Link The WIN Women’s Instructional Network

A Chapter of American Business Women’s Association
Cedar Rapids Charter Chapter #4067, Cedar Rapids, IA
Volume 54, Issue 9
February 2010
WIN Women’s Instructional Network
Inside this issue:
President’s Letter
Nutrition Resources
February Meeting
Spring Conference
February Birthdays
Meeting Minutes
Future programs
The mission of the
American Business
Women’s Association is to
bring together
businesswomen of
diverse occupations and
to provide opportunities
for them to help
themselves and others
grow personally and
professionally through
leadership, education,
networking support, and
national recognition.
Printing of newsletter contributed
by Rockwell Collins.
―Position yourself to
bring leadership and
change to your workplace
while enhancing both
your personal and professional skills.‖
This headline on the WIN
introductory page at grabs our attention to focus on this great
resource, both convenient
and free. The website
goes on to describe the
many tools available to
members to access at
your leisure (in your pajamas) while learning and
improving skills in so
many valuable areas,
both personal and professlional.
Among the courses available to take at home, at
your own pace are: Planning for Action; Giving
and Receiving Feedback;
Making Group Decisions;
Managing Team Conflict;
Team Problem Solving;
and Using Principles and
Boundaries. These are
only a few of the titles
available on the WIN
Also found on the site are
―knowledge objects‖
made up of briefs and
videos posted by mentors
and other subscribers.
These are continually being updated and increased as a growing resource for current information on selfimprovement to manage
your life and your business.
Be sure you‘re subscribed
Misty Frank Organizes Career Fair
Cedar Rapids Charter
Chapter is proud to announce that our own Misty
Frank has volunteered and
been selected to chair the
Career Fair at the District
III Spring Conference. This
will be the first career fair
to be held at any of the
ABWA District Conferences.
Misty has been working with
District III officers to determine how the Career
Fair will be organized.
(Continued on page 5.)
Page 2
From The President
ABWA is a
wonderful way to
connect with
women. of many
What exactly is networking and why is it important?
Networking means reaching out to diverse groups
of people to gain helpful
information or advice.
Professional networking
means to develop contacts and exchange information with other people
for purposes of developing business opportunities or expanding your
Networking is a great way
to expand the world we
live in. It means more
than just meeting new
people; it also means accepting the challenge to
step out of our comfort
zone and actively seeking
out new relationships.
Sometimes it‗s difficult to
fight the temptation to
―hang out‖ with the people we already know, but
remember that that
―stranger‖ across the
room may actually be a
―friend‖ just waiting to be
discovered. Seeking out
new ideas and new
friends can enhance our
lives both personally and
ABWA offers many opportunities for members
to expand their networks.
Our local chapter sets
aside 30 minutes each
month specifically for
ABWA also offers networking opportunities at
District and National
Leadership Conferences.
Business contacts and
friendships can be developed across the country.
Lifelong friendships can
be ignited or rekindled at
these conferences. WIN
(Women‘s Instructional
Network) also offers a
great way to use the
ABWA intranet for online networking between
National, District and
Local Chapters.
This month my challenge
to you is to seek out
someone new whether
this is inviting a guest to
our meeting or sitting
with someone you‘d like
to get know better.
I feel so fortunate to have
met so many talented,
capable and interesting
women and I look forward to getting to know
each of you better as I
reach out and work on
my personal networking
See you Feb 3rd!
Dawn Waller
Board Meeting Minutes, Jan. 13th continued. . .
Spring Conference:
Misty Frank
Points system – District
will give credit for people who volunteer for
District 3 conference.
The Chapter Cup Challenge – District would
like chapters to donate a
min of $30 value basket
with a cup and other
items. We are going to
donate 1 basket.
ABW Day: Diana Hallberg has volunteered for
the committee chair.
Woman of the Year:
Marilyn Tucker – Need
to get together and discuss so they can be
ready to announce in
Old business: Menu
issue – Call hospitality
if you need to know the
menu for the month.
New business:
Did mid year review of
the best practices scorecard.
Page 3
Good Nutrition To Help Prevent Cancer
February is Business
Associates Night. Bring
a co-worker, friend or
January‘s speaker, Dr.
Lori Shah, Nutrition Physician at St. Luke‘s Medical Plaza presented information on nutrition and
it‘s effectiveness at preventing diseases, such as
cancer. Nutrition plays
an extremely important
role in good health.
Many other resources
related to this topic are
available, including the
two books shown here.
Tell Me What To Eat by
Elaine Magee, gives you
all the information you
can never seem to understand when the doctor
rattles it off, and she answers all those questions
you keep forgetting to
ask. She gives a host of
specific recommendations— what to eat and
what to avoid.
Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Patrick Quillin
includes information
about common vegetables, herbs and seasonings that have powerful
anti-cancer activity; section of delicious recipes
that can be made with
foods from you store;
sugar feeds cancer, a section including a glycemic
index of foods. Find
these and many others
online or at the local
ABWA February Meeting Wednesday, Feb. 3rd
Charter Chapter
February Meeting
Feb. 3rd, 2010
Clarion Hotel
Cost: $15.00
Cancel by noon on Monday, Feb 1st to Becky
Tranter (360-1060) or
you will be billed for the
cost of the meal.
5:45 Networking
6:15 Dinner
Business Associates
Invite an associate from
work, friend or spouse.
―Improving Effectiveness
from the Inside Out;
Exploring Personality
Dennis VanAukenPositive Solutions, LLC
Business performance
mentors . . .propelling
people, processes and
profits forward.
Bring a business associate
and enjoy this informative program.
Page 4
Begin the New Year With Better Nutrition
Dr. Lori Shah, Nutrition Physician with
St. Luke‘s Medical Plaza presented
valuable information regarding good
nutrition and its effect on our good
health, as well as the actual prevention
of disease. Dr. Shah specializes in cancer and blood disorders. She has
abcckground in pathology and attended
Johns Hopkins.
Barbara Waterhouse Miller presented Dr.
Lori Shah with our certificate of recognition and appreciation as a presenter to Cedar Rapids Charter Chapter.
Members enjoyed a
luau in January in
The tropics in Iowa in January made
for a fun break from the wintry
weather outside to the colorful, tropical
theme for the January meeting. The
Hospitality committee made sure everyone had a lei and the tables as well.
Page 5
Misty Frank Organizes Career Fair Cont . . .
Just this week Misty
recieved the final paperwork to begin making
contacts to businesses
that may be interested in
having a booth at the Career Fair.
2,000 copies of an invitation to participate needed
to be printed. There is no
budget for these types of
projects, so Misty sent
out an SOS and soon she
had 2,000 color copies
printed, 1,000 from
Rockwell Collins and
1,000 from Aegon. Charter Chapter members
gathered on Monday evening to stuff envelopes
and get the invitations in
the mail.
A sponsor for the postage
is still needed.
Volunteers will be needed
to help Misty with the
volume of details that are
part of this project.
We congratulate Misty on
her perseverance, creativity and willingness to pioneer this effort. There
could not be a more vital
year for making such a
service available to members of District III ABWA.
Thanks, Misty!
District III 2010 Spring Conference
ABWA District III
Spring Conference
When: April 16-17
Where: Itasca, IL.
Contact Misty Frank if
you would like to
know more or help
with the career fair at
Spring Conference.
7:00 Conference Registration
8:00 First Timer‘s Orientation
Review of District III progress and performance in
key areas of Assoc. Management.
Discussion of issues and
challenges facing today‘s
team leaders.
Continuation of morning
6:00 Opening session/
negative work environments and employees.
The Big Burp and
Professional Development Seminars
Keynote Speaker:
Haydn Shaw,
leading expert on generations, turning around
Lord, in the quiet of this evening hour, we come to Thee for wisdom, and for power, to
view Thy world through only love-filled eyes: to grow in understanding, to be wise and
sure to see Thy guiding light, and thus to know each other as Thou knowest us.
O, Guiding Spirit, Guardian of our days, be with us as we go our separate ways, help us
to feel those thoughts that lift and bless; to know a closer bond of friendliness; to see
Thy beauty always — every day, translated into living, this we pray. Amen.
Page 6
ABWA’s Proud Code of Conduct
All members will
serve as goodwill
ambassadors for the
American Business
2. Members will
not allow their
personal beliefs
to interfere with
the representation of ABWA‘s
3. Members will always treat their
member col-
leagues, guests,
vendors and
sponsors with
honesty, respect,
fairness, integrity, responsibility, kindness and
in good faith.
4. Members will
maintain compliance with ABWA
National, Chapter
and Express
Network Bylaws.
5. Members will not
use their personal
Level 1 Best Practices
trophy awarded to
Charter Chapter.
Logo at right
designates Charter
Chapter Newsletter
award winner in
Important Dates for Members
February Birthdays
Mary Ellen Dill
Pauline Bielow
Pam Dircks
Laurene Case
Lana Lohr Scholbrock 26
ABWA Anniversaries
Ferzan Jaeger
Venda Jasa
Kersten Shepard
Rebecca Tranter
Misty Frank
1 yr
15 yrs
7 yrs
4 yrs
2 yrs
Remember to pay your dues!
Diana Hallberg
(319) 929-6398
[email protected]
power to advance
their personal interests.
6. Members will
strive for excellence in their professions by maintaining and enhancing their own
business knowledge and skills,
and by encouraging the professsional development of members.
Page 7
Member Meeting Minutes, January 6th, 2010
February Board
Meeting is held
Wednesday, Feb. 10,
2010 at Ruby
Dinner at 5:00 pm.
Meeting at 6:00 pm.
6:15 Welcome –Dawn
Invocation & Pledge –
Karen Madsen-V Pres.
Nutrition in 2010 :
Healthy employees: An
Employers Most Valuable
Asset: Dr Lori Shah,
Nutrition Physician
7:30-Bus Meeting:
Meeting Minutes:
Misty Frank – Filed and
posted on WIN
Treasurer: Diana Hallberg – File for audit
Corr. Secretary:
Dawn Waller – Greeting
card from Amana Society
Woman of the Year –
Fill out the form and return to Becky Tranter
Education- Out Right
Grant: Dorothy Anson –
Jan 17th applications due.
$2000 grant available
from SBMEF.
Membership Recruitment Campaign: If you
bring a new member in
we will pay your $15
WIN fee or your next
monthly meeting fees.
Spring Conference:
Misty Frank
Cajun Fest – We will be
taking tickets and serving
pies May 29th and 30th.
We need volunteers.
Nancy McQuaid-Nitsche
makes a motion to participate in this event and
Shirley Twiselton 2nd the
Member Recognition:
Karen Madsen-V Pres.
January birthdays:
Dorothy Anson , Margaret Horsfield, Jen Lewis,
Lissa Novitch, Doris
January ABWA Anniv:
Rose Slaymaker 3yrs,
Jen Lewis 1yr
Board meeting: Jan
13th Ruby Tuesday NE
5pm dinner, business
Door Prize:
Nancy McQuaid-Nitsche/
Martha Lawrence
Winners: Becky Tranter,
Dorothy Anson, Barbara
Waterhouse Miller, Jaya
Aswani, Becky Tranter,
Diana Hallberg
Motion to adjourn:
Jaya Aswani 2nd by:
Becky Tranter
Benediction: Marian
8:15 Adjournment:
Members: 25
Guests: 4
Speaker: 1
Respectfully submitted,
Misty Frank
Board Meeting Minutes, January 13th, 2010
Attendance: 11
Treasurer’s report/
Bills to be presented –
Checking account and
savings account were
switched in the last report. $1 goes to Hospitality, from the increase in
meeting fee, from $14$15. $117 from the holiday breakfast -get to
Becky Tranter.
Committee Reports:
Educ: Dorothy Anson
Outright Grant – We
have one applicant, Lilly.
Scholarship distribution
– to all four colleges. We
don‘t know the dollar
amount yet.
SBMEF contribution –
Need a plan for when to
send it in.
Fund Raising: Cajun Fest
– Becky will contact
them in April about doing this event.
Roster is updated. Roster review at bd. meetings every mo.
New Member Initiation –
Molly Friedman
Newsletter: Dawn Glass
Will have forms to
complete for member
spotlight articles.
Rose Slaymaker –
Planned through Aug.
PR: Amana Winterfest
– Sat Jan 23rd is beard
contest. They want a
judge from ABWA.
New Pamphlets are
Website: Ferzan Jaeger/Misty Frank
Webpage was down.
Ferzan fixed it.
Facebook, Linkedin,
Twitter – New. Join
these social networking
groups . New ―friends‖
are already interested in
(Board minutes continued on page 2.)
Cedar Rapids Charter
Chapter Officers
We’re on the Web!
President: Dawn Waller
Vice President: Karen Madsen
Recording Sec.: Misty Frank
Corresponding Sec.: Marian
Treasurer: Diana Hallberg
2010 Programs
Feb. 3rd: Personality Types—Clarion/Bus Assoc Night
Mar. 3rd: Grow Into Retirement—Longbranch/St. Patrick‘s
April 7th: Life Transitions—Longbranch/Hat Night
May 5th: Love Others & Be True To Yourself
Clarion/Baby Pics
June 2nd: Mentoring –Lessons Learned From Our Past
Clarion/55th Anniversary
July 7th: Membership Recognition—Longbranch
August 4th: Creative Marketing & Media Relations—
ABWA Cedar Rapids Charter Chapter
P.O. Box 10901
Cedar Rapids, IA 52410-0901
Dawn Glass, Editor
[email protected]