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PLAY: The Curse of King Tut • Issue: October 10, 2011
The Curse of King Tut Quiz
Directions: Read the play The Curse of King Tut, or click here to view a PDF of the story. Then click the bubble next to
for each question below.
1.According to Tarik, why did a cobra kill
Howard Carter’s canary?
A as a warning not to enter Tut’s tomb
B to get revenge for Tut’s mysterious death
C to foreshadow Georges Bénédite’s death
D The snake was hungry.
2.Which word BEST describes Carter’s attitude toward
“the mummy’s curse”?
A curiosity
C terror
B disbelief
D fury
3.What is the most likely reason the writer began the
play with Lord Carnarvon’s death?
A to help readers understand why Carter was
so determined to find Tut’s tomb
B to create a sense of foreboding and introduce the
idea of the curse
C to provide background information on archaeology
in the 1920s
D to raise questions about the cause of
Tutankhamen’s death
4. W
hat is the main purpose of the excerpt from
Howard Carter’s journal on p. 15?
A to describe how crowded the tomb was
B to increase readers’ interest in Egyptology
C to present Carter’s own words about the discovery
of Tut’s tomb
D to precisely explain the location of the
mummy inside the tomb
5.Which of the following characters does NOT
express the belief that the curse might be real?
A Alan Gardiner
C Lord Carnarvon
B Tarik
D Tony
6.Luxor is described as “a desolate place full of
sand and rock.” What does desolate mean?
A crowded
C uncomfortably hot
B lacking signs of life
D mysterious
7.In Scene 5, what is Reis Ahmed suggesting when he
says, “You must admit, because of Howard Carter,
Tutankhamen will live forever”?
A Carter and his team know special techniques
for preserving mummies.
B Tutankhamen’s soul will never be able to rest
because people will constantly be saying his name.
C Carter’s discovery of the tomb has made
Tutankhamen famous, ensuring that Tut
will never be forgotten.
D The curse brings the dead back to life.
8.What is the purpose of Scene 6?
A to show that people are still talking about
the curse today
B to describe how the contents of Tut’s tomb
are transported
C to convince the reader that no one is safe
from the curse
D to provide evidence that the curse is real
Directions: Type your answers into the text box below each question. Use complete sentences.
9.This play is a dramatization of the discovery of King Tut’s tomb. List three events from the play that are based
on real life and explain how you determined this.
10. H
oward Carter spent many years searching for Tutankhamen’s tomb, knowing that whatever treasures he
discovered would not belong to him. Why do you think he would do this?
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Uses: Copy machine, opaque projector, or transparency master for overhead projector. Scholastic Inc. grants subscribers of Scholastic Scope permission to reproduce this page for use in their classrooms. Copyright © 2011 by Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved.