Saint Fidelis Parish

Saint Fidelis Parish
125 Buttercup Rd., Butler, PA 16001
Office/Rectory: 724-482-2690
Faith Formation/Hall: 724-482-2362 Fax: 724-482-2315
St. Fidelis Mission Statement:
The mission of St. Fidelis Parish is to
provide a welcoming, Christ-centered
environment, serving all who desire to
follow the teachings of Jesus Christ by
offering the Sacraments and Scriptures.
We are committed to ministering to the
needs of all, using our gifts and talents
to serve the Body of Christ, under the
guidance of the Holy Spirit, in the
tradition of the Roman Catholic Church.
724-482-2690, ext. 223
CHURCH OFFICE: Monday-Thursday –
9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Saturday; Noon to 12:30 p.m. LYNDORA –
1st Sunday of the month; 45 minutes before
BAPTISM: Baptism class is required. Parents are encouraged to attend baptism class
prior to the child’s birth. Please call the office
to schedule the Baptism.
MARRIAGE: Couples contemplating marriage should contact Fr. Murphy, Fr. Palick or
Deacon Toby at least six months prior to the
date of the intended marriage. Pre-marriage
instructions are required.
A two-day notice is necessary for a
funeral luncheon.
MERIDIAN: Call Justine Brown (724-2878332) or email: [email protected]
LYNDORA: Call Rosemary Pawlowicz
(724-283-8451) or Bernice Goeppner
PARISH MEMBERSHIP: Registration forms
are available in the vestibule. Please fill out
and return to the office.
SICK & HOMEBOUND: The sacraments are
available to those who are unable to attend
Mass due to sickness, age or incapacity.
Please call the rectory to make arrangements. If you are scheduling elective surgery
and would like to be anointed prior to surgery, please call the rectory as soon as you
have the date.
Pastor: Father James F. Murphy, D.Min. Parochial Vicar: Rev. George J. Palick, M.S., M. A
Phone: 724-287-5531
Deacon: Deacon Toby Gaines, M. Ed.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Mrs. Celine Mitchell
email: [email protected]
Family Faith Formation Manager Elementary and
Middle School: Amanda Kramer
email: [email protected]
Administrative Assistant and Liturgical Coordinator:
Mrs. Terri Piroch
email: [email protected]
Youth Minister & JAL Director: Mrs. Chris Williams
email: [email protected]
Parish Social Minister: Mrs. Joannie Soldner
email: [email protected]
Music Director: Ms. Catie Brown
email: [email protected]
Business Manager: Ms. Angela Kuss
email: [email protected]
Parish Secretary: Mrs. Ellen Wehr
email: [email protected]
RCIA Director: Mrs. Joan Pilat
email: [email protected]
Director of Evangelization & Planning, Pastoral Minister:
Dr. Ginney K. Duffey, Ph.D
email: [email protected]
Chaplain: Mrs. Ethel Galli
Social Justice Ministries: Mrs. Anna Marie Neutrelle, M.A.
email: [email protected]
Butler Catholic School: Sr. John Ann – Principal
Phone: 724-285-4276
email: [email protected]
Christian Women’s Guild Prayer Chain:
The Christian Women wish to share their love and
concern for others by extending their ministry of the
prayer chain to the entire parish. The names of the
sick and hospitalized will be published in the bulletin
for three weeks unless otherwise requested.
Requests must be given to Kathy Cupps, 724-4822500 or Fran McConnell, 724-789-9433 by noon on
Mondays. Please remember: Christine Abraham,
Doreen Albin, Mary Blasko, Brenda B., Ernie B., Mary
Ann Bachura, Juanita Birckbichler, Christy, Bill Darney,
Marcy Dawson, Jackie DeLess, Emma, Tim Fontaine,
Leonard Grence, Jim H., Mary Ann Hein, Ruth Holben,
Jay, Joe, Adam Kaufman, Rick Kienzle, Bob Konar,
Albert Kovach, Helen Krul, John Lasichak, Dorothy
Lazar, Bob McHenry, Matthew Meeks, Michele, Dan
Mulneix, Nancy, Pearl Osche, Edward Papania, Sam
Pusateri, Joe Radvinski, Daelene Rodgers, Roger,
Shirley Scialabba, Jerry Shaw, Brandon Tarcha,
Rosella Thomas, Tina & family, Harriet Vater, Tracy
Wahieb, Carole Willison, Toby Workman, Edward
Zabicki, those in the military and special intentions in
your prayers.
SATURDAY, February 1, Anticipated,
Presentation of the Lord
4:00pm-LYNDORA  Ann Horan
(Ann Podobensky)
6:30pm-MERIDIAN  Jerry Lang
SUNDAY, February 2, Presentation of the Lord
8:00am-MERIDIAN  Rich Stock
(The Master Family)
9:00am-LYNDORA  Mary Protch—1st. Anniv. Remb.
(Margaret Yurkovich)
10:30am-MERIDIAN  Elaine Hawthorne
(St. Fidelis Choir)
12:00N-MERIDIAN  Living and Deceased
MONDAY, February 3, Weekday
6:55am-MERIDIAN  Wayne N. & Mary Agnes Wright
TUESDAY, February 4, Weekday
8:00am-LYNDORA  Beth Cooper
(Rosemary Pawlowicz)
WEDNESDAY, February 5, St. Agatha, Virgin
6:30pm-MERIDIAN  Stanley Swidzinski
(Chuck & Chris Palace)
 Mary Ellen Cupps
(Matt, Patty & Rachel Konieczny)
THURSDAY, February 6, St. Paul Miki & Companions
8:00am-LYNDORA  Josephine Schnitski—Birth. Remb.
FRIDAY, February 7, Weekday
6:55am-MERIDIAN  Barbara Rosenbaum
(Lambert Rosenbaum Family)
SATURDAY, February 8, Anticipated,
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
John & Pat Tarcha’s
50th Wedding Anniv.
6:30pm-MERIDIAN  Pat Cole
(Carole & John McElhinny)
SUNDAY, February 9, Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00am-MERIDIAN  Thomas & Beulah Schaffner’s
79th Wedding Anniv.
(Fran McConnell)
9:00am-LYNDORA  Ben Hoffman—1st Anniv. Remb.
(Wife, Rita & Family)
10:30am-MERIDIAN  Elaine Hawthorne
(John & Pat Doutt)
12:00N-MERIDIAN  Matt Kline—Birth. Remb.
(Jim & Jeanie)
Fish Frys: We are looking for sponsors for our
upcoming fish fry advertisements in the Butler
Eagle. If you would like to have your business
listed in the Butler Eagle as the sponsor for an ad,
please call Joannie Soldner in the parish office.
Holy Hour for Peace: February 10th beginning
at 7pm at St. Paul Church, 128 N. McKean St.,
Butler. Prayers for Peace, Vocations, Rosary,
Novena Prayers to Our Lady of Perpetual Help,
Divine Mercy Holy Hour: February 18th
beginning at 7pm at St. Paul Church. Prayers for
family healing, Divine Mercy Chaplet,
SATURDAY, February 8, 2014
4:00pm LYNDORA
Susan Oliver
Euch. Min:
D. Snyder, M. Semler, Deacon Toby
Altar Server:
John Morgan
Euch. Min:
A. & J. Policicchio, K. Pappas
Altar Server:
R. & R. Henry, B. Barnes
SUNDAY, February 9, 2013
Michaelene Bryant
Euch. Min:
J. & D. Croll, D. Huselton
Altar Servers:
B. Pellegrino, J. Mulkern
9:00am LYNDORA
Jerry Miller
Euch. Min:
B. Goeppner, G. O’Melia, Deacon Toby
Altar Server:
Nathanael Archer
10:30am MERIDIAN
Patty Schmidt
Euch. Min:
L. Howard, M. Schmidt, J. Graham,
S. Rodack, J. Kaufman
Altar Servers: Fiorinas
Elizabeth Short
Euch. Min:
Deacon Toby, J. & J. Kline
Altar Servers:
R. & E. Crilley, A. Short
Census: This weekend, February 1/2 at
Meridian, and next weekend at Lyndora, we will be
passing out census forms at all the Masses to be
filled out before Mass or at the designated time
during Mass. Please put the forms in the collection
basket preferably that weekend or the next weekend
at the latest. Because there have been so many
changes in telephone numbers due to cell phones
and changes in email addresses, many of our
records are incorrect. It is imperative to have this
information up to date.
Mark your calendars! Tootie Betres will conduct a
three-session class on the Passion Narratives on
February 27, March 13 and March 20 at 6:30pm here
at St. Fidelis. Also, in the Spring, a 6-week class on
the New Testament Gospels will be held. More
details will be published in upcoming bulletins.
A Protecting God’s Children Workshop will be held at
St. Peter Parish in Slippery Rock at the Neumann
Center at Slippery Rock University on February 16 at
1pm. Call Janie McFarland to register
(724-794-2880, extension 5).
Constant Faith: If you remain constant in faith in the
face of trial, the Lord will give you peace and rest for
a time in this world, and forever in the next.
- St. Jerome Emiliani
Diocese of Pittsburgh Abuse Hotline: 888-808-1235.
Offertory Report:
January 25/26: $7,684.50
Altar Society Schedule:
February 2—Jeanne Hinchberger
Jesus Alive & Living Butler District Youth Group
Movie Night! Saturday, February 22nd, 6pm in
the St. Fidelis double classroom. We will be
watching The Hunger Games and discuss the
themes of the movie as they relate to our Catholic
faith. Rating: PG-13.
St. Fidelis Lenten Fish Frys are every Friday
from February 28 to April 11. MANY teen helpers
are needed! Sign up with Chris Williams
([email protected]) to be put on the schedule.
This is great opportunity to accrue service hours.
Middle School Snow Tubing Trip: We are going
to Avalanche Express in Meadville on Sunday,
February 9th. $20 per student to reserve your
seat on the bus. The bus leaves the St. Fidelis lot
(Meridian) at 11am and will return at 4:30pm.
Sign up deadline is Tuesday, February 4th or
when the bus is full—whichever comes first.
Hidden Valley Ski Weekend for High School
Students: March 1st—2nd. 20 student limit, 5
chaperone limit. $85 includes transportation, lift
ticket, snow tubing, dinner on Saturday and
breakfast on Sunday. Students are responsible
for their ski, snowboard, and helmet rentals,
lesson (if needed), and lunch on Saturday. We
will depart from the St. Fidelis lot (Meridian) on
Saturday and return Sunday at 2pm.
Middle School Lock-In: March 8th –9th. Only
50 spots available. $5 per student. Sign up NOW
for an all-nighter of fun, faith and FOOD!
High School Retreat led by Fr. Kevin Fazio:
4pm, Friday, March 28 through 2pm, Sunday, the
30th. We will travel to St. Joseph Youth Center in
Preston County, WV for a weekend of bonding
with each other and igniting our faith. $30 per
student. Limited space available. Chaperones
Thank you to all the teens and adults who
participated in the teen-hosted Mass and Skyzone
All the latest updates and info on:, Facebook: JAL Butler YouthGroup, Instagram: JAL Youth-Group
Faith Formation Sessions (Updated Schedule):
February 2—Morning sessions only
February 9—no 6th or 7th grade—Spirit Day Retreat
February 16—regular schedule
February 23—regular schedule
All 6th & 7th graders are invited to kick off their
Confirmation Preparation Journey by joining us
Sunday, February 9th for SPIRIT DAY. We will begin
with 10:30 Mass. Families are invited to participate in
Mass with us. After Mass, we will transition to the
Hall where students may be picked up at 2:30. Lunch
will be provided, please let us know ahead of time if
there are any special concerns. We are looking for
parents to help organize food, act as an aide or tidy
up when the day is all over. If you would like to
volunteer or have any questions, please contact
Amanda Kramer at 724/482-2362 or
[email protected] CGS (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd) is the
hands-on method of faith formation where children fall
in love with God (in Level I - ages 3-6) and where they
discover their relationship with God is based on a Covenant (Level II - ages 6-9). This Covenant given thru the
Word (Holy Bible) is lived out in the Liturgy (Holy
Mass). Adults and teens who are fortunate to be catechists and aides in the atrium also experience this Love
and Law relationship with God in a new way. Please
consider taking time from busy schedules to experience
a CGS course and to nourish your relationship with
God. Look for details soon in upcoming bulletins on
spring and summer CGS courses at our parish or call
Celine at 724-482-2690 to tour our atria.
During a recent reflection in the CGS atrium on the
presentation of the Magi and the special gifts brought to
Jesus, the catechist asked the children "What can we
give to Jesus?" One child responded "our hearts", another child said "our love" and yet another said "our
Pre-Baptism Seminars: BAPTISM is a precious gift
given by God through the Church. As parents, we
have the privilege of presenting our children to receive
this gift, a gift that will last a lifetime and beyond. Just
like any other gift, instructions are necessary. A prebaptism workshop is required for all first-time parents
& strongly encouraged for all others. We encourage
you to attend before your child is born. Plan ahead!
Please call our Faith Formation Office (724-482-2362)
or email [email protected] to register for
the next workshop: Tuesday, February 4th @ 7 pm.
A Baptism seminar is required if you wish to have
your child baptized and have not attended one in the
past three years.
A Faithful Response to homelessness
Butler County Warming Shelter
Pope Francis reminds us that family and home go together.
Butler County is fortunate to have many services for individuals and families in our community who
are facing homelessness. Despite the support, it is always a struggle to get volunteers. The Warming
Shelter is located at 100 Center Avenue in the Net Outreach building and is open from November 15 to
March 31 no matter what the temperature.
Men, women and families who have approval vouchers from either Butler County Catholic Charities or the
Butler County Center for Community Resources, get a cot, blanket and whatever meal has been donated.
In the morning, the visitors are given a small breakfast, a few hygiene items and a trip to Catholic
Charities, where their needs are assessed for permanent solutions of the issues that brought them into
the center for the night.
Bill Halle, the CEO of the Grace Youth and Family Foundation, accompanied by three volunteers every
night the center is open, said the warming center's visitors come from varied crisis situations. “The stories
are as varied as the people,” Halle said.
Saint Fidelis recently conducted a donation drive for the shelter. The center staff was overwhelmed by the
generosity of the parish and was most grateful. It was a wonderful example of the church working
together in what God has called us to do.
Are you being called to volunteer?
For more information about this faithful endeavor, please call Anna Marie Neutrelle at the parish
office or email [email protected]
Fish Frys: We are in desperate need of adult
helpers for our fish fry dinners. Approximately 11 of
our regular weekly helpers have had to quit due to
age related medical conditions. Please help if there
is any way possible. There are sign up sheets on the
back of the bulletin. Please return the full sheet to
the parish office either by mail or dropping it in the
collection basket as soon as possible.
“When you meet those most in need,
your heart will begin to grow bigger,
bigger, and bigger! Because reaching
out multiplies our capacity to love. An
encounter with others makes our heart
- Pope Francis
A note from the Faith
Formation office,
Whoever is praying for
snow, please STOP!
The Men’s Club’s last pancake and
sausage breakfast of the season will be
held this Sunday, from 8am till Noon. The
cost is only $5.50 for adults and $2.25 for children 12
and under. We now have buckwheat pancakes included
in our menu, as well as ham. Please come and help
support the work of the Men’s Club of the parish.
The Presentation of the Lord—February 2, 2014
He had to become like his brothers and sisters
in every way.
- Hebrews 2:17a
The feast of the Presentation of the Lord
commemorates Mary and Joseph dedicating the infant
Jesus to the Lord in the Temple in Jerusalem. As
devout and observant Jews, the Holy Family honored
the traditions of their ancestors by fulfilling the law of
The first reading is taken from the Book of Malachi. This
book is basically an extended oracle thought to have
been composed by an unknown prophet shortly after
Israel’s return from exile in Babylon around 450 BC.
The name Malachi is a Hebrew phrase simply meaning,
“my messenger.” The oracle chronicles the sins of both
priests and Levites (chapter 1) as well as the sins of the
people (chapter 2) in the post-exilic Jewish world. The
criticisms leveled (for example, blasphemous sacrifices
by priests and marriages between Jewish men and
foreign women) are especially pointed given this oracle
is pronounced only a generation after Israel’s return
from captivity in Babylon. The short prophetic book
concludes with a foretelling of the impending “great and
terrible day” of the Lord (chapter 3) when God and his
chosen people will live, once and for all, according to the
terms of their covenantal relationship.
In the Christian Bible, the Book of Malachi is the last
book of the Old Testament. It is strategically placed to
close the Old Testament because Christians believe that
the prophecy of the Lord sending “my messenger to
prepare the way before me” (Mal 3:1) was realized in
the birth of John the Baptist, and shortly thereafter, the
birth of Jesus. We see with John, coming to “prepare
the way” for Christ, and with Mary and Joseph offering
“due sacrifice to the LORD,’” presenting Jesus in the
Temple, the prophetic words of Malachi fulfilled.
The longer version of this Gospel reading concludes
with a summery statement about Jesus as a boy
growing up in the village of Nazareth. Upon fulfilling “all
the prescriptions” of the Mosaic law, Luke reports: “The
child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and
the favor of God was upon him.” For Luke, it was
important to emphasize that Mary and Joseph educated
and formed Jesus in their Jewish traditions and
The question of how Jesus’ suffering and death fit into
God’s plan for salvation was a topic of deep discussion
and discernment among the earliest followers of Christ.
The author of the Letter to the Hebrews presents Jesus’
suffering as essential to his role the “merciful and faithful
high priest.” For Hebrews, the suffering that Jesus
endured “tested” him, and in doing so, allowed Jesus to
understand in a perfect way how we, the “descendants
of Abraham,” are similarly “being tested.” Jesus’ role as
eternal high priest and mediator to God is effective
because he connects to all of us in our struggles with
suffering and death.
TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION By Candlemas, forty days after Christmas,
February 2, the season of Christ’s coming has
depleted our candle supply. Soon, the parish will
order a new paschal candle from a catalogue or
candle maker, or in some communities, wax will be
collected to be melted and molded. Last year’s
paschal candle shows the wear and tear of summer
heat, or many funerals or baptisms.
Paschal candles have been around since at least
the fourth century, when Constantine’s biographer
In the Gospel reading, Luke presents Mary and Joseph Eusebius reported that the night of the sacred vigil
was “transformed into the brilliancy of day, by
as observant Jews of the Mosaic law. Only after their
“purification” do Mary and Joseph offer animal sacrifice lighting throughout the city pillars of wax, while
in Jerusalem’s Temple as a means of consecrating their burning lamps in every place so that the splendor of
first son to God. [According to Lv 12:2-8, a woman
this night was brighter than the brightest daylight.”
bearing a son would have him circumcised eight days
Light was a precious commodity in the ancient
after being born (Lk 2:21), and thirty-three days later
world, and this lavish use of precious beeswax was
present the son in the Temple (Lk 2:22), after the
mother was “purified of her blood.”] Integral to the story a sign of the Christian’s call to bear Christ’s light into
of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple are the
the world’s darkness. In a pre-electric age, a whole
figures of Simeon and Anna. The words and actions of city aglow from the paschal flame must have been a
the prophets Simeon (2:29:35) and Anna (2:36-38)
glorious sight, and a reminder to every baptized
speak of God’s salvation offered to both Jews and
Christian of our vocation to “be the light of the
Gentiles and point to the “contradiction” (controversy)
that will mark the public ministries of Jesus and John the
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Baptist.
The Chris an Women’s Guild and the Men’s Club are once again sponsoring the parish’s very popular fish fry dinners. They will be held every Friday star ng February 28 through April 11,2014. There will be no dinner on Good Friday. Any and all help would be appreciated. There are a variety of mes and tasks available. Please look over the chart below, check where you can help and return the flyer in the collec on basket. If you have ques ons please call Marianne Malis 724‐482‐4663, Bernie Petrak 724‐287‐9047 or Joannie Soldner 724‐482‐2690. Fridays
Peel potatoes &
Friday Mornings
kitchen clean-up
9:00am-11:00 am
Kitchen helpers
Call Bernie Petrak
3-5 pm and/or
3:30 pm-7:00pm
Dining room and
Kitchen Clean-Up
Misc Kitchen Help
Dining Room help
Call Marianne Malis
Youth Group
Chris Williams at
[email protected]
Thursday Evenings
Set-up dining room
Parking Assistance
3:30-6:30 pm
Friday Mornings:
5-7 pm
Help with fish. Call
Bernie Petrak
To sign up please check the box or boxes above that you are interested in helping with and return this paper
to the parish office or drop it into the collection basket.
Name _________________________________________________________________________
Phone number__________________________ Do you currently have clearances with the Diocese ?______
Clearances are necessary for any of the helpers (age 18+) who are present when our youth are here
working. Contact Joannie Soldner at the parish office for help in obtaining these clearances. 724-482-2690.