COMMISSIONERS’ MEETING March 5, 2014 The regular meeting of the Monroe County Board of Commissioners was held on Wednesday, March 05, 2014 in the Commissioners Public Meeting Room with the following present: Chairman John R. Moyer, Vice‐Chairman Charles A. Garris, Commissioner Suzanne F. McCool, Solicitor John Dunn, Chief Clerk/Administrator Greg Christine, and Administrative Secretary Cindy King. Chairman Moyer called the meeting to order at 9:31 a.m. with a moment of silence and the pledge of allegiance to the flag. There was no public comment on agenda items. M‐2014‐56 Motion by Commissioner McCool, seconded by Vice‐Chairman Garris and carried to approve the following: a) Minutes of the February 19, 2014 Commissioner’s Meeting b) Ratify opening of bids on 2/14/14 for printing of election materials and moving of voting machines, as follows: Printing: Moving: ELECTEC, Inc. $18,000.00 AAA Moving & Storage $10,480.00 Reliance Graphics $6,300.00 Matheson Transfer $7,800.00 J. Cawley Moving, LLC $7,550.00 c) Ratify opening of bids on 2/24/14 for vendor selection for training courses for the Northeast PA Regional Counter Terrorism Task Force, as follows: National Tactical Officers Association $31,960.00 A6A Associates, LLC $54,000.00 M‐2014‐57 Motion by Commissioner McCool, seconded by Vice‐Chairman Garris and carried to approve the following: a) Personnel Agenda: 1 b) Ratify Requests to work additional hours: i) Sheriff’s Department for the period ending 2/23/14: (1) William Bentzoni, 2 hours; Mary Beth Cook, 3 hours; Phyllis Curtis, 0.5 hours; Libby Daily, 4 hours; Wayne Dickison, 16 hours; John Hucorne, 8 hours; Maggie Johns, 6.5 hours; Marta Kaczmarczyk, 8 hours; Darlene Lee, 9.5 hours; Jeffra Lee, 11.5 hours; Lois Lyon, 18.75 hours; Salvatore Manda, 1.5 hours; Scott Martin, 1 hour; Justine Sebring, 16.5 hours; Joseph Sparrow, 5 hours; Gary Steinberg, 14.5 hours; Robert Stone, 2 hours; Tami Treantafelo, 0.5 hours c) Vouchers payable: i) $168,577.40 on 2/19/14 ii) $954,213.40 on 2/20/14 iii) $663,384.20 on 2/25/14 d) Gross Payroll: i) $911,119.19 for the period ending 2/23/14 e) Healthcare Benefits Payments: i) Blue Cross/Blue Shield: (1) $45,443.66 on 2/5/14 (2) $66,798.05 on 2/18/14 ii) Geisinger: (1) $106,391.53 on 2/5/14 (2) $7,304.13 on 2/11/14 (3) $94,384.88 ON 2/18/14 iii) United Concordia Dental: (1) $10,234.00 ON 2/12/14 (2) $4,798.00 ON 2/19/14 iv) Health Equity: (1) $557.61 on 2/12/14 v) Connect Your Care (HSA): (1) $2,248.36 (2) $325.71 (3) $493.11 f) Travel Authorizations (Approve/Ratify): a) District Attorney’s Office: i) Maureen Egley and Melissa Colovito to Bucks County Community College on 3/18/14 to attend the 3rd Annual Bucks County Conference on Crimes Against Children ($157.00) b) Conservation District: i) Trish Attardo to Carbon County, PA on 3/12/14 to speak to the Kidder Township Environmental Advisory Council ii) Drew Wagner and Orianna Richards to Wilkes Barre, PA on 3/4/14 to attend a DEP meeting on the Mt. Pocono Municipal Authority Spray Irrigation Design Project c) Register and Recorder’s Office: i) Jamie Butz and Terri Cramer to State College, PA on 4/23/14 and 4/24/14 to attend the LANDEX Users Conference for updates on the LANDEX System d) Approve the attached Travel Request Report M‐2014‐58 Motion by Commissioner McCool, seconded by Vice‐Chairman Garris and carried to execute an addendum to the contract with CareGivers America increasing their hourly rate for personal care and home support to $18.58, for the period of February 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014, as requested by the Area Agency on Aging. M‐2014‐59 Motion by Commissioner McCool, seconded by Vice‐Chairman Garris and carried to approve the following, as requested by Children and Youth Services: a) The following Adoption Assistance Agreements: i) LD ii) ZT iii) MT iv) ST b) Execute the 2nd Quarter 2013/2014 Juvenile Probation Office Title IV‐E Claim for reimbursement of administrative costs in the amount of $10,678.29 M‐2014‐60 Motion by Commissioner McCool, seconded by Vice‐Chairman Garris and carried to approve the following: a) The Budget Adjustment Report dated 2/27/14 with adjustments totaling $1,420,954.00 2 b) The request from the Sherman Theater to use County property, as follows, subject to proof of insurance, hold harmless agreement and reimbursement of expenses for County personnel: i. Parking Deck on June 7, 2014 for the Pocono Raceway Festival ii. Parking Deck on August 30, 2014 for Stroudfest c) The request from the Sherman Theater to use the vacant lot on Sixth Street the third Tuesday of every month from May through September 2014 to be used as part of Downtown Stroudsburg Cruise Night, subject to Borough approval, proof of insurance and a hold harmless agreement including responsibility for clean‐up after each event d) The following Proclamations and Certificates of Special Recognition: i. C.A.S.U.A.L. Day on 3/27/14 and designating the month of March, 2014 as Colon Cancer Awareness Month (resolution #3) PROCLAMATION CC..AA..SS..U U..AA..LL.. D DAAYY WHEREAS, colon and rectal cancers are among the most frequently diagnosed cancers in Northeast Pennsylvania; and WHEREAS, incidence rates in some areas are as much as 23% higher than the U.S. average, and mortality rates are as much as 16% higher than the U.S. average; and WHEREAS, about 75% of new cases of colon and rectal cancer occur in patients of average risk; and WHEREAS, approximately 1,165 new cases are diagnosed, and about 400 patients die from colon cancer each year in the counties of Bradford, Carbon, Lackawanna, Lehigh, Luzerne, Lycoming, Monroe, Northampton, Pike, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga, Wayne, and Wyoming combined; and WHEREAS, the Northeast Regional Cancer Institute has been easing the burden of cancer in Northeastern Pennsylvania for over 20 years through community and patient services, hospital and practice support services, and cancer surveillance programs specifically designed to meet the unique needs of our region; and WHEREAS, on Thursday, March 21, 2013, the Northeast Regional Cancer Institute will sponsor the 10th annual C.A.S.U.A.L. (Colon Cancer Awareness Saves Unlimited Adult Lives) Day to increase colon cancer awareness throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania; and WHEREAS, C.A.S.U.A.L. Day was established by the family of Helen Phillips, who fought a courageous battle against colon cancer and died in the summer of 2002. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Board of Commissioners of the County of Monroe do hereby urge residents of Monroe County and all of Northeastern Pennsylvania to be screened for early detection of colon cancer, participate and support the Northeast Regional Cancer Institute in its colon cancer awareness efforts, and designate the month of March as Colon Cancer Awareness Month and March 27, 2014 as C.A.S.U.A.L. Day in Monroe County. ii. Eric A. Galante – Eagle Scout iii. Elia R. Taddeo – Eagle Scout e) Execute a Professional Services Contract Addendum with Attorney Jeffrey Durney to add the Tax Claim Bureau as an additional legal service for an annual payment of $10,000.00 f) Ratify execution of an Application for Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit with PNC Bank in the amount of $2,300,000.00 to be used as security for the Pleasant Valley Manor Workers Compensation Trust Reserve Fund as required by the PA Department of Labor and Industry g) Accept a proposal from Johnson Controls in the amount of $1,480.00 (two quotes) to perform an Eddy Current Test on the Heat Exchanger Tank in the Courthouse h) Execute a Planned Service Proposal with Johnson Controls for on‐going maintenance and service on the METASYS / HVAC System in the courthouse for a three year term effective 2/1/14 through 1/31/17, in the amount of $42,600.00 in year one, $43,900.00 in year two and $45,200.00 in year three (lowest of three quotes) i) Add Not Just Tee Shirts (DUI Center) to the approved vendors list j) Execute a Building Use Request Form with the St. Paul Lutheran Church for use of church facilities on 5/20/14 and 11/4/14 as a polling place for the 2014 election year, subject to a $100.00 donation k) Ratify Execution of the following Agreements with Xerox Corporation: i. E‐JUROR Software License Agreement for the Jury Management Office 3 ii. Product Support Enhancement Agreement for the period of 2/1/14 through 6/30/15 in the amount of $18,640.00 iii. Service Enhancement Agreement extending their contract for onsite computer services through 12/31/2020, with a position upgrade to Business Analyst and a credit in the contract of $185,000.00 to be used for the upgraded financial package l) Execute an Agreement with New World Systems to migrate the County’s Financial System to the New World Logos .NET Licensed Standard Software for a term to expire 11/30/23, with a start‐up Implementation fee of $170,000.00 and annual subscription fees in year one of $30,220.00 ending with year 10 at $33,242.00 m) Reject all bids regarding printing of election materials for 2014 n) Award the bid for moving of election machines to J Cawley Moving, LLC (lowest of 3 bids) Chairman Moyer explained that the budget adjustment report dated February 27, 2014 totaling $1,420,954.00, including approximately $1,419,000.00 in reallocating of grant funds, $957,500.00 in Children and Youth Services, $96,404.00 in Emergency Management; and $353,000.00 to establish the budget for 2014 Community Service Block Grant; and $1,500.00 in 2013 year‐end adjustments. Chairman Moyer stated that other agenda items include, the appointment of Attorney Durney to provide legal services for the Tax Claim Office due to the retirement of Mark Love, Esquire. The current contract with Zerox Corporation to provide onsite computer services has been extended through December, 2020, and the printing of election materials will be done in house. James DeVore, Court Administrator asked for clarification E‐JUROR software agreement. Clarification was given. Chairman Moyer called on Mr. Joseph Pierce, County Bond Counsel, who stated that the that the county is securing a letter of credit in the amount of $2,300,000.00 with PNC Bank with respect to the self‐insurance obligations of Pleasant Valley Manor, Inc. O‐2014‐01 Motion by Commissioner McCool, seconded by Vice‐Chairman Garris and carried to adopt an ordinance authorizing and directing the County to incur debt pursuant to the Local Government Unit Debt Act in the maximum principal amount of $2,300,000.00. Chairman Moyer called for roll call vote: Commissioners Garris aye, McCool aye, and Moyer aye. M‐2014‐61 Motion by Commissioner McCool, seconded by Vice‐Chairman Garris and carried to execute a Fire Alarm System Service Renewal Agreement with Tyco/Simplex Grinnell Fire and Security, in the amount of $14,782.00, for the semi‐annual testing, maintenance and service of the fire alarm system, effective February 1, 2014, as requested by Warden Asure. M‐2014‐62 Motion by Commissioner McCool, seconded by Vice‐Chairman Garris and carried to approve the following as requested by the Office of Emergency Management: a) Execute the Hazardous Material Emergency Preparedness Grant Agreement with the PA Emergency Management Agency, in the amount of $14,400.00 to be used for hazardous materials planning and training b) Award the bid for Training Courses to National Tactical Officers Association of Doylestown, PA in the amount of $31,960.00 (lowest of two bids) M‐2014‐63 Motion by Commissioner McCool, seconded by Vice‐Chairman Garris and carried to approve a request from the Housing Authority of Monroe County to reserve $200,000.00 of Act 137 monies to be used for rehabilitation of the forty (40) senior housing units at Hamilton Manor in Snydersville, PA, subject to receipt of an award of low‐income Housing Tax Credits from the PA Housing Finance Agency. M‐2014‐64 Motion by Commissioner McCool, seconded by Vice‐Chairman Garris and carried to ratify the execution of an Application Software Support Agreement with INFOCON Corporation for the Orphan’s Court Guardianship Tracking Sub‐System, with an annual licensing fee of $4,000.00 and a monthly support fee of $50.00, to be paid from the Prothonotary’s 601 Fund, as requested by the Prothonotary Office. M‐2014‐65 Motion by Commissioner McCool, seconded by Vice‐Chairman Garris and carried to execute a West Nile Virus Grant Application with the PA Department of Environmental Protection in the amount of $30,000.00 for the period of January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014, as requested by Vector Control. M‐2014‐66 Motion by Commissioner McCool, seconded by Vice‐Chairman Garris and carried to approve the following, as requested by the Redevelopment Authority: 4 a) The request to re‐direct $42,000.00 of the Act 137 Funds to development of the costs for eight units at Ivy Ridge b) Execute a Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 Mortgage on behalf of the County and Tawny Holm in the amount of $115,000.00 to be funded by the NSP3 Acquisition line item Chairman Moyer explained that the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) is to help homebuyers purchase a home. He explained that Tawny Holm is borrowing money from NSP to purchase a home in IVY Ridge. M‐2014‐68 Motion by Commissioner McCool, seconded by Vice‐Chairman Garris and carried to approve the following Capital Purchases Reports dated February 18, 2014 (ratify) and February 26, 2014: 1) Two (2) Heavy Duty 100lb Salt Spreaders in the amount of $599.98 for the Maintenance Department (dated February 18, 2014) 1) One (1) Folding Rolling Ladder in the amount of $286.43 for the Correctional Facility (dated February 26, 2014) Chairman Moyer asked if there was any public comment. Mr. James DeVore commented on the minutes from the February 5th Commissioners Meeting. He explained that the benches that were purchased for Courtroom 1 are custom to fit in the existing space and that this is the completion of the renovation project that the Commissioners under took. As such the construction cost of the benches will be paid from the same line item that funded the courtroom renovations. Chairman Moyer adjourned the meeting at 10:28 a.m. _______________________________________ Greg Christine, Chief Clerk/Administrator M‐2014‐56 thru M‐201468 R‐2014‐03 O‐2014‐01 5
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