Practical information Global Green Growth Forum PRESS PROGRAMME

Global Green Growth Forum
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Practical information
The press programme is subject to changes. Changes to the programme will be announced on the 3gf website, on
Twitter and in the press room during the Forum.
3GF takes place at Eigtveds Warehouse, Asiatisk Plads 2G, 1448 Copenhagen, Denmark, which is also where press
registration and hand out of press badges will happen.
Press badges will be handed out upon arrival, and must be worn visibly at all times.
For practical reasons some sessions are open only for written press, while others are not open for press (see overview
below). Upon request it might be possible for still photographers and camera crews to attend sessions open only for
written press if the session organiser agrees. Please contact representatives in the press room during the forum or
[email protected] beforehand.
Learning sessions and In conversations are held under Chatham House Rules unless otherwise agreed.
Media representatives who arrive at the Forum after Monday morning must contact Lea Tang Møller at +45 5087
6563, Anja Greve Solvang at +45 4186 5908 or press staff at the venue for registration and access.
Please notice: There will only be a limited number of seats for press at some of the sessions.
For more information:
Global Green Growth Forum
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Monday 20 October
From 07.00
Registration for press
Signing-in/pick up of press badges at the 3GF premises. Bring valid press card or media
ID/documentation + the confirmation mail received when applying for accreditation (obligatory).
Important: Meeting time for camera crews no later than 07.00 for sweeping.
08.00 – 09.00
09.00 – 10.15
Opening Plenary
Introductory remarks by Danish Prime Minister and Ministers from 3GF partner countries
(Ethiopia, Mexico, Kenya, Qatar, China and Republic of Korea)
H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn, Prime Minister, The Federal Democratic Republic of
H.E. Judi Wakhungu, Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Water and Natural Resources,
Republic of Kenya
H.E. Liu Qi, Vice Minister National Energy Administration (NEA), People´s Republic of
Prof. Seung Hoon Lee, Professor, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea
More to follow
Open for all press
10.15 – 10.45
Plenary: Walking in the Shoes of Future Middle Class Consumers
Participatory Backcasting
Mr. Michael Kuhndt, Director, Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and
Production (CSCP)
H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn, Prime Minister, Ethiopia
Mr. Ullrich Sierau, Mayor, City of Dortmund
Mr. Wang Xiaokang, Chairman, CECEP, China Energy Conservation and Environmental
Protection Group
Mr. Alejandro Molina, Chief Technical and Supply Chain Officer, Arca Continental
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H.E. Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Prime Minister, Denmark
Open for all press
10.45 – 11.00
11.00 – 12.15
Plenary: Transforming our Cities
Promoting a systemic approach to sustainable urbanisation integrating urban design, utilities
(energy, water, waste), infrastructure planning and financing models is a key challenge. Barriers
like national-municipal disconnect and insufficient capacities dominate. However, cities can act
as effective test beds for innovation and cost-effective demonstration of low carbon
infrastructure. Hence, philanthropy is teaming up with cities. But to shift from small, high carbon
projects to large-scale low carbon programmes, partnerships are needed. This entails
cooperation between cities, national government, private sector delivery, big finance and
research institutes for innovation. In short, cities might be where some of the most important
partnerships need to be formed and where the opportunity for scale is greatest. The choices
cities make today will lock in in consumption patterns for the majority of the world’s population
in the future.
 Dr. Andrew Steer, President & CEO, World Resources Institute (WRI)
Sir Suma Chakrabarti, President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Mr. Frank Jensen, Lord Mayor, City of Copenhagen and member of C40 Board
Mr. Pierre-André de Chalendar, CEO, Saint-Gobain
Mr. Rohit Aggarwala, Principal of Sustainability, Bloomberg Associates
Mr. Wim Elfrink, Executive Vice President, Industry Solutions & Chief Globalisation
Officer, CISCO
Mr. Niels B. Christiansen, CEO & President, Danfoss
Open for all press
12.15 – 12.45
12.45 – 14.15
Partnership Sessions: Launch or Leverage
Not open for press
14.15 – 14.45
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Plenary: Enabling the Producer – Transforming our Production Patterns
Producers today operate in a high-risk world. More and more producer companies are raising their
own game, across the entire sustainability spectrum, seeking to “de-risk” their companies through
progress in sustainable production practices, the source of the risk however is often systemic. There
is a new imperative to re-think the production system, its business models, and policy incentives —
so that incrementalism does not become an additional risk in itself. This plenary discussion will aim
to address both the current challenges of scaling up sustainable production and the future
opportunities to transform production systems, through partnerships and coalitions to enable green
 Mr. Jonathon Porrit, Founder, Director and Trustee, Forum for the Future
H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn, Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Ms. Connie Hedegaard, Commissioner for Climate Action, European Commission
Mr. David Love, Chief Supply Chain Officer, Levi Strauss & Co.
Mr. Pier Luigi Sigismondi, Chief Supply Chain Officer, Unilever
Dr. John Cheh, CEO, Esquel Group
Mr. Vimal Shah, Chaiman, Kenya Private Sector Alliance / Bidco Oil Refineries
Open for all press
15.45 – 16.00
16.00 – 17.00
Learning sessions
These parallel sessions will highlight the green growth strategies of leading countries and cities.
They will be explained and explored through the eyes of their respective political leadership,
financial institutions, experts and leading business voices.
Kenya: Public-Private Green Growth Strategies
Ms. Carole Kariuki, CEO, Kenya Private Sector Alliance
H.E. Judi Wakhungu, Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Water and Natural Resources,
Government of the Republic of Kenya
Mr. Vimal Shah, Chairman, Kenya Private Sector Alliance / Bidco Oil Refineries
Dr. Alice Kaudia, Environment Secretary, Kenyan Ministry of Environment
Mr. Hezekiah Okeyo, Director, Ministry of Industrialization
Mr. Alfonso L. Vazquez, Director, Business Development & Commercial Partnerships,
Ms. Sanda Ojiambo, Head of Corporate Responsibility, Safaricom Limited
Global Green Growth Forum
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Mr. Jørgen Bjelskou, Public Affairs Director, Grundfos
Mr. Joseph Njoroge, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Petroleum
Towards a Sustainable Financial System: The Case of China
Mr. Mark Halle, Executive Director, International Institute for Sustainable Development
Dr. Simon Zadek, Co-Director, United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)
Mr. Sean Kidney, CEO and Co-Founder, Climate Bonds Initiative
Mr. Zhang Chenghui, Director, Research Institute on Finance, Development Research
Centre of the State Council, China
Better Cities through a New Climate Economy
Dr. Andrew Steer, President & CEO, World Resources Institute (WRI)
H.E. Felipe Calderón, Chair of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate
Dr. Bindu N. Lohani, Vice President, Asian Development Bank
Dr. Hastings Chikoko, Regional Director for Africa, C40
Mr. Jukka Pertola, CEO, Siemens AS
In conversations
These parallel sessions will provide a unique opportunity to engage directly in dialogue with a highlevel business or political leader. Speakers will “step off stage” in pairs, and being probed by a
moderator, on their role, experience and strategies for advancing green growth through publicprivate collaboration.
Transformative Action: Energy Efficiency by Design
Mr. Kandeh K. Yumkella, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and CEO,
Sustainable Energy For All (SE4All)
Mr. Pierre-André de Chalendar, CEO, Saint-Gobain
Mr. Joel Towers, Executive Dean, Parsons School of Design
Mr. Jens Peter Saul, CEO, Rambøll
Transformative Action: Sustainable Agriculture in a Globalized World IV
Dr. Joost Oorthuizen, Executive Director, The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH)
H.E. Dan Jørgensen, Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Denmark
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Mr. David Shark, Deputy Director-General, World Trade Organization (WTO)
More to follow
Open for written press
Held under Chatham House Rules
17.00 – 17.15
17.15 – 18.30
Plenary: Transforming the Food Sector
To meet the need of our future food supply
current food production and consumption
patterns must be transformed. Such a
transformation entails multiple objectives,
which are not reinforcing each other by default
– a system approach is key. Increasing
productivity while reducing environmental
impact. A transition pathway towards more
sustainable food consumption and production
systems needs to be identified. Affecting the
entire value chain from increase in innovation
and technology adoption by farmers, changing
demand through behavioural change in the
consumer and structural changes in food
systems and supply chains.
Plenary: Transforming the Energy Sector
How are countries, companies and investors
making investment decisions regarding the new
energy mix for the transition to green growth?
Subsidies to renewable energy have been at the
heart of the rapid increase in deployment over
the last decades, yet these subsidies are dwarfed
by those allocated to fossil fuels. Transformative
regulatory solutions, such policies which
mandate the phase out certain energy sources
present one possible pathway for change.
Companies and investors must also weigh in on
the economic case for sustainable energy and
form a view on how policy will affect their
 Mr. Christian Grossman, World Bank
Group Director, Climate Change,
International Finance Corporation
 Mr. Simon Upton, Director, Environment
Directorate, OECD
 Ms. Maria Van der Hoeven, Executive
Director, International Energy Agency
Dr. Kanayo Felix Nwanze, President,
International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD)
H.E. Mogens Jensen, Minister for
Trade and Development, Cooperation,
Government of Denmark
Mr. Craig F. Binetti, President –
Nutrition & Health, DuPont
More to follow
Open for all press
Mr. Sanjeev Gupta, Deputy Director of
Fiscal Affairs, IMF
Mr. Peter Damgaard Jensen, CEO &
Chairman, PKA A/S
Mr. Adnan Amin, Director General,
Dr. Justin Zachary, Executive VP and
Head of Power Technology for Samsung
Open for all press
Global Green Growth Forum
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Tuesday 21 October
From 07.00 -
Registration for press
Signing-in/pick up of press badges at the 3GF premises. Bring valid press card or media
ID/documentation + the confirmation mail received when applying for accreditation
07.30 – 08.00
08.00 - 09.15
Partnership sessions: Ideas Lab
Not open for press
09.15 – 09.45
09.45 – 11.00
Plenary: Facing the Consumer/Citizen – Transforming our Consumption Patterns
The transition to societies that support more sustainable lifestyles - living well within
one planet - will be the challenge and opportunity of the next decade and dependent of
political choices, industry choices, consumer choices, and investment choices. Demand
from the new emerging middle class is expected to grow from US$ 21 trillion today to
US$ 56 trillion in 2030. The power of brands and governments to influence consumer
trends and societal norms has remained largely unleashed when it comes to moving
sustainable consumption and lifestyles from the niche to the mainstream. Many new
solutions are needed to help consumers to achieve sustainable levels of material use in
their current lifestyle patterns - in policy, business models, infrastructure, products,
services, and investment. This session will explore visions of future societies that
support more sustainable lifestyles and consumption; will share promising and
successful examples of sustainable consumption that could be scaled up and leveraged;
and will seek to highlight the framework conditions that business, governments and
civil society organisations will need to enable in partnership.
Mr. Peter Bakker, President, World Business Council for Sustainable
Development (WBCSD)
H.E. Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Prime Minister, Denmark
H.E. Dr. John Dramani Mahama, President, Republic of Ghana
Mr. Harry Hendriks, Executive Chairman Global Government & Public Affairs,
Global Green Growth Forum
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Ms. Yolanda Kakabadse, President, WWF International
Mr. Ibrahim Thiaw, Deputy Executive Director, United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP)
Ms. Sanda Ojiambo, Head of Corporate Responsibility, Safaricom Limited
Open for all press
11.00 – 11.45
Copenhagen Competition
Award Ceremony
Open for all press
11.45 – 13.15
Partnership sessions: Launch or Leverage
Not open for press
13.15 – 13.30
13.30 – 14.30
Learning sessions
These parallel sessions will highlight the green growth strategies of leading countries
and cities. They will be explained and explored through the eyes of their respective
political leadership, financial institutions, experts and leading business voices.
Africa - Removing Entry Barriers
H.E. Amina Mohamed, Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International
Trade, Kenya
H.E. Mogens Jensen, Minister for Trade and Development Cooperation, Denmark
Dr. Ibrahim Togola, President, Nyetaa G.
Mr. Jais Valeur, Executive Vice President, Arla Foods
In conversation
These parallel sessions will provide a unique opportunity to engage directly in dialogue
with a high-level business or political leader. Speakers will “step off stage” in pairs, and
being probed by a moderator, on their role, experience and strategies for advancing
green growth through public-private collaboration.
Transformative Action: The Politics of Green Economy
Global Green Growth Forum
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Dr. Andrew Steer, President & CEO, World Resources Institute
 H.E. Felipe Calderón, Chair of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate
 H.E. Kirsten Brosbøl, Minister for the Environment, Denmark
Transformative Action: Attracting Finance for Cities
Mr. Giles Dickson, VP Environmental Policies and Global Advocacy, Alstom
Bindu N. Lohani, Vice President, Asian Development Bank
Dr. Juan Carlos Belausteguigoitia Rius, Executive Director, Centro Mario Molina
Karsten Sach, Deputy Director-General, International Cooperation, BMU,
Open for written press
Held under Chatham House Rules
14.30 – 15.00
Global Green Growth Forum
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15.00 – 16.30
Plenary: Transforming our Economic Growth Paths
The New Climate Economy report is now out and illustrates that countries at all income
levels have significant opportunities to improve economic and climate performance.
The report sends a strong, clear signal that the world economy poised to follow a lowcarbon direction that would reduce uncertainty for investor, businesses, farmers and
consumers and so reduce the transitional costs of change. Taking a long-term approach
can reduce investor risks without harming performance.
Finance is moving, although still hesitantly, often led by the world’s policy-guided
banks. Institutional investors, stewards of some of the trillions of private dollars, yuan
and euro are readying for the shift that lies ahead, as evidenced by the Global Investor
Statement. Still, our ambition has to rise beyond pricing carbon and the smart use of
public finance to overcome the bottlenecks currently embedded in financial markets. A
blend of national self-interest and collaborative action is required, only this time
involving actors from across the financial system, economy and investment value chain.
This session will explore collaborative solutions to current bottlenecks and new
evidence of progress on the transition to green growth with global financial system
actors with a focus on the role that each actor has to play in enabling the changes
needed to ensure a more efficient and effective allocation of capital towards green
growth solutions.
Mr. Yvo de Boer, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
H.E. Felipe Calderón, Chair of the Global Commission on the Economy and
Sir Suma Chakrabarti, President, European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (EBRD)
Mr. Bindu N. Lohani, Vice-President, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Mr. Torben Möger Pedersen, CEO, PensionDanmark
Dr. Naoko Ishii, CEO and Chairperson of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Mr. Daniel Wiener, President of the Board, Global Infrastructure Basel
Dr. Atiur Rahman, Governor, Central Bank of Bangladesh
Open for all press
Closing remarks – Minister for Foreign Affairs, Denmark
Open for all press