.M »«MtWUl*r4*i W » ^ U W 4 i 4 * ^ . ^ « i - ^ ^ ^ * « « * i i i . « . « k — - « . * 4 * . ' i > V . V - . - i ^ A U A ' l X l V x X l 4 4i -^3 . *. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CANCER OF THE PROSTATE -" \« ERNHST L. Wvgpjou Kftv Kmmiitt* MAimcm, IMAC? P. Wnrnfcm, J*., MI>* M», ANH Tliii uody of the efriifriniaJqgy of dancer iif dir prostate w*s bnarri on;; ren«* ipeciirc iur«d£Mion of 500 jtattaus Willi cfturrr of the pMMAlc mul 400 can. inolj, a mfeif €f tin? wharfs nf an atTJfebiibl 350 jtadcui wbh |>ftfelfttc omccr, and M review of die Hrrnn-rc The tkafnrtinhijtfeJcart I* ufdeh this juitly eotiM net coiili-ibuir it itu? larily of «1&ISCK1 pmtcaife ousctr In Japan AnH ift hicrrsw anions Jvpane** fitt&rfnrantt fn l!» 1K& f rowweft it» low rate nmtnig jeiriih »uf« HI ill* Xi& itciirs to lie rebut] w a [nvci' rnteuf ju-osiatfc cancer Among iiirnifgranufmwi Knium Emiif*. VS. Kc^rat« have* Ipgfcvr JucMwirc rule thnn Cuiatsinn** Xo AigntJUniu rcbluiMiIiip KHI fmuitl ID xocfotooit«mic *iatu% tmutlftl xlstm. fertility, surial luWtt, }*re>i<Mis d;*r*tic\ mrtgit, Iidgttl. hair tJhlrJbudon, or liitoratoiydtiia. D •it xM'in:ntKF,\eri>MT ciMranr'niK t'aos- (ate Is currently the mono* wost commo« cause of caiircr death jn male* it has not Wen extensively explored uy epidemiologic methods. In 1SG5 aloac, 15,913 Aiiicrirni:.* died from Urn disease, constituting tO/t% ot all male cancer deatln; in the United States."0 • This report proems die finding* of a wrfrospecttve epidemiologic study or raltfCT Of Uic prostate, and a review of certain factors cuit* ceivably associated with the occurrence of tins disease, The epidemiologic factors of cancer of the prostatc .'uw heen eoctonsiiHily rcvicu'rd by Kii^g ei *l.** In tl»p present review otntiictet, an clTon \MJ made <o oriiig these demo' graphic nnd c|ndcjniologicdnu iin-to-datc and co pj-csciu addition*! etiologic atpecti of ihfc lancct*. IKCWSTCCE DATA (Ticlarge difference fn ilicUcntliKites lieivvcen Japan and the United Sinter prundayly tairJgiihig.TRe relatively lower monaHty rates wjjoricd iiom Eastern comjKiml with West* cm Km-opau c*iuittic« mc aha of interest. The. low rale in Japan aji]>cai9 lobe limited lo clinical cancer vince autopsy data show that "Intent" carcimmti in Japanese is»frequent as in Caucasian mulct of correspond inj~ ages (Table I). Compared with die high incidence rale among U.S. Xcjpincfe African Negroes seem to Iiaw a law rate foi cancer of the prostate Accarding to die cutcuTAtion hnscd on the nidiNsbnl raorhMlt\ data, lite agc*adju*ted incldeuce rntc of proymit umccrjw 100,000 v w 6J.I K'fgi'oc^ IClS in Kiperljinsrin$AAi»ei*lcnn in rin Soitdi Afncnns, and 4A A ! -*-— " -• * * * *"• 5»^gcM —'* that •* an J " UgandMnsJ*-* l l i e differences envimnmonta!factoror f&ciorc eoiuribute >» die l)%2i iiiricleiice of protalic cancer fliuou^ U A KfgixK-s. CeogrApJitc dislributom Worldwide, cancer T I i M e is a jKtfilive rortcfalliKl hetweew of the j>i-osintc ii common in VS. novi-Ciiucn- j w r t a t u * ranrfcr nntt femafe brwist r a n t e r In wans and exuejnety tinconiMOJi amoi^r xht: 1H couuu-ics, tttgut-aing a rominon ftloh^k Japmitsc** {KIR, 1% White artifacu s«rh » ike bacl^runiKl for Uu«r fiormuno'ivhiicd cstucciS ivzihteUiy and cjualk) of medical fadlitie^ <K^. if).1*3 and drain ccriifiraicv iary aiv>niu{ the vorM, 7'iW trmdn imrea^*!. in jjmtfatic cancel ibe xcc»ra<.y PJ vJial Mathti(& in J.tjwn imcktw HMiii»M(\ h:ur brcti itfjoncd by HH)M t«imtrin in It..- J..-J tKnm^^ (Kift. 3)L Wilbin thl' tHitti-d htnnv ih<* HRjrlJsiKjy dau mcKcM^ Herilli rirtii»djiii«i * Fj"« Knd Mrm*. XrK 'kail:. >onic »tadtrlMi in Ni>i Yutl. Sutr ;mtf :oi JIIrtmM- in CIoiiiHYiiiiM in itii'iU jraisr1-"" {!•«£ f w € * U M w l A I I t « i ! & # * * » , New Y»tl- K\. in |M>u **• Nfcj r»-ua CVte-Tfi*. aud Jwr Alnowrbl Hw^Jtat C«" Srttic-. CffJl \ i a i \ H 1 J \ he- ji-alth sv*««nt^l H*ilh xmptfKe-ffAt tM HE «h* trifc'^tM I t I fattlt|Uf * lit » W Jit 1 <f. / ' 4* **V-.- &iiiWi*.'W<l«1pywyf* *••"?."•" •"•frififiirirjriHft!Fi•• ft—-jjt» Mi'-.-Vi-• - CAXCI:R or rim P s o m r a •*-•? , i- - - £ " * j - v - d f r n * - * * . - ^ j . ^ ^ * ' ftA>i . ^ . . r . , . M • Wptdar ct al ifaii, sttdi factor* a* Impmved medical cum M ami faster rcco^nitlmi of the disease do lid permit |irop«r iiucrprclaiiow of $%ht •M»MSWOin-i SitiM <i|jm&e* In mcnnllly and n*orbhHty. Afwtffem Atttavtyfi the mortality-and **>>$ PWniit morlvUJity data show diflciinx raici for pros* . I;!»fc cnncct Recording 10 countries* the irate AMlMll Twr thU diteftso appears lo be, affected by migratory population Movement*- Thfc IKII been ttW* KfthttUrii • •*W,Kj^t tlimtti Sty Haenisel and Kurlhanft study on Avtkfi ^3 Japanese JnmtEgrtmH hi die U.S." I h e Issei, or ft-jkgejwi-aimn tmtnfjpnu in the UA, Nt*2*|ttnJ Iwc an inctcased mommy rate tor prostatic KHtarrt*r oncer, \ihkh auggesrs ihu iu theft* near home nn cnvfromnenial fcclor or faciei* which did uot « M in Japan conulbmed 10 the differ* ence (Kg. 5), An increased mortality rate for rauccr of the prostate was also found in Polfih pAtMrf immigrants lo the United Sulci." Ml HaciUztfl's 1961 study showed that the C»1tetfc*h HaudaulUcd mortality ratio for prostatic canWtlU.S.M}fe *ftf)H«ft cel' among; foreign-horn compared wUV. rtsifojyum UJ5. Caucasian males vas 89:100b** CWh In Ihc forracrgroup, thcIovcU mortality ratios fcttM 3 in percent were for men bant in Poland (79), Austria (72), Rusria (58), and Italy (M)r The lower mortality noted for fbrcign*«>ro U.S. FJC I. Afcc-Adjwteil <taili MUri tanccr «f ilic Caucasians was conlH-mctl by Newill, who re- t a w in $0 toiintrirt, 1961. > M * pro* tftt TAwt-K I. PcffceAtasa of Latent GtretnonM «f t h * Pmstatc by A c e Age group Cotintiy/hutfiEHr United Slitfe* Rich" - Pafon e l « ! / (H&49) 50*5> Kraufctf' (1951) AusHa Cnynor1 (»3S) Jfejtnn Kanibc 11 <*/2 &i (V9) 100.0% ll/I) (IO/^T (12/<«> 17. (3/12) U.T (2</l (7/39) 31 .8% (7/22) 40.0% 28.9% ia.4% (25/241) (fl^"3f+) y.2 (27/2 46.0% (23/50) S.-3 Moore" SO* <o/&) 42.1 C2/W 70-70 2Q..1 (l2/,iy S.J Edward cl *1." Cl»2-JS) AnSrevr^ <50-<W «4ft (U/7I) CS4/3I2J i*-2^ 5.1% (Hi**) amv OS***} 20.6% iW/W) 2X.AJI {C7/2S1) 22 .«K^ (»/3S) 3S JC*X (1'^/AJi 0% •H*'» IA.2 7.1.7 0 (M/ 35.3 ^»/t 20.2% 20.5% (47/229) amy (H/*K> (2I/W1) (l«i/?3) (5/W) TI80430782 ..-HH*fc*.*#fSVf*»> . ""'••»»lTWf MM(« ••tJiWl ***,** •••* m. iWwwl** i • M idti i^n»A *w-^«tC •***•*•• S. fctCny/Vj. •*«»•»•., * • » * ' A ^^^^M-w^i t CUMCK* i. at Ati$mt 1971 in the old: who liftve ahJ^wn 25r- 20- ^InRlcme: •VMUtt l**Q * *gainrt tH in ihc R «!«**« «>«»» to. I. Corrclalion between brain i inter fa vowe* and limine oiwr i* MM^ KW 4*!C0dA9 ***> OM1 The on of fcrtiUl! Amtndfa hy rate i than the eYCMiiarr WWW tut* • «tsv* .iMn J. o a J. 10 J. 15 20 JL « A6t-ADW$TED DEATH RATS OF BREAST CA PER lOOiOOO ao ported tint in the period 1951-58, the age-ad- gradient relating to ]>ro$iatic eauctr.*1*1"*** justed death rate In New York Cily w.it J5.3/J0O.000 for nativc-hom and Itf/fOfyGOO for foreign-bom Caucasians." SusrecrjisD EIIOLOGIC FACTORS Religion: Neural reported that Jew» had the lowest mortality front cancer of the prostate of Maritelstatus and paternity: Although irrethe three main religious KM**ps in New York futable evidence U lacking, i*ntc sexual or reCity, In the period 1953-^8.* Sctdmnn studied productive activity feu hoen niggc^icd to have varfitioro of cancer death rates fn New York an association to cancer of the prostata* A City in rotation to socioeconomic ltatus and study in New York City reported that married religion* groups jointly.*1 The lover death men ag<*d Bi to 7-J had a higher mortality rate rate tor the Jewish population was consist- from prostatic cancer than iniinanicd men." ently found wiihtn the saine socioeconomic From the limited data ai-nihble on cancers of group (F%. 6), Ihc male gonial organs hy uwfcd slalti*, die dcitih race for married Cnucaifau wen in die ArclaiJvetylow JVecpiuncy of prostatic canU.S. also appear* hfcher than for single men. cer was also reported by Apt for Jews hi SweJn the period of 1010-51, the ajgNidJlsied den; among Scandinavian Jews the prostatic death rates ptr lOOjflOo were IIU) for single cancer mortality rats coosiiiuicd 4JG% of the inert, I&8 lor married wen. IX. I for widowed total cancer mortality, whereas awottg the genmettj mill 20^ far divnrtvd niwi.-1'1-01 Por mmeral Swedish population the corrwpondine; figure wa* M%£ Israel recorded varying inci- Cancast^iK alone, the imc is fibber nuiong dence rates forjews from different areas, the >iiij;Ie nun than HWITUII mm. Tla' agesadrate* per IttMW) weie 1.9 for jews originatroj; justed dndi i.ttrt fjcr lfWr0(Kt In flic: s:mn- pe Jn .Africa, r O for fctropean Jews, J f.S for Hod vere ?3,9 foi single itMti. 1R.I if>r maiTied Aston few*, and 22.0 for J«ws horn in laael."* men, ^fi.9 for wtdottfd mm, and SH7 fur tliSoctoec&Mxkic XAtVi: T h e n &PMM& io be i»o vovc&l «HTI. lliMrrrrr. h K puwible that enraw do»u«us»i rorruhitioii between the itKkh*»re of m tht iCfMMthig wf m.iih:ti *.i;»rns o n MI inote prouatk eaMfrr and sorftx-coiwiiiJc slatus {fig. COmmouK- amo>^ wm Cimra^iiMi lhaji OMI6). *J jfiis aspeu has 1X-*-JJ c-xuiivivcly reviewed fcy King ct at, ami Ihey found IK> regular MoiUtlhr ifaca fioin HmMwiL hidiaab- that m »( * 1 • _i t 2 —* E • { i 1 L *tv FmJ pHi*U£r J* - -rifftfuflfrftri -fir v n i • ki*Srft>vhrf t *\ ah r-nmvnum;.w iwftnfr ! « * wn«JuA. • -t« 11ftmi>» CAHOKH OP TIHC PwarA-rs >3*2 • 1Vyjkfcr cj al. hi the older age group* the Incidence vates nie slightly hl#erforsingle men than for those vfioliaWi B W mavrlud." In the NctUerUttdt, & hifilicr wonaihy »tfe from protfaite &m&? anions married males Was reported by Vcrslujs*11 Thfr study found afrequencyat single men among caiteer patients to be 7-6% at ages £0-69 ycnl'i and 54% stages 70+years, ngahtst the comparable figuresfor*h>glc wen 111 the gg&$&al population of 10.3% and 10.2%, respectively* The only data available on the rclattwnhlp of fertility to cancel* of the prostate come from Australia and suggest nritglulyhitter momliiy rate among married inen with children | ! g than die expected mortality rate** Among | ll ever-married mep with children* the nuinbeis M7 Hr wm*«iwts ttmtuns * , M 10 hi * «3 J'IO. 4. lntl<Wcc pfcl death UIM Jittin cantrt of lh* piooue lu Coimcttktu awl New Voik Siaks* V.MfentfMk of deaths from the male genital organs wcic 474 for ihe *fcc group 55--G4 years, 1,152, C5-74 year*, and M2G, oro* 75 years, while the comparable numbers for cancer of nil sites were 46&, ljl£2, and 1368, respectively. In contrast, among rsrer-rnarrlcd men without children, (he mmdjers of deaths from the genital organs for ihe corresponding age grmt]$ veeve 83.154, and 153. and the number for ameers of all site* wrefift. 164, ami 157, respectively. Circumcision ttiul venereal disease; Havicli and Kftvich ascribed the lower freijm-ncY of prostatic cancer In Jews to die practice of chv cutnehfon m birth,** altlsoii&b this hypothesis wst* noiMip|3orud by two other investigations. Gibsou found dial 20% of prostatic c&nrer )»• tIctus listd been ctrevmrixod at birik and dfl- 20 S*efeA Sttflium -F*MC* 13 § \ 3 / VKettiwUnlS Getnsny MJ l< Wilts *«V r -. forteg»l » « 113^ PlKM » K M .1#MI I i i . > t , _. t . 1 ^<_-1—1 vm f i t . & j y i i % • • ! * 4 f e a t i t * a * r t b M i C M M V T « f U » IV. i Ar«-2^n^c ***3<h U S < (tM» t3W*1 K i W y — « r fe »vft*tnl t * « m t k v Mo* I W t . TJ80430784 **U*+fAl;Mi*<i,*±m*.,*.,^J*rtm,<**mm. 548 GAKCKR USkliitT'm ^-M-IWfcU » « V A * ^ 4 C C T 4 - ^ . I . — j J U f W i a ^ . /firgiox J 1*7J ttvi«rrir»aMl WMIC *>\. VW. HI Ainoiig,' otic ck1** WfutrialU-MftRUfel u 4-1 X* M Mn^Mttrhfi ll»jk J hi c p MMM t*r JW C P * M c p J Hi G P fuitioxiexk » XI Xt Xt xt nm> dcwhip enrtoeri inetapb t»fldD |joElcr!t II 177.0 ntinlun l->;.«w Death Mtel o(»iirer«r Ihe pratac* bf rdfeErvn* and tncfotcmmvwlc KWVU. ! ^ r Voit » « « Iww it adenw; SV^it nUi an* 4.* /.» xr >P *.» 4.> 1X4 »r»T orator* 2U3tn ntv.> ltl&4 Iliac tns oi s late, a Taken u 1/X0 UtfJ4<4NUlLHlliuM(r I f f ir(WJ«Wn».i, «.,)«#! Willi t\ spile tbc Tail lluil UK Mudy Jack* :iilcqu;iie contra] clntn on ihEs. aubject, tills perraitflgc* apjx&rs lo be loo high to snpjxwi a bypoibcife of protection IJciiigaU'orded by rirctimci*ion.M In another invcM/gation* Kaphm et al.. in A rcWcw of hospital records, oiuui reveal w> significant <liJfeix»nces in freoncHey of circumcision between nnisjewish mates -with prostatic cancer JIIK! n control group." RavichK and Ravich nlso suggested that TO nereftl iitfcctiom illicit promote ihc develop* JKcnt of prostatic cancer.13 I b i s vas contradicted by Knpbm ct H1„ wlm reported only 31.9% of die prostatic cancerfcronpas having 3 positive hi&iory of venereal disraxc against 43.$% of paifcnfx In a groiip with henj&n prostatic hyperplasia." Prostatic cukafi Mid pmi$*th miction; Joachim tx-jx>ried the frequency of prostatic cntnib* fo be «.?.#'; oi JfiO patient* ivith prostatic cancer and J2J% <rf the control^ |«u even awnmiug die validity <»f ilik aueriation, it k niidetcmihtcd whether rclrntf \KIVCa rnrdin^rriiir cfft'ci •» tlHtHvitn, ^ctoiKtarr b» Ihc rnnccr; CM* air u rMKtH|nena* of <otu»t<>!i clcologtr facio»i-t:' ijiiiiincr and 'J'imwMibamn obaenttti a hl^h frvcjncnry %«t} «rcai \*aricfy ol fctcfwkt ill (jMMntoiirjiny «jK*ime»i> ninmrcxl for csrnrcr of ibc imivrwic.*3 They w w rrfiiii femm ju-j>aii\c- rrtiibo^iijs. MKh as Klcbstclb. Viniv,tsuK i.Knl ia»i«-i «f ibr fiitiMwe* va\ -IIXJ JIKMKI in liirir sj^viiiiMis KMIIIICI- r^ji|*intl>w^ hi thh itini mntUl he of Hilri<-vi, cm in sttuly t Kciv V« filnwl typct A tvlaimit&Ii^ of ranecr <t( ihc )>roMnce IO Mood Group A was irportcd in n. study by llunrtc find iJiillin* Among 2M p.iikiHs with ]ny»t.itic cantfi", (lie fircpicncy of Moocf (jmup A iiw hOA % agaiiui *ls:*l% «J£jKrfcd b a ^ on n comroj group of 10.0(H) in •fCromN cer <k(i Inter teen pn u i c an discaw _ ihc p n tionnni' aiiMysb trolo* and tbc oon>t**< gimtni! tribntji mieivii jwtk-JH \«ax? it \rtnc «« inK-MH d»t» K wi«- "i» Jrt '< IjOllttOlJ. Ttibwco: Tliciv siHrms lo be no A^orTntton btintuj tbc i}pe or nmoiml of junokin^and canfa'of iheprosiaic."-"1*" Mutlijitr priJttarii'x: Cool; i«j>orIc<I n \HAIlive rorrektfon bciu-cen caccvr o( the J>TOMAIC :md cancer of the nrbmi'T bJatUIcr." Accord* lug (o a 5Htd>* by Afotrtcl »tnon^ J'*^ jwifrtlis wJib jM-oiKiiic enmer, 40 Itact cancer of (lie Wilder rs efdicr ibc primsiy or ifkp secondary Iiimnr,*2 'f'JKitr ra a Mitxtj; JfkcJif»oml Ifiitt ilioc rtinJiiip^ relate t»» ilie jnii>lcne;d dc(cx< lion of pjvniaiic cjinrcr (luring cxaininnifon and itirgiiy fur bladder rarcilWltu. SpwtitHrum nnd rxpt^mwntnJh-iiuturcd ameer in ttnhmh: SfMimmicon* tmu.tr of the pmuaie in aiiinmK h rviwiiu-K* nui*. mid M-Veral iw*rkw% replied i^ofatctl biM:uiccs ill a rat a»d ;t )mtw„M ew» dogs1* an oW rbcuii trnmler,5* I\«I JwotsU'l*.5* and an old C^KMIbagen mi.'* '}1lf hnpbnH»ljf4t «J ilirfiMial t;tubio»rm bni l*«*ii nrjKniCil lo Midi ire pemiatit« JIM « . * w*5, 1I«AC-VCI, Mnir tlicM- raucii*. air ««Kih MjiKiimitiv fc-K t.uu;K»jn;n »r -k.»<rtmjv r! »*.»r Admin XV*u» \ CiiJK 3 <tinti!*>- IHM IK* Jl-htalM Ut \***\,*U- IJttccl MI UiJW. *rbkJi r* i*r»na!rv atfi'Mth .nt iiKxr*.* in >}j***- dl*. Ii- ( ,£r»£V"" .r -»«•» *W ^kftT.to^ » A M » * t ^ | « ^ . > ^ ^ . . . . A J l ^ f c »> ,Av.l.»-.... . . . ^_^A»-J.—«^ H*, a 549 CANCtttopnitTjiosrATB • yVynderctal Among mice cxpoicd to ntomic irradiation, *t®mw*h* 58; kidney and bladder. 50; colon one (limaped adenocarcinoma of tlte I>TOE- and Tectum, S3; leukemia* and lymphomas, t«e.** I6i lung, I6s stdn, 12; nwwh* lis oilier sUes, There tire no reports of nw*Mtic f.-uccr £7), ami 113 noivnuwer (heuijp diseases of developing In mdmals ** a ©nmeqnems of tit* RAsiroimcsimal KM, B5t orilttijvHUc dlv endocrine manipulation, although extensive cows, 29; bentfgn dtsratct of the nrlviavy tract, metaplastic changes have been noted In the 20; minor surgeries, 21 j other, Jin) pallcM* posterior prostuLcs of mice following the «1- urith no known disease of tficprrataie. ministration of rstrogp*.* I'wicr aud Paulson Jiccard sfttdy; In ndditlcm io the Snleiview have reported the induction of a prostatic study, n review of dierecordsof 350 prostatic adenocarcinoma hi vitro In the hamster rulnj? cancer p t l e n u admitted to AIKKC3G during SV40*ftdcsoscyrlbomitdek acid onco$anc vi- 10-1CM2 (ISO patients). 1WQ-K (\m pmicim), rus; mid this model may prove useful in lull- and iDGOO-J <150 JMIUMX) WH conducted for background And tahoiatory data. No«** of die oratory Mudic* ot proiintic cancer.3* patients whose charm. vera micva-ri had brcn nutri'icwcd previously. Tin* rhaits of $50 ^UTKWAli AKn M M now male patients with ranrcr ol the colon and In Addition in the review of the current aa- rectum seen during Gorrcspmuling time \tctltus of the epidemiology of rancei of the pros- ods were reviewed for comparison, late, a retrospective investigation was undertaken so obtain epidemiologic data on patients RKSULTS with clinical wncer of the |*o3tate. *l"ii«s prcctill investigation consists of an interview Ag/s: The age* at d.agnoslsof prminticeanstudy conduaed ai several hospitals in the ccr t» the inieiview *t«dy ran&cd from 35 to NMV York City area, and a review of hospital a(j years, ami avenged GSJ2 year*. The agerecordist the Memorial SfowKettoring Can- distribution of the prostatic cancer Clients ccr Center. and the control pattern* me presented (Table *nfe>vfffu» *fvrfy: 1 Vo hundred mid seven- 2), The average a^-stothe 3 periods covered teen patients with clinical cancer of the pros* by die Accord Mutly were n5.5, 05.4. and 6Ti.4 tale and 200 cosuvtd pnlicnis with JW known yours, rcs^clively. "i'lic«! avornfits are shnilnr diseases of die prostate w«erc tmcrvicwed in to those found in oilier clinical «udiet^i.t*.W2 the period 1565-67, A«ith epidemiologic qucslinen Aldiough the racial di&irihut)on vardontwire fannii (Study 1). After preliminary ied markedly in different hospital groups, analysis, an Additional t% cancer and 2fi0 cott* ihere \cere no significant difTerentes in proporirol cases were inter tic wed Uatn 1HGS to 1909, ifon of Kc^o pfliients i>etwecit the prostatic and the inforniAifoti recorded «n a short form enncer patienii and !he rontrols withhi the cojissMinji of a brief o^icttioimairc on back- <xnw hmpitid. In thr Memoiinl gix>ii]», Negro ground mid medical history, liair patlcni dls- patients ron&iituted 10% of thu prostatic enntrlhmion, an<\ fertMitY (Study 11). In mud, the ccr grtnip and 7% of the controlfirotip,Jn InicrtJev study consists, of .100 prostatic cauew cottd, Negro jwiieuis ronstimtul Jtj% of the patients, and -tOO controls. Where cpiestioiu pro5UticcHncprj;uiup and 1 ^ of the control were idcniiral m llir nvo studies, tlic rcsnlu -were coml>ined. When the texi tminions the Iniervhnc sntdy aivl com rob, diis. it combined T.UMi: 2 . Ape t>i.viriI)Uti')i» c4 l'ro>t:tlic Ctsiccr raiimu and Cmlrfils dnu bxv.nl on Sludiri 1 «K1 1). nnlcsv oilierwise %]KM ifiett. C Btitrul I'Wrfulic cancer In the prosiatir caitcvr ^roii]h 1W men l \ r cent * • caiiK- frcuu tin* Memorial Sloan-KeurrhiR Cant*iuli*r W cer Center, i i iruni ifo- >].iitSKiltaii Vett-utn^ SU-&] 26 9 3T » AduihuMimNl Hospital. .IIKI 62 fynin the «a 24 ft w y> ii Krv ^"tk IU»N|«ln!# iW St. iailf'^ no\phal 10} *A *ft 61 7i 2] fVnin, tu tlu- KhiK> Cuttttiy H*isjjit^K In the #"0 ?» ?,^ 3A 65 W» rtrtjircitfcmirp.t£l** (>vm wetr fnmi MSK<X« ;« I I Sn It fr< 1? l& tittM thr \*.A., and i& kirtrt ilw oilwi lu*-^*. taik l^lrcl >U«v»*. 'Hn* JlW n»h* timtiul <JV*S ivrte *idH|MM<nS «l TK i^ttorf f*ai»«t «4 U«* { ;» ; » >• i l*»*u. .tf in ma i» A !«••; ?; i^ tort r -1 !»»•; ***J • «w.^ • 1 •* . * » •.V - y" ^iXU^w^^v;^.*-^ ** - • - . — * • * * • ! , . - A « A a . * . - - ^ f / . J I — ' - i . i t . y ^ ^ g . ^ . , **-.. , ^ ^^M.Miw^n^.^ • - •* •* — . . JV > 910 VoLXt WifgHif 1971 TJU**&& JMueauo* on*oU#iic f^rwc* l^tf<*^ GAMGKH AB*tf* hoi. U. Cmur*t fic*MlUtr»dt4 Kfc (S> tone CwiMMrJSchMl lUtf-ICfcWl €•** + . TOTAL -•a * 09 »<W »CM» ntii) MllOOfi) K* m 9 m y«i) new) <a.j) 1 (3) *»<«> jtpd.9) 29 (EH *?<»<?> »\M) 23CU.39 JS(«) S6tI09*3 fHCI*m> U74H45) group. There w « one Oriental patient Included fn the prostatic cancel groujx, and four Orientals in die control group. • A review of MSKCG records revealed a 6% frciqtttmey of Negroes In the piusiatic cancer group and a 3% frequency of Nc&rocs m the colon/rectum cancer group, a dilTc/c-ct of borderline significance (r* — &9G, d.f. = 1, M>V>.0&S). In the »mn*jref.iltonor racial differences In the incidence of prostatic canccr, the morbidity and mortality dhi* are obviously mate meaningful than those of a, particular group of cancer patients. •JZdttcalhn: There is a suggestion in die literature (hat the high incidence of prostatic cancer among U. S, Negroes might be related to lower socioeconomic tfaitts." Therefore, ike date on educatier were evaluated scjtt* rttoly for Caucasian and Negro patients. Among Caucasian patients, (here were no significant differences hi cducittfcnuri levels between die prostatic ameer n»d romrol groups flVble 5). Among the Negro population, 81% of the 47 Negro cancer mitatu attended only grammar school or had no education at all, and the comparable figure for the 51 Negro controls was 71%. A further nniilviis by age group was not possible because of the small number*. This aspect should he explored with a larger sampte. Religion: Auwtig die Caucasian popula- TAUMC »p* K# K*. « 3 * P> »<?.!} *ipt.n IMIS.D i ieio.4 MtOMW 5* (1^) roua> l«{H9 *l(i>W^> Jmnn T«*JC CWW<Mfc JW**'J »as 1HOA.O ji a» m».«k *» (M> 3fltiM& « (l».d) itUMttftt p}otf, of birth: Of ihc 252 Onwasum |>ai ientt with {ixostalk cancer, -13% were foreign bom. Forty-seven percent of the while control pa* liciitx were fotcijn lx>m. It is inlCTCsting to note dmt the prostatic cancer yronp contahicd a iignificanily lower percentile of patients, who had been in the U. S. for less lhan SO ycay^ llian thft control group (g* m G.03, d.f. = 1, p. < JOJ), Table S. Howcren a further annlyiJJ by age lfnr not possible becanse the chita were based on too few cases. Marital status: Mtirftal stsitttsafJptars to he associated with social, economic, and oilier variaUes. In the picscnt study, marital Mains was found in ^try In different hosplial pioups. Four jicr rem of the prostntic cancer ptients imd *1% of the controls m the Mernorin! Hospital irere single, while 22% of I be 74 camtr jKUzcnts *ni\ 20% of the S5 oomreds hi the ! VJV. IT. apparsi: kiCt. 11. thcrov tal stat control lllei diepftt drftcfen taticca men, 7 vorccd. tpoudJi 81%. ai Fcrli taincd blcin ttospii canrer ever in were it than a the en hasp! I; cvalun don \r tho pv. site—J Tlie wcrcl canrer of 11) out of for7» for lb2»%( difTeu anyflf Met based canvi signin 4. Hr*riU« at Pmstallc Caaorr PadvaU »«•! Grmrmk hy M+ (iBWrWwSlJifly^ 3^*«. f4. Cltt^fc JVMfealMt um 17i <S1> tion, the pruritic cunrer group contained n smaller percent of Jews than the control group for both ago group* GO-tKf years and 10 and over (Tabic 4). The dificrcncc in UIR age group G0-60 ycant was of borderline significanre ft* = 4-7. .IX r? 1( .05 > P > JOI). 1 low. ever, it was noted that tmckr the age cf CD the jirostaiic cancer vta% nn frequent among Jews nj non-Jews. Tlieic ana hiter«ting findin^js because [ivcvions studies jiiggciicd a rcla* lively lou'er iucidence of prostatic cancer A|rw*r«9 KihU KV CS» K*. « 8 No. 2 J- - KP*. (53 soon ISCMI K M «4in^3 tem. t s ) Kfc « » K* c;i H HO Wltlt ft o n *-£»»«£> lM00»m Wt«»*3 K« CJ* •it tm OMIHI AVA«cs r*<n. o . Cmtfd x«. r*» K-wcn K* r*;v -w c«> iw tm i* («) &W9MKn I*LYM»-» 7**O*I*:» *mnm*& TA».K 18m »• 1*- TI80430787 Afc 3&A»TV*««r-\ *y>- t j L J lTi V*-H Mfr*'**" *--**"i ir Mv rfTllfVH^iir^inlifMrTr*""!-^--'-' - .uirfifoarfrftVimi vj&.yiuivi w.«.'^»,;0.rLi;tei fa»w-. Cfttttmop^iftPftosTttric • Wynderetat, 351 V,A. Htwpilal vera ihigle. The ctidercncc is TAHUC & Ne*nl«f of Ycirs In (he US. of CnHGuUa PraUtic QiJiec* Pstittits and CoatrtU apprewly due (ovulations hi admission pol* Betta Htc*i*ecr Control Kfctf* Ilovcrer, whhfa a ^ven hojjrfurt group ihct* were no siplllrant difference* for marlI V cent No. Pweont Ko. ul status between the prostatic cancer autl '•Gomrol group* (Table B). The record ctndy which was solely based on 19 ©r lew 6 6 32 16 the patients admitted 10 MSKCU flowed no 20ta2& 21 2i 20 19 tUffcraiccs for marital status between the pros39 Si 40t#& £0 UtiC cancer group *tol Uio largo bow«t COKCQV 60 or mftro 14 n 14 20 14 group. The former contnbujd 5% of single 149 100% tbTAM 1M 1M9& nten, 78% of married men. mid 37% of divorced, separated, or vrldowH men; die corrospending lignrc* for die latter group were S%, 8l%i and 14%, respectively. stone*, diabetes, hypertension, hepatitis, liver fertility Data cm fertility wan only ob- cirrhosis or herniorrhaphy, some of which tained in Study TZ and were found to be varia- Iwive been suspected to bo related to prostatic ble In the different hospitals. Vroni Memorial cancer in published reporHW1 (Tabic *$• Hospital, 20% of (lie 45 nicn villi prostatic Although bused on very few cases, a history cancer and 17% of the lift controls who And of prostatitis is of InicrcM-51'*1 Jn (his study, over married vera childuM*. Thu comparable prostatitis vat reported by the Caucasian pafigures for elm V.A. Hospital patients were tients only. Vour per cent of the Osutcnsfrm pafifl% awl S7%, ropcctlrcly. Apparently, tlicre tients wltli cancer of the prostate ntvX 1.7% of were more childless men nt die V.A. Hospital the Caucasian controls roportcd to liavc had than at Memorial, btit lite djflcrence between prostatitis, l i t e difference was not statistically the cancel' and control padenu within one significant. It ts possible that Negroes have the hospital -was not significant (Tabic 7). In [lie same frequency as Crwcasinns* but a low socioevaluation of such data, proper standardiza- economic status will frequently preclude detion by hospital—which could not be done in tection of this condition. A higher percentage tlic present study became of die small sample of Negro patients than Caucasians in both the site—Is necessary. cancer and control groups reported a history Tlic fertility data on the Memorial patients of gonorrhea. TWemy*bc per cent of Negro were broken down by Age. Percentages of die cancer patients and 37% of Negro controls cancer patients without children were 9 (1 out had a history of gonorrheal Infections* trod of 11} for the age group under 00 years, 20 (5 10% of Caucasian ouster patients and 8% o£ out of 17) for 60-09 yesrs, snd 18 {$ out of 17) Caucasian controls reported a positive history for 75 years and over. The comparable figures for gonorrhea. However, there was no Ugniftfor tlic control group were 4% (1 out of 25), canldiflVrettco between the cancer and control 2M% (14 out of 50), and 11% <o out of 44).The groups. It is apparent that gonorrhea can differences were not statistically s&njficimt at recur and that sonic individuals may be reinfected frequently. Unfortunately* no informaany ago. group, tion was obtained on litis point. Also, no data Medical <mtl surgud htsioiy: All data were on lliempy or any other lactone uiiirh might htiod on a Iiistory of diseases that had ochave influenced the incidence of subsequent curred at least 2 year* prior to diagnosis. No prostatitis were obtained. significant differences were found for urinary VJMX ^•i 6. Martial Statu «f Guiendan IVotUiic Cancer >>»lieflfe and Centrals by ARC, Metaoml lltiefdul (Jntervier ^udy) A&40** A V K ^ I M UrfM) *0* -t «> PKS.CS. 7 CmtoM ISnLca. OM«I«I (* an am WMN. ARnftM AccN>4- mt&rn* mm* mm m m h«.n 3 CM •* C*bt2«t II w MI »«»»» TI8O430788 •^*M ^faft'^Ci ^Ti i«C-~ *j^a*J«*.a....J-^->lH-*A»^^... v-.v .1 x,.. A.irv.--, '.j' ^wOOAwCW -*••..»»., "tea CAKOSK. ^Wfitfa/ 1571 1 Vhitfffy I5ftf4 ©f J Yosttufc Ou««r l*aH<*l* and O n ttt»l», Memorial Hospital {Wudy U) 1!*BI* WUlcIi0drcM TOTAL (over manfod) frw Ko. 9 Coalnal n* 20 II * ioo& 45 r^rc*nt !<»» ** Cfratmcitiont Tlwi-e was no t Ignificaiu d5f. ference bciwccn (he non-Jewish o n c e r ami comrol group* in this regard. Out of 172 notJewish cmce** patients to whom the qiicitfrwi oh circuraefcion was aslcd, ] 7% stated to have been chcumsiVed, and 15% of M2 control jm licnts gave a positive history of circumcision. • Wcfgfil mtd htitftf; There wore no significant differences in weight And Iiefelu of the prostatici cancer ami control patients (Kigs. ?, 3), Using tire Xfetropoiiian Ufe Insurance (able, the relative weight for each pntfcm w u tttfeufeted AS follow: Xelaiive Height _ ^ S l ^ L S ^ M 1 1 ~ expected u'ef^ht expected wcj$u x J00 (%) Uah ilisirfbutwi: Data on hah* pattern were obtained by fnspecdon for head hafr, beard, chert hair, and leg JiaJr In Scud/ II. Data were examined in two age groups* under 65 years and OS or more. Of 26 promise « u v cer patients under <© years of age. 2tf% %we refcrtircly bald or find no head hair, mid 2 1 % of SB controls were rdailvely or completely TA*MC B. Prtvkxi* Pl&c&tt And 9ix£ety «f lVfitft-.de Cancer .inJ Control l^tiwil* (Uncivil StodyJ Kicliuy itoow RtitdfJM' U<*n« Other or tmsped* fiu5 uri&iry flew* lllaiietrx HypftUiwuM HornnirrW]iIi)f!«pa(ll»v*mlAjr fauH&ev CirTh****. T«4l o.s 3 22 3X H 15 0 m i t IX It 5 2 l*B bald, A m o t ^ patients aged 65 yenw nr more* ilie oomi>araMc figures were <J% (M of 3*) for ihe prfisLilif cancer group and $&% (33 of SC) for the control group. The following finding for beard, cllcst hah, and leg- hair 3t« bated on Quie»*fa» patkot^ otily, TwcaujeiloH-CmKarijm poikn>w ap(X^n*<I to dtfTor ai^iuTiramly in ihli it^ird. 'I Jiirtu ciglH |jerccfi( of 21 proitatfc cancer |jairciUs and 27% of 25o»iuroh hi [hearts group under 65 ywtrx were fcnuid to lutve heavy hem<& hi the cJder,-t£0 ^tuti^ ] 3 % of *) pi^osi.tlic oncer j&tfcnts and 12% of 82 controls Iiad h<Mvy beard* Heavy t1»est hair %ras notod fit 49% of the cancer paticmx and 45% of tlm COIMIOU in the y o u n ^ r ape groups And 55% and 31%, resj>ccitvcjy. in inc older ngepvup. Heavy leg hs!r WAS foitud in £0% of die evmcer group and M% of iltc control for die younger age graup. T h e comparabJc %uivs for [he older ngc {[roup ivcrc T**', and 10%, rcspc*lively. None of the above differences between I lie prostatic cancer ?wl cnnlrol x»o»»I^ was siaiisifcally slgnincani. Tabiunt ffH«f alcohol: There traiv no >t^iiffcant di/fcrenrcs in lobarco coau.umiMJOn hy type or muntnT of clc/trettcs smo'kc<i bclwecn die cancer ami control groups, nor were thetv any significant dilfereiices in attohol coiisumpiion IJCIUX^J* the iwo groups (i^hk' 0). Doubts, fmmarfas: There wcrv J7 pxifcnts yf'uh projuiic cancer in Suidy I. who Jiatl ft second primary cAncer. Tlic bbddcr was the w o n common site for the 5econd j>rhnnry cancer. Of 7 cases with doubt** primaries, inchidin^ the bladder, 5 trcie lotmd ttmutitmemisfy with prostatic cancer, and 2 were found 2 yeais prior to diiignosis of |n^vi;ufc cancer. Since most of the bladder caiirm wrrc found at the same rhuc »t (he prostatic cancer, the Sndh^v $n^iM dial die prostatic cancer h dcurtr*l by urologists exaniinii^ for bladder J1ICAI Of tth €vitft-l a)a|x»i Stan* rair i* lhai amem J^OUJ sKti'iiLttlllti tNIi ram*? invite I'nindcnii-* mn%* Iirwi" fal J4. endi'i whht of lb* tiuKif laih '» and • t!i ' aiifiiUf i ! ' ijnirt ot r Cor.Irol PKHttilccawtr No. ft* ami J 10 1 VcI.W Nu. Ife-ee** II J 2 r j 25 Jtg 0.3 & 12 10 16 9 4IW •I 1.5 imr; 4* Jlfofid fyfv and fat/tut* blood su&nr; 'lite htvod iy)K' distrlhuiion of (he prottalic cunecr parcu-fH* Ym\ himibr i« iJKtl of llw New York f:iiy jtojHd.*ai*m^ fJVblr 10). Xo sl|;nrflcattt dHUti'inv\ wen* found Jn faMinj; blood sM»j5ar knvK btlivrrn [!»M:I»H<TaudruuJrrd piit'iits ff»Mr III). r /Vjfr*j£»«f/*lty «JW inr;*trut «*r Jtt iiliy C|ihk*n}jtttt^ia iuirtfitrf^fltoii »c4mirn; ruriittf*»H 11IMI Luton* m ih« d»\c-fcr^Kmml of r a m « . tlr t • - j..i • •»•«•'• ix*r*& •» •- r f f r i f f T f t " * ^ " " * " ' * ' T * * * - — - * • • ' - " » CANCER QV Tint ^HOCTATU HiograpMc data provide tueful leads, The moil iiaportaiit clue* to tile etiology of cancel* of the prosiatc am tl&f Invnxfvcj or rlfcd*aUy cvidoit, prountic raueer seem* to h& rare in Jnj»niicic HviUfc in Jnt*n, but inrrcasr.i fli totgeneration Japanese Immigrants to the United Smicv; thnt in the United States the iiidtUncc rale is higher far Ncprnex than fot <^naiMms; that ptojiatic cancer occurs lew frtNnnHUly amoiijt jews than among other minimis gatmjtt; aud thnt their approve in be no ionsiiicm relatiomhip of promtic cancer lo\otloecaikooiie itaUU- - - f ^ - . - * . . - »J*«MWti«l«iTf.HAMA¥t>*tWfc^liWll\*>H.>»i. - • IFystfcr £* A?. 38$ Cflrfrol fMQfo Prostate Csuc*r W*3C91 40 iNTKavxixviio* OKKWWVMIOIORH; KIKWXOS jajmrtesc; The low rate of clinical prwatir cancer among Japanese and it* npparam incroaw among japannc humigiaiHs to the 5^5»3*« ytfiyr Pff^-yir VQ'+ United Slates may be regarded a* A major epimight demiologic elite The fact that other *horV'c, $. Hoiftht (UtiiltmifcMi nf pliotUtC CHKCr pamone~re3atcd" cancers, such ns those nl ihc ll en u and cwurols. ht*ca;t» nrary, and endometrium, are alw lovr In Japan MIJ&CXLS (he possibility of a common endocrfno1o»ic hasw. l-rrctatir hyperplasia Tolincco smf AVnliol [>,i a nf Prostatic widen may be honnmic-vetaied benign <&cn&e TAIII.K 9. Cancer ami C*IIU«1I'jlieuf * (Study 1) of the prostmc appears ten. fivrpicni hi JapaControl IVnMitlic ra. nese tlun in Caucasians; a study hi Hawaii esKG. IVrc*M N'u. Percent timated thnt die incidence [or benign prosttifr hyperplasia lsZO/iOOO among, Caucaifcuis 7*frrc«v and 5/1000 among Japanese.11 18 hi general, the incidence of dtonves wch ai 20 175 arteriosclerosis and diabctei thought io be re- C&arvltr wtf&cr 79 Cfeantte* only *fi lated to dice, especially total fat intake, U also 2 i FSpwnidy 12 qiiic law in Japan. The hirresis&d incidence 5 s II Cigrt«Ofriy 18 of prostatic cancer among Japanese immi7 11 V Pipes Aid Cigar* 19 grants may relate to change** in dietary habits Utft% 200 TKBU. ItmtaKCinar Knn-tlrmlT JO J2S 50 in 1-2 uail-//U»y l«« 2-ftuuil^/Il.iV J6 7 m mat* Naet- U iy ** )fM«r4•* J*. 7- W*H#n i L l i A M m «* ^f-4«* I J M A iwlii'Wfa " t MI •>• / 217 i/A. *f el&rtilts suukei mweng tt&rttte sinsken: 1- S/1)ny Id |0-iS/Pay 10 !fi-WDay 42 i 5 or ra»fe/D.iy T&TM. i Afr* 12 16 7i 50 20 .U 23 J7 77 161 iao?f zoti 61 ill I li ?l IWK; ir.; 9 15 37 IS 24 W0% W ftl 100% ?0 U 4 **^. 1k^4iK* TI8DI30790 kJ***tt-4£lKi-r >»«<Jwft>> J - t . . . i . ^ * * t > i n w j i f » d i r f « i , H i i*iy..rt.<i^.%»,%a£«,fc*^»» Vol. a CUifctm A*$tsl 10?J Tfttoft JO. RIUIIHK Wood Sbwr and JWood TVf« «f A potent In 1 factor to accoiwl for the P*o*Utfc Gutetr Patients A»] Cbntabfr (Intavfcw and cure tjtfwccu the Negro and Gttuotsian impuKecord Studio*} tations fs ihe difference hi the incidence of fnProOMic OA. Control flammniory tllsawe of (lie proustfe Iiew^ver, **jlsir. blood iu#ir No. Percent He. Far cast accurate nifonnntuHi on the fnritlctice of proitnfttis fs vtvy dinktili u> chVit by fniei'viav 3 <3ft 5 5 2 incihuds hcxauseol the vngueness of symptom* W-U0 I2S *I ii* *2 atolo^y. ihtrns foitnd n 41% fiei|ttency of gon120-I4& H 9 . . IS 9 JJ9S* 3 4 S 4 orrheal itifeetion among Nrgm ]>.i(icnls with 200+ 5 3 7 J tflwatfc olwtniftion, hut only H% anions TOTAL: 150 «o» 2J1 100% Cwcasiail (Kltfetlts^ Allhnngli we iiiquhvsd >hout R Irfatoiy of gonnrrhen In the present W.Y.cfcy sttidy^ si&niJiraiit 'b(a on [he i<:|>calctl hifccUtifcc*, Otscai&w* tltwt and rcc4trrt»K« ot venereal alisrases were No. P*c*»t Ptrcvnt Blood T y p * nut obtaincil. 2'rcqncnt \-oiic-roal inroctioiu or 35 A 85 21 njineatH <hrouic vmcieal infcriions nre a poH 14 19 lenifal caiwe of jnostntitis.1^** hfale irlcnon 9 4 3 An snonas infection is also of interest, l i t e data 0 J15 47 43 show that male nrigenltal tridimio»»sls is TOTAL 243 I»% 1W* frc<jncnt, am! its fnescteiKC mnges (jeiwccn 12% nnd 70%-" A study dealing vthh the occurrence rate of trkliomnntOKic by race might shat occur after (heir arrival if i the US* since be inierctting. dietary habits nf most Japanese immfgrqms Jews: A previous study has suggested that arc fcnwn ID I>C similar to (hose of circumcision may rcdure ihc r'nV, forroucci*of Caucasian?.' Tin's facto*- could a ho conceiva- ihe p)-05ta(e.« Tt Is irtic tltat the inddenre bly affect the differing Incidence intn of other rate ot cancer of the , roseate is idatfi'el^ low horrooiic-rclated canccrf noted between Japa- in Israel, but within that country it is higher nese WK! Oiftaxian populations. Latem, or in Jew* from Kuropc Ihan Jews from Asian non-jnt*arivc carcinoma of the prostate docs nnd African rountrrcs.** Thisfindingsupports not appear Id be subject to such consider** tfic <Uctniy (licory, as it is rcnsoiKhlc to suptfott* since its hidclcncc rat* among these pop- pose that there J« a higher fat hnake among ulation groups is similar. Jews from Europe than tlaose fmin Asia and A study of Japanese showed tfint patterns AfWcx Jewish hnmfcmm* to the United vitli \nfosmic cancer had more hotly hair than States haw conic mainly from Rosjh and Vo> control patients,'1 lit tins study. 13 of 47 land* countries with Jew fnrhlenre of prosintfc (2fl%} patients had chest hair compared wirb caiu-er. As 20 nnd 00 years aj>o» jeivs from 15% Of the controls. The cattcer patients also these Kavtern Eurojxwn countries nnidc up the showed a trend cowards heavier beards and m*Jor projx>rtloii of Jetvs in New York City, appeared to be of more slender build lluui the and ii would he K-n«mah!e to assiime thnt the contrail 9 Thn finding wasnm suppoiied by pnueui of dJ50Jvcs la their places of origin live present study. If the amount ©I body Jj;ih was HKitaKtincd in their »e*c country pnd that is related hoih to gcuctfc and to nutiitional ft was refJirtrtl In the Joiv frr^uency of prosfactors then it is moie Hfcclr that ft is die nil- latic cancer xnloJipJcws found hi iwtfer stud, trfttoiKd hslnc* which difiVrbctwen the Japa- ies. nese prostatic and control patterns in that parTJm coun-jH »cr«niitc for ilx- ftitdtn& uf ticular study. Ihe pfesent stutly. «Sc*»«&c ycH«iRcr |Kiiicnis Negrertr l l i e Urn'trd States dajta demon- Willi pm»tntit r;ti>ccr iiKlude the sanK* mimstrate a higher t'ro'tfruc* rate «f psoMs-tiV can- her of J<*fefs n\ wrsnhl he exp«ird m I'IC conerr among Negroes than among CaiumbiK. :i Uttl p.ilimts, it in^y he itiyyt^cd llmi cirrni«Sarong ajftpafemJy mnckttcd to *jcij«lr diHrr* c u»oii jtinys no jolt* in I lit- cilniogY of ptoMatie enofs because if b not high for A JIM an Ke* C.-UKC-I »txl itHit ihf* low fi<-i[tM-ncy pic\-i«juvly rrpMi'-tl a}iNtM«; Jctt> tci\ .i HSf^ t >• bax^ivfup "llwferfciirale amosM* Xegtws in ^initio n !•> the low iiuUli-uic of pio^talii ianrcr in fiOt lifcc*r Jo be irbteil tat o*-«»Mf i:inK saw* fjirif frtlUJF r* *J OTK^M. , asw t.auwT* s* » d eaw a n * M •»»» mil** JSMiWnfMiefViV * « * i * o ^ i i « * : Sr«r}?} xwt- 354 .,.->«*«-i»n Ko.2 lex ha lion I* et $L upon e (tents norm? pylbol orggn pros! a plioloj Mid IU potcm iae a cancer cant c levels projin contto audi<v (ictus ]scu c ratio the c.i lute h *vciie J caiiai' lower lively OlCCAl consist imbal: Hov lionet criin*! fitrtiu* phiiiit cmrrtx dKlinr facim-* tie taut tlie pfi atiril*i< *>llO«H' OIORIV lion-h* naiiE. »lld J-: bhip 1* TI80430791 h*aiiEi"Mfr "''*•'*•. fa^j&tfi****** Vi/ir^JfuViiik-.i.ta.v.^.miiit.nf.i. i^.v.-'r'M ..tart •>*~Wm*uvJLu«*i<>>,w»,w, w i i J H > . ; I • . * , . . • ^....^Aar t u « . . • ' K W J * • « * * • » * * < - * ! tat. 0 4 » l * a k « U b _ ** • , G\Kcwtovuml»KorMi75 • IPynrfcre/aJ* tto.1 as* Set have examined tJio urinary steroid «xcr&- mont or pmsiarie cimcct despite the absence of lion levels in proMatic cancer patients. Stern recognizable testicular tissue,*5 The patient fit Hi. reported a tlhcrlmlnam ftniciiou based had received xMmy therapy for tesdento ctmuixm fioiiiKtoironhitu Mwlrastcvone* snul ct- eer 22 yt*avt before developing clh»iGiliyH:vItriDlcxcrcifou wnicliccittlod todisift^JiijJi ]»- dent proMailc cancer. Although the patient tlcntt with breast and prostatic cancer from presumably had no goambl lisuic, he might normal control patients." Sommerx studied only huve been liYpogonadnl. jKiiholn^lfjilIythociidocrhieglniuUsiwl largoi Since the early works of Jfuggins stud organ ahcrattom in patients uiib and without Hart^es,-15 ami of Hferbst.** some ]>r<»intic ennjmxtttic cancer, and conclnited that (be mor» cers have been known to regress following caspboiogicftl change* lit the phuilnry, $onad* (ration or OiV.^en therapy. II fc also fci>own and adrenals provided evidence suggesting tile that patients tcith drrhosisnf the liver lead to ignirtcant differences in the plasma testosterone level) of patieim with prostatic cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and normal eltlcly coniiols." \Earmosion ct ah v e i n e d thai the aiidrosierone levels of 21 prostatic oncer patients were lower titan those of 59 well subjeets of similar nge» that Oinr* Wat a lower ratio of antivottCMnc to ciiocholanojonc jn the cancer patients, and that although absolute levels of estrone, estradiol, and esuiol were not jigsnTicanlly different hecwoen (ho cancer patients and the controls, relatively lower levels of estrone and estradiol and relalively higher levels of cstrfol were excreted by the cancer patients.****' These observations arc consistent with an internal andro&cii-cstrogcn imiralance in prostatic cancer pnticnis. Hovc\'cr, die entire question of the rela* liomhip between prostatic disease and endonine functions is an open one and requires further fnmtfgatsous niiUxiug the more sophMraied todnuquesof cntlocrinok^c study cnrrenily available and bearing in mfnd the dlsilnct (ios5ibiIity ifuit ilic role of endocrine factors irt the genevis of prosimic oncer may beiaompernnhcivenrarre&sory than inciting I'raufcs SAig)*i^ied that xlermie atroj^iy cf die piostaic inight be a |>rcc-inr^rm% change attributable UJ incrcaiod cuiofcrm level&^-v* Kojmnfrs cunfirmecl the relationship between Sfieroiic atrophy ami cvtiogcns fioni the patholo&k* tiibiin^s on autujivy maierials." A rclattoaatvbip of utnofip atrophy to latent car«'fnooia ha^ been if ported by ii(«M*%M Rirh,1* and IJari".*1 On ih*-*ithci h.tnil. the relation, sliJphtiwerii pioMaiirixnrtM a»d airupbymran kHbun|uc^\irt- JJ* ilif •JIKIM-VIJ MIXVJL ndiow fiwH^v ^»'*-;4'SW-iI a irbivmdiip l*r«irrr»l |*ok«M^«l uiMln^rttK Mn*«*btw» ani die rkTil^iini w< *4 |**» Uii* <*w*t.fcl "llVir K mat i«|««iril %w**w*- «l «tnr|u}» opuicnt and/ov behavior of prostatic cancer has been investigated. An mttopay M«dy Jiy Glautt, indicating thai iheve w% a 1mm* incideuce of cancer oC tlic prostate in cirrhotics (3.3%) than in noivcht hodes (3.0%), scents la support tins theory.** Itohson repoind similar finding." Howwr, the pnwiil study did not Riid significant differences for tlic history of rirrtosis. Willi the exception of gross observations of hoily hair distribution, the present study did not attempt 10 evaluate «ndocriuolo£ic factors of possible concern in the development of prostatic cancer. Thft low Incidence of prostatic cancer among tlic Japanese in Jaimn co&>|mcd with the incidence nf the disease in Caucasians justifie« exploration of potential cndocrinologtc differences between Japanese: and Caucasians, Limited studies of this questinn have demon. siraicd no largcwcale dinrrenre in steroid secrction if jm^tnl on body wWc, ahlionxh SIIKIivs by lhiihirtiok and Jih co^^orker^ iixlicatc thai the aiulm«tcio»e: t'tiorhoJ;»noloiMr ratio may he hff>ht*r aincnip JapiKsc than CZanra* sian VOiBC«.fl A study by Rubnu <>n H |>o$tniaK*pau-inl JapniieM; WHIKII <}U\ not thovn »ny mitkiantmi^ dtHcmwct in steroid profiles when compared widi C^iur:tvi:iii Auiciuan wonicn of »nMl»ir a$»*\** Arcortlin- to Motoh;»dti ci ah. 17 Jajwn«w men. betiMvn SO and {Myran of a^, excrriffl minary ^nnatlonof>in ranging brtwmi 2 and lij* mouse unit*,** >iav jhtr to t\*r rr«»k% in lh*bVr :H«! Slupli*;"1 study of Aim-iiran inrti.9* "I lm\ tar. there '•*}>]x*ai (a IK- IM dmlOU itiHert*ticr% briurot Jagum-tr wml ;\nvtTX*n\ m rt-»p«n in ancho^ ^Mi, V tsogt-fs.«« j?j«»A»rt»j4iiH r u m i i i \ If tknt* imeu^siMitaiii iKHriiair in ;Jsc«cnetful ••! krwtit4i*u-% hfitnrn ji»jacu-%- :.•*.! C^iM^sn w a , {iDVr hn«is i*«M Mitl h> M «i»W * •**** TI8O430792 ** "' **.. * •%iS*jfii*»...w.. 3D0 GAKCHI •** •* *•+* H.A»>»».M*W ****U»*iW*MW ... «JlJsft,fcl».N»..' ^vjurr 107! W* Sa Importance in htilu*Uci»g the effects of die se- me to ttiej^ittnclc of pvmintic crnteer and the creied hormones. One such possibility relates extent 10 which the recurrence of #ononh«i to hormonal veieirtioit. ]( was taftfcttty wig- coukl account fur the drUertmie hi the ineSgcited by Tu'Oinbfy fhat certain citroicm denw r*td or profttmfr r.mrcT l>ciUHr!i Canca•were retained longer fit adipt*e than OIIKT sfa« ami aon.£ii«caiiaii pnpukoorti SJ)OIII[1)»G IIMIICJ.* Thus* more adifwc tissue pwvstfent hwesi^ati^? more thoroughly, If gonorrheal fn n jwtrticntor population cmtltl alter the rffo- Infection hml » major influence an Uie develposition of a particular hormone and 115 effect opinem (if prouatie cancer, one might well cx011 end organs could thereby he altered. J low- fieet tHfTcjftUf Mirtnrronomic j$radiems in die ever, sukittjiittitstudies by TVombly and aili- uni jiopnkuiom. era did not confirm the earlier dat*.M lit the Normal ami benignly byjwrnophicd |>roscurrent study, 110 correlation between body utrc it&ue* roninm higher concentrations of wight ami prawth: cancer was found. *hic than i!u those harhormg prostatitis or Another possibility relates to iwrmonc re- cancer.** Zinc has proved w be a hfahgic anccptors. Remit animal studies have iwlfcatcti tagontsi <»f cadmium in certain livingthai MM inciwwd intake or fat will enhance »y»icm*.** Kipling and M'atcihoiise reported the rate of breast cancer in certain strain* of that of 2-J8 cadmium tracers observed in 3Hrmice* TMs enhancement wis not cnmidi'tvd minghrtui, Ku^fcmd, 22 died from cancer of related to an Increased secretion of hormone* die prmtate, *3»nsficandy more than might or to prolonged retention of such hmmonc*, hare been expected from tin," incidence rates but rather to at) incr&Ked 4iirtcp(ihilUy of tar- for I lie rfty as ;i whole."* in another study on get cells. 'he effects of cadmium, Uotdcii imported one It Is generally bejfeved that the biological ease of carcinoma of the piostittc ama*ig -12 action ol tox hormones relates 10 their effect cadmium (time worfcerf.4* J11 KashWItp, iVinon jpcChic receptor niaeromoteaileA in iuscep- hehtcin «t aL found an association between tiblc cells. ^VJiife such a reiiitiotiship has been proitotic r.ina'i* and »iix]>omtec! j«iriicubic nlr shown jn-jinnrfly for estrogenic Iiomiojiej, it pollution, and (Ills nssoriation i.pjx^ncd 10 be may be assinnod tb.ti similar rewptor* cxis! r^l.iied to different levels of cadnu'iim fn aiV for aiulrpgcnie steroid?. One hypothesis tliat pollution.1*' apptflu aitrAeiive is that phismn lipids cii* Tfictvlaifondilpof TJIICCO the higltraceof bailee the tiansjwt of honno»i« to die target prostatic cmirrr iiinong tile Negro population •orgnn and turget celU. The omnpIcNity of the In the Unilcd Sinict nii^lit also be sludictl problems iimolvcd in studying the eJTcci* of The zinc bnbnrc of the prostate is influenced androgens in prostatic tissue is evident in the by semen output. Daily M«-retimi of zinc in review of Wiliiann-Aahmttn and 5h3ma&ifcJ.lm «cmen is apj>rwmintcly t nifc1* Jt h, therePhysiologic Mil patfwlngtc ccmtricralhus: fore, conceivable tliat men villi inp cased se»Benign prostatic Jiy])«plasia has been re- ual activity have a hnwrptwiauc ifmccomuni pwicd 10 coexist frequently with cancer of die as a result of increased semenfrnscs.Aiiotheiprosiate, with the frequency routing from 9% question k uhdher cMtm% dictaiy farrow to 29% among pra&tHlir cancer pau'enu.?" betwcai the Xvgra and C^iHrnUaii i>«j)iil;tHoivcver, there appean to be no rcbtiiombip turn arc of eiiolo^ic iinimrtancc. The of benign {mMtniic Jiyperti-ophy to cancer of radunmn^rncrat^o h belfcved hy .SrlimNlo'(fic prostate, because the farmer 11 n dtseatr of 10 lien factor in hypertension.,The liightT in* proctatic nmsde MK! irsnilly Irfjjrnr: hi die an- ciftcticc rxtr* of both ]*rostatie tmuer and h*> tcrioriionghindularpartof thepio-n;itc pei'ien^'on amcutg Ni^roes are of particulnr A cauKtenv n-htisonship beiuvcu atrophy »tten« in this *egartt and dcrclopjnem of rattrrr has been eon* EpUlcwtalngit mnwhialiaHs: JJfcc mlier sfderuci hr wrveral invc*dgsrtors.."'*,*T* Atrophy CADCCMS, (he ni«Jo(;\ of earner «f the |>rc««ir can be inslured hy itittanunatiuH. imiifriona) s jjiuhahly uittJiifactoiiat In nature. Wc 4ehVieiice£. ami Ixat i>rht*j»jb_;j Whitt q>i- slioiild fon^'drr tlic po^ibih'ir ibai while IUK* deimologk eWdnue do ire havt- \mhum% to facto* m*r J«ur.»M* an u«1m'h*:i?'s rivfc fi?r fli& icbtknuhifii; OJIC kad fnvu ilu* I'lim-d jMtHfsK" cancer, anuihif mat fkMiea^e Si. Jf $WC> if the jeiMtn-iy h^h hi^ncnti. ut {..m- iw»j orinoicnj>tit»4nj> h«Uin<-xiM in ihevtmictr of tfur jH<j\i;tii* auMttlug Nc*yi««s. individual, lht^i if is di&ktfh IM V\J]UJM* ift<The p^r-vihJHn ikif lepmiril U>IH% of J»I*I upiiftrann- «4 'Jih f.Kim. A*, JH *vjio|-lf. Uf orthea tmd uitu*\M\ pacHCsaitr*- t.o* tuntiib ws-TvoiiMf iiis-l «ISna«y CJI IM*».JA«V a j-f-wN ^ ^ f t t t h w MW4. Ko.S rhkf» thedi cance ]H>pld and prosir JHttC • pvost; htBhc this 1 hush rale* rer. S aclivil ferenr live tt fndica iacidc man ii single oltler JI we we mr eahnu ing U girea tidier i mighi far, ih diffentat tec? S0111 to ohi f^CtOlf ajjy of mat ioi Anot ft* \-ariuhi faaojmhMOt 11041 h ^eatii than in 1. Ii 900 platr M* of i»i*r ric» 1»! lien* with 1" U»n • 2 I •r...Jjftwtfo •*> iwifc*ft rt •fcv.vi•ft«• ..a—JL. .££!£>*. .^A. «m.-.»*<Hli^ rf i Ko.2 CANOCRWTHKI'ROCTATK • IFyMfferfffiri. 357 risk tor prostaticre«K«rWK! IUIM account a for iijmenrj 10 be related to IIMS lower rate of pre*. ihe diffetetiro in Incidence of dinfcal prostatic lane rancer* among immigrant* from Eastern cancer among the American mid Japanese K«ro]iti.Nnih'c.borj»J«wsn|jpMftoh»v*CTnict populations, Japanese himdKrants to the U*S., sindtor iff IIKHC of other C&urasbns bum In nna the warUwitte distribution of clinical the Umttnt Suites, 3- $nm* chttx have *ttgg£»tcd that prostatic prostatic etawtt hi gene-rat. Now lei Us *up* JXBG that prostatitis fnTeascs one's risk for nuicer ix slightly more common amc«iig marprostatic cancer nud thus account* for the ried I hail single ntcu. The promt study higher raiet among die Negroes. fallowing showed no differences in term* of eitftcr mari» this train of thought, a population with a cat status or fertility, high fat Intake mid a high venereal disease $. No differences were shown for edttea* rule should Imvo n high rate «f jgMiiaffr can- tlonal lcvul between iho cancer and control ccr. Supposing 11a add :t (Uivd factor- -sexual gtoitjK. activity. The present study did not ibou* ;i dif5. Tobacco and akohol habits ol prostatic Cerettce in hictdcnrc of prostatic ranccr rcU- canrcr patients wcie aimilnr to tltusis of the ttve to marital slants, bi*l data from Dcwnmk control patients. Indicate thai single men have a slightly lower 6. Surgical ami medical hntorics of \troxittrfdence rate Car cancer of the pioiiatc liuin utic cancer patients reveal UP IUIIIMKII disease married men. American Undies indicate lint |xtlteriis compared with those of the controls, single- men have a slightly lower rale in the frtiriher data should he obtained on pm&taii* older age groups, but not in the overall rates, i Is More lis |>0K]bic effect on prostatic cancer If wc lake these published data at face value, can be evaluated, W9 may conclude? that tcxnal activity sliglidy 7. Mo difterenrct wow found m respect to enhances one's risk for prostatic earner, assunv circumcision, weight, height, blood group, and ing that ou the arcntgc $cxua! activity is hairdistribiiliion between die cancer awl congreater amung marked tlian tSngto men. l^ir- irol gtxmiis, ther data on prostatic ranosr among prietti S. The main epidemiologic lead to which might be of value hi Uiis regard. Ilonrcvcr, so ihkstudy could not fo:uribnie Is the rarity of fari there have been no reports indicatm^ any ilinical prostatic cancer in Ja]>au nnd its indifference :n incidcitee rates for clinical pros- cv«iie among jajMiu-se Emmigraiils in the VS. utic cancer for ceUbace incUrlduals. Our inability to determine major ?n virnnmenSome of (he C)>ictcn)iologic problcnts relate (at factors may lie n const^unicc of the posssto obtaining reliable information on certain I«Kiy thai proiiaiic cancer is honuoue-rclated factors such as junnuntttis, frequency nnd then like cancers of die breast, nvniry, nnd ciulnmcapy of gouonhea, and sexual activity, In for- trium. and that fr.cior.t ih-i hifliK'iite ihejc mation which is notoriously ttlfiicuh to obtain, hormones are most diflkult to dcierminc by Another problem Is die *ntcrrc3a(ionilJp of interview icdiuKjiH'*. i*sfx*rKilty ainoujr "tale*, variables. For example wc found the parity 9L It is a logical working hypothesis ihat factor to be foBiicnctd by hospital status. Act- hormonal factors a flea the development of trillion }X3iicics of U.S. Veterans* Adninisira- cancer of the |irasiaie and that any tenor that tion hospitals, for example, brinjf about a attta* hoirmnial sccrctttiu. rctmthm. and in jpreatcr ndmisskm of child lew mid single nrei paiticuhur the seiiMiivity of the target organ titan in other hospitals. sniti/or cells inniK-iKes the frequency of this cancer. HL J'*uc«ic MtKiiri. mif^U jirolitably COIKCIIirate on obtaining; nliabk* data on lepeatctl K Historical information was obtained on iiifrclKHK. nml J « I H « tin** of vcuortal di5cnse. S00 peiiienu with> clinical cancer of ibo paos- proMaitiisaiHlii'siKil.-iriiviir. 11. V.Uu idatkn of UK* ciioUgy of caurer «t tMea»d46®p#lk imwitlto»t clfnicalcvklcna' of rostatk* disease. |I(n|ittal jeeords were re* the [MtiitaU- vilt T :v<Jv*- t'if clime tmmtfoik viewed <»i anotiVr 3&U proM:uk i^xci pa- of t'|MtU-juioUj^i\n. p:i;lK)Io^iUs nuiiittoital tieoti. "litefiiicI?)>Rs.wiic* rraliiairil in Hm* hiothc-misK aud Mi^nid ilv-HiiM\ and should whh the Krtal rplilrmM^o;*^ pattern *»I |»ov rnwtTilian* ««i ihr a|>pairiM tlilittrtirfs in the iiKHltiirt *A CIIUHJI pioMaiit <smfrr anwng laijc rancci. 2. The b**c Hnktowr iaic «4 |»«i-.»3iir /aui i n lamii,. jn»i%li n§»» in thu t'mii«i ?*ta*** TI8CM30794 558 CAKCHR ^i/^wi 197 J U Adim*o*, L FJ Scram chulcstem] coturtttraftoa* of vxthu effcnfc *mipi lit |ia*aff, j . / t a r . 71tf7-w, J^nAftw* C. j , i u < n t card**!* of t & ]>ro«a(e. w,a* NVf Vflrk a i y . 19II-GO. A tc^tw ti Incltletic^ niorul* ftr, luoiwbilHy, **1 uirvJic**hK Ntv Yoric fime U<t>t.of IIrtl*M«*. H yfacJioHaMmiMrtv, IV- » d YiHtMncett, A. t ^ Cant-r of the iw»itta> A dinfral itiidr of 131 tttffentt* ' • AW M OfrcitWctifcw u d prMlatfe ttllar. /fefil AJi<i, £ « W . WM9NK& IOCS. £5^ rqilnrr, j . fl^ TIK; InltuMiar of nulrallon on •i IHron, K« and AtigxUu A.: totWeiwe of occult ad* jjxxjlancom UuiHXiRcncUt hi ih* 5yi»aHfcoWcit)Ittltt* eiiocaretoom* of life uN»t»fe /fofe JSafA. W:VS7-W3, ISM], 5>0. ^ k - v , I* K, aw! ^aalMm, IX F.t RrorplioJcpJcal 8. Jtmiritc* J. II* aad Griffin, J. Pi hfoxl-Kroiijii Jn and l)kHlM.-'mkal I*«HM of Vim* AV-td) iroiufcmtwl 1 fcSJ&P am! sniHfcmM protellc Itypcuiophy. £**<*! fi^. Kan':), I* iU T.srem ratciiAuui «f ilm »m*iitf. A. JlltlfaooX. R, B.. Tlomim 2. $ , Ubuiminlra, J„ »tl(I Ifiuila&iIcH KJ Hie nriii:iry rwnrtlou of tl.rfeM. —*—f Aimritr ami hypfii>)etfia It% lite prottete Q)c)M?H3VW»<:jGitU ami l?'fJ$iho£VcarrkttU£raJ<fK In- l»wpcr. / . iMfA, W*tf.tiS:6! 7-^r, i W I. nortmd Jai*i)cjc and BrirtA women, / , /Stofctr. f»{401« 20. Cftynor* R. S*^ ?!t>r Fratf fas FroftaiakivlH, KM> 1 fAaen«<»vA. SOfiCQS-OfiS, IAS J. 3d CWJIO». K. fU dKliMtna irf itirjwcatate .a Jews 1 Burnt, £.*. Prostatic eUlrMdkn In Kfegrees. / . ami flixiimdrttf Ccmlli'^ >>n'r. J, urn. Stt:H27-A^ *7>W, <M;lfr4tt, Hlfc 8. Hiinowr, lf.t RtlM^gtal lenitltfout Jnrfncr<t toy 31. GfoM7, C. >fj Ciitlwjlj am! «TtfiK*ni of the oefH*ftctiIc ccwippuixU fn the coaguhilng tfatid anil firoslKte gin nd. / . Ur*h &t 291-1W, 13iil. rotwtc «f the IttVUS*. ^»U/r. / . Cmwr 25H£XV^!£, i» JS. Oir.liaui. A Itvln. ^r. mid I llinifcfd, A. U U ( 955. Jhf* mrliiMniMnifc tlhirik'nkxt << oiKtr of >arf*in. 0. Oriffemla Tainor UrflUliyl Cincw rcfttttiatfoit ami siiTlwl fn California, mi. 223-S5A. $t?tc oX O U - sties in Jlnffalo, *\',V^ IDfA-^S. Ctnrcr I3:ltt)-I91.1MD. M. Otitm. S. A., fiovld, T . C t u t d Ajnk't$im, W. A* toilE Dent. of Public Health, i « » . 10. ——« 1 nc^nce ol caflttr In Al»me4n CTounir, U.: I'lotKiit-c cfTtxt of cnttjjjc« a«alnil ^y»iilar ilaftiCalifornia, Uti9-19Gf. SaHftmfc. P-pi, of Jtealth, 1^77. aeo to ilte tciUt CMI«4 l>y ratlnuvn. /^nv. .Vcv. £w*. 11. 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