How to be beyond contemplation I have a friend named Evan. While discussing which of the two of us is more awesome, he cited the definition of his name, and rested his case. evan adj./adv. 1. to be awesome beyond contemplation In a desperate attempt to win this battle, I typed my own name into the search bar, confident the eccentric dictionary would not let me down. The best it came up with was: serena noun 1. beautiful in all ways, kind in all ways, willing to help others Lame. I want to be awesome. Better yet, awesome beyond contemplation. So I set out to find what makes people so awesome. I studied and learned from many Evans and nonEvans alike the attributes that foster awesomeness. I have compiled these in a short A-Z guide: How to be Awesome Beyond Contemplation. 2 A is for Effort Everyone has used a variation of that phrase at least once. Eighty-nine percent of people have later thought, “I’m pretty sure effort starts with an e, but I know I always screw up the when-to-useeffect-and-when-to-use-affect rule, but I don’t think affort is a word, so I think it is just a figure of speech.” As a certified public school teacher, who has given many an A for effort, I approve of that message. Of all the awesome people I have observed, I notice a definite trend toward consistency of effort. Although awesome can be used to describe once-in-a-blue-moon occurrences (i.e. that tuna fish sandwich was awesome!), awesome people have awesome ingrained into them. No longer is it what they do that is awesome, it is who they are, and therefore, awesome flows from them. True, awesome people have off-days. They face sadness, anger, defeat, and discouragement as often as the rest of us, but the way they deal with setbacks and disappointments is much different than a non-awesome person. Their view is that whatever or whoever is causing these feelings is just temporary. Also, they don’t place stock in believing that the non-awesome thing or person is purposefully causing them grief. Their effort is focused on action rather than a reaction when things go wrong. 3 B is for Bikes It has been scientifically proven that riding a bike makes you more awesome. All the awesome people I know at least know how to ride a bike, and the frequency of riding is generally related to level of awesomeness. Each type of bike exhibits a certain kind of awesome. Here is a breakdown of biker types and their corresponding awesomeness: Kids bikes w/training wheels You are awesome because you think you are awesome. Although you are riding mostly lopsided with the right training wheel wearing thin, you have a giant smile on your face because you can already ride without hands as you readjust your stuffed animal in the handlebar basket or make sure your duct-taped action figure is still in the right pose while making forward progress. You own the road, and you can ride as straight or as sporadically as you want, and the cars adjust to you. You are awesome! Kids bikes w/o training wheels Because you made the decision to balance on your own, you are awesome. Every time you fall over, you get back up and keep riding. You can make skid marks and whip-turns by merely pushing the pedal backward. You are starting to understand that only part of the road is for you and you are getting better at multitasking by riding and watching where you are going. 4 Bikes with kid trailers You refuse to give up something you love just because you suddenly have little people to take care of whose arms can’t reach over their heads. You’re teaching them the thrill of the wind blowing in their face, of being outside, of speed, of bumps and turns. And if it’s the only way you’ve found to get them effectively to sleep, all the better. Imagine the dreams they’re having. Old junker bikes Getting from point A to B doesn’t have to cost $10,000, although for some it can. The great thing about a bike is that it generally will continue to work effectively. Each circle that is turning another circle tends to stay true if cared for properly. Please refer to the following category on New Junker bikes for a description of those that don’t. But if you’re riding an old bike, maybe even with a banana seat and sissy bars, you are still moving. And that’s all that matters. Like clothes, different bikes go in and out of style. Who cares? Just ride! New junker bikes So you bought a bike at Wal-Mart huh? Alright. You are awesome! Because you just want to ride, and you want to do it the cheapest way possible. I get it. You will soon learn the lesson that your hard-earned money may have been more effectively put into a better quality bike. But that’s ok. It’s a lesson we all must learn. So ride that thing until it doesn’t move anymore, then next month stop in at your local bike shop and talk with the friendly anti-junk shoppies. You’ll be glad you did. Cruiser bikes You like to ride to the park, or down the sidewalk and your main concern is that you don’t want your butt to hurt. Awesome! That big fat seat and wide handlebars will take you wherever you want to go in comfort and style. With some baskets and a picnic, you’re the envy of every passerby. You pedal effortlessly with a gigantic smile on your face and the breeze blowing back your hair. You have found happiness. Until you have to go up a hill. Good luck! Tandem bikes Two is always better than one. Until it comes to balancing. But once the person on the back realizes they are just being used for their leg power and not their ability to steer or do anything that has to do with decision making, balancing becomes much easier. Staring at someone’s back and putting your hands precariously close to their rear-end has never been so fun! And no matter how many times you’ve ridden a tandem or seen one ridden, it’s always a head-turner. Here are two people who thoroughly enjoy being together. But wait, the back person has their legs sticking out in the air! Front man, you’ll be fine. You get to make all the other important decisions anyway. Just let them enjoy for this brief moment. 5 Fixed gear bikes Sure, there isn’t much to a Fixie. Only one gear, sometimes no brakes, and for some reason I don’t fully understand yet, these bikes look best with only half of a handlebar. But the riders have to be something else altogether. Their pedals move with the wheel. AT ALL TIMES. No big deal right? Wrong. Imagine zooming down a hill at 30 mph. Now imagine your legs trying to keep up with every revolution of the wheel. Then imagine stopping at a red light at the bottom of the hill without brakes. You are awesome! But what’s with the handlebar? Road bikes If ever there were a more interesting group of people on the face of the planet than road bikers, I’d be surprised. Don’t get me wrong. I have a road bike and I ride it. Often. But I have yet to understand the sport of road biking. Despite this, I have never seen a group more cohesive than road bikers while riding together. It’s like a swarm of killer bees. I’ve ridden in a pack, and it scares me to death to be only one inch away from riders on all sides who are all assuming the same thing: Nobody will do anything stupid. For 100 miles. I don’t feel comfortable with that assumption, and prefer to combat my own portion of wind at least a foot or ten behind everyone else. The trust these riders have in each other is astounding. Especially considering what they get to wear. If you didn’t truly trust your friends, would color coordinated spandex really be a part of your wardrobe? Mountain bikes Nothing makes me giddier than flying down a mountain trail. Fresh dewed dirt, fallen leaves whipping up behind as knobby rubber zips through their resting place, rushing frigid creeks, and an occasional tree branch whip adds to the joy. The narrower or more rocky the trail, the more giddy I get. I consider myself an intermediate rider, but the people who are actually good at this sport are awesome! If I had the proverbial balls to ride some of the things they do, I have no doubt that any challenge in life, if faced with the same balls, would become surmountable, almost insignificant, because I just rode along a two-foot ridge with 5,000-foot drop-off on both sides. And I want to do it again! 6 This is where I ran out of ideas of words for the A-Z guide. With the help of a random word generator, I used the first words that came up for letters C-Z. These comparisons show more traits of awesome people. 7 C is for Cats Awesome people have clearly set their boundaries in regards to cats. If the person is a cat lover, they are aware that not everyone shares their feline esteem and will respect the boundaries others have set with cats. This may include, but is not limited to, sharing few, if any, stories, pictures, veterinary visits, stray hairs, or smells with the non-cat-lover. Additionally, when in doubt, they will assume a person does not share their level of enthusiasm toward the species until proven otherwise through non-obtrusive questions and conversation. Alternately, if cats disgust and annoy an awesome person, they remain tolerant of the cat lover’s connection to the animal while maintaining their distance from the sophisticated purr/leg-rub combo that cats have been using for centuries to manipulate the person being rubbed into making a personal connection with the cat. They will use a gentle, but firm reminder to the cat to show their disapproval while not harming the animal or the feelings of the owner. The same may be said for dogs, children, TV shows, drugs, or any other outside influence that has varying degrees of acceptance in society. Awesome people set their personal boundaries while showing tolerance and respect for those whose boundaries are different than their own. 8 D is for Donuts Who can resist a chocolate covered chocolate donut? Or a cream or jelly injected pastry of delight (the exact name escapes me)? Perhaps you prefer the old-fashioned glazed donut, or like sprinkles or coconut or crumbs to cover your donut. Some enjoy a maple bar dripping with frosting, while others are content with the bite sized holes of the donut. How these calorie filled morsels became a common breakfast food is beyond me, but what I do know is that awesome people are as varied as the collection. They have a set of values, but are willing to experiment within that realm of options. They are not afraid to try new things and sometimes suck at them. While most awesome people generally follow some sort of schedule, the most awesome include time for spontaneity. Time to learn something new. Time to stretch themselves. Very rarely do you see a truly awesome person walking through the store with a box of 12 of the same kind of donut. If you do see someone who is, it is usually because that is their favorite kind of donut, and they imagine that because they are buying it, then the purchase should be most advantageous to them. Awesome people, however, are not concerned with how much they get out of having a variety of talents and experiences, as how much they can give because if it. They think of how many more people they can connect with and make feel awesome because they too have attempted a Kung-fu lesson or two, or have tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to save the princess on level 12 of Call of Duty 3. Although they have favorite pastimes and hobbies that fit their lives and personalities, they can talk with anyone about anything because of the variety they have scheduled in. 9 E is for Ears Although among awesome people observed there was a 3:1 ratio of lobed vs. non-lobed ears, the data suggests no correlation between size of lobe and degree of awesomeness. However, data clearly distinguishes between listeners and talkers. We’ve all been there...that awkward moment when you realize you’ve been talking for 95% of the time, and somehow, every time you try to take the spotlight off of yourself, your awesome friend talks for one minute and magically spins the topic back on you. They understand how important the conversation is to you, even if they have nothing to add. Maybe you want to get something off your chest, vent, tell a funny experience, or get some advice. An awesome person is completely comfortable actively listening, asking clarification questions, giving feedback, and laughing or crying with you, even though what is obviously so important to you is most likely not nearly as important to them. But it is easy for them to make you feel like it is. 10 F is for Fields With the urbanization of every square inch of habitable land, it is difficult to get away from the noise and connectedness of modern society. However, awesome people find a way to do it often. They are found wandering through wide-open fields pondering questions and concerns, meditating goals and enjoying the freedom around them without wondering about wireless signals, social feeds, or sports scores. For the moment, they are simply part of the moment and they relish every piece of it. Much like the open field is free from obstruction of view, so is their mind. They’ve stepped out of the tangled network of briars and thickets that occupies almost every hour of their day and are, for this moment, free. 11 G is for guitar The first time my mom tried to teach me to play the guitar, I got frustrated because my little fingers couldn’t contort themselves into the right chord pattern without touching all the other strings and muting the sound. I gave it a solid half-hour attempt and then told my mom I loved her, but this was not my thing. Since then, my fingers have become longer and I have mastered a handful of chords and can even play a few songs. Music blows my mind sometimes. A guitar has only six strings and 19-27 frets (the horizontal metal thingies) and yet new melodies are still being invented after thousands of years of music. That's awesome. However, we all know those people, myself included, that play the same five songs with the same five chords until everyone around the campfire turns in for the night because it’s round three of Dust in the Wind. Awesome people are like guitars. Even after years of being around, they are not boring. They try new things, sing new songs, make new dinners, live on the edge a little and remain interesting. They know that sometimes playing that chord or learning that new sport is going to make their fingers do things they aren't used to, but they stick to it, earn their calluses and make awesome and exciting music with their personalities. Don't be boring. 12 H is for Hot Dog Hotdogs bring folks together. There is nary a BBQ that doesn't include hotdogs for the young tykes. They are a constant, go-to meal. My mom put hot dogs in our waffles for fun. Yum! Syrupy hot dogs! We had endless hot dog roasts after a long day of piling sticks and weeds from around the yard into a burn pile. Sometimes we walked away from that roast without eyebrows because the stick wasn't quite long enough to reach into the hot fire. Personally, I like my hot dogs grilled. But if I can't be bothered to fire up the grill, the microwave works second best. I especially enjoy watching them sizzle and explode, a sure sign they can't be super-healthy for you. Stab them on a stick, burn them to smithereens, boil 'em, grill 'em, nuke 'em, heck, eat 'em raw, and they still offer a nice buffer in your 2,000 calorie diet. When you're awesome, you, like a hot dog are constant. No matter how full you might be of your own dose of bad stuff, problems, and trials, you are still willing to help at a moments notice. People can count on you to be there, which cannot always said about the hot dog bun. 13 I is for iron The most common element by mass on earth is iron. Yet, in chemistry when learning the periodic table, we memorize the symbol for iron is FE. What? That's ridiculous for obvious reasons. Why couldn't they give IR to iron and give iridium something else like DUM. Excellent question, but flawed for other reasons. The symbol FE for iron comes from it's Latin root: Ferrum. If we used the same tactic to decide that iridium should get a different symbol we could look into it's etymology and discover the greek word: ἶρις. And since I have no clue what those letters even sound like, I'll let iridium keep it's IR and stand strong with iron as FE. Why? Because I want to be awesome. Awesome people respect roots. They realize that they came from a long line of predecessors who have likely sacrificed much to get their family where they are today. I feel lucky to have family that came to America in the 1600's to search for religious freedom. When I think about that, I am grateful for their courage and determination. I then try to see through their eyes 400 years in the future to today. What am I doing to make them proud? Would they roll over in their graves if they saw what much of America has come to? They sacrificed and worked and suffered and died so I could walk to 7-11 and get a free Slurpee on July 11th every year? Come on. To be awesome, being labeled by roots is not such a bad thing. Unless your roots suck. If that's the case, start today to be the best rooter you can be. Find better ground, grow better roots and your posterity will look to you as the awesome rock-solid foundation you are. 14 J is for jass Jass is the national card game of Switzerland. Instead of having diamond, heart, spade and club suits, in Switzerland they use cards that have Schellen, Rosen, Schilten and Eichel suits. These look like a jingle-bell, flower, shield and bullet respectively. Surprise! I did not know that. Culture and tradition is so important. Hold on to it, develop it, pass it on, and add to it. Awesome people I know have a huge inventory of rich traditions. These are things they look forward to and can count on to carry them through the mundane seasons of life. Who doesn't look forward to the traditions of Thanksgiving or Christmas? For me, the last few major holidays have been rather grim. Circumstances in my family have changed and the normal go-to activities haven't happened and I have felt lonely and sad without them. I watch as my siblings carry on the traditions we had growing up with their families and I see them start new ones. For some reason, I think the same can't apply to me because I don't have a family of my own yet. That's lame. I can certainly gather up enough friends to go caroling or Christmas tree hunting. But if I feel exempt from traditions because I am not traditional, I let them die with me and they are hard to resurrect. No matter your state of living, get your deck of schellenbachen van vorstentragen (I am hoping that means absolutely nothing in any language) and play some cards. Traditions are important! 15 K is for king History has proven that a people governed by some higher power, whether a king, president or other ruler, are generally more successful and powerful. Why is that? They can inspire, organize, assist, and lead far better when ruling over large bodies of people than small factions. Although most awesome people I’ve known are superb leaders in their own right, they also humbly yet intelligently subject themselves to an even higher power than themselves; firstly, to secular government organizations, but more importantly and ultimately to a supreme spiritual power. In most cases including mine, because of my upbringing and subsequent study and experiences, this power for me is God. However, I’ve known equally awesome people who do not believe in God, but hold a belief in some other higher authority in their lives. Rock on! Whatever the stage of your belief, it is natural and important to keep questioning, keep learning, and keep growing into a perfect knowledge of who or what that means for you. More important than who or what this power is though, is how we react to it. For me, knowing that I answer to no one but God and myself for my actions holds me within a certain realm of behavior. I am part of something much greater than myself, and whatever my belief in that power that I can neither see nor hear, I act according to my faith in what I hope that power is to me. Awesome people not only have a firm grasp on the character of that power, but use it as both a governing and an enabling power. It motivates them to do no evil, but also to do good continually. 16 L is for lemonade “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade” is an age-old bit of wisdom that everyone hates hearing when it applies to them. But awesome people love lemons, and they have a great recipe for lemonade. They also take the lemonade principle one step further. After stirring up a pitcher of sweet ice-cold lemonade, they pour a glass for themselves and take the rest out to the sweaty workers in the yard. They share the ways in which their lemons in life have made them richer, instead of keeping gallons of lemonade cooling in the refrigerator, or worse, becoming bitter like the left-over rind of the lemon. I am convinced that everything we experience has some benefit. We may not immediately see what that benefit is, nor may we understand why the timing of a lemon delivery is so inconvenient. Over time however, I’ve noticed a majority of the difficulties I’ve experienced have been a lesson in empathy for others and their difficulties. Where before my only counsel to friends was, “Hang in there, you’ll get over it,” now I have all sorts of recipes for all kinds of lemonades. Sharing them ensures that when you receive a particularly aggravating batch of lemons, that someone has a recipe they’ve tried on that type. And we spend our day squeezing lemons together. 17 M is for marble Once upon a time, kids played marbles. Long before choke hazard warning labels had to be printed, or playing a game had to include amassing a kill count in order to keep a person interested, a simple circle on the sidewalk and a dozen or so marbles could entertain for hours. I had to watch a YouTube video to learn how to play the game. But I like it. As soon as I find enough marbles and a simple-minded friend, I’m going to play for ‘keepsies’. Awesome people are seldom more extravagant than a game of marbles. They keep their lives simple, clean and direct. They don’t need the latest and greatest gadget or game, but are content to run around barefoot through the yard. The complexity in their lives is vested in the relationship they have with others, not in the number of appointments they have scheduled on their calendar. And they know every interaction is for keepsies. No act of kindness goes unnoticed. And they fill their lives with the simple good they can do. 18 N is for nib I didn’t know what a nib was. I guess there’s a licorice candy that carries that name, but since licorice makes me nauseous, I try to forget all name affiliations also. But apparently Nibs candy is just short for ‘little nibbles’. Cute. A true nib is actually any pointed extremity: a beak, a pen point, a zit. A nib, however, should never be confused with a nub, which is defined as more of a knob. Back to awesome people. They are very niblike. In some cases, this includes having zits and/or pointy ribs and elbows, it more completely encompasses those who get to the point and stick with the point. Their direction is always focused on their end goal, and although they are also proficient at taking humanistic detours (spending time to help, direct and lift those who are less pointed), they stay masterfully focused on the task at hand. They don’t appreciate fluff, but are not so blunt that they are offensive. Nay, the very term nib is the opposite of blunt. Blunt is more of a nub. Don’t be a nub. Be a nib. Their feedback is never criticism and is always pointed at lifting and encouraging. 19 O is for Oil Oil is stubborn. You've seen it stain your clothes. You've wondered why you have to shake the bottle of salad dressing every time you use it. You've sat in disbelief as your entire car seizes up because you forgot to add a quart. All the useful properties of oil are characteristics awesome people have. Most significantly, the following ways demonstrate commendatory stubbornness: Oil and water-I tried to sign up for the Oil and Water Separation experiment as my Science project every year of elementary school. It was almost magical to watch the two liquids separate after having been mixed vigorously by my 8-year old arms. And as magical as it was to watch, to be able to get an A by merely mentioning the term density at least once in my explanation was equally magical. Like water and oil, awesome people can co-exist with every member of the human race. But they have a strong sense of identity and will always remain true to their own density. And as George McFly used the terms so eloquently and interchangeably, "Lorainne, you are my density…I mean destiny." In a world where the line between right and wrong is constantly challenged, oily people (good oily) can mingle with and try to influence others, but at the end of the day their standards are not compromised, their integrity remains, their destiny unjeopardized. On the other hand, water, the universal solvent, attracts and dissolves substances of questionable origin, making a homogenous mixture of brown sludge from which oil separates clear and clean every time, provided it is clear and clean to start with. 20 Off a duck's back-I just learned from Garth & Bev (pre-school educational TV superstars) that ducks stay dry and fluffy even though they spend a lot of time in the water because they do a lot of preening. What looks to us like self-inflicted torture pecking is actually spreading oil that is released from a gland near the tail hence waterproofing the top layer of feathers. In this way, the duck can frolic shamelessly through turbulent water while remaining warm and relatively dry. Water nearing freezing temperatures does not even deter from a swim. Likewise, awesome people have oily backs. Difficult circumstances, harrowing challenges, and freezing loneliness all slide harmlessly off of a well-manicured top layer of defense. This is not to say they are emotionless and detached from the reality they are passing through. They eagerly apply lessons learned from their situation, and let that which is outside their control slip peacefully behind them. 21 P is for pliers Two minutes after I trim the scraggly ends off my fingernails, a situation inevitably presents itself that leaves me wishing I had waited. Enter pliers. No household is complete without a pair. The concept is simple: assist you when you can’t quite get ahold of something, or can hold on no longer. The applications are unlimited. Awesome people are the same. They can somehow sense that you’ve just cut your fingernails, or you are shredding your fingers apart trying to get that screw out of the family cat. Why is there a screw in the cat? They don’t care, but nonjudgmentally arrive ready to help you grab hold of things, or take over when you can hold on no longer. They can pry if necessary, or they can just stabilize. They enable you to do all you can on your own and then fill in the difference. 22 Q is for Quarry There is nothing more impressive to me than a big fat mountain. I could stare at it for years, and explore it for even longer. However, rarely do I think of a mountain as much more than its surface. But I’ve seen mountains being torn apart, the innards sifted through and hauled off to make something else, be it tall granite towers or long highway stretches. My emotions hover between anger and awe when I see the scars left on the mountain by quarry operations. For the moment, however, I’m going to describe my awe-filled reasoning. I will not go into the controversy of the angry side. We each are like a big fat mountain. Some are more rugged than others; some covered in trees, others just a heap of exposed rock. To the eye of any passerby, our value is our outward appearance. But to the eye of a trained geologist, we are much more. An awesome person knows exactly what makes up their insides and what it can be used for. Whether a giant slab of marble is pulled from their core and subsequently carved into a beautiful statue, or most of their insides are ground up and used in concrete, it makes no difference. They willingly give what they have received in their quest to make the world a better place, without comparing their contribution to anyone else’s. Some may say, however, “I am just a pile of volcanic cinder on the outside. Covered in sagebrush and rattlesnakes. People pass by me without a second glance on their way to view the more impressive mountains. Not only do I not get noticed for how I look, but no one even cares what I might be carrying inside.” To you awesome people, every once in awhile it becomes helpful to explode, exposing the diamonds that you have been forming through years of constant pressure. Let loose, remembering that your worth, while perhaps not immediately evident is far above that which you may have guessed. 23 R is for river The opening quote from my favorite mountain biking movie: “Life is a river, that's what's granddad always used to say. A beginning, an end, a million different ways in between. He used the metaphor my whole life, how it ebbed and flowed, following the path of least resistance, barreling straight through the impossible, clear as air and black as night. But no matter what direction, or how it moved, or what it looked like, the point, according to granddad was that the river always moved forward. What kept him running the rapids until he was old and gray? The mystery of what lay around the bend.”- Life Cycles, 2010 Always moving. Never stagnant. A river. That’s what I want to be. But at what stage am I? Even the mighty Colorado that carved it’s way through the path of least resistance eventually forming the Grand Canyon started as a small stream. Am I persistent enough not to get dammed (or damned) at some of life’s big obstacles? What lay around the bend if I keep going? More trials? Most definitely. Amazing vistas? Surely. Exhilarating waterfalls? I hope so. Awesome people rarely know, but are always eager to find out. Life is a mystery they are willing to help unfold, never getting discouraged or becoming immobile by unlikely folds and turns. 24 S is for soup I used to gag on tomatoes. Something about their texture just made me woozy. I made fun of my mom when she drank V8 juice. Gross. But one winter in the depths of a frigid winter in Rexburg, Idaho I was cured of my disdain for all things tomato. At first, I couldn’t understand why my roommate often made tomato soup for lunch. That can't possibly be a meal. On a dare, she urged me to eat a whole bowl and even complemented it with a gooey grilled cheese sandwich. Never one to stand down from a dare, or to refuse food, I took the challenge. It was -17 degrees outside that day and I had just walked home from class. The effect that soup had on me has never been forgotten, and I return as often as I can to its warm embrace. The first spoonful was tomatoey, as expected, but as it coursed down my throat into my stomach, it warmed my whole soul from the inside out. I was surprised, so I sipped another spoonful. The effect was the same, and the taste was getting better. I dipped the sandwich in once or twice and my mind exploded. I have to call my mom. She will tell me I've finally grown up! Awesome people have this effect on me. I can be having the crummiest day of the year, and as quickly as I walk into their presence, my soul is warmed and at peace from the inside out. I don't know what makes them that way, but I know I like it. I want to be around them more, hoping it will linger before I have to go out in the cold again. If anyone knows what the ingredients of that soup are, I'd like to find out. I'd make it everyday. 25 T is for thermostat Set a thermostat for 72 degrees and it will do whatever it takes to keep you comfortable at that temperature. When an awesome person sets a goal, they have more stick-to-it-ness than most post-it notes I have ever used. Somehow, it is not just a goal to them. It is a way of life, a duty, and a nonnegotiable agenda item. But they are never in-your-face about it. This is for them, not for you, or anyone else that can see. What they want is what they do, surpassing all seemingly impossible obstacles to get there. They, like thermostats are programmed to pour on the heat when necessary, or cool off and relax when things get too steamy. They have reached a state of ever-increasing homeostasis. Never content to be stagnant, but always at peace with themselves using minor adjustments and improvements where necessary. 26 U is for Universe The universe is huge. Think of the sum total of all the particles in just the earth, let alone many earths like this. Now think of yourself in comparison to all of these millions of billions of particles. Seems insignificant right? But the truth is, there is nothing more significant than your self. Part of being awesome is knowing that you matter. And because you matter, you are powerful. Without the definite belief that what you do and who you are matters to someone or something (it can even just be yourself), what’s the point of anything? You are significant. You are powerful. You are AWESOME! 27 V is for Virtue I’m so happy this word came up. I have no creative comparison. This is just something that needs to be clean cut and clear. An awesome person is virtuous. But when I think of virtuous, I always think of women in robes with glowy stuff surrounding them. Can men and non-robe-wearing women also be considered virtuous? Heck yeah! The important part of that mental picture to me is the glowy stuff. I want to glow. Here are some key ingredients for the glow of virtue: clean, wholesome, honest, chaste, pure, excellent, legit. The glowing people in your life answer to a higher moral code than the world has adopted. Sure, they have occasional slip-ups, but they easily and often restore their luster by repentance, diligence and endurance. Virtue is usually described as a characteristic that comes through much prayer and faith, but my favorite descriptions of virtue include the word practice. You must practice virtue. Like any sport or skill you want to become better at, you must put in the time. And just as your ability diminishes when you stop practicing because you get too busy or less interested, so will your ability to remain virtuous. Additionally, you are worth more as a virtuous person. How do I know? The Bible tells me so: “Who can find a virtuous woman (or man)? For her price is far above rubies.” (Proverbs 31:10) 28 Here are some extra traits of virtuous women (and men, pay attention to be sure you are worthy of all this, which usually means you do the same, or better): • • • • • • • • • • • The heart of her husband safely trusts in her, for she will do no evil to him. She works willingly with her hands She buys fields and plants vineyards (or the 21st century equivalent) She girds her loins (which means pulls up her skirt and gets to work) with strength and strengthens her arms She knows she’s awesome (She perceiveth that her merchandise is good) She helps the poor and needy Strength and honor are her clothing She opens her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness She tends to her household and is never idle Her husband and family call her blessed and praise her She knows favor and beauty are not nearly as important as fearing the Lord 29 W is for water Luckily for us, the earth is made up mostly of water. This life-sustaining compound is found in nearly everything. With it crops grow, goods are transported, communities flourish and people waterski. Without it, there is desolation and death, simply stated. Luckily for us, the earth is full of mostly awesome people. However, sometimes it doesn’t seem that way according to stories that fill the news. But I believe the great majority of people want to do and be good. Very few in comparison are those who seek evil and destruction. Inherent in everyone I have ever known is the desire to be better, and make life and things around them better. What is stopping us? Fear? Why? Water isn’t afraid of anything, especially if it joins together. It’s unstoppable. If we knew that goodness is or will be the majority, what is stopping us from throwing our towel in with the winning side? The side that gives life and transports goodness throughout the earth? Why would we willingly choose to be miserable? Goodness will win! Join the Awesome Team today! If you’re already on the team, start playing for goodness sake! There are no bench-warmers in this game. It is a free-for-all goodness-fest! As much and as many are encouraged to add their names to the roster and Giddy-UP! 30 X is for x I’ve seen the blank stare that accompanies the introduction of letters into mathematical equations more times than I care to admit. The explanation is easy enough: x or any other letter or variable represents something you don’t know quite yet. An unknown. Inevitably, half of the class freaks out. “How can I put something into an equation when I don’t know what it is?” and “I don’t know how to do mathematical operations with letters and numbers combined. I can’t add a 4 and an x together.” To which I answer, “You’re right, you can’t. But you can multiply them.” And then heads explode. Unknowns are so common in every person’s life. For some, the unknown is the possibility of passing math class. Others don’t know what to do next with life: what to study, who to marry, where to live, what career to pursue, etc. Still others don’t know where the next meal will come from. Awesome people are not exempt, with some even seeking out the unknown as added challenge. One commonality that exists among these people is their reaction to the unknown. They have learned to replace a ‘freak out’ with faith. Instead of asking “How can I get through this problem without knowing the end value?,” they faithfully conclude, “I don’t know what this represents right now, but I’ll put it in and use all the math I currently know to figure it out.” They face the unknown and the uncertain with confidence, knowing there most likely is a solution, and that the teacher with an explanation is not far away. Soon, however, after practice, the problems get harder and more complex. More variables are introduced and new rules are learned. But they never forget the basics. They draw on past experiences to lead them through new ones, but never expect the problems to stop. They know the more you learn, the more you can do. And the more you can do, the more you will become. So bring on the x’s and y’s, heck, give me the whole alphabet, I can take it. 31 Y is for Yak How much more often would your shower clog if you had the hair of a yak? Although shaggy and unkempt by nature, this hair allows yaks to thrive in cool and high altitude settings. Another adaptation of importance is the size of a yak’s lungs and heart in comparison to other beasts of burden. Because of these increases, yaks are capable of transporting heavy loads over rugged mountain passes without problem. In similar fashion, but not for quite the same reason, the heart and lungs of awesome people are also magnified. Their capability to love regardless of differences is amazing. And their capability to serve seems never-ending. If you needed a ride over that mountain pass, an awesome person will almost always pick you up and let you ride, if only for a few minutes until you recover your breath. They always seem to know just how much help you need, and how much to give. They let you walk to the edge of your capability, then lead you a little farther, no matter the struggles they are dealing with on their own. 32 Z is for Zipper Imagine life before the zipper. Pants would only have buttons, which take forever. Backpacks would just be a flap, and it would be hard to keep all your pencils in when you had to get to school on your pogo stick. The original patent for an ‘automatic, continuous clothing closure' was taken out in 1851. It took 80 years of refining and reinventing before the zipper started showing up in clothing. Much like developers of the modern zipper over the years, awesome people know their potential and continuously work toward it, without being overly set back by setbacks. They know they can be of tremendous benefit to the human race in keeping things together, but are perfectly aware that they are not perfect yet. Heck, who hasn’t had even a modern zipper break or get stuck or start missing teeth? As an awesome person, you seek out ideas for improvement, implement feedback and continue to grow every day. You focus on being a better version of yourself than you were yesterday. And soon, as you begin to look back, you start see the improvements you’ve made from day-to-day and year-to-year. It’s hard to believe that such slow progress can cause such a staggering result, but yes, it is true, you have surely and steadily become AWESOME BEYOND CONTEMPLATION! 33
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