Where to now, Europe? How to renew the Old

Where to now, Europe? How to renew the Old
Continent? A business perspective
3rd edition of the European Forum for New Ideas at the end of September in Sopot
17.06.2013, Warsaw
The European Forum for New Ideas – an international congress of business
communities, organized by the Lewiatan Confederation in cooperation with
BUSINESSEUROPE, the City of Sopot, institutions and business partners will be held on
September 25th to 27th, 2013 in Sopot. Just as in the previous two editions, EFNI
gathers leading representatives from the world of business, public administration,
cultural sector and scholars from Poland and abroad. This year the Forum’s guiding
theme is Where to now, Europe? How to renew the Old Continent? A business
perspective. The event is organized with honorary patronage of the President of
Poland, President of the European Council as well as the President of the European
Despite its short track record, having been organized since 2011, the European Forum for New
Ideas is already considered to be one of the most interesting events of such character in Europe.
Over 1100 guests from Europe and other continents will arrive in Sopot at the end of September.
Continuing debt, trust, economic, social and political crises make it clear that Europe needs new
scenarios for its future. That is why at this year’s EFNI we want to discover the answer to the
question: Where to now, Europe? How to renew the Old Continent? – announced Henryka
Bochniarz, President of the Lewiatan Confederation.
This year’s edition of the Forum is geared more towards problems of the European economy. What
exactly needs to be done to raise its competitiveness? Why is Europe behind in global rankings of
innovation? Where do companies specifically run into the biggest regulatory barriers hindering their
growth? – these are just some of the questions that will be posed to participants and panellists.
Europe’s role on the international arena is slowly becoming marginalized. We are losing our
authority and admiration of the rest of the world, built on the success of an unprecedented political
and social experiment better known as the European Union. The only way to reverse this trend is to
renew Europe from the beginning. We must decide what role we wish to play in the new global
order, define our interests and obligations, and balance aspirations with our capabilities. The
European Forum for New Ideas aims to serve such a purpose. It represents significant input of
Lewiatan and our partners into the debate on the future of Europe – says Henryka Bochniarz.
The European Forum for New Ideas is also an opportunity to promote Poland on the international
area, and for Polish entrepreneurs it is a place to develop dialogue with international business,
intellectuals and political leaders.
EFNI 2013 Programme
EFNI 2013 will centre around three plenary sessions: “How to heal the Old Continent? Ideas and
values for overcoming the crisis”, “Economic architecture for a new Europe. How to make
institutions, governance and regulations to foster long-lasting growth?”, “New technologies versus
democracy, society and the market”. Each of these sessions will set the path for more detailed
discussion panels.
As tradition now has it, residents of the Tricity will be able to confront their views with esteemed
speakers at the Bays of Dialogue.
This year the Forum’s programme will also feature such novelties as Night Owl Debates – late
night, informal debates with participation from EFNI panellists, premiers of reports especially
prepared for the Forum, promotions of books written by EFNI panellists and thematic
breakfast and dinner debates.
We also planning to hold associated events during the European Forum for New Ideas, which
include: European Publicists’ Forum – a meeting between the Brussels European press corps
and bloggers specializing in EU matters on the subject of ways for communicating European issues
in the media, Konkordia – one of the largest conferences of NGOs in Poland on the matter of
cooperation with business, meeting of the European Economic and Social Committee
Employers Group as well as the Wizjonerzy 2013 awards ceremony, which will recognize
managers for their bold business decisions.
Eminent panellists
As every year, Over 100 prominent figures of the world of business, politics, science and culture will
be among the European Forum for New Ideas panellists. We have received confirmations of
attendance from Benjamin Barber - one of the top American political scientists, President of the
Interdependence Movement; Joschka Fischer – German politician recognized in 2002 by Gazeta
Wyborcza with the title Man of the Year; Sylvie Kauffmann – Editorial Director of one of the most
opinion leading French daily newspapers Le Monde; Ivan Krastev - Bulgarian political scientist,
one of the top modern-day political thinkers; Henri Malosse – head of EESC Employers Group, an
advisory body to the European Union; Emma Marcegaglia – President of BUSINESSEUROPE,
Europe’s largest association of companies and employers, Mario Monti – former Prime Minister
and Italy’s Senator for life; Tomáš Sedláček - former economic adviser to President Havel, Chief
Economist of Československá Obchodní Banka; Guy Sorman – one of the most influential
European intellectuals, writing for Le Figaro and the Wall Street Journal, and José Ignacio
Torreblanca – one of the most interesting youngest European political analysts.
The list of panellists and guests attending from Poland includes: Marek Belka, Edwin Bendyk,
Jan Krzysztof Bielecki, Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Henryka Bochniarz, Zbigniew Bochniarz,
Michał Boni, Juliusz Braun, Jerzy Buzek, Andrzej Godlewski, Danuta Hübner, Andrzej
Klesyk, Lena Kolarska-Bobińska, Agnieszka Kozłowska-Rajewicz, Jacek Krawczyk,
Jacek Krawiec, Radosław Markowski, Jacek Męcina, Marcin Piasecki, Jacek
Protasiewicz, Karolina Wigura and Maciej Witucki.
The European Forum for New Ideas is one of the few events in Europe where so many notable
experts come together at one time.
EFNI Recommendations
One of the important assumptions behind the European Forum for New Ideas was the development
of substantive solutions to problems impacting Europe. Therefore, EFNI is concluded with the
signing of the Sopot Declaration, which comprises Recommendations sent to the authorities of
the European Union and member states, institution and the media. What recommendations are
contained in the Declaration dated 27 September 2013? To what degree will they influence the
shape and situation in Europe? Answers to these questions are still before us.
EFNI 2013 Strategic Partners about the Forum
Europe has found itself at a turning point of its history. It needs an injection of optimism, swift and
effective action, and first and foremost, faith in the power of integration. Especially now, when
changes are forthcoming. It is worthy to note that initiatives to strengthen its position will
determine Europe’s role on the world map for decades to come. They will have significance not only
for us, but first and foremost for future generations. The European Union has immense potential,
but in order for it to fully take advantage of it there is a need for unity. It is important to remember
the meaning of the words: solidarity, together, jointly - Maciej Witucki, President of Orange
Europe is losing in the confrontation with dynamically developing countries in the world – it is losing
jobs, failing to utilize the potential of the young, is not innovative enough. Regaining its competitive
advantage requires many changes that will allow EU countries to chase after the USA and robust
powers such as China, India and Brazil. What role should regulations play in this process? Do they
have a chance of becoming the fuel for innovation instead of an inhibitor? In an enlarged Europe
and in new economic environment should we not substantially redefine the philosophy of creating
them so that they firstly foster growth? How should EU institutions be managed in order to
effectively reduce the expanding divide between EU citizens and its institutions? We will be
searching for answers to these and other questions during this year’s EFNI – a meeting of
esteemed scholars, politicians, and businesspeople from around the world - Jacek Krawiec,
President of PKN ORLEN
Each year at EFNI we discuss the most important trends and perspectives for business and politics.
An information revolution is occurring right before our eyes, which is changing social and political
relations. It is becoming evermore clear that the Internet and social media can have an effect on
reality on a global scale. Therefore, together with outstanding guests we will be striving to find
answers to questions about how the Internet influences democracy and development of a civic
society, as well as what is changing in the relations between the company and the consumer –
Andrzej Klesyk, President of PZU SA
The EUROPEAN FORUM FOR NEW IDEAS is an international congress of business communities with participation of
representatives from the world of science, culture and politics. Organized by the Lewiatan Confederation in cooperation with
BUSINESSEUROPE, City of Sopot, Polish and international companies and institutions. This year’s third edition of EFNI will be
held on 25-27.09.2013 in Sopot. The guiding theme of the Forum is: “Where to now, Europe? How to renew the Old
Continent? A business perspective.”
Honorary Patrons of EFNI 2013: President of Poland, President of the European Council as well
as the President of the European Parliament.
Institutional partners:
Strategic partners:
Gala partner:
Main partners:
Supporting partners:
Knowledge partners:
Logistic partner:
Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych, Europejski Komitet Ekonomiczno-Społeczny
Orange Polska, PKN ORLEN, Grupa PZU, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Telewizja Polska
Pekao SA
Bloomberg Businesseeek Polska, Deloitte Polska, Grupa Energa, The City of Gdańsk, KPMG,
Polpharma, Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA, Provident Polska, Tesco Polska
Bank Pocztowy, Dell, Forbes, Gazeta Giełdy Parkiet, Havas Worldwide Warsaw, Intermarché,
Newsweek, Grupa Kapitałowa PGE, Pomorska Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna, Radio PiN, Radio
TOK FM, Wprost
Bank Światowy, Kultura Liberalna, Liberté, ThinkTank, World Academy of Art & Science
BMW, Konsalnet
PR Contact:
Magdalena Słodownik
[email protected]
tel. +48-22/ 55 99 937, +48-660 426 009