How to use CEM®ThermoMonitoring Smart Thermometer Smart Thermometer CEM®ThermoMonitoring is infra-red thermometer. It registers thermal radiation from skin surface. CEM®ThermoMonitoring is similar to thermograph or thermal imager (factually, it is mini thermograph). However, it measures the intensity of thermal radiation only in specific points. CEM®ThermoMonitoring software allows to build thermograms that are similar to thermograph’s thermograms. Normally, distribution of temperature on body surface is symmetrical. Difference between symmetrical body zones does not exceed 0.2-0.6С°. Temperature decreases from top to down: from head to extremities; from upper part of arms and legs to the tips of fingers and toes. Temperature is always lower in the areas of fat accumulation. Normal distribution of temperature is disturbed when different diseases are present. These disturbances are more expressed when the center of the disease is situated close to skin surface. The fact that local changes of temperature often appear before all other signs of disease is very important. Body temperature changes, therefore, you should not estimate absolute temperature in a single point! It is necessary to compare temperature in symmetrical points or around pathologic center. The ideal usage area of our prophylactic device is revelation of early signs of inflammation and vascular disturbances. These disturbances accompany many diseases. According to areas with abnormally high or low temperature, we can reveal thermal signs of many diseases even on very early stages. In case of already acquired diseases, you can control the process and effectiveness of treatment. Even if you don’t have any problems with health, nothing hurts, you are young, and practice active lifestyle this device will be useful to you! Application of IR thermometer for temperature control of food Very often food and beverage temperature is harmful to our health. Food with the temperature close to the blood temperature (37°С) is digested the best. If the food temperature exceeds 55 degrees Celsius or lower than 10 degrees Celsius, it is very unhealthy, and especially for children and elderly people (for them, food and beverage temperature must be equal to 37°С). Wrong food and beverage temperature provokes irritation of mucosa of oral cavity, of esophagus and stomach; it hampers the digestion of proteins, thus, resulting in dyspepsia and development of acute and chronic diseases. According to a Chinese proverb “The hot food must not burn the lips, the cold food must not chill the teeth”. You can order an effective tool for temperature control right now! Unfortunately, it is widely accepted to serve food and beverages of inadequate temperature. The food with a temperature close to the blood temperature (37°С) is digested the best. Wrong food temperature not only provokes irritation of mucosa of oral cavity, of the esophagus and stomach, but also hampers or even prevents the digestion of proteins. Hot soups, coffee, tea, chocolate, and similar beverages are as dangerous for your stomach as ice water, ice cream, cold beer, and so forth. It is especially deleterious when swallowing in big draughts. Although, a sudden transition from cold to hot food is harmful to teeth, as well as to mucous tunic of a mouth, esophagus and stomach. Digestion of warm food occurs slowly, this gives time for large albuminous compounds to decompose down to protein molecules and amino-acids fully. The cold food passes the stomach much quicker, but without proper digestion. Subsequently, undigested proteins enter the small intestine, where normal absorption of food occurs, however, in this case, the undigested substance cannot be absorbed here. Furthermore, instead of carbohydrate decompounding, bacteria of the meat and similar animal proteins start breeding. As a result, develops disbacteriosis, metabolism misbalances and various diseases start progressing. Frozen foods and especially beverages are extremely unhealthy. They provoke very harmful irritation of stomach’s mucous tunic, which may result in spasms of stomach and bile passages, which, in turn, entails loss of appetite and general body disorders. Cold food increases excretive function and acidity of stomach’s content with subsequent lowering and weakening of the digestive effect of gastric juice. Especially detrimental is cold fatty food, for example ice-cream, as, on one side, a normal contractive activity of the gall bladder for feeding the duodenum with a bile takes place, on the other hand the cold results in bile duct’s sphincter cramping. If a patient suffers from any gall bladder disease, such as chronic cholecistitis, gallstone, the diseases may exacerbate. After swallowing excessively hot food, burning sensation is felt in the mouth, throat and esophagus. Regular intake of hot food and beverages may result in development of malignant tumors of the oral cavity, larynx, throat and esophagus. Hot beverages contribute to development of laryngitis and pharyngitis. They provide background for sickness development, result in more often appearance of angina and acute respiratory diseases. Very often, inflammation and hemorrhage of the stomach mucous tunic, and ulceration are can be observed. Regular intake of excessively hot food results in atrophy of stomach mucous tunic, which in turn, is followed by an acute decrease of excretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the gastric juice. The statistics convincingly demonstrates that gastritis makes up for more than 80% of gastrointestinal diseases. Presently, not only adults but also children of school age suffer from this sickness. Among the main causes provoking gastritis stands poor quality of food: greasy and rough, spicy and hot, high-calorie and misbalanced foods. Foods lacking major components such as proteins, vitamins, macro and microelements are also very unhealthy. Other causes of gastritis are bad dietary habits, smoking and alcoholic drinks. As stated by Russian oncologist L. Shabad “It is undoubtedly established that cancer appears not once of a sudden, it is the last link of a long chain of preceding changes, which can be named as pre-tumor or precancer ones.” Chronic atrophic gastritis, especially with low acidity of gastric juice, diseases of duodenum, ulcers are known as pre-cancer sicknesses. In the Russian Federation, during the last decades the stomach cancer is in the second place amongst all other types and localizations of malignant tumors. Presently, all causes for incidence of stomach cancer along with other human tumors are not perfectly clear. However, epidemiologic studies devoted to specifics of evolution of gastrointestinal duct tumors keep demonstrating correlation between cancer incidence frequency and dietary peculiarities. Correct nutrition is undoubtedly very important for prevention of stomach cancer. Food should be taken on fixed times, it should not be excessively hot or salty; food with an excessive amount of spices should be avoided; smoked, overheated and over fried products should be reduced, prevalence of milk and vegetables in diet is preferable. It is better to avoid excessive consumption of meet and fried animal fats, and reduce consumption of products with high cholesterol content. Regular consumption of hot, rough, improperly chewed food, alcoholic beverages abuse and smoking are among the factors which contribute to the appearance of esophagus cancer. These factors result in chronic inflammatory processes, which, if persisting for a long time, may provoke appearance of a malignant neoplasm. Cancer is one of the mostly frequent diseases of the esophagus, adding up to 70-90 % of all esophagus sicknesses. Largely this is a disease of an aged people, especially of men, 80% of all patients suffering from the esophagus cancer are men over 60 years old. As stated by the Chinese proverb «The hot food doesn’t scorch the lips, cold food doesn’t chill teeth». The proverb implies the best food temperature. In ancient medical books special attention was attributed to the food temperature, in this way, as stated in the “Shi tzin” (Dietary canons) «Food and beverage: a hot yet doesn’t scorch, a cold yet is not icy». As written in ancient Chinese medicine books, «When food and beverages are too hot or too cold, Yin and Yang harmony is broken». An excessively hot food courses “generation of fire” and accumulation of a toxic heat in the spleen, manifests in the throat, provokes tumor and throat encumbrance. As stated in many ancient medical books, hot food is the major origin of throats diseases. That is why the ancient doctors suggested: “Do wait until the food cools down otherwise the blood vessels and teeth will be damaged”. The best food temperature is equal to blood temperature, which is about 37°С. Any deviation of food temperature from blood temperature is harmful to health, especially for underage kids and aged people, it often results in dyspepsia and general health disorders. Adults regularly consuming food and beverages with a temperature below 10°С and hotter than 55°С, can develop dyspepsia and other acute and chronic diseases. Consumption of a very hot food is a habit gradually acquired in childhood. A kid accustomed to hot food supposes that merely warm soup is not tasty, and warm tee is not a delicious drink at all. It is evident, that the kid him- or herself cannot acquire a proclivity for hot food, this bad habit is formed under the influence of family and national traditions. Physical training and sports Temperature of skin surfaces indicates if you are doing physical exercises correctly or not. Skin surface temperature can be monitored by CEM®ThermoMonitoring device. In the correctly trained muscles the temperature should go up. Warming up is a compulsory part of every training session. During warm up muscles’ temperature rises quickly and in 5-15 minutes reaches a value, which will stay almost without change during exercise process. The average temperature of muscles involved in exercises is 0.7°C higher than the body temperature. This way, the muscles are ready to intensive exercises, without the risk of their injury. Development of human’s physical abilities is vital for good health. Individual physical exercises should be an integral part of healthy life style of every person, regardless of his or her age. Physical activity and sports help to create harmonic personality. Sport helps to meet all challenges, concentrate all hidden human potential for achieving set targets, raise performance for accomplishing every day activities, and cultivate the need for a healthy way of living. By improving physical capabilities of the body, all other human activities get benefited, for instance, intellectual and physical performance improves. Due to physical activity, the so-called transfer phenomenon can be achieved. For example, if somebody achieves high sport levels, he or she can reach similar achievements in everyday life, and business as sport promotes efficiency of intellectual and physical human potential. There are three ways of individual exercises: 1. Morning gymnastics that should be done every day. 2. Physical exercises during the day. 3. Individual training sessions which may be carried out individually or in groups of 3-5 people and more. Group training is more effective than the individual one. It is recommended to train 2-7 times per week each session lasting 1-1.5 hours. Exercising less than 2 times per week is not effective as it does not contribute to the level of body fitness. A training session should consist of various complex exercises aimed for strengthening health of the whole body. Training sessions of 60-90 minutes can be split in the following way: the preparatory stage of 15-20 or 2530 minutes, the main stage of 30-40 or 45-55 minutes, and concluding part of 5-10 or 5-15 minutes. Physical exercises are most effective in ventilated rooms with fresh air, and especially outside. During individual training sessions the following principles should be kept in mind: - the principle of awareness and commitment. Trainees should know theory of sports training, be committed to training sessions, be aware of aims and targets. Trainees should consider intensity and amount of exercises of each session, and analyze the results of training sessions; - consistency principle implies discontinuity of the training process, rational rotation of physical exercises and recreation. Irregular exercises or long intervals between exercising (exceeding 4-5 days) are inefficient and result in lowering of achieved fitness level; - accessibility and individualization principle means that exercises of each training session should be achievable for the trainees in terms of complexity and intensiveness. While sketching the training curriculum, the following principle should be kept in mind: from simple to complex, from known to unknown. Individual characteristics should also be considered (sex, age, prior fitness, strength of will, health status, commitment, nervous system peculiarities, etc.). Accordingly, selection of exercises and training intensity should be considered based on trainee’s ability; - agility and gradualism principle defines the necessity of enhancing requirements to the trainees, introduction of new, more and more complicated physical exercises, increasing the intensity of exercising. Transition to intensive exercises should be gradual, keeping in mind functional and individual capabilities of trainees. If a long break in exercises occurs because of sickness, the training must be renewed gradually and only after physician’s permission. Though, at the beginning, training intensity should be significantly lowered. Afterwards, it can be restored up to the regular level. All of the above principles are closely interlinked. Self-control is especially important for an individual. It must be present for monitoring person’s own state of health, changes and improvements happened because of exercises, and overall influence of physical exercises and sports on the organism. СЕМ is beneficial to EVERYBODY Treatment of any disease requires considerable expenses. Timely revelation of latent sicknesses helps to cure them with minimum expenditures and also preventing transformation of diseases into a chronic phase. According to a group of authors (including Y. Mostovoy, Y. Babiychuk, O. Petrenko, D. Mostovaya, 2002), estimation of financial losses associated with getting sick is the following: - direct expenses (hospital or polyclinic treatment cost, purchasing medications, emergency medical aid, etc), which are largely paid by a patient or his or her family; - indirect expenses (lowering of labor productivity, losses of working and learning days, social expenditures) are paid by a patient, his or her family and state, - immeasurable expenses (monetary evaluation of quality of life). Indirect state and company’s expenses are basically composed of the following indicators: - paying for disability days - unpaid taxed - providing disability pension - providing work disability benefits - industrial losses Indirect losses increase in direct dependency of the number of disabled patients. Immeasurable expenses or evaluation of quality of life is the difference between overall sickness expenses and charges for medical treatment and diagnostics, which did not yield an expected efficiency. Treatment of any sickness is associated with significant financial expenses. Therefore early disease detection and prevention is much more effective than its treatment. As an example, let’s briefly examine Diabetes mellitus, widely spread disease detected in all age groups. Sadly enough, it cannot be cured and causes a lot of suffering. At the time, approximately 150 million people worldwide are suffering from diabetes, out of this number 90% are suffering from insulinindependent (type II) diabetes. Taking in account the society’s ageing and further urbanization, the World Health Organization forecasts the growth of diabetes up to 333 million people in 2025. Especially significant growth will be observed in economically developing countries. The world’s adult population is blighted by an evident diabetes epidemic. This trend is correlated with changes in the ways of living, social and economic transformations. Diabetes is a sickness which imposes a predetermined way of living. Diabetes implements certain precautions for preventing heavy further worsening of life quality and can even result in death. Micro and macroangiopathy may result in so-called diabetes foot with trophic ulcers and gangrene, retinopathy and blindness, nephropathy and chronic renal insufficiency, elevated risk of infarction and stroke, immunodeficiency, which, in turn, leads to increased risk of infection and oncology diseases. As estimated by Russian experts, more than 60% of all expenses associated with diabetes are indented for treatment of diabetes’ complications. Consequently, by reducing diabetes occurrence, long-term effect for diabetes patients and society in general will be achieved. Insufficient glycemia monitoring results in vascular diabetes complications which, similar to the II type diabetes (i.e. insulin-independent diabetes arising in aged people), may proceed without clinical symptoms. Due to its slow evolution and sub-clinic development, forecasting, proactive countermeasures and treatment of this sickness are not quite efficient. Because of insufficient availability of equipment for early detection and monitoring of diseases, the angiopathy incidence, reported by district physicians, is underestimated by 3-4 times (W. Fabian, L. Majkowska, A. Stefanski, P. Moleda, 2008). Every 30 seconds diabetes-induced lower limb amputation takes place. Furthermore, only after this surgery a patient comes to know that he is suffering from diabetes. It should be mentioned, however, that 85% of these amputations can be avoided if the correct medical assistance and sufficient level of awareness of population on diabetes complications can be provided. During the CODE-2 research, it was established that the presence of micro and macroangiopathy increases treatment of II type diabetes by 2.5 times in comparison with patients without complications. Similar research implemented in Germany demonstrated that foot ulcer and stroke increase treatment cost by 4 times, and risk of amputation by 6 times. Insulin-dependent patients need enhanced and improved early detection of diabetes’ complications as the majority of them are suffering from hypertension (more than 80% cases) and dyslipidemia. Because of difficulty to adequately control glycemia, normalize lipid composition and the arterial pressure in the majority of cases, the risk for worsening of microangiopathy complications is really high. CEM®ThermoMonitoring Smart Thermometer helps to find out blood circulation disturbances of feet and brain at early pre-clinic stages. This helps doctors timely prescribe proactive countermeasures and prevent worsening of highly detrimental complications. At the same time, thermal control of the effectiveness of the implemented treatment of micro- and macro-angiopathy becomes possible. Treatment of various acute diseases, the most frequent of which are acute respiratory virus infection and influenza, also requires sizeable direct and indirect financial expenses. For example, the initial set of influenza drugs for an adult patient is comparable with a minimum monthly wage. Complete course of treatment may require further additional drugs and preventive actions. Furthermore, treatment of children is even more expensive even in case of lack of complications. In case of complications, antibiotics therapy and, sometimes, even hospitalization become necessary. Treatment with antibiotics may give side effects, including allergic reactions, immunodeficiency, dysbacteriosis, toxic organ damages, etc., which, in turn, also need to be cured. CEM®ThermoMonitoring Smart Thermometer helps to detect and timely cure immunodeficiency, which lowers respiratory and other disease occurrence. Due to the above, we would recommend all companies to have CEM®ThermoMonitoring Smart Thermometer for timely detection employees’ immunodeficiency. Treatment of any diseases requires tangible financial expenses. Timely detection of an acute sickness allows treating it with minimum expenses and preventing it from transition into a chronic phase. Chronic diseases last long periods and complete healing from them is not always possible, only so called stable remission could be achieved. CEM®ThermoMonitoring Smart Thermometer allows to detect thermal characteristics of acute diseases, preventing its transformation into a chronic phase and, consequently, saving all types of treatment expenses, avoiding hospitalization and visits to out-patient clinics, shortening treatment time and so forth. CEM®ThermoMonitoring Smart Thermometer enables broadening diagnostics capabilities for doctors of different specializations. Furthermore, СЕМ®-Thermography software program allows visualization of problematic parts of a human body for physicians, cosmetologists, massagers, patients themselves and help them select the best treatment method on an individual basis (i.e. a drug, physiotherapeutic method, biologically active food additives and so forth). It also helps to check body’s reaction on treatments and other impacts. CEM®ThermoMonitoring enables to perform self-examinations, detect serious latent diseases at very early stages and schedule doctor’s appointment timely. Therefore, the use of CEM®ThermoMonitoring Smart Thermometer helps to increase life length and improve its quality, save your energy, time and money. The earlier the treatment starts, the higher its effectiveness. In addition to all the above, consumption of food and beverages of correct temperature, detection and elimination of heat leakages from your house improves quality of living and helps to prevent diseases. Therefore, the use of CEM®ThermoMonitoring is beneficial to EVERYBODY: 1. to all people for extending life span and improving quality of life; 2. to professionals (physicians, cosmetologists, massagers, coaches, massagers) as inexpensive, simple and visual instrument for thermal diagnostics and monitoring of treatment’s efficiency; 3. to manufacturers and distributors of instruments for physiotherapeutic treatment, distributors of biologically active food additives and similar products for substantiating and controlling their efficiency; 4. to employers for decreasing sickness incidence and all associated losses; 5. to the state, as it helps decreasing sickness incidence and incapacitation of its citizens. We are confident that EVERYBODY needs СЕМ®!!! Thermal control and monitoring of cosmetic products and procedures. Temperature is one of the most important characteristics of naturally healthy skin. By using CEM®ThermoMonitoring Smart Thermometer you can identify healthy or unhealthy skin areas. You can also objectively see the efficiency of applied cosmetic procedures and products. The purpose of cosmetic products and procedures is to maintain healthy, vitalized skin. It can be achieved by enhancement of skin’s vital function, increasing coetaneous blood micro-circulation and outflow of cells’ waste products with blood and lymph. In other words, it is called detoxication (Belemkiy V., 2000). Skin is a complicated and essential organ of human body. It functions as an indicating screen of human’s health. However, practical medicine has been always focused mostly on studying of internal organs and expensive technologies have been developed for diagnostics of organs’ related diseases. Very often, in cosmetology, selection of techniques and remedies is based not on real effectiveness, but on marketing and advertising tricks. Skin temperature is one of the most important characteristics that we can use for evaluation of organism’s functioning. By using thermal vision, we can observe which parts of patient’s skin are healthy and which are not. Thereby, we can estimate the efficiency of cosmetic procedures and remedies with better accuracy (patent of the Russian Federation #2142634 from 10.12.99). Accordingly, by using CEM®ThermoMonitoring Smart Thermometer, we can also evaluate skin’s condition. As an example, let’s look at such widespread cosmetic defect as cellulitis. This is a mutation of adipose tissue, which is a part of skin’s composition, specifically characteristic for women. As a result, skin’s surface changes into pit-and-mount pattern. In many cases, it is not only cosmetic defect, but also an illness requiring treatment. Cellulitis affects women of different sizes and appearances. Fat is usually located on hips, arms, legs, and abdomen. In affected parts of the body, collagen tissues look like “orange peel”, without intersections that are characteristic for healthy parts of the skin. Such cellular tissues are filled with fat deposits consisting of toxins, which push the skin up and outside (stretch the skin). It slows movements of fluid. Consequently, the hormones which are carrying out fat from the body cannot reach fat cells and toxins accumulate in them. The research performed at Milan University has demonstrated that in the course of time, toxicity and fluid pressure destroy the cells. Four stages of cellulitis are known: At the first stage, cellulitis cannot be seen. A woman can feel like she put on some weight. Due to the stagnation of fluid in lymphatic vessels, skin looks a bit swollen, nevertheless, it remains smooth. At the second stage of cellulitis development the venous system cannot cope with the amount of fluid which must be taken out of the organism. The fluid accumulates and constricts the veins, thus, closing down the outflow. Fat deposition becomes dense. As oxygen stops entering inside, connective tissue in a form of honeycomb starts developing. At the third stage “honeycombs” spread only over few cells. At the first sight, the skin still seems natural but “orange peel” appears when pursing the skin. At the fourth stage the cellulitis can be clearly seen. It can give uncomfortable sensations to a woman and sometimes, it even hurts. Parts of the skin affected by cellulitis are cold and bluish. Correct and timely diagnostics gives best treatment results. Till recent time, diagnostics of cellulitis was only based on visual examination by a doctor. The doctor would measure the thickness of cellulitis affected skin areas (plicotometry). However, this method cannot detect cellulitis at early stages. As cellulitis results in the blood circulation disturbance, the temperature of affected skin changes, appear warmer and colder areas. Consequently, by measuring skin temperature in “problem” areas, unseen or invisible cellulitis can be found. Contact thermography method gives high accuracy of results and is easy to use. We can detect minor microcirculation changes, which occur because of skin temperature variations. Medical thermo vision cameras are used for diagnosing cellulitis at early stages; however, such cameras are quite expensive. CEM®ThermoMonitoring Smart Thermometer equipped with СЕМ®-Thermography software is much cheaper and easier to use. Thermal monitoring and control of massage Physiotherapy treatments and massages improve microcirculation and normalize vasomotor tone. Consequently, efficiency of such treatments can be monitored with the help of CEM®ThermoMonitoring Smart Thermometer. After the influence, blood microcirculation improves and the temperature at the influenced areas is higher in comparison with the initial values. Furthermore, the majority of physiotherapeutic methods and massages additionally influence central and peripheral nervous systems, and act as anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating remedies. The majority of effects from physiotherapy can also be monitored and controlled by CEM®ThermoMonitoring device. Physiotherapy (comes from a Greek word “physis”, which means nature and “therapeia”, meaning treatment) is a special branch of medicine that studies physiologic and curative effects of natural and artificially created physical factors on human organism. Physical therapy is one of the oldest curative and preventive branches of medicine consisting of a variety of techniques. Classification of physical treatment methods: 1. Organ-non-specific methods 1.1. Analgesic methods 1.2. Anti-inflammatory methods 1.3. Antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal methods 1.4. Catabolic methods 1.5. Plastic methods 1.6. Ion corrective methods 1.7. Vitamin stimulating methods 1.8. Trophostimulating methods 1.9. Vegetocorrective methods 1.10. Immune stimulating methods 1.11. Immunosuppressive methods 1.12. Hyposensibilizing methods 1.13. Membrane stabilizing methods 1.14. Antihypoxic methods 1.15. Oncodestructive (cytolitic) methods 2. Organ-specific methods 2.1. Central nervous system 2.2. Peripheral nervous system 2.3. Endocrine system 2.4. Locomotor apparatus 2.5. Cardio-vascular system 2.6. Blood system 2.7. Respiratory system 2.8. Gastrointestinal tract 2.9. Excretory system 2.10. Reproductive system 2.11. Skin Influencing factors may be classified as following: 1. Constant current 1.1. Galvanization 1.2. Curative electrophoresis 2. Impulse electrotherapy 3. High frequency electrotherapy 3.1. Ultra-ton therapy 3.2. Local darsonvalisation 3.3. Inductothermal therapy 3.4. Ultra high frequency therapy 3.5. Therapy based on decimeter and centimeter length of wave therapy 3.5. Millimeter length of wave therapy 4. Magnet therapy 5. Franclinization 6. Aero-ion therapy 7. Ultrasonic sound 7.1. Ultrasonic therapy 7.2. Ultraphonophoresis of curative substances. 8. Inhalation therapy. 9. Chromo phototherapy 9.1. Ultraviolet irradiation 9.2. Laser therapy 10. Thermal therapy 10.1. Mud therapy 10.2. Paraffin- and ozokeritotherapy 11. Cryoptherapy 12. Balneo therapy 12.1. Showers and their application 12.2. Baths: non-salty, aroma and curative water 12.3. Gastric lavage 12.4. Saunas 12.5. Balneotherapy 12. External application of mineral waters 12.5.2 Treatment with mineral waters 13. Climate therapy The majority of physiotherapeutic treatment methods have non-specific treatment effect; they improve blood micro circulation and normalize vascular tone. These groups of methods are underlined. Their effect can be controlled by CEM®ThermoMonitoring. As microcirculation improves, the temperature in the affected area rises. Moreover, some physiotherapeutic methods also have additional effects, such as anti-inflammatory, immune stimulating, and so forth (please, see the first classification). The majority of physiotherapeutic methods can also be monitored with the help of CEM®ThermoMonitoring device. Such physiotherapeutic influences are underlined in the first classification. However, only a doctor can evaluate clinical and prognostic significance of temperature changes and adjust the treatment course accordingly. Infra-red thermometry, with the use of CEM®ThermoMonitoring Smart Thermometer, is an easy-to-use visual method for evaluation of massage effectiveness. As massage improves blood microcirculation, the temperature of the affected area increases should go up. After the back massage, temperature should rise in the area of segmentary innervations of cerebrospinal nerves. During the massage, local skin temperature raises significantly as compared to the initial value, sometimes it rises up to 5 degrees Celsius and more, especially after the first massage session. During subsequent massage sessions this reaction is not so evident; the temperature rises by 1-2 degrees only. Increase of temperature by less than 1ºС signifies insufficient impact. Thermal control and monitoring of the effectiveness of medicines and biologically active additives CEM®ThermoMonitoring Smart Thermometer is an ideal instrument for evaluation of efficiency of any kind of treatment. Basic principles for evaluation of treatment efficiency: 1. First temperature measurement should be desirably performed before implementation of any treatment procedure or medicine intake. 2. Repetitive measurements should be carried out at the same time of the day, preferably in the morning and before any treatment procedures and medicine intake. 3. Repetitive measurements should be done at the same points of the skin. Points can be marked with brilliant green (green antiseptic) or other non-toxic solution. It should be remembered that the more acute the pathologic process, the quicker temperature’s changes appear. For example, for acute inflammation (arthritis, abscess, otitis, etc), if treatment is correct, the local temperature drops on the third day. If the elevated temperature persists, it means that the treatment is not sufficiently effective and needs improvement. For slowly developing chronic processes, the changes of local temperatures are also slow, spanning for weeks. For an example, for vessel diseases (diabetes microangiopathy and similar), even with correct treatment, the temperature changes begin no earlier than from the second week. It should also be noted that temperature alterations may appear before other clinical symptoms of sicknesses and may also persist after their vanishing. Efficiency of separate curative procedures aimed for microcirculation increase (paraffin therapy, ointment administration, etc) also can be evaluated. For this purpose, the temperature should be measured in affected areas before and after the procedure. The increase of temperature signifies improvement of microcirculation. However, only a doctor can evaluate clinical and forecasting significance of temperature changes and adjust the treatment course accordingly. Thermo control and monitoring of the efficiency of medication therapy Anatomic-therapeutic-chemical classification: A code: Drugs influencing digestive tract and metabolism B code: Drugs influencing hematosis and blood C code: Drugs for treatment of cardio-vascular system C01 Drugs for treatment of heart diseases C02 Hypotensive drugs C03 Diuretics C04 Peripheral vasodilators C05 Аngioprotectors C07 Beta adrenoblockers C08 Blockers of “slow” calcium canals C09 Drugs influencing renin-angiotensin system C10 Hyperlypidemic drugs D code: Drugs for skin treatment G code: Drugs for treatment of urogenital organs and sex hormones H code: Hormonal agent for system use (excluding sex hormones) J code: System use antimicrobial drugs L code: Antitumor drugs and immune modulators L01 Anti tumor drugs L02 Anti tumor hormone agents L03 Immune modulators L04 Immune suppressive agents M code: Drugs for treatment of osteo-muscular system M01 Anti-inflammatory and ant rheumatic agents M02 Drugs for local treatment of locomotor system diseases. M03 Neuromuscular relaxants M04 Anti-podagric agents M05 Drugs for treatment of bone sicknesses N code: Drugs for treatment of diseases of the central nervous system P code: Anti parasitic agents, insecticides and repellents. Q code: Veterinarian drugs R code: Drugs for treatment of illnesses of respiratory system. R01 Nasal agents R02 Drugs for treatment of throat diseases R03 Drugs for treatment of respiratory ducts obtrusive sicknesses R05 Drugs administered during coughing and catarrhal diseases. R06 Systemic action antihistaminic agents R07 Other agents for treatment of respiratory organs S code: Drugs for treatment of illnesses of sense organs. V code: Other mediсations You can evaluate the effectiveness of medical treatment with CEM®ThermoMonitoring if treatment results in the body’s local temperature changes (please, refer to Chapter 2.5 of our Manual). In the given classification, these groups of medicines are underlined. However, only a doctor can evaluate clinical and forecasting significance of temperature changes and adjust the treatment course accordingly. Thermal control and monitoring of organism’s state during the use of biologically active agents. BAA or biologically active additives are natural biologically active substances to be taken with food for enriching its nutritive value. Visually about effects of smoking With CEM®ThermoMonitoring Smart Thermometer we can see the effect of one smoked cigarette on a human body. Immediately after one smoked cigarette, blood vessels of brain, feet and arms become constricted. Spasm duration may last quite lengthy from 15-20 up to 60-90 minutes and even longer. Due to this smoking can result in obliterating endarteritis and even in leg amputation. Smoking of only one cigarette but with deep whiffs may lower fingertip temperature by 2-7 degrees Celsius, which may be easily observed by using CEM®ThermoMonitoring device. At the same the time brain blood supply starts decreasing, thus increasing the stroke risk. Thus, you can observe a vasospasm occurring after a smoked cigarette. Observing an individual reaction on the smoked cigarette can be quite convincing for smokers, as many of them groundlessly believe that specifically they do not suffer from any smoking-induced health problems. Usage of infra-red thermometer for monitoring temperature of pets Sometimes, we need to measure temperature of pets. It is unpleasant and even hazardous procedure. The temperature is measured through pet’s rectum, which may even entail trauma for either pet or owner or both. Usually, many of animal lovers measure temperatures of their pets (cats, dogs, hamsters, etc) by using electronic or mercury thermometers. This measurement is not a pleasant procedure. The part of the animal to be measured should be covered with Vaseline. The pet should be firmly kept in lateral position for extended time, and then you lift the pet’s tail by left hand and carefully insert the thermometer tip into the pet’s rectum for up to 5 minutes. All this time the pet must be immobilized. This is unpleasant and potentially injury hazardous procedure for both the pet and its owner. Dog’s normal temperature ranges between 37.5°С-39°С, at the age of 6 months their normal temperature can be 39.5°С. Cat’s natural temperature may vary from 37.5° to 39.2°С. In case the temperature is over scaling 39.4°С a veterinarian should be consulted. For other animal such temperatures are considered as normal values: for a horse it is 37.5 to 38.5°С, for a pig it is 38.0 to 40.0°С, for a cattle it is 38.2 to 39.5°С, for birds it is 40.0 to 42.0°С, for sheep and goat it is 39.0 to 40.5°С, for a rabbit it is 38.5 to 39.5°С. We would like offer you the way to ease suffering of your pets and perform diagnostics of their health by measuring thermal emissions in their auricular by infra-red Smart Thermometer CEM®ThermoMonitoring. Solid researches (K. Benish, RVT, and J. Fraden Clinical Accuracy of Vet-Temp™ Instant Ear Thermometer. Comparative Study with Dogs and Cats, 1999), implemented in international veterinarian clinics substantiate full matching of temperature readings measured in pets’ rectum and auricles. For juxtaposition of results obtained by electronic or mercury and infra-red thermometer the following factors should be kept in mind: each heated body, including animals, is a source of wide range of electromagnetic emissions, including the so-called thermal irradiation. Animals are biological bodies with temperatures ranging between 31 and 42°С. They are sources of mainly infrared thermal irradiation, which is 85% of all thermal energy emitted by our body. This explains why the temperature values provided by infra-red thermometer are less by one degree Celsius compared to values received by traditional contact measuring method. Self-examination for themocontrol of diseases We would like offer you self-examination methods with the use of CEM®ThermoMonitoring Smart Thermometer for frequently occurring diseases. Usually, changes of local body surface temperature appear before other clinical symptoms. However, if you have any unpleasant sensations, but there are no temperature changes you should still visit a doctor. Diagnostic significance of thermograms received with CEM®Thermography and CEM®ThermoImage programs in difficult cases can be evaluated only by a doctor. Pains in ear area (suspicion for otitis) If you have pains in the ear area, it can be otitis (inflammatory disease in middle ear) ormastoiditis (inflammation of air cell in mastoid). Both of these diseases require compulsory treatment. These diseases can lead to some serious complications, such as hearing ability decrease, development of inflammatory process on skull’s bone, and others. Therefore, it is necessary to see ear, nose, throat doctor even if you will not reveal thermodiagnostic signs. As any inflammation, otitis leads to the increase of local temperature in the projection of middle ear (hircus). In case of developed process it leads to increase of local temperature in the area of mastoid. There is a standard diagnostics called “Thermographic signs of otitis” in CEM®ThermoImage program. The program gives conclusion on the presence or absence of thermodiagnostic signs of otitis after measuring temperature in standard points. For plotting detailed thermogram you can use nonstandard diagnostics and add several points. Pains in the area of paranasal sinuses (suspicion for sinusitis) Term “sinusitis” means inflammation of mucous membrane of sinus regardless of the cause generating inflammation. Sinusitis is always accompanied by inflammation changes of mucous membrane of sinus, therefore, the term “rhinosinusitis” is more correct. Rhinosinusitis is inflammation of sinus’s mucous membrane and paranasal sinus, caused by bacterial or viral infection, physical trauma, chemical trauma, allergy, or others. There are three types of sinusitis: - frontitis – inflammation of frontal sinus; - maxillitis – inflammation of maxillary sinus; - ethimoiditis – inflammation of ethmoidal labyrinth sinuses. Rhinosinusitis can be one sided and double sided. It can involve one or both paranasal sinuses from one or both sides, so called pansinusitis. Usually, sinusitis is caused by rhinitis. Sometimes, it is a complication from teeth’ treatment in upper jaw. Pains, carebaria, and bursting feeling appear in the area of paranasal sinus. A person has difficulties in breathing, appear suppurative discharges from nose, sense of smell is disturbed, general body temperature can increase. Sinusitis is a dangerous complication, which require compulsory visit to ear, nose, throat doctor. As any inflammation, sinusitis leads to the increase of temperature on skin projection of affected paranasal sinuses. There is a standard diagnostics called “Thermographic signs of sinusitis” in CEM®ThermoImage program. The program gives conclusion on the presence or absence of thermodiagnostic signs of sinusitis after measuring temperature in standard points situated in projections of paranasal sinuses. If such signs or other symptoms of sinusitis are present, it is necessary to see ear, nose, throat doctor as soon as possible. For plotting more detailed thermogram you can use nonstandard diagnostics and add several points. If you already had sinusitis before, in case of any rhinitis you should monitor temperature of paranasal sinuses daily as thermodiagnostic signs can appear earlier than other symptoms of sinusitis. This will help you to seek medical attention in time and start treatment. Self examination for revelation of latent diseases (diseases with no symptoms) CEM®ThermoMonitoring Smart Thermometer is ideally suitable for self examination of people who do not consider themselves sick, i.e. for early detection of latent diseases that could cause irremediable harm to human’s health and life. Malignization of nevuses (moles) Nevuses (moles) require special attention, because under the influence of some factors (increased isolation, constant traumatizing, and others) nevuses can become malignant. Close attention should be paid to a nevus, if new sensations are felt in the nevus area and its appearance changes. Such changes can be expressed in the size increase, color transformation, nevus becomes prominent, its borders become unclear or skin color around the nevus changes. In this case, it is necessary to see a doctor urgently. It is known that malignant neoplasms have higher metabolic level, and therefore higher temperature level, which could be monitored with the help of thermograph or “CEM®ThermoMonitoring” Smart Thermometer. For self examination you can use “Custom diagnostics” setting where you can choose any area for temperature measurement on model’s body. There are examples of point placement on the picture. Nevus should be in the center of temperature measurement area. Normally, nevus has the same temperature as surrounding tissues or even lower temperature, as it rises a bit above skin level. If the temperature of a nevus is higher than the temperature of surrounding tissues, urgent consultation of dermatologist is recommended. Thermo-diagnostics of secondary immunodeficiency signs Anyone at any age can develop secondary immunodeficiency caused by the influence of various negative factors (ecological conditions, diet, way of life, working conditions, different diseases). If you suffer from acute respiratory diseases more than twice a year, most likely, you already have immunodeficiency. In case of secondary thymus-dependent immunodeficiency, skin temperature above upper third of breastbone becomes lower than temperature of surrounding tissues. In this case, immune correction is necessary, as the risk of getting infectious and oncologic diseases increases. If the temperature above breastbone is lower than temperature of surrounding tissues for 2 ºС, it is necessary to conduct detailed examination for diagnostics of tumors and diabetes. Please, visit a doctor for detailed examination. Attention! Examination should not be done during acute respiratory diseases and bronchi-pulmonary diseases, because inflammatory process in the projection of trachea and bronchial tubes increases IR radiation. CEM®Thermometry program has standard diagnostics called “Thermodiagnostic signs of secondary immunodeficiency”. After going through the necessary steps of this diagnostics you can get conclusion about presence or absence of secondary immunodeficiency signs. According to the points on the picture, you can draw thermogram or add additional points for more precise picture. Thermo-diagnostics of angiodystrophy of lower extremities In normal conditions, there is a certain pattern of temperature distribution in lower extremities, according to which, proximal (located higher) parts of an extremity are always warmer than distal parts (situated lower). It means that the temperature of a thigh is higher than temperature of a shank and temperature of a shank is higher than temperature of a foot. Such distribution of temperature is called “correct proximal and distal temperature gradient”. Its temperature difference on shank-foot section does not exceed 5ºС. Arterial insufficiency can be seen from low temperature values in the lower third of shanks, but especially on feet (increase in values of proximal and distal temperature gradient). Venous insufficiency is reflected by high temperature values in lower third of shanks and, especially, in feet (reverse proximal and distal temperature gradient). Self examination is done in lying or sitting position. Measurements should be firstly done on diseased, and secondly on healthy extremity. Obligatory points for temperature taking: 1st point is situated on the front side of lower third of a thigh; 2nd point is situated on the front side of upper third of the thigh; 3rd point is situated on the front side of lower third of a shank; 4th point is situated on the front side of feet, on the level of a toe. Lowering of surface temperature level on foot and lower third of shank in comparison with upper third of shank can be observed in case of microangiopathy, for example diabetic microangiopathy (changes in arterioles, cappilars, and venuls) and obliteral diseases of middle and large size (atherosclerosis and endarteritis) of lower extremities. In this case, temperature difference between the areas is more than 5ºС. If your legs become cold quite often, and you feel pain when walking, you should visit a doctor. You should do it regardless of the results of self examination, especially if you smoke or have pancreatic diabetes. In about 1/3 of all patients with arterial insufficiency normal temperature values can still be registered in lower extremities. This is conditioned by compensatory mechanisms of the organism. These mechanisms cause the appearance of collateral circulation. In these cases “cold probe” should be administered. It will additionally discover the lowering of blood flow in extremities in about half of so-called “normal” initial thermograms. “Cold probe” (Volgin E. G., 1982). The easiest way to administer “cold probe” is cooling extremities with water. Big bucket should be filled with water of about 16ºС temperature. Feet should be placed in water for two to three minutes. To decrease irritavitve effect from cold and for hygienic purposes, it is recommended to cover feet with thin plastic covers. Take temperature with infra-red thermometer in the feet area. Repeated measurements are administered in 10, 20, and 30 minutes after cold exposure. Gradual warming of extremities will be observed in 10 minutes in healthy people. Extremities’ temperature should reach initial level in 20 to 30 minutes. In case of blood flow disturbance in lower extremities, there is no restoration of temperature even in 30 minutes after cooling. Venous system of lower extremities is represented by three kinds of vessels: 1. Superficial veins. They carry 10% of blood flowing from lower extremities; 2. Deep veins are situated close to arterial vessels. Deep veins carry up to 90% of blood; 3. Communication veins go through fascia and connect deep vein system with superficial. In norm, in valves of communication veins, blood circulation goes only in one direction: vein blood goes from superficial system into deep system. Diseases of superficial and deep veins are wide spread pathology and comprises about 30% of all surgeries. About 20% of population suffers from chronic vein insufficiency. More women than man suffer from vein insufficiency in Russia (the ratio is 4:1); in the USA, ratio is 1:1. Disability from chronic vein insufficiency often combines with concomitant vein pathologies (phlebitis, trombphlebitis, lymphostasis, and lymphorrhagia) and comprises 5-7% of all forms of disabilities. If you have varicose veins on legs, venous edema, and you have unpleasant sensations in legs in the end of the day, we recommend to evaluate shanks’ deep veins functioning. Measurements are conducted in the morning in lying or sitting position. When all temperature gradients are equal to 0ºС or feet become warmer than shanks, than vein insufficiency is present. In this case, signs of reversed proximal and distal temperature gradient are present. Functional probes can be used for specification of intensity of venous insufficiency. March probe: Walk in one spot for two minutes with a speed of 30 steps per minute. Take repeated measurements. If temperature values on feet and shanks have decreased or did not change after march probe, it means that vein insufficiency is being compensated. If the values have increased, this is an indicator of failure of vein circulation in deep veins of a shank. In this case it is recommended to visit a phlebologist. CEM®ThermoMonitoring and Chinese medicine Thousand year experience of Chinese traditional medicine has shown that biologically active points (BAP) can be used for receiving information about pathologies and organs’ functioning as well as about functioning of the whole organism. Diagnostic methods are based on fact that BAP change their temperature depending on their condition. Temperature of BAP is different from temperature of surrounding them skin. With the help of thermo vision equipment, biologically active points corresponding to Chinese acupuncture points can be determined as thermo negative (“cold”), thermo positive (“hot”), and intact (“not distinguished by anything”) in comparison with surrounding tissues. Processes of degeneration and oppression of functional activities correspond to “cold” zones. Inflammation and increase of functional activity correspond to “hot” zones. Smart Thermometer CEM®ThermoMonitoring can define quantitative values of temperature of specific BAP due to small area of its IR-sensor. With the help of CEM®ThermoMonitoring device acupuncture specialist or doctor can evaluate the condition of channels and biologically active points that have too “much” or too “little” energy and adequately select a treatment and monitor its effectiveness. The connection between certain areas of skin surface and internal organs is known for a long time. In his or her work, a doctor constantly faces symptoms of “reflection” of internal organs’ functions on skin. Evaluation of such functions helps a doctor to draw right conclusions about functioning of organs. About five thousand years ago, in the East (China, Tibet), it was noticed that stimulation of certain skin areas by a needle can ease the pain and sometimes even cure diseases. These small zones on a body surface are called acupuncture points or biologically active points (BAP). BAP are defined areas of epidermis with diameter of 2 to 3 mm. The areas are characterized by increased concentration of cappilares and nerve endings, small lymphatic ducts, and by the number of unusual physical and physiological characteristics. Secretion of carbonic acid and reduced electrical resistance are typical for BAP. The fact that corresponding areas of spinal cord are connected with a part or function of certain organ is a physiological special feature of BAP. In the conditions of illness, all of the above mentioned parameters of BAP deviate from normal values. Constellation of points connected to an organ is called “meridian” or “channel”. Thousand year experience of Chinese medicine has shown that BAP system allows receiving information about pathology and functioning of separate organ as well as about the whole organism. It is possible to actively influence corresponding organs through correctly chosen BAP. Thus, the system of acupuncture meridians is naturally developed diagnostic and therapeutic apparatus. Diagnostic methods are based on the fact that BAP’s values of physical characteristics significantly differ from surrounding tissues’. The most accessible for observation characteristics are changes of temperature and conductivity of BAP. Recording of conductivity changes of BAP reflects general condition of an organism as well as functioning of separate organs and systems (Nakatani and Riodaraku method). In 1970s, in Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia, a group of scientists under supervision of Professor V.G. Vogralik has been extensively studying temperature reactions of biologically active points of human’s skin surface with the use of medical thermograph. It was found out that temperature reactions of BAP clearly reflect the condition of connected to them internal organs and functional systems. Described specific thermovision signs helped scientists to create consistent system of thermovision reflex-diagnostics, which widens possibilities of thermography in many times. On 20th of January, 1999, International association of authors of scientific discoveries confirmed the establishment of scientific discovery in the area of acupuncture points of human surfaces (on the base of expert examination results of application for discovery №А-130). Diploma for discovery: “Regularity of intensity changes of infra red radiation in acupuncture point areas of human body surfaces”. Authors of discovery: Vogralik Mikhalil Vladimirovich, Vogralic Vadim Gabrielovich, Golovanova Margarita Vladimirovna. Formula of invention: Established unknown earlier regularity of intensity changes of infra red radiation in acupuncture point areas of human body surfaces. When functional condition of organs and systems of human organism changes, changes the intensity of infra red radiation of acupuncture points that correspond to these organs and systems. The process is determined by the change of microcirculation intensity, blood flow, and oxidizing processes in the areas of acupuncture points.
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