MCINTOSH XABA& ASSOCIATES HOW TO DEVELOP AN LED STRATEGY 27 – 30 March 2012 Content: Background: The programme will give you the basics to understanding what ‘strategy’ is and how an LED strategy will support LED interventions in your locality. It will take participants through the process of developing an LED strategy and will also help them to understand who the stakeholders are, what issues the strategy needs to address and how to formulate the strategy. A range of tools used to conduct a local economy assessment are presented. The importance of using data and local research in formulating an LED strategy is discussed including different sources and types of data, as well as how to analyse these. This Skills Programme is a building block towards the LED qualification at NQF level 5 & is targeted at currently employed staff working in the field of Local Economic Development with the following purpose: • To promote the development of LED related knowledge & skills • To close identified knowledge & skills gaps • To promote the professional development of municipal staff. Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the module participants will: There are 6 Skills Programmes within the LED Learnership. Successful completion of all of these (which can be done in the space of a year) will result in receiving full accreditation for the LED Learnership at NQF level 5. It is also possible to attend one of our programmes & decide from there if you wish to pursue the entire learnership. Each skills programme is normally 4 days long. Understand the basics of LED, be able to identify LED initiatives in their This Skills Programmes will build knowledgeable & skilled employees who are able to contribute to improved productivity & efficiency within the local government sphere. It will provide the means for current employees to upgrade their skills & to ultimately achieve a nationally recognized qualification. analysis for a locality, including the different techniques for collecting information, and make selections of appropriate techniques for their own locality. Understand the elements for successful implementation of an LED strategy, including possible obstacles and budgeting and financial requirements Approach: Audience: Each skills Programme is highly interactive. The facilitator will present concepts & guide discussion, but participants will be encouraged & expected to contribute to group learning by linking the concepts discussed with their own work experience. Specific learning methods include short PowerPoint presentations, group work exercises, case studies, & participatory activities in plenary. The course is principally aimed at officials who are working in Local Economic Development (LED). However, as the material will be of interest to a much broader audience anyone is free to attend as long as he or she meets the entrance requirements. The language used for the training is English. locality & understand the sectors & institutions involved in LED. Understand the context and impetus for strategy development and understand the general concept of strategy and strategic planning Be familiar with the different approaches to developing strategy, be able to assess which approach best suites their area and why. Understand the broad principles, policies and elements of an LED Strategic Framework Understand what needs to be undertaken in developing a situational Entrance Requirements: Participants who wish to be assessed must have Matric (FETC or equivalent qualification), &/or 5 years of relevant work experience. Learners should also be competent in Communication (NQF 4) & Computer Literacy (NQF 3). For those who do not want to be assessed there are no entry requirements. The LED Learnership at NQF level 5 was first piloted by MXA in 2008. Since its start, around 350 learners from different tiers of government & organisations have been involved in these skills programmes. MXA also offers the LED Learnership at NQF 4 & 6. Accreditation: “The team from MXA are very thorough & extremely knowledgeable. The programme is very stimulating & has given me a wealth of knowledge” This skills programme is accredited by LGSETA and aligned to the following unit standards: 8662: Analyse and communicate workplace data. (5 credits). 110494: Apply a range of research methodologies to support the design and implementation of (a) local economic development project(s) in own work context. (8 credits). 110500; Set up a local database for a local economic development project using an appropriate software package. (6 credits) Participants who complete their assignments & are declared competent will receive a certificate of competence & gain 19 credits towards the qualification in LED at NQF Level 5. Anushka Makka, uThungulu District Municipality L OC AL G OV ERNMENT TR AINING FOR RE SULTS O RIENTATED PE RFORMANC E MCINTOSH XABA& ASSOCIATES Important Information: Venue: The MXA training venue is at 195 Umhlanga Rocks, Durban North, KZN. Alternatively if there is a group of 15 or more learners in your area interested in doing the training, we could run it at a venue that suits you. Please call us to discuss the option that suits you. Cost: The cost to attend 1 skills programme is R5000 excl vat (this includes all learning materials, assessments and moderations, lunches and teas during the training as well as learner support). If there are 3 or more people attending from one municipality or organisation a discount of 10% is given. If you decide to sign up for the entire learnership (i.e. 6 skills programmes) a discount of 10% is also given (though note that the former discount of 10% does not apply) which is a total of R27 000 excl VAT. If you would like us to run this training in your municipality, district or province (rather than attending training here in Durban) we can also do this at a greatly discounted rate. Please let us know if you would like a quote for this. Registration: A maximum of 25 places is available. Payments to: Std Bank cheque account 051276577, Musgrave Rd Branch; Reference: Surname/ organisation/ municipality/ dept. Please fax/ email a proof of payment. Upon receiving your registration form you will be invoiced. Please note that payment must be received before the training commences. If the learner cancels their registration within 2 weeks of the training the learner will be reimbursed their fees. Cancellations within 1 week (7 days) of training will not be reimbursed and the full fee will be due. Closing Date: The closing date for registration forms is 1 week before the commencement of the training. Participants will be notified on this day if the workshop is cancelled. Contact: Mbali Mngoma [email protected] Tel: 031 811 9975 Fax: 031 563 4334 Accommodation: Limited accommodation at the venue is available at Tudor House Inn R600 per night (including dinner, bed and breakfast). See, or call 031 811 5394 / 072 563 7621 Please note that we can also hold a workshop in your area catered around your specific needs. Upcoming IDP (NQF 5) Training in Durban North Facilitation & Change management 8 – 11 May 2012 Preparing for LED Implementation 12 – 15 June 2012 The workshop aims to equip participants with the communication and coaching skills to facilitate successful participatory development initiatives. Both the facilitation and coaching skills are discussed specifically in an environment of Local Economic Development, yet anyone working, or interested in the field of development could benefit from the training The workshop looks at how public/private stakeholders and government organizations can be organized such that they can promote economic activity in a locality, as well as explores the need for funding to be the outcome of an organic LED process, and on the variety of available resources that can be mobilised for LED. Please note that we can also hold a workshop in your area catered around your specific needs. L OC AL G OV ERNMENT TR AINING FOR RE SULTS O RIENTATED PE RFORMANC E To register LED Training at NQF level 5, please fill in the following brief form in full: Name: I would like to register for (please tick): LED Strategy The LED Learnership NQF 5 Title: Organisation / Municipality: Designation: Work Postal Add: Home Postal Add Telephone: Email: Cell phone: Fax: Municipal Order Number: ID Number: VAT Number: Highest Level of Education: Special Dietary Requirements: Please describe your previous LED Experience Declaration of intent: I understand that by filling in and signing this form I am committing to attend this 4 day skills programme. I am/am not (please circle) doing this course for accreditation purposes. Learner name: Signature: Details of person who will process payment: Name & Designation: Email: Phone/fax number: Details of the person authorizing ______________________________ (learner’s name) attendance at this training: Name & Designation: Email: Phone/fax number: Signature:
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