FAQ:IcannotstartCoDeSysfromControlBuilderPlus,why? If I try to start CoDeSys from Control Builder Plus, I get an error message: But CoDeSys is installed and I can start it directly. How to solve the problem? Answer: The reason is a process with normal user level (ControlBuilderPlus) tries to start a process with administrator level (CoDeSys). The Windows security features prohibit such a procedure to avoid security gap. This setting can be found: Solution: The settings for CoDeSys and ControlBuilderPlus must be compatible, this means, ControlBuilderPlus needs at least the same user level as CoDeSys. OK: CoDeSys.exe: admin ControlBuilderPlus: admin OK: CoDeSys.exe: normal ControlBuilderPlus: normal OK: CoDeSys.exe: normal ControlBuilderPlus: admin NOT OK: CoDeSys.exe: admin ControlBuilderPlus: normal
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