Get familiar with YouTube before moving on. It’s at the heart of this whole journey and you need to feel comfortable there. Super Fly Video Challenge Mindset If you’re feeling a little nervous being in front of the camera… don’t worry! That’s why this is called “Camera Shy to Superfly” after all! You’d probably be surprised at how many people are TERRIFIED of doing their own online video – even seasoned speakers and people who regularly appear on television can find it rather intimidating to be authentically themselves and to ‘have a conversation’ with the camera. It’s ok to feel like this. But the fact of the matter is that SOMEONE SOMEWHERE NEEDS TO HEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY so we need to get you through this. Make no mistake – video is a journey and I mean that in the deepest sense of the word! You’re about to rediscover your inner voice as well as the voice and message you present to the external world and there is some preparation to do before that starts to happen – just so you know what’s coming really! Click on the wally below to watch the video and then complete the exercise on the next page. We’re going on a journey you and I! Strap in! Mindset of a Super Fly Video Star Exercise List everything that worries you about being on camera here. 1.. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 5. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 7. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 8. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 9. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ List everything that you think may possibly “crop up” to sabotage your efforts during this challenge! (including time / focus / kids / spots… the lot!) 1. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ What is the worst thing that could realistically happen as a result of you posting a video online / in the group? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Could you live with that? Would you get over it? Yes / No ** Remember - The reality of the situation here for this challenge is that every video you record during this challenge can be uploaded on YouTube and set as “Unlisted” so no one will see it unless you want them to so there’s nothing to worry about at all here really. You’ll only be sharing your videos with the rest of the tribe (if you are a member) or with a close knit group of your trusted friends and clients. What would you say to a child who had the same fears / challenges as you? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Remember… that no matter how scary this might feel like right now… we’re all grown up’s here (well I kind of am)… and we are all here to support each other too – can you be ok just acknowledging these things and making the commitment to do whatever it takes to finish strong anyway? Can you be ok with feeling nervous on camera or being worried about what people will think but still take action and film a video every day? Even if the first few are shocking? ACTION: If you are brave enough to do so, go ahead and share your deepest darkest fears about getting in front of the camera in the Facebook group so we can all support you through it. Setting Objectives So… I’m sure that by now, you’re totally ‘sold’ on what video can do for you… I mean… that’s why you’re here right? But whilst it’s true that video will: • Drive traffic to your website • Increase your click through rate by 750% (according to a report I read recently). • Build brand awareness. • Position you as an expert. • Build your list and continue to nurture relationships with the people on your list. • Generate 64% more sales from the people who visit your site. • Attract and even secure JV partners. • Attract more speaking gigs and press coverage… for the purposes of this challenge I don ’t want you to be thinking about all that stuff. … All this will come a little later if you decide to join the tribe on-going. You see, when we try to focus on too much stuff at the same time we get overwhelmed and most of the time that means we give up. I don’t want you to give up on this because it will make a big difference for you if you stick with it. So, I’m going to make this really, really simple. Watch the video below to find out more. OK, have you watched it? Does that simplify things a bit more? Think about how you can create some kind of emotional response in your viewer in each video: What will make them laugh, cry, touch their heart, make them feel passionate, angry or outraged? How can you educate AND entertain them? What will make them share your videos, like them, comment on them and +1 them if you ask them to? Tip: Engaging your audience is the best way to keep them coming back for more and getting them to share your vids with their friends. You could ask questions either via surveys or Facebook polls etc and maybe feature some of the best answers in your future videos? All this will get you more likes, +1 ’s and comments, which will increase your ranking, leading to more visibility. Whoop! If you feature a fan’s comment or answer etc then tag them… they’ll LOVE you for it and they’ll share the video … because they are mentioned in it! J Tune in Tip Number One: Know Your Wasabi! People either love wasabi or they hate it and that’s how you want people to feel about you. You want to attract the people that will love you and repel the rest. DON’T be ‘in the middle’ and vanilla’. No one will notice you, no one will remember you and that’s NOT good. ‘ Tune in Tip Number Two: Have a Consequence If you want to keep up the momentum with ANYTHING you want to achieve it’s a good idea to know what your consequence for NOT doing it is. For starters – if you don’t get your voice and message out there people won’t be able to benefit from it, you won’t have the recognition and rewards you deserve and… and… you’ll DIE with your music still inside you! Yes I know it’s a bit dramatic but this is what pushes me forwards! I don’t want to die with my music still inside me! I want to make a difference. I want to matter. How about you? Tune in Tip Number Three: My Karaoke Principle I actually run Karaoke networking events and Karaoke Coaching to get people outside their comfort zones and really having fun. Amazing relationships are formed over a bad backing track and shocking vocals you know! Anyway, whenever you’re doing something that takes you outside of your comfort zone (like karaoke or like this challenge) it’s best to do it in a group… so remember to keep on visiting the Facebook group daily! It’s a treasure trove I tell ya! The Superfly Mantra v I will Express MYSELF in my videos and not be a poor imitation of someone else! v I will Educate in my videos and leave people in a better place than they were before it! v I will Entertain in my videos by understanding what my viewers enjoy. v I will create an emotional response so that my viewers Engage with my videos and take the action I ask them to at the end. v I will know my Wasabi. v I will have a Consequence. v I will make the most of the Karaoke Principle. Small print: Because if I don’t Michelle will come and wag her finger at me and that would never do! Cool Videos to Check Out & Other Stuff to Inspire You Here are the links to some really engaging videos. Notice how different they all are. They all speak to different audiences and they all have different objectives but they’re all hugely engaging! Well worth checking out! Marie Forleo (I love this woman! She’s sooo superfly) Will it Blend (how the strangest ideas can catch on with video!) Annoying Orange! (as above! J) New Dork video by (I’m a big fan of spoof videos for promoting businesses and this is a great example) Simon Jordan (Simon creates very simple interview videos with Ecamm and they’re great!) My Playlists I’ve also created you a Playlist on YouTube which you can access HERE. And another on Spotify (because music has such a profound effect on our subsconscious I wanted you to have some to listen to that will support you on your journey to being totally comfortable on video … and on your way to online fame! Here it is : Superfly Spotify Playlist Knowing who you’re talking to (The Viewer Analysis) Would you give parrot food to your cat? Would you buy a fur coat for an animal rights activist? No? Good… then you’ll understand why it’s important to know who the person watching your videos is (or who you want them to be) so they speak to them. Remember how we want to be creating an emotional response? Well… how can we do that if we don ’t know someone? I don’t know about you but my hubby and my kids know me REALLY well and BOY do they know how to push my buttons! J BUT… a total stranger, even if they tried really hard, probably wouldn’t manage it. Because they don’t know me. They don’t touch on the right points that REALLY make me react. Does that make sense? So, what we’re going to do now is get to know your ideal viewer so we can make sure everything you put out there really speaks to them on a cellular level, provokes some kind of emotional response and makes them want to ENGAGE. Click the unbelievably dreadful picture above to watch the video and then complete the exercise on the next page. “I've had lots of doubts, but I'm already seeing improvement! Your encouragement of each person at the exact step they are on, beginner or experienced, has been phenomenal!” - Danielle McIntosh, Affiliate Marketer Superfly Viewer Analysis Q: Who is your ideal viewer? Describe the person you would most want to watch your videos here: e.g a single mum in her twenties living in East London or a male digital entrepreneur earning over $10,000 a month. My ideal viewer is: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Q: How old are they? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Q: Are they male or female? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Q: Where do they live? Geographically? What kind of home? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Q: Who do they live with? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Q: What do they worry about? What keeps them up at night? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Q: If you could wave a magic wand for them what would they most want you to fix for them (doesn’t have to be related to your business directly by the way) _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Q: What are they inspired by? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Q: What sort of language do they use? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Q: What music do they enjoy? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Q: What do they love watching… When they want to feel inspired? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ When they want to be entertained? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ To learn something new? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ To relax? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Q: What do they read? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Q: What sort of activities do they partake of (oooh posh!) in a day? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Q: How much free time do they have? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Q: What kinds of videos are they watching online already? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Q: What other content do they enjoy consuming online? Inspirational quotes? Demonstrations? Recipes? Funny spoof videos? Pranks? Tutorials? Viral images? Music? Is there any way you could incorporate these into your videos do you think? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Now I'd like you to write an email from your ideal viewer to you, AFTER they’ve just watched one of your videos which REALLY inspired them. “ Hi there [YOUR NAME], I’ve just watched your [TITLE] video and I had to write you an email to say how much I resonated with what you said in it. I was just [WHAT WERE THEY DOING WHEN THEY NOTICED YOUR VIDEO] when I spotted it and it caught my eye because [WHAT WAS IT THAT MADE THEM WATCH? THE TITLE? WHAT WAS IT? THE THUMBNAIL? WHY DID THAT ATTRACT THEIR ATTENTION?] Thank you so much for sharing the story about [INSERT A STORY YOU FEEL WOULD REALLY RESONATE] it was just what I needed to hear right now because [INSERT AN ISSUE / CHALLENGE YOUR IDEAL VIEWER IS HAVING RIGHT NOW THAT YOU HELPED THEM FEEL BETTER ABOUT]. I learnt that [WHAT DID THEY LEARN] and that [WHAT ELSE DID THEY LEARN]?” Keep on fleshing this out until you have a really good idea of what would make your ideal viewer feel so strongly that they actually write you an email! Now do the same thing for a sales video they watched from you that compelled them to take the next step with you! v What was refreshing about your sales video? v Why have they NOT bought into other programmes before? v What was it about you that they bought into? Are you starting to get a feel for what it is about you that’s going to attract and HOLD people ’s attention? Now it’s time to think about the words you ’re going to say in your videos. Remember: you want to create an emotional response here (WASABI)… and you must be totally yourself too. If you’re quite formal, don’t try and sound like a surf dude. If you’re a surf dude don’t try and sound like a lawyer! Use the same sort of words that you usually do … for example I say things like “fantabulous” and “brilltastic” quite a bit in real life… so I use them in my videos too! The right people soon start to reflect this language back to me and the ‘wrong’ audience HATE ME. But that’s ok! J Planning your videos out / writing your scripts (depending on what works best for you) Right – now you know your viewer a little better it’s time to start planning out your content. Start With a Good Title Your videos title is crucial to its ’ success. It will not only serve to help your video get found on the internet (as long as you include keywords and describe what’s in the video) but it will help your viewer decide whether or not they want to watch it when they stumble upon it in their Newsfeed and so on. Make sure your title says what you cover in the video (and make sure you deliver that in the video!) In Copywriting (I’m a copywriter but I LOVE studying copy) they say that you should spend 50% of the time writing your headline (or in this case your title) and the other 50% of the time on your actual content. They also say that the job of each sentence is to ‘sell’ the next sentence and this is something I find really useful to remember when I’m writing my scripts for my videos! When you apply this thinking to your videos they flow really well and they get you the results you want! Some Title-Tastic Tips • Use ‘key words’ in your title with the ‘benefit’ to the viewer in there to enable Google to know it’s actually worth ranking. • Your title could be a question (i.e. “Does Video Marketing really work?”) or a statement that will attract the audience you want. Give this some thought – the tabloid approach always seems to sell papers so perhaps you might want to try something like “Is Video Marketing a complete Waste of Time?” or “Online Video? Why Bother?”. • Remember though that as a marketer of what you do (and make no mistake, that IS what you are) you absolutely must tell your audience what they are going to get out of watching your video. It’s ALWAYS all about them and NOT about you… so instead of “How I use video to get more speaking gigs” try “How to get more speaking gigs with video” See what I mean? The Crucial First 15 seconds Now you’ve got their attention with a super fly snazzfastic title, you’ve got to hold their attention too (kind of like continuing to work on your marriage)! Remember! Every sentence has the job of selling the next! Now, most people will make up their minds about your video in the first few seconds so you ’ve got to make sure you make them count. A high energy video intro (like they have at the beginning of tv shows) can make a big difference and kick things off really well. Include some great (royalty free) music and an energetic vibe to set the tone and you ’ll be away. Marie Forleo pops in a funny out-take BEFORE her intro which hooks you in straight away because it makes you giggle, puts you at ease and leaves you with an open frame of mind. Those very first words you say or whatever the viewer sees first can make all the difference in terms of whether or not they stick around to watch the rest of the video so think about this. I like questions that get people thinking straight off the bat and this is where knowing your audience comes in. What do they want to know? What do they need to hear? Use the first few seconds to communicate how your viewer will benefit from watching. How are you going to make it worth their while? Tell them right away! Make sure you then tick all the following boxes: Express YOURSELF How can you put your own UNIQUE stamp on this video? How can you add a little wasabi into the mix? Entertain What else could you include in your videos aside from your content? Out takes? An inspirational quote? Music? A clip of another video? What other elements would your audience enjoy? Educate What are the key takeaway messages that you are going to make sure your viewer walks away with as a result of watching this video? Engage… with a Clear Call to Action You absolutely MUST tell your viewer what you want them to do next. Do you want them to post a comment or share the video with their personal network? Do you need them to visit a certain website? Or opt in to your list? This is where you can measure your video ’s success. Try including your call to action as text on the screen as well as stating it verbally to make it really clear. If your video doesn’t compel people to take some kind of action it’s unlikely that they’re actually engaged with your content at all… or that they’ve even watched to the end! Edit… When you’re starting out (and you’re just trying to form a habit, just chop off the beginning and end bits (when you’re fiddling around with the camera!) … but when you’ve mastered that… move on to the cooler things you can do too! It makes a HUGE difference to a video! Getting your equipment sorted Maybe it’s because I’m a geek at heart and I really enjoy a good gadget (and also of course I love a bit of retail therapy too) but I find this bit pretty exciting! Click above to watch a video message from me about equipment. The good news is that you don ’t need anything flashy or expensive to create great videos and also, the point right now at this stage is just to get you in the HABIT of actually using video on a regular basis. That said though, there is some kit you might want to think about getting which will make your videos awesome from day one. I built my own kit up bit by bit over time as and when it became necessary for me to have it but I started out with nothing more than an iPhone and a tripod. Actually, that’s not true! I started with an iPhone and a stack of books piled on top of a chair that was on a table to make sure the camera was at eye level so don ’t think you need to go overboard here ok! Basic Kit - Do you own an iPhone? If you do own an iPhone, my good friend Jules Watkins has a great free Manual all about iPhone video marketing and I’d highly recommend you sign up for it! Just click the image to do so. This is how I got started with video, with my humble little iPhone and pretty much nothing else! With a bit of planning and prep you can create awesome videos with just your iPhone and I can highly recommend Jules Watkins iPhone Video Hero which is Jules’ program if you really want to master the art of iPhone video (with all the whizzy bang tips and gadgets that you can use!) Cameras OK… you’re doing video here so it kind of goes without saying that you’re going to need a good quality camera that’s capable of capturing decent footage. You don’t need to spend hundreds of coins here, but do a bit of research into the best camera for your price range. I’d recommend getting a camera with a USB port so you can upload your videos really easily. I have used and would recommend the Flipcam (if you can get one) an iPhone (but only use the caner on the back (i.e. not the front facing one where you can see yourself while recording – I know it’s a pain as it’s useful to be able to see yourself but the quality isn ’t as good) and the Canon EOS 60D which is what I tend to use most now. I love my Canon! I still use my iPhone if I’m ‘caught on the go and unprepared’ though – so if I’m on a train or something and I have a thought or I see something that I think will resonate with my tribe I might use my iPhone to film something there and then. Really though, for the purposes of your Camera Shy to Superfly challenge, ANY camera will do. The whole point of this challenge is to getting YOU started with video – that’s all! Don’t let ‘not having a good enough camera’ stop you. Even when you have MEGA kit you’ll probably ALWAYS want to upgrade anyway! The guys I work with to film my high end clients work for the BBC and MTV etc and they ’re ALWAYS looking to upgrade even though their cameras are worth tens and even hundreds of thousands in some cases! Crazy folks. Just take what you’ve got and get started! Lighting This is really, really important… but luckily, we have the sun! Yay! Natural lighting is AWESOME for video and basically you just need to make sure all light points TOWARDS you and illuminates you softly. Don’t EVER have the light coming from behind you though. We won’t be able to see you! Now if you’re anything like me you’ll never film in the daylight (I have to wait until children are in bed!) and when natural lighting isn’t possible you can use some good quality home or office lamps or you can invest in some proper lighting. I have 3 of these kits (because I really like that apple look on a pure white background, so when I have my white backdrop I have 4 of these lights lighting the backdrop and then I stand in front of those with 2 lights lighting me as a separate subject. 2 x Softbox Lights subject. If you’d like to create that style of video too (with the crisp white background) my hubby and I created the video that you’ll find a little further along to help you make it work but basically we use 4 of these lights to over expose the white background and then another 2 to light me as a separate Microphones Make no mistake, audio is quite possibly the most important part of your video! You can get away with almost anything as long as the audio is good quality. If you audio is off your video is very unlikely to have the impact you want it to have so this bit REALLY matters. Most of the latest cameras will have a good quality microphone built in but you can also think about using an external mic if you need a bit more juice in this department too. The rule of thumb here is that the closer the mic is to your body, the better. That’s why lapel mics are a big win J I use a lapel mic plugged into a Zoom H4N which is brilliant but I also use a Rode mic on top of the Canon sometimes if I need to pick up other sound in the room too. Again, most recording devices have good enough audio built in for the purposes of your Camera shy to Superfly challenge. Just start with whatever you’ve got and we’ll go from there. My macbook webcam and inbuilt mic films decent enough video and audio for this challenge too so if you have a mac use it. You may also want to check out the Audio-Technica ATR-3350 Lavalier Omnidirectional Condenser Mic. It comes with itty bitty lil clips and a little windscreen too despite the fact it will only set you back $17 on Amazon! Just make sure that when no external sounds are audible when you’re filming. If you are at home make sure you ’ve got a quiet environment to do this in and you ’ll be alreet! J My dog and my kids are forever interrupting my shoots and it can be really draining having to do it over and over again… so I’ve decided it’s more authentic for me to have them in the videos if and when they do want to get involved! Easier for everyone that way! Click on the video or Pip and I to see how we set up our ‘home studio’ with the white background and what we use for sound too. “This has been a brilliant opportunity and I am very grateful to be on the program! I love your style! It gets things done in a wonderful friendly funny way! You have something very special going on here! - Bev Taylor, Coach Tripods Tripods ROCK and you need one. Period. That’s not to say that you can’t start off with the books stacked on chairs on top of tables trick though! That works! They range in price for super low to pretty darned expensive. You’ll probably be fine with one of the cheaper ones like this one but if you want to be able to move the camera from side to side etc or if you need a more stable tripod (that won ’t blow over in the wind for example) you’ll need something more heavy duty. I remember sellotaping my phone to the back of a chair once too! Teehee! I know, I know… such a pro! J The point is DON’T let not having pro kit hold you back – just take what you have and make it work for you. “I am learning more in these few days than I have in any other programme I've done. I think for me, it is increasing my confidence which is what I need to do.” – Maria Albertsen Autocue I use my iPad with Prompterpro app and one of these to create an Autocue BUT I’ve seen people use an iPad stacked on books and chairs and tables etc too J I’ve also seen people speak unscripted, I ’ve seen them use flashcards (but be careful about the sound of the card as you change cards if you do this) I've seen an Outline work well and I’ve actually BEEN a human autocue too! One of my clients who was especially nervous in front of the camera (despite being really confident off the camera) couldn’t use the autocue… it just felt wrong for her and it was making her look uncomfortable in her videos… Now, I should add here that this is a lady who built one of the biggest face to face networking organisations in the UK from scratch, she’s a speaker and a very talented coach - so believe me, she was very confident in person, just not on camera. Anyway we scrapped the autocue and instead I read her script to her line by line, with passion … so all she needed to do was read each line back and then we edited it all together afterwards J Also – before I had an iPad I used my laptop with a programme called and that worked just fine too! The trick is getting it as close to your camera at eye level as possible! An autocue is not necessary but having some kind of prompt can be really useful if you find it hard to keep track of what you need to say. But again… just get started J You’ll find yourself getting better and better at this stuff I PROMISE! The moral of this section is JUST USE WHATEVER YOU HAVE FOR NOW. I don’t care if it’s an iphone or a webcam or a flipcam or a whizzy bang tv quality camera… just get started TODAY J How to Shoot Your Videos Wahoo! How totally rad it is that you ’re ready to shoot some video! High five! Watch the video above for a few tips on shooting your videos. Superfly Filming Cheat Sheet You • • • • • • • • • • • • Brushed your hair? Non shiny ladies? Wearing what you want to wear in your videos? Representing your brand? Do your clothes fit well? Are you comfortable in them? Have you done a ‘test run’ and made sure they don’t make you look too fat / thin / short / tall / pale / un human Does the colour you’re wearing look good on you? Does it work in the environment you ’re filming in NO GREEN ON A GREEN SCREEN. No stripes. No loud patterns. Setting • • • Choose a simple, tidy setting, that’s easy on the eye. Think about adding a little ‘interest’ to the shot with a colourful plant or a vase of flowers if you need to. Line up your shot and take a still photo. Are you happy with what it looks like? • Is the lighting good? • Is it quiet? • Unplug phone, doorbell, turn off email notifications if you’re near your pc. • Give dog a (quiet) chew. • Put kids to bed. • Pop a note on your door so people don ’t knock. • Stop and listen… are their any sounds in the environment that could be annoying on video? Equipment • • • • Face the light. Set up your camera so it’s at eye level – too high or too low and you’ll look totally weird! Set up your ‘autocue’ to be as close to the lens as physically possible. Do a TEST RUN to see what it looks like when you’re reading it so it doesn’t look bizarre! TOP TIP! If you’re using your iPad (without the kit that makes it into an autocue use it upright or portrait as opposed to landscape as it will only be able to fit 2 or 3 words per line and although that may feel strange your viewer won’t be able to see your eyes moving across the as you read the words quite so much. Editing your videos I don’t actually do my own editing unless it’s screen capture video as I have a team of chaps including my lovely hubby who do it all for me (phew!) but there are a number of different options available to you here. PC Users Use Windows Movie Maker (free) Or Adobe Premier or Sony Vegas (paid for). Mac Users Use iMovie (free) Or Final Cut Pro (paid for). The main things to bear in mind are: • • Beginning & end – make sure it’s a nice clean beginning and that your video ends cleanly too (no switching camera on or fumbling around trying to turn it off at the end! Teehee!) Think about having an ident or intro created to pop on the front of your videos. You can get this done very cheaply on • • • • • • Think about using Music to ‘keep the energy and pace’ in the right place but for goodness sake use royalty free music or you’ll end up in all sorts of trouble. Check out FREEMUSICFORVIDEOS.COM here for a start J Use transitions that are smooth and not jerky. Also try to make sure you don ’t jump all over the screen too much too. You can crop the picture on the screen, add images (again go royalty free with Shutterstock or someone like that though) too but just make sure it ’s as smooth as a babies bottom ok. No sudden movements! J Pip (my hubby) says it’s a good idea to ‘save’ any funny outtake moments by moving them along to the end of the track you’re working on until you’ve edited everything else to perfection – then you can bring them all back in again when you need them J By the way. If this is going WAY over your head, learn to crop the top and tail off (you know, the bits where you are turning on the camera and turning it off again – teehee) and just keep on recording your videos daily. As one part of the process becomes easier you ’ll have more headspace available for mastering all these little things as you go. This experience with you so far has been a breath of fresh air, and has given me the support and framework to begin to tell my story and try to help others. Thanks.” - Justin Swaby, Coach “ Uploading and Tagging Tick List You will already have gone through this during your Geek Week but here is a handy cheat sheet to use when you’re uploading and tagging your videos. 1. Go to and login 2. Click on Upload. 3. Select the file you want to upload. 4. Edit your Title – A killer headline including keywords 5. Edit Your Tags – Keywords!! 6. Put your website URL in the Description field FIRST and then 7. Category: Is your video a How to video? Is it a Blog video? Choose the best category to put your video under. 8. Public / Unlisted: Until you’re sure you want to ‘go public’ with your videos you can pop them up as ‘Unlisted’ videos. That way, when you share them in the Facebook group we’ll be able to feedback before you go live. J 9. Standard Licence 10. Annotations: I usually pop a 5 minute pause at the end of my vids to avoid all those funny randoms popping up. 11. Thumbnail: Think about the thumbnail you select for your video. Make it look like a fun video – don’t use a still of the most boring part of the video! Marketing your videos There’s no point creating videos if no one sees them so, once you’re at the point where you’re creating videos you’re happy with that tick all the right boxes it ’s time to get them out there. Watch the video for a lil pep talk on marketing your videos and then it’s on to the tick list on the next page! Marketing Your Videos Tick List 1. Embed video on your blog and write a keyword rich post around it. You could even simply transcribe (or have transcribed) what you say in your video! Include your call to action in your copy as well as in your video. Ask people to comment, share, like, +1 etc. 2. Share the link to your video on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest but be sure to include a link to your BLOG POST in the description area under your YouTube Video. ASK people to watch your video to find out x, y, z when you share it though! J 3. Also share the link to your blog post on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ (on a different day though). ASK people to check out your recent blog post J 4. Reach out to bloggers who have your viewers eyes and ears already and tell them about any relevant new videos. In fact, if you have a number of videos which would be relevant to the topics they cover on their blog – send them ALL to them! If your videos fit the bill they may well end up writing about them. But if you don’t’ send the email they are very unlikely to come across your videos’ organically. Don’t risk it. Get your videos on their radars! Put together a list of bloggers you ’d like to be featured by and then send them relevant videos at least monthly! You’ll also start to build relationships with them which can lead to places you can’t even imagine right now in terms of joint ventures and such like! Time to get Superfly! So… there we have it! If you’ve worked your way through this workbook, done the exercises and watched all the videos – you’re READY. Now all that’s left is to get started. As I mentioned before if you already have a project you want to work on, maybe an opt in series or what have you – crack on with that! If not, here are some suggestions for your daily videos. Good luck and hopefully you’ll join the tribe and I’ll see you in the Facebook group soon! That’s where you need to come whenever you need support – there are a lot of wonderful people in the group and I will be there to give you feedback and to cheerlead for you throughout this process. Try to enjoy it! P.S. I believe in you! P.P.S. Someone, somewhere NEEDS to hear what you have to say. It’s TIME! P.P.S. If neither of these are working for you, remind yourself of the consequence you came up with earlier in the workbook. What will happen if you DON’T get on board with video now? Now is the time my friend. Let’s do this! “Joining the tribe has given me the push I needed to start using video on a regular basis. I’m thrilled and your supportive, constructive feedback has been invaluable!” - Becky Redpath, Stylist Daily Suggestions for your 30 day video challenge: When I ran the 30 day challenge for the very first time most of the people who took part followed these daily suggestions. Ignore reference to the Accountability document which may be mentioned in the daily challenge videos. I now only provide Accountability to my tribe members. Daily Suggestions Day 1. Reflect on the things that have worked for you over the last 12 months. Originally people were reflecting on the last year as it was New Years Day but this is just as relevant all year round! Day 2. Share books, blogs, films and other resources that you think your viewers would benefit from hearing about. CLICK HERE to read the Day Two instructions from the original challenge. Day 3. What would you change about the world tomorrow if you could? Day 4. Share a common misconception that people have about your business, or even about you! CLICK HERE for the Day Four instructions from the original challenge. Day 5. Describe your ideal client. CLICK HERE for the Day five instructions from the original challenge. Day 6. Describe and overcome your ideal clients most common objections. CLICK HERE for the Day Six instructions from the original challenge. Day 7. What’s your Kryptonite? CLICK HERE for the Day Seven instructions from the original challenge. Day 8. What’s your Wasabi? CLICK HERE for the Day Eight instructions from the original challenge. Day 9. Tell the story of you. How did you start doing what you do now? CLICK HERE for the original Day Nine instructions. Day 10. What’s your song? CLICK HERE for the original Day Ten instructions. Day 11. What if money were no object? CLICK HERE for the original Day Eleven instructions. Day 12. What’s the best piece of advice you could give someone else? CLICK HERE for original instructions. Day 13. What’s your biggest win for a client so far and what did you learn from it? CLICK HERE for original instructions. Day 14. Do you have any regrets? CLICK HERE for original instructions. Day 15. Share your thoughts on what makes a business trustworthy. CLICK HERE for the original instructions. Day 16. What’s the biggest obstacle you’ve had to overcome? CLICK HERE for instructions. Day 17. What’s your priority in life? CLICK HERE for instructions. Day 18. If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be and why. CLICK HERE for instructions. Day 19. If you could have a dinner party with 5 people (alive or dead) who would you invite? CLICK HERE for instructions. Day 20. When you were a child, what did you think your life would look like today? CLICK HERE for instructions. Day 21. What are you proud of? CLICK HERE for instructions. Day 22. If you could have any super power, what would you choose? CLICK HERE for instructions. Day 23. What makes you proud to be a human being? CLICK HERE for instructions. Day 24. Have you ever experienced a really weird coincidence? CLICK HERE for instructions. Day 25. If you could be anyone else in the world for a day, who would you be? CLICK HERE for instructions. Day 26. What will it mean for your business when your videos actually lands you your dream clients / JVs / speaking gigs? CLICK HERE for instructions Day 27. What is the consequence be if you don ’t step out onto the global stage and make your mark? CLICK HERE for instructions. Day 28. Share the results you’ve had since you’ve started using video. Would you recommend it to your clients or friends who run their own businesses? CLICK HERE for instructions. Day 29. What is your BIG VISION for your business in the next 12 months? CLICK HERE for instructions. Day 30. Would you mind filming me a feedback video that I can share with others who might be thinking about coming on a journey with me? CLICK HERE for instructions. OR… just in case you don’t fancy doing that…try these instead (or even better, as well as)! Day 26 - What is your most vivid memory of childhood? Day 27 - What will the next challenge you set for yourself be and why? Day 28 – What’s the Consequence of you NOT sharing your message? For yourself? Your family? The world? Day 29 – Tell me your Big Vision – what do you want to do in the future? What do you want to achieve? Day 30 - Record a motivational message for yourself to watch on those down days (think of yourself speaking to your inner 3 year old... be encouraging, believe in yourself and be nice to yourself!) Bonus Idea: Slight twist on the last one. If you could give some advice to you’re younger self, what would you say? Look at how much your videos can change in 30 days! Rob Wilson from did the 30 day challenge too and he recorded this brilliant video to explain what he got out of the process. Click on the video above to see for yourself! It’s amazing the difference a month makes isn ’t it! So… as you’ll have heard Rob now plans to put video into place throughout his business and that leads me nicely onto… More videos to think about putting into place which will make a big difference in your business I wanted to give you a list of some other videos that you could create once you’re feeling more comfortable and confident on camera. I just really wanted to get you thinking about all the different kinds of videos that you could produce over time that will enable you to: • • • • • • Attract new clients, speaking opportunities and joint venture partners. Build your email list. Build relationships with the people on that list. Convert them to paying customers. Encourage people to buy from you multiple times. Provide an A class customer experience – end to end. The more you integrate video (in the right places) the more effective your online presence will become. There’s no rush of course, and you don ’t need to do any of these during the challenge, but video can bring all sorts of areas of your online business presence ‘to life’ so do think about how you could start putting the following into place at some point soon ok? Video Video Intro (like a tv show would have) Welcome to website + opt in invitation / offer Welcome to Facebook Page + opt in invitation / offer Check your inbox message (for double opt ins) Thank you message (for new subscribers) Follow up videos to send after people join list (could be links to your most popular video blog posts) Speaking Showreel / Highlights reel FAQ Videos (much better than boring text!) Product / Service Demonstrations Video Broadcasts instead of plain text emails. Training Videos for team By When? Done it! Tour of Premises / Meet the Team Testimonials Interviews in person Interviews via Skype / G+ Hangout Sales Video Launch series Film of Live Event Spoof “viral” videos Next Steps I really hope you’ve found your challenge valuable and that you’ve found the support and feedback you needed to get you on the road to a truly Superfly video integrated online presence that works hard for you day and night. If you’d like more support, I’d love it if you’d join the Superfly Tribe! We provide a lot of feedback and support to our members and it’s a fantastic, supportive community! “It is so nice to have feedback, and just good to be part of the tribe where everyone is so positive. It takes the ‘scariness’ out of doing something that you are worried has the ‘cringe factor’. Thank you!” - Elizabeth O’Shea, Parenting Expert Join the Superfly Tribe Today! (it’s less than coffee, cake and a packet of crisps at Starbucks each week)! I’d be so happy it if you were to stay in the tribe so we can carry on working together on an on-going basis, and if you’d like to, here are all the details. As a member of the Superfly tribe you ’ll get access to our private Facebook Group and membership site and enjoy a weekly: • • • Video containing several ideas for your week ’s video content & online marketing in general J An accountability kick to help you keep going. Sometimes I’ll ask a special guest to pop to share their knowledge and expertise with you too. • • • • • You’ll be able to post your videos in the group for feedback and support in a safe ‘non public’ place. You’ll have the rest of the tribe, myself and my team behind you so whenever you need some friendly feedback before going public with a video or any other piece of online marketing you can. You’ll get your video and online marketing questions answered in one place during a weekly Q&A session which is hosted inside the group. Your questions will be answered in tutorial videos which we’ll archive in the Private Members Area. You’ll get help tweaking your marketing messages so they’re as compelling as possible. You’ll get to network with other Superfly tribers AND you’ll get a new mini course on a strategy that’s working right NOW every month too (these are each sold separately for a minimum of $75 on my site but as a member you get them all for a fraction of that price!) You’ll most likely find yourself covering your costs here so quickly you won’t quite believe what’s happened! Click on the video above to see what Dave Smith (The Possibility Professor) has to say about it! If you would like to join the superfly tribe as an member please visit: and sign up now! It’s been an absolute pleasure spending this time with you and I look forward to seeing you on the global stage soon! “I learnt more in just a few days than I have in any other programme I’ve done.” - Maria Albertsen, Entrepreneur
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