J - 15 Scouts Make OrderOf Arrow 2 4 Massena, N. Y. Observer Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1987 warren Named to Century Club institution, with headquarters John Warren, Massena, New in Scranton, Pa., established : Representative of the Club in 1925 to recognize •Ju_ Norwood — Indian religious team. • - 3t k tarea i l Correspondence and honor' outstanding mem'chips, cugcakes, coffee The highlight of the evening and dramatic story dances International been named to bers of their Field Organizamilk was served by a m was the promotion of Robert were presented by seven memSchools, has tee of, "Scout ihothers".<-;;^ the 19(57 Century Club by John tion. The present Century Club Sessions to the post; of Junior bersof the Boy Scouts of th C, Vfllaume, I.C.S. President. represents the top echelon of Ton WmumffffmWiffm^^^^^mffm!^^^,, America Cjrder of the Arrow Assistant Scoutmaster,, The I.C.S. Century Club is more than 600 Representatives Dance team at the Troop 40, Fullerton Robert Blodget - I.C.S. Field throughout the United States. composed- of- the Patrol Boy Scouts of Norwood, Court to Junior Assistant t Representatvies who have John Warren, who joined the Leader while Bradford Donel-^ of Honor held last Thursday General Insurance -aebieved—or—surfas6ed- 4heir- T(TS Fi>lr| Organization in ad^ evening at the Norwood Munir ly and Tom Fullerton objectives, in enrolling men I960,- will receive a speciaT vanced to Star Scouts and Denrilhpassed-the-Senatej-but-died cipal Hall. and women for home study Century Club Membership Cer- Last week in Albany the fel-llicenses are pinned to them in the Assembly Rules Comnis Jay to r SeconcTClass~Scout. lowing items were discussed and that the requirement is The Ghippewa Tomahaw k, 79 E. Orvis 769-2W3 training. I.C.S., the - world's tificate in recognition of his mittee. WjH the 1967 Legislaand brought forth. needless because no one can the Sioux Buffalo and the .Following ,the impressive oldest and largest home study work during "1966. read the license number anyr ture remove the zip and cobr Apache Devil dance/ were candle lighting ceremony and Upstate legislators may find way. )f high schooFbands from puh- performed by-t h e entire dance Scout Oath merit badges were themselves facing a dilemma ic appearances? Not if I can team composed of Mich a e 1 awarded d following: when a state lottery bill, is The New York Farm Bureau lelp it. , •? Williams, Clark ToWn, Mark presented for a vote. is opposed to the bill, and wants I, have had letters protesting Robert Blodgett: motorboat•WiilianT Brouse, Last November a majority the requirement of license dis- this legislation from the Crane Longest and ng, electricity, cooking, campall of Norwood, and »Marcel y, p o£- voters in over 40 comities play retained. Their members School in Potsdam and the Ogh h nation; ti opposed the establishment of a maintain they can now readily lensburg Free Academy Mu- Cinquina, 'Jules Comeau and Frankcitizenship printing; BradBill Austin of Massena. Wilk Butler, Btl statewide lotfery. Ever since obtain the license number when ic Department. ford Donnelly/ forestry, TPHdNotice is hereby given that The Rutland Corporation The Fuel pif liams also did the solo dance, then Republican leaders have a hunter disregards property (formerly Rutland Railway Corporation) will entertain endeavored to produce a lottery rights. They believe the legal I appreciate hearing expres- Dance, of the Fallen Eagle s management and readingions of feelings concerning For Easy Heating offers for the purchase of the following described real es- plan devoid of possible abuses requirement of license display rarious bills, some of our peo- while Austin performed a solo Bruce' Murray, home repairs, woodworking; Tom Fullerton, dramatic dance. tate in the Town of Stockholm, County of St. Lawrence and inequities. tends to keep the rash and ple have taken time to look first aid, salesmanship, wildand State of New York: Askjed about this quandary, reckless hunter- in line. The 15 Norwood Boy .Scout! life management; Chris fClarlc, into and are interested in. Cleans Your Oil Burner Assemblyman Ke'enan of St. The Conservation Depart- Two resolutions eulogizi n g who have achieved the honor marksmanship, citizenship in ui ianu, iornien> ixgm, 01 way ior Lawrence county says: "As ment supports the bill ' b u t wo prominent New York- resi- of being named to the. Order the community; Pat Jay, cookAs It Heats Your Home o, CAtciluafg iruin ttiiiirty nuaur nil);—— you k to~have~i1nm a lents were presented to the Asj Ingrpets;" TfohnTGfrady,~ pets f Ja ai fiugcraius CiUbsiufa, au-cuueu, cdMiwdiuij Jr., Charles Penny, Douglas Charles Penny, music, scholarstituents voted Overwhelmingly gy two-qr-three year . trial basis. smbly. 10 luiuny nuau no. ti ai x^uuuvau s i/iosauig, auHoltz, David Chudzinski, Gary ship, cooking, printing. against the lottery proposall llast The same bill passed the Mr. Vincent DeMatina, Use Our caneu, a uisiauce ot auuui i.oi mues uui^.j, a November. I opposed the M- Assembly in 1966, but died in ently'. State Commander of Uhudzinski,, Charles Cardinal, varying wiuw ui auuui aa ieei anu uiciuuutp iiie the Senate Conservation ComJames Blodgett, Bradford Don^Local District.Scout, Execuhe= -Veterans -of Foreign Wars tery a n i Tm still not" enthusi—^-Balanced— SLUuou giouuus at iuiapjia aiiu a jjaicci ui lunu oil astic about it. However,1 if a mittee. This bill*- could I6ad to and a visitor to St. Lawrence nelly, Gary Sessions, Robert tive Joseph Betrus of Madrid Brou s e, spoke briefly on "the program, Payment Plan tne liuiiu siue oi saw ugm ui way ai uunuvdus lottery bill is to pass the Legis- many farmers posting . th e i r ounty during hi? term of of- Sessions, -William lature, I want to know it con- land and thus not having it ce. The • present Commander Clark Longest, Michael Town, commending the Scouts involvtrub&uug, containing <x uuai area ui ia.u awes. Herbert Brian of Ogdens- Terry Burrows, and Mark Wil- ed in the Court ,of Honor and tains provisions for fair ad- available for decent, ConsiderSteel rauroaa Dnu^c ai jviiapps .is not, inciuuea in liams, chairman of the dance stressing that a Court; of Honiurg. ministration, economical opera- ate hunters. this parcel. bill or is held J; recognize the tion and a just distribution of Farmers \vill question and Casey Stengel was eulogized of the boys. probably oppose 'A. Int. 1853. achievements is. Mr. Baseball. It was sugthe proceeds ' for educational Parcel II: A strip ot land, tormerly ngnt oi way tor Many a divorcee knows it Scouting boys needs,' Above all a clean, The bill would permit the ;ested that- the new stadium Scouting gives g y 11 to 18 railroad purposes, extending irom uuuuy xtoau sso. New York be named after takes more than a mathematir years of -age character buildhonest lottery, not exposed to" Board of Standard? a n d 11 at Donovan s Crossing eastwaroiy to anawvuue cian-to squ iangle.Appeals-to-make—rules- guard- 3asey-Stengelv-lead''">• . ^r—fraud*•'-. Road,,'if. distance of aoout iM mues7 having a S. Racquette Rd., To date favored lottery pro- ing against injuries on farms. Meetings are becoming more ership training. He expressed varying width ot about BU teet, containing about ^o.aposals include $2 tickets to be The-- bill also "• cont a i n s ecjuentj more bills being preAll. men are . free -and his pleasure at the fine work 765-3121 p acres. ld iin ddesignated i t d banks only a "sleeper" which repeals Sec- ented, arguments and discus- equal until their wives open done by ^Scoutmaster Frank sold charge accounts. Sr. and -Explorer; Counfour times a year. W i n n ers tidn 133, subdivision 8 of the ons more heated. Parcel 111: A strip oi land, lormerly right of way would be determined by a Labor Law. This subdivision selor Dale Burrows. \ _ . i straight drawing, not by horse how -permits minors to rje emfor railroad purposes, extending from Shawville Five members of Troop 40 ployed on farms without'regu! rates. Road eastwardly to Munson Road, a distance of were.signally honored by their Republicans want the Depart- lation. about 1.43 miles, having a varying width of about churches this past year, Frank ment of Taxation- to handle the Section 133 bars minors un90 feet, containing about 15.96 acres. Penny, Jr., and Charles PenI' lottery; Democrats prefer the der 16 and minors under .18 MASSENA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AUXILIARY, Inc. ny were awarded the "Ad AlComptroller's office for the lot- from certain types of employParcel IV: A strip of land, formerly right of way tare Dei" from-'Msgr. Francis tery's administration. ment, i.e. adjusting belts • to The for railroad purposes, extending from Munson Road J. Maguire of St.. Andrew's Name . Both parties are cautious machinery, cleaning and oiling Conveniently eastwardly to Skinnervllle Road, a distance of Church while Robert Blodgett, about estimating revenue from machinery, operating grinding Located James Blodgett and Bruce about 1.8 miles, having a varying width of about 99 a lottery but present indications or mixing machines. Address Murray were giventhe God feet, containing about 21.12 acres. .predict proceeds may reach At present, this section does and Country by Rev. J.ohn V. — $50- - $60 million dollars an- not apply to minors on farms. Phone Higgins, -Rector of St. Philip's, nually. Parcel V: A strip of land, formerly right of way Passage of this bill would re1 Episcopal Church. for railroad purposes, extending from Skinnerville Section 212 (2A) of the Con- move the farm exemption. Husband's Name Donald Williams, David servation Law presently re- This is a program bill of the Road eastwardly to the westerly end of former staChudzinski, Charles Penny and quires hunters to,display their Department of Labor. tion ground lands at Winthrop, a distance of about Lee Tessier were inducted into licenses on the back, of their While there is some justifi- • Please check tb» following. 1.6 miles, having a varying width of about 99 feet, the Explorer Scouts, outer garments. Hunters are cation for regulation of unsafe containing about 18.62 acres. Joseph Swan, Roy Oskes and exempt from the requirement farm machinery, this bill ap- . Active member — Inactive member . T in the northern pears to go far beyond such Lloyd Stanford are Explorer when hunting Parcel VI: A strip of land, formerly right of way * " ^ • ^••W ^HMM ^ j ^ ^ ^ «|^^Jh Scouts committeemen froffl the zone (Clinton, Essex, Franklin, limits. No - one wants io see EEKEHD for railroad purposes, extending from the easterly sponsoring Clark - Robinson Hamilton, Warren, St. Law- minors subjected to any undue bank of the St. Regis River eastwardly ta the ACKAjBEl £ Post 68, American Legionr Tife rence, Jefferson, Lewis coun- risk, but this bill seems to go Stockholm—Lawrence Town Line, a distance of Including Breakfast Norwood Kiwanis Club sponties and parts of Oswego, too far. We might just swell about .39 mile, having a width of 99 feet, containsors Troop 40, BoyJScouts^of Oneida, Herkimer, Fulton, not wajk across the road. ,_or. ing about 4.62 acres. Steel railroad bridge at WinthAmerica with Wayne TiejdingT Saratoga and Washin g t o n street anymore for fear of getr - not -included in this parcel. Roger-Boakr Jqseph—Sutterr ting hit by i r car" or truc^k; counties.)' Mr.' Stockmeister's proposed Farm work is diversified Anyone who has not already.subscribed may fill out this Wilfred Worden- and Douglas Air Cond.-TV-RADI(X A Certified or Cashier's Check payable to The Rut- bill, A.I.1172, would repeal sub- and difficult to pin down to form and mail it with $1 Mrs. Johnson Stewart 14 Nightengale, Grady and John McCormick as 4 Famous Restaurant! land Corporation in an amount equal to ten percent of division 2 of section 212. handling non revolving ma- or Mrs. Francis Hartford, 36 Churchill. Membership is volun- committeemen. and Coffea Shop the offered price must accompany the offer which must Spokesmen for the New York chinery. Our young people Wil tary and this will be the only method of contact. Your mem- At the close,, of the ceremonies refreshments of salads, T"be received by the corporation to the attention of E. Har- State Conservation Council fa- never learn about this type o bership is encouraged and desired. vor the bill contending hunting equipment if not given the opold-Lundin at Box 798, Rutland, Vermont 05701, on or bejackets are damaged when portunity to work on it oc fore February 28, 1967. ocasionally. This measure is Lump-sum offers for all parcels, may be given prefcontradictory as our trade erence over offers for individual parcels. schools use moving equipment The deposits of those making unacceptable offers will our • industries do, so why no be returned on or before March 14, 1967. farms. Conveyance to the successful offeror will be by Covenant Against Grantor Deed and will be subject to rights The Legislature rare 1 y JOHN W. SILMSER of way, easements, leases and licenses as are now in scores musically except for oc OWNER existence with respect to said property. casional euphonious orations, Prior to making an offer, any interested party may This year the Assembly ha make arrangements to inspect maps of the above desalready tried to expand musi cribed property perry bv py ccontact! o g y, cal opportunities "through ef NIAGARA MOHAWK forts, to preserve the old Metro Patterson Street, Ogdensburg, New York. 13669, or AtBUILDING politan Opera House. However torney Paul M. Cantwell, 59 E. Main Street, Malone, New Leglslalory may be sidering measures to diminisl the. sound of music. Bills introduced in boti huusus would bar school musi cal groups from performing competition- • with professional musicians at events where admission is charged and financial gain expected. Senator Thomas Laverm from Rochester, home of famed music school and a fulltime symphony orchestra, h one of the bill's sponsors. Har old W. Conn, Assemblymai from Brooklyn,, has introduced a companion bill in the; As sembly. The Musiciarisr ProtectiV ASSEMBLYMAN *• EDKEENAN reports from Albany C. J. €arvel THE RUTLAND CORPORATION NOTICE OF SALE 1 DON McKANE n1967 Membership Application mKm Join Hospital Auxiliary, MembershipBlank INCOME TAX SERVICE DIAL 764-0092 I I I "THJSJSjpR 1 OPPORTUNITY.... I TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF • OUR NEW LOW PRICES I ON 1967 RANGES WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE O F . . . . - LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT DISHWASHERS TV REFRIGERATORS FREEZERS Now oh Display at. 60 Willow St. 769-2661 & Refrigeration •& Appliances HARTMAN "The Store . . . . That Service Built" measure. The-New York State School Music Association's 5,300 iiiuiubeis upyo&e pd&sdj for the bill. Assemblyman Keenan of the 110th district says he agrees with one prominent high school director whp^says: "We^ rfr spect the professional musician's concern for his" profession, but we beHeve*4ndividuai school districts and musicians' locals can make satisfactory local arrangements to meet the needs of then- localities. We do not need state Legislation." Opponents of the legislation contend school bands would be deprived of the modest fees they receive for public performances. In small communities this income helps to defray the cost of music and band uniforms. " Volunteer firemen dislike the [suggested bill claiming ' it would muffle their school band contests. ; Proponents of -the- measure hope, it would exclude school bunds front professional lootball games. A school band director counters: "Professional band* are hired for the trig and play several times, perform only at HOW TO CASHIN ON A GREAT SALE • . - ' - • » •i I I I I * •- ttt J $ ¥ l? *• -r. NATIONAL CASH-O-MATIC is a bargain, too. It's on* of th* lowestcost ways to borrow. It means you have instant credit -- good anywher* - _ for anythmg you want. Because ypur Cash-O-Matk accOunrlets you pay cash, you can buy at savings - any time. If you don't use your credit line, if costs you nothing. Bu(^what a comfort to know you hav* "mon*y in-th* bank" if any emergencyoisopportunity arises. is?! See us about opening your NATIONAL CASH-O-MATIC account. Now before that wonderful buy can slip through your fingers! You can arrange your Cash-O-Matic account at any of the eight convenient off ices of .....* NATIONAL BANK OF NORTHERN NEW YORK ;• '•;''•' '"MASSENA La»t year Senator LaTdtnTi > • Is - ' 'i NATIONAL CASH-O-MATIC check to tak. advantage of a beauHful bargain - any time^ anywhere. * V- 4'
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