An Alpine Space Contact Point is present in each Partner State to provide information about the programme and any support needed to potential applicants and project partners. What are the thematic fields Although the Alpine area is characterised by a rich and diversified economic structure with strong links to the territory and a well-developed polycentric urban system, low internal innovation capacities of SMEs, urban sprawl and depopulation reduce its competitiveness and attractiveness. The actions under this priority should aim at stimulating and strengthening innovation as well as reducing territorial disparities. Thus, the The Joint Technical Secretariat provides technical support to project applicants during the application process. The JTS monitors selected projects at transnational level during their whole implementation phase. Programme supports projects dealing with issues such as technology transfer between research centres and SMEs, or enhancement of small and medium sized towns. This shall position the Alpine Space as an attractive place to work, live and invest. Priority 2 Accessibility and Connectivity The Alpine Space is both a centre of a dynamic economy and a transit area in a sensitve environment. At the same time, it faces natural constraints as regards accessibility and connectivity. The initiatives under Joint Technical Secretariat Stadt Rosenheim Postfach 1209 D-83013 Rosenheim Tel. +49 8031 36 2770 Fax +49 8031 36 2779 [email protected] this priority shall improve the quality of transport of passengers and goods while mitigating the negative effects of traffic. Moreover, sustainable solutions shall be found to help the local population to be better connected to wider networks. Therefore, the programme promotes joint actions which take into consideration integrated planning of transport and mobility, or ICT-based innovative public services for citizens and economy. This shall improve accessibility and connectivity in a sustainable way in the cooperation area. Priority 3 Environment and Risk Prevention The richness of natural and cultural assets through the Alpine Space constitutes an important resource for living conditions and economy and shall thus be protected, managed and enhanced. Climate change is affecting the Alps earlier and rather more severely than the rest of Europe. Coping with effects of climate change and its related impacts on settlement, infrastructure, cultural heritage and human life will be a major challenge for the cooperation area. The operations under this priority shall be focussed on the management and the safeguard of environmental resources and cultural heritage as well as on natural and technological hazards. Thereby the cooperation area shall take advantage of its natural and cultural environment while preventing and mitigating risks. The Managing Authority is responsible for the overall programme management. Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung Abteilung 15/01 A-5010 Salzburg (Austria) Tel. +43 662 8042 3799 [email protected] Préfecture de la Région Rhône-Alpes, SGAR Tel +33- 4-72 61 63 81 [email protected] Région Rhône-Alpes Tel +33-4-72 59 40 48 [email protected] Imprint Editor Joint Technical Secretariat Stadt Rosenheim Germany Layout Germany Florian Ballnus Printer c/o Alpenforschungsinstitut gGmbH Tel. +49 (0)8821 94316-20 [email protected] Copyright note Italy Luca Santarossa Luca Palazzo thority, Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung. You are permitted Ministero delle Infrastrutture Dip. Coordinamento Sviluppo del Territorio DG per i Programmi Europei - Div. Interreg Tel. +39 06 44 26 72 21 [email protected] [email protected] the source is acknowledged. None of this material may be used panta rhei c.m. © European Territorial Cooperation Alpine Space Programme Joint Technical Secretariat on the behalf of the Managing Auto print or download extracts from this material for your personal use. This material is allowed to be used for public use, provided for any commercial use. future France Céline Paris Alpine Space fostering territorial development and cohesion. Its overall aim is to increase the competitiveness and the attractiveness of the cooperation area. Projects involving key actors and developing joint actions for shared solutions on specific cooperation issues can be co-funded. your Priority 1 Competitiveness and Attractiveness of the Alpine Space Where to find further information and assistance? This EU funded programme supports transnational cooperation projects in the in ÖROK - Österreichische Raumordnungskonferenz Tel: +43 1 535 34 44 21 [email protected] The Alpine Space Programme 2007-2013 called priorities. the European Territorial Cooperatiion Alpine Space Programme? investing of cooperation? identifies 3 thematic fields for cooperation, What is... Austria Tobias Dietrich What is the and what are the co-funding rates? The programme is jointly financed by the Member Who can be the Liechtenstein Remo Looser Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor Direktorat za evropske zadeve in investicije Tel. +386 1 478 70 08 [email protected] Alpine Space can ask for co-funding in this programme: Portrait of the Alpine Space Programme public authorities, administrations and development agencies at local, regional and national level; education and training centres, as well as scientific and technological States taking part in the activities, the Non-Member States Switzerland and Liechtenstein and by the European Union, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The overall programme budget, given by the national and EU funding, amounts to almost 130.000.000 € for the period 2007-2013. Projects are co-funded by ERDF up to a rate of 76%. research units; European Territorial Cooperation 2007 - 2013 organisations representing enterprises and especially SMEs; chambers of commerce and industry; Switzerland Silvia Jost Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE) Departement of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC Tel. +41 31 322 06 25 [email protected] beneficiaries? Depending on the field of activity, several types of actors located in the Stabsstelle für Landesplanung Tel. +42 323 664 71 [email protected] Slovenia Tomaž Miklavčič budget public services and transport providers; agencies and NGOs in the field of natural and cultural resources and The Programme is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund renewable energy management. National Funding ERDF 130.000.000 € From the first idea, to the project application: The Alpine Space The Alpine Space Programme cooperation area is one of the most manifold regions in the heart of the European Community. It comprises the Alpine core area in the How to generate a project? Start with an idea… geographical sense, the surrounding foothills and lowlands of the “peri-Alpine belt”, a small part of the Mediterranean coastal area including the Adriatic and parts of the great river valleys of Danube, Po, Adige, Rhône and Rhine. Project ideas can be submitted at any time to the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS), by using the project idea form which can be downloaded Moreover, it represents an attractive space for working and living for 70 million inhab- from the programme website. itants, settling a surface of 450.000 km and comprising some of the most important take part European metropolitan areas. The Alpine Space is as well a major contact zone, where different European cultures and languages (German, Latin and Slavic) meet. Alsace The participating countries and the eligible regions, on the basis of the NUTS II classification are: Freiburg Austria (whole country) France: Alsace, Franche-Comté, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Rhône-Alpes Germany: districts of Oberbayern and Schwaben (in Bayern), Tübingen and Freiburg (in Baden-Württemberg) Italy: Friuli Venezia Giulia, Liguria, Lombardia, Piemonte, Trentino-Alto Adige, Valle d’Aosta, Veneto Liechtenstein (whole country) Slovenia (whole country) Switzerland (whole country) Tübingen Oberbayern Wien Oberösterreich Espace Mittelland Zentralschweiz Région Lémanique Rhône-Alpes Zürich Support is provided to potential project When and how to apply? On the basis of a technical assessment and rec- tion. Documents like the Operational Pro- Applicants are invited to answer to calls for project proposals, open every are selected by the Programme Committee, a gramme and the Applicant Manual, which year. The JTS will communicate the launch of the calls. For each call, Terms body composed of national and regional repre- are available on the programme website of References (ToR) containing framework information for the application sentatives of the participating countries. Among, give true guidance all are published, to which project proposals shall answer properly. Generally, a various selection criteria, the following are of par- along this phase. It is strongly recommend- two-step application procedure will be followed. ticular importance: applicants from the definition of the idea Vorarlberg Tirol Liechtenstein Ostschweiz Friuli Venezia Giulia Trento Lombardia Kärnten Bozen Ticino Valle d’ Aosta Steiermark Salzburg Veneto Slovenija Burgenland ed to carefully read these documents in order to ensure a good quality application. Piemonte Liguria Provence-Alpes-Côte d’ Azur € GDP/per Capita: 22.800 € competent actors of different working fields, able to provide appropriate answers and reach political commitment. ommendation made by the JTS and the Alpine Space Contact Points (ACPs), project proposals The Objectives A project shall contribute to capitalise, enhance and create endogenous development potentials in the cooperation area. Moreover, it shall reach clearly defined and transferable results with mid and long term perspectives. Applicants are first asked to provide the JTS with an Expression of Interest (EoI) containing information outlining the objectives, the activities, the results, the budget and the partnership of the foreseen project. After an assessment by the programme bodies, promising proposals are selected by a Task Force days are organised in each partner state. Applicants shall download the Applicant Package from the programme website, containing the Application Form and all relevant documents. It is strongly recommended to get in contact with programme bodies to ensure Highest Peak: Mont Blanc 4810 m least three different Partner States. It should involve relevant and Step 1: Expression of Interest Step 2: Project Application 450.000 km2 The partnership shall be composed of participants coming from at partner search forum on the programme website. and applicants are invited to enter the next step. For additional support, info- 70 Mio. inhabitants for the Alpine Space Programme? with the programme objectives. The project idea can be published in a to the submission of the project applicaNW-Schweiz Franche-Comté projects selected How are How to in the Alpine Space Programme? Niederösterreich Schwaben The programme bodies give a feedback on the compliance of the idea The Partnership that all relevant information is received for a successful application. The JTS organises a transnational applicants seminar for potential Lead Partners during the application period. The Guiding Principles A project shall prove to have an integrated, mountain and innovation oriented approach. It shall as well favour sustainability and equal opportunities. It should have a high relevance for all Partners States and an impact on the entire or large parts of the programme area.
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