2014 Interschool Gymnastics Manual For: Victorian Primary & Secondary Schools & Teachers Last Updated: Thursday, 1 May 2014 Please consider the environment before printing this document Page 2 of 76 Table of Contents Overview of Interschool Gymnastics ......................................................................................... 6 Event Dates, Costs & Venues ..................................................................................................... 8 Entering an Event ....................................................................................................................... 9 Rules & Regulations ................................................................................................................. 10 Warm-up Information .............................................................................................................. 14 Men’s Gymnastics .................................................................................................................... 17 MAG Division A ........................................................................................................................ 19 MAG Division B ........................................................................................................................ 20 MAG Division C......................................................................................................................... 26 MAG Division D ........................................................................................................................ 29 MAG Division E ......................................................................................................................... 32 Women’s Gymnastics .............................................................................................................. 37 WAG Division A1 ...................................................................................................................... 39 WAG Division A2 ...................................................................................................................... 40 WAG Division B ........................................................................................................................ 41 WAG Division C ........................................................................................................................ 42 WAG Division D ........................................................................................................................ 43 WAG Division E......................................................................................................................... 44 Primary ISG............................................................................................................................... 49 PISG Division A – Legends ........................................................................................................ 51 PISG Division B – Champions ................................................................................................... 65 Page 3 of 76 Disclaimer This document should be read in conjunction with the Gymnastics Victoria (GV) Yearbook and any other relevant Gymsport manual. This may include but is not limited to the Gymnastics Australia (GA) technical regulations and FIG code of points. All information in this manual is subject to change. GV encourages all users to regularly check the website (www.gymnasticsvictoria.org.au) for updates. In the event of a conflict between this document and any other GV documents GV reserves the right to have the final ruling. If such a ruling is needed GV will publish any alterations. Purpose The purpose of this manual is to provide Victorian primary and secondary school teachers and gymnastics coaches with a simple guide to participating in the ISG events Resources GV website www.gymnasticsvictoria.org.au GA website www.gymnastics.org.au GA Technical Regulations (Available on GA website) GV Yearbook (Available to all affiliated schools & clubs) GA National Program Manuals (MAG, WAG, RG) GV State Stream Manual (WAG, MAG) Member Feedback GV encourages and values feedback from its members to assist in the ongoing improvement of the organisation. Constructive feedback specific to this manual should be addressed to GV and submitted in writing to the email address listed below. Contact Details Gymnastics Victoria 138 High Street Prahran 3181 03 9214 6020 [email protected] www.gymnasticsvictoria.org.au Page 4 of 76 Vision The goals of Interschool Gymnastics reflect the desire to expand and enhance the ‘Gymnastics For All’ discipline and provide opportunities for all students and schools to participate in the sport in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. The goals are: To enhance the profile of gymnastics in Victorian schools. To raise the profile of ‘Gymnastics For All’ in Victoria. To increase the number of students participating in gymnastics in schools. To develop the education of gymnastics in Victorian Schools. Gymnastics for Everybody GV is an organisation comprised of affiliated clubs and registered individuals. It is the governing body for gymnastics in Victoria. The Gymsports that exist under GV include: Men’s Gymnastics (MAG) Women’s Gymnastics (WAG) Rhythmic Gymnastics (RG) Gymnastics For All (GFA) Sport Aerobics (AER) Trampoline Sports (TRP) Acrobatic Gymnastics (ACR) Cheerleading (AUS Cheer) Page 5 of 76 Overview of Interschool Gymnastics PRIMARY ISG SECONDARY ISG DIVISION 1 DIVISION 2 MAG WAG MAG | WAG | RG | AER MAG | WAG | RG | AER Divisions A – E Divisions A – E LOCAL GYMNASTICS CLUBS LOCAL GYMNASTICS CLUBS GV also offers school gymnastics programs for Sport Aerobics (AEROSkools). Further information about this program is available on the GV website. Page 6 of 76 Part 1 Event Information Page 7 of 76 Event Dates, Costs & Venues Victorian Primary ISG Competition When: Wednesday 3rd September – Friday 5th September, 2014 Where: BTYC Gymnastics Club; Donvale Indoor Sports Centre. Cost: $15 per student Closing Date: Wednesday 30th July, 2014 Organised By: Gymnastics Victoria Open To: All Victorian Primary Schools (Grades 2 – 6) Victorian Secondary ISG Competition When: Monday 8th September – Thursday 11th September, 2014 Where: BTYC Gymnastics Club; Donvale Indoor Sports Centre. Cost: $25 per student Closing Date: Wednesday 30th July, 2014 Organised By: Gymnastics Victoria Open To: All Victorian Secondary Schools Page 8 of 76 Event Information Entering an Event Event Entry Checklist 1. Visit the GV website for up to date event information 2. Visit the GV website for up to date rules and regulations 3. Download the relevant ISG entry form from the GV website 4. Organise payment through your school finance department 5. Submit your entries and payment together to GV prior to the set closing date 6. Download the event schedule and work order from the GV website Competition Entry Forms All schools wishing to enter a GV event are required to supply participant details on an official entry form. ISG has a unique entry form that is available on the GV website. GV is obligated to prepare and communicate event information as early as possible prior to an event and as such it is important that forms are filled out correctly and legibly with all information required. Competition Times GV will produce a work order detailing the order of competition prior to the event. Schools are responsible for checking that all team information is correct on the work order. Page 9 of 76 Event Information Rules & Regulations Eligibility to Compete The Victorian primary and secondary ISG Championships are open to all Victorian primary and secondary schools. All students from years 2 – 12 may participate in the relevant event. Students are not required to be a member of GV to participate in the event. Students that are a member of GV and are actively involved in competitive gymnastics can participate in the event in the relevant division. Number of Entries Schools can enter an unlimited number of teams and individuals in to the competition across all Gymsports and divisions. Schools are encouraged to enter as many teams as possible. Combined Teams Individuals are permitted to compete at ISG as part of a combined team with another school(s). This is only permitted when the individual’s school is not in a position to send a complete team of its own. It is the responsibility of the individual’s school to organise a combined team. All entries and payment need to be submitted by one of the schools in the combined team on behalf of all team members, with a clear indication of each individual’s school. Please note that if the team receives a placing it will be acknowledged as a combined team however no combined teams/schools will be eligible for aggregate points or placings. If schools are unable to organise a combined team, they can enter students as individuals for participation purposes. Page 10 of 76 Event Information Divisions and Team Sizes – Secondary Men’s Gymnastics Division A B C D Women’s Gymnastics A1 A2 B C D E Levels Team Sizes Age Divisions National Level 6 – 10 State Level 6 National Level 5 State Level 5 National Level 4 State Level 3 3–5 3–5 N/A N/A 3–5 N/A 3–5 Junior and Senior All International Levels National Levels 7 – 10 State Level 7 – 10 National Level 4 – 6 State Level 4 – 6 ISG Levels Gym For All 3–5 N/A 3–5 3–5 3–5 3–5 3–5 N/A N/A Junior and Senior Junior and Senior Junior and Senior Divisions and Team Sizes – Primary Gymnastics Primary Division Page 11 of 76 Legends Champions Levels Team Sizes Age Divisions Levels 2 – 3 + 4–8 Junior and Senior Beginners 4–8 Junior and Senior Event Information Age divisions Primary Secondary Junior Years 2 – 4 Years 7 – 9 Senior Years 5 – 6 Years 10 – 12 If required, junior students may compete in a senior division to make up a team; however, seniors are not permitted to join the junior division. o The maximum number of junior competitors allowed in a senior team is 50% of total team number. MAG and WAG Gymnasts competing in divisions ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ will need to be accompanied by a registered coach during the competition (Secondary only).* For all other division students may be accompanied by a school teacher. Students are only eligible to compete in WAG division E if they have not passed WAG Level 3 or above in a sanctioned GV event. Students are only eligible to compete in the WAG Division D if they have not passed WAG Level 4 or above. I.e. Gymnasts that have been registered &/or competed at level 4 or above are ineligible to compete in WAG Division D. The level of a gymnast is taken from the date of entry, i.e. if a gymnast passes level 6 between the close of entries and the ISG competition itself, they will still be level 5 for the purposes of the ISG competition. Gymnasts MAY compete at a higher level if preferred. Retired gymnasts are eligible to compete at one level down per calendar year they have been retired, up to a maximum of 3 levels. Schools are encouraged to group their gymnasts in teams based on level of ability and nominate this via the entry form. GV will make every effort to reflect this on the work order, however the final make up of each session will be at the discretion of GV Only competing gymnasts, coaches and officials may be on the floor during the competition. Awards will be awarded per session not per division The overall Champion school will be announced at the conclusion of the competition; scores from all sessions will contribute. Primary school students do not need to wear leotards; they may wear their school sports uniform. Secondary school students may wear bike shorts with their leotard. The shorts must be complimentary in colour to the school uniform/ leotard * Arrangements can be made with another school or personal coach to assist during the competition. Contact details for member clubs are available on the GV website. Page 12 of 76 Event Information Coach and Teacher Etiquette All coaches and teachers are responsible for training their team members in gymnastics competition etiquette and to display sportsmanship and co-operation throughout the competition. Coaches and teachers are expected to dress appropriately for competitions and have their team/athletes appropriately attired. Coaches must be responsible for the efficient and equal allocation of warm up time for athletes. Handy Reminders Students are asked to remain in the stands until they have been invited on to the competition floor by event organisers. Schools are responsible for the playing of the students’ music on floor. GV staff will assist as needed Students are encouraged to bring food & refreshments, as there may not be a canteen facility available. GV will have a first aid kit on site; however schools are encouraged to bring their own as well. All floor music will need to be on a clearly labelled CD or on an iPod or USB stick with all tracks clearly named. Page 13 of 76 Event Information Warm-up Information General Warm Up MAG All divisions: 15 minutes WAG WAG Division A1, A2 & B: 15 minutes WAG Division C, D & E: 10 minutes P-ISG All Divisions: 10 minutes Apparatus Warm up* Floor : 3 minutes per 10 students Pommel: 30 seconds Rings: 30 seconds Vault: 1 vault P-bars: 30 seconds H-Bar: 30 seconds Vault: 1 vault Bars: 30 seconds Beam: 30 Seconds Floor: 3 minutes per 10 students Floor: 3 Minutes Per 10 students on Floor Bars: 30 seconds Beam: 30 seconds Vault: 1 vault Rings / Rhythmic: 30 seconds P-bars / Aerobics: 30 seconds Safety landings: 1 practice per student * Warm up apparatus may be set up. Students may not get a turn on competition apparatus prior to competing. * Warm up times may be amended at the discretion of the event organisers to facilitate the smooth running of the event Page 14 of 76 Men’s Gymnastics Part 2 Secondary ISG Awards Structure and Routines Men’s Gymnastics Women’s Gymnastics Page 15 of 76 Men’s Gymnastics 2014 Interschool Gymnastics Manual MEN’S GYMNASTICS Awards Structure and Routines Last updated: 1 May 20144 Page 16 of 76 Men’s Gymnastics Must be read in conjunction with Part 1 Men’s Gymnastics Men’s Gymnastics Division Levels A For gymnasts training and competing outside of school at national Level 6 - 10 B C D E Based on the State stream requirements in Victoria. The State stream manual is available from the GV website Judging Judging is based on execution of skills, and the emphasis will be on how well they are performed, not on their difficulty. Awards Individual All Around (per division, per session) Medals will be awarded for 1st – 3rd place and ribbons for 4th – 6th Team (per division, per session) Medals will be awarded for 1st to 3rd place all around and ribbons for 4th – 6th Page 17 of 76 Men’s Gymnastics ISG Aggregate Ranking At the conclusion of the MAG competition the overall Champion School will be announced. Athletes will receive points based on their ranking achieved on each apparatus and overall placing Individuals Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Points 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 7 6 5 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Teams Points 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 14 12 10 Schools will also receive 1 point for every student entered in the competition. Spirit Award (Per Session) The school which displays the best support and cheering for their school mates will receive the School Spirit award. Schools are encouraged to have the competing teams along with the school banners/flags/mascots at all presentation ceremonies. Page 18 of 76 Men’s Gymnastics MAG Division A Based on the Men’s National Program Manual Level 6 – 10 requirements All routines are optional and will be judged out of 10.00. Gymnasts will be judged on execution only. Skills may be competed in any order and in any variation There is a 0.5 penalty for a missing skill/requirement Additional skills are permitted Division A| Floor Backwards tumbling line with minimum back flip Handstand skill Forwards tumbling line Scale Division A| Pommel Loops Double leg circle Scissor / False Scissor Dismount Division A| Rings Muscle up Swings x 3 L-sit or strength hold (held) Dismount Division A| Vault Optional vault – Inverted (out of 10, judged on execution only) Division A| P-Bars Kip Handstand Support swing x 3 L-sit OR V-sit (held) Dismount Division A| High Bar Kip Hip circle OR Clear hip Circle Swings OR Giants Dismount Page 19 of 76 Men’s Gymnastics MAG Division B Based on State Level 6 requirements; All routines are optional. Division B| Floor Gymnasts must select at least one skill from each row All routines will be judged out of 10.00 There is a 0.5 penalty for a missing skill/requirement 1 Handspring Front salto Back flip Back salto Round-off Arabian Dive roll 2 3 4 5 Jump 1/1 turn Arabesque Handstand forward roll Backward roll to handstand Cartwheel Dive roll 6 Page 20 of 76 Handstand (2 secs) Tuck press to handstand Front OR side Splits (2 secs) Straddle press to handstand Men’s Gymnastics Division B| Pommel Horse Gymnasts must perform at least 6 skills, two of which may be repeated All routines will be judged out of 10.00 There is a 0.5 penalty for a missing skill/requirement Swing in any Support Swing leg over handles with hand release False Scissor Scissor Scissor or hop (1/3) Half double leg circle Double leg circle Loop Wende Dismount Page 21 of 76 Men’s Gymnastics Division B| Rings Gymnasts must perform at least 6 skills No skills can be repeated All routines will be judged out of 10.00 There is a 0.5 penalty for a missing skill/requirement Page 22 of 76 Swings above horizontal Muscle up Inverted hang Inlocate L Hang Dislocate Dorsal Hang Tuck back salto dismount Chin up (muscle) swing Straddle cut dismount L support Layout front salto dismount Shoulder stand Layout back salto dismount Men’s Gymnastics Division B| Vault Below is a list of common vaults that gymnasts may select to compete. Other vaults from the FIG Code of Points may be competed All vaults will be judged out of 10.00 Vault Stoop Hecht Handspring Handspring with ½ Twist Handspring with 1/1 Twist Page 23 of 76 Men’s Gymnastics Division B| Parallel Bars Gymnasts must perform at least 6 skills No skills can be repeated All routines will be judged out of 10.00 There is a 0.5 penalty for a missing skill/requirement Kip Long swing up to horizontal Drop kip Support swing up to horizontal Forward Roll Shoulder Stand hold 2 seconds Straddle press to handstand L sit support hold 2 seconds Layaway Handstand hold 2 seconds Back uprise Front uprise Side Dismount Handstand ½ turn dismount Back salto dismount Page 24 of 76 Men’s Gymnastics Division B| High bar Gymnasts must perform at least 6 skills No skills can be repeated All routines will be judged out of 10.00 There is a 0.5 penalty for a missing skill/requirement Page 25 of 76 Chin up & Pullover to front support Kip Kip Cut Straddle Drop Kip Back OR Clear hip circle Half giant (Cast to long pullover) Long swing to horizontal Back uprise to Horizontal Swing ½ turn above horizontal Clear hip to handstand Underswing (toe shoot) dismount Straddle toe shoot dismount Tuck flyaway dismount Layout flyaway dismount Men’s Gymnastics MAG Division C Based on State Level 5 requirements All routines for this division are compulsory. All routines will be judged out of 10.00 There is a 0.5 penalty for a missing skill/requirement Division C| Floor Jump 1/1 3 steps hurdle, round off , jump ½ turn Handstand forward roll step to lunge, ½ turn to stand Step kick, cartwheel, cartwheel ¼ turn to face where you came from Backward roll with straight legs and bent and arms, to straddle stand (hold) jump to front support Single leg circle (coffee grinder) x2 to finish in front support Squat to stand, arabesque (hold) 3 step hurdle, handspring Division C| Pommel Horse Loop (clockwise) ¼ turn to front support, lift L leg over handle, ½ turn to stride support with R leg now in front between handles swing R leg over R handle to front support swing Swing to L leg over L handle and swing in stride support Swing L leg out over left handle, swing in front support, swing R leg over R handle False scissor over L handle to front support Swing R leg over R handle to stride support swing Swing L leg over L handle to dismount with ¼ turn Page 26 of 76 Men’s Gymnastics Division C| Rings Pull to chin-up straight legs, lift with straight to inverted hang (hold) Lower to pike position, cast to swing backward (300 below horizontal) Swing forward and backward then forward, (300 below horizontal) Inverted hang (hold) and lower to dorsal hang (hold) Pull back up to pike position, cast to ½ arm swing (muscle swing) Inverted hang (hold) and lower to pike hang Cast backward then forward (300 below horizontal) Swing backward and forward dislocate dismount (layout salto) Division C| Vault Front salto onto 20cm crash mat, with underarm swing Page 27 of 76 Men’s Gymnastics Division C| Parallel Bars Jump to support, L sit (hold) Lift to straddle, place hands on rails in front of legs, forward roll to straddle Lift legs up together and swing backward to horizontal Swing forward and backward to 30º above horizontal x2 Swing forward and dismount at front with ½ turn. Division C| High Bar Lift to momentary L hang Tension swing x 2 (backward, forward, backward) to pullover Hip pullover to support Cast to back hip circle Cast to straddle toe shoot ½ turn dismount Page 28 of 76 Men’s Gymnastics MAG Division D Based on State Level 4 requirements All routines for this division are compulsory. All routines will be judged out of 10.00 There is a 0.5 penalty for a missing skill/requirement Division D| Floor Jump 1/1 Forward roll step to lunge, ½ turn to stand Step kick, Handstand forward roll to squat, Single leg circle (coffee grinder) x 2 to finish in front support, Squat to stand, Arabesque (hold) Cartwheel, Round off straight jump. Division D| Pommel Horse Jump to Front support, swing to L and R Swing to L and R still in front support Swing to L and R still in front support Swing L leg over L handle to false scissor over R handle Swing in front support to L and R, Swing R leg over R handle to stride support swing, Swing L leg over L handle to dismount with ¼ turn Page 29 of 76 Men’s Gymnastics Division D| Rings Pull to chin-up straight legs, lift with straight to inverted hang (hold) Lower to pike position, cast to swing backward (30º below horizontal) Swing forward and backward then forward, (300 below horizontal) Inverted hang (hold) and lower to dorsal hang (hold) Pull back up to pike position, cast to swing backward (30° below horizontal) Swing forward & backward then forward (300 below horizontal) Dismount with straddle cut dismount Division D| Vault Run and jump off spring board, use underarm swing to handspring to land on back on 2 x 20cm crash mats. OR Run and jump off spring board, use an underarm swing to place hands on 2 x 20cm crash mats and spring over onto feet, landing on same crash mat. A scatter mat may be put across the end of the crash mat to make it less spongy. Page 30 of 76 Men’s Gymnastics Division D| Parallel Bars Jump to support, L sit (hold) Lift to straddle, place hands on rails in front of legs, forward roll to straddle Lift legs up together and swing backward to horizontal Swing forward and backward to 150 x 2 Swing forward and backward to dismount off to side at back over bar at 45º on 4th back swing Division D| High Bar Lift to momentary L hang Tension swing backward, under swing forward into 2 long swings Hip pullover at front of 2nd long swing Cast to back hip circle Cast to under swing dismount Page 31 of 76 Men’s Gymnastics MAG Division E Based on State Level 3 requirements All routines for this division are compulsory. All routines will be judged out of 10.00 There is a 0.5 penalty for a missing skill/requirement Division E| Floor Arabesque Cartwheel; Handstand (momentary) step down, forward roll Jump legs out to straddle stand (hold) Jump to front support followed by 1 complete push up Forward roll to jump ½ turn Division E| Pommel Horse Jump to front support, swing to the left and right Swing to left and right Swing to left and right Swing left leg over left handle to stride support swing Swing left leg back to front support Swing right leg over right handle to stride support swing Swing left leg over left handle to dismount with ¼ turn Page 32 of 76 Men’s Gymnastics Division E| Rings Lift to L momentary L hang, swing back and forward inverted hang (hold) Lower to pike position, cast to swing backward Swing forward and backward then forward Inverted hang(hold) Lower to pike position, cast to swing backward Swing forward and backward then forward Swing backward to dismount at back of swing. Division E| Vault Dive roll (with under arm swing) onto wedge to finish standing at bottom of wedge. Wedge should be placed on a 30 cm crash mat for safety Page 33 of 76 Men’s Gymnastics Division E| Parallel Bars Jump to support, tuck hold (hold) Lift to straddle, place hands on rails in front of legs, lift legs together at back and swing through back to straddle on bar (straddle travel) Lift legs up together and swing backward to horizontal Swing forward and backward to 15º Swing forward and back to dismount off to side at 15º Division E| High Bar Lift to momentary L hang Tension swing x 2 Hip pullover to support with assistance Cast to under swing Basic swings at 45º x 2 On third basic back swing, dismount to stand Page 34 of 76 Women’s Gymnastics 2014 Interschool Gymnastics Manual WOMEN’S GYMNASTICS Awards Structure and Routines Last updated: 1 May 20144 Must be read in conjunction with Part 1 Page 35 of 76 Women’s Gymnastics Page 36 of 76 Women’s Gymnastics Women’s Gymnastics Women’s Gymnastics Division A1 A2 B C D E Level For students currently training and competing in gymnastics outside of school at State and National Level 4 – 10 For Students with limited or no gymnastics background Floor music for the WAG div C is to be a maximum of 90 seconds in length, a maximum of 60 seconds for div D and a maximum of 45 seconds for div E. WAG Division E floor routines will be performed along a sprung strip of floor (not the full floor), dependant on the program schedule. The following time limits apply for WAG beam routines Div. A, B, & C = 90 seconds Judging All routines will be scored out of 10. Judging is based on execution of skills and the emphasis will be on how well they are performed, not on their difficulty. Awards Individual All Around (Per Division, Per Session) Medals will be awarded for 1st – 3rd place and ribbons for 4th – 6th Team (Per Division, Per Session) Medals will be awarded for 1st to 3rd place All Around Page 37 of 76 Women’s Gymnastics ISG Aggregate Ranking At the conclusion of the WAG competitions the overall Champion School will be announced. Athletes will receive points based on their ranking achieved on each apparatus and overall placing Individuals Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Points 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 7 6 5 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Teams Points 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 14 12 10 Schools will also receive 1 point for every student entered in the competition. Spirit Award (Per Session) The school which displays the best support and cheering for their school mates will receive the School Spirit award. Schools are encouraged to have the competing teams along with the school banners/flags/mascots at all presentation ceremonies. Page 38 of 76 Women’s Gymnastics WAG Division A1 Based on National 7 – 10 Requirements Judging All start Scores will be 10 There is a 0.5 penalty for missing requirements. Scores are worked out with execution deductions only Division A1| Vault Inverted (out of 10 – execution only) Division A1| Bars Core skills: Close to bar circle element Element to or through handstand Flight skill or bar change (may be a ‘non value’ skill) Dismount Division A1| Beam Core skills: Turn from code of points Acrobatic element or series with flight Second Acrobatic element (Can include acro mount, or hold) 2 dance elements connected (one with 180 split) Dismount Division A1| Floor Core skills: Dance passage of at least two elements one having a 180 split Acro line with 2 saltos Salto forward and backward Dismount Page 39 of 76 Women’s Gymnastics WAG Division A2 Based on State 7 – 10 Requirements Judging All start Scores will be 10 There is a 0.5 penalty for missing requirements. Scores are worked out with execution deductions only Division A2| Vault Inverted (out of 10 – execution only) Division A2| Bars Required skills: Mount from code of points Bar change or flight element (may be a ‘non value’ skill) Close to bar circle element Dismount Division A2| Beam Required skills: 2 different dance elements (from code of points) connected; one with a 180 split Turn on 1 foot from code of points Acro element Second Acro element (May be a handstand) Dismount Division A2| Floor Required skills: Dance passage of at least two different elements one having a 180 split Acro line with minimum of two flight elements Second acro line containing a salto (May be one element) Dismount Page 40 of 76 Women’s Gymnastics WAG Division B Based on National 4 – 6 Requirements Judging All start Scores will be 10 There is a 0.5 penalty for missing requirements. Scores are worked out with execution deductions only Division B| Vault Gymnast may perform 2 vaults. The highest score will count. Handspring OR Handspring to flatback Division B| Bars Required Skills 2 Glide swings OR Glide Kip Cast to horizontal or above Back hip circle OR Clear hip circle Bar change (may be a ‘non value’ skill) 2 or 3 long swings to pullover OR long kip Dismount (Toe shoot / underswing allowed) Division B| Beam Required Skills Mount Handstand OR Mixed series Cartwheel OR backward/forward Walkover Stride leap OR split leap Passé ½ turn x 2 OR full turn 1 foot 2 dance elements connected; one with 180 forward/backward split (Straight jump allowed) Dismount Division B| Floor Passage of dance elements; must contain a 180 forward/backward split (may be same element) Full turn on 1 foot Jump 1/1 turn OR ‘A’ value or higher jump Cartwheel – Cartwheel OR Handspring OR Front Salto Round-off OR Round-off flic OR Round-off flic back salto Forward/backward walkover OR Back roll to front support/handstand Page 41 of 76 Women’s Gymnastics WAG Division C Based on State 4 – 6 Requirements Judging All start Scores will be 10; There is a 0.5 penalty for missing requirements. Scores are worked out with execution deductions only Division C| Vault Gymnast may perform 2 vaults. The highest score will count Handspring OR Handspring to flatback Division C| Bars Required Skills 2 Glide swings OR Glide Kip Cast to horizontal or above Back hip circle OR Clear hip circle Bar change 2 or 3 Long swings to pullover OR long kip Optional Dismount Division C| Beam Required Skills Mount Handstand OR mixed series Cartwheel OR backward/forward Walkover OR stride / split Leap Passé ½ turn x 2 OR full turn 1 foot 2 dance elements connected; one with 180 split (straight jump allowed) Dismount Division C| Floor Passage of dance elements (must contain a 180 split) Full turn on 1 foot Jump 1/1 turn OR ‘A’ value or higher jump or leap Cartwheel – Cartwheel OR Handspring OR front salto Round-off OR Round-off flic OR Round-off (flic) back salto Forward / backward walkover OR Back roll to front support / handstand Page 42 of 76 Women’s Gymnastics WAG Division D ISG Requirements Judging All start Scores will be 10 There is a 0.5 penalty for missing skills. Scores are worked out with execution deductions only Minimum score is 6. Division D| Vault Dive Roll to 2 Crash Mats OR Handspring to Flat Back Vault Height: 60cm – 90cm Crash Mats Division D| Bars Back hip pullover Cast - feet to height of bar Back hip circle Toe Shoot OR Under swing dismount Division D| Beam Mount – jump to front support Scale left & right Stride leap Cat leap ½ turn on 1 foot Straight jump 2 step kicks ½ turn 2 feet Round off dismount Division D| Floor Forward roll Handstand (held) exit optional Full turn 1 foot Stride leap, stride leap Jump full turn cartwheel, cartwheel Round off star jump Page 43 of 76 Women’s Gymnastics WAG Division E ISG Requirements Judging All start Scores will be 10 There is a 0.5 penalty for missing skills. Scores are worked out with execution deductions only Minimum score is 6. Division E| Vault Forward roll from standing on board, down wedge placed on crash mat. OR Run, jump on board to dive roll down wedge onto 1 crash mat Division E| Bars Back hip pullover - assisted OR Jump to front support from box * Cast to 45° x 2 Cast back to land (on floor or box) *Jump to front support will incur a penalty of 0.5 Division E| Beam Mount – jump to front support, lift one leg to stride Arabesque (hold 2 seconds) Step kicks x 2 ½ turn on 2 feet 4 forward steps on toes Straight jump OR relevè stretch Kneeling scale OR squat Dismount – 2-3 running steps punch jump * For this routine you must perform the eight skills and arrange them in a routine. Extra moves can be added and moves can be repeated but all moves incur typical deductions! Page 44 of 76 Women’s Gymnastics Division E| Floor Cartwheel to finish in side star shape or lunge Forward roll, roll back into candle stick to stand Jump half turn ½ turn on one foot ½ handstand (leading leg in vertical) Tuck jump, star jump Stride leap Optional finish pose close to floor * For this routine you must perform the eight skills and arrange them in a routine. Extra moves can be added and moves can be repeated but all moves incur typical deductions! Page 45 of 76 Part 3 Primary ISG Awards Structure and Routines Legends Champions Page 46 of 76 Primary ISG 2014 Interschool Gymnastics Manual Part 3 Primary ISG Awards Structure and Routines Last updated: 1 May 20144 Must be read in conjunction with Part 1 Page 47 of 76 Primary ISG Page 48 of 76 Primary ISG Primary ISG Judging All routines will be judged out of 10.00 points. Students may be prompted where necessary during competition without deductions being incurred. Awards Individual All students will receive a participation ribbon and a certificate with their individual scores from each apparatus Team Ribbons will be awarded for 1st to 6th place teams overall ISG Aggregate Ranking At the conclusion of the competition the overall Champion School will be announced. Schools will receive 1 point for every student entered in the competition. Teams will also receive points based on their ranking achieved on each apparatus and overall placing. Team Apparatus Rank Points 1 2 3 4 5 6 20 18 16 14 12 10 Team Overall Rank Points 1 2 3 4 5 6 40 36 32 28 24 20 Spirit Award The school which displays the best support and cheering for their school mates will receive the School Spirit award. This award will be given per session. Schools are encouraged to have all the competing teams along with the school banners/flags/mascots at all presentation ceremonies. Page 49 of 76 Primary ISG Skills and Routines Routines should follow the order specified in the manual logically from step 1 through to the end. Skills have been mixed to allow progressions of children at different levels and therefore the routine should flow if followed from step 1 to the end. Remember, the emphasis is on the execution of skills and routines rather than the degree of difficulty. Students who choose the more difficult skill will not necessarily be marked higher than those students performing the easier skill. There is no right or wrong way of performing the routines. GV would like you, as coaches, to take the routines as YOU read it. The judges will be looking for students to perform their skills and routines to their best ability. (P)ISG incorporates the following stations: Bars, Beam, Floor, Vault, Safety Drills, Rings OR Rhythmic Gymnastics*, P-Bars OR Aerobics# * Students can choose to perform on either rings or with rhythmic apparatus. Both stations will be set up on the day of competition. # Students can choose to perform on either parallel bars or do the aerobics station. Both stations will be set up on the day of competition. Page 50 of 76 Primary ISG PISG Division A – Legends This division has been designed for children that have a skill level similar to Level 2 – 3 Levels Stream gymnasts. Please ensure coaches check the activities carefully prior to deciding which section to enter. Key points to consider are below: Where arm positions are not described, the position is optional. Coaches / Teachers are encouraged to have students show a stretched finish position by presenting (and smiling) to judges, before and after their routine. A safe landing shape should feature throughout all stations. Students demonstrating safe landing positions will be rewarded. As you will notice, the level of activity is considerably higher than those in the Champion section. The activities may need to be learnt and practiced over time. They can also be incorporated into Gymnastics for All programs within the club / school structure. There is the option that higher level gymnasts who train with a club regularly may need an even further challenge, which is why Advanced routines have been incorporated. These routines should be attempted only by competent gymnasts. Page 51 of 76 Primary ISG Division A – Legends| Bars Core Skill Routine 1. 3 x tuck swings with re-grip 2. Pull over low bar, assisted 3. 2 x casts with no arch 4. Jump from box to high bar OR teacher/coach lifts gymnast to high bar 5. 2 x long swings 6. Jump off bar at back of swing Developmental Skill Routine 1. 2 x Glide swing 2. Pull over low bar, unassisted 3. Back hip circle (assisted if needed) 4. Cast two feet onto the bar to tuck, straddle or pike 5. Jump to high bar, long swing pull over 6. Optional dismount Page 52 of 76 Primary ISG Advanced Skill Routine 1. 2. 3. 2 x Glide swing Glide Kip Clear hip circle OR Back hip circle 4. Cast two feet onto the bar to tuck, straddle or pike 5. 6. Page 53 of 76 Jump to high bar, long swing kip Optional dismount Primary ISG Division A – Legends| Beam Core Skill Routine 1. Jump to front support, lift 1 x leg to straddle, V – sit to stand 2. Scale for 3 x seconds 3. 2 x attitude steps 4. ½ turn on two feet 5. 4 x backward steps on toes 6. 7. Straight jump ¼ turn to face along beam, Side lunge to the left & right 8. Run, punch jump dismount Page 54 of 76 Primary ISG Developmental Skill Routine 1. Squat on from the end or side of beam then stand (assisted) 2. Scale for 3 x seconds 3. 2 x step hops 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ½ turn on one foot 2 x backward step kicks Assemblé Straight jump, straight jump (change feet on landing) Optional dismount Advanced Skill Routine 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Page 55 of 76 Clear straddle mount from end of the beam Scale for 3 x seconds 2 x high step kicks ½ - ½ turn on one foot 2 x backwards step kicks Straight jump, split jump Kneeling arabesque Optional dismount Primary ISG Division A – Legends| Floor Core Skill Routine 1. Cartwheel 2. Backward roll (can use wedge if required) 3. ½ turn on one foot 4. ¾ handstand 5. Tuck jump, Star jump 6. Cat Leap 7. Jump ½ turn 180° 8. Optional pose close to floor to finish Developmental Skill Routine 1. 2. 3. Hurdle cartwheel Backward roll on floor to tuck, pike or straddle ½ - ½ turn on one foot 4. Handstand forward roll 5. 6. 7. 8. Page 56 of 76 Tuck jump, Star jump Stride Leap Jump full turn Optional pose close to floor to finish Primary ISG Advanced Skill Routine 1. Hurdle round-off 2. Backward roll to handstand 3. 4. Full turn on one foot Tic-Toc 5. Straddle jump 6. 2 x split leaps 7. Jump full turn 8. Optional pose close to floor to finish Vault Core Skill Routine 1. Dive Roll – jump from board to 1 or 2 crash mats with a wedge (wedge not shown above) Developmental Skill Routine 1. Handstand Flat back – hands on the top of spring board landing on 1 crash mat Advanced Skill Routine 1. Page 57 of 76 Hand Spring (shown) or Front Layout or Front Sault onto 2 crash mats Primary ISG Division A – Legends| Safety Drills Core Skill Routine 1. Jump backwards off 2 x box tops to land on feet on a mat and then roll onto back with arms crossed into chest. 2. Jump to straddle onto 2 x box tops and hold, keeping hands on the box top, between the feet. Child leans forward to land off box in motor bike onto a mat. Developmental Skill Routine 1. Jump half turn off 2 x box tops to land on feet on a mat and then roll onto back with arms crossed into chest. 2. Jump to straddle onto 2 x box tops and hold, keeping hands on the box top, between the feet. Child leans forward to land off box in motor bike onto a mat. Page 58 of 76 Primary ISG Division A – Legends| Rings Core Skill Routine 1. Long hang, hold 2 x seconds 2. 4 x arch/dish swings 3. Lift legs to basket hang 4. Lower legs down to swing 5. Dismount at back swing Developmental Skill Routine 1. Long hang, Tuck hang (with straight arms) hold 2 x seconds each 2. 4 x arch/dish swings 3. Lift legs to inverted hang, lower to basket hang 4. Lower legs down to swing 5. Tuck back sault dismount Page 59 of 76 Primary ISG Advanced Skill Routine Long hang, Chin up, L hang (with straight arms) hold 2 x seconds each 1. . 2. 4 x arch/dish swings 3. Lift legs to inverted hang, lower to basket hang 4. Lower legs down to swing 5. Tuck back sault dismount Page 60 of 76 Primary ISG Division A – Legends| Rhythmic 1. Hoop Routine Optional pose to begin 360 degrees 2. Begin with the hoop horizontal to the ground. Toss the hoop from two hands so that it makes a full rotation, catch the hoop and skip through 3. Balance on toes, rotate hoop three times around waist 4. 1. Optional pose to finish Ball Routine Optional pose to begin 2. Bounce the ball, turn 360 degrees, catch ball 3. Kneel down, throw ball and catch on back of hands 4. Optional pose to finish Page 61 of 76 Primary ISG Rope Routine 1. Optional pose to begin 2. Chasse Forwards x 2. Make figures of 8 with rope. 3. Tuck Jump over doubled rope (rope folded in half) 4. Optional pose to finish Page 62 of 76 Primary ISG Division A – Legends| Parallel Bars Core Skill Routine 1. Jump to front support 2. Swing forward and backward (aim for 45° angle) 3. Swing forward and backward (aim for 45° angle) 4. Dismount at back of third swing Page 63 of 76 Primary ISG Division A – Legends| Aerobics Core Skill Routine Optional Music – ‘Please Don’t Stop the Music’ (Available on GV Website) Move Illustration Optional pose to begin Number of Counts 16 Counts 4 x Jumping Jacks 8 Counts 4 x Knee Lifts (swap knee each time) 8 Counts 4 x flick kicks (only 2 shown) 8 Counts 4 x side flicks 8 Counts Optional pose to finish All moves can be performed with optional arm-lines Judges are looking for strong arm-lines, leg tension, pointed toes, core stability and smiles. Page 64 of 76 Primary ISG PISG Division B – Champions This division has been designed for beginner gymnasts. Please ensure coaches/ teachers check the activities carefully prior to deciding which section to enter. Key points to consider are below: A safe landing shape should feature throughout all stations. Gymnasts demonstrating safe landing positions will be rewarded. The activities aim to challenge children within their first few years of gymnastics. As you will notice, the activities do not need to be repetitively practiced over long periods of time. They can, however, be incorporated into a Gymnastics for All program within the class structure. Many activities offer optional movements within a DMP or range of movements, to offer variety and individuality for coaches/teachers and gymnasts. Page 65 of 76 Primary ISG Division B - Champions| Bars Core Skill Routine 1. 3 x tuck swings, hold landing 2. Jump to front support (may use small box) 3. 2 x small casts 4. Push back from bar to land Developmental Skill Routine 1. 3 x tuck swings with re-grip 2. Pull over the low bar, coach can assist 3. 2 x small casts 4. Roll forward to tuck hang (hold for 2 seconds) Page 66 of 76 Primary ISG Division B - Champions| Beam Core Skill Routine 1. Jump to front support, lift 1 x leg to straddle, tuck legs behind to stand 2. 4 x walks forward on flat feet 3. ¼ turn on two feet 4. 2 x side steps 5. ¼ turn on two feet (face down beam) 4 x steps backwards (flat feet) 6. Balance on one foot (passé), & hold 3 seconds 7. Straight jump off side of beam Page 67 of 76 Primary ISG Developmental Skill Routine 1. Squat on from the end using box tops or board, then 2. 4 x walks forward on toes 3. ½ turn on two feet 4. 2 x step kicks 5. 4 x steps backwards on toes 6. Arabesque balance (scale) & hold for 3 x seconds 7. ¼ turn to face along beam, star jump off side of beam Page 68 of 76 Primary ISG Division B - Champions| Floor Core Skill Routine 1. Front support 2. Forward roll down a wedge (using no hands to stand) 3. Bunny jump cartwheel (over hoop if needed) 4. 2 x step kicks 5. Scorpion kick (top leg straight) 6. ½ turn on two feet 7. Straight jump 8. Page 69 of 76 Optional pose close to floor to finish Primary ISG Developmental Skill Routine 1. Rear support 2. Forward roll on the floor (using no hands to stand) 3. Cartwheel on floor, legs can be low but straight 4. 2 x step hops 5. ¾ handstand 6. ½ turn on one foot 7. Jump ½ turn 180° 8. Page 70 of 76 Optional pose close to floor to finish Primary ISG Division B - Champions| Vault Core Skill Routine 1. Short run, jump onto board (only touch board once) optional jump (straight, tuck, star, half turn etc.) Hold motorbike landing on a mat. 2. 3 x jumps on board with hands on top of wedge Forward roll down wedge to stand (wedge not shown above) Developmental Skill Routine 1. 2. Short run, jump onto board (only touch board once) optional jump (straight, tuck, star, half turn etc.) Hold motorbike landing on a mat. Short run, Jump off board Forward roll down wedge to stand (wedge not shown above) Division B - Champions| Safety Drills Core Skill Routine 1. 2. Page 71 of 76 Jump backwards off 2 x box tops to land feet on a mat, Roll onto back with arms crossed over chest. Jump forwards off 2 x box tops to land feet on a mat, Hold motor bike landing for 3 seconds Primary ISG Division B - Champions| Rings Core Skill Routine 1. 2. 3. Page 72 of 76 Show 3 different hangs, hold each for 3 seconds (all with straight arms) (e.g. Tuck / Star / L hang / Split) 4 x small arch/dish swings Dismount at back of swing Primary ISG Division B - Champions| Rhythmic Hoop Routine 1. Optional pose to begin Spin hoop on the floor. Turn around 360 degrees and pick up hoop. 2. 180 degrees 3. 4. 1. Begin with the hoop horizontal to the ground. Toss the hoop from two hands so it makes a ½ rotation, catch the hoop. Optional pose to finish Ball Routine Optional pose to begin 2. Series of bounces on the spot – two big bounces, three small bounces 3. Throw ball from one hand. Catch ball in two hands. 4. Optional pose to finish Page 73 of 76 Primary ISG Rope Routine 1. Optional pose to begin 2. Begin with rope folded in half. Open the rope behind, and pull through to catch the end of the rope 3. 4 x Skips through the rope 4. Optional pose to finish Page 74 of 76 Primary ISG Division B - Champions| Parallel Bars Core Skill Routine 1. Jump to front support from end of bars 2. Lift knees to chest to show tuck position 3. Swing forward and backward (aim for 45° angle) 4. Dismount at back of second swing Page 75 of 76 Primary ISG Division B - Champions| Aerobics Core Skill Routine Optional Music – ‘Please Don’t Stop the Music’ (Available on GV Website) Move Illustration Optional pose to begin Number of Counts 16 Counts 4 x Jumping Jacks 8 Counts 4 x Knee Lifts (swap knee each time) 8 Counts 4 x flick kicks (only 2 shown) 8 Counts 4 x side flicks 8 Counts Optional pose to finish All moves can be performed with optional arm-lines Judges are looking for strong arm-lines, leg tension, pointed toes, core stability and smiles Page 76 of 76
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