How to export to the European Union? EU Export Helpdesk

How to export to the
European Union?
EU Export Helpdesk
European Commission, DG Trade
What is the
Export Helpdesk?
A website to inform you on how to export to the EU
A source of information on the compulsory information a business needs to reach
the EU market
A database on trade in goods
Free access: no charge and no password
In 6 languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and Russian
How can it help a business?
How my product should be?
It provides you with the full list of requirements your product needs to fulfill to
enter the EU market
How much will it cost me?
It calculates the import tariff applying to your product and informs you if a
preferential tariff applies in your specific case
How to obtain a preferential tariff?
It explains the preferential trade agreements applying to your product and
country, along with informing you how to implement them
It also explains how to prove the origin of your product
With whom can I do business?
It provides you with a list of EU trade contacts
Who is importing/exporting?
It assists your market research by providing detailed statistics on product-byproduct EU trade flows
Who is using it worldwide?
Who is using it in Africa?
Who is using it in Asia?
Who is using it in Latin America?
Who is using it in the Caribbean region?
Who is using it in the neighbouring
Who is using it in Europe?
How can it help your business?
1. Go to the Export Helpdesk at
2. Click on "My export"
3. Tell us what you want to export by filling in the input form
In the input form, we ask you to:
Enter your product code
That is the 10-digits code that describes your product in the International Classification of Goods.
If you do not know this code, click on "Search" and search by keyword
Select a country of origin
Your country
Select a destination country
The EU country where you want to sell your product
Select a simulation date
The date when you foresee your product to reach the EU borders (customs)
How can it help your business?
4. Click on "Search"
A screen similar to the one below will appear:
5. In the Requirements tab, you will find
the list of compulsory EU import
requirements applying to your product
6. Clicking on each requirement, you will
access to its explanation, legislation,
documents needed, the contact address
of the competent authority in the EU and
further information such as examples,
7. Below you will find the VAT/excises
applying to your product in the EU
destination country you selected.
How can it help your business?
8. In the tariffs tab, you will find the import
tariff applying to your product/country.
The first row (Erga Omnes) indicates the
tariff to pay by any exporter outside the EU.
The second row indicates if you can benefit
from a preferential trade arrangement that
will give you a tariff preference. The
"discount" tariff appears on the tariff's
When you see "0%" it means that you do
not have anything to pay to enter the EU
9. If quotas or antidumping measures apply to your product/country, they will appear on the third
row. Click on them to see the balance of the quota
How can it help your business?
10. If you benefit from a preferential tariff,
there will be one tab per preferential
In this tab you will find the Rule of Origin that
applies to your product under this
Click on the links above for further information
on the arrangement or the rules of origin
characteristics (such as cumulation, tolerance,
derogations, etc)
How can it help your business?
In 10 steps you can find:
how your product should be to enter the EU market
how much you should pay
how much you do not pay because your product/country benefits from a preferential arrangement
how to prove the origin of your product to benefit from this preferential tariff
How to get further information?
•By contacting the EU Delegation
•in your country
•By directly contacting the
•Export Helpdesk team
Thank you!
EU requirements
When exporting to the EU, you can benefit from the huge market:
27 countries with around 500 million consumers.
To understand how the EU trade system is organised, the
procedures to follow and the documents to fill in, in this section you
will find:
•EU product classification system
•EU import procedures
•Documents for customs clearance
•EU Customs Union
•Value Added Tax (VAT)
•Excise duties
But, before reaching Europe, your goods must meet the EU
requirements to protect human and animal health, the
environment and consumers rights.
In the Requirements section you will find and overview of the main
requirements classified by sectors.
You can also check the requirements applying to your product at
My Export.
EU tariffs
One significant aspect of international trade policy is the
levying or lifting of tariffs. A trade tariff is a tax or duty which
is placed on goods crossing political borders (or customs
Import tariffs are the most common, and involve a tax
being assessed on products coming in from another country.
To understand the EU import tariffs and related issues, in this
section you may find in the basic concepts of:
Binding Tariff Information,
duty relief and suspensions,
quotas or antidumping duties.
EU preferential arrangements
The European Commission negotiates at the World Trade
Organisation on behalf of the EU.
So, the Commission has signed a number of preferential trade
agreements with developing countries that may affect your export
to the EU.
Under these agreements, the parties exchange tariff concessions or
other preferential treatment.
Once a preferential arrangement is in force between the EU and
your country or region, this substantially improves market access
for your exports to EU as it eliminates or reduces tariffs and
facilitates procedures.
In this section you can find an introduction to all preferential trade
arrangements the EU has with developing countries
EU rules of origin
We have listed each EU preferential arrangement that a developing country can
benefit. Just click on the one applying to your case and you will find:
•A brief description of this agreement
•Its specific rules of origin
•Its specific proofs of origin (and templates)
Preferential trade arrangements can substantially
improve market access for your exports to the EU as it
will eliminate or reduce tariffs in many goods.
But, to benefit from this, you will have proof that your
product "originates" in your country.
In this section you will find the key issues to
understand the EU rules of origin for any agreement.
EU trade statistics
Filling in the input form you will find the trade flows between any country
and the EU since 2002.
You can transfer this data to an Excel file
About us & contact form
In the section "About us"
you will learn who we are
and why we are doing this.
Besides, you will find a
contact form where you
can ask us your questions
on how to export to the EU.
About us & contact form
We aim to assist business in searching, understanding and
promoting the exports to the EU.
For that, we put at your disposal multilingual communication
They are regularly updated and include general presentations
as well as country and sector-specific information.
Select your country on the menu and you will access to all
tools applying to your case.
To keep continuously updated, follow our news on EU export related issues.
On the “Features” section you will find examples of other users who found the
Export Helpdesk helpful –and why-. You will also find success stories and interviews
to exporters worldwide. Do you want to be next?
How to get further information?
•By contacting the EU Delegation
•in your country
•By directly contacting the
•Export Helpdesk team
Thank you!