SERMON NOTES Sermon Series: The Real Mary “Caring Mother” Main Point: Through Mary’s ______________ _________ _____________________, we find what _________________ __________ ______________ means. WEEKLY CALENDAR SUNDAY 12/20 8:30 Worship 9:00 Worship Kidstyle 9:45 Bible Study 10:55 Worship 6:00 Youth Worship 6:00 Evening Worship Brian Rommes, guest speaker MONDAY 12/21 6:00 Monday Night Football & Bible Study for Youth WEDNESDAY 12/23 Church Office & Library Closed 6:30 Prayer Meeting THURSDAY 12/24 Church Office & Library Closed 5:30 Christmas Eve Service FRIDAY Church Office Closed Merry Christmas 12/25 Living for Jesus means _______________________________ God’s ______________ are wrapped in ________________________. (Luke 2:1-20) Living for Jesus means ______________________________ with the ________________________________________. (Luke 2:39-52) Christmas Eve Service will be at December 24. 5:30 p.m. Thursday, A combined worship service beginning at 8:30 a.m. is planned for Sunday, December 27. Living for Jesus means ________________________________God’s __________________ _____________________. (Mark 3:31-35) HOW TO JOIN FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sermon Sources: Sam uses the Holman Christian Standard Bible Blessed One: Protestant Perspectives on Mary, Gaventa The Miracle of Christmas, MacArthur Mary: Glimpses of the Mother of Jesus, Gaventa The Virgin Birth of Christ, Machen Luke for Everyone, N. T. Wright New American Commentary Luke, Stein New American Commentary Matthew, Blomberg New Testament Commentary Matthew, Hendrickson Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, Green MacArthur New Testament Commentary Luke 1-5, MacArthur MacArthur New Testament Commentary Matthew 1-7, MacArthur Holman New Testament Commentary Luke, Anders Holman New Testament Commentary Matthew, Anders The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown, Kostenberger The Bible tells us Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it (Eph. 5:25b); it also records that as people were saved they were added (joined) to the church (Acts 2:47b). God wants believers to be part of a local church. Here are ways to become a member of our church. By Baptism When you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, you need to obey Him by being baptized (immersed). Following your baptism, you will be a member of this church. By Letter If you are a member of another Baptist church, you may request we write that church stating you have come by letter into our church. They in turn will send us a letter confirming you have been a member there, transferring your membership from their church to ours. By Statement If you have committed your life to Christ and have been biblically baptized by immersion, you can request that we receive you into membership by statement of prior confession and baptism. How to Contact First Baptist Church Phone: (270) 753-1854 Fax: (270) 753-3967 Email: [email protected] THE LORD’S DAY - SUNDAY, December 20, 2009 MORNING WORSHIP - 8:30 AM 2009 Goal: $80,000 Received to Date: $76,894 MORNING WORSHIP - 10:55 AM Piano/Organ Prelude Lisa Ray & Margaret Wilkins “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus” Welcome - Boyd Smith “O Come All Ye Faithful” Welcome to Our Worshippers “Joy to the World “ (Unspeakable Joy) Boyd Smith “This, this is Christ, the King, Whom Shepherds guard and angels sing: Haste, haste to bring Him laud, The Babe, the Son of Mary!”* Guided Prayer - Pastor Sam Rainer Children’s Sermon - Amber Sugg Hymn No. 93 “Lead Me to the Cross” Offertory Prayer - Jeff Stewart, Deacon of the Week Offertory - “Manger Throne” Guided Prayer Pastor Sam Rainer Hymn No. 101 “Gentle Mary Laid Her Child” Mary Grace West, Harpist Choral Message Message in Word A combined worship service beginning at 8:30 a.m. is planned for Sunday, December 27. Pastor Sam Rainer Sermon Series: The Real Mary “Caring Mother” Hymn of Commitment No. 320 “Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus” Benediction EVENING WORSHIP - 6:00 PM E. J. Wood Piano Postlude Hymn No. 77 “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus” Prayer Hymn No. 86 Message “O Little Town of Bethlehem” Brian Rommes Lisa Ray “The Birthday of A King” “For He alone is worthy, For He alone is worthy, For He alone is worthy, Christ the Lord!”* HAVE YOU GIVEN? Special offering envelopes for our World Mission Offering have a blue border and may be found in the packet of envelopes mailed to your home or on the back of each pew. Sanctuary Choir “Mary, Did You Know?” Erin Rainer, Soloist Prayer - Tim Greer The Acteens have provided mail boxes to distribute Christmas cards to FBC family. The mail boxes are located in the Welcome Center. We ask that you give the money you would spend on postage to our World Mission Offering. Steve Alcott, Deacon of the Week Offertory Worship Through Response - “How Many Kings” Join us for worship tonight at 6 p.m. Brian Rommes, our former youth intern, will be the guest speaker. “It Came upon the Midnight Clear” Offertory Prayer Message in Word - Pastor Sam Rainer Sermon Series: The Real Mary “Caring Mother” “The Real Mary” is the title of Pastor Sam’s Christmas sermon series. Join us as we look at Mary as a mother, and a follower. The Savior she worshiped is the babe she nursed. The man she cared for is the ransom for the world. The One she birthed she saw die on a Roman cross. The whole point of Mary’s existence was to reveal something about Jesus. WMO Spotlight: Baptist Campus Ministry - The Murray State BCM serves as the local Southern Baptist churches' connection to the campus of Murray State. Financially supporting the BCM facilitates outreach projects on campus, discipleship and evangelism training for students involved in the ministry, and leadership development of current students in ministry roles on campus. Two full-time associates on the staff of the BCM are fully funded through local church support and alumni contributions. A key aspect of BCM programming continues to be International Student Ministry which provides opportunities to share the Gospel with students from all over the world. Please pray about your level of giving to the Baptist Campus Ministry as a part of the WMO. The new church directories have arrived! A copy for each family is available in the church office. * CCLI #776766 The Invitation CD’s are available in the Welcome Center. This CD features spoken Biblical truth supported with songs of faith from today's best-selling Christian artists. Pick one up today to take to your “one” to invite them to meet Christ. All FBC family and guests are encouraged to sign the attendance pad located at the ends of each pew. If you are a guest visiting with us today, please stop by the guest services desk in the Welcome Center. We have a gift bag for you.
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