How to delegate? Let’s share experience! Exchange ‘Sharing rural diversity in a densely populated country’ 5 October 2008 – 13 October 2008 Turkey – Poland – Belgium Germany Evaluation document - Addendum Use this guide to prepare your plan for your next project… project… Source: W.Fields, fair use This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Written by: Wouter Geurts Making the working plan 1 Sharing experience with projects Intro: ‘An elephant is best eaten bite per bite’ bite’ Good teamwork starts with good delegation of tasks. For IAAS-committees, while working with young volunteers, it is a skill that is gradually built up through experience. ‘Delegation’ in itself is often defined as a ‘transfer of responsibility and authority to other persons, while still remaining accountable for the final outcome’. As a group leader you want the result to be good, and you will have to rely on your team members. Therefore it is useful to ask yourself the question: What has to be done? Then, you can find effective ways to ‘cut the big elephant’ in smaller pieces so that it can be handled by your team. Now, to plan delegation well, it takes time and efforts! But the time you invest in it in early stages will be gained back with great return on investment later on. This is a small experiencebased guide for volunteers in youth-based NGO’s to inspire for a good start for a typical medium-scale event, presented in ready-to-eat format! Each time you will go with your team for a new challenge, you will learn more. Organising a project can be a wonderful occasion for young people to realise dreams, and to develop some leadership and insight in delegation. Often, young volunteers underestimate the benefits of making a good delegation plan on time. Many become better organisers by trial and error, but you, your colleagues and your guests will feel best when the errors are under control. When you have to motivate a few fellows to digest your entire elephant (because you just realised how big it is) before the end of the day, you will soon all have stomach ache. But if you prepare it to small pieces, that have been well-flavoured and seasoned, you’ll have plenty of candidates to join for a good meal! This small guide gives a concrete insight in how our planning of a Youth in Action-funded event was made up, how we delegated the work, not only among members of the organizing committee, but also among participants. The project was called Source picture: - fair use ‘Sharing Rural Diversity in a Densely populated Country’, and it involved around 40 people from Poland, Turkey, Germany and Belgium. Being well organised can be more easy than you might think! Project management reaches further than what is described in this guide: except of planning you will also need to execute your plan, monitor the implementation, and provide evaluation and monitoring. This guide also doesn’t talk about the project development phase. However, we hope to give you some fresh ideas on how to make the general plan once you have already designed your project. And we are happy to confirm that this approach, for an event of 7 days and with a group of 40 people, worked well. Making the working plan 2 Sharing experience with projects Too often, organising teams take too little time to make the plan itself. This later on lead to stress, frustration, communication problems, complaints from guests, conflicts and demotivation. While instead, when the plan is good and it is made on time, you will gain much control over the situation and you and your team will feel proud in the end. When you also use the plan to enhance communication, your team will be more robust to catch up with small errors and problems that occur. Also your guests will enjoy it, because they will feel understood, and the atmosphere will go to the optimal point! Never let anybody encourage you by the size of a challenge… Both young women and men, even with limited experience, have showed to be great leaders in IAAS-teams. The most successful ones were those that also shared experiences with younger members. IAAS is an environment where one of the main goals is to offer high-quality learning opportunities to young people so here is your chance to create your own! Even a very big task can be done very well by a less experienced team if this team prepares the planning cautiously and on time. Afterwards, nobody will call such team ‘inexperienced’ anymore… ‘If it is planned, it will probably happen. If it is not planned, it will probably not happen’ This sentence summarizes everything. When it is planned, somebody will take care of it, and therefore it will happen. If nobody takes care of it, it won’t happen. Good delegation is the end result of an important, early brainstorm on logistics with your team, which you make months on beforehand, combined with good monitoring. Useful questions: Which are all the tasks? Which persons are most fitted in your team to handle the job? What do these people need to know? Asking these questions before a preparation meeting will take place drastically increase the efficiency of the meeting. Making the working plan 3 Sharing experience with projects Planning only works when monitoring and communication also work, but planning helps to create vision and overview for the whole team. Like with everything that is new (cooking for many people, …) teams can get overwhelmed with unexpected situations. This causes stress. Guests have a question but nobody knows who can answer it. Guests have to wait long and get annoyed, because the food isn’t ready. Not enough people in your team? When planning early you might still have time to motivate some new people, which might become your future successors! It is good to foresee the right job for the right person. It is good to actively involve participants in the organisation, if you tell them long enough on beforehand. In Borgloon, the Turkish, Polish and German participants all cooked one night, the recipes were made on beforehand by each team and we could manage smoothly to get all things ingredients on time. When making the plan at first, it is normal that many things are over-looked and forgotten, therefore it needs some time to ripen especially if you start with less experience. You thought of the check-in but forgot about the check-out when people need information how to leave the place! It is a relief to know that there is somebody who is going to take care of it. Being on time pays off. Appoint a DJ on beforehand, choose the right person (somebody with good taste) and you’ll have good music. If you ask early enough, this person will bring some of her/his own music and she/he can take care of sound equipment. It will happen because it was foreseen. Check up from time to time how the plan is going, how everybody is doing with the preparations, and which eventual adaptations are needed. Do people know what they have to know? Do they need funds or help with logistics and did you take it into account? Having all info together in a schedule makes it easier to have an overview. Share such with whole team and efficiency will really go up. Regularly meet and share information to make the plan work, with specific meetings before and during the event. ‘It is good to take the point of view of the participant while making the planning. As a participant, you might need to change money, have a moment to buy some stuff, you’ll like to be informed about what is going to happen, have somebody you can always ask information and assistance with your proper unning involvement during the program. You’ll also be more pleased when not rrunning out of toilet paper’ Q: How do you put a white elephant into a refrigerator? efrigerator? A: Open the refrigerator door. Put in white elephant. Close door. Q: How do you put a blue blue elephant into a refrigerator? A: Open the refrigerator door. Take out the white elephant. Put in the blue elephant. Close door. Source picture: W. Fields, fair use Making the working plan 4 Sharing experience with projects Searching your responsible people To organise a good event, a team has to work very hard. But is this equal to be stressed all the time? In this exchange, only a small organising team was involved. Nevertheless, all participants and organising committee members worked at some point, and all had some periods in the schedule that they didn’t have direct responsibilities (so they could participate in the program). For the delegation, we didn’t only look to what, but also to whom, to the profile of the different actors. Not everybody likes the same tasks, and volunteers remain volunteers! - Overall coordinator: President of the organising committee. She or he has overview, he/she is the ‘big boss’, the person that leads the organising committee. One of the most important tasks is to make sure the workload is evenly divided and that preparations are monitored. Profile: Pro-active, some experience, communicative, able to motivate others. Young people can grow in taking the lead! - Financial coordinator: The financial coordinator monitors money-spending and model the expenses, signs contracts (also venues and insurance) and follows up the budget. Profile: Organised person, that can work efficiently and systematically. - Core committee: This is the group formed by leaders of each (national) group of participants. Core team members meet face-to-face during brainstorms, project preparation phases and during project set-up. Core committee members are often the persons that initiate the idea, the international partnership network, and that involve local members in the overall team. These members make work on the content of the project (workshops, debates, …) and are key-communicators to make smooth communication and delegation of tasks to participants. Profile: Pro-active, sensible to the needs of the different groups, involved in the networking - Logistical team: Team that takes care of buying food, moving objects, doing shopping, … and that has the necessary means to do its task. Logistical teams work in tight cooperation with food responsible. Profile: Driving license can be useful! - Food responsible: For every day or with a fixed team, people take care of the catering. It is cool to also involve participants! You can ask national teams to cook one day and supply them with all they need. Profile: Some sense of organisation, and creative ideas for gastronomy! - Daily coordinators: Overview is very important. For every day, one person is taking special care. This starts in the early preparation phase. The event is a complex sum of different small actions and it is good that there is an extra person that makes sure the day is complete, that all actors know what they need to know and that all preparations cover needs and expectations. The daily coordinator first of all checks ongoing preparations for his/her day from the other actors, and informs on the overall process. A daily coordinator should also make sure that the evening before ‘his/her’ day, all involved actors meet and go over the schedule, know what they need to do and spread most recent information accordingly. Further, the daily coordinator cooperates with Making the working plan 5 Sharing experience with projects the overall coordinator to create a sphere of open communication to assure information is spread well. - Participant teams: It is cool and even necessary to involve participants! Participant teams can also take up certain tasks. Obviously participant teams can take care of cooking, preparation of workshops, debates, energizers, games and so on, but participant teams can also wake up people, take care of gossips, gather pictures, present small daily reports and so on. - Registration team: Participants travel to your country and leave, they will require visa or other documents. When participants arrive, it is nice if they easily find the group and if they are welcomed. Further, participants also have needs when they leave. How will they get to the airport on time? Registration responsible take special care of supportive communication and preparation to make sure guests feel fine. The registration team takes care of the registration of participants, the exchange of coordinates, visa, insurance, the production of nametags and T-shirts, welcome packages, and monitors the individual travel plan of each participant. If needed, the registration team makes sure the agenda is adapted so that participants can successfully arrive and travel back. During the arrival and departure day, registration teams make sure enough people are involved to support the actions. - Other clear independent task responsible people: music responsible/sport responsible /game responsible/… Q: How do you smuggle an elephant over the border? border? A: Put a slice of bread on each side and pretend it is your lunch. lunch. Fair use, Making the working plan 6 Sharing experience with projects Example: Agenda Tip: It is good to make common documents and checklists that are shared and updated with everybody, and that contain all addresses, mobile phone numbers, ... During preparation meetings, responsible people can use them as a planning tool, during the event itself it can be used to autonomously solve problems, increase overview and provide correct information. Here we share it with…. You! V 8h 9h 10h 11h 12h 13h 14h 15h 16h 17h 18h Preparation weekend: core team will meet on 19-21 september in Leuven, Blauwput Venue list: Moerkensheide, Nieuwstraat 78 9840 De Pinte +32 (0)9/282.68.94 (5/10-6/10) Blauwput, Martelarenlaan 11A - B-3010 Leuven +3216 63 90 62 Venue in province of Luxemburg: Les Fourches, Corsendonck, Herbeumont +32 61 41 00 30 Venue in Gors (Borgloon): Het Klokhuis, Martinusstraat 34 Borgloon +32 16 74 77 94 Sa 04/10/2008 Su 05/10/2008 Mo 06/10 Tue 07/10 Preparation day by leading Arrival of guests and Culture and clichés Team building day: team Welcome getting closer! De pinte Moerkensheide, De Pinte/Leuven, De Blauwput Leuven Blauwput During the day: domein Nieuwstraat 78 De Kluis 9840 De Pinte +32 (0)9/282.68.94 Arrival of participants Breakfast Breakfast + Briefing Energizer prepared by Trip to Sint Joris Weert Turkish participants: Turkish + Belgian team + by train arrival @ 10pm briefing Welcoming team Logistic preparation and City game in Gent – Energizer prepared by meeting of the core seeking pictures German + Polish team organising team Walk in nature and farm visit in OudLunch Heverlee: Lunch Living in a rural area in Belgium German participants: Workshop: Clichés on Arrival @ Ghent Sint rural areas Lunch Team building Pieters train station What do you think about Activity Need escort to De Pinte rural areas? Continued team building Dinner 19h 20h 21h Dinner Dinner Getting to know each other- games Presentation on Youth In Action (core organising team) Leave for De Blauwput Remark: travel by bus instead of train because of announced national strike Arrival in De Blauwput + Free time (shower) Perception and feedback moment (group session) Flip chart dialogue provided Flip chart dialogue ‘Which are the challenges and opportunities in rural areas’? Strengths and weaknesses for rural youth? Expectations setting (round table debate) The workshop of international clichés: (split up in teams, flipcharts) Who do you think I am? 22h Arrival 7 Polish participants – they come to Leuven by train 23h 24h Evening activity Intercultural Evening This agenda has not been updated… It concerns the initial plan Making the working plan 7 High in the sky! (rope system, De Kluis) Food at De Kluis Train to Blauwput Free time Sharing experience with projects Wed 08/10 Thu 09/10 Fri 10/10 Diversity from Brussels to Bertrix Getting in to the cosmorural areas of Belgium Action on the field: Picking Apples with Peers V Blauwput Het Klokhuis, Borgloon 8h Breakfast & Leave for Brussels Breakfast in Bertrix Energizer prepared by the Polish team Het Klokhuis Martinusstraat 34 Borgloon Breakfast Energizer prepared by Turkish team 9h 10h 11h 12h 13h 14h 15h Visit to the European Commission. Discussion about: labour mobility in Europe. City walk: Diversity in Brussels… Visit to Matongé, de Marollen and the city center. Lunch Leave for Bertrix (bus) 16h 17h 18h 19h 20h Morning dew trip in a champignon valley Workshop: How to make improvisation theatre in a stable (preparation: Turkish team) Trip by bus to De Winner, Overpelt (Limburg) Dinner on the farm Trip to farm in Haspengouw Arrival at ‘De Winner’ Lunch and Free time to fresh up Field work: volunteer helping of the seasonal workers with the harvest of pears and apples Round table debate: What to expect from seasonal workers? Stereotypes? Helping sorting out the fruit and package them in the farm Trip to Gors, Borgloon, Arrival in Haspengouw Arrival at ‘La Bergerie d’Acremont’ A Flemish farmer who changed Brussels for the field in Wallonia ! Teamwork in a stable! First contact with the group of seasonal workers – getting to know each other games 21h Dinner at Bergerie D’acremont Trip back to De Winner 22h Trip to gîte Mid-week evaluation Group discussion Brain storm for the improvisational theatre 23h Short daily evaluation 24h Packing for the next day Making the working plan Dinner at the farm in Haspengouw/Sint Truiden Dinner at the farm Camp fire Working together at the theatre play together with the seasonal workers Cultural Evening activity organised by the exchangers for the seasonal workers Traditional Polish and Belgian dances Trip back to De Winner Short day evaluation session Planning for the weekend 8 Sharing experience with projects V 8h Sat 11/10 Bake a cake! Het Klokhuis, Borgloon (Gors) Martinusstraat 34 Program = changing Breakfast Belgian energizer Sun 12/10 Theatre in the stable Het Klokhuis, Borgloon (Gors) Martinusstraat 34 Breakfast Belgian-Turkish-GermanPolish energizer Mon 13/10 Breakfast Good bye and Leaving day Groups leaving: 9h 10h Round table debate on preparations of the theatre Rehearsal session 11h 12h 13h 14h 15h 16h 17h 18h Leaving for farm Work at the field (harvesting apples and pears) lunch Logistical preparations for the theatre play Theatre in a stable! Performance 19h 20h Bake a cake ! Bake a cake! Rehearsal of One team is the other making an group apple cake together with seasonal workers Dinner on the farm Eating apple pie together with the seasonal workers Cultural evening activity together with the seasonal workers: Turkish and German dances 21h 22h 23h Return to De Winner Planning session for the theatre performance Turkish group: Plain, Polish group: Leave by plain, CRL Wizzair Charleroi, 8.30 pm LOT flight Warsaw 234: leave by plain 7.30 pm Leaving Haspengouw Dinner Free time, shower… Workshop: 1) Let’s share rural identity differences and similarities! 2) How did our perception change during the overall week? Round table debate: Evaluation of the day Evaluation of the week End evaluation: • discussion • Brainstorm on new projects • Learning outcomes • Next steps Closing evening: Party with all the exchangers Flipcharts available (What did you learn? What was the best moment? …) 24h Making the working plan 9 Sharing experience with projects Task delegation list – supply this to all people in the team so everybody knows who is doing what Task/responsibility Who ? Status/explanation money Task delegation list ( original message to people that take responsibilities) ‘If it is planned, it will probably happen. If it is not planned, it will probably not happen’ This list is the key planning instrument to coordinate the overall team work. Use the available space in the schedule to write down what you are doing, where you will be, and bring it to the meetings. Taking responsibility means also that you will proactively think about the needed means and the timing of events. Be proactive and solve solutions with team-mates in dialogue. Ask other OC members and participants where you can help them and where they need to help you. Communication is crucial! One e-mail address is used for registration: [email protected] . Let’s just take this challenge because it will be a great experience for everybody. The big advantage for you as an OC is that from time to time core team will take over – meaning that a considerable part of the content program is managed by the international partner teams. This is also a big but interesting challenge! And never forget that the exchange is also organised for you so when you don’t have a specific task, then take some time to enjoy the activities! This list is probably incomplete so it can always be needed to revise it and adapt. This list can be a great tool! Print it, and mark all fields where you are involved! And don’t be shy to take on you some responsibility and go for it!! Source: Disney,, fair use Making the working plan 10 Sharing experience with projects Task/responsibility Who ? Meetings and All of us Passing by Jint Overal responsibles Gijs President of the organising committee Core team Making the working plan Status/explanation Urgent! Main task: • Make sure there is a name of a volunteer on every task field on this list and checks if everybody has understood his/her responsibilities • Update and spread this list among OC • overall coordination. One of your most important tasks is to take care of good communication with and coordination of the volunteers, to make sure other people have some overview too and understands who can arrange what . This will allow people to solve an unexpected problem during the event or direct participants to the right person. • Plan internal meetings with the responsible people, foresee some time for this during the preparation and the program • Inform for the needs of the core team and be as close as possible to what they do • Provide an overall mobile phone list of all OC members • Take care of the daily briefing of participants at breakfast together with the day coordinator of that day • Attends the preparation weekend 19-21/9 • Close cooperation with Finance who signs contracts and is in contact with venues • Decides on budget together with finance • It is important that he/she is also very near to the core team • Ask day coordinators for their progress and teams. • He/she organises Belgian national meetings. • He/she helps daily responsible to find somebody responsible for every job. • Overall view very important! Close cooperation to finance, also for managing contacts and contracts with venues. • This is the international team of national 11 Sharing experience with projects money Wouter Magda Orcun Susanne Day-coordinator Belgian participants responsible which is focusing on coordination of content of the program. • These people will meet in Leuven 19-21/9 with the main responsible people and the rest of OC. • It organises online meetings • Decides on participants from the respective countries • This team is the main link between the overall project and the local levels in each country. • It is responsible for the coordination (delegation among participants and preparation in local teams) of workshops, trainings, energizers, evaluations, mutual contact between countries, motivation and involvement of participants in the preparation of workshops and energizers. Belgium (Wouter) Poland (Magda) Turkey (Orçun) Germany (Susanne) Task description: Day coordinator • • • • • • • • Making the working plan Being daily coordinator is a real key-role in the realisation of the agenda. This is your day! Brief participants the evening before and in the morning, together with your OC president Daily coordinator checks up the overall day, understand everything in detail that is going to happen, keeps overview on this specific day and all preparations needed Goes over grant application to understand the goal and reporting requirements of that day Makes a last checks the day before ‘his’ / ‘her’ day if every actor is well informed and well prepared If possible, visits the venue of that day on beforehand. Try eventually to takes part in the preparation weekend if possible Motivates people within the OC to delegate different tasks of that day to other people of OC and thus needs to find: 12 Sharing experience with projects Transport responsibles , The food responsible of the day Activity responsibles Cleaning teams (on leaving days) And eventually extra help with logistics Participants also are delegated tasks and the core team is mainly involved in this. It is good to establish optimal contact on this during the meetings. Different participants f.e. take care about 1) waking up everybody (so it is good to equip them with music, some equipment, • . Reports to the different responsibles on the progress made for the preparations of the day • Informs with the finance coordinator on the available budget • takes initiative to set up a meeting preferably two days before with the responsible people • informs him or herself about everything happening that day, eventual changes • Is in contact with OC president for the overall coordination • Checks up if rooms are available for activities, transport is arranged by responsibles • Cooperates with the core team for those things which are delegated over all participants (which are creatively divided in daily waking up teams, participant teams which take care on the daily report and gather pictures, … ) • Checks the logistic needs of people that prepare workshops etcetera, • Makes sure reporting requirements are discussed with the core team. Has the list been signed? Did things happen like planned? The daily coordinator also has a role in gathering feedback from participants for the evaluation of the whole day • Does not hesitate to ask the OC president to help him/her solve a problem • communicates with everybody involved in that day (food + logistics + core team + activities + transport + cleaning) • He/she also makes sure some people support the different teams logistically if needed. Making the working plan 13 Sharing experience with projects Consults excel table It is cool for day coordinators to participants to help a bit LIST of DAY COORDINATORS • • Friday and Saturday 3/10 -4/10 (for early guests) Sunday 5/10 arrival day – registration Monday 6/10 Ghent – Leuven – Intercultural evening (+ int.cult. ev.) Tueday 7/10 - team buildings day (see also team building) Wednesday 8/10 – Visit European Commission, guided walk (by ourselves!), travel to Bertrix, Teamwork in a stable + food Thursday 9/10 – guided Champignon walk (by external guide, contact of Peter), leave for Haspengouw, contact with farmer coordinator Friday 10/10 Saturday 11/10 Sunday 12/10 Monday 13/10 Registration responsible - can be any participant that is prepared for this job • • • • • • • • • • • • • Making the working plan Before event (together with core team) this person is in charge of the registration of participants (consult e-mail addres [email protected] password ‘tradefair’ It is the core team that selects participants. Get their info! Makes invitations with official stamps and signatures, mentioning dates, names, passport numbers, the project etceter for Turkish participants (they need VISA !!!) and informs with the Belgian embassy in Ankara – use skype - (ambassadeur Van Rysselberghe Mahatma Gandi Caddesi, 55 06700 Gaziosmanpasa – Ankara; tel (0090) (312) 405.61.66 fax + (90) (312) 446.82.51 – this is urgent because it takes time Needs to understand the whole project and read the grant application Gathers all the originals (in cooperation with the core team) of flight tickets, transportation tickets of participants and makes sure Finances gets it (for reimbursements). Collects all contact data from participants Provides information and receives information from Core team to achieve this goal Makes nametags and cooperates with responsible of day one and the welcome teams T-shirts Name tags with phone numbers of responsibles for every participant Keep participants informed before the event starts Informs him/herself of the situation of each participant Very important task: Check out participants! How will they get back home? Ask them on time and make sure 14 Sharing experience with projects Finance coordinator Thomas Timmerman Source: Oxfam Farmer coordinator Sofie Maes Source: W.Fields Venues Reserving venues Wouter But later: Financial responsible the daily responsibles of the last days take care about these individual cases • password ‘tradefair’ ) and on first day • Look down this list for specific responsibilities for you (vs to delegate) Runs the financial aspect. This includes • Close cooperation with president OC • Need to well understand the overall project and read the grant application (this is our contract !) • In charge of contact with Jint – involve president OC in this • signing venue contracts and rental contracts, • paying advances (voorschotten) • cooperate with the food responsibles and daily coordinators to solve budget problems, manage cash needed to buy things. • Contact Schapenboer (see down) • Contact core team to see if some participants are in trouble to pay the tickets they will get refunded 70 percent later • Responsible for financial follow up after the project (contact with Jint). • Decides on small budget changes. He is also responsible, together with the president of OC, to get in contact and check up the venues • Decides on big budget decisions: decision together with the president of OC • Have a look down this list to spot isolated events • Finds a good partner farmer in Gors to cooperate with the 4 last days of the exchange • Manages overall cooperation and contact with the farmer in Haspengouw/Gors • Need to read the grant application to understand the concept • Contacts the farmer and meet face to face • Arranges the volunteer work and the work schedule • Arranges preparations for the theatre • Arranges preparations for the intercultural evenings • Arranges the meals in cooperation with the Food Coordinators of the last four days • Comes to prep weekend 19-21/10 • Understands the program of those days and the people involved • Contacts Orçun (turkey) to inform for the needs of the theatre • He/she is responsible to keep contact and plan the events together with the daily coordinators and the president of the OC. • Contacts the food responsible and daily responsible during the time in Gors • Sees which advice the farmer can give us concerning logistics and cooperation with the local seasonal workers • Gathers all bills and tickets and makes sure the financial part of the report is written and well-documented Status: Contracts not signed but places reserved Moerkensheide reserved Blauwput reserved (incl breakfast) Klokhuis reserved Backup option with gite detappes made in Bastogne, though schapenboer Peter is helping us with his local contacts. No guarantees paid, all contracts need to be signed Reserving rooms etcetra : daily Making the working plan 15 Sharing experience with projects coordinators Partners IAAS committees involved Belgian core member (eventually OC president) Farmer in Sint Joris Weert (7/10) Hans Gielen, De Kluis Sint Joris Weert +32 (0)16/47.71.72 European commission schapenboer Peter * (bergerie d’acremont, peter and barbara) Team building team (7/10) Wouter Later: finance + team building team + daily responsible 7/10 Responsible 8/10 Wouter Later: food coordinator day 8/10 and 9/10 + president OC + daily responsible 8/10 and day 9/10 Mushroom walk Peter * (schapenboer) and daily responsible 9/10 Farmer in Haspengouw Farmer coordinator Finance + daily coordinator 8/10 and 9/10 Bus company IAAS Leuven IAAS Gent IAAS Louvain La Neuve – Nico 0474215557 IAAS Turkey – Orcun gurkan (0) (312) 287.33.60 / 2139 or [email protected] Onur Itir +905554053361 [email protected] IAAS Germany – Suzanne Ziegler / Caroline +4917675551711 [email protected] IAAS Poland – [email protected] Need to find farmer who is ready to show his farm f.e. near Zoete Waters De Kluis is a nice venue, but it is a good place for team building as well. We reserved the rope circuit. We can also make a BBQ there. Needed: touwenparcour and material for team building day +32 (0)16/47.71.72 Visit of European commission reserved Mail: check the mail address [email protected] Peter and Barbara are really wonderful and sympathic people (native Dutch), who just got their first child. They built up their own cheep farm and sell there biologic cheese on the market in Leuven and already worked with IAAS years ago. They help us in finding good accommodation in the region and help us contact the guy from the champignon walk. Bring them in contact with professors in food technology of Leuven en Gent. They want to know more about the benefits of Orotic acid, a substance present in sheep milk. Deals with Peter need to be made on: • Raclette on 8/10 (price and composition) • Introduction and the planned volunteer stable work done by participants • His introduction that day (see program) • Logistics • Contact with the guide of the champignon tour • Contact with locals that can help us • Gather them some articles about Orotic Acid for them • Buy them a small gift Rue de Bernifa 17 6680 Bertrix Tel.-Fax 535435 . La Bergerie d' Acremont ... not decided yet 061- Not decided yet –search Needs to be confirmed (wouter asked prices) Necessary preparations on the spot long on beforehand Preparing orientation walk Team building Sint Joris Weert, domein De Kluis team Making the working plan (= 16 Sharing experience with projects and team building activity team) Visits to farmer Derwael in Haspengouw T-shirts printing (obligatory with Youth In action logo) Visa applications Farmer coordinator Registration coordinator Registration coordinator Preparation of guided tour in Brussels by Brussels guidance team Daily coordinator Search for good designers in OC 400 eur Urgent because for Turkish people it can take up to a month. Calling and informing the embassy on beforehand can help. / Nico / contact Nico Dubois, see ‘ábove IAAS LLN Daily responsibles should delegate complicated transportation tasks to transportation responsibles Transportation and transportation task responsibles (volunteers that lead the group during transportation together with the day responsibles and monitor the overall process to assure everything is arranged for the transport) Reservations of group tickets nmbs Daily coordinators (check up by president) Still needs to be done = Online – or 02 528 28 28 Deadline 10 september Pick up rented van to transport luggage and material during first days up to Brussel Maybe even rent a little minibus for transport in Gors Transportation for arrival Wieter Bruges Transportation people Ghent Sint Pieters – De Pinte 5/10 Dayly responsible finds volunteers Dayly responsible finds volunteers Dayly responsible finds volunteers Dayly responsible finds volunteers Dayly responsible finds volunteers Ev. Wouter + Finance Finance Transportation Ghent – Leuven people 6/10 Transportation luggage 6/10 and pick up material Audiovisuele dienst Transportation people Leuven-Sint Joris Weert retour 7/10 Transportation Leuven-Brussels and metro 8/10 Transportation luggage and material Leuven to Brussels 8/10 bus from Brussels to Bertrix (8/10) and in the evening to Gite Bus from Bertrix to Gors (Borgloon) Daily transportation to farm in Haspengouw Other Reservations Touwenparkoers De Kluis Acremont schapenboerderij + food Rerserving sound eq at KULeuven (audiovisuele dienst, uitleendienst Important for responsible Finance Daily responsible finds volunteers Finance 9 German people: they can come by train to Ghent 9 Polish people: they will come by plain, can be Brussels but eventually maybe Charleroi 9 Turkish, most likely by plain 9 Belgians en de onofficiëlen: trekken hunne plan Easiest by bus Lijn 76 (Lokeren - Gent Sint-Pietersstation - De Pinte), eindhalte Zwartegat op 300m van het jeugdverblijf Easiest by train Eventually Rented van Train, of course ☺ Groupsticket very cheap (50 percent reduction) Train of course Groupsticket cheaper than go-pass Rented van Offer requested Requested but not arranged yet Price requested by Wouter Farm coordinator Ev. Bike-rent or public transport Team building team + Finance See ‘partners’ (up) finance Wouter Reserved by Wouter no contract signed yet Making the working plan Reserved by Wouter confirmed no contract signed. Ask for official invoice. Gereserveerd voor 4-13/10 : Beamer, overhead, projectiescherm, geluidsinstallatie, videocamera 17 Sharing experience with projects Reservation Van for logistics Insurance food general costs Transport costs general Preparation of preparation weekend (19/10-21/10) Wieter Finance Finance Dockx – aangevraagd maar niet vastgelegd Decision day per day and communicate to food responsibles of each day. Finance Blauwput reserved, nothing else President + core members Mobilise also Belgian volunteers Arrange transport Zaventem- Gent (best by train) Delegate tasks of welcoming committee Name tags The team of food responsibles have the end responsibility of making sure the guests are served food, good food, the right food, enough food and on the right moment. Food responsible plan the overall catering process. Part of the satisfaction of the participants depend on their actions. They need to make agreements with the logistic team (to make sure they have the supplies on time), the daily coordinators and their colleague-food responsible of other days to make sure food supply is diverse (also need info on non-pork meet, veggies, …cfr registration responsible) and arranged within the daily budget. The whole catering process has to be planned; if you like to give tiramisu to your guests it tasted better when it spent the night in the fridge. If needed, search helpers on food preparation and cooking Source: W Fields For a BBQ, you’ll need charcoal, for a nice dinner you need forks and knives, salt, spices, all ingredients, and something to stir the soup… You are ‘Maitre de chef !’ Some of our participant teams will cook in Borlgoon, so you need to talk with them and help them. Make sure that there are always refrigerators available, also for food that participants might bring (intercultural evening, …). It is good if you go to participants and ask for that, people will be happy. Normally people get breakfast + lunch + dinner and small thing in between, especially during long trips. We can also get plenty of… apples and pears! You should also find dish wash volunteers if needed. Make sure there are towels and soap. Plan buying stuff with the daily coordinators, the finance coordinator and the people driving the van. You should make sure to get everything on the right place on the right time. It is very useful to get to know where to order bread the day before, this is also your responsibility! It is good to inform about this with your daily coordinator. Food responsible Sun 5/10 Food responsible Mon 6/10 Food responsible Tue 7/10 Food responsible 8/10 Food responsible 9/10 Food responsible 10/10 Food responsible 11/10 Food responsible 12/10 Making the working plan Contact Moerkensheide for ‘self-cooking’ Vertrek Moerkensh moet al om 8u – oplossing v Breakfast included in price of youth hostel Blauwput Breakfast included in price Blauwput Maybe cheap sandwich for lunch Evening dinner in Bergerie d acremont already reserved – contact president OC and your daily coordinator to organise contact with Peter three weeks before to check menu vs budget 061-535435 Breakfast eventually in cooperation with Peter (Sheep farmer 061-535435) Dinner on farm twice – contact with farm Haspengouw (ask the farmer coordinator, see above) Volunteers bake a cake together with local seasonal workers. Involve yourself with the daily coordinator and the farm coordinator to plan this cake as if it were a cookie! Take care of the logistics of cake baking… Gather info on how much cake to make and… test your recipe so you can coach the group! ☺ Last day on the farm – can be very nice to do BBQ 18 Sharing experience with projects Breakfast and eventually a solution for those who have a late plain (check with registration responsible) Food responsible 13/10 Cleaning teams (make sure place is clean after leaving , eventually come later) Leaving Moerkensh. 6/10 Leaving Blauwput 8/10 Leaving Luxembourg 9/10 During stay in Klokhuis and when leaving Klokhuis 13/10 Daily oordinator 6/10 daily coordinator 9/10 daily coordinator 13/10 Can join group with public transport Cleaning needed? Check Cleaning and leaving all together Everybody! Little delegation guide for daily coordinators Activities-responsabilities – if appropriate you can ask for buddies from the other countries !!! Daily coordinators need to make sure there is a team (or himself) taking care! Welcoming team in Zaventem 5/10 and ev 4/10 If needed – idem Charleroi Welcoming team Sint Pieters 5/10 and ev 4/10 Getting to know each othergames-team 5/10 Presentation Youth In Action programme 5/10 Workshops, energizers, round table debates Team for the city game in Ghent Find a place to do the workshop 06/10 Intercultural evening and int. cult. team Eventual food buying teams Make sure these people can communicate well with the rest of the group Prepare content also… Core-team Core team “ core team’’ (people from 4 different countries) takes care for content-related activities that the core team should coordinate and decide how to delegate it among all participants. The preparation meeting 19-20-21 is used for this purpose. “ core team’’ means for content-related activities that the core team should coordinate and decide how to delegate it among all participants Prepare game on beforehand. Lead the game and foresee everything. Find a place for the int.cult. ev./intercultural evening near to/in Blauwput (8/10) Daily Food coordinators Team building preparation team (8710) Vossenjacht team 7/10 Brussel guidance team 8/10 Check-in upon arrival in Klokhuis on 9/10 Transports from the Klokhuis to the farm contact to Wouter.Prior trip to De Kluis needed. Part of preparation made on beforehand. This team takes care over overall day activity. This team also coordinates Vossenjacht, touwenparcours (reserved whole day), logistics for games, walk in nature. Cooperates with team building team Nico Dubois knows Brussels well. A person is needed that can lead a group from Leuven to the right place in European area, and which wants to prepare the Marollen/Matonge walk as a guided tour. (so preparation needed) Discussed among day coordinators and the farm coordinator Logistical preparations of the theatre play Making the working plan 19 Sharing experience with projects Theatre responsible Small logistics Flip charts and markers Audiovisual Material from KULeuven Unofficial teams Gossip team Participant teams (and their wake-up teams) DJ. and Music Photographer/media Take contact and cooperate with Orcun (Turkey)! He will coordinate theater events and is experienced, able to tell you what is needed. We have material from the Audio Visuele Dienst. Rent/get from a university? See up, -includes beamer , projector, screen, microphones – music amplifier and boxes. No CD players Collecting gossips Bananas, mango’s, …. Be a proactive leader, think about your task and how you will need to cooperate with others to achieve your goal. Glossary: OC (organising committee) Contacts: xxx My name: My responsibilities: my notitions: notitions: my responsabilities: responsabilities: Making the working plan 20 Sharing experience with projects We wish to thank: all OC-members and participants for their great input before and during the exchange Jint (Belgian national agency) More info on Youth in Action: under ‘how to participate’ Contacts for training tools, networking and info on this project: Wouter Geurts (Belgium): [email protected] Orçun Gurkan (Turkey): [email protected] Susanne Ziegler (Germany): [email protected] Magda Janiszek (Poland) [email protected] Central office of IAAS: +32 16 32 17 36 Available on Making the working plan 21 Sharing experience with projects
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