C HAPTER 1545 OF THE A MERICAN B USINESS W OMENS ’ S A SSOCIATION T HE N ORTHERN S TAR Northern Palm Beach Chapter 1545 Palm Beach Garden, FL Level 3 September 2009 Issue Our Chapter Is Best Practices for 2008-2009 M ISSION President’s Message It has only been a year ago that the perfect storm took place. Too much leverage and the housing bubble brought down many financial companies, including Lehman Brothers, which filed for bankruptcy on Sept 15, 2008. We ended August 2008 with the S&P 500 stock index at 1,282.83 as compared to the end of August 2009 at 1,020.62. What’s to come for this September? For most of us the world of the future is unforeseen, even unforeseeable. However, there are known people who somehow can predict what will or should happen and know how to get to the future first. These are the natural Future Makers. This reminds me of a comment a President of Columbia University in the 1890’s noted, “there are a few people who make things happen, there are rather more who watch things happen, and there is the rest of humanity who say what happened?” Some of us are content to take life as it comes, and I personally do not make any judgements about anybody’s chosen way of living. All of us must and should embrace the pre- S TATEMENT sent and enjoy being. However without the sense of becoming, or forward purpose incorporating self transformation and growth, and through this, sensibly preparing for the future, we will be swept up and away to the rate of change around us. If we want to become a future maker we must commit ourselves to become as well as to be. Future makers are fulfilled by envisioning inspiring destinations, and by charting and traversing the course to get there. Future makers remind us that we either shape our future or the future will shape us. We humans do not like change. Our biological inheritance is to fear change; it is encoded in our genes. Biologically we are future takers. This may not be an optimum set of genes to carry in today’s world of turbulent change. George Bernard Shaw summed up the difference between a future taker and a future maker as such: “Some see the world as it is and ask why. I see the world as it could be and ask why not?” The difference between future taker (Continued on page 2) To bring together businesswomen of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking support, and national recognition. I NSIDE THIS ISSUE : C ONTINUE P RES MESSAGE S EPTEMBER S PEAKER 2 M EETING M INUTES , 3 M ORE M EETING M INUTES L EVEL 3 B EST P RACTICES C OME TO THE G ARDEN 4 B OARD M INUTES 5 C ONTINUING B OARD I NFO T RAVELING P IN B IRTHDAYS & B OOSTERS 6 T REASURERS R EPORT M EMBER H APPENINGS 7 ABW D AY R EPORTS 10 AB W D AY P ICTURES 11 C HAPTER S TANDING R ULES 12 M EETING I NFO & P ROUD CODE OF C ONDUCT 13 T HE N ORTHERN S TAR P AGE 2 (Continued from page 1) What happened in September? Support our chapter by: Bringing guests to meetings and socials, help sponsor our meeting room or volunteer on a committee. and future maker is the difference between manager and leader. Each of us is capable of being both of these. We all need to be leaders of ourselves, even if we do not seek to lead others. Leadership of self is a core quality of the future makers. Future makers have three heads, one looking forward (foresight), one backwards (hindsight), and one into themselves (insight). By growing these capabilities all of us can transform ourselves from a life of future takers to one of future makers. Many successful people do just this. What is inside is expressed by actions in the outside world. It is important that if we are to successfully utilize foresight to shape the future we must combine it with insight and learn from hindsight. So what’s to come in September? For our chapter, I see a dynamic speaker giving us some insight on the Economic Stimulus Package in order for us to learn from our hindsight, to see the difference and in order for us to utlilize this information to shape our businesses, personal affairs, and or knowledge within our businesses. I see our continued and growing camaraderie with each other as some of us attend National Conference and bring back that knowledge to share with the rest of us. I see others learning more about each other’s business by getting involved with a Stampin’ Up project that Tina Ravel will be hosting. So make sure you are part of the September activities so you are not one who asks “What happened in September?” Respectfully submitted, Carol September Speaker Anthony Marino, Jr. Certified Public Accountant A. Marino, Jr., CPA , PA, West Palm Beach, FL Anthony Marino, Jr. is a CPA specializing in all aspect for Federal and State income tax returns and issues. Mr. Marino’s years of experience assisting clients understand their income tax liabilities and the affects of these liabilities stem from his val- ued career of working in the Audit division of the Internal Revenue Service Anthony Marino, Jr. was born in Auburn, NY and raised in West Palm Beach. He is a graduate of Northwood University in West Palm Beach. He is a practicing Certified Public Accountant in the State of Florida and an adjunct Professor of Accounting and Taxation at Northwood University. Once you've found your own voice, the choice to expand your influence, to increase your contribution, is the choice to inspire others to find their voice. --Stephen Covey T HE N ORTHERN S TAR P AGE 3 Meeting Minutes – August 12, 2009 The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Carol O’Neil with 20 members in attendance and 1 guest. tember newsletter. Due to the increase in the operating costs of the Chapter, the Board proposed a change to increase the chapter dues from $24 a year ($2.00) a Following the Invocation and the month to $30 a year ($2.50) a month. Pledge of Allegiance, President This change will also include the Carol O’Neil asked each member need to amend the Chapter Standing and guest to introduce themselves. Rules and send a new amended Chapter Standing Rules to National. The Member of the After discussion, Marianne We only need Month pin recipient for Kollmer motioned the June, Tina Ravel, passed changes to be made, Pat four the pin to Jan Peterson. Key seconded the motion Tina spoke about how more backpacks sold and the membership apJan is always willing to to meet our goal of 20 proved the changes. help out and lend a hand with ABWA functions. Review and Approval of Chapter Jan is a past President of the Chapter Standing Rules presented by and has been a member for over 19 Kandyce Key – After discussing the years. Congratulations Jan! changes proposed to the Chapter Standing Rules, Paula Pirozzi moThere was no room sponsor for the tioned the changes to be made, August meeting. Karen Williams seconded the motion and the membership approved the changes. There was no speaker at the August Chapter meeting. This meeting was to go over Chapter Business Plan for Business Meeting Notes the year with the attending members. Membership approved the July The program consisted of the followmeeting minutes as published. ing topics: Business Plan and Direction for 2009-2010 presented by President Carol O’Neil Review and Approval of 2009-2010 Budget presented by Janice Kuhns – After discussing the Proposed Budget with the members, Sharon Morgan motioned to approve the 2009-2010 budget with modifications recorded. Marianne Kollmer seconded the motion and the membership approved. The approved budget will be published in the Sep- Membership approved the July Treasurers report as presented. Membership discussed changing the date of the September Chapter meeting from Wednesday, September 9th to Thursday, September 10th to accommodate the wedding of chapter member Sharon Morgan. With a show of hands most members of the chapter indicated that they plan on attending the wedding. The hotel is aware of the change and has no issues and there is no increases in cost involved with the change. Karen Williams motioned to approve the change, Kandyce Key seconded the motion, and the membership approved the change Perfect Attendance Recognition- The following members were recognized with perfect attendance for the 20082009 year: Dottie Smith Carol O’Neil Dee Weber Nancy Abbott Cathy Erdek Pat Key Janice Kuhns Sharon Morgan Past President Presentation – Jan Peterson began the tradition years ago where the outgoing president becomes part of the “Past Presidents Club” and a small gift is presented. Karen Williams presented to Marianne Kollmer a crystal paperweight inscribed with “ABWA Presidents Club”. Marianne collects paperweights; she is going to place her paperweight on her desk with her other “friendly” paperweights. Audit Committee Report – The Audit Committee met on August 8th, 2009 to review the 2008-2009 chapter books. All entries balanced to bank statements and chapter records. Thanks to Janice Kuhns, Vicki Lavache, and Cathy Inness. Back-Pack discussion – The chapter members discussed the backpack drive and where we would like to send the school supplies. In the past Harmony House has received our school supplies, the chapter members have decided to deliver the backpacks to Lake Park Elementary. We only need four more backpacks sold to meet our goal of 20. If you (Continued on page 4) T HE N ORTHERN S TAR P AGE 4 (Continued from page 3) Dates to Remember are interested in purchasing a backpack please contact Sharon Morgan. The next chapter meeting will be held on Thursday, September 10th at the Doubletree Hotel. August 28-30 – Tri-County ABW Day Celebration September 24-26 - ABWA’s 60th Anniversary Celebration Conference in Kansas City, MO. Following the activities of the evening and the Benediction the meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:45pm. Submitted by Cathy Erdek, Secretary Our Chapter IS Level 3 Best Practices for 2008-2009 CONGRATULATIONS MARIANNE KOLLMER AND THE 2008-2009 EXECUTIVE BOARD --- WAY TO GO! From WIN Posting: " Hats off to the members of the Northern Palm Beach Chapter! I am pleased to inform you, that your chapter is the recipient of Level 3 Best Practices for the 2008-2009 Award Year. We will recognize all recipients of this award on stage on Friday, September 25. If you have not yet registered, you may do so via the web or by calling Betty or Kerri at 816361-6621 extension 256. We will extend the early bird registration discount for all BP recipients through September 17! Please plan to wear a Red Dress (formal preferred but not required). More details to follow. Looking forward to seeing you on the Red Carpet! Rene' " This recognition is the culmination of a lot of effort, interest and dedication on the part of the all members, and current and past boards. Thanks to all for this excellent achievement. Cara Morris WOW! Only 2 Levels Left To #1. This is exciting...Everyone deserves a "Thank You" for their efforts; however large or small...It's the Team That Allows This To Happen! Last year got us off and running.....now, with the leadership of the new board and an active and enthusiastic membership we can make the goal if we set our sites and intention on it being so. GO ABWA North Palm Beach!!! Enjoy the Holiday! Sincerely, Nancy Abbott Come to the Garden Fine Art Photographer Barry Ravel August 18th, Tuesday several chapter members attended Barry Ravel’s art exhibition in Jupiter. Those present for the event commented on the beauty of all his pictures. Sharon Morgan loved the Tulips and how they reminded her of Tulip time in Holland. Everyone enjoyed the exhibition and wish Barry much success. Congratulations Coral Springs Charter Chapter for achieving Best Practices Level I ! We are dedicated on getting to number ONE. To get to number one, we need to grow our membership. We have to get out there and invite the women we know to meetings and socials. Together we can do it. LEVEL 3 T HE N ORTHERN S TAR P AGE 5 Board Meeting August 25, 2000 The August board meeting was called to order by President Carol O’Neil at 7:25 PM. The meeting was held at Panera Bread on Village Blvd. The following people attended this meeting: Carol O’Neil, Kandyce Key, Cathy Erdek, Janice Kuhns, Pat Key, Sharon Morgan, Cathy Inness, Dottie Smith, Karen Williams, and Vicki Lavache. The agenda consisted of: •• Review of the August 12 Chapter Meeting •o Overall member comments – Members supplied the board with good feedback on the August 12th meeting •o Best Practices Results- 13 responses, 1 handed in at board meeting. •o Membership Survey- 13 responses , 1 handed in at board meeting- If your Best Practices and Membership surveys have not been handed in please forward the surveys to the board or bring it with you at the September Chapter meeting. •o Attendance to Barry’s event – Barry’s event was fabulous and all who attended had a wonderful evening. •• Review Of September 10th Chapter Meeting – •o Speaker- Our Speaker for the September meeting will be Anthony Marino, CPA. The topic will be “Economic Stimulus - What it Means to Us”. •o Ruth Miller 25th Anniversary – The chapter would like to have a celebration for Ruth Miller who will be celebrating her 25th anniversary with ABWA. Unfortunately Ruth cannot make it to the September meeting. The board will postpone the celebration until the October Chapter meeting. •o September Social Activity- Our September Social activity will be held on Saturday, September 26, 2009 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at Carol O’Neil’s house. It will be a Stampin’ Up demonstration and activity presented by Tina Ravel. •o Evite- The board received good feed back on the Evite reservation method. The board may do a quick presentation on Evite if the membership feels we need a demonstration. •o Procedures for Guests and AnnouncementsDue to the limited amount of time we have at each Chapter meeting the board presented a new and time effective way to present announcements. At the Chapter meeting there will be an index card at every table. For any member that needs to make an announcement please write a brief statement down on the index card. Before the end of the meeting Cathy Erdek will communicate the announcements to membership. •• Committee Announce- ments – All Committee announcements are to be posted in the newsletter. The Board will not have Committee reports at the Chapter meetings unless it’s a last minute an- nouncement and has to be made to the Chapter. •o Membership – The board discussed the lack of information presented to new members at induction . From now on we will be presenting each new member with an orientation file, “who we are, what we do, etc”. Dottie Smith updated the member handout for Tri-County. Janice Kuhns is going to send out invoices to those members who have not paid chapter dues. o Newsletter/ Website- Cathy Inness is working on correcting the issue that does not transmit the newsletter e-mail to everyone properly. Cathy is also going to meet with Lois Margolin on the website development. o Professional Development- Karen Williams has not received confirmation from National on the $500 SBMEF contribution. Karen also has resubmitted the tuition reimbursement for Cathy Inness. If National denies, the board has decided to reimburse Cathy from Chapter funds. •o Program- October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month- As of now we are seeking a speaker who will speak to us on this topic. More information to follow. •• Other Items •o Future Social events – October will be a presentation and activity on Beauti- Control by Pat Key 3-5 at Pat’s house. A follow up on a date to come. In November the board would like to do a wine tasting social, more info (Continued on page 6) T HE N ORTHERN S TAR P AGE 6 Tina Ravel to Jan Peterson (Continued from page 5) to come. In December Dottie Smith will be hosting a holiday cookie exchange. The date will be Sunday, December 13. o Treasurer – QuickBooks, Revised Budget, and 990EZ- Vicki Lavache presented the board with details about using QuickBooks online for the chapter bookkeeping. After a brief discussion due to the cost the board decided not to go forward with this. . To save on cost, Kandyce Key will present her own copy of QuickBooks software to be used for the financials. Vicki will mentor Janice Kuhns on the software. o Protégé AwardWith the help of numerous commit- Support our members that support our newsletter. Add your ad for $30 yearly or Booster for $10 tees the board has selected a member for the 2009-2010 Protégé Award. The award will be presented to the deserving member at the September meeting. •o Offsite Storage – The chapter historical records are scattered among the board and committee members of the chapter. Karen Williams brought up the idea of using an offsite storage warehouse to keep our records. While this is a wonderful idea, currently it is not in the Chapter’s budget. Kandyce brought up electronic data storage. She was going to check the cost per file to see if we can place our historical records on a disk. More followup to come. Tri-County August 28th-29th – Basket is complete and will be pre- •o sented. •o Program Sponsor Letter- The Program Sponsor Letter is still being composed and will be completed soon. ••Community News / Announce- ments •o Gold Coast Chapter’s Delray Playhouse Fundraiser – Thursday, October 8th 7:00 PM Wine and Cheese, 8:00 PM Show – Delray Playhouse presentation of “Sugar Bean Sisters”. The cost is $30. Please make your reservation by 09/15/09. For more information contact Dottie Smith. After a brief round table discussion the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM B IRTHDAYS AND B OOSTERS Birthdays Cathy Erdek 9/14 Pat Key 9/24 If we have missed your birthday, please let us know. Boosters Dee Weber Pat Key Marianne Kollmer Cathy Erdek Karen Williams Lee Ann Nydem Dottie Smith Carol Vaclav Janet Coulombe Bobbie Housey Nancy Abbott 10/09 9/10 10/09 11/09 9/09 5/13 6/10 3/10 5/10 7/10 3/10 If you would like to sponsor a booster, see Cathy Inness. T HE N ORTHERN S TAR P AGE 7 Member Actions Janice Kuhns and Pat Key deliver the backpacks that the chapter collected from our members. In our thoughts and prayers Janet Coulombe Ginny Maresca I absolutely love my "ABWA President's Club" paperweight. I am proud to now be a member of the club and appreciate the lovely addition to the top of my desk.....Thank you so much. Marianne Fundraiser for the Gold Coast Charter Chapter. An evening of wine, cheese and theater at the Delray Beach Playhouse. The Sugar Bean Sisters Thursday, October 8, 2009 starts 7:00pm admission $30 Reserve by September 17th. Contact Toni Mastrullo @ 561 866-0893 Sheree Thomas @ 561 251-4164 or Any Gold Coast Chapter Member P AGE 8 T HE N ORTHERN S TAR Thank you to my sisters, ABW Day Thank you to my sisters of the Northern Palm Beach Chapter for your attendance at the 21st Annual Tri-County Council ABW Day Celebration Weekend. Mark your calendars! The 22nd Annual Tri-County Council ABW Day Celebration Weekend will be held September 24-26, 2010 -- Kandyce Key, 2009 Tri-County Chair. note speaker Vicki Marlett kept us all laughing with her speech on “Honoring 60 years of Business Women’s Achievements”. Five ladies and I were recognized as their Chapter Women of the Year. This was the first year TriCounty decided to have a Council Woman of the Year. Congratulations to Randee Abramsom who was honored with this award. After the speeches and Tri-County busiMy First ABW Day Celebration submitted by Cathy ness concluded the lucky raffle winners were picked. There Erdek were a lot of beautiful raffle baskets and I was lucky This was my first time attending the ABW Day Tri-County enough to win one. My husband and I are enjoying the Celebration, and it was about time I finally went! The first wine, cheeses and breads. In closing, I would like to give a thing I did when I arrived was purchase my raffle tickets big “Hat’s Off” to Tri-County for presenting a wonderful and go shopping! Yes I couldn’t resist and purchased anweekend of celebrating ABWA. I really had an amazing other purse from Miche. What a wonderful time I had time and now I am looking forward to Spring Conference. meeting our National Board members as well as ABWA members from other chapters. I thoroughly enjoyed the seminar presented by Deb Horrocks on communicating Email from Dottie Smith with other generations than mine. I found out I am a “genI will not have a report for the Newsx’r”. I now understand that the same issues and concerns I letter on the seminars. I manned the rafhave in communicating with my elders, peers, or the fle ticket desk the first part of the mornyounger generation we all have in one way or another, but ing then after the break I had to set up no matter what generation you are, you have to learn to the room for the luncheon - Nancy communicate with one another to “get it done” and achieve Wolfe and I were in charge of centerpieces and room set your goals. I was lucky enough to do a skit on the generaup. The centerpieces ended up becoming a laborious task, tions with our National President Vicki Marlett and other couldn't put them together until we were in the room. ladies from our NPB Chapter and the Coral Springs ChapI certainly missed the presentations as I was most interter. Vicki is quite a character, her wit and spirit and energy ested in hearing the presenters - the two candidates for Naare incredible. The second seminar was on communicating tional President. with different personality types and was presented by CaAt Saturdays luncheon the Keynote speaker was Nasey Coven our National Vice-President. I had a lot of fun tional President, Vicki Marlett. Her subject was "Honoring with this seminar; we learned that first of all there are 60 Years of Business Women's Achievements". Lots of morning people and evening people. We all know what we humor and lots of history of women's advancements. She are. Once you figure this out, then you will know when to mentioned a vast number of women who have impacted the communicate with your ABWA sisters, friends, and cowomen's movement over the past years and a little history workers. We learned some evening people force themof their achievements. To name a few; Madame Curie, selves to be morning people; they just take naps during the Rosa Parks, Sandra Day O'Connor and our most recent day. The second part of this seminar was the 4 types of perwomen of note; Hiliary Clinton, Sara Palin, and othsonalities: Drivers, Expressive, Amiable, and Analytical. ers. She brought us up to date on ABWA's new WIN , We had to figure out what type each of us are. Then we all what it can do for members, what is available for members broke out into groups based on our personality type and and how it is going to impact the organization now and in had to come up with a resort. The driver’s resort was busithe future. ness oriented, the expressive’s resort was all about them We had the opportunity to meet other National candiand the ideas kept flowing, the amiable’s resort were willdates who were in attendance. Casey Coven and Deb Horing to do anything or go along with whatever the customer rocks candidates for National President; our own District I wanted, and the analytical just wanted more data. I had so VP, Lynn Drowne, candidate for National Secretarymuch fun and I learned something I will take back into my Treasurer; Pam Carvell and Michelle Egbert candidates for day to day practices on communicating. After the morning National Vice President; and District I candidate Anne seminars we all had a nice lunch. The food was very good. Pasquini. Friday night in the hospitality room it After we were full with all of the delicious food, our Diswas fun and we had an opportunity to go one on one with trict 1 Vice-President Lynn Drowne spoke about her year in these ladies. office, all of the ladies who have mentored her this past year and how her year in office is almost over. Our Key- T HE N ORTHERN S TAR P AGE 9 ABW Day Pictures 2009 Our chapter attendees from left to right: Pat Key, Cathy Erdek, Kandyce Key, Dottie Smith, Janice Kuhns, Jan Peterson , Karen Williams, Carol O’Neil, Sharon Morgan, Tina Ravel and Paula Pirozzi. Mark your calendars! The 22nd Annual Tri-County Council ABW Day Celebration Weekend will be held September 24-26, 2010 Kandyce Key 2009 Tri-County Chair American Business Women’s Association Northern Palm Beach Chapter Chapter Standing Rules 2009-2010 1. Proposed Chapter Standing Rules will be distributed to the membership at the July meeting to be reviewed for approval by the membership at the August meeting. The approved Chapter Standing Rules will be published in the September newsletter, as well as distributed to the active and incoming Chapter members. 2. Chapter members will abide by the ABWA Proud Code of Conduct. It will be printed in each issue of the Chapter newsletter. 3. The Chapter will pay for up to five (5) district conference registration fees and one (1) National Women's Leadership Conference registration fee for elected officers and two chairs to attend and participate in ABWA conference training. 4. Annually, the Chapter membership will decide prior to the Women's Leadership Conference and District Conference to reimburse registration fees for members in good standing. 5. Annually, monies budgeted to pay registration fees for members in good standing to attend Tri-County Council events will be reimbursed according to guidelines approved by the Chapter membership. 6. The Executive Board may approve bills up to $100.00 without the approval of the membership. 7. The Chapter will reimburse each member $15.00 WIN Technology Fee, as long as the member provides their receipt from National showing payment in full for Annual Basic Membership and the WIN Technology Fee. 8. Members making meeting reservations and not attending will be billed the cost. If a member's payment is returned or declined, the member will be responsible to reimburse the amount of payment plus any bank fees. 9. The gift of a Past President’s Pin with Guard or its equivalent, not to exceed a cost of $75.00, will be given to the outgoing President at the end of the July meeting. 10. The Treasurer will prepare a proposed budget for distribution, discussion and approval by the membership at the August meeting. The approved budget will be published in the September newsletter. Budget information will be redacted from newsletters posted to any website or other online service. 11. The Executive Board will create committees and/or subcommittees it deems necessary to achieve the goals of the Chapter. Committee chairs will be appointed by the President, and each committee chair is empowered upon their appointment to select their committee members. Promptly following their appointment and establishment of a committee, the committee Chair is responsible for providing the names of their committee members to the current and incoming (if applicable) Secretary and membership chair(s). 12. The Executive Board will recognize members for their personal and professional achievements throughout the chapter year. The Hospitality Committee will monitor attendance of all Chapter members and advise the Executive Board of members with perfect attendance, whom will be recognized at the July meeting. Regular meetings may be made up by attending other ABWA sponsored functions within the same month. 13. The featured guest speaker for the monthly meeting will be presented a gift and Certificate of Appreciation. The Chapter will provide one (1) complimentary meal per speaker. A speaker requiring more than one (1) complementary meal requires Executive Board approval. 14. The Chapter will budget for a contribution to SBMEF and/or ABWA Foundation. 15. Each new member will be given a New Member Packet by the membership committee. 16. New members to the Chapter will be installed at the first monthly Chapter meeting following their qualifying date as a member of the Chapter. C HAPTER 1545 OF THE A MERICAN B USINESS W OMENS ’ S A SSOCIATION 2009-2010 Chapter Officers President Carol O’Neal Vice President Kandyce Key Secretary Cathy Erdek Treasurer Janice Kuhns 2008 – 2009 Chapter Woman of the Year Cathy Erdek 2008-2009 Committees Membership Dottie Smith Professional Development Karen Williams Cara Morris Jacqueline Whitmore Historian Pat Key Sunshine Tina Ravel Publicity Diane Smith Hospitality Sharon Morgan Dee Weber Blanche Douglas Jennifer Nicholas Newsletter Editor Cathy Inness The Northern Star A publication of the Northern Palm Beach Chapter of Northern Palm Beach Chapter American Business Women’s Association Monthly Meeting Information Palm Beach Gardens, Florida When: Second Wednesday of the Month Where: Doubletree Hotel PGA Blvd. / I-95 / Military Trail Time: 6:00 p.m. – Business Card Networking 6:30 p.m. – Dinner / Meeting Cost: RSVP: $30.00 for Members and Guests $35.00 for non RSVP members Blanche Douglas (561) 745-3078 Vicki Lavache (561) 339-4042 Dee Weber (561) 626-2027 Upcoming Chapter Meeting: September 10, 2009 Anthony Marino, Jr A. Marino, Jr., CPA, PA the American Business Women’s Association Chapter 1545 ABWA’s Proud Code of Conduct 1. All members will serve as goodwill ambassadors for the American Business Women’s Association. 2. Members will not allow their personal beliefs and convictions to interfere with the representation of ABWA’s mission. 3. Members will always treat their member colleagues, guests, vendors and sponsors with honesty, respect, fairness, integrity, responsibility, kindness, and in good faith. 4. Members will maintain compliance with ABWA National, Chapter and Express Network Bylaws. 5. Members will not use their personal power to advance their personal interests. 6. Members will strive for excellence in their professions by maintaining and enhancing their own business knowledge and skills, and by encouraging the professional development of other members.
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