HOW TO SET YOUR SWING IN MOTION Grab a club, and follow these simple drills to discover the true simplicity of making a natural golf swing – in just 20 minutes you can transform the way you play WORK IT ALL TOGETHER We are less than 5 minutes into this lesson and just look at the position Louise achieves as a result of repeating this simple exercise. Maintaining a great posture, her only focus is on knocking away that second ball – there is no manipulation whatsoever with the hands. The triangle shape formed between the arms and shoulders is intact as she moves the club over the first few feet of the swing – mission accomplished in the takeaway. All we have to do now is add an appreciation of the way in which the wrists hinge to set the club up on its ways to the top of the backswing – and that calls for another simple drill (overleaf). A simple thought that will help you to achieve this textbook first move is to imagine you are making a putting stroke – rock the shoulders to move the triangle of the arms and the clubhead will stay low to the ground A great drill for the range: place a second ball a foot or so behind the one you are aiming to hit, and then simply knock it away as you initiate the sequence With your grip pressure such that your arms and shoulders are relaxed, turn the triangle to sweep that rear ball away in one motion LET THE CLUBHEAD LEAD YOU INTO MOTION... Those of you who missed the first in this three-part series can get up to speed on the Gi website, or via the digital edition of the magazine (look for issue 114) at iTunes. And, as I emphasised last time, it is vital that you take on board the basics of grip and posture – the starting points for every golfer – before moving on to the swing itself. Once you have those elements in place, you will reap the benefit of a body structure that allows you to then work on developing a sound technique, one in which your grip can be seen to hinge correctly, both on the way 134 GOLFINTERNATIONALMAG.COM JAN/FEB 2013 back and on the way through, to unlock that all-important quality we are looking for through the impact area: clubhead speed. A lot of golf instructors will begin a lesson talking about the importance of getting the body action working to create a basic turning motion, the assumption being that the arms and the club will follow suit. That can work very well for the more advanced player who has a feel for striking a golf ball, but in my experience beginners – and particularly women – tend to learn more quickly and effectively when they focus on what the club- head is doing, and allow the arms and body to respond to its momentum as they work on swinging that weight on a natural arc. And the key to setting that reaction in motion lies in getting the swing underway as efficiently as possible – which is where the simple drill you see me helping Louise to master (above) will really help you. By Jonathan Yarwood SHOT ON LOCATION AT TREVOSE GOLF CLUB PHOTOGRAPHY BY MARK NEWCOMBE JAN/FEB 2013 GOLFINTERNATIONALMAG.COM 135 FEEL SWING, HEAR SWISH SWING & HINGE WITH THE ‘L-TO-L’ DRILL There’s a wonderful (and quite simple) symmetry in a good golf swing. This exercise will help you to recognise and understand it – and once you get the hang of this ‘L-to-L’ drill, as I term it, there really is nothing more technical to worry about as you then continue the process of ‘layering’ good moves one upon the other to gradually develop your technique. From a comfortable and balanced set-up, the the first move away from the ball is designed to get the key components of your swing (hands, arms, club and shoulders) working together in a bid to initiate momentum. The next step is to introduce the wrist action that enables you to swing the club up on its way to the top of the backswing (a move that is mirrored on the other side of the ball en route to the finish). Each of the three exercises you see here are designed to help you experience the sensations involved in making a good swing – and the more you rehearse them, the more readily you will make these moves out on the golf course. First, flip the club around so that you grip the shaft down near the head (left), and, alternating between your left and right hand, work on turning your body and hingeing your wrist to create this L-shape between your arm and the shaft. Place your ‘free’ hand on your stomach, and feel the rotation of your middle as you swing the club up into the backswing and then release it in the follow-through. With each repetition of this exercise you will be strengtheing the heart of your golf swing. Feet together, grip the shaft down near the clubhead and make free, uninhibited swings to create swish through the hitting area... The right arm swing mirrors the left – so that in the follow through the L-shape is created between the right arm and the club Through-swing is a mirror-image of the backswng as the wrists hinge up Again with the club flipped around, use both hands to create a grip just below the head, and stand with your feet pretty close together. The club will feel light in your hands, and the idea is to use that to your advantage as you fine-tune your swinging motion and make as loud a swish as possible through the impact area. The only thing I want you to think about is keeping your left arm as straight as you comfortably can as you hinge your left wrist in the backswing, and then on doing exactly the same thing with your right arm as you swing into the follow-through. Let your wrists do their job of providing that essential coupling between you and the golf club, hingeing and re-hingeing to create speed. The third exercise I recommend involves extending the club up through your fingers until the butt end rests in your belly button, and simply reminding yourself of the need to have the club, arms and body working together on either side of the ball (below). Do this in between the rehearsal swings, just to remind yourself of the rotation that exists in a solid swing and also the way the arms remain in their ‘triangle’, working in tandem with your body. Work on this simple rotation exercise in between making L-shape swings – it’s a great way to appreciate the feeling of the way the arms stay in their triangle at the start of the swing, through impact and again in the follow-through. Do this at home 136 GOLFINTERNATIONALMAG.COM JAN/FEB 2013 JAN/FEB 2013 GOLFINTERNATIONALMAG.COM 137 LADIES See how a good wrist action gels together the movement of the arms, club and body FINE-TUNE WRIST ACTION FOR SPEED & SWOOSH You can see from the images on this page just how well Louise has taken on board the lessons covered within this feature. In the 20 minutes or so that it took to shoot these photographs, she displays all the encouraging signs that I look for as a beginner builds on good fundamentals with a basic idea of what it takes to create a natural golf swing. The key to the ‘breakthrough’ for all golfers is educating (and trusting!) the wrists to hinge correctly so that the club is free to swing up on the backswing – as above – and again at the corresponding position in the follow through. That is what unlocks your potential for generating speed. The training club we are using here is simply a shaft fitted with a short length of rubber tubing. You could easily make a similar club to use at home, and regular sessions working on your swing will help you to appreciate the role of the wrists in generating speed – which you hear as a loud swish through the impact area. It’s like cracking a whip, and through trial and error you learn to associate good hand and arm movement with the most effective acceleration through impact. Best of all, your arms will pull your body into a series of good positions...without you having to think about it! 138 GOLFINTERNATIONALMAG.COM JAN/FEB 2013 JAN/FEB 2013 GOLFINTERNATIONALMAG.COM 139
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