How to upload a catalog on Magento Managing your online store with ShopGo Now that you have created your online store with ShopGo all you need to do is present your products in there and start selling! We will first examine some keywords that you will need for managing your online store. Catalog: a catalog is the place where you present your products on the internet. Front-end: is the main view of your store. As seen below: Back-end: is the admin panel which helps in managing your online store; it is also called the Dashboard. URL: stands for (uniform resource locator); it is the website link that shows on the top of your browser. In order to upload a complete catalog we need to edit 3 main sections: 1. The Category: helps you list your products based on their type. 2. The Attribute: helps you divide your products based on their properties; an example would be a t-shirt with 3 colors and sizes. 3. The products: helps you add products to your store. 1. The Category A category helps you arrange your products based on the class it belongs to; for example clothes, Books. How to add a category Go to Catalog > Manage categories Note: To ensure that no confusion occurs; we will only show you how to fill the necessary fields. To add a new Category, click on Add Subcategory On the upper left The subcategory: will appear under the Default category. General information tab Name: here we place the name of the category; for example Books. This name will appear on the menu bar. Is Active: setting it to Yes means the category will appear on the front-end (website). URL Key: is the web address that will represent the category. For example Thumbnail Image: The thumbnail image shows a small icon on the menu (the feature shows depending on the design). Click on browse image and choose the image from your PC. Description: describes the category and it shows on the top of the category page. Image: You can add this image by clicking on Browse; the added image will represent the category. See below Page Title: is the title that is displayed on the browser tab Meta Keywords and Meta Description these are keywords that are related to your products; specifying these helps your customers find your store while searching for it. In this example we will use (books, fiction, romance, comedy, educational). Include in Navigation Menu: select Yes so that it appears on the layered navigation on the left side. Go to the top of the page. Click the Display Settings Tab: Display Mode: you can either select; *Products only: if you want products to appear on the category page only. *Static block only: if you want to display a static block on the menu bar; for example About Us page. *Or you can choose both. Is Anchor: Selecting Yes helps you display the category list in the Layered Navigation (For more information click here). Available Product Listing Sort By: it helps in sorting products in the layered navigation based on the name or price. These are predefined and you can only select one of the three choices. Default Product Listing Sort By: it sorts products in the product page based on one attribute. Note: you can either choose Available Product Listing Sort By or Default Product Listing Sort By. Layered Navigation Price Step: This helps you sort products based on specific price ranges in the layered navigation; e.g. $0,00 - $200,00 (372) $200,00 - $400,00 (16) $400,00 - $600,00 (6) Custom Design Tab: With this option you can choose your own design for a specific category or a specific product. You can link the category page to your own custom design You can change the position of products by changing the page layout. Note: This option is only recommended for those who are experienced in web design. Category Products Tab: To specify which products to display on the category, you can change the page view to Any and click on Search. Click on the checkboxes to add the products that you need to add to the category. You can also sort the way your products are displayed on the category page by following these steps. NOTE: No products will appear if you haven’t added any products yet. So you can get back to this step after adding products. Click Save Category Once you save the category the books category is under the Default category. To add a sub-category under Books, click on Books category and click on add subcategory. Note: you can drag and drop the category if you want to change its position. For example if you have added a Root Category and you want to make it a subcategory, Drag the Fiction books category and drop it under Books category instead of Default. Click Save. You will notice that the added category will appear on the menu bar of your website (front-end). 2.Attributes An attribute is a property that divides the products based on their Name, Size, and Color etc. Go To Catalog> Attributes> Manage Attributes We will find a list of existing Attributes, to add a new attribute. On the Upper Right, click on 2.1Add New Attribute Attribute Properties: Attribute Code: is the name of the attribute. We will choose to name it; Size. Scope: to choose where this attribute appears; you can restrict it to the store view (English or Arabic store), to the website (All store views) or make it global in order for it to appear on Search Engines. Catalog Input Type for Store Owner: This shows us how the attribute choices are displayed while adding a product from the back-end (admin panel). We will choose Dropdown. Unique Value: If you want the attribute to be unique for each product (e.g. SKU) select Yes. In this case we are choosing Size so we will keep it to No. Values Required: this makes the attribute to be required or optional while creating the product. Yes: to make it required to add an attribute this will prevent you from forgetting to add this choice No: to make it optional. Apply To: we can select to which types of products the attribute is to be applied. Click on Selected Product Types and choose Simple product. Use To Create Configurable Product: make sure to always Select Yes; this way while creating a configurable product the attribute choices will appear under associated products tab (this is explained under configurable products section) Frontend Properties Use in Quick Search and Use in Advanced Search: select Yes so your customers can use the attribute as a keyword to find your products in your store; for example size. Comparable on Front-End: Selecting Yes to let the attribute appear while comparing products. Use in Layered Navigation: layered navigation is the menu on the left side which is explained here. Selecting Filterable with Results: in order to display attribute sets that were used in products. Filterable with No results: in order to display all attribute types on layered navigation. For example if the color choice orange is not available in the category, this option will display despite this fact. No: in order to hide it from layered navigation. Manage Label/ Options: Manage Titles (Size, color etc.) On the Admin field type in Size or whatever choice you want. Manage Options (Values of you attribute) Click on Add option. Fill in the Admin field and type in the size option “Large” Fill in the English and Arabic field (if you have two store views (English and Arabic)). Add another option and write Medium etc. Click on Save Attribute. Note: to add color options click here. 2.2 Managing Attribute Sets Attribute set: these help you create different attributes for different product types without the need to change the settings for each product type. This changes the fields while creating a product. To activate the attribute that you have just created you need to link it to the attribute set. Click on Catalog> Attribute > Manage Attribute Sets: Click on Default Make sure to put the attribute under Groups. To do so, we need to Drag the Size attribute (which is under Unassigned Attributes) and drop it under the General Folder in Groups. Click on Save Attribute Set. 3. Products There are 6 types of products we will cover 3 of the most needed products. 1. Simple Products: are used for are used for any type of tangible product. Such as a Camera. 2. Configurable products: is a group of simple products that include different attributes; e.g. a bag with different colors. 3. Downloadable product: this is used for virtual products such as videos and songs. 4. Bundle Product: the best example for the bundle product is the memory capacity inside a computer or headphones. The customer gets to choose an accessory in addition to the main product for example a memory card for a camera or headphones with a mobile phone. 5. Grouped Product: This option can help you display several similar products on a same page. For example crayons with different color sets. 6. Virtual Product: This is a virtual product that does not require shipping or inventory. For example a warranty. How to Add a Simple Product? Go to Catalog> Manage products>Add Product>we will choose to add a Simple product. Then click on Add products. Name: is the name of the product. For example; The Secret. Description: includes the specifications of the product. For example; The Secret is a best-selling 2006 selfhelp book written by Rhonda Byrne, based on the earlier film of the same name. Short Description: for example The Secret is a best-selling 2006 self-help book written by Rhonda Byrne, based on the earlier film of the same name. Note: Short description shows on the category page while hovering on the product image, while description shows on the product page; see below SKU: is the (Stock keeping Unit): this number is supposed to be unique; it helps you to manage the inventory. For example; 1001-IC. Weight: is the weight of the product, we will choose 1. Status: the product must be Enabled. Visibility: Catalog, Search. On the left sidebar click on the second tab; Price Price: specify the price of the product let’s say 99 Group Price: helps you offer a deducted cost to a specific group of customers. For more about Customer segmentation click here. Tier Pricing: encourages your customers to add more items to the cart. Click on Add tier; specify the quantity, and the price you want to add. For more about tier pricing click here. Tax Class: we need to specify whether the goods are taxable, or not. Meta information: it helps you in Search Engine Optimization. Images: click on Browse Image, and select the product image from your computer. After that make sure you tick on base image, small image and thumbnail. Go to Inventory tab on the left side: Qty: displays the number of products in the stock, once the quantity changes to 0 the product will be marked as Out of Stock, hence cannot be added to the cart. Stock Availability: if the product is available in the inventory you have to change its status to In Stock. Websites: click on the Checkbox in order for the product to appear on the main website. Categories: is the place where the product should appear on the store. In this case we will choose Books category by clicking on the box of the category. Related Products: it is used to link the product you are adding to other related products such as adding a mouse and headphones to a computer. Click on Custom Options Tab on the left. Custom options: this enables you to quickly edit products that have same specifications but are different in one particular specification for more information about this option click here. For example a t-shirt with different sizes In the Title field write the options you want to apply. Let’s assume Size Input Type: is used to specify the way these options are displayed. Is Required: selecting Yes means the customer must fill this field in order to complete the order. Sort Order: to specify the priority of the option. Number 1 means this option will appear first. Click on Add New Row button and fill the fields as follow: Title: is the name of the product Price: the specific price of this size or color SKU: of the product Click on Save. Now go to the front-end of the store and click on the product you have just added, and voila here you have added the product on your store. Adding a Configurable Product: Note: configurable product is the main view of the product; it is composed of a number of simple products with different colors or sizes. Your customers cannot order it; hence the SKU must be different. This is why we will have to add the simple product that will be linked inside the configurable product first. Go to Catalog>manage products>Add new product>Product type: Simple Product Name: is the name of the product. For example; T-shirt Size: choose from the drop down menu the size; for example Medium. Description: Spiderman T-shirt Short Description: Spiderman T-shirt. SKU: is the (Stock keeping Unit): this number is supposed to be unique. For Example, c1123 Weight: is the weight of the product, we will choose 1. Status: the product must be Enabled Visibility: Here since the product is going to appear under the configurable product, we will choose Not Visible Individually. On the left sidebar click on the second tab; Price Price: specify the price of the product let’s say 99 Tax Class: we need to specify whether the goods are taxable, or not. Meta information: it helps you in Search Engine Optimization. Images: click on Browse Image, and select the product image from your computer. After that make sure you click on base image, small image and thumbnail. Go to Inventory tab on the left side: Qty: displays the number of products in the stock. Stock Availability: in order for the product to appear on the front-end make sure the product is In Stock. Websites: click on the Checkbox in order for the product to appear on the main website. Categories: is the place where the product should appear on the store. In this case we will choose Books. Related Products: helps you add products that are related to the existing product; for example; adding a mouse to a computer. Click save. Note: These steps are to be repeated for the other sizes; but only the SKU and Size must be changed. Adding a configurable product Now that we have added 3 simple products with 3 different sizes we will work on linking them together. Go to Catalog> Manage products Product Type: Configurable Product. The attribute options will appear; in this case the Color and Size. Choose one or both by clicking on the checkbox. In this example we will choose size. Click on Continue. Name: is the name of the product. For example; T-shirt Description: is the way the product is presented. Spiderman t-shirt. Short Description: Spiderman T-shirt. SKU: is the (Stock keeping Unit): this number is supposed to be unique. For example, 1001-IC. Status: the product must be Enabled Visibility: Catalog, Search. Price: specify the price of the product let’s say 99 Tax Class: we need to specify whether the goods are taxable, or not. Meta information: it helps you in Search Engine Optimization. Images: click on Browse Image, and select the product image from your computer. After that make sure you click on base image, small image and thumbnail. Inventory: Stock availability: make sure it is In Stock Categories: is the place where the product should appear on the store. In this case we will choose clothing. From the left side bar tab click on Associated Products: Since we have a t-shirt with different sizes; we will need to link all the sizes within one product with different SKUs. This can apply to any attribute set. Click on Reset Filter You will find all products that have size. Click on the checkboxes of the products that you want to choose. Click Save. Now go to the front-end of the store and click on the product you have just added, and voila here you have a tshirt with different sizes. The difference between custom options and Configurable product: - Custom options are used for a small number of products - Custom options are used when you are not using inventory management; because custom options can have the same SKU for different product types. - Custom options variations are displayed on the same product page. Adding a Downloadable Product Go to Catalog > Manage products> click on Add new Product Product Type: Downloadable product In order to add a downloadable product you need to follow the same steps on the simple product. The only thing that changes in this case is the last tab on the left bar. Downloadable Information: Click on Samples: This allows you to add a sample of what you are providing; for example if it is a musical album, here you can place a URL or a File containing the existing songs. You can add a New Row for adding more than one sample. Click on Links: here is where the songs are presented. Title: you can rename the title Links can be purchased separately: if you want to sell the Album as a whole select No; if you want to sell songs individually select Yes. Click on Add New Row button and fill in the Title (the name of the song) Price of the song (only if you want to sell them individually) Max. Downloads: you can choose for the song to be downloaded once by the customer; or unlimited number of downloads. Sharable: if customers can share the product with others click Yes. If you want the customer to only keep the copy for themselves then click No. Sample: you can again have a sample of each individual song for example. File: Here you can choose whether it is a file from your PC or a URL link. Sort Order: to order how the songs in the Album are presented based on priority. You can click Add New Row to add more products. Once you are done click on Upload Files. Click Save. Once the product is added this is how the product page will look like:
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