T WENTY - F IFTH S UNDAY IN O RDINARY T IME S EPTEMBER 23, 2012 WHAT WE GET Jesus teaches us how to act if we want to be leaders: to be humble and serve others, and if we want to be the best, we must serve all. He holds up as an example for us a little child. What is more helpless and vulnerable than a child? Who is more invisible in conflicts, and more harmed by violence? Yet this is the little poor one whom Jesus teaches us to imitate in trust, vulnerability, and love. This is difficult in the face of our fears, passions, anger, and envy, but as the psalm reminds us, God is always ready to help us, to console us in our fear and sorrow, and to defend us from evil. James is quite explicit in addressing the fact of war itself. He minces no words in telling us that war comes from our own sins and the evil to which we succumb when we do not stop to think or ask God for help. We allow ourselves to be enraged, envious, angry, and fearful, instead of asking God for the right things: the calmness and the peace of Christ, love for our neighbors at home and in the world, and a true understanding of how we are being called Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. to live out the gospel.. Parish News. . . W ILL YOU HELP US G ROW O UR M USIC M INISTRY? WEEK-AT-A-GLANCE Monday, September 24 8a COMMUNION SERVICE—CHAPEL REP Classes Tuesday, September 25 8a COMMUNION SERVICE—CHAPEL 9a Women’s Bible Study 7p Parish Pastoral Council 7p SPRED A Adult Meeting 9p Father/Son Basketball Wednesday, September 26 8a Mass—CHURCH 7p Music Practice 7p Reconciliation Parent Meeting Thursday, September 27 8a Mass—Chapel 8:30a Breaking Open the Word 7p Reconciliation Parent Meeting 7:30p Baptism Prep Session DEADLINE: Articles due for October 7th Bulletin Friday, September 28 8a Mass—Chapel Saturday, September 29 9:30a SPRED A&C Sessions Octoberfest Tickets in Narthex Sunday, September 30 REP Classes / RCIA 9a Rejoice in God 4p TGIF Choir Practice 6p TGIF Mass 7p TGIF LifeNight We want to energize our music program, but we need more involvement to make this happen. Can you play an instrument? Can you sing? We will work to accommodate your skills and schedules. See Mark after mass in the music area or take a green sheet (found at the book racks) and return it to church. FOOD DRIVE SEPTEMBER 8 SEPTEMBER 29 September is National Hunger Action Month. Once again St. Gilbert will again be partnering with Catholic Charities to collect cash donations and food to support Catholic Charities Emergency Food Pantry in Lake County. We will of course stock our own St. Vincent de Paul food pantry. As the economy continues to struggle, and the drought drives up food prices, the reliance on food pantries continues to soar. Last year through your incredible generosity we were able to collect $8080 and 1700 pounds of food. This is an equivalent to 35,500 meals (46,150 pounds of food). A cash donation is preferred as Catholic Charities can purchase 5.5 pounds of food (4 meals) for $1.00 through Northern Illinois Food Bank allowing them to purchase food items in greatest demand. Cash is also easier to store. Make checks out to Catholic Charities. If you prefer to donate food items, canned meats and fish, canned vegetables and fruit, rice, pasta and sauces, dry cereals and beans and peanut butter are suggested. We look forward to your continued generosity to feed the hungry in our community. THANK YOU! MINISTRY OF CARE TRAINING Presenters: Sr. Jane Schlosser, RSM and Greta Rusk Full participation in both training sessions www.stgilbert.org 2 will fulfill Archdiocesan requirements for mandation. When: (Saturdays) October 6 AND 13, 2012 Sign-in: 8:45-9a — Session: 9a -2:30p Where: St. Gilbert Catholic Church, 301 E. Belvidere Rd, Grayslake, IL 60030, 847-223-4731 (Sessions will take place in the multi-purpose room of the school — park behind school) Food: Please bring your own brownbag lunch. Coffee & soft drinks provided. Reservations: Please call Lois Brondy at 847-986-4330 or email: [email protected]. MURDER! MAYHEM! POLITICAL INTRIGUE! MUDSLINGING RHETORIC! No, we’re not talking about current events, we are talking about the Book of Kings! Women of the parish are invited to join the Tuesday morning Bible Study to read and study the Book of Kings. We meet Tuesday mornings at 9:00a in the Chapel Meeting Room (the bride’s room or upper room.) Study materials are optional and cost around $12; sorry, but babysitting is not available. Call Marge Mattingly at 847-2238369 for more info. BREAKING OPEN THE WORD This group meets the second and fourth Thursday of the month after the 8:00 am morning Mass. Our time together is spent in reading the scripture, sharing and prayer. The group will meet on October 11 and 25. On October 11 the group will visit the shrine at Holy Hill, Wisconsin. All are welcome to participate! PARISH COUNCIL MEETING REMINDER th Tuesday, September 25 , 7p Multi-Purpose Room. If you will not be returning as a representative, please make sure your replacement attends the meeting and has all the information necessary to participate. LIFE CHAIN Join your local LIFE CHAIN on Sunday, October 7th from 2-3:30p on the sidewalk in front of St. Gilbert. (See Page 7 for more information!) ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council God’s Self-Revelation This is the third in a series of short reflections on the purpose and work of the Second Vatican Council, written for our parish bulletins as we look forward to celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the Council’s beginning this coming October 11. After teaching about our worship of God in the liturgy in the Council’s first document, the bishops assembled for Vatican II turned to deepening our understanding of how it is that we can worship God “in spirit and in truth.” What are the sources of our knowledge of the God we worship? Any human knowledge of God is radically incomplete unless God himself reveals who he is to us. God reveals himself in nature and, far more thoroughly, in the history of his calling and shaping a people who come to understand him in his mighty acts and in his interaction with his human creatures. After the sin of our first parents, God promises to redeem us and restore his friendship with us. He calls Abraham to be the father of a chosen people and tells Moses to deliver this people from slavery and show them how to live according to God’s law. Finally, God sends his own Son, the Incarnate Word of God, to be the savior of the human race, making us into God’s own family. Jesus is, in his divine Person, the revelation of his Father, who becomes our Father in baptism. After Jesus ascended to the Father, his apostles began to tell the world who Christ is, and they passed on this mission to those who followed them in the Church. Introducing the world to its savior is the purpose of the Church in every generation. We use human words to speak about God’s eternal Word. The words spoken in the Church in the first two generations of Christianity were sometimes put into writings inspired by the Holy Spirit. These New Testament texts V OLUNTEERS …. complemented and completed the inspired memoirs of the Jewish people, called by us the Old Testament. Sacred Scripture speaks of what God has done in history and what God tells us to believe and do in every age. Since the sacred books are written within and for God’s people, it is the community of faith that interprets them in accord with the Tradition that discerns which books are inspired and which are not, which actions are normative and which are not. The works of God and the words of Scripture are mirrors that reflect the truth about God. Together, the inspired books of Scripture and the Apostolic Tradition of the Church tell us who is the God we worship and who we are as his beloved daughters and sons. Our faith is sure because the “word of God stands forever” (I Peter 1:23-25). In the Archdiocese of Chicago, many Bible study groups have gathered in our parishes since the Council. Our Archdiocesan sponsored Chicago Catholic Scripture School offers Scripture courses in English, Spanish and Polish to help Catholics deepen their understanding and appreciation for Holy Scripture. Our catechesis is biblically grounded, and the liturgy celebrated in the 23 vernacular languages used to worship God each Sunday in the Archdiocese immerses the community of faith in the Bible in a three year cycle of readings from the Old Testament and the New. The Second Vatican Council’s document on divine revelation (Dei Verbum) leads us into the Council’s reflection on the Church, the community of faith that interprets Scripture from generation to generation until Christ returns in glory. The document on the Church (Lumen gentium) will therefore be the subject of the fourth of these short articles. Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. Archbishop of Chicago 3 Adults working with children Important Notice! If you are planning to volunteer in any of the following programs, you must have completed a VIRTUS Training Session, a Criminal Background Check, a Code of Conduct form and CANTS form through the Archdiocese of Chicago before you may volunteer: Altar Server Coordinators Little Angels Child Care Ministry Liturgy of the Word with Children Mission Trip Religious Education - REP SPRED St. Gilbert School Teen Confirmation TGIF - Teen Ministry Vacation Bible School Why are these required? The Archdiocese of Chicago’s Office for the Protection of Children and Youth is committed to protecting all of God’s children and providing a safe environment where children and young people can learn, thrive, and grow. All employees and all volunteers who work with children and young people must fulfill the compliance requirements. Upcoming VIRTUS training sessions will be held at St. Gilbert’s in the MultiPurpose room on the following dates: Thursday, October 11, 2012 from 6:30pm - 9:30pm OR Saturday, October 20, 2012 from 8:30am - 11:30am The VIRTUS program requires preregistration at www.virtusonline.org The Criminal Background Check (Access Code: Protection), Code of Conduct and CANTs can be done through the Archdiocese of Chicago website at: www.archchicago.org/departments/ safe_environment/compliance.shtm If you have questions regarding the compliance guidelines, please contact: St. Gilbert Parish, Sherry Judge or Mary Johnson, 847-223-4731; St. Gilbert School, Pat Murphy, 847-223-8600 www.stgilbert.org Religious Education News. . . Registration forms for 2012-2013 are available at the entrances to the Church, stgilbert.org website and the Religious Education Office. SESSION A: Sunday mornings 8:55 - 10:10am Pre-school (ages 3 or 4) and Kindergarten - Grade 6 SESSION B: Monday evenings 6:00 - 7:15pm Grades 1-6 SESSION C: Summer Session SESSION D: Grades 7 - 9 The fall syllabus was mailed to those who are registered. Sign up took place on August 25 and 26. If you were unable to attend call the Religious Education Office to make arrangements for the courses. Classes begin the week of September 16. The students of Saint Gilbert School are joining the parish by Taking Action to Fight Hunger during Hunger Awareness Month. During the month of September the students have been asked to bring in “Change for a Change”. A goal of $1000 has been set and after only one week we have collected over $450. A suggestion to the students is that they not just ask their parents for the money but offer to do odd jobs to raise the money. Catholic Charities tells us that $1 can buy 5.5 pounds of food, that means we have collected enough change to buy 2475 pounds of food already. Great start Students! Keep a watch here to see what a “Change” the students can make in the fight against hunger. SGS NEWS… OFFICE HOURS: Monday—Friday, 9:00am - 3:00pm 847-223-3071 C LASSES ARE IN S ESSION SGS STUDENTS TAKE ACTION BRING YOUR SUNSHINE & BE A GREETER RETREAT – CARMEL HIGH SCHOOL Many thanks to our fabulous greeters! We need more of you!!! We have holiday masses coming up and need more happy smiles to greet our great people! Please contact Geri at [email protected]. Just think about how wonderful it is to be greeted with a song book and a friendly smile!! Several 8th grade students will attend a Retreat given by Carmel High School Faculty and Students on Sunday, September 30 from noon to 5:00 pm. THREE AND FOUR YEAR OLDS The Religious Education Program still has openings for children who are three or four years old in the Sunday program. Call the office for additional information. PARENT MEETING There is a meeting for parents on the Sacrament of Reconciliation scheduled for September 26 and 27 beginning at 7:00 pm in the Multi-purpose Room. Information was sent out through School and Religious Education Program. SPRED The SPRED Program is a Religious Education Program from the Archdiocese for children and adults with special needs. St. Gilbert has two groups for children ages 6 - 10 and one group of students ages 11 - 16. If you know of a child with special needs that is looking for Religious Education Classes, SPRED IS THE ANSWER! FANNIE MAY FUNDRAISER COMING SOON… Pictured are Catechists from Lake County that attended the LCCA Resource Day. The speaker shared ways of sharing scripture with the students. www.stgilbert.org RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS The SPRED community is looking for volunteers to be adult helpers in this program. There is a need for a Leader Catechist and parish chairperson for Group C that meets every other Saturday from 12:00 noon until 2 pm. Call the Religious Education Office for more information (847-223-3071). 4 T WENTY -F IFTH S UNDAY IN O RDINARY T IME Teen Mass Next Weekend - Sunday September 30 - All are welcome If you have not had a chance to join us for Teen Mass, next week may be the perfect time! The mass is teen centered, with the teens taking on the responsibilities of lectors, greeters, musicians, choir members and Eucharistic ministers. The music is more contemporary and we have instrumentalists to accompany our choir. The whole family is welcome to come and join in. Teen masses are on the first, third and sometimes fifth Sunday of the month. Next Teen mass is Sunday September 30 at 6pm. Please join us. 2012 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL “Be Imitators of Christ!” All high school teens are invited to participate in the Life Night immediately following in the Parish Center and/or Teen Center. This week's theme - All you can eat! Bring your friends - all high school teens welcome. Thank You to all who have responded to Cardinal George’s request to participate in the 2012 Annual Catholic Appeal. This year, the theme of the Appeal is: “Be Imitators of Christ!”. We are all challenged to try to live our lives using the life of Christ as an example. Christ gave us the path to eternal life. His love for each of us cannot be taken lightly. Music Ministry is Seeking Teens - It's not too late! We are always looking for talented teens to join this group. If you are a teen and sing or play any instrument, we would love for you to share your talents. Practices are on each of the Sundays of a teen mass from 4-6pm, with mass at 6pm. If you are interested, please contact Steve Hobbs at [email protected] or 847-548-1218 hm, 312-213-1211cell or Paul Spheeris at 847-612-1460 (text/call ) or [email protected] Your financial support for the work of our parish, of our Archdiocese and of the Church throughout the world is, in fact, one way to express using our gifts received for the building-up of the mission of Christ. To the families who have completed their pledge commitment, Thank You! To those paying monthly, continue your fine work! To those who have not yet pledged, envelopes are available from the Ushers, at the entrances of church or at the rectory. Visit our website at http://www.stgilbert.org/ faith_formation/teen.html for the most up-to-date schedule or “like” us on Facebook - our link is available via the TGIF page on our website. Our parish pledge report as of 8/19/2012: PARISH GOAL: $ 61,365.42 AMOUNT PLEDGED: $138,277.82 AMOUNT PAID: $122,197.82 REMAINING BALANCE: $ 16,080.00 On September 27, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Vincent de Paul. St. Vincent always said that “Love is inventive to the point of infinity.” The members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul are on the front line in laboring for the poor, they are among the first to know their real needs. This month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to be “inventive” in helping the poor, by assisting families with provision of food, utility and rent bills, etc. THANK YOU! All monies paid over and above our goal are returned to St. Gilbert for use in our parish. September 23, 2012 5 www.stgilbert.org RON ROLHEISER’S COLUMN - The Three Levels of Christian Discipleship cross that threshold. Moreover, the crossover is never pure and complete, the struggle for self-identity and private fulfillment never completely goes away; but, at a certain point, we begin to live more for others than for ourselves. Generative discipleship begins then and, for most of us, this will constitute the longest period of our lives. During all those years, our task in life is clear: How do I give my life away more purely, more generously, more generatively? Nikos Kazantzakis once suggested that there are three kinds of souls and three kinds of prayers: · I am a bow in your hands, Lord, draw me, lest I rot. · Do not overdraw me, Lord, I shall break. · Overdraw me, Lord, and who cares if I break! When I look at life, I also see three great struggles, not unlike those so poetically named by Kazantzakis. And each of these has a corresponding level of Christian discipleship. What are those great struggles and those levels of discipleship? There are three major phases in our human and spiritual journey: But being the responsible adults who run the homes, schools, churches, and businesses of the world is not the final stage our lives. We still must die; the most daunting task of all. And so our default line must shift yet one more time: There comes a point in our lives, when our real question is no longer: 'What can I still do so that my life makes a contribution?' Rather the question becomes: 'How can I now live so that my death will be an optimal blessing for my family, my church, and the world?' · Essential discipleship - The struggle to get our lives together. · Generative discipleship - The struggle to give our lives away · Radical discipleship - The struggle to give our deaths away Radical discipleship and the struggle to give our deaths away is the final stage of life: As Christians, we believe that Jesus lived for us and that he died for us, that he gave us both his life and his death. But we often fail to distinguish that there are two clear and separate movements here: Jesus gave his life for us in one movement, and he gave his death for us in another. He gave his life for us through his activity, through his generative actions for us; and he gave his death through his passivity, through absorbing in love the helplessness, diminutions, humiliations, and loneliness of dying. Essential discipleship and the struggle to get our lives together is our initial task in life. Beginning with our first breath, we struggle to find an identity and to find fulfillment and peace there. We are born in a hospital and soon taken home to where we have parents, a family, and a place that's ours. This period of our lives, childhood, is intended by God and nature to be a secure time. As a child, our major struggles have not yet begun. But that will change dramatically at puberty. Simply put, puberty is designed by God and nature to drive us out of our homes in search of a home that we ourselves build. And it generally does its job well! It hits us with a tumult and violence that overthrows our childhood and sends us out, restless, sexually-driven, full of grandiose dreams, but confused and insecure, in search of a new home, one that we build for ourselves. This struggle, from being restlessly driven out of our first home to finding a place to call home again, is the journey of Essential discipleship. Like Jesus, we too are meant to give our lives away in generosity and selflessness, but we are also meant to leave this planet in such a way that our diminishment and death is our final, and perhaps greatest, gift to the world. Needless to say that's not easy. Walking in discipleship behind the master will require that we too will eventually sweat blood and feel "a stone's throw" from everybody. This struggle, to give our deaths away, as we once gave our lives away, constitutes Radical discipleship. Normally we do find our way home again. At a certain point, we land. We find ourselves "at home" again, namely, with a place to live that's our own, a job, a career, a vocation, a spouse, children, a mortgage, a series of responsibilities, and a certain status and identity. At that point, the fundamental struggle in our life changes, though it may take years for us to consciously realize and accept this. Our question then is no longer: "How do I get my life together?" Rather it becomes: 'How do I give my life away more deeply, more generously, and more meaningfully?" At that stage, we enter the second phase of discipleship. When we look at the demands of discipleship, we see that one size does not fit all! ST. GILBERT PARISH BULLETIN DEADLINE Articles for consideration in the Parish Bulletin must be submitted by 8:30 AM on Thursday, 10 days prior to publication. Send electronic files to our office email at: [email protected] ALL MINISTRY ACTIVITIES TAKE PRIORITY. NOW DUE: September 27th for October 7th Bulletin Generative discipleship and the struggle to give our lives away is a stage most people reach sometime during their twenties or thirties, though some take longer to Thank You! Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser, theologian, teacher, and award-winning author, is President of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. He can be contacted through his website www.ronrolheiser.com. www.stgilbert.org 6 Social & Community... Free Help with Your Job Search... WOMEN’S CLUB NEWS St. Gilbert Women's Club Presents: Meeting & Bowling!! Tuesday, October 2nd, 7p, Brunswick Lanes, Waukegan Come enjoy a fun night out bowling with the St. Gilbert Women's Club! All women of the parish are invited and welcome! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS AUGUST BLOOD DRIVE SUNDAY, October 7th, 8a to 2p, Chapel Hall YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY We hope that all young adults at St. Gilbert Church will join us for our monthly program. Whether it is your first time spending time with our group, or you have been to many events we would like to extend an invitation for you to join us every first Saturday of the month. We attend 5PM mass then enjoy good food and conversations followed by games and relaxation. We are also planning several activities throughout the coming year as well as collaborations with St. Paul The Apostle’s Catholic Young Adults group. For a recap of 2012 Theology on Tap, a calendar of events or for more information, please consult our webpage on the parish website under Parish Life, email us at [email protected] or find us on Facebook at St. Gilbert’s Youngadults. JOIN YOUR LOCAL LIFE CHAIN Sunday, October 7th, 2-3:30p, Sidewalk in front of St. Gilbert This is an annual event which takes place across the nation each Respect Life Sunday. This is a very peaceful, prayerful and lawful way to be a pro-life witness. For those of you unfamiliar with life chain, it is a time of silent prayer for life while displaying Pro-Life signs. The reverse side of the sign is printed with prayers and meditations to aid the participant in silent prayer. This is an event for all ages and families are encouraged to attend together. This event is open to everyone-invite your friends from other churches. Water bottles, chairs, umbrellas or anything similar are welcome. This is an important event and we would love to have as many of you as possible for whatever amount of time you can give. Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord? OKTOBERFEST—MARK THE DATE Saturday, October 13th, 6:00 – 11:30p St. Gilbert Parish Center Sponsored by St. Gilbert Parish and the Knights of Columbus. Admission $10.00 each (Adult), $5.00 each (child <12) Includes ALL YOU CAN EAT BRATWURST, a Side Dish, and a 12oz. Beverage. Proceeds benefit St. Gilbert Parish, School and our community. For more information, call Kevin Hunter @ 847-508-7424, Dave Rennolds @847-548-2707, or Ron Prenta @847-265-1981. 7 September 24, 2012 – “The Stellar Elevator Pitch” – 7:00pm to 9:15pm – St Hubert Ministry Center, 729 Grand Canyon, Hoffman Estates. IL. Lots of questions come to us about the elevator speech (or Pitch) it is that short dynamic sales presentation we need to master that tells people who we are and what we are all about in our job search. Lauren Milligan will join us and provide us the technique to develop and master this essential job search tool. September 29, 2012 – “The Purpose Driven Job Search” – 9:00am to 12 Noon – St. Francis de Sales Church, Lake 135 S. Buesching, Lake Zurich, IL. – Determining your purpose and direction will help you to find the right targets of opportunity in your job search. Join us when Bob Podgorski provides us with how to match your purpose to your search for a new job opportunity. The hour and a half presentation will be followed by informal networking. Visit: http://www.sainthubert.org/ministries/job.html Questions regarding the St. Hubert Job Ministry events, call: Bob Podgorski 847-925-6005. Come to the Third Annual Matt’s Mile and 5k Benefiting the 12 Oaks Foundation Friday October 5, 2012 Starting at 5p 5k Run and Walk, 1 Mile Run and 1 Mile Kids Run The Beautiful Trails of Prairie Crossing, Grayslake IL Dinner, DJ, Raffle, and Awards to follow Come to Run or Come just for the fun! To register for the run or for tickets for the fun please go to www.12oaksfoundation.org The 12 Oaks Foundation was started in memory of Matt Hupp, a Grayslake resident, who lost his fight with cancer at age 13. He fought his battle with the steely determination of a true competitor and inspired us all. As a tribute to Matt and in gratitude to the community that helped the family through it all, 12 Oaks Foundation was born. 12 Oaks provides grants to families in need so that their kids won’t miss the chance to follow their dreams through the sports and extracurricular activities they love. For Volunteer and Donation opportunities please email [email protected] or visit www.12oaksfoundation.org or visit www.12oaksfoundation.org www.stgilbert.org WORSHIP M A S S I N T E N T I O N S NEXT WEEK’S SCHEDULE: Monday, September 24th, Weekday 8:00—COMMUNION SERVICE Saturday, September 29 5:00—Fr. Anselm Ibe Lector 1—Mike Starzec Lector 2—Martin Rohleder Tuesday, September 25th, Weekday 8:00—COMMUNION SERVICE Wednesday, September 26th, Weekday; Sts. Cosmas & Damian, martyrs 8:00— Friday, September 28th, Weekday; St. Wenceslaus, martyr; St. Lawrence Ruiz & Companions, martyrs 8:00—Michael Mack (Family) —Tom Vaid (Family) Saturday, September 29th, Sts Michael, Gabriel & Raphael, archangels 5:00—Mary Vignieri (Cloe Family) —50th Anniversary Carol & Niel Cloe —Antoinette D’Agostino (Son) Sunday, September 30th, Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30—Helen Wilde (Rosemary & Tom Hasseneaur) —Jeff Schlitz (Family) —Mary Krumrey (Eddie) 9:00—Leonard White (Mr. & Mrs. John Tomasello) 10:45—Gordon Sims (Annette Wynn) 12:15—Parishioners of St. Gilbert 6:00—For the Teens Mary Hoffman April Robbins Joey McHugh Annie Miles Liam Luzano Jack McKernan Anna DiProva TJ Gurdiel Tim Halaburt as assigned as assigned as assigned (Lectors, EOMs of Communion, Mass Coordinators, Servers) Check your email for the next quarter (October— December, 2012) ministry schedule. THANK YOU! Jan Baczek, Amy Barkhurst, Debbe Billeck, Walter Burns, Paula Castillo, Dominic Damato, Donna Daniel, Michael DeSimone, Heimz Erken, Marty Fiore, Cardinal Francis George, Kyle Gilkinson, Ruth Hall, Tom & Jim Lindh, Eileen McCaul, James McGreal, Barbara Morbidoni, Paul Philip, Daniel Rosemeyer, Fr. Paul Rosemeyer, Robert Rosemeyer, Joe & Julia Schlicht, Zachary Smith, Carmen & Debbie Soldato Sunday: Nm 11:25-19; Ps 19; Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 Monday: Prv 3:27-34; Lk 8:16-18 Tuesday: Prv 21:1-6, 10-13; Lk 8:19-21 Wednesday: Prv 30:5-9; Lk 9:1-6 Thursday: Eccl 1:2-11; Lk 9:7-9 Friday: Eccl 3:1-11; Lk 9:18-22 Saturday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; Jn 1:47-51 Sunday: Nm 11:25-19; Ps 19; Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 Attention Family Members: After 3 weeks, please notify the Rectory if your loved one is still in need of our prayers. ETERNAL REST GRANT TO: Ministers of Care are available to bring communion to the homebound, call the rectory to make arrangements. S Thank You!!! T E W A R D S H “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” (MARK 9:35) Regular Collection—$12,597.50 Vision Collection—$ 2,927.00 Gift Card Sales—$ 2,720.00 www.stgilbert.org Servers: Annie Wiacek Meredith Clancy Paul DeCicco A TTENTION L ITURGICAL M INISTERS READINGS FOR THE WEEK September 15-16 Gemma Johnson Lauren Laughlin Shannon Herrick Sunday, September 30 7:30—Fr. August Belauskas Lector 1—Melissa Henderson Lector 2—Anne Czyzewski 9:00—Fr. August Belauskas (ADULT CHOIR AT MASS) Lector 1—Kay Karrigan Lector 2—Brian Laughlin 10:45—Fr. Jim Merold Lector 1—Helen Parkinson Lector 2—GraceAnn Gifford 12:15—Fr. Jim Merold Lector 1—Betsy Sagala Lector 2—Libby Pasztor 6:00—Fr. Phi Nguyen Lector 1—as assigned Lector 2—as assigned Thursday, September 27th, St. Vincent de Paul, priest 8:00—Tom & Helen Wilde (Bob & Mildred Kohler) Weekly Collections Servers: 8 I P St. Gilbert Catholic Church Mission Statement The Catholic family of St. Gilbert Is a faith-filled community Living out our Baptismal call. Empowered by the Gospel message, We celebrate the sacraments, Share in fellowship, And reach out to serve all. ST. GILBERT CHURCH 301 E. Belvidere Road Grayslake IL 60030 www.stgilbert.org Rectory: 847.223.4731 Fax: 847.223.5840 ST. GILBERT SCHOOL 231 E. Belvidere Road Grayslake, IL 60030 www.stgilbertschool.org Phone: 847.223.2108 Or: 847.223.8600 ST. GILBERT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM 231 E. Belvidere Road, Grayslake, Illinois 60030 Located in Jr. High Building (east of the Church) www.stgilbert.org/faith_formation/rep.html Phone: 847-223-3071 PASTORAL STAFF: MASS SCHEDULE: Session. Call the Rectory to register. Rev. Eugene Nowak - Pastor Rev. Phi Nguyen - Associate Pastor Rev. August Belauskas - Weekend Associate Rev. Mr. Richard Globis - Deacon Mr. James Murray - Liturgy Director Sr. Donna Schmitt, OSF - Director, Religious Education Mrs. Alison O’Connor - Principal Mr. Mark Konchan - Music Director (Phone: 847-223-0448) Mrs. Mary Johnson - Business Manager Monday thru Friday — 8:00am Saturday Vigil—5:00pm Sunday—7:30am, 9:00am** (Signed MARRIAGES: A minimum of 4 to 6 for hearing impaired. **not on 4th Sunday), 10:45am, & 12:15pm (Nursery Services during 9:00 & 10:45am Masses) months is necessary for preparation. Schedule an appointment with a priest as soon as possible before making other marriage plans. INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC: Holydays—6:30am, 8:00am, 12:00noon, & 7:00pm For Adults—call Fr. Gene at the Rectory. For Children—call Sr. Donna at the REP Office. RECONCILIATION: Parish Membership: Join the parish Saturday—4:00pm to 4:45pm BAPTISMS: At weekend Mass according to schedule or 1:30pm on select Sundays. Arrangements made at one-hour Baptismal Preparation the third weekend of the month after all the Masses. Please notify us of a change of address. Hearing Loop installed Switch Hearing Aid to T-Coil MORE WITHIN REACH® Have Questions? ~ I have Answers! Baird & Warner Real Estate I can help you put your personal dreams and goals more within reach. 216 Peterson Road Libertyville, IL 60048 Call me today at 847-244-8400 Jack M. Dunk, CFP® Private Wealth Advisor Jack M. Dunk & Associates Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Brenda Bersani 847.367.6023 Serving your best interest since 1990 5101 Washington Street Suite 2B Gurnee, IL 60031 Parishioner Saddlebrook Farms 23000 West Peterson Road Grayslake 847-223-6000 (847) 244-8400 A Private Community for Adults 55 and Over. Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC NEW IMAGE BEAUTY SALON Advertising here helps your parish www.jspaluch.com & your business. Discounts For Senior Citizens 101 W. Belvidere Rd. (State Route 120) Hainesville (847) 543-7951 Call Bev McClain 847.338.8185 1120 E. Washington St. Grayslake (847) 223-2000 Charlotte F. Nielsen, O.D. 009204 St Gilbert Church (B) www.jspaluch.com GRAYSLAKE FEED SALES FARM • LAWN & GARDEN STORES Grain-Seed-Fertilizer Dog, Cat and Specialty Feed Center St. 223-4855 POWER EQUIP. DIV. Mowers-Tractors-Tillers Rt. 120 & Stusser 223-6333 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 JERRY ZYGMUNT - QHI Quality Home Improvements 847-912-1545 Handyman Services to Complete Remodeling Additions • Basements Kitchens • Baths & More Lori Schaibly - Parishioner Customer Account Specialist Attorney at Law Real Estate Closings • Lease Transactions Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning Business Formation Michael S. Roessler, D.D.S. A Franciscan Community Cosmetic & General Dentistry Prairie Homes Independent Apartments Assisted Living Skilled Nursing & Rehab (847) 566-9330 444 N. Prospect Ave., Mundelein Cloud Backup 847-881-6372 Stacey L. Stickle Financial Advisor 121 N. Main Street Wauconda, IL Parishioner Budget Blinds 847-526-4945 Independently Owned & Operated [email protected] 30% OFF Parishioner & Cantor Member SIPC FREE In-Home Consultation Great Selection of Brands & Styles Expert Fit Measuring & Installations To Encourage Your Child’s Learning Brittany Nieman 823 Center St., Grayslake 736 N. Fairfield Rd., Round Lake bestpcmds.com Free Anti-virus www.MichaelRoesslerdds.com [email protected] 362-0850 Virus Removal ◆ Data & Crash Recovery ◆ Upgrade MENTION AD FOR 20% DISCOUNT IN DENTAL SERVICES Piggly Wiggly Plaza Shops of Round Lake Libertyville COMPUTER SERVICES Parishioner 847-849-9059 “Above All a Good Roof” www.maloneylawllc.com Parishioner 223-4511 Elementary Tutoring BRYAN CLOE D.D.S. 1216 American Way, Ste. 101 Libertyville 680-1030 847.247.2700 Dr. Terrence R. Miller Lindenhurst www.victorylakes.org/np GARY POTEMPA D.D.S. 1880 W. Winchester Rd., Suite 205 Libertyville MC 847-356-4666 2 S. Whitney, Grayslake 223-1500 GENTLE FAMILY DENTISTRY ROOFING David S. Maloney A-1 SECURITY COMPANY, INC. Luxurious wool blankets made from New Zealand merino sheep wool. Learn more about wool as a natural and healthy choice for your family at www.merinoblankets.com 242 Center St. — Grayslake LAW FIRM 355 S. Rte. 83, Grayslake 847-223-2740 Merino Wool Blankets Miller Chiropractic COMPLIMENTS OF Churchhill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, Ltd. (847) 548-4084 (847) 740-5988 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Patrick Patterson 847.223.7160 www.BudgetBlinds.com For further information, please call the Parish Office. 888 E. Belvidere Rd. #121 Grayslake, IL 60030 HEATING & COOLING northernairsys.com Top Buyer of Cars & Trucks Any Condition SAVE With Used Auto Parts $20 OFF Any Regular Service Call The Symonds Lakes Funeral Home & CREMATORY “The Family Funeral Home” Roofing • Siding • Gutters 815-338-2800 Anton DiMaggio Open 7 Days to Serve You! Phone & Fax: 847-249-1643 Matthew & Laura Symonds Parishioners 111 West Belvidere Road Our mission is the quality delivery of care services to the senior population Grayslake, IL 60030 847-543-1080 Home Care & Geriatric Care Management 85 S. Greenbay Rd. Waukegan, IL 60085 847-244-7000 490 E. Belvidere Rd. Grayslake, IL 60030 847-548-7007 3311 16th Street Zion, IL 60099 847-872-7000 970 Pyott Rd. Crystal Lake, IL 60014 815-788-7100 Division of Jehovah Jireh, Inc. 50% OFF 847-548-1330 Parishioner Owned www.partnersinseniorcare.com Complete Electrical Contracting Guaranteed Work Licensed & Insured FREE ESTIMATES (847) 223-5740 All Hair Services with Select Stylists Mention This Ad Open 7 Days & Crematorium, Ltd. Family Owned & Operated!! 410 E. Belvidere Road, Grayslake Weather Knight Exteriors, Inc. Find and Buy Auto Parts Online or Call JANDEE Accountants & Tax Consultants Enrolled Agents CPA SALONS Two Convenient Locations to Serve You 1824 Belvidere Road, Route 45 & 120 Income Taxes Est. 1960 34121 N. Route 45 • Grayslake 847-986-6420 www.karmasalonspa.com Grayslake, IL 847-223-0727 473 S. U.S. Route 45 265 Center St., Grayslake, IL Lindenhurst, IL 847-356-8411 847-223-0777 Parishioners RTE. 120 IN GRAYSLAKE www.strangfuneral.org 847-223-8122 Established 1898 David G. Strang, Richard A. Gaddis, Directors 009204 St Gilbert Church (A) (847) 223-8651 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1926 www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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