How to recover PointCare from backup Device”

How to recover PointCare from backup
Step 5 – On the dropdown menu, tap “My
You should only recover PointCare from backup
after receiving approval from the IT
Department. Proceeding will delete the
existing database and replace it with a copy
from your last backup. This will only work if
you have a recent backup.
Step 1 – Exit PointCare.
Step 6 – Tap “Storage Card”
Step 2 – Tap “Start”, then tap “Programs”.
Step 3 – Tap “File Explorer”
Step 4 – In File Explorer, tap on the black down
arrow as shown below:
Step 7 – The root of the storage card folder
contains an “ads” file. Check that the date next
to the file is current. (Note: An error message
will display if you try to open this file.)
Step 8 – Press and hold on the “ads” file until
the menu below appears, then tap on “Copy”
For technical assistance, contact Kong Vue, IT Tech, 248-524-6472 (office) or [email protected]
Step 9 – After you’ve copied the file, tap on the
black down arrow and tap “My Device”
Step 10 – Tap “Program Files”
Step 12a – Tap “Yes” to confirm that you would
like to delete the “ads” file.
Step 13 – You should see the colored wheel
spinning. Once the file has been deleted, you
should no longer see it listed.
Step 14 – Press and hold anywhere on the white
space below the last file until you get the menu,
then tap “Paste”
Step 11 – Tap “PointCare”
Step 15 – The file will begin to copy over to the
original file location
Step 12 – This is the location of your original
PointCare database. It needs to be deleted.
Press and hold until you get the menu option to
“Delete”, then tap “Yes” to confirm.
Step 16 – Once the copy completes, the “ads”
file should appear on the bottom of the file list.
Close out of the File Explorer program and relaunch PointCare.
For technical assistance, contact Kong Vue, IT Tech, 248-524-6472 (office) or [email protected]